
A descriptive catalogue of wet preparations, casts, drawings, models, books, etc., contained in the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children / arranged and edited in compliance w

Birmingham : printed by M. Billing, 1847.


A dictionary of applied chemistry / by T.E. Thorpe ; assisted by eminent contributors.

London : Longmans, Green, 1890-1893.


A dictionary of applied chemistry / by Sir Edward Thorpe ; assisted by eminent contributors.

London : Longmans, Green, 1912-1913.


Die Blennorrhöe der Sexualorgane und ihre Complicationen : nach dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Standpuncte und zahlreichen eigenen Studien und Untersuchungen / dargestellt von Ernest Finger.

Leipzig : F. Deuticke, 1893.


Die Influenza : ihre Geschichte, Epidemiologie, Aetiologie Symptomatologie und Therapie, sowie ihre Complicationen und Nachkrankheiten / von A. Ripperger.

Munchen : J.F. Lehmann, 1892.


Diphtheria : its nature and treatment : with special reference to the operation, after-treatment, and complications of tracheotomy / by Robert William Parker.

London : H.K. Lewis, 1891.


Du palper abdominal appliqué à la recherche du volume du foetus par rapport aux dimensions du bassin (palper mensurateur) / par Albert Le Cudennec.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1891.


Du réflexe cutané respiratoire chez le foetus à terme; faits d'expérimentation et de clinique concernant son existence; application de ces données à la pratique des accouchements / par Joseph Magne.

Paris : Steinheil, 1896.


Effets physiologiques et applications thérapeutiques de l'air comprimé / par J.A. Fontaine.

Paris : Germer-Bailliere, 1877.


Electricity in the diseases of women : with special reference to the application of strong currents / by G. Betton Massey.

London : Philadelphia, 1889.


Electricity : its application in medicine and surgery : a brief and practical exposition of modern scientific electro-therapeutics / by Wellington Adams.

Detroit, Mich. : G.S. Davis, 1891.


Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied : for the use of colleges and schools / translated and edited from Ganot's Éléments de physique (with the author's sanction) by E. Atkinson.

London : Longmans, Green, 1868.


Éléments d'analyse chimique médicale, appliquée aux recherches cliniques / par le Dr Sonnié-Moret.

Paris : Société d’éditions scientifiques, 1896.


Essai sur l'application de la chimie a l'étude physiologique du sang de l'homme : et a l'étude physiologico-pathologique, hygiénique et thérapeutique des maladies de cette humeur / par P.S. Denis.

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1838.


Weaving, ceramic manufactures, clothing and coiffure displayed through personifications as industrial arts applied to peace. Process print after C. Brown after F. Leighton.


The works of that famous chirurgeon Ambrose Parey / translated out of Latin ; and compared with the French, by Th. Johnson ; together with three tractates concerning the veins, arteries, and nerves: exemplified with large anatomical figures. Translated

London : Printed by Mary Clark, and are to be sold by John Clark, at Mercers Chappel at the Lower End of Cheapside, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]


New approaches to treatment of chronic pain : a review of multidisciplinary pain clinics and pain centers / editor, Lorenz K.Y. Ng.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1981.


Methamphetamine abuse : epidemiologic issues and implications / editors, Marissa A. Miller, Nicholas J. Kozel.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1991.


Drug and alcohol abuse : implications for treatment / edited by Stephen E. Gardner.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1981.


National polydrug collaborative project : treatment manual I : medical treatment for complications of polydrug abuse.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1978.


Non-parametric adaptive estimation of order 1 Sobol indices in stochastic models, with an application to Epidemiology

Gwenaëlle Castellan, Anthony Cousien, Viet Chi Tran.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 50--81.

Global sensitivity analysis is a set of methods aiming at quantifying the contribution of an uncertain input parameter of the model (or combination of parameters) on the variability of the response. We consider here the estimation of the Sobol indices of order 1 which are commonly-used indicators based on a decomposition of the output’s variance. In a deterministic framework, when the same inputs always give the same outputs, these indices are usually estimated by replicated simulations of the model. In a stochastic framework, when the response given a set of input parameters is not unique due to randomness in the model, metamodels are often used to approximate the mean and dispersion of the response by deterministic functions. We propose a new non-parametric estimator without the need of defining a metamodel to estimate the Sobol indices of order 1. The estimator is based on warped wavelets and is adaptive in the regularity of the model. The convergence of the mean square error to zero, when the number of simulations of the model tend to infinity, is computed and an elbow effect is shown, depending on the regularity of the model. Applications in Epidemiology are carried to illustrate the use of non-parametric estimators.


A fast MCMC algorithm for the uniform sampling of binary matrices with fixed margins

Guanyang Wang.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1690--1706.

Uniform sampling of binary matrix with fixed margins is an important and difficult problem in statistics, computer science, ecology and so on. The well-known swap algorithm would be inefficient when the size of the matrix becomes large or when the matrix is too sparse/dense. Here we propose the Rectangle Loop algorithm, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to sample binary matrices with fixed margins uniformly. Theoretically the Rectangle Loop algorithm is better than the swap algorithm in Peskun’s order. Empirically studies also demonstrates the Rectangle Loop algorithm is remarkablely more efficient than the swap algorithm.


Asymptotic seed bias in respondent-driven sampling

Yuling Yan, Bret Hanlon, Sebastien Roch, Karl Rohe.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1577--1610.

Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) collects a sample of individuals in a networked population by incentivizing the sampled individuals to refer their contacts into the sample. This iterative process is initialized from some seed node(s). Sometimes, this selection creates a large amount of seed bias. Other times, the seed bias is small. This paper gains a deeper understanding of this bias by characterizing its effect on the limiting distribution of various RDS estimators. Using classical tools and results from multi-type branching processes [12], we show that the seed bias is negligible for the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator and non-negligible for both the inverse probability weighted and Volz-Heckathorn (VH) estimators. In particular, we show that (i) above a critical threshold, VH converge to a non-trivial mixture distribution, where the mixture component depends on the seed node, and the mixture distribution is possibly multi-modal. Moreover, (ii) GLS converges to a Gaussian distribution independent of the seed node, under a certain condition on the Markov process. Numerical experiments with both simulated data and empirical social networks suggest that these results appear to hold beyond the Markov conditions of the theorems.


Rate optimal Chernoff bound and application to community detection in the stochastic block models

Zhixin Zhou, Ping Li.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1302--1347.

The Chernoff coefficient is known to be an upper bound of Bayes error probability in classification problem. In this paper, we will develop a rate optimal Chernoff bound on the Bayes error probability. The new bound is not only an upper bound but also a lower bound of Bayes error probability up to a constant factor. Moreover, we will apply this result to community detection in the stochastic block models. As a clustering problem, the optimal misclassification rate of community detection problem can be characterized by our rate optimal Chernoff bound. This can be formalized by deriving a minimax error rate over certain parameter space of stochastic block models, then achieving such an error rate by a feasible algorithm employing multiple steps of EM type updates.


On a Metropolis–Hastings importance sampling estimator

Daniel Rudolf, Björn Sprungk.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 857--889.

A classical approach for approximating expectations of functions w.r.t. partially known distributions is to compute the average of function values along a trajectory of a Metropolis–Hastings (MH) Markov chain. A key part in the MH algorithm is a suitable acceptance/rejection of a proposed state, which ensures the correct stationary distribution of the resulting Markov chain. However, the rejection of proposals causes highly correlated samples. In particular, when a state is rejected it is not taken any further into account. In contrast to that we consider a MH importance sampling estimator which explicitly incorporates all proposed states generated by the MH algorithm. The estimator satisfies a strong law of large numbers as well as a central limit theorem, and, in addition to that, we provide an explicit mean squared error bound. Remarkably, the asymptotic variance of the MH importance sampling estimator does not involve any correlation term in contrast to its classical counterpart. Moreover, although the analyzed estimator uses the same amount of information as the classical MH estimator, it can outperform the latter in scenarios of moderate dimensions as indicated by numerical experiments.


Modal clustering asymptotics with applications to bandwidth selection

Alessandro Casa, José E. Chacón, Giovanna Menardi.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 835--856.

Density-based clustering relies on the idea of linking groups to some specific features of the probability distribution underlying the data. The reference to a true, yet unknown, population structure allows framing the clustering problem in a standard inferential setting, where the concept of ideal population clustering is defined as the partition induced by the true density function. The nonparametric formulation of this approach, known as modal clustering, draws a correspondence between the groups and the domains of attraction of the density modes. Operationally, a nonparametric density estimate is required and a proper selection of the amount of smoothing, governing the shape of the density and hence possibly the modal structure, is crucial to identify the final partition. In this work, we address the issue of density estimation for modal clustering from an asymptotic perspective. A natural and easy to interpret metric to measure the distance between density-based partitions is discussed, its asymptotic approximation explored, and employed to study the problem of bandwidth selection for nonparametric modal clustering.


Perturbation Bounds for Procrustes, Classical Scaling, and Trilateration, with Applications to Manifold Learning

One of the common tasks in unsupervised learning is dimensionality reduction, where the goal is to find meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional data. Sometimes referred to as manifold learning, this problem is closely related to the problem of localization, which aims at embedding a weighted graph into a low-dimensional Euclidean space. Several methods have been proposed for localization, and also manifold learning. Nonetheless, the robustness property of most of them is little understood. In this paper, we obtain perturbation bounds for classical scaling and trilateration, which are then applied to derive performance bounds for Isomap, Landmark Isomap, and Maximum Variance Unfolding. A new perturbation bound for procrustes analysis plays a key role.


A New Class of Time Dependent Latent Factor Models with Applications

In many applications, observed data are influenced by some combination of latent causes. For example, suppose sensors are placed inside a building to record responses such as temperature, humidity, power consumption and noise levels. These random, observed responses are typically affected by many unobserved, latent factors (or features) within the building such as the number of individuals, the turning on and off of electrical devices, power surges, etc. These latent factors are usually present for a contiguous period of time before disappearing; further, multiple factors could be present at a time. This paper develops new probabilistic methodology and inference methods for random object generation influenced by latent features exhibiting temporal persistence. Every datum is associated with subsets of a potentially infinite number of hidden, persistent features that account for temporal dynamics in an observation. The ensuing class of dynamic models constructed by adapting the Indian Buffet Process — a probability measure on the space of random, unbounded binary matrices — finds use in a variety of applications arising in operations, signal processing, biomedicine, marketing, image analysis, etc. Illustrations using synthetic and real data are provided.


On the consistency of graph-based Bayesian semi-supervised learning and the scalability of sampling algorithms

This paper considers a Bayesian approach to graph-based semi-supervised learning. We show that if the graph parameters are suitably scaled, the graph-posteriors converge to a continuum limit as the size of the unlabeled data set grows. This consistency result has profound algorithmic implications: we prove that when consistency holds, carefully designed Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms have a uniform spectral gap, independent of the number of unlabeled inputs. Numerical experiments illustrate and complement the theory.


Provably robust estimation of modulo 1 samples of a smooth function with applications to phase unwrapping

Consider an unknown smooth function $f: [0,1]^d ightarrow mathbb{R}$, and assume we are given $n$ noisy mod 1 samples of $f$, i.e., $y_i = (f(x_i) + eta_i) mod 1$, for $x_i in [0,1]^d$, where $eta_i$ denotes the noise. Given the samples $(x_i,y_i)_{i=1}^{n}$, our goal is to recover smooth, robust estimates of the clean samples $f(x_i) mod 1$. We formulate a natural approach for solving this problem, which works with angular embeddings of the noisy mod 1 samples over the unit circle, inspired by the angular synchronization framework. This amounts to solving a smoothness regularized least-squares problem -- a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) -- where the variables are constrained to lie on the unit circle. Our proposed approach is based on solving its relaxation, which is a trust-region sub-problem and hence solvable efficiently. We provide theoretical guarantees demonstrating its robustness to noise for adversarial, as well as random Gaussian and Bernoulli noise models. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first such theoretical results for this problem. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our proposed approach via extensive numerical simulations on synthetic data, along with a simple least-squares based solution for the unwrapping stage, that recovers the original samples of $f$ (up to a global shift). It is shown to perform well at high levels of noise, when taking as input the denoised modulo $1$ samples. Finally, we also consider two other approaches for denoising the modulo 1 samples that leverage tools from Riemannian optimization on manifolds, including a Burer-Monteiro approach for a semidefinite programming relaxation of our formulation. For the two-dimensional version of the problem, which has applications in synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR), we are able to solve instances of real-world data with a million sample points in under 10 seconds, on a personal laptop.


Graph-Dependent Implicit Regularisation for Distributed Stochastic Subgradient Descent

We propose graph-dependent implicit regularisation strategies for synchronised distributed stochastic subgradient descent (Distributed SGD) for convex problems in multi-agent learning. Under the standard assumptions of convexity, Lipschitz continuity, and smoothness, we establish statistical learning rates that retain, up to logarithmic terms, single-machine serial statistical guarantees through implicit regularisation (step size tuning and early stopping) with appropriate dependence on the graph topology. Our approach avoids the need for explicit regularisation in decentralised learning problems, such as adding constraints to the empirical risk minimisation rule. Particularly for distributed methods, the use of implicit regularisation allows the algorithm to remain simple, without projections or dual methods. To prove our results, we establish graph-independent generalisation bounds for Distributed SGD that match the single-machine serial SGD setting (using algorithmic stability), and we establish graph-dependent optimisation bounds that are of independent interest. We present numerical experiments to show that the qualitative nature of the upper bounds we derive can be representative of real behaviours.


Ancestral Gumbel-Top-k Sampling for Sampling Without Replacement

We develop ancestral Gumbel-Top-$k$ sampling: a generic and efficient method for sampling without replacement from discrete-valued Bayesian networks, which includes multivariate discrete distributions, Markov chains and sequence models. The method uses an extension of the Gumbel-Max trick to sample without replacement by finding the top $k$ of perturbed log-probabilities among all possible configurations of a Bayesian network. Despite the exponentially large domain, the algorithm has a complexity linear in the number of variables and sample size $k$. Our algorithm allows to set the number of parallel processors $m$, to trade off the number of iterations versus the total cost (iterations times $m$) of running the algorithm. For $m = 1$ the algorithm has minimum total cost, whereas for $m = k$ the number of iterations is minimized, and the resulting algorithm is known as Stochastic Beam Search. We provide extensions of the algorithm and discuss a number of related algorithms. We analyze the properties of ancestral Gumbel-Top-$k$ sampling and compare against alternatives on randomly generated Bayesian networks with different levels of connectivity. In the context of (deep) sequence models, we show its use as a method to generate diverse but high-quality translations and statistical estimates of translation quality and entropy.


Measuring symmetry and asymmetry of multiplicative distortion measurement errors data

Jun Zhang, Yujie Gai, Xia Cui, Gaorong Li.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 370--393.

This paper studies the measure of symmetry or asymmetry of a continuous variable under the multiplicative distortion measurement errors setting. The unobservable variable is distorted in a multiplicative fashion by an observed confounding variable. First, two direct plug-in estimation procedures are proposed, and the empirical likelihood based confidence intervals are constructed to measure the symmetry or asymmetry of the unobserved variable. Next, we propose four test statistics for testing whether the unobserved variable is symmetric or not. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators and test statistics are examined. We conduct Monte Carlo simulation experiments to examine the performance of the proposed estimators and test statistics. These methods are applied to analyze a real dataset for an illustration.


Bayesian modeling and prior sensitivity analysis for zero–one augmented beta regression models with an application to psychometric data

Danilo Covaes Nogarotto, Caio Lucidius Naberezny Azevedo, Jorge Luis Bazán.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 304--322.

The interest on the analysis of the zero–one augmented beta regression (ZOABR) model has been increasing over the last few years. In this work, we developed a Bayesian inference for the ZOABR model, providing some contributions, namely: we explored the use of Jeffreys-rule and independence Jeffreys prior for some of the parameters, performing a sensitivity study of prior choice, comparing the Bayesian estimates with the maximum likelihood ones and measuring the accuracy of the estimates under several scenarios of interest. The results indicate, in a general way, that: the Bayesian approach, under the Jeffreys-rule prior, was as accurate as the ML one. Also, different from other approaches, we use the predictive distribution of the response to implement Bayesian residuals. To further illustrate the advantages of our approach, we conduct an analysis of a real psychometric data set including a Bayesian residual analysis, where it is shown that misleading inference can be obtained when the data is transformed. That is, when the zeros and ones are transformed to suitable values and the usual beta regression model is considered, instead of the ZOABR model. Finally, future developments are discussed.


A note on the “L-logistic regression models: Prior sensitivity analysis, robustness to outliers and applications”

Saralees Nadarajah, Yuancheng Si.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 183--187.

Da Paz, Balakrishnan and Bazan [Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 33 (2019), 455–479] introduced the L-logistic distribution, studied its properties including estimation issues and illustrated a data application. This note derives a closed form expression for moment properties of the distribution. Some computational issues are discussed.


Application of weighted and unordered majorization orders in comparisons of parallel systems with exponentiated generalized gamma components

Abedin Haidari, Amir T. Payandeh Najafabadi, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 150--166.

Consider two parallel systems, say $A$ and $B$, with respective lifetimes $T_{1}$ and $T_{2}$ wherein independent component lifetimes of each system follow exponentiated generalized gamma distribution with possibly different exponential shape and scale parameters. We show here that $T_{2}$ is smaller than $T_{1}$ with respect to the usual stochastic order (reversed hazard rate order) if the vector of logarithm (the main vector) of scale parameters of System $B$ is weakly weighted majorized by that of System $A$, and if the vector of exponential shape parameters of System $A$ is unordered mojorized by that of System $B$. By means of some examples, we show that the above results can not be extended to the hazard rate and likelihood ratio orders. However, when the scale parameters of each system divide into two homogeneous groups, we verify that the usual stochastic and reversed hazard rate orders can be extended, respectively, to the hazard rate and likelihood ratio orders. The established results complete and strengthen some of the known results in the literature.


Keeping the balance—Bridge sampling for marginal likelihood estimation in finite mixture, mixture of experts and Markov mixture models

Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 4, 706--733.

Finite mixture models and their extensions to Markov mixture and mixture of experts models are very popular in analysing data of various kind. A challenge for these models is choosing the number of components based on marginal likelihoods. The present paper suggests two innovative, generic bridge sampling estimators of the marginal likelihood that are based on constructing balanced importance densities from the conditional densities arising during Gibbs sampling. The full permutation bridge sampling estimator is derived from considering all possible permutations of the mixture labels for a subset of these densities. For the double random permutation bridge sampling estimator, two levels of random permutations are applied, first to permute the labels of the MCMC draws and second to randomly permute the labels of the conditional densities arising during Gibbs sampling. Various applications show very good performance of these estimators in comparison to importance and to reciprocal importance sampling estimators derived from the same importance densities.


L-Logistic regression models: Prior sensitivity analysis, robustness to outliers and applications

Rosineide F. da Paz, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Jorge Luis Bazán.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 455--479.

Tadikamalla and Johnson [ Biometrika 69 (1982) 461–465] developed the $L_{B}$ distribution to variables with bounded support by considering a transformation of the standard Logistic distribution. In this manuscript, a convenient parametrization of this distribution is proposed in order to develop regression models. This distribution, referred to here as L-Logistic distribution, provides great flexibility and includes the uniform distribution as a particular case. Several properties of this distribution are studied, and a Bayesian approach is adopted for the parameter estimation. Simulation studies, considering prior sensitivity analysis, recovery of parameters and comparison of algorithms, and robustness to outliers are all discussed showing that the results are insensitive to the choice of priors, efficiency of the algorithm MCMC adopted, and robustness of the model when compared with the beta distribution. Applications to estimate the vulnerability to poverty and to explain the anxiety are performed. The results to applications show that the L-Logistic regression models provide a better fit than the corresponding beta regression models.


A new log-linear bimodal Birnbaum–Saunders regression model with application to survival data

Francisco Cribari-Neto, Rodney V. Fonseca.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 329--355.

The log-linear Birnbaum–Saunders model has been widely used in empirical applications. We introduce an extension of this model based on a recently proposed version of the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution which is more flexible than the standard Birnbaum–Saunders law since its density may assume both unimodal and bimodal shapes. We show how to perform point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing inferences on the parameters that index the regression model we propose. We also present a number of diagnostic tools, such as residual analysis, local influence, generalized leverage, generalized Cook’s distance and model misspecification tests. We investigate the usefulness of model selection criteria and the accuracy of prediction intervals for the proposed model. Results of Monte Carlo simulations are presented. Finally, we also present and discuss an empirical application.


Can $p$-values be meaningfully interpreted without random sampling?

Norbert Hirschauer, Sven Grüner, Oliver Mußhoff, Claudia Becker, Antje Jantsch.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 14, 71--91.

Besides the inferential errors that abound in the interpretation of $p$-values, the probabilistic pre-conditions (i.e. random sampling or equivalent) for using them at all are not often met by observational studies in the social sciences. This paper systematizes different sampling designs and discusses the restrictive requirements of data collection that are the indispensable prerequisite for using $p$-values.


Scalar-on-function regression for predicting distal outcomes from intensively gathered longitudinal data: Interpretability for applied scientists

John J. Dziak, Donna L. Coffman, Matthew Reimherr, Justin Petrovich, Runze Li, Saul Shiffman, Mariya P. Shiyko.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 13, 150--180.

Researchers are sometimes interested in predicting a distal or external outcome (such as smoking cessation at follow-up) from the trajectory of an intensively recorded longitudinal variable (such as urge to smoke). This can be done in a semiparametric way via scalar-on-function regression. However, the resulting fitted coefficient regression function requires special care for correct interpretation, as it represents the joint relationship of time points to the outcome, rather than a marginal or cross-sectional relationship. We provide practical guidelines, based on experience with scientific applications, for helping practitioners interpret their results and illustrate these ideas using data from a smoking cessation study.


A survey of bootstrap methods in finite population sampling

Zeinab Mashreghi, David Haziza, Christian Léger.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 10, 1--52.

We review bootstrap methods in the context of survey data where the effect of the sampling design on the variability of estimators has to be taken into account. We present the methods in a unified way by classifying them in three classes: pseudo-population, direct, and survey weights methods. We cover variance estimation and the construction of confidence intervals for stratified simple random sampling as well as some unequal probability sampling designs. We also address the problem of variance estimation in presence of imputation to compensate for item non-response.


The theory and application of penalized methods or Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces made easy

Nancy Heckman

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 6, 113--141.

The popular cubic smoothing spline estimate of a regression function arises as the minimizer of the penalized sum of squares $sum_{j}(Y_{j}-mu(t_{j}))^{2}+lambda int_{a}^{b}[mu''(t)]^{2},dt$, where the data are $t_{j},Y_{j}$, $j=1,ldots,n$. The minimization is taken over an infinite-dimensional function space, the space of all functions with square integrable second derivatives. But the calculations can be carried out in a finite-dimensional space. The reduction from minimizing over an infinite dimensional space to minimizing over a finite dimensional space occurs for more general objective functions: the data may be related to the function $mu$ in another way, the sum of squares may be replaced by a more suitable expression, or the penalty, $int_{a}^{b}[mu''(t)]^{2},dt$, might take a different form. This paper reviews the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space structure that provides a finite-dimensional solution for a general minimization problem. Particular attention is paid to the construction and study of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space corresponding to a penalty based on a linear differential operator. In this case, one can often calculate the minimizer explicitly, using Green’s functions.


Arctic Amplification of Anthropogenic Forcing: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis. (arXiv:2005.02535v1 [econ.EM] CROSS LISTED)

Arctic sea ice extent (SIE) in September 2019 ranked second-to-lowest in history and is trending downward. The understanding of how internal variability amplifies the effects of external $ ext{CO}_2$ forcing is still limited. We propose the VARCTIC, which is a Vector Autoregression (VAR) designed to capture and extrapolate Arctic feedback loops. VARs are dynamic simultaneous systems of equations, routinely estimated to predict and understand the interactions of multiple macroeconomic time series. Hence, the VARCTIC is a parsimonious compromise between fullblown climate models and purely statistical approaches that usually offer little explanation of the underlying mechanism. Our "business as usual" completely unconditional forecast has SIE hitting 0 in September by the 2060s. Impulse response functions reveal that anthropogenic $ ext{CO}_2$ emission shocks have a permanent effect on SIE - a property shared by no other shock. Further, we find Albedo- and Thickness-based feedbacks to be the main amplification channels through which $ ext{CO}_2$ anomalies impact SIE in the short/medium run. Conditional forecast analyses reveal that the future path of SIE crucially depends on the evolution of $ ext{CO}_2$ emissions, with outcomes ranging from recovering SIE to it reaching 0 in the 2050s. Finally, Albedo and Thickness feedbacks are shown to play an important role in accelerating the speed at which predicted SIE is heading towards 0.


A bimodal gamma distribution: Properties, regression model and applications. (arXiv:2004.12491v2 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

In this paper we propose a bimodal gamma distribution using a quadratic transformation based on the alpha-skew-normal model. We discuss several properties of this distribution such as mean, variance, moments, hazard rate and entropy measures. Further, we propose a new regression model with censored data based on the bimodal gamma distribution. This regression model can be very useful to the analysis of real data and could give more realistic fits than other special regression models. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to check the bias in the maximum likelihood estimation. The proposed models are applied to two real data sets found in literature.


On a phase transition in general order spline regression. (arXiv:2004.10922v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

In the Gaussian sequence model $Y= heta_0 + varepsilon$ in $mathbb{R}^n$, we study the fundamental limit of approximating the signal $ heta_0$ by a class $Theta(d,d_0,k)$ of (generalized) splines with free knots. Here $d$ is the degree of the spline, $d_0$ is the order of differentiability at each inner knot, and $k$ is the maximal number of pieces. We show that, given any integer $dgeq 0$ and $d_0in{-1,0,ldots,d-1}$, the minimax rate of estimation over $Theta(d,d_0,k)$ exhibits the following phase transition: egin{equation*} egin{aligned} inf_{widetilde{ heta}}sup_{ hetainTheta(d,d_0, k)}mathbb{E}_ heta|widetilde{ heta} - heta|^2 asymp_d egin{cases} kloglog(16n/k), & 2leq kleq k_0,\ klog(en/k), & k geq k_0+1. end{cases} end{aligned} end{equation*} The transition boundary $k_0$, which takes the form $lfloor{(d+1)/(d-d_0) floor} + 1$, demonstrates the critical role of the regularity parameter $d_0$ in the separation between a faster $log log(16n)$ and a slower $log(en)$ rate. We further show that, once encouraging an additional '$d$-monotonicity' shape constraint (including monotonicity for $d = 0$ and convexity for $d=1$), the above phase transition is eliminated and the faster $kloglog(16n/k)$ rate can be achieved for all $k$. These results provide theoretical support for developing $ell_0$-penalized (shape-constrained) spline regression procedures as useful alternatives to $ell_1$- and $ell_2$-penalized ones.


Sampling random graph homomorphisms and applications to network data analysis. (arXiv:1910.09483v2 [math.PR] UPDATED)

A graph homomorphism is a map between two graphs that preserves adjacency relations. We consider the problem of sampling a random graph homomorphism from a graph $F$ into a large network $mathcal{G}$. We propose two complementary MCMC algorithms for sampling a random graph homomorphisms and establish bounds on their mixing times and concentration of their time averages. Based on our sampling algorithms, we propose a novel framework for network data analysis that circumvents some of the drawbacks in methods based on independent and neigborhood sampling. Various time averages of the MCMC trajectory give us various computable observables, including well-known ones such as homomorphism density and average clustering coefficient and their generalizations. Furthermore, we show that these network observables are stable with respect to a suitably renormalized cut distance between networks. We provide various examples and simulations demonstrating our framework through synthetic networks. We also apply our framework for network clustering and classification problems using the Facebook100 dataset and Word Adjacency Networks of a set of classic novels.


Nonparametric Estimation of the Fisher Information and Its Applications. (arXiv:2005.03622v1 [cs.IT])

This paper considers the problem of estimation of the Fisher information for location from a random sample of size $n$. First, an estimator proposed by Bhattacharya is revisited and improved convergence rates are derived. Second, a new estimator, termed a clipped estimator, is proposed. Superior upper bounds on the rates of convergence can be shown for the new estimator compared to the Bhattacharya estimator, albeit with different regularity conditions. Third, both of the estimators are evaluated for the practically relevant case of a random variable contaminated by Gaussian noise. Moreover, using Brown's identity, which relates the Fisher information and the minimum mean squared error (MMSE) in Gaussian noise, two corresponding consistent estimators for the MMSE are proposed. Simulation examples for the Bhattacharya estimator and the clipped estimator as well as the MMSE estimators are presented. The examples demonstrate that the clipped estimator can significantly reduce the required sample size to guarantee a specific confidence interval compared to the Bhattacharya estimator.


Predictive Modeling of ICU Healthcare-Associated Infections from Imbalanced Data. Using Ensembles and a Clustering-Based Undersampling Approach. (arXiv:2005.03582v1 [cs.LG])

Early detection of patients vulnerable to infections acquired in the hospital environment is a challenge in current health systems given the impact that such infections have on patient mortality and healthcare costs. This work is focused on both the identification of risk factors and the prediction of healthcare-associated infections in intensive-care units by means of machine-learning methods. The aim is to support decision making addressed at reducing the incidence rate of infections. In this field, it is necessary to deal with the problem of building reliable classifiers from imbalanced datasets. We propose a clustering-based undersampling strategy to be used in combination with ensemble classifiers. A comparative study with data from 4616 patients was conducted in order to validate our proposal. We applied several single and ensemble classifiers both to the original dataset and to data preprocessed by means of different resampling methods. The results were analyzed by means of classic and recent metrics specifically designed for imbalanced data classification. They revealed that the proposal is more efficient in comparison with other approaches.


Sequential Aggregation of Probabilistic Forecasts -- Applicaton to Wind Speed Ensemble Forecasts. (arXiv:2005.03540v1 [stat.AP])

In the field of numerical weather prediction (NWP), the probabilistic distribution of the future state of the atmosphere is sampled with Monte-Carlo-like simulations, called ensembles. These ensembles have deficiencies (such as conditional biases) that can be corrected thanks to statistical post-processing methods. Several ensembles exist and may be corrected with different statistiscal methods. A further step is to combine these raw or post-processed ensembles. The theory of prediction with expert advice allows us to build combination algorithms with theoretical guarantees on the forecast performance. This article adapts this theory to the case of probabilistic forecasts issued as step-wise cumulative distribution functions (CDF). The theory is applied to wind speed forecasting, by combining several raw or post-processed ensembles, considered as CDFs. The second goal of this study is to explore the use of two forecast performance criteria: the Continous ranked probability score (CRPS) and the Jolliffe-Primo test. Comparing the results obtained with both criteria leads to reconsidering the usual way to build skillful probabilistic forecasts, based on the minimization of the CRPS. Minimizing the CRPS does not necessarily produce reliable forecasts according to the Jolliffe-Primo test. The Jolliffe-Primo test generally selects reliable forecasts, but could lead to issuing suboptimal forecasts in terms of CRPS. It is proposed to use both criterion to achieve reliable and skillful probabilistic forecasts.