
Is Bernie Sanders out in far-left field or are both political parties out in far-right field

Have you ever observed the mating dance of the birds of paradise? The male moves dramatically, and in response, the female inches away, but ultimately the male conquers the female, and achieves the purpose of this ritualistic, instinctive dance. Well, … Continue reading


Berlin Connecticut needs candidates from a third political party to stop the strict partisan voting on the Town Council

Berlin needs an independent candidate on its Town Council to counter and prevent the dominance of a major political party from unilaterally imposing its agenda and will on the citizens of Berlin. Our Town Council has been voting along strict party lines on key issues even though members pledged to reach across the aisle. It has dismissed or circumvented the results of referendums, reducing them to mere dog-and-pony shows. Berlin has more unaffiliated voters than those of the two major parties. Let's petition, nominate, and place on the ballot an independent candidate to represent these citizens and prevent the control of our Town by the dominant party on the Town Council. If interested, please contact us: Continue reading


IBM Research and UC San Diego Collaborate to Advance the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living

IBM and the University of California San Diego have announced a multi-year project to enhance quality of life and independence for aging populations through the new Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Living Center (AIHL), located on the campus of UC San Diego. The groundbreaking center will bring together the technology, artificial intelligence and life sciences knowledge of IBM and UC San Diego to promote critical research and applications in two thematic areas: Healthy Aging and the Human Microbiome.


IBM and MIT to Pursue Joint Research in Artificial Intelligence, Establish New MIT–IBM Watson AI Lab

IBM and MIT today announced that IBM plans to make a 10-year, $240 million investment to create the MIT–IBM Watson AI Lab in partnership with MIT. The lab will carry out fundamental artificial intelligence (AI) research and seek to propel scientific breakthroughs that unlock the potential of AI. The collaboration aims to advance AI hardware, software and algorithms related to deep learning and other areas, increase AI’s impact on industries, such as health care and cybersecurity, and explore the economic and ethical implications of AI on society. IBM’s $240 million investment in the lab will support research by IBM and MIT scientists.

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences


Mayo Clinic’s clinical trial matching project sees higher enrollment in breast cancer trials through use of artificial intelligence

Mayo Clinic and IBM Watson Health today unveiled results from early use of the Watson for Clinical Trial Matching, an IBM cognitive computing system. Use of this system in the Mayo Clinic oncology practice has been associated with more patients enrolled in Mayo’s breast cancer clinical trials.


IBM Unveils Industry’s Most Advanced Server Designed for Artificial Intelligence

IBM today unveiled its next-generation Power Systems Servers incorporating its newly designed POWER9 processor. Built specifically for compute-intensive AI workloads, the new POWER9 systems are capable of improving the training times of deep learning frameworks by nearly 4x allowing enterprises to build more accurate AI applications, faster.


IBM presenta pequeño sensor de uñas con inteligencia artificial y anuncia una alianza con la Fundación Michael J. Fox para comprender mejor y predecir la progresión de la enfermedad de Parkinson

La enfermedad de Parkinson es un trastorno neurológico degenerativo crónico que afecta a una de cada 100 personas mayores de 60 años. Se estima que más de 5 millones de personas en el mundo tienen Parkinson y el número está aumentando con la población actual que envejece.


Estudio de IBM indica que 64% de los Directores de Marketing estará listo para adoptar Inteligencia Artificial en los próximos 3 años

IBM reveló un nuevo estudio acerca de la manera en que los profesionales de marketing y ventas están adoptando soluciones cognitivas o de Inteligencia Artificial (IA). A pesar de que el 64% de los Directores de Marketing -CMOs por sus siglas en inglés- y líderes de ventas encuestados cree que sus industrias estarán listas para adoptar ese tipo de tecnologías en los próximos tres años, sólo 24% de los encuestados cree que tiene una estrategia establecida para hacerlo en la actualidad.


IBM y MIT Emprenden Investigación Conjunta en Inteligencia Artificial y Establecen el Laboratorio de IA MIT-IBM Watson

IBM y el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) anunciaron los planes de IBM para realizar una inversión de 240 millones de dólares por 10 años a fin de crear el Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificia MIT-IBM Watson. El laboratorio llevará a cabo investigaciones fundamentales de IA y buscará impulsar avances científicos que desbloqueen su potencial. La colaboración tiene como objetivo avanzar en el desarrollo del hardware, el software y los algoritmos de IA relacionados con el aprendizaje profundo y otras áreas, aumentar el impacto de la misma en industrias tales como el cuidado de la salud y la seguridad cibernética, así como explorar sus implicaciones económicas y éticas en la sociedad. La inversión de IBM de 240 millones de dólares en el laboratorio apoyará la investigación de científicos de IBM y del MIT.


IBM da un gran paso para abrir la caja negra de la inteligencia artificial

IBM (NYSE: IBM) presentó hoy una tecnología que da a las organizaciones nueva transparencia en inteligencia artificial (IA), permitiéndoles aprovechar más plenamente su potencial.


LUZi, aplicación que lucha contra la mortalidad materna e infantil con ayuda de la Inteligencia Artificial de IBM

PROESAH – asociación civil formada por un grupo de doctores, profesores y alumnos de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero-, anunció el día de hoy el lanzamiento de una aplicación llamada LUZi, que utiliza tecnología de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) de IBM para analizar el riesgo obstétrico. El objetivo del proyecto es reducir la mortalidad materna e infantil en las comunidades rurales de Guerrero, México.


Inteligencia artificial de IBM para repensar la fuerza laboral moderna

La inteligencia artificial (IA) promete transformar tanto el futuro del trabajo como la función de Recursos Humanos (RRHH). Alineado con esta premisa, IBM (NYSE: IBM) anunció hoy IBM Talent & Transformation, una nueva unidad destinada a ayudar a las organizaciones y a sus empleados a tener éxito en la era de la inteligencia artificial y la automatización.


IBM mantiene liderazgo en mercado de infraestructura de aplicaciones y middleware, con 29.1% de participación

La participación de mercado de IBM (NYSE: IBM) en infraestructura de aplicaciones y de middleware es un 29.1 por ciento, lo que amplía la posición de liderazgo de la compañía por 14° año consecutivo sobrepasando a la competencia por más del doble, de acuerdo con la firma de análisis del mercado de TI Gartner, basado en los ingresos totales nivel mundial para 2014.


Servidores Linux de IBM, diseñados para acelerar inteligencia artificial, conocimiento profundo y analítica avanzada

IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveló hoy una serie de nuevos servidores diseñados para potenciar las cargas de trabajo cognitivas y elevar la eficiencia en el centro de cómputo. Con un nuevo chip, la línea basada en Linux incorpora innovaciones de la comunidad OpenPOWER que ofrecen mayores niveles de desempeño y mayor eficiencia de cómputo que los disponibles en cualquier servidor basado sobre x86.


IBM optimise "Watson Anywhere" avec de nouveaux clients et des innovations conçues pour rendre encore plus facile la mise à l'échelle de l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud

Reconnaissant que les entreprises mettent du temps à adopter l'intelligence artificielle, en partie à cause de la complexité croissante des données, IBM (NYSE : IBM) dévoile aujourd'hui de nouvelles innovations qui optimisent son approche Watson Anywhere pour mettre à l'échelle l'intelligence artificielle sur tous les types de cloud, et de permettre à une multitude de clients de tirer parti de la stratégie pour intégrer l'intelligence artificielle à leurs données, où qu'elles se trouvent.


Lignes de Nazca et Intelligence Artificielle : IBM découvre des indices de taille pour résoudre un des plus anciens mystères archéologiques

Cette semaine, des chercheurs d’IBM Research et de l’Université de Yamagata au Japon ont annoncé leur collaboration pour utiliser l’IA d’IBM, couplée à des algorithmes de machine learning et des données géospatiales, afin d’en découvrir davantage à propos de ces mystérieux anciens géoglyphes. Grâce à IBM Power Systems, ce partenariat a déjà abouti à la découverte d’un nouveau géoglyphe à figure humaine avec trois éléments décoratifs sur la tête, le premier grâce à l’IA.


La BRED déploie un projet d’intelligence artificielle avec IBM Watson pour la gestion des e-mails des conseillers

La BRED déploie IBM Watson, disponible sur le cloud public d’IBM, pour traiter plus rapidement les demandes de ses clients avec une solution d’analyseur d’e-mails.


Avec son palmarès annuel, IBM célèbre les femmes leaders du monde entier qui façonnent l'avenir de l'Intelligence Artificielle

IBM met à l’honneur 35 femmes exceptionnelles issues de 12 pays, alors qu'une nouvelle enquête mondiale démontre les bénéfices de la diversité pour l'IA - en notant que du travail reste à faire pour combler l'écart entre les genres.


Alior Bank transforme l’expérience bancaire pour ses clients grâce à une application IBM pour iPad tirant parti de l'analytique

lior Banque annonce aujourd’hui avoir choisi l’application IBM MobileFirst sur iOS pour apporter une transformation fondamentale à la façon dont les clients en Pologne interagissent avec leur banque. A l’aide d’un iPad, les professionnels des services bancaires pourront fournir une expérience plus dynamique et personnalisée aux clients en tirant avantage de la puissance de l’analyse prédictive, et ce de façon sécurisée, facile, rapide et disponible 24h/24.


Hugo: Best Editor, Short Form - starting point

The finalists are:

I'm a subscriber to Uncanny Magazine, edited by the Thomases, and a Patreon supporter of Clarkesworld, edited by Neil Clarke. I keep up with neither magazine as much as I'd like, but I generally enjoy both of them. Uncanny Magazine in particular has a very high hit rate for me when I do make time to read it.

(I also had the pleasure of meeting Neil Clarke in his kaffeeklatsch at Dublin Worldcon last year, which I really enjoyed & learned a lot from.)

I have one of Jonathan Strahan's anthologies from last year, Mission:Critical on my to-read pile, and I've also been eyeing the Made to Order: Robots and Revolution anthology published this year.

Ellen Datlow edits a lot of horror, which I'm cautious of, and I happen not to have read any of the short fiction she acquired last year, but that could be remedied (in a well-lit room during the day, etc). She also lists a couple of anthologies, and while I'm not touching a Best Horror of the Year anthology, I might risk the ghost stories anthology.

C.C. Finlay and Sheila Williams edit respectively F&SF Magazine and Asimov's Science Fiction, neither of which I subscribe to or read regularly, but because I'm already not keeping up with the things I do subscribe to, not for any stronger or more considered reason.



Hugo: Best Editor, Long Form - starting point

The finalists are:

You can find lists of books published in 2019 edited by each of these finalists at this crowdsourced page at File 770, of which:

  • Brit Hvide: 2 books on my wishlist
  • Devi Pillai: 1 read, 2 on wishlist
  • Miriam Weinberg: 2 on wishlist
  • Navah Wolfe: 1 read, 1 on to-read pile

Devi Pillai edited A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, which I love so much, and Navah Wolfe edited The Twisted Ones by Ursula Vernon, which is one of the few marketed-as-horror books I have willingly read. (It won't ever be my favourite Vernon book, but it was a good read.)



Hugo: Best Professional Artist - starting point

The finalists are:

Just looking up those websites has given me a lot of pleasure - my art knowledge continues to be "I don't know much but I know what I like" - and I'm looking forward to taking more time to consider each of the finalists more carefully.

I'm pleased to see Galen Dara on the shortlist, I've seen her work frequently in Uncanny, Lightspeed & Fireside Magazines, and usually like it. I was lucky enough to get into a kaffeklatsch with John Picacio at Dublin Worldcon last year (although I came there sideways, through interest in his work founding The Mexicanx Initiative, which was a finalist for Best Related Work), which was a great experience.



Hugo: Best Semiprozine - starting point

The finalists are:

  • Beneath Ceaseless Skies, editor Scott H. Andrews
  • Escape Pod, editors Mur Lafferty and S.B. Divya, assistant editor Benjamin C. Kinney, audio producers Adam Pracht and Summer Brooks, hosts Tina Connolly and Alasdair Stuart
  • Fireside Magazine, editor Julia Rios, managing editor Elsa Sjunneson, copyeditor Chelle Parker, social coordinator Meg Frank, publisher & art director Pablo Defendini, founding editor Brian White
  • FIYAH Magazine of Black Speculative Fiction, executive editor Troy L. Wiggins, editors Eboni Dunbar, Brent Lambert, L.D. Lewis, Danny Lore, Brandon O’Brien and Kaleb Russell
  • Strange Horizons, Vanessa Rose Phin, Catherine Krahe, AJ Odasso, Dan Hartland, Joyce Chng, Dante Luiz and the Strange Horizons staff
  • Uncanny Magazine, editors-in-chief Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, nonfiction/managing editor Michi Trota, managing editor Chimedum Ohaegbu, podcast producers Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky

In this category, everything but FIYAH is available free online, supported by subscriptions / Patreons etc. FIYAH puts a list of contents of each issue, and also publishes a Spotify playlist for each quarterly issue. Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Fireside Magazine and Strange Horizons also all publish podcasts of each of their fiction / poetry, and Uncanny Magazine publishes two podcasts per issue which cover some but not all of the content (as far as I can tell). Escape Pod is of course a fiction podcast to start with, but does provides transcripts of its episodes.

I subscribe to Uncanny Magazine & FIYAH, I had a subscription last year to Fireside Magazine, I support Strange Horizons on Patreon and I'm on Beneath Ceaseless Skies's mailiing list to get notifications of new issues, even if I don't always read them. I'll need to have a bit of a think about how I'll rank them.



Hugo: Best Fanzine - starting point

The finalists are:

The only one of these I follow is The Rec Center, a weekly email of fan news and fanfic recommendations, which I've subscribed to for about 18 months now. That's also the only finalist where the 2019 output isn't easily viewable (but cunningly I already have the emails in my archive folder).



Hugo: Best Fancast - starting point

The finalists are:

I'm not familiar with any of these, and I'm not confident of finding time to change that between now and voting time. But I have at least bookmarked the YouTube playlist (she helpfully made a "Hugo Voter Packet" playlist!) and downloaded some sample episodes from each podcast to listen to.



Hugo: Best Fan Writer - starting point

The finalists are:

Another category in which everything is free to read online. Some of the fan writers already helpfully have their Hugo packets prepared and easily found on their respective sites too, which is pretty impressive. My starting point is that I sometimes read James Davis Nicoll's reviews and I've read some of Bogi Takács's work, but I haven't routinely read any of these finalists.



Talking Social Work: Jane Martin

Talking Social Work was an event held on 13 September 2018 to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 - to celebrate, reflect on the journey so far and look to the future.

Jane Martin, Chief Social Work Officer at Dundee City Council reflects on her social work journey, the changes she's seen and her views of the future. Jane is a qualified social worker with over 35 years experience, mainly within children's services and community justice, having worked mostly in Fife and Dundee.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes


Articulate: adapting to the Coronavirus pandemic

On 27 March 2020 Iriss spoke to Eona Craig, Chief Executive of Articulate Cultural Trust about its work to support care experienced young people, and how the organisation has managed to continue to deliver services in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Articulate works with often socially isolated care experienced young people in Scotland, challenging loneliness, supporting connectivity and promoting physical and mental well-being.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Make your dream a reality by Scott Holmes.


Testing participation vs. testing capacity

This paper argues that testing participation –and not testing capacity–is the biggest obstacle to a successful “test and isolate”-strategy, as recently proposed by Paul Romer. If ????0=2.5,at least 60percentof a population needs to participate in a testing program to make it theoretically possible to achieve an effective reproduction rate for the whole population,????'', below 1. […]

The post Testing participation vs. testing capacity appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.


everyone love 'em^^ oricon style fav artist!

congrats!!2010年09月09日18時00分音楽ファン2万人が選んだ好きなアーティスト 毎年恒例となった好きなアーティストランキングの結果が、ついに発表となった。2万人にアンケートを実施し、栄えある第1位に輝いたのは、男女ほぼ全世代から支持されたモンスターグループ、嵐だ。10代総合、20代総合、30代女性、40代女性ランキングで軒並み1位に上り詰め、さらに女性総合ランキングでも1位になるなど、その人気はとどまることを知ら


Partisanship and the Pandemic

Can political leaders put partisanship aside to govern in a crisis? The COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be a crucial test of politicians’ willingness to put state before party. Acting swiftly to slow the spread of a novel virus and cooperating with cross-partisans could mean the difference between life and death for many state residents. […]


Artists Make Murals At Their Own Homes

With all of her plans cancelled because of the crisis that’s hit our planet recently, Jacoba Niepoort decided to use her own home to create murals.

“I wanted to use the spaces we were in to create parallel individual works.”

Together with Miami-based artist Alex Void and the Void Projects’ creative team, Niepoort curated Home MuralFest, which inspired many artists around the world to paint on the walls of their living rooms, studios, and garden sheds.

Check out the various murals over at Colossal.

(Image Credit: David de la Mano/ Void Projects/ Colossal)

(Image Credit: Helen Bur and Erin Holly/ Void Projects/ Colossal)


If Trump Declares Martial Law Due to Coronavirus, Can He Suspend the Election?

Following the criticism that he has mismanaged the nation’s response to the coronavirus epidemic, Trump has declared himself a “wartime president.”  If martial law is next, what will happen to the November election?


Report: Cassian Andor series to film starting in June

The series, a prequel to Rogue One, will star Diego Luna and Alan Tudyk reprising their film roles


02 – The Internet Musician – Music Tools for the Indie Artist/Songwriter

Show notes for Episode #2: Subscribe to the Internet Musician Podcast with iTunes: In this episode, I present “Music Tools for the Indie Artist”, a topic that I recently presented to a local songwriting group.  Specifically, I present the tools and process I use to capture and preserve those moments of musical inspiration–no matter whether they strike […]


06 – The Internet Musician – Music Licensing for Indie Artists

Show Notes for Episode 6: Following my recent appearance on the Film and TV Music Licensing Panel at the MidAtlantic Music Conference here in Charlotte, NC, I definitely have music licensing on my mind.  It’s always been a passion of mind…one of those areas of music marketing that I’ve researched exhaustively for years.  It’s also […]


How to Increase Your Home Based MLM Business Opportunity Leads Using Articles - 6 Key Tips

If you want to create some highly targeted leads for your home based MLM business opportunity, I recommend writing Articles. This strategy allows you to make a connection with your reader by providing valuable content to help their business.


Is it Really Possible to Generate More Than 20 Leads a Day Using Article Marketing Secrets?

Come on now, is it really possible to generate 20 leads a day using article marketing secrets? That is the question! Well I am going to discuss this right now because it has been questioned a few times.


Discover 3 Article Marketing Tips That Will Explode Your Blog Traffic!

When you are working out how to market your blog it is important to focus on what is most effective. Not only that, you need to go with what is also cost effective. I have some article marketing tips that will truly explode your blog traffic.


Learn the Best Online Marketing Strategy Using Articles - 2 Simple Steps!

What is the best on-line marketing strategy? How can articles really help you? Well if you follow these simple tips you will find out why so many people are using it.


2 Secret Article Marketing Domination Tips to Get an Influx of Global Domains International Leads!

OK, I am going to reveal two article marketing domination tips that you can use to get a boat load of Global Domains International leads. Many people underestimate the power of this simple strategy. The key to succeeding with your article marketing is finding the tricks that work.


Xango Distributor Tips - 3 Article Marketing Secrets For Free Home Business Lead Domination!

Whether you are trying to build your team or retail the Xango juice, I have some distributor tips that will cover both. What you need to understand is there is a technique to successful article marketing.


Article Tips - 3 Magical & Quick Article Writing Secrets That the Experts Have Been Hiding From You!

Do you want some powerful article tips? How about some tips for quick article writing? Well, I have some great techniques to get better results.


Riesen-Zweifel an „Bild“-Artikel

Es geht um den Begriff „Ausgangsbeschränkungen“. Und wer jetzt befürchtet, es wird hier allzu wortklauberisch, der oder die sei beruhigt: Es geht um deutlich mehr. Es geht darum, wie die „Bild“-Redaktion ein Urteil eines Verfassungsgerichts falsch wiedergibt und so die eigene Agenda in der Corona-Krise vorantreibt. „Bild“-Redakteur Filipp Piatov schrieb vergangene Woche über einen Beschluss […]


DevOpsDays NYC 2020 Call For Participation!

DevOpsdays NYC is happening March 3-4, 2020. The Call For Participation (CFP) is now open!

If you have any ideas that you want to share with the local community please submit your talks using the link below: