
The life story of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, civil engineer: with which is incorporated the story of the Atlantic cable, and the first telegraph to India and the colonies / by Charles Bright

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.B85 1910


[Collection of articles on telegraphy].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5269.C65 1873


A talk on telegraphic topics.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7631.W56 1880


Utility of wires: office superintendent of telegraph / Philadelphia, Pa., January 1, 1909

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.P46 1909


[Collection of telegraphy catalogs].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5295.C65 1888


The secret corresponding vocabulary: adapted for use to Morse's electro-magnetic telegraph, and also in conducting written correspondence, transmitted by the mails, or otherwise / by Francis O.J. Smith, Esq

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7673.S65 1845


Radio's 100 men of science: biographical narratives of pathfinders in electronics and television / Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6545.A1 D86 1944


Postal telegraph in the United States (to accompany H. R. no. 2365) / C.C. Washburn

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.W37 1870


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and wireless telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General James Allen, Chief Signal Officer of the Army, 1911

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1912


The fundamentals of wireless and telegraphy for beginners.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5264.F86 1941


[Collection of handbooks and manuals on telegraphy].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.C655 1875


The legacy of William R. Plum: Civil War telegrapher, lawyer, and horticulturist / by Gerry Rader Watts

Archives, Room Use Only - E608.P73 W38 1999


Constitution of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers: revised and amended at the twenty-fifth regular and second triennial session of the Grand Division, held at St. Louis, Mo., May, 1927.

Archives, Room Use Only - HD6515.T252 O73 1927


Autobiographical and other writings / by Alan A. Campbell Swinton

Archives, Room Use Only - Q171.S95 1930


Field telephones and telegraphs for army use: including an elementary course in electricity and magnetism / by E.J. Stevens

Archives, Room Use Only - UG610.S74 1917


Telegraphy: a detailed exposition of the telegraph system of the British Post Office.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.H47 1944


The A.B.C. of wireless telegraphy: a plain treatise on Hertzian wave signaling, embracing theory, methods of operation, and how to build various pieces of the apparatus employed / by Edward Trevert [pseud.]

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.T74 1902


The new general and mining telegraph code / by C. Algernon Moreing and Thomas Neal

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7677.M6 M67 1903


Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Washington, 1927: listes des délégués des gouvernements et des représentants des compagnies et des organismes internationaux.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5283.I58 1927


Fifty years of "Via Eastern": a souvenir and record of the celebrations in connection with the jubilee of the Eastern Associated Telegraph Companies MCMXXII.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7713.G7 E27 1922


A collection of letters to Sir Charles William Siemens, 1823-1883 / with a foreword by Sir George H. Nelson, and a short biography by W.H. Kennett

Archives, Room Use Only - TK140.S5 E55 1953


Duplex and quadruplex telegraphy, multiplex telegraphy, testing of circuits, printing and messenger-call systems, submarine telegraphy, high-speed telegraphy.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5531.D87 1913


Selected articles on government ownership of the telegraph / compiled by Edith M. Phelps

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.P54 1912


Les buttes et la télégraphie optique / par le commandant de Rochas, correspondant du Ministère de l'instruction publique a Blois

Archives, Room Use Only - UG582.V5 R63 1886


Wireless telegraphy and telephony without wires: a popular account of the past and present of wireless telegraphy and telephony which assumes no previous knowledge of the subject on the part of the reader / by Charles R. Gibson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.G53 1914


Submarine telegraphy / prepared by the Engineers of The Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5626.W47 1920


Die elektrischen Einrichtungen der Eisenbahnen: eine Anleitung zum Selbststudium der Telegraphen-, Telephon- und elektrischen Signal-Einrichtungen / von R. Bauer, A. Prasch, O. Wehr

Archives, Room Use Only - TF615.B38 1913


Die Drahtlose Telegraphie und Telephonie / bearbeitet von P. Lertes

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.L47 1923


Die Maxwellsche Theorie und die Hertzschen Schwingungen: die Telegraphie ohne Draht / von H. Poincaré ; aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Max Iklé

Archives, Room Use Only - QC665.P7715 1909


Telegraphy / by Sir W.H. Preece and Sir J. Sivewright ; revised and partly rewritten by W. Llewellyn Preece

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.P77 1914


The first battalion: the story of the 406th telegraph battalion, Signal Corps, U.S. Army / by Peter Lambert Schauble

Archives, Room Use Only - D570.346 406th.S33 1921


Extel 100: the centenary history of the Exchange Telegraph Company / J.M. Scott

Archives, Room Use Only - PN5111.E93 S36 1972


A history of wireless telegraphy: including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous telegraphs / by J.J. Fahie

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5711.F34 1902


Wonderful inventions: from the mariner's compass to the electric telegraph cable / by John Timbs

Archives, Room Use Only - T15.T56 1867


Duplex and quadruplex telegraphy: instruction paper / prepared by the engineers of the Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5521.A44 1917


Les grands inventeurs modernes: télégraphie: Amontons, Chappe, Ampère, Morse, Babinet, Sudre / par Mme la Csse Drohojowska (née Symon de Latreiche)

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5241.D76 1880b


Die electrische telegraphie / von Dr. W. Siemens

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.S54 1866


Illustrations and descriptions of telegraphic apparatus / by Astley C. Terry and William Finn

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5445.T37 1889


By telegraph / by J. Maclaren Cobban

Archives, Room Use Only - PR4461.C2 B98 1890z


Wireless transmission of photographs / by Marcus J. Martin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6600.M37 1916


News over the wires: the telegraph and the flow of public information in America, 1844-1897 / Menahem Blondheim

Archives, Room Use Only - PN4864.B56 1994


La télégraphie sans fil: la télémécanique et la téléphonie sans fil à la portée de tout le monde / par E. Monier ; préface du Dr. E. Branly

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.M66 1918


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of steno-telegraphy arranged for use in wire and radio communication: adaptable to teletype, teletypewriter and telemeter communication services / by Walter P. Phillips

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1945


Militaire telegraphie: voorschrift veldtelegraafdienst.

Archives, Room Use Only - UG595.N4 M55 1917


The thorough cipher code for telegraphing and for written communications where secrecy is desirable: a carefully compiled arrangement of ciphers and commercial and general meanings: with easy methods for the largest possible use of condensed material and

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.B87 1891


La T.S.F. des amateurs: télégraphie, téléphonie: manuel pour la construction et l'utilisation des appareils récepteurs de télégraphie sans fil par ondes amorties et par ondes entretenues et des appareils de tél&

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9946.D87 1923


Kleine Telegraphen-Schule für jüngere Post- und Telegraphenbeamte: ein hilfsbuch zum Selbstunterricht behufs Erlangung der Befähigung zur selbständigen Wahrnehmung des technischen Telegraphendienstes und zur Vorbereitung auf die Postas

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.K54 1917


The new general and mining telegraph code ...: alphabetically arranged for the use of mining companies, mining engineers, stockbrokers, financial agents, and trust and finance companies / by C. Algernon Moreing and Thomas Neal

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7677.M6 M67 1907


Post Office telegraphs: connections of telegraph apparatus and circuits.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8094.G74 1886


Katechismus der elektrischen Telegraphie / von Ludwig Gasse ... mit 178 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.G37 1870