ot Effects of Pioglitazone on Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide-Mediated Insulin Secretion and Adipocyte Receptor Expression in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-01-20T12:00:25-08:00 Incretin hormone dysregulation contributes to reduced insulin secretion and hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Resistance to glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) action may occur through desensitization or downregulation of β-cell GIP receptors (GIP-R). Studies in rodents and cell lines show GIP-R expression can be regulated through peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor (PPAR) response elements (PPREs). Whether this occurs in humans is unknown. To test this, we conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone therapy on GIP-mediated insulin secretion and adipocyte GIP-R expression in subjects with well-controlled T2DM. Insulin sensitivity improved, but the insulinotropic effect of infused GIP was unchanged following 12 weeks of pioglitazone treatment. In parallel, we observed increased GIP-R mRNA expression in subcutaneous abdominal adipocytes from subjects treated with pioglitazone. Treatment of cultured human adipocytes with troglitazone increased PPAR binding to GIP-R PPREs. These results show PPAR agonists regulate GIP-R expression through PPREs in human adipocytes, but suggest this mechanism is not important for regulation of the insulinotropic effect of GIP in subjects with T2DM. Because GIP has antilipolytic and lipogenic effects in adipocytes, the increased GIP-R expression may mediate accretion of fat in patients with T2DM treated with PPAR agonists. Full Article
ot Mitochondrial Proton Leak Regulated by Cyclophilin D Elevates Insulin Secretion in Islets at Nonstimulatory Glucose Levels By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-01-20T12:00:25-08:00 Fasting hyperinsulinemia precedes the development of type 2 diabetes. However, it is unclear whether fasting insulin hypersecretion is a primary driver of insulin resistance or a consequence of the progressive increase in fasting glycemia induced by insulin resistance in the prediabetic state. Herein, we have discovered a mechanism that specifically regulates non–glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (NGSIS) in pancreatic islets that is activated by nonesterified free fatty acids, the major fuel used by β-cells during fasting. We show that the mitochondrial permeability transition pore regulator cyclophilin D (CypD) promotes NGSIS, but not glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, by increasing mitochondrial proton leak. Islets from prediabetic obese mice show significantly higher CypD-dependent proton leak and NGSIS compared with lean mice. Proton leak–mediated NGSIS is conserved in human islets and is stimulated by exposure to nonesterified free fatty acids at concentrations observed in obese subjects. Mechanistically, proton leak activates islet NGSIS independently of mitochondrial ATP synthesis but ultimately requires closure of the KATP channel. In summary, we have described a novel nonesterified free fatty acid–stimulated pathway that selectively drives pancreatic islet NGSIS, which may be therapeutically exploited as an alternative way to halt fasting hyperinsulinemia and the progression of type 2 diabetes. Full Article
ot Perivascular Adipose Tissue Controls Insulin-Stimulated Perfusion, Mitochondrial Protein Expression, and Glucose Uptake in Muscle Through Adipomuscular Arterioles By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-03-20T11:50:28-07:00 Insulin-mediated microvascular recruitment (IMVR) regulates delivery of insulin and glucose to insulin-sensitive tissues. We have previously proposed that perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) controls vascular function through outside-to-inside communication and through vessel-to-vessel, or "vasocrine," signaling. However, direct experimental evidence supporting a role of local PVAT in regulating IMVR and insulin sensitivity in vivo is lacking. Here, we studied muscles with and without PVAT in mice using combined contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and intravital microscopy to measure IMVR and gracilis artery diameter at baseline and during the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. We show, using microsurgical removal of PVAT from the muscle microcirculation, that local PVAT depots regulate insulin-stimulated muscle perfusion and glucose uptake in vivo. We discovered direct microvascular connections between PVAT and the distal muscle microcirculation, or adipomuscular arterioles, the removal of which abolished IMVR. Local removal of intramuscular PVAT altered protein clusters in the connected muscle, including upregulation of a cluster featuring Hsp90ab1 and Hsp70 and downregulation of a cluster of mitochondrial protein components of complexes III, IV, and V. These data highlight the importance of PVAT in vascular and metabolic physiology and are likely relevant for obesity and diabetes. Full Article
ot Liver ChREBP Protects Against Fructose-Induced Glycogenic Hepatotoxicity by Regulating L-Type Pyruvate Kinase By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-03-20T11:50:28-07:00 Excessive fructose consumption is closely linked to the pathogenesis of metabolic disease. Carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) is a transcription factor essential for fructose tolerance in mice. However, the functional significance of liver ChREBP in fructose metabolism remains unclear. Here, we show that liver ChREBP protects mice against fructose-induced hepatotoxicity by regulating liver glycogen metabolism and ATP homeostasis. Liver-specific ablation of ChREBP did not compromise fructose tolerance, but rather caused severe transaminitis and hepatomegaly with massive glycogen overload in mice fed a high-fructose diet, while no obvious inflammation, cell death, or fibrosis was detected in the liver. In addition, liver ATP contents were significantly decreased by ChREBP deficiency in the fed state, which was rendered more pronounced by fructose feeding. Mechanistically, liver contents of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), an allosteric activator of glycogen synthase, were markedly increased in the absence of liver ChREBP, while fasting-induced glycogen breakdown was not compromised. Furthermore, hepatic overexpression of LPK, a ChREBP target gene in glycolysis, could effectively rescue glycogen overload and ATP reduction, as well as mitigate fructose-induced hepatotoxicity in ChREBP-deficient mice. Taken together, our findings establish a critical role of liver ChREBP in coping with hepatic fructose stress and protecting from hepatotoxicity by regulating LPK. Full Article
ot Inhibition of NFAT Signaling Restores Microvascular Endothelial Function in Diabetic Mice By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-02-20T11:55:30-08:00 Central to the development of diabetic macro- and microvascular disease is endothelial dysfunction, which appears well before any clinical sign but, importantly, is potentially reversible. We previously demonstrated that hyperglycemia activates nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) in conduit and medium-sized resistance arteries and that NFAT blockade abolishes diabetes-driven aggravation of atherosclerosis. In this study, we test whether NFAT plays a role in the development of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. NFAT-dependent transcriptional activity was elevated in skin microvessels of diabetic Akita (Ins2+/–) mice when compared with nondiabetic littermates. Treatment of diabetic mice with the NFAT blocker A-285222 reduced NFATc3 nuclear accumulation and NFAT-luciferase transcriptional activity in skin microvessels, resulting in improved microvascular function, as assessed by laser Doppler imaging and iontophoresis of acetylcholine and localized heating. This improvement was abolished by pretreatment with the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor l-NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester, while iontophoresis of the NO donor sodium nitroprusside eliminated the observed differences. A-285222 treatment enhanced dermis endothelial NO synthase expression and plasma NO levels of diabetic mice. It also prevented induction of inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and osteopontin, lowered plasma endothelin-1 and blood pressure, and improved mouse survival without affecting blood glucose. In vivo inhibition of NFAT may represent a novel therapeutic modality to preserve endothelial function in diabetes. Full Article
ot The roots to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo: conservation as a platform for green development By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 10:59:45 +0000 2 July 2014 , Volume 90, Number 4 Richard Milburn Full Article
ot On Trial: Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:58:30 +0000 21 July 2014 Download PDF Rob Bailey Former Research Director, Energy, Environment and Resources @ClimateRob Robin WilloughbyDavid Grzywacz Increasing agricultural productivity and adapting farming to climate change are central to Africa’s development prospects. There are important opportunities to enhance yields and increase resilience through the adoption of improved crop varieties. In some cases, biotechnology, and in particular genetic modification (GM), offers advantages over conventional plant-breeding approaches. Accordingly there are a various projects under way to develop new GM varieties for African farmers, ranging from drought-resistant maize to varieties of cassava, banana, sorghum, cowpea and sweet potato with resistance to pests and disease.In addition to government funds, these projects have also attracted the support of influential donor agencies and philanthropic foundations. However, despite the expenditure of considerable resources, the potential of GM in Africa is not being realized. So far no GM trait developed for African farmers has been put to use.Multiple barriers inhibit the development and adoption of pro-poor GM varieties in Africa. On the demand side, farmers may be reluctant to adopt GM varieties owing to a lack of export opportunities and distrust of the technology among local consumers. Farmers may also be concerned about exploitation by transnational seed companies (despite the fact that development of new GM technologies in Africa is dominated by the public sector). On the supply side, donor funding struggles to match the long timescales of research and development, while incentives among research scientists may be poorly aligned with farmer outcomes. Non-existent, poorly functioning or overly punitive regulatory regimes discourage investment.The most important barriers – such as regulatory constraints, consumer distrust and weak farmer demand – must be understood in the context of wider social and political dynamics surrounding GM, typified by misinformation, polarized public discourse, and dysfunctional and opportunistic politics. The result is most GM projects becoming ‘stuck’ at the field trial stage without ever progressing to release. This ‘convenient deadlock’ of continual field trials allows governments to manage political risks by effectively balancing the demands of pro-GM and anti-GM lobbies – proponents of GM have a pipeline of technologies, while opponents are appeased by the failure of any to gain approval. The disabling socio-political environment for GM development in Africa greatly reduces the efficacy of investment in this technology.This has two important implications. First, technology development needs to be located within a wider project of transformation that engages key actors – most notably politicians, policy-makers and farmers – as stakeholders from the outset, and includes strategies to address multiple demand- and supply-side barriers. Second, successful adoption is more likely in countries with less disabling political conditions, characterized by lower levels of consumer distrust and opposition, genuine farmer demand and demonstrable commitment from government. Focusing efforts and resources on a small number of ‘best bet’ countries will also allow donors and technology providers to support more ambitious, transformational projects led by national governments. Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme Full Article
ot Promoting Legal and Sustainable Timber: Using Public Procurement Policy By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 14:08:10 +0000 8 September 2014 This paper examines governments’ efforts to use public procurement policy to promote the use of legal and sustainable timber. Timber procurement can provide valuable lessons to governments when developing sustainable procurement policies for other products associated with deforestation. Download PDF Duncan Brack Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme @DuncanBrack Google Scholar 20140908TimberBrack.jpg Logging and timber production and transportation on the Isle of Mull in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. Photo by Getty Images. Governments are increasingly using public procurement policy to promote the use of legal and sustainable timber, thereby helping to reduce deforestation and illegal logging and encouraging sustainable forestry. At least 26 countries, mostly in the EU, currently possess some form of timber procurement policy at central government level. Although some have been implemented more recently than others and all tend to vary in their design, the evidence suggests that they are having a positive effect on increasing market share for verified legal and sustainable timber. Although government purchasing accounts for only a limited share of the market, the evidence also suggests that these timber procurement policies are having a broader impact on consumer markets, partly through their impact on suppliers and partly through the signals they send to the market. These policies are also relatively straightforward to introduce: many countries already possess some form of green procurement policy, and criteria for legal and sustainable timber can easily be tailored to fit. In general no new legislation is needed, though the more comprehensive policies benefit from training and advice to government purchasers. The gradual spread of the EU Green Procurement Policy programme, and commitments by an increasing number of private companies to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains are likely to encourage further uptake of procurement policies for sustainable timber. Timber procurement can also provide valuable lessons to governments when developing sustainable procurement policies for other products associated with deforestation, such as palm oil. Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Improving Forest Governance and Tackling Illegal Logging and Deforestation Full Article
ot Resource Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: Can it Promote Peace? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:15:02 +0000 Research Event 30 September 2014 - 1:30pm to 4:45pm Chatham House, London The discovery of valuable natural resources such as hydrocarbons or minerals in conflict-affected states or disputed regions can be a double-edged sword. While economic growth may help overcome conflict and consolidate peace, much of the academic literature links the economic, social and environmental impacts of resource development with an increased risk of violent conflict between or within fragile states. Recently however, the role of business in advancing peace has emerged as a topic of increasing discussion in academia and in forums such as the UN Global Compact. Resource development has also become a key objective for donor development strategies in fragile states such as Afghanistan, Somalia and Myanmar, on the assumption that extractive sector development can contribute to stability and security. This event will gather key stakeholders from business and policy to investigate if and where natural resource development has contributed to peace-building, built cooperation among stakeholders or helped to resolve, rather than exacerbate, tensions. If so, it will endeavour to draw out common, replicable lessons of what made these developments successful from a peace-building perspective.The event will be held under the Chatham House Rule. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Resources Climate Conflict and Peacebuilding Full Article
ot Valuing Vital Resources in India: Potential for Integrated Approaches to Water, Energy and Agricultural Sustainability By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 11:15:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 16 January 2015 - 9:00am to 2:00pm The India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India Event participants Dr Ashwini Swain, Fellow, CUTS Institute for Regulation and CompetitionGlada Lahn, Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham HouseDr Gareth Price, Senior Research Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House As part of the international dialogue on Valuing Vital Resources, this seminar will convene policy-makers, scholars, technical practitioners, NGOs, multilateral agencies and the media to discuss recommendations for new policy approaches in India to reorient energy and water use in agriculture. The aim is to gain input to practical policy proposals and identify the work now needed to make them robust. Attendance is by invitation only. Please note this event is held in New Delhi, all times are local. This event is organized together with the CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC). Event attributes External event Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Valuing Vital Resources Glada Lahn Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House Email Full Article
ot 10 players you forgot were once D-backs By mlb.mlb.com Published On :: Thu, 7 Feb 2019 23:15:46 EDT When you think of the D-backs, what players spring to mind? Luis Gonzalez, Randy Johnson, Paul Goldschmidt and Matt Williams are probably some of the names that arise. But what names are familiar to baseball fans but might have even some D-backs fans saying, "He was a Diamondback?" Full Article
ot Prospects who should vie for a roster spot By mlb.mlb.com Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:36:11 EDT The 30 prospects below all are getting very long looks this spring with an eye toward breaking camp with the parent club. Even if they start the year in the Minors, they all should get the chance to contribute at some point in the very near future. Full Article
ot Marte confident transition to CF will be smooth By mlb.mlb.com Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:16:45 EDT Ketel Marte does not lack for confidence when it comes to switching from second base/shortstop to center field, which is where he's expected to see a lot of time this season. Full Article
ot Lovullo expects D-backs to vie for playoff spot By mlb.mlb.com Published On :: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 18:28:54 EDT Monday morning, D-backs manager Torey Lovullo will stand in front of his entire team prior to the first full-squad workout of the spring. Full Article
ot Theranostics Targeting Fibroblast Activation Protein in the Tumor Stroma: 64Cu- and 225Ac-Labeled FAPI-04 in Pancreatic Cancer Xenograft Mouse Models By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T06:00:28-07:00 Fibroblast activation protein (FAP), which promotes tumor growth and progression, is overexpressed in cancer-associated fibroblasts of many human epithelial cancers. Because of its low expression in normal organs, FAP is an excellent target for theranostics. In this study, we used radionuclides with relatively long half-lives, 64Cu (half-life, 12.7 h) and 225Ac (half-life, 10 d), to label FAP inhibitors (FAPIs) in mice with human pancreatic cancer xenografts. Methods: Male nude mice (body weight, 22.5 ± 1.2 g) were subcutaneously injected with human pancreatic cancer cells (PANC-1, n = 12; MIA PaCa-2, n = 8). Tumor xenograft mice were investigated after the intravenous injection of 64Cu-FAPI-04 (7.21 ± 0.46 MBq) by dynamic and delayed PET scans (2.5 h after injection). Static scans 1 h after the injection of 68Ga-FAPI-04 (3.6 ± 1.4 MBq) were also acquired for comparisons using the same cohort of mice (n = 8). Immunohistochemical staining was performed to confirm FAP expression in tumor xenografts using an FAP-α-antibody. For radioligand therapy, 225Ac-FAPI-04 (34 kBq) was injected into PANC-1 xenograft mice (n = 6). Tumor size was monitored and compared with that of control mice (n = 6). Results: Dynamic imaging of 64Cu-FAPI-04 showed rapid clearance through the kidneys and slow washout from tumors. Delayed PET imaging of 64Cu-FAPI-04 showed mild uptake in tumors and relatively high uptake in the liver and intestine. Accumulation levels in the tumor or normal organs were significantly higher for 64Cu-FAPI-04 than for 68Ga-FAPI-04, except in the heart, and excretion in the urine was higher for 68Ga-FAPI-04 than for 64Cu-FAPI-04. Immunohistochemical staining revealed abundant FAP expression in the stroma of xenografts. 225Ac-FAPI-04 injection showed significant tumor growth suppression in the PANC-1 xenograft mice, compared with the control mice, without a significant change in body weight. Conclusion: This proof-of-concept study showed that 64Cu-FAPI-04 and 225Ac-FAPI-04 could be used in theranostics for the treatment of FAP-expressing pancreatic cancer. α-therapy targeting FAP in the cancer stroma is effective and will contribute to the development of a new treatment strategy. Full Article
ot Patient Travel Concerns After Treatment with 177Lu-DOTATATE By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-01T06:00:28-07:00 Full Article
ot Fibrotic Encapsulation Is the Dominant Source of Continuous Glucose Monitor Delays By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2019-09-20T12:00:23-07:00 Continuous glucose monitor (CGM) readings are delayed relative to blood glucose, and this delay is usually attributed to the latency of interstitial glucose levels. However, CGM-independent data suggest rapid equilibration of interstitial glucose. This study sought to determine the loci of CGM delays. Electrical current was measured directly from CGM electrodes to define sensor kinetics in the absence of smoothing algorithms. CGMs were implanted in mice, and sensor versus blood glucose responses were measured after an intravenous glucose challenge. Dispersion of a fluorescent glucose analog (2-NBDG) into the CGM microenvironment was observed in vivo using intravital microscopy. Tissue deposited on the sensor and nonimplanted subcutaneous adipose tissue was then collected for histological analysis. The time to half-maximum CGM response in vitro was 35 ± 2 s. In vivo, CGMs took 24 ± 7 min to reach maximum current versus 2 ± 1 min to maximum blood glucose (P = 0.0017). 2-NBDG took 21 ± 7 min to reach maximum fluorescence at the sensor versus 6 ± 6 min in adipose tissue (P = 0.0011). Collagen content was closely correlated with 2-NBDG latency (R = 0.96, P = 0.0004). Diffusion of glucose into the tissue deposited on a CGM is substantially delayed relative to interstitial fluid. A CGM that resists fibrous encapsulation would better approximate real-time deviations in blood glucose. Full Article
ot Estimated population wide benefits and risks in China of lowering sodium through potassium enriched salt substitution: modelling study By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - 17:00 Full Article
ot UPDATE: SOS implements work rotation for staff By jamaica-gleaner.com Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 16:01:48 -0500 Stationery & Office Supplies Limited, SOS, has implemented work rotation schedules, which sees only 50 per cent of its staff working from the office on a daily basis, as it tries to balance the needs of the business and the... Full Article
ot Dwayne Devonish | Smart virus testing necessary for economic reboot By jamaica-gleaner.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:13:10 -0500 OP-ED CONTRIBUTION: COVID-19 AND THE ECONOMY FOR MOST countries in the Caribbean, the current testing for COVID-19 has not reached levels suitable for ascertaining an accurate picture of the state of outbreak and spread of the infection. This... Full Article
ot Sagicor raises doubt about Scotia Life T&T deal By jamaica-gleaner.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:09:28 -0500 Sagicor Finance Company has raised doubt about whether the deal to acquire the assets of Scotia Life Trinidad... Full Article
ot FTC puts Total gas market share at 30% - Sees no threat to competition from Epping deal By jamaica-gleaner.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 00:08:14 -0500 THE ACQUISITION of Epping resulted in Total Jamaica controlling nearly a third of the retail gasolene market, but that’s not enough to lessen competition, the Fair Trading Commission, FTC, has found. “The acquisition is unlikely to have either the... Full Article
ot Nkirote Laiboni By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 16:12:35 +0000 Robert Bosch Stiftung Academy Fellow (Central & Eastern Europe and Africa), Europe Programme Biography Nkirote Laiboni is a Kenyan international development and human rights practitioner with over 10 years of experience in managing humanitarian, human rights and international development programmes and coordinating research projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.She has worked with international nongovernmental organisations on a wide range of sectors and issues including migration, humanitarian support, media development, democracy and governance, education and health.Having previously worked on projects benefiting refugees, internally displaced persons, migrant workers, and trafficked persons in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and other African countries, Nkirote’s professional interest in migration has grown in recent years. Her research at Chatham House will explore and compare labour migration trends and patterns in Eastern Africa and Central and Eastern Europe.She holds an MA in International Law and International Human Rights from the University of Peace, Costa Rica. Areas of expertise Non-profit managementProgramme and project managementParticipatory action researchMigration and human rightsInternational developmentHumanitarian support Email LinkedIn Full Article
ot Britain’s Soft Power Potential: In Conversation with Penny Mordaunt By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:30:01 +0000 Members Event 5 February 2020 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Penny Mordaunt MP, Member of Parliament for Portsmouth North; Secretary of State for Defence (2019); Secretary of State for International Development (2017-2019)Chair: Thomas Raines, Director, Europe Programme, Chatham House Drawing on her experience as secretary of state for defence and secretary of state for international development, Penny Mordaunt discusses how soft power can protect, promote and project Britain’s international interests and foreign policy agenda.Often defined as the capacity to influence others without coercion or force, soft power differs from traditional military capabilities in favour of more subtle forms of influence rooted in values, culture and civic institutions.Consistently upholding democratic values and human rights can contribute to a nation’s soft power as much as its cultural icons and legacies. However, utilising soft power – the power of attractiveness – is not straightforward: the government is only part of a broad mix of institutions and actors with a role to play.Can the UK develop a long term approach that brings together all of the components of its soft power for a common purpose?What are the key sources of Britain’s soft power? How has Brexit affected perceptions of Britain internationally? And with the UK’s departure from the European Union now confirmed, how should we think about its soft power in the future? Members Events Team Email Full Article
ot The EU Cannot Build a Foreign Policy on Regulatory Power Alone By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 16:33:26 +0000 11 February 2020 Alan Beattie Associate Fellow, Global Economy and Finance Programme and Europe Programme @alanbeattie LinkedIn Brussels will find its much-vaunted heft in setting standards cannot help it advance its geopolitical interests. 2020-02-11-Leyen.jpg EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in February. Photo: Getty Images. There are two well-established ideas in trade. Individually, they are correct. Combined, they can lead to a conclusion that is unfortunately wrong.The first idea is that, across a range of economic sectors, the EU and the US have been engaged in a battle to have their model of regulation accepted as the global one, and that the EU is generally winning.The second is that governments can use their regulatory power to extend strategic and foreign policy influence.The conclusion would seem to be that the EU, which has for decades tried to develop a foreign policy, should be able to use its superpower status in regulation and trade to project its interests and its values abroad.That’s the theory. It’s a proposition much welcomed by EU policymakers, who know they are highly unlikely any time soon to acquire any of the tools usually required to run an effective foreign policy.The EU doesn’t have an army it can send into a shooting war, enough military or political aid to prop up or dispense of governments abroad, or a centralized intelligence service. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has declared her outfit to be a ‘geopolitical commission’, and is casting about for any means of making that real.Through the ‘Brussels effect’ whereby European rules and standards are exported via both companies and governments, the EU has indeed won many regulatory battles with the US.Its cars, chemicals and product safety regulations are more widely adopted round the world than their American counterparts. In the absence of any coherent US offering, bar some varied state-level systems, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the closest thing the world has to a single model for data privacy, and variants of it are being adopted by dozens of countries.The problem is this. Those parts of global economic governance where the US is dominant – particularly the dollar payments system – are highly conducive to projecting US power abroad. The extraterritorial reach of secondary sanctions, plus the widespread reliance of banks and companies worldwide on dollar funding – and hence the American financial system – means that the US can precisely target its influence.The EU can enforce trade sanctions, but not in such a powerful and discriminatory way, and it will always be outgunned by the US. Donald Trump could in effect force European companies to join in his sanctions on Iran when he pulled out of the nuclear deal, despite EU legislation designed to prevent their businesses being bullied. He can go after the chief financial officer of Huawei for allegedly breaching those sanctions.By contrast, the widespread adoption of GDPR or data protection regimes inspired by it may give the EU a warm glow of satisfaction, but it cannot be turned into a geopolitical tool in the same way.Nor, necessarily, does it particularly benefit the EU economy. Europe’s undersized tech sector seems unlikely to unduly benefit from the fact that data protection rules were written in the EU. Indeed, one common criticism of the regulations is that they entrench the power of incumbent tech giants like Google.There is a similar pattern at work in the adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. In that field, the EU and its member states are also facing determined competition from China, which has been pushing its technologies and standards through forums such as the International Telecommunication Union.The EU has been attempting to write international rules for the use of AI which it hopes to be widely adopted. But again, these are a constraint on the use of new technologies largely developed by others, not the control of innovation.By contrast, China has created a vast domestic market in technologies like facial recognition and unleashed its own companies on it. The resulting surveillance kit can then be marketed to emerging market governments as part of China’s enduring foreign policy campaign to build up supporters in the developing world.If it genuinely wants to turn its economic power into geopolitical influence – and it’s not entirely clear what it would do with it if it did – the EU needs to recognize that not all forms of regulatory and trading dominance are the same.Providing public goods to the world economy is all very well. But unless they are so particular in nature that they project uniquely European values and interests, that makes the EU a supplier of useful plumbing but not a global architect of power.On the other hand, it could content itself with its position for the moment. It could recognize that not until enough hard power – guns, intelligence, money – is transferred from the member states to the centre, or until the member states start acting collectively, will the EU genuinely become a geopolitical force. Speaking loudly and carrying a stick of foam rubber is rarely a way to gain credibility in international relations.This article is part of a series of publications and roundtable discussions in the Chatham House Global Trade Policy Forum. Full Article
ot Another CDU Leadership Race Begins in Merkel’s Shadow By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 13:59:32 +0000 28 February 2020 Quentin Peel Associate Fellow, Europe Programme @QuentinPeel The election of a new leader of the chancellor’s party will be another contest over her legacy. 2020-02-28-Merkel.jpg German Chancellor Angela Merkel is depicted on a float in the Rosenmontag parade in Mainz on 24 February. Photo: Getty Images. Perhaps it will be second time lucky. At the end of April, Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) will elect a new party leader to follow in the footsteps of Angela Merkel. An emergency party congress has been summoned to do that after the surprise resignation of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Merkel’s chosen successor.The plan is to leave the decision on who will be the CDU candidate for chancellor at the next election until after Germany’s EU presidency concludes in December. So Merkel will keep her job until 2021, and the new leader will have to learn to live with her.The three leading candidates are Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz and Norbert Röttgen, all from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Two of the three – Merz and Röttgen – were sacked by Merkel from their former jobs. They have not forgotten. Only Armin Laschet, currently CDU leader in North Rhine-Westphalia and state premier, can be described as a Merkel loyalist, true to her centrist mantra.He is the man to beat, having teamed up with Jens Spahn, the 39-year-old health minister, who is popular with party conservatives. Spahn will run as his deputy, so the team straddles the left-right divide in the party. But the contest still seems set to be a bitter battle between pro- and anti-Merkel factions that could leave the party badly split.After nearly 15 years as chancellor, and 18 years as CDU leader, Merkel remains the most popular politician in Germany. In spite of criticism that she lacks vision, her caution and predictability appear to be just what most German voters like.But her term in office has also seen the steady shrinking of the centre ground in German politics, with the rise of the environmentalist Green party and the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) at the expense of the centre-right CDU and the centre-left Social Democratic Party (SPD).The battle for the soul of the CDU is between those who think Merkel has been too left-wing, and want a more conservative leader to win back AfD voters, and those who believe that the CDU must stay in the centre, and prepare for a future coalition with the Greens. Merz is seen as the former, Laschet and Röttgen the latter.Unless Laschet emerges as the clear winner in April, the leadership contest is likely to leave Germany sorely distracted by domestic politics just as it takes over the EU presidency in the second half of the year. Instead of Merkel having a triumphant international swansong on the EU stage, she could be battling to protect her inheritance at home.The one area on which all three leadership candidates seem to agree is foreign policy: they all want Germany to take more leadership and responsibility, and for the European Union to play a bigger role in security, defence and international affairs. They are all Atlanticists, but critical of Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ stance. All are on the record criticizing the chancellor – at least tacitly – for not having a more vigorous foreign policy.There the similarity ends.On the right, the 64-year-old Merz is both the most conservative and the most popular with the party grassroots. He fell out with the chancellor when she took over his job as CDU leader in parliament in 2002. He quit politics to become a corporate lawyer (and a millionaire), but never lost his political ambition. He is an economic liberal but socially conservative, a strong critic of Merkel’s migration policy and her lack of clear leadership. Critics say he is a man of the past, and not a team player.On the EU, he believes Germany is ‘leaving too much to the French’. If France and Germany cannot agree on financial matters, he said at the London School of Economics in February, they should instead forge a stronger EU industrial policy focused on creating more ‘European champions’.Laschet, the Merkel loyalist, is four years younger, and from the left of the party. Like Merz, he is a former member of the European parliament. In 2015, he defended Merkel’s open border policy to accept refugees stranded in the Balkans. On Russia, however, he is more critical, calling for a new effort to re-engage with Vladimir Putin. Most recently, at the Munich Security Conference, he called for stronger Franco-German relations, and more support for the eurozone reforms proposed by Emmanuel Macron.As CDU leader in North Rhine-Westphalia, Laschet has the strongest power base. He earned his political spurs there by winning the last state election in 2017, in contrast to Röttgen, who lost to the SPD and Greens five years earlier.Röttgen, chairman of the Bundestag foreign affairs committee, is the surprise candidate. Once a Merkel favourite, they fell out when she sacked him as environment minister after he lost the North Rhine-Westphalia election. By throwing his hat in the ring, he has forced it to become an open contest. He is independent-minded and outspoken, but not as bitterly hostile to the chancellor as Merz, so he could be a compromise candidate.Laschet is clearly the man Merkel would find it easiest to live with. The decision will be taken by a party congress, not a grassroots ballot, which gives him a better chance. But Merz is the most eloquent orator and seen as the best campaigner. The challenge for party members is whether they believe it is better to swing right and squeeze the AfD, or stick to the centre to hold onto voters tempted by the Greens, who have replaced the SPD as the second-most popular party in Germany.The race is wide open. So is the future of the CDU. The only prediction one can make with much certainty is that as long as Merkel remains chancellor, any successor will struggle to get out of her shadow. Full Article
ot Breaking the Habit: Why Major Oil Companies Are Not ‘Paris-Aligned’ By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 07 Oct 2019 14:50:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 23 October 2019 - 8:30am to 10:00am Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Andrew Grant, Carbon Tracker InitiativeChair: Siân Bradley, Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham House The investment community is increasingly seeking to assess the alignment of their portfolios with the Paris Agreement. In a recent update to their Two Degrees of Separation report, Carbon Tracker assessed the capital expenditure of listed oil and gas producers against ‘well below’ 2C targets, and for the first time, against short-term actions at the project level.The speaker will present the key findings of the report and will argue that every oil major is betting heavily against a low-carbon world by investing in projects that are contrary to the Paris goals.This roundtable discussion will further explore the report findings and consider what investors, regulators and oil and gas companies can do to encourage alignment with the Paris Agreement ahead of 2020. Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme Full Article
ot Joining Up the Dots: Energy and Infrastructure for Countries in Crisis By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 16 Dec 2019 12:53:31 +0000 16 December 2019 Glada Lahn Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme @Glada_Lahn Suzanna Huber Hajar Al-Kaddo Could a refugee crisis help the host-country improve its health and development outcomes? The ‘energy and infrastructure’ focus at this week’s first UN Global Refugee Forum suggests it could, where national policy enables it. Practical action RV0_1139.jpg A man serves customers at a shop in Nyahbiheke Refugee Camp, Rwanda. Energy access makes it possible for refugees to power and run businesses. Photo: Practical Action. Mass human displacement crises like those in Syria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Myanmar do not dissipate within a year or two. The average age of a refugee camp globally is 18 and counting.Meanwhile, the pressures on resources and services in neighbouring countries absorbing an influx of vulnerable people can be harsh. Imagine the overstressed schools and hospitals where intake has doubled in areas of Jordan and Lebanon, and the damage to ecosystems and elephant habitats where camps have sprung up in Bangladesh. The fallout from such crises is prompting new ways of working in the international humanitarian system. These recognize that short-term, emergency responses can jeopardize national development goals if maintained indefinitely. In most refugee camps for instance, each family cooks with wood in regions already suffering from deforestation.Reliance on polluting trucks to bring in fuel and water is high. At the same time, developing countries – which host 80 per cent of the record 70.8 million people currently displaced by conflict – desperately need to address health, water, energy and housing needs for their own populations. Aid and welfare interventions directed only at refugees can provoke frustrations amongst the local community, damaging social cohesion and fostering political instability. The Global Compact on Refugees, affirmed by the United Nations General Assembly one year ago, aims at fairer responsibility-sharing amongst countries and equitable resourcing to host communities and refugees. The Global Refugee Forum (GRF) taking place 17–18 December in Geneva is the starting point for donor pledges and commitments. An opportunity for refugee-hosting countriesAmong the GRF’s 6 focus themes is ‘Energy and Infrastructure’ – a new priority for humanitarian aid and finance. This covers energy, environment, water and sanitation, health, shelter and connectivity – services that are tightly interconnected. In October, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) also launched its first energy strategy, which ‘promotes the transition to clean, renewable energy at refugee camps and hosting sites’.Given this impetus, alongside a growing international focus on speeding up Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) delivery, stabilizing migration and supporting climate resilience, more aid and soft credit for interlinked objectives will become available. Countries hosting refugees have an opportunity; how they approach it will determine the level of support they attract and how effectively it is deployed. Policy conditions are key to successIn a refugee situation, energy access is about much more than keeping warm or cooking food. It is also about connecting with loved ones across borders, safety at night, healthy births and making a living. Due to the lack of long-term funding, maintenance systems or government approvals, failed pilots to introduce for example, solar streetlighting or clean cookstoves, are the norm. To increase their durability and reach, projects need to harness local markets and support national development goals, especially those on access to modern energy for all (SDG 7), protecting ecosystems (SDG 15) and resilient human settlements (SDG 11). Several examples of these are emerging, each with valuable lessons to share. The policy environment, in particular, coordination between authorities, humanitarian agencies and private sector actors, can make or break a project. Beyond the basic conditions of adequate security and refugee acceptance, our research highlights three enabling factors:First: government willingness to engage in long-term response and resilience coordination. Jordan is the most advanced in this with its three-year rolling Response Plan for the Syria Crisis whereby the government works with humanitarian agencies to integrate refugee welfare with national development needs.Here, energy, water and housing needs are specified and have attracted funding. For example, in Irbid, Jordan where over 137,600 Syrian refugees live, the Norwegian Refugee Council, is expanding a programme under the Renewable Energy for Refugees (RE4R) initiative that applies energy efficiency and solar water heating to reduce bills and rents for refugee tenants while adding value for Jordanian homeowners. Second: strong, clear, energy and environment plans and legislation. Signals can be mixed. Jordan’s ‘wheeling’ regulation, allowed UNHCR to reduce its electricity bills through specially built solar plants at Azraq and Zaatari, yet the current freeze on renewable connections has stifled further projects.In Rwanda, the government banned the supply of woodfuel to refugee camps on the basis of concerns about deforestation. The announcement sharpens focus on cleaner cooking.Yet with little guidance on enforcement and the timeframe for change, it is difficult for UNHCR and its partners to plan viable schemes. A reversion to stove and fuel handouts is likely, damaging the potential to create markets for alternative cooking practices in the camps. Third: local fuel prices. Where polluting fuels are subsidized or untaxed, additional subsidy is needed to make cleaner alternatives competitive. The higher prices of diesel in Uganda for example are an incentive for solar projects at Bidi Bidi, the world’s largest refugee settlement.The Gaia Association-UNHCR clean energy programme in Ethiopia’s Western refugee camps has avoided burning some 10,000 tonnes of wood since 2006 through ethanol, but if VAT (which is applied to neither charcoal nor kerosene) were waived, it could scale up commercially. Joining up the dotsMany humanitarian and government dots could be joined up in support of the SDGs. In Rwanda for example, clarity on electrification plans – which appear to cover refugee areas – could allow camp mini-grids to be designed for eventual grid integration. In Jordan, lessons learned from the home upgrading programme could be applied to meet city climate resilience ambitions. Donors at the GRF should support humanitarian operations that leave a positive legacy, increasing the robustness of country infrastructure and systems. Host-country governments should help define and encourage projects that benefit national and refugee populations. This will be critical to both development outcomes and limiting future human suffering. Full Article
ot Charlotte Watts By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 15:05:19 +0000 Programme Coordinator, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme Biography Charlotte joined Chatham House as a programme co-ordinator in the Energy, Environment and Resources (EER) department, contributing to the successful delivery of several projects including the annual Waddesdon club, the IUU fishing forum and the AFRICAP programme.Prior to joining Chatham House, she worked in project management for an international development consultancy, managing the delivery of the UK government’s Prosperity Fund projects. Before this, she programme managed large scale youth programmes across 3 regions for a UK-based charity; delivering and building relationships with top executives at multinational companies. Her voluntary experience has taken her to Nicaragua, where worked on a DFID funded WASH project, assisting fellow Nicaraguan volunteers.Charlotte has a BA (Hons) in Geography from the University of Sussex, and has completed an MSc in Population and International Development, where she focused particularly on the relationship between people and the environment, specialising in disaster risk reduction, sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience. Areas of expertise Climate resiliencePopulation growth and environmental pressuresDisaster risk reduction (DRR)Social and cultural geographies Past experience 2018-19Consultant, Project Manager and Prosperity Fund Coordinator, IMC Worldwide2017-18MSc in Population and International Development, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)2016-17Programme Associate Manager, The Challenge2011-14Ba (Hons) in Geography with a focus on international development, University of Sussex 0207 314 3661 Email LinkedIn Full Article
ot Promoting a Just Transition to an Inclusive Circular Economy By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 01 Apr 2020 11:19:03 +0000 1 April 2020 Considerations of justice and social equity are as important for the circular economy transition as they are in the contexts of low-carbon transitions and digitalization of the economy. This paper sets out the just transition approach, and its relevance in climate change and energy transition debates. Read online Download PDF Patrick Schröder Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme @patricks_CH Google Scholar 2020-04-01-circular-economy.jpg Residents of Mount Ijen take sulphur at Ijen Crater, Banyuwangi, East Java, on 2 July 2018. Photo: Getty Images. Summary Many social and political issues have so far been neglected in planning for the circular economy transition. This paper aims to redress this by considering how ‘just transition’ and social equity may be achieved through policy and practice.The prevailing economic model is linear, in that resources are extracted, transformed into products, used, and finally discarded. In contrast, the circular economy recognizes that natural resources are finite, and aims to keep the materials in products in circulation for as long as possible: reusing, repairing, remanufacturing, sharing and recycling. While the concept of the circular economy is largely focused on developing new technologies and businesses to enable keeping materials in circulation, it also includes the notions of ‘designing out’ waste, substituting renewable materials for non-renewable ones, and restoring natural systems.The UN 2030 Agenda demonstrates that environmental, social and economic sustainability objectives cannot be separated. As the links between the environmental issues of climate change, overconsumption of resources and waste generation, and social issues of inequality and the future of work become increasingly obvious, the urgency to connect environmental with social justice is gaining in significance. The language of ‘just transition’ – a transition that ensures environmental sustainability, decent work, social inclusion and poverty eradication – has started to penetrate debates and research on sustainability policy, particularly in the contexts of climate change and low-carbon energy transition.A just transition framework for the circular economy can identify opportunities that reduce waste and stimulate product innovation, while at the same time contributing positively to sustainable human development. And a just transition is needed to reduce inequalities within and between countries, and to ensure that the commitment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals to leave no one behind is fulfilled.It is important to identify the likely impacts on employment as a result of digitalization and industrial restructuring. Combining circular economy policies with social protection measures will be important in order to ensure that the burden of efforts to promote circularity will not fall on the poor through worsening working conditions and health impacts, reduced livelihoods, or job losses. Identifying potential winners and losers through participatory ‘roadmapping’ can help shape effective cooperation mechanisms and partnerships nationally and internationally.Many low- and middle-income countries that rely heavily on ‘linear’ sectors such as mining, manufacturing of non-repairable fast-moving consumer goods, textiles and agriculture, and the export of these commodities to higher-income countries, are likely to be negatively affected by the shift to circularity. These countries will need support from the international community through targeted assistance programmes if international trade in established commodities and manufactures declines in the medium to long term. International cooperation to create effective and fair governance mechanisms, and policy coordination at regional, national and local levels will play an important role in shaping a just transition. Multilateral technical assistance programmes will need to be designed and implemented, in particular to support low- and middle-income countries.Governments, international development finance institutions and banks are among the bodies beginning to establish circular economy investment funds and programmes. Just transition principles are yet to be applied to many of these new finance mechanisms, and will need to be integrated into development finance to support the circular economy transition.New international cooperation programmes, and a global mechanism to mobilize dedicated support funds for countries in need, will be critical to successful implementation across global value chains. Transparent and accountable institutions will also be important in ensuring that just transition funds reach those affected as intended. Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme Full Article
ot COP26 Diplomatic Briefing: Climate Ambition in Europe and its Potential Global Impact By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 14:05:01 +0000 17 February 2020 - 8:30am to 10:00am Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Jacob Werksman, Principal Adviser to Directorate General for Climate Action, European CommissionImke Lübbeke, Head of EU Climate and Energy Policy, WWF European Policy Office Simon Petrie, Head of International Climate Strategy - Europe, UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial StrategyJen Austin, Policy Director, We Mean Business CoalitionChair: Jill Duggan, Associate Fellow, Chatham House The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has declared that she wants Europe to become ‘the first climate-neutral continent by 2050’, and in December 2019, the Commission presented the European Green Deal in order to achieve this objective. However, even though greenhouse gas emissions from the EU have fallen by more than 20 per cent since 1990, the Union remains the third largest emitter in the world, after the United States and China.What are the opportunities and challenges for raising climate ambition in Europe? Will the EU increase its Nationally Determined Contribution and what impact might this have globally? How might Brexit affect climate action in the EU and the UK? The second event in the Chatham House COP26 Diplomatic Briefing Series will address these critical questions. Read meeting summarypdf | 118.6 KB Anna Aberg Research Analyst, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme 020 7314 3629 Email Department/project Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, COP26 Diplomatic Briefing Series Full Article
ot Same Old Politics Will Not Solve Iraq Water Crisis By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:36:21 +0000 15 April 2020 Georgia Cooke Project Manager, Middle East and North Africa Programme Dr Renad Mansour Senior Research Fellow, Middle East and North Africa Programme; Project Director, Iraq Initiative @renadmansour Glada Lahn Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme @Glada_Lahn Addressing Iraq’s water crisis should be a priority for any incoming prime minister as it is damaging the country’s attempts to rebuild. But successive governments have allowed the problem to fester. 2020-04-15-Iraq-Water Punting in the marshes south of the Iraqi city of Ammarah. Photo by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad/Getty Images. Historically, Iraq lay claim to one of the most abundant water supplies in the Middle East. But the flow of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers has reduced by up to 40% since the 1970s, due in part to the actions of neighbouring countries, in particular Turkey, upstream.Rising temperatures and reduced rainfall due to climate change are also negatively impacting Iraq’s water reserves. Evaporation from dams and reservoirs is estimated to lose the country up to 8 billion cubic metres of water every year.A threat to peace and stabilityShortages have dried up previously fertile land, increasing poverty in agricultural areas. Shortages have also served to fuel conflict: communities faced with successive droughts and government inertia proved to be easy targets for ISIS recruiters, who lured farmers into joining them by offering money and food to feed their families. Economic hardship for those whose livelihoods relied upon river water has also driven rural to urban migration, putting significant strain on already over-populated towns and cities, exacerbating housing, job and electricity shortages, and widening the gap between haves and have-nots.But scarcity isn’t the most crucial element of Iraq’s water crisis – contamination is. Decades of local government mismanagement, corrupt practices and a lack of regulation of dumping (it is estimated up to 70% of Iraq’s industrial waste is dumped directly into water) has left approximately three in every five citizens without a reliable source of potable water.In 2018, 118,000 residents of Basra province were hospitalised with symptoms brought on by drinking contaminated water, which not only put a spotlight on the inadequacies of a crumbling healthcare system but sparked mass protests and a subsequent violent crackdown.The water crisis is also undermining the stability of the country’s federal governance model, by occasionally sparking disputes between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government, as well as between governorates in the south.The crisis is both a symptom and a cause of poor governance. Iraq is stuck in a cycle whereby government inaction causes shortages and contamination, which result in economic losses, reduced food supply, increased prices and widespread poor health. This in turn leads to increasing levels of poverty, higher demand on services and civil unrest, increasing the pressure on a weak, dysfunctional system of government.What can be done?The first priority should be modernising existing water-management infrastructure - a relic of a time when the problem was an excess rather than a shortage of water (the last time Iraq’s flood defences were required was 1968). Bureaucratic hurdles, widespread corruption and an endless cycle of other crises taking precedent prevent good initiatives from being implemented or scaled up.Diversifying energy sources to improve provision is crucial. Baghdad has a sewage treatment plant that originally ran on its own electricity source, but this capacity was destroyed in 1991 and was never replaced. The city continues to suffer from dangerous levels of water pollution because the electricity supply from the grid is insufficient to power the plant. Solar energy has great potential in sun-drenched Iraq to bridge the gaping hole in energy provision, but successive governments have chosen to focus on fossil fuels rather than promoting investment to grow the renewables sector.Heightened tension with upstream Turkey could turn water into another cause of regional conflict. But, if approached differently, collaboration between Iraq and its neighbour could foster regional harmony.Turkey’s elevated geography and cooler climate mean its water reserves suffer 75% less evaporation than Iraq’s. Given that Turkey’s top energy priority is the diversification of its supply of imported hydrocarbons, a win-win deal could see Turkey exchange access to its water-management infrastructure for delivery of reduced cost energy supplies from Iraq.German-French cooperation on coal and steel in the 1950s and the evolution of economic integration that followed might provide a model for how bilateral cooperation over one issue could result in cooperation with other regional players (in this case Iran and Syria) on a range of other issues. This kind of model would need to consider the future of energy, whereby oil and gas would be replaced by solar-power exports.These solutions have been open to policymakers for years and yet they have taken little tangible action. While there are leaders and bureaucrats with the will to act, effective action is invariably blocked by a complex and opaque political system replete with vested interests in maintaining power and wealth via a weak state and limited services from central government.Breaking the cycleTo break this cycle, Iraq needs a group of professional and able actors outside of government to work with willing elements of the state bureaucracy as a taskforce to pressure for action and accountability. Publishing the recommendations from a hitherto withheld report produced in the aftermath of Basra’s 2018 heath crisis would be a great start.In time, this taskforce could champion the prioritisation of water on the national agenda, the implementation of infrastructure upgrades, and hold more productive conversations with neighbour states.With such a high degree of state fragmentation and dysfunction in Iraq, looking to the central government to provide leadership will not yield results. Engagement with a coalition of non-state actors can begin to address the water crisis and also open a dialogue around new models of governance for other critical issues. This might even be a starting point for rewriting the tattered social contract in Iraq.This piece is based on insights and discussion at a roundtable event, Conflict and the Water Crisis in Iraq, held at Chatham House on March 9 as part of the Iraq Initiative. Full Article
ot Low molecular weight heparin does not prevent VTE after knee arthroscopy, studies show By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 06:31 Full Article
ot How to write an operation note By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 08:00 Full Article
ot Helen Salisbury: Message in a bottle By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 11:36 Full Article
ot Emergency departments must not return to pre-covid days of overcrowding and lack of safety, says college By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 11:01 Full Article
ot Self-protection: how NHS doctors are sourcing their own PPE By feeds.bmj.com Published On :: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 12:25 Full Article
ot Proline-rich 11 (PRR11) drives F-actin assembly by recruiting the actin-related protein 2/3 complex in human non-small cell lung carcinoma [DNA and Chromosomes] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-04-17T00:06:05-07:00 The actin cytoskeleton is extremely dynamic and supports diverse cellular functions in many physiological and pathological processes, including tumorigenesis. However, the mechanisms that regulate the actin-related protein 2/3 (ARP2/3) complex and thereby promote actin polymerization and organization in cancer cells are not well-understood. We previously implicated the proline-rich 11 (PRR11) protein in lung cancer development. In this study, using immunofluorescence staining, actin polymerization assays, and siRNA-mediated gene silencing, we uncovered that cytoplasmic PRR11 is involved in F-actin polymerization and organization. We found that dysregulation of PRR11 expression results in F-actin rearrangement and nuclear instability in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Results from molecular mechanistic experiments indicated that PRR11 associates with and recruits the ARP2/3 complex, facilitates F-actin polymerization, and thereby disrupts the F-actin cytoskeleton, leading to abnormal nuclear lamina assembly and chromatin reorganization. Inhibition of the ARP2/3 complex activity abolished irregular F-actin polymerization, lamina assembly, and chromatin reorganization due to PRR11 overexpression. Notably, experiments with truncated PRR11 variants revealed that PRR11 regulates F-actin through different regions. We found that deletion of either the N or C terminus of PRR11 abrogates its effects on F-actin polymerization and nuclear instability and that deletion of amino acid residues 100–184 or 100–200 strongly induces an F-actin structure called the actin comet tail, not observed with WT PRR11. Our findings indicate that cytoplasmic PRR11 plays an essential role in regulating F-actin assembly and nuclear stability by recruiting the ARP2/3 complex in human non-small cell lung carcinoma cells. Full Article
ot Impact of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine, a damaged ribonucleotide in DNA, on translesion synthesis and repair [Enzymology] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-05-01T00:06:09-07:00 Incorporation of ribonucleotides into DNA can severely diminish genome integrity. However, how ribonucleotides instigate DNA damage is poorly understood. In DNA, they can promote replication stress and genomic instability and have been implicated in several diseases. We report here the impact of the ribonucleotide rATP and of its naturally occurring damaged analog 1,N6-ethenoadenosine (1,N6-ϵrA) on translesion synthesis (TLS), mediated by human DNA polymerase η (hpol η), and on RNase H2–mediated incision. Mass spectral analysis revealed that 1,N6-ϵrA in DNA generates extensive frameshifts during TLS, which can lead to genomic instability. Moreover, steady-state kinetic analysis of the TLS process indicated that deoxypurines (i.e. dATP and dGTP) are inserted predominantly opposite 1,N6-ϵrA. We also show that hpol η acts as a reverse transcriptase in the presence of damaged ribonucleotide 1,N6-ϵrA but has poor RNA primer extension activities. Steady-state kinetic analysis of reverse transcription and RNA primer extension showed that hpol η favors the addition of dATP and dGTP opposite 1,N6-ϵrA. We also found that RNase H2 recognizes 1,N6-ϵrA but has limited incision activity across from this lesion, which can lead to the persistence of this detrimental DNA adduct. We conclude that the damaged and unrepaired ribonucleotide 1,N6-ϵrA in DNA exhibits mutagenic potential and can also alter the reading frame in an mRNA transcript because 1,N6-ϵrA is incompletely incised by RNase H2. Full Article
ot On the Wrong Path? Protecting the European Union’s External Border in the Western Balkans By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Mon, 01 Jul 2019 17:08:32 -0400 With thousands more migrants potentially traveling through the Western Balkans this year, this MPI Europe webinar explores the implications of the buttressed EU border on the bloc’s neighbors, including the issues of outsourcing migration control, EU support for addressing irregular migration in neighboring countries, and considerations for EU policymakers. Full Article
ot On the Wrong Path? Protecting the European Union’s External Border in the Western Balkans By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Tue, 16 Jul 2019 15:47:57 -0400 With thousands migrants potentially traveling through the Western Balkans this year, this MPI Europe webinar explores the implications of the buttressed EU border on the bloc’s neighbors, the migrants transiting these routes, and the local communities. Experts also explored how the European Union can support efforts to address irregular migration in neighboring countries, and what are the tradeoffs and considerations that policymakers must weigh. Full Article
ot Crisis at the Border? Not by the Numbers By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 15:04:06 -0400 Monthly apprehension statistics at the Southwest border have become a preoccupation for the Trump administration, which compares the 2018 numbers to 2017 and declares a crisis. Yet it was 2017, when the "Trump effect" temporarily paused illegal crossings, that was the outlier. Recent trends have reverted to the pattern seen in 2016, a result notable at a time of very low U.S. unemployment, as this commentary explores. Full Article
ot A Wall Cannot Fix Problems at Border; Smart Solutions for Asylum Crisis Can By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 10:48:47 -0500 What President Trump calls a border crisis is in fact a crisis in the asylum system—one worsened at every turn by his administration’s harsh policies and rhetoric. Rather than spend $5.7 billion on a wall, it would be far more effective to use the money to retool an overwhelmed asylum system, adapt outmatched border enforcement infrastructure to respond to the changing composition of arrivals, and work cooperatively with Mexico to tackle the factors propelling Central Americans to flee. Full Article
ot To Stay or Not To Stay: The Calculus for International STEM Students in the United States By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 17:05:09 -0500 More than 1 million international students were in the United States in 2015-16, a significant share of them in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) fields. While countries increasingly are vying for this population, these individuals face a complex choice upon graduation: to stay or leave? This article examines international STEM students in the United States and the motivations underlying their postgraduation plans. Full Article
ot Trump Administration Rescinds DACA, Fueling Renewed Push in Congress and the Courts to Protect DREAMers By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 16:59:28 -0400 The Trump administration’s decision to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) deportation-relief program launched in 2012 has sparked new urgency to find a longer-term fix for "DREAMers," the unauthorized immigrants brought to the United States as children. This Policy Beat article examines movement in the courts and in Congress on the DREAM Act and similar proposals, exploring likely paths forward. Full Article
ot Shaping a Narrative of "Crisis" at Border, Trump Administration Takes Muscular Action By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 16:06:51 -0500 The Trump administration took sweeping action in 2018 to slow legal immigration, make life harder for some immigrants already in the United States, rebuff would-be asylum seekers, and reduce refugee resettlement. Shaping a narrative of crisis at the border, the administration significantly changed the U.S. asylum system, deployed troops and tear gas, and separated families—yet Central American migrants continued to arrive. Full Article
ot The Changing Face of Emigration: Harnessing the Potential of the New Greek Diaspora By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:35:33 -0500 Large outflows of educated young people escaping high levels of unemployment, in tandem with inflows of unauthorized migrants, pose a fresh set of challenges for Greek policymakers. This Transatlantic Council on Migration report examines Greek emigration, and its economic implications, before exploring policy directions to minimize the costs and maximize the benefits of this mobility. Full Article
ot Moving Beyond “Root Causes:” The Complicated Relationship between Development and Migration By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 18:12:25 -0500 Development assistance may be a blunt tool for reshaping migration patterns—and indeed one that could increase flows over the short term. Shifting the focus away from increasing individuals’ skills and assets toward investments in the broader economic or governance structures that are a prerequisite for growth and stability may offer more alternatives to emigration in the long run. Full Article
ot A Once-Smooth Path for the Global Compact on Migration Becomes Rocky By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:48:39 -0500 The world’s first international agreement on migration was approved by 164 countries in December 2018, but not without turbulence. U.S. withdrawal from the nonbinding Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, on grounds it could impinge on sovereignty, triggered similar actions by others, particularly in Eastern Europe. Amid ongoing political ripple effects, attention now turns to implementation of the deal's goals. Full Article
ot Russia: A Migration System with Soviet Roots By www.migrationpolicy.org Published On :: Tue, 16 May 2017 17:52:33 -0400 The history of dynamic migration flows throughout the Soviet Union pre- and post-collapse has significantly shaped the current migration reality in Russia. Even as borders have shifted and policies changed, inflows and outflows still occur mostly within the former Soviet space. As this article explores, Russia has worked in recent decades to strengthen its migration management system and update its residence and citizenship policies. Full Article