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Jay-Z Reportedly Taking Action To Have Fake Videos Removed

They depict him singing Billy Joel and reciting Shakespeare.

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Watch Shaq Go Crazy In Hilarious Lysol Spray Challenge Video

NBA icon creates #LysolChallenge amid coronavirus crisis.

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Congressman Criticizes Stacey Abrams For Wanting To Be VP

The former Georgia lawmaker is catching heat.

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Live Video Replay: “Art Walk” Fashion Show

[Updated] The St. George’s Art Walk is underway this afternoon [Oct 25], with the event featuring displays from artists, musical and dance performances, as well as a fashion show — which is currently taking place and you can tune in and watch it live via our Periscope account. The fashion show is set to feature […]

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20 Minute Video: Kardias Club “Tea With A Twist”

The ladies of the Kardias Club hosted their annual ‘Tea with a Twist’ at the Fairmont Southampton on Sunday, with the women in attendance dressed festively in hats and gloves to enjoy high tea and an afternoon of fashion, fellowship, and fun. The event also featured the Kardias Debutantes, including Andira Marie Crichlow, Deja Kiara […]

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Live Video Replay: Fashion Collective Show

The Bermuda Fashion Collective Show was held last night [Nov 3] at the Bermuda Society of Arts at City Hall, with a number of styles and models on display and part proceeds to be donated to the Chewstick Foundation. The show included Aura Moniz Jones, Carla Faye Hardtman, Deane Williams, Desiree Riley, Edith Rookes, James Lee, Juliette Dyke, Mikaela Eshe, […]

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Football Team Named For Game vs Jamaica

The Bermuda Football Association [BFA] announced the Senior Men’s National Team that will match up against Jamaica on Wednesday, March 11th in Montego Bay. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Football Association is pleased to announce the Senior Men’s National Team that will face Jamaica in an International Friendly on March 11th. The team and staff […]

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Slideshow & Video: Police Vehicle Convoy

[Updated] As part of their celebrations of 135 years of policing in our community, the Bermuda Police Service held a police convoy display today [Oct 1] which involved over 28 vehicles from the police fleet traveling island wide. The convoy departed from the former PTB Bus Depot on Beacon Hill in Sandys at 10.00am, and […]

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BUEI Talks “The Voyages Of Bob” On February 4

The Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] will present a talk entitled “The Voyages of Bob: Around The World in a Small Yacht” with Alex and Sarah Brooks on Tuesday, February 4th. The event poster says, “3 Oceans; 25 countries; 121 anchorages; 32,000 sea miles. Bermudian Alex Brooks and his partner Sarah spent over 3 1/2 years […]

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Melodye Van Putten To Launch New Book

Bermudian author Melodye Van Putten is getting set to launch her latest book, Deeply Personal: Musings in Short Stories and Poetry. Marking her twelfth book, she shares her passion for history, culture, education and honouring the ancestors, and also poses questions that are worthy of contemplation towards meaningful action, urging people to “read, think, act […]

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Sompo Hires Harriet Harty As Executive VP

Sompo International Holdings has appointed Harriet Harty as the Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer [CHRO] for Sompo International’s Commercial P&C operations. The company said, “Sompo International Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda-based specialty provider of property and casualty insurance and reinsurance, announced today that Harriet Harty has been named Executive Vice President and Chief […]

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Review: Chocolate Cave Valentine’s At Marcus

[Written by Mikaela Ian Pearman] Indulging in a chocolate feast is an incredible experience on most days. But offer that feast on Valentine’s Day and you’ve got a winner. Hamilton Princess decided to offer a creative option this year with a chocolate cave for their loved-up diners. The cave is built inside the private dining room […]

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Cyclists Conclude Valley Of Sun Bike Race

Kaden Hopkins, Dominique Mayho, Nicholas Narraway and Caitlin Conyers recently concluded competing in the Valley of the Sun Bike Race, a three-day event in which professional and amateur road racing cyclists take part in different categories. The third and final stage was the criterium. In the Pro 1 Men’s Division, Hopkins clocked a time of […]

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Bermuda Cyclists Resume Vuelta Independencia

Bermuda cyclists Dominique Mayho, Kaden Hopkins, and Conor White have teamed up with Julian Molina, Julian Otero, and Brian Leon as they continue competing in the Vuelta Independencia 7 day stage race in the Dominican Republic. Stage two saw the cyclists compete over a 162K course. Mayho was fourth across the line with the same […]

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Cyclists Continue Vuelta Independencia Race

Bermuda cyclists Dominique Mayho, Kaden Hopkins, and Conor White have teamed up with Julian Molina, Julian Otero and Brian Leon to compete in the Vuelta Independencia 7 day stage race in the Dominican Republic. Stage three was a 133.1K course, with Mayho moving up to eighth place overall. Hopkins is in sixth place overall and holds a […]

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Cyclists Continue Vuelta Independencia Race

Bermuda cyclists Dominique Mayho, Kaden Hopkins, and Conor White have teamed up with Julian Molina, Julian Otero and Brian Leon to compete in the Vuelta Independencia 7 day stage race in Dominican Republic. Stage Five was a 136K Mountain Stage, and Hopkins continues to lead the Bermuda riders and is in 8th place overall, and […]

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Bermuda Cyclists Conclude Vuelta Stage Race

Bermuda cyclists Dominique Mayho and Kaden Hopkins, continued teaming up with Julian Molina, Julian Otero, and Brian Leon to compete in the Vuelta Independencia 7 day stage race in the Dominican Republic. The final day saw the cyclists compete for an 84K ride through Santo Domingo. Hopkins finished 8th overall, with a combined time of 23 […]

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BE Solar Raises $2,180 For Hurricane Victims

In September, BE Solar pledged to donate $20 per solar panel sold towards Hurricane Dorian relief efforts in the Bahamas. A spokesperson said, “Over the course of the month, 109 solar panels were sold to clients in Bermuda. These solar panels will offset the consumption of fossil fuel and will help to reduce the carbon […]

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Bermudian Stylist Involved In Beyonce Video

Bermuda’s Shiona Turini continues to build her fashion credentials, with her latest accomplishment being working as a stylist for superstar Beyonce’s latest video ‘Formation’, which has just been released, attaining some 6 million views on Youtube in the first 24 hours. “Beyoncé employed a cadre of stylist — among them Shiona Turini, Zerina Akers, Ade […]

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Aspen Appoints Andrew Kudera As Executive VP

Aspen Insurance Holdings announced that Andrew [Andy] Kudera has been appointed Executive Vice President and Group Chief Actuary, effective February 3, 2020. Mr. Kudera brings 40 years of actuarial experience in the re/insurance industry to Aspen. Prior to managing his own consulting firm, he served as Executive Vice President and Group Chief Actuary at Validus Group […]

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Photos: Police Vehicle Crashes Into Hedge

[Updated with video] The Bermuda Police Service attended a collision on St. David’s Road today [Feb 27] after another police vehicle was involved in a collision, resulting in the vehicle crashing into the hedges. It does not appear that anyone was injured in the crash, and a tow truck removed the vehicle at approximately 2.00pm. Update […]

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Top 20 Most Viewed YouTube Videos Of 2019

Bernews posted more than 1,000 videos on YouTube during 2019, with the top twenty most viewed videos on our channel including coverage of Cup Match, the Rising Inferno Concert with Koffee, the Bermuda Carnival Parade of Bands, the island’s LGBTQ Pride Parade, the Bermuda Day Parade, coverage of Hurricane Humberto, an overview of the NCL […]

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Saltus Graduates Receive Surprise Visits

Saltus students who make up the graduating class of 2020 recently received visits from the school’s staff members. A spokesperson said, “With the situation of the pandemic still unfolding, the graduating class of 2020 have missed some rites of passage such as prank day, final assembly, and the graduate walk. “Despite this, faculty saw this […]

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Top 20 Most Viewed Youtube Videos For 2017

Bernews posted more than 800 videos on YouTube during 2017, and the top twenty most viewed on our Youtube channel are actually all from the America’s Cup, which dominated our Youtube statistics, with the sailing event attaining over two million views on our Youtube channel alone. We have also compiled the top 20 ‘non America’s […]

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Arch To Acquire Ventus Risk Management

Arch Insurance North America [Arch] announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Ventus Risk Management [Ventus], a technology and analytics-driven managing general underwriter [MGU] that specializes in providing coastal commercial property insurance solutions to small and mid-sized enterprises. Ventus was founded in 2016, with the aim of using its proprietary technology to […]

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Addressing the volume of renewable fuel in transportation fuel

The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Waiver Authority and Modification of Volumes , released by the U.S. Congressional Research Service

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Three Videos: Two Boats On Fire In Dockyard

[Updated] Fourteen firefighters from the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service [BFRS] – along with six appliances - battled a blaze at Dockyard on Sunday evening [Jan 12], and three videos showing the fire are below. Following the response, a BFRS spokesperson said, “At 6:27pm the BFRS received a call reporting a house boat on fire […]

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‘Firefighters Were Able To Lift The Vehicle’

A truck fell on a 63-year-old male worker while the vehicle was being serviced, and four firefighters “were able to lift the vehicle using a jack and pull the worker from under the truck.” A spokesperson said, “At 4:02pm the Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service dispatch received a call reporting a truck having fallen on […]

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Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 1: Managing and Engaging Stakeholders on UAS in the Vicinity of Airports

The introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) has presented a wide range of new safety, economic, operational, regulatory, community, environmental, and infrastructure challenges to airports and the National Airspace System. These risks are further complicated by the dynamic and shifting nature of UAS technologies. The pre-publication draft of ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 1: Managing and Engaging Stakeholders on UAS in the Vicinity of Airports provides gu...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_rpt_212

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Fuller’s Discovery Mirror Universe Vision

If Bryan Fuller had stayed with Star Trek: Discovery, his vision for a Mirror Universe wouldn’t have been like the type shown...

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Výročí konce války: Podíl Ruska na válečném úsilí a obětech

Bombastické oslavy Dne vítězství v Moskvě 9. května 2015, kdy svět ještě nesužoval nový koronavirus, mimo jiné znovu oživily dávnou otázku, jaký byl podíl tehdejšího, dnes ovšem již neexistujícího Sovětského svazu a v jeho rámci Ruské federace na úsilí vynaloženém za Velké vlastenecké války, jakož i na obětech. Je dobré si je připomenout zvláště v dnešní době, kdy média vytvářejí dojem, že klíčovou událostí se stalo vystoupení vlasovců v Řeporyjích na konci války v Evropě.

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Tip na letošní dovolenou: Když ve slově moře vyměníte 2 písmena a jedno přidáte, vyjde vám řepka

Bojíte se, že letos nebudete zatlačovat slzu u zlatavých nekonečných obzorů? Ale budete. A mnozí alergici na řepku slzy zatlačují už teď. Rajčata stojí sice 170kč za kilo, květák je už také kaviárem českých domácností, ale heslo "řídit stát jako zemědělství" nám zajistilo širé moře zlaté barvy. Sice se z řepky nenajíme (teda až na ty, co z pěstování rýžují zlaté dotace), ale že jsou to panorámata, co? 

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The Virgin Cobbler

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Appeals Court Says Prosecutors Who Issued Fake Subpoenas To Crime Victims Aren't Shielded By Absolute Immunity

For years, the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office in Louisiana issued fake subpoenas to witnesses and crime victims. Unlike subpoenas used in ongoing prosecutions, these were used during the investigation process to compel targets to talk to law enforcement. They weren't signed by judges or issued by court clerks but they did state in bold letters across the top that "A FINE AND IMPRISONMENT MAY BE OPPOSED FOR FAILURE TO OBEY THIS NOTICE."

Recipients of these bogus subpoenas sued the DA's office. In early 2019, a federal court refused to grant absolute immunity to the DA's office for its use of fake subpoenas to compel cooperation from witnesses. The court pointed out that issuing its own subpoenas containing threats of imprisonment bypassed an entire branch of the government to give the DA's office power it was never supposed to have.

Allegations that the Individual Defendants purported to subpoena witnesses without court approval, therefore, describe more than a mere procedural error or expansion of authority. Rather, they describe the usurpation of the power of another branch of government.

The court stated that extending immunity would be a judicial blessing of this practice, rather than a deterrent against continued abuse by the DA's office.

The DA's office appealed. The Fifth Circuit Appeals Court took the case, but it seemed very unimpressed by the office's assertions. Here's how it responded during oral arguments earlier this year:

“Threat of incarceration with no valid premise?” Judge Jennifer Elrod said at one point during arguments. She later drew laughter from some in the audience when she said, “This argument is fascinating.”

“These are pretty serious assertions of authority they did not have,” said Judge Leslie Southwick, who heard arguments with Elrod and Judge Catharina Haynes.

The Appeals Court has released its ruling [PDF] and it will allow the lawsuit to proceed. The DA's office has now been denied immunity twice. Absolute immunity shields almost every action taken by prosecutors during court proceedings. But these fake subpoenas were sent to witnesses whom prosecutors seemingly had no interest in ever having testify in court. This key difference means prosecutors will have to face the state law claims brought by the plaintiffs.

Based upon the pleadings before us at this time, it could be concluded that Defendants’ creation and use of the fake subpoenas was not “intimately associated with the judicial phase of the criminal process,” but rather fell into the category of “those investigatory functions that do not relate to an advocate’s preparation for the initiation of a prosecution or for judicial proceedings.” See Hoog-Watson v. Guadalupe Cty., 591 F.3d 431, 438 (5th Cir. 2009)


Defendants were not attempting to control witness testimony during a break in judicial proceedings. Instead, they allegedly used fake subpoenas in an attempt to pressure crime victims and witnesses to meet with them privately at the Office and share information outside of court. Defendants never used the fake subpoenas to compel victims or witnesses to testify at trial. Such allegations are of investigative behavior that was not “intimately associated with the judicial phase of the criminal process.”

Falling further outside the judicial process was the DA's office itself, which apparently felt the judicial system didn't need to be included in its subpoena efforts.

In using the fake subpoenas, Individual Defendants also allegedly intentionally avoided the judicial process that Louisiana law requires for obtaining subpoenas.

The case returns to the lower court where the DA's office will continue to face the state law claims it hoped it would be immune from. The Appeals Court doesn't say the office won't ultimately find some way to re-erect its absolute immunity shield, but at this point, it sees nothing on the record that says prosecutors should be excused from being held responsible for bypassing the judicial system to threaten crime victims and witnesses with jail time.

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Three Paper Thursday: Exploring the Impact of Online Crime Victimization

Just as in other types of victimization, victims of cybercrime can experience serious consequences, emotional or not. First of all, a repeat victim of a cyber-attack might face serious financial or emotional hardship. These victims are also more likely to require medical attention as a consequence of online fraud victimization. This means repeat victims have a … Continue reading Three Paper Thursday: Exploring the Impact of Online Crime Victimization

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Looking for a new IT gig? Here are vacancies around the world for developers, cloud engineers, infosec analysts, Jira admin, and more

Advertise your open positions here for free, no catch, and find opportunities within

Job Alert This week we've got job openings from all over the globe to tempt you, your friends or your past colleagues back into work, or indeed into new ventures.…

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The point of containers is they aren't VMs, yet Microsoft licenses SQL Server in containers as if they were VMs

And now to avoid container sprawl costing you plenty

Microsoft has slipped out licensing details for SQL Server running in containers and it will likely encourage developers to be pretty diligent in their use of Redmond’s database.…

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06/05/16 - The whole vengeance thing

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01/15/17 - The very first page

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We Visited a Masonic Cemetary

You read that right. Joanne and I visited a Masonic Cemetary. Alone. It was one of the most calming experiences of my life. We were kind of invited, by the town, and when we arrived, we were definitely welcomed by the residents. This all started when, in the brochure listing the “town attractions” that we received in St. Helens, were two cemeteries. The addresses as well as short descriptions were listed, as well as a short missive asking us to please be respectful and not make loud noises. It sounded really creepy and really interesting, so both of us jumped at the chance to drive out there right before sunset. They weren’t what I expected at all… Well, the first one was actually roped off with a “no trespassing” sign hanging from it, so we didn’t go inside. It was right alongside the highway in Oregon, across some old train tracks, visible from the road, and named and marked on a tourist map, yet they didn’t want visitors. I wonder what happened there. In any case, we headed for the other cemetery. This one was removed from the main road, and rumored to be a lot larger. It was also known to be haunted, but visitors were welcome as long as they were respectful. Off the map it was, but when we arrived, it was also gated off. A sad Joanne looks through the gate at the second destination that was cut off from us. Ah, but unlike the other cemetery, this one didn’t have a “no tresspassing” sign. There was a clear path around the sides of the gate, the ground bare of grass and obviously well-traversed. Apparently a lot of people walked around the gate. Maybe they just didn’t want us to drive. We decided to walk. There was even a sign. And a long, winding, steep road through the forest.  It was quite a hike to reach the top of the large hill where the cemetery was supposedly located, but the view was breathtaking. It took us a good ten or fifteen minutes to reach the top, and the road was quite steep. For some reason, to the immediate right of the trail, someone had been excavating land for quite some time, and there was a deep quarry. Why someone would dig a quarry next to a burial ground is beside me. I don’t doubt that the residents were unhappy about it. I wondered if maybe I would feel some spirits, but I didn’t expect what really happened to me. As soon as I stepped off of the road and onto the grass, a calm unlike anything I’ve ever felt descended upon me. It enveloped me in a warm cocoon, and Joanne and I immediately separated and wandered quietly alone between the gravestones. I know, 100%, that not only was I welcomed, but that the residents were happy to have me there. I talked a bit with some of the gravestones, but mostly wandered about, amazed at how much serenity I felt. We must have spent around a half hour wandering quietly alone, together, before we left in order to return to the festivities in town. But I’ll never forget the experience. It was something really, really special. I took some video footage too, but I’m not sure yet whether I want to use it. We’ll see! Someday, I’ll set up a tripod and get a shot of me walking like this. But for now, have Joanne instead. ???? <3

(412 geeks have read this)

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Review: The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper

The Voyages of Cinrak the Dapper is a collection of seven short stories written by A. J. Fitzwater centred around Cinrak, a lesbian, capybara pirate. It has a couple of strong elements as well as several weak points. I struggled with my thoughts as I read it and, in the end, I would say that, overall, I found it frustrating.

I will start this review briefly talking about politics. It might seem like an unusual starting point but the introduction makes clear that the book is political and it touches on several hot button issues.

Come for handsome, huggable Cinrak in a dapper three-piece, stay for her becoming a house-ship Mother to an enormous found family, the ethical polyamory, trans boy chinchilla, genderqueer rat mentor, fairy, and whale, drag queen mer, democratic monarchy, socialist pirates, and strong unionization.

What I do like about the way politics is handled in this book, is that it is not set up as a conflict between opposing ideologies; the book presents its favoured way of seeing the world and just leaves it as that. Even the religious character (and there is a fascinating take on religion inside) is played off sympathetically. However, by taking the stances it does, the book is also going to be, though it has no regrets about it, alienating for certain readers. If you can not tolerate a heavy emphasis on, and I quote, LGBTQIA characters, then this book is definitely not for you and you may as well stop here. On the other hand, if that’s what you crave, it may be exactly what you want and you should read further.

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The video Linda McMahon, Connecticut Republican candidate for the US Senate, may not want you to see?

Linda McMahon is running for the US Senate in Connecticut. For twenty (20) years, she ran World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) with her husband, Vince McMahon. A few years ago, a documentary film examined the WWE's celebration of violence against women. Her campaign doesn't want Connecticut voters to see that film. Watch these excerpts from the film to see why. Continue reading

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Chuck Todd tells Andrea Mitchell that Hillary Clinton will win the African-American and Hispanic vote in spite of the intellectual appeal of Bernie Sanders to liberal white voters

Chuck Todd tells Andrea Mitchell that Hillary Clinton will win the African-American and Hispanic vote in spite of the intellectual appeal of Bernie Sanders to liberal white voters Continue reading

  • Accountants CPA Hartford
  • Articles
  • African American voter
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Andrea Mitchell Reports
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Chuck Todd
  • Chuck Todd tells Andrea Mitchell that Hillary Clinton will win the African-American and Hispanic vote in spite of the intellectual appeal of Bernie Sanders to liberal white voters
  • Democratic voters analyze Clinton vs. Sanders match-up
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Hispanic voter
  • intellectual appeal to liberal white elites
  • liberal white elites
  • liberal white voters
  • Mitchell Reports

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Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the Neoliberal Order

Chris Hedges speaks the truth about American politics while Robert Reich shows that he is still an establishment Democrat after all, like Bernie Sanders. Continue reading

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Telestream and IBM Aspera Enable Near Real-time Remote Live Video Capture and Production

IBM and Telestream announced today at IBC 2017 a game-changing solution for high-speed capture and production of live, broadcast quality video from remote locations for faster production turnaround. Telestream Vantage powered by Aspera combines Aspera’s FASPStream high-speed streaming technology and Telestream Lightspeed Live Capture media processing platform to enable production teams to work on live video feeds from remote locations in near real time.

  • Media & Entertainment

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IBM and IBC Report: Increased Viewing of Mobile Video Content is Driving Consumer Demand for Better Content Experiences

Digital video consumption is viral and, according to a new study released today by IBM and International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), more than half of the 21,000 consumers surveyed are using mobiles every day to watch streaming videos, and that number is expected to grow 45 percent in the next three years.

  • Services and solutions

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IBM lanza Watson Virtual Agent en español para ayudar a las empresas a construir su propio agente virtual

IBM presenta Watson Virtual Agent en español, una solución que permite a las empresas construir un agente virtual para atención al cliente, flexible y fácil de configurar y adecuada a las necesidades de los negocios.