
Nonsurgical Facelift - Marketing Gimmick Or Legitimate Cosmetic Procedure? - Longitudinal Care For Facial Aging

Is a Nonsurgical Facelift a Reality and How Does it Impact Facial Aging?


Humana Celebrates Health Benefits of National Parks - Humana Launches Doctors in the Park

Watch these doctors enjoy a taste of their own medicine #FindYourPark


Top Digital Marketing Agency in Australia

If you're searching for a trusted digital marketing agency in Australia, Abhiwan Technology is here to elevate your online presence. Specializing in SEO, social media marketing, content strategy, and PPC, Abhiwan Technology tailors its approach to


Let's improve landmarks

Landmarks and statues around the world: old, boring and could use an update. In this weeks Phriday, SA Forum goons photoshop the change they want to see in the world.


Jharkhand Chunav 2024: पीएम मोदी की वोट अपील, 'पहले मतदान फिर जलपान'

झारखंड में पहले चरण का मतदान शुरू हो गया है। पहले चरण में 15 जिलों की 43 सीटों पर आज मतदान हो रहा है। इस बीच प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने लोगों से वोट अपील की है। प्रधानमंत्री ने एक्स पर पोस्ट


India's Online Gaming Market Surges by 23% in FY24 Amidst GST Hike

India's gaming market surged by 23% year-on-year, reaching $3.8 billion in revenue in FY 2023-24, even as the sector faces a 28% GST on online gaming, recent reports reveal....


Lights on surfboards and wetsuits could deter shark attacks

Experiments show that illuminating the underside of a decoy seal reduces attacks by great white sharks, revealing a possible strategy to protect surfers and swimmers


This Missed Mark Will Bug The Heck Out Of You

Ever heard of Stanley Stinkbug? 

 Yeah, me neither. 

 Apparently he's a children's character who looks like this:

As far as anthropomorphic bugs go, I guess he's not TOO terrifying. I'd put him somewhere between Heimlich the caterpillar and Hopper the evil grasshopper: Not a bug you'd want to cuddle, exactly, but that probably wouldn't make you run screaming from the room, either. Plus the neckerchief is fun.

Anyhoo, of course - of course - bakers have been asked to make cake versions of Stanley, and of course some of those bakers have done so... poorly.

The good news is today's baker was only asked to do a flat illustration on a cupcake cake (patooie!), which is a running head start, right? No molding or sculpting, just a picture. Heck, they could even print one out!

So what do you think, did they make Stanley's eyes all wonky? Is his scarf the wrong color, is he missing some legs? Oh! I know! I bet... you just want me to just show you the cake, don't you.



Actual footage of my reaction:

Also now this gif is blocking my view of the cake, so... BONUS.

Now, before I nope right out of here, I'd like to point out that the baker CLEARLY thought management wanted an actual stinkbug cake for the display case, but never thought to ask A) WHY DEAR LORD WHY, or B) why it was named Stanley. 

 I mean, c'mon, you get told to draw a random bug named Stanley, tell me you wouldn't add some glasses and a sweater vest. That's just common sense.

Also, is this the sort of bakery where random horrific requests are this common? Was the baker asked to make a "Tiffany Tapeworm" last week, so Mr. Stinkbug was par for the course?

::dares to scroll up briefly to see the cake again::

K, last question: Did the baker think putting the giant semi-realistic stinkbug on a bed of lettuce... was helping??

Aaaaand I'M OUT.

Thank you(?), Emily S. I do not approve.

P.S. After my crack about cuddle-worthy bugs, naturally I had to go see if I could find some. And I gotta say, the ant? ADORABLE:

Plush Bugs

And from my other blog, Epbot:


Smart Bitches After Dark is Open for Registration!

It’s time! Smart Bitches After Dark is open to everyone for registration! You can register now! Come on in, the mayhem is delightful! You might have seen our first After Dark posts go up the past two Sundays, with a link to register, but this is the Official Announcement. Mostly because I used Capital Letters. We already have over 100 members of the community registered, and it’s going to be a LOT of fun. You can … Continue reading Smart Bitches After Dark is Open for Registration!


638. Smart Bitches After Dark – Tara interviews Sarah & Amanda

Tara Scott, staff writer at SBTB and co-host of the Queerly Recommended podcast, is in the interviewer’s chair, asking Amanda and me questions about Smart Bitches After Dark, our new community support wing. We talk about what After Dark is, and also about the larger enshittification of different parts of the internet, and how we navigate that as a 20 year old blog. Yay blogs! I was really nervous about being interviewed, and I hope … Continue reading 638. Smart Bitches After Dark – Tara interviews Sarah & Amanda


Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Rachael: I have so many questions: Does she not want him to save her from what looks to be an alligator? Is that alligator okay? His hips seem off. Should his gun be that close to the water? Why are they casually having a moment in this clearly dangerous water??!! Did they keep their shoes on? Sarah: She’s a shifter. So is the gator. That’s her brother and she … Continue reading Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme

  • Covers Gone Wild! (Non-Snoop Dogg Edition)
  • cover snark


Cover Snark: Yet Another Terrible Wolf Placement

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Mabry: This guy is suffering from sliding bicep syndrome, plus his forearm seems to be stolen from a 7 foot tall basketball player. And then there’s the nipple that’s trying to leave the scene altogether. He also looks like one of the Property Brothers. Sarah: Ok the proportions and perspective here are really weird to the point I feel like I should give everyone a warning. Like, uncanny valley … Continue reading Cover Snark: Yet Another Terrible Wolf Placement

  • Covers Gone Wild! (Non-Snoop Dogg Edition)
  • cover snark


The Rise Of Darkness



Will Trump's victory spark a global trade war?

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Telegram: 'The dark web in your pocket'

The arrest of Telegram’s chief executive in France has ignited a debate about moderation on his app.


Plans for 2012 VeloPark unveiled

Triple gold medallist Chris Hoy helps unveil designs for London's 2012 Olympic cycling facilities.


Marking 15 years of the BBC online

This week marks 15 years since BBC Online was born. At about the same time, the BBC's news website also went live. The number of people visiting the news site has grown enormously over the years, and here you can see how traffic has increased, spiking at key news events, and how the appearance of the site's front page has changed over the years too. Meanwhile, for the 15th anniversary, the BBC's Director of Future Media Ralph Rivera has blogged about the significance of BBC Online today and the continuing importance of innovation to the BBC.

Steve Herrmann is editor of the BBC News website.

  • BBC News website


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Weight Loss Drug Market Goes Wild: 25% of Adults Consider Off-Label Use

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ark EU Seeking Sanctions Against UK Over Tax Rules On Marked Fuels

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ark EU Finance Ministers Agree Landmark VAT Rate Rule Changes

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The post Ethiopian farmers to get market boost first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


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Microneedle Sensors for Real-Time Biomarker Detection

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