
India's Online National Medical Register for Enhanced Healthcare

To enhance the medlinkdigital healthcare ecosystem/medlink, the government launched the National Medical Register (NMR) (!--ref1--) portal, providing


Inclusion of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in National NCD Programme

The iPeople to People Health Foundation (PPHF)/i, in collaboration with iDEESHA (Diabetes [Type 1] Education (and) Empowerment Strategic Health Alliance)/i,


India Reports Suspected Mpox Case: Health Ministry Assures No Immediate Threat

On Sunday, the Indian government announced that they found suspected monkeypox, or Mpox, in a young male patient who has been isolated in a designated hospital and is the subject of an inquiry.


TB Screening for 80 Lakh Diabetics: Tamil Nadu's Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam

In a significant public health initiative, the Tamil Nadu government plans to screen 80 lakh people diagnosed with diabetes for medlinktuberculosis/medlink (TB).


India Improves Clinical Research With ICMR's New Agreement

In a landmark development for India's clinical research landscape, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has announced the formalization of Memorandum


Tobacco Toll: 1.3 Million Lives Lost Annually in India

medlinkTobacco/medlink is responsible for the deaths of 1.3 million people annually in India, according to the Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare.


India's Growing Orthopedic Crisis Drives Demand for Advanced Devices

India is facing a growing burden of orthopedic disorders, fueled by an aging population, rising medlinkobesity rates/medlink, and a high number of road accidents.


'Every Beat Counts' Report on India's Cardiac Crisis

One of the reputed hospital groups of the CK Birla Hospitals, the BM Birla Heart Hospital has recently released a first of its kind report on the medlinkheart


WHO Honors India for Eradicating Trachoma, a Bacterial Eye Infection

India has been lauded by the World Health Organization for successfully eradicating trachoma, a bacterial eye infection that can lead to medlinkblindness/medlink.


Preventable Blindness Crisis: Over 85% of Cases in India

India, a nation known for its resilience and progress, is burdened by a preventable blindness crisis. Over 85% of its blind citizens could have seen the light if early measures had been taken.


UN Applauds India's 70% Drop in Maternal Mortality Ratio

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) commended India for its significant achievements in maternal health and family planning. Recognizing the country's


One in Four Indians Affected by Varicose Veins

25% of Indians have varicose veins (!--ref1--), a condition often overlooked and treatable without surgery, according to leading medical experts. They


Why Are Young Non-Smokers in India Facing Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, once primarily linked to smoking, is casting a long shadow over India, with a particularly alarming trend emerging: non-smokers are being


UK TV Doctors Deepfaked to Sell Scam Products on Social Media

A recent investigation by The BMJ revealed that scammers are increasingly using deepfakes to impersonate well-known UK television doctors in order to promote bogus health products on social media.


After Years of Sleeplessness, 25-Year-Old Gains Strength from Social Media

A 25-year-old, diagnosed with a rare medlinkneurological disorder/medlink that prevents them from truly experiencing sleep, shared their story on medlinksocial media/medlink.


Boost for Indian Pharma Sector- Consistent Growth in Exports Continues

The exports of drugs and pharmaceuticals from India are experiencing consistent growth, reflecting an increase of 8.36 percent to reach (Dollor) 2.31 billion in July of this year.


India's Response to the Growing Mpox Threat

The fatal new strain of Mpox bclade 1b/b, often known as monkeypox, initially emerged in Central Africa and has since spread across the continent


Social Media's Role in ADHD Awareness for Adults

About 25% of adults think that they have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without diagnoses. It is a developmental disorder that affects


Exploring Curiosity Styles: Insights from Wikipedia Browsing Habits

At some point, you might have searched for specific information online, only to end up "going down the Wiki rabbit hole." In this journey, you uncover


How Social Media Likes and Comments Fuel Muscle Dysmorphia in Young Men

A recent Australian study suggests that social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram are contributing to unrealistic and unhealthy obsessions with


Mental Health Services Expand Across India With Tele-MANAS

The national tele-mental health initiative in India was launched in October 2022 with the introduction of the Tele-MANAS toll-free number. Prataprao Jadhav,


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Worsens Health in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

Individuals suffering from both medlinkposttraumatic stress disorder/medlink (PTSD) and medlinktype 2 diabetes/medlink experience significantly


India's Rural Mental Health Program Shows Promise

Combining digital healthcare with community-based initiatives can substantially decrease medlinkdepression/medlink, medlinkanxiety/medlink, and


Alcohol, Tobacco and Social Media may Take a Toll on Your Mental Health

Unhealthy things like medlinkalcohol, tobacco/medlink, social media, ultra-processed foods, and fossil fuels are linked to negative mental health


Rising Suicide Rates Among Indian Youth

India faces a concerning rise in youth suicides, with rates surpassing those of many other nations, according to experts (!--ref1--). It has been


Misdiagnosis Struggles of Borderline Personality Disorder in Autistic Adults

Researchers conducted a groundbreaking phenomenological study to delve into the experiences of autistic adults who had been misdiagnosed with medlinkBorderline Personality Disorder/medlink.


Indian Employees See Real Gains from Mental Health Initiatives at Work

A survey found that 39% of the Indian workforce has benefited from their company's mental health programs. These programs are helping employees improve


It takes a village: the Indian farmers who built a wall against drought

IWMI commissioned this article following fieldwork conducted on the political economy of policy processes in India, under the CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies.

The post It takes a village: the Indian farmers who built a wall against drought first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Indian Organ Donation Day: A Day of Double Victory for MOHAN Foundation

bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li MOHAN Foundation was awarded the title of the best NGO for its outstanding contributions to


India's Growing Heart Transplant Requirements: Fresh Insights

In India around 50,000 people require medlinkheart transplants/medlink annually, but merely 0.2 percent are fortunate enough to receive suitable donors, say experts.


India Implements Various Initiatives to Promote Organ Donations

Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya announced that the Indian government has implemented several initiatives to boost medlinkorgan donations/medlink in the country.


Gut Microbiome Diversity Boosts Survival in Pediatric Stem Cell Transplants

In children who have received a donor medlinkstem cell transplant/medlink, having a varied range of microorganisms in their gut before the transplant


Challenge of Organ Donation in India: Doctors Speak Out

Doctors urge India to raise medlinkorgan donation/medlink awareness due to critical supply shortage ahead of World Organ Donation Day with a dismal donation rate of 0.


Organ Transplant: Recent Milestones Across India

bHighlights:/bul class="group-list punch-points"li GMCH in Guwahati pioneers deceased kidney transplants in Northeast India/li liErnakulam


Bloodless Liver Transplant Saves Two Young Girls in India

In a pioneering medical achievement, medical professionals in Faridabad, Haryana, have accomplished liver transplants in two young girls diagnosed with


Two Kidneys, One Chance: India's First Dual Kidney Transplant

In a significant medical breakthrough, AIIMS Delhi recently accomplished its inaugural dual kidney transplant, presenting a beacon of hope for numerous


India Appeals for Stem Cell Donors to Battle Blood Disorders

Experts emphasize India's urgent requirement for stem cell donors to combat medlinkblood cancer/medlink, which claims the lives of over 70,000 individuals annually (!--ref1--).


Organ Donation Surge in Parts of India, But Lag Persists

Experts on National Organ Donation Day (!--ref1--) noted that, while medlinkorgan donation/medlink has increased in some parts of India, it remains sluggish in most other areas.


Transform Lives: Support Deceased Organ Donation in India

Anupriya Patel, Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, emphasized the need to promote deceased organ donation in India (!--ref1--).


ALS Diagnosis Simplified: New Blood Test Shows 98% Accuracy

medlinkAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis/medlink (ALS) is a medlinkneurodegenerative disease/medlink that affects neurons in the brain and spinal cord.


Harnessing Distant Genetic Links to Diagnose Rare Cardiac Disorders

Analysis of shared genomic segments, which indicate distant "relatedness," has uncovered undiagnosed cases of biLong QT syndrome, a rare condition


New Semaglutide Hydrogel Could Cut Diabetes Shots to Monthly

Innovative semaglutide hydrogel may revolutionize diabetes treatment by reducing the need for injections to just once a month, improving patient convenience.


Health Perks of Shedding Kilos for Diabetes Patients

Losing belly fat may help people with diabetes lower their chances of severe infections, according to new scientific findings.


Systemic Steroids and Their Role in Diabetes Onset

Learn how systemic glucocorticoids, used for treating inflammatory conditions, are linked to a significantly higher risk of new-onset diabetes.


Type 2 Diabetes: The Role of Diligence in Heart Disease

Lower diligence in type 2 diabetes patients increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for better heart health.


Stay Active With Type 1 Diabetes: Beat Hypoglycemia Anxiety

Learn how educating type 1 diabetic adults about hypoglycemia may help to achieve better health through physical activity.


Study Calls for Better Gestational Diabetes Screening

Research shows that using only the common casual blood glucose test for gestational diabetes screening misses most cases, prompting calls for better methods.