
Eight Small Business Technology Trends to Watch in 2018

New-generation information technology continues to offer more efficiencies for small and midsize businesses, and for those ready to take a leap and invest in these fast new tools and services, 2018 promises to be a good year.

So what exactly are the top technology trends for small businesses? Well, basically anything that a large enterprise needs and uses, midrange-size companies also can put to work. This is not a trickle-down-type process; the midrange enterprise market is the largest in the world, and tech companies continue to come out with new and improved products designed specifically for them.

complete article


Identifying What to Watch: 14 Key Performance Indicators That Matter

As a CEO, it is your responsibility to pay attention to every detail of the business. From employee satisfaction to growth indicators, you need to be on top of how your company is performing at every turn. While there is an extensive range of KPIs available to you, knowing where to focus your attention when it comes to evaluating your business can make you more effective and make the best use of your time.

complete article


Air Force to Host First Small Business Pitch Day with $40 Million Up For Grabs

Like departments and agencies throughout government, the Air Force is tuning its acquisition methods to get closer the speed of technology, and will be holding its first live pitch day in March, with an available funding pool of $40 million.

The Air Forces Small Business Innovation Research program has issued a call to start-ups and small businesses—those with fewer than 500 employees—to offer pitches on innovative technologies for secure communications, down-range battlefield operations and digital technologies.

complete article


The Ins And Outs Of The New Small Business Bankruptcy Option

You might have missed it amid all the goings-on since then, but in August 2019, a new law was passed that gives small businesses (and individuals/married couples) a new and simplified way to go through bankruptcy without needing to sell off their assets.

In other words, you can keep operating your business while going through and emerging from bankruptcy. And you can do it faster and cheaper than before.

The Small Business Reorganization Act added a new section to Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Subchapter V lets entities with debts below a threshold amount go through a streamlined court process, establishing and approving new repayment plans that creditors are required to accept (creditors get input, too, but this is limited and more streamlined as well). You don't have to sell off your assets as in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and you can keep operating without needing to meet the strict Chapter 13 requirements or suffering the prohibitive expense of a standard Chapter 11 process.

Your business might be in dire straits, but weathering this rough patch might mean a return to profitability.


15 Steps to start a business from scratch with (almost) no money

Coming up with a business idea and starting a business can seem overwhelming and complicated. There are so many things you have to consider from coming up with an excellent idea to registering a company, all the way to business planning, fundraising and much more.

That is why we have put together this in-depth guide to take you by step by step through how you can start a business.

More info -


How to Craft An Elevator Pitch That Gives People Chills in Under 20 Seconds

How people usually do elevator pitches
Among those who put thought into their elevator pitches, there tends to be two basic formulas:

Formula A: Introduce oneself and the name of the company, then describe the product or service in the context of the customer or industry’s pain point. Then, at the end, make the ask.

Formula B: Identify the pain point before introducing oneself and the name of the company. Then describe the product or service, followed by the ask.

While I am adamant that the only hard and fast rule of communication is that there are no hard and fast rules, I favor Formula B. People are most likely to embrace a solution when it is provided within the context of a problem they care about solving. By starting with a pain point, the entrepreneur is speaking to what an uninformed audience cares about right away thus making sure that the first thing their audience hears has intrinsic value to them. This helps the audience become immediately invested in solving the problem, which helps the entrepreneur to build some momentum.


5 Hiring Hacks for Small Businesses That Need to Stretch Their Budgets

Finding and keeping the best talent has never been easy. It became the top concern for HR professionals this past year, with more than two-thirds reporting struggles with their recruitment and retention efforts. While the reasons for those struggles run the gamut, they often relate to attracting qualified candidates (49%), retaining star employees (49%) and issues with the talent-culture fit (42%).

For small and midsize businesses (SMBs), any difficulties with finding talented hires end up wasting precious resources. Worse yet, the cost of a bad hire is equal to 30% of the hires first-year salary – without factoring in the potential losses in revenue and time associated with onboarding the wrong person for a job.


CICL Chess Match: Board 6 vs Northwestern

I play in the Chicago Industrial Chess League (CICL) for my employer DRW. I generally play one of the lower boards, but I do pretty well. Two nights ago, I played possibly the best chess game of my life... and lost.

How? By touching the wrong piece. I had a choice of two recaptures - one that would win the game, and one that would lose. If I had simply moved quickly, that would've been bad enough, but I actually noted the problem with the first recapture, and then did some sanity checks for the other move. Content that all was good, I started my move by picking up the bishop to be captured, AND THEN PICKED UP THE WRONG CAPTURING PIECE. I realized it immediately, but by then it was too late. I resigned a few moves later.

The worst bit is I found a strong move on 18. (see below, I'm playing white) - and I saw that position 3 moves earlier. I don't always play this well when I'm rested - let alone after a 12 hour work day... which of course just makes the blunder that much more painful.

Moral of the story? When you're winning, when you're tired (or both!). STOP! Check it again. Check each bit, write it down and check it a third time. Then if your sure, make the move.

This one burned. Hopefully it stung enough that I won't do it again.

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, here is my wonder-blunder:



Side to move:
Last move:   variations:
Next move:   variations:

Move comment:


The Pitching Machine Market was is expected to grow US$ 1030.89 Mn by 2030, as per Maximize Market Research.

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 25, 2024 ) The global rock drilling equipment market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by the expansion of infrastructure projects worldwide. Major developments in emerging economies like India, China, and Brazil are fueling demand for advanced rock drilling machinery....


2002 Renault Laguna Hatchback - Expression from Croatia



Luke Everett Hutchinson

Our dear son Luke Everett was born on October 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm. He weighed 9 lbs and 8 oz and was 21.5 inches long. He has dark brown/black hair like Claire and Sims. His eyes are blue for now but I'm sure they will change. He is the sweetest little baby and we cannot imagine our lives without him now. He is so new but it's like he has always been with us.

The delivery was the hardest one I've had and he broke his collar bone but we are both on the mend now and feeling better every day.  But I would take the pain again and again to have Luke with us.

Luke means light in Greek and Everett means brave. Our prayer for Luke is that he will point people to the light of Christ and that the Lord will strengthen him to be brave in doing what the Lord has called him to do.

Thanks be to the Lord for His many, many blessings. 

Thanks to our wonderful parents who have helped us tremendously with our other children during the past 9 days. We are all back together again and I hope to get a picture of everyone soon. And also, "Luke" was a character on LOST. :) He was an "Other" in 5 episodes of season 3. The LOST name streak lives on.


Bush Bait and Switch

IT'S A VARIATION OF the tried and proven bait and switch technique. You screw up, so what do you do? After denial and the passage of time no longer works, first you 'sincerely' apologize.

Then you provide a new and grandiose vision for the future that the people can focus on, and soon (hopefully) all of your past sins will be forgotten. He said what needed to be said, or should I say what the public wanted to hear. It's a strategy that Karl Rove can be proud:

"The main text of President Bush's nationally televised address last night was the rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, but the clear subtext was the rebuilding of a presidency that is now at its lowest point ever, confronted by huge and simultaneous challenges at home and abroad -- and facing a country divided along partisan and racial lines.

Hurricane Katrina struck at the core of Bush's presidency by undermining the central assertion of his reelection campaign, that he was a strong and decisive leader who could keep the country safe in a crisis. Never again will the White House be able to point to his often-praised performance after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, without skeptics recalling the fumbling and slow-off-the-mark response of his administration after the hurricane and the flooding in New Orleans.

His response to these criticisms last night was a speech largely shorn of soaring rhetoric and stirring turns of phrase of the kind that marked his efforts to rally the country after the terrorist attacks. Instead, as if recognizing that his own road back will be one marked by steady but small steps, he spoke with workmanlike focus, spelling out the details of what has been done and will be done to help those displaced by the storm.

In again taking responsibility for the federal government's failures, Bush signaled last night that the White House has decided not to contest the widespread perceptions that his administration failed in the early days of the crisis. By embracing those criticisms, they hope to make the issue a sideshow that will play out sometime in the future. Instead, after a halting start, the White House appears intently focused on demonstrating the president's capacity to manage the huge rebuilding effort ahead.

Bush's advisers believe that, despite the partisan finger-pointing over what happened, most Americans are not looking back and will judge the president on what happens going forward. But as Iraq has shown over the past two years, the facts on the ground shape public confidence in the president more than words or promises."

THE QUESTION REMAINS, will it be enough to repair the presidency and his ability to govern effectively for the remaining 40 months?

TALK IS CHEAP. For a fiscally conservative government, will they, or can they possibly deliver?


FTC's Mortgage Relief Scams Ban Takes Effect

The advance fee ban under the FTC's Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) Rule is designed to protect financially distressed homeowners from mortgage relief scams that have sprung up during the mortgage crisis FTC's Mortgage Relief scams Ban Takes Effect




This Can Have You Scratching Your Head

It was a late night last night of updating and
improving and in the process of doing that it got me
thinking . . .

An online business, and even more so an internet
network marketing business, can really get you
scratching your head sometimes.

We're conditioned to think in a linear fashion. Do
this and get that result is really how we think.

Work 40 hours a week and get paid for 40 hours of
work. It's how we grew up and for most of us it's
how we were conditioned to think about our results in

When it comes to business this isn't always the case,
and really most of the time it's not the case.

Business is not a linear thing.

Just yesterday I was sitting at my computer
scratching my head.

4 people joined my business directly with me as their
sponsor in the last 2 days. Not something to
complain about, after all I am the king of never
calling a single lead and that's the way things work
most of the time in my business, but this time it was
a little different.

You see during that period I had absolutely no ads
running for my business and still 4 people joined
with me as their sponsor without me having to do a
thing, meanwhile my first year in the business all
I did was prospect and call leads and nothing happened.

Why is it so easy now?

Well, once you have passive traffic coming your way
good things happen and you don't have to do
anything additional actively for those good results.

But this can get people confused. I know it did for
me for a long time. Some days would be great with
little effort and some days would be not so great
with a Herculean effort.

What the heck right?

That's business for you. It's not linear. You set it
up and once you get all the pieces in place
sometimes the results flow like the mighty Amazon and
others well just one lead would keep you going.

This shift stunts most. They still want to think that
their efforts should correlate directly to their
results and when it doesn't it frustrated the heck of
them. The best advice is settle down, know your
conversion figures, and just keep on pushing.

Let me tell you . . .

If you have a great marketing system, you're doing
the right things for generating interest in your
business via your marketing system you're on the
right track despite what the results show.

They will exceed your expectations in the long run.

Think about your business like this. It's more like
having a boat tethered to port by several ropes
than going to the J.O.B.

You may spend a huge effort getting one rope off and
you've made progress, but there is still 8 more
ropes to go and nothings moving.

You've made positive progress and you know it, just
don't let money be the only marker of your success
in the beginning.

That will come.

What if you could make a living online? How would
you're life change? What would you do? I took this
course and that dream has become a reality in my life
and because it I recommend it as a MUST have for
any truly interested. Go here now:


Smiley Face Light Switch Cover

Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you with this Smiley Face Light Switch Cover - It's back! The ever popular, the ever lovable, the ever friendly the totally universal smiley face is back once again. Only this time it's in the new and improved wonderful and modern 3d design. Maybe your face isn't always shining with a smile, even if you are smiling inside, but this design will help you share your internal or external smile. People around you and those that see you will more than likely grin and smile back at you as they see the smile that you are sporting on your shirt, coffee cup or other 3d smiley face designed accessory. Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you directly and indirectly.


No Evil, No Fun Postcards

These postcards announce that there just isn't any fun in not seeing any evil, hearing any evil or speaking any evil. - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Where is the fun in that? Evil or not, you have got to have some kind of fun sometime. Ok, maybe fun doesn't have to be evil, but sometimes being a little bit evil or sarcastic can be fun.


Motorcycle Therapy Package of 8 Postcards

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Postcards - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride.


Legalize Freedom Postcards (Package of 8)

Show your support for freedom of thoughts and actions with this Package of Eight Postcards - Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't seem to matter much any more. They all are trying to pass more laws one way or another to dictate how we think, how we live, restricting how they think we should think and how they think we should live. It doesn't matter anymore if you agree with conservative or liberal ideals. Having different ideas, thoughts and attitudes is what use to make the United States terrific. We didn't use to have the politicians shoving their personal beliefs down our throats. We use to be able think and act for ourselves. We use to be able to be responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. Freedom use to be legal. Freedom of choice use to mean something. The freedom to choose anything is almost non-existent anymore. Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't matter any more, all of their beliefs that they try passing laws on telling us how to think, breath and live will only lead to one thing eventually... socialism and communism... UNLESS it is stopped before it is too late. Legalize Freedom! Enough is enough already!! Stop restricting us! Stop telling us how you say we should think! Stop telling us how we should live! Stop trying to protect us from us! Let us think for ourselves! Let us act for ourselves! Let us be responsible for our own lives! Let us be responsible for our own decisions! LEGALIZE FREEDOM!!


Martial Arts Therapy Postcards (Package of 8)

These Postcards will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


Duckstation ditches GPL for Creative Commons License ---Quote--- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International ...

  • Linux - News


Using TCP Keepalive to Detect Network Errors

This is not only a H.323 topic, but since H.323 also uses TCP connections, it applies to H.323 as well:

To detect network errors and signaling connection problems, you can enable TCP keep alive feature. It will increase signaling bandwidth used, but as bandwidth utilized by signaling channels is low from its nature, the increase should not be significant. Moreover, you can control it using keep alive timeout.

The problem is that most system use keep alive timeout of 7200 seconds, which means the system is notified about a dead connection after 2 hours. You probably want this time to be shorter, like one minute or so. On each operating system, the adjustment is done in a different way.

After settings all parameters, it's recommended to check whether the feature works correctly - just make a test call and unplug a network cable at either side of the call. Then see if the call terminates after the configured timeout.

Linux systems

Use sysctl -A to get a list of available kernel variables
and grep this list for net.ipv4 settings (sysctl -A | grep net.ipv4).
There should exist the following variables:
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time:   time of connection inactivity after which
                               the first keep alive request is sent
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes: number of keep alive requests retransmitted
                               before the connection is considered broken
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl:  time interval between keep alive probes

You can manipulate with these settings using the following command:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=3 

This sample command changes TCP keepalive timeout to 60 seconds with 3 probes,
10 seconds gap between each. With this, your application will detect dead TCP
connections after 90 seconds (60 + 10 + 10 + 10).

FreeBSD and MacOS X

For the list of available TCP settings (FreeBSD 4.8 an up and 5.4):

sysctl -A | grep net.inet.tcp

net.inet.tcp.keepidle - Amount of time, in milliseconds, that the (TCP) 
connection must be idle before keepalive probes (if enabled) are sent.

net.inet.tcp.keepintvl - The interval, in milliseconds, between 
keepalive probes sent to remote machines. After TCPTV_KEEPCNT (default 
8) probes are sent, with no response, the (TCP)connection is dropped.

net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive - Assume that SO_KEEPALIVE is set on all 
TCP connections, the kernel will periodically send a packet to the 
remote host to verify the connection is still up.

therefore formula to calculate maximum TCP inactive connection time is 

net.inet.tcp.keepidle + (net.inet.tcp.keepintvl x 8)

the result is in milliseconds.

therefore, by setting
net.inet.tcp.keepidle = 10000
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl = 5000
net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive =1 (must be 1 always)

the system will disconnect a call when TCP connection is dead for:
10000 + (5000 x 8) = 50000 msec (50 sec)

To make system remember these settings at startup, you should add them 
to /etc/sysctl.conf file


For the list of available TCP settings:

ndd /dev/tcp ?

Keepalive related variables:
- tcp_keepalive_interval - idle timeout

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 60000

Windows 2000 and Windows NT

Search Knowledge Base for article ID 120642:

Basically, you need to tweak some registry entries under


Mitchell Heisman's "Suicide Note"

In a couple of weeks time, it will be the first anniversary of a 35-year old intellectual killing himself on the steps of a church on the Harvard campus.

I discovered Mitchell Heisman’s “Suicide Note” via a concise article on responses to the story.

I’ve been reading “Suicide Note” since I found the article, on and off. Mitchell might have benefitted from an editor, but there is no doubt the work is philosophically an opus par excellence.

Nihilism is not my thing - I do not agree with his core philosophy that life is entirely without meaning - but the way he gets there, and some of the ideas he presents are wonderful. There are things to take away from it all that will likely resonate with me for the rest of my life - as works by all good philosophers have.

To this day, Wikipedia have repressed information about him based on a subjective rules that don’t recognise that the guy’s work is actually worth reading. I expect in due course academics will start to cite him, and that situation will change.

Out there is a growing movement to recognise him. There have already been calls from some - perhaps over-excited - individuals for him to be award a Nobel Prize in literature posthumously. I wouldn’t go that far, but I would encourage those who can deal with it to consider his work. 


SnippetComposer 1.0.1

SnippetComposer is for folks who know some HTML and want a way to quickly compose HTML snippets, for example, for posting to online forums.

Type or paste HTML in the top input box and SnippetComposer will show the rendered HTML in the bottom box. When you are ready, click the C button to copy your HTML to the pasteboard. Click X to clear the input fields.

New in Version 1.0.1:

- Fixed trailing newline issue when copying data to the clipboard (thanks Ben Kazez!)


Honda CX500 TC Turbo Parts List Manual 1982.pdf

Professional Quality: Parts Manual, Parts List, Parts Catalog With Exploded Diagrams. *Contains manufactures part numbers and diagrams for EVERY ...


Honda CX500 TC Parts List Manual 1982.pdf

Professional Quality: Parts Manual, Parts List, Parts Catalog With Exploded Diagrams. *Contains manufactures part numbers and diagrams for EVERY ...


March 1 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Christchurch Earthquake - Updated: AM and FM Stations in Christchurch

Updated: Here is a complete list of current AM and FM radio services in Christchurch...


April 14th 2011 Radio Heritage Foundation - Christchurch [New Zealand] Radio Services List Updated

Our list of Christchurch Radio Services has been updated.


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[82% Discount] Mine passive bitcoin with this A.I.-powered mining app

Crypto, soaring once again, could reach $100,000. As it becomes more expensive, you could afford to buy in less quantity or get into mining as an alternative option, which is what Opal is about today. Opal, as the world’s first A.I.-powered crypto-mining app, could get you up to $29 in bitcoin every 4 hours! For […]


Dragon Age: The Veilguard profite d'un patch 1

Le jeu Dragon Age: The Veilguard profite d'un patch 1, l'équipe de développement nous promet une ribambelle de corrections : N7 Day Content: - Rook peut trouver une nouvelle apparence de jour N7 dans le Phare. Il s'agit d'une armure cosmétique uniquement. […]

Lire la suite


How to Unshrink Clothes (Wool Sweather, etc)

Here is an article which tells you exactly how to unshrink wool.

When wool gets wet and warm, the fibres in the wool lock themselves together and don't want to let go, resulting in shrinkage (you can get wool warm or wet, but not both), which kind of makes washing wool garments a dangerous business.
To un-shrink the wool, soak the garment in warm water with a mild wool friendly soap for about 10 minutes. This unlocks the fibres in the wool. Then lay the garment out on some towels in a cool place. Stretch the garment out to its original dimensions. The stretching pulls the unlocked wool fibres away from each other. Once this is done relax and allow your wool garment to dry. The absence of heat from the drying process allows the wool fibres to set in place without locking together and shrinking the garment again.


Citizen-journalism, watch out happy snapper!

Emily Bell, editor-in-chief of Guardian Unlimited, writes in the Media Guardian today about the dangers of encouraging reader-reporters. It’s an issue which has been causing friction between big-media who are trying to encourage new contributors and some of the press...


Blogwatch: Why is the BBC getting involved in blogging?

Why is the BBC getting involved in blogging? It's a question that was raised in a session I was running the other day. Followed by the comment: 'Blogging is for amateurs, and provides an easy way for them to put...


Marketing with Postcards

12 Reasons to Market With Postcards
Copyright 2005 Bob Leduc

If your marketing activity doesn't include postcards, you're
overlooking a highly effective and very low-cost sales tool.
Here are 12 of the many reasons postcards should be part of
your marketing program...

1. Postcards Work for Any Business

Postcards can produce all kinds of sales activity for all
types of businesses. For example, they can produce web site
traffic for online marketers, floor traffic for retail
stores, sales leads for direct marketers ...and just about
any other type of sales activity a business wants.

2. Designing Postcards is Simple and Uncomplicated

Designing an effective postcard is not complicated. It can
be as simple as printing your best small ad on a 4 x 6 card
and sending it to a list of potential prospects. Postcards
usually work best when the message is brief and the postcard
looks at first glance like a message from friend.

3. Printing Postcards is Easy and Inexpensive

You can print postcards with your own computer for about 1
or 2 cents each ...or have them printed professionally for
about 4 to 8 cents each.

4. There's a Special Low Postage Rate for Postcards

You can send any quantity of postcards by First Class Mail
in the US for only 23 cents each. The only requirement is
that your postcards must be at least 3 1/2 x 5 inches but no
larger than 4 1/4 x 6 inches.

5. Postcards Nearly Always Get Read

Because postcards are delivered "ready to read", almost
everybody will read it - even people who usually throw out
other types of direct mail without opening it.

6. Postcards Produce Fast Results

Because postcards are simple and easy to use - they produce
results fast. You can mail postcards within a few days of
deciding to use them ...and you'll start getting sales
activity 2 or 3 days later.

7. Postcards are effective for Generating Web site Traffic

One of the most effective postcard formats simply lists a
few benefits of a product or service on the card and tells
the reader to where they can get more information. This
makes them ideal for generating traffic to a web site.

8. Postcard Multiply Themselves

Postcards are like small billboards - and they are easy to
handle. They often get saved by recipients or passed on to
others ...providing additional exposure of your advertising

9. Markets Can Be Precisely Targeted With Postcards

You can accurately target your best markets by sending
postcards only to mailing lists of prospects likely to be
interested in what you're offering ...and who also have a
history of acting on offers that interest them.

10. Postcard Marketing Results Are Easy To Measure

Postcards normally generate over 90 percent of their total
response within 7 to 10 days. This enables you to quickly
and accurately evaluate the results of a postcard campaign.

11. Postcards Put You in Control of Your Sales Activity

You can quickly boost (or reduce) your sales activity
anytime you want by simply regulating the number of
postcards you mail and how often you mail them.

12. Postcards Conceal Your Marketing from Competitors

Most advertising uses mass media where your competitors hear
or see what you are doing - and copy it. Postcard marketing
is personal. Only you and your prospects are aware of what
you are doing.

Postcards may be one of the best kept secrets of modern
marketing. They're highly effective, very low-cost, simple
to use ...and they work for any business. You're overlooking
a profitable marketing tool if don't use them.

Bob Leduc spent 20 years helping businesses like yours find
new customers and increase sales. He just released a New
Edition of his manual, How To Build Your Small Business Fast
With Simple Postcards ...and launched *BizTips from Bob*, a
newsletter to help small businesses grow and prosper. You'll
find his low-cost marketing methods at:
or call: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV


Online and offline marketing strategies must go hand in hand. I found postcards a valuable asset in my own marketing toolbox. Learn more about how you can be successful with your own homebusiness at



I have been busy at work, and I've been neglecting this site for the past few months. I looked at the forums today, and I was shocked to see that there were over 500 spam messages here. I have cleared out the spam and I also programmed a captcha system to prevent spam in the future. Captchas are those images where you have to type the letters in the image when you fill out a form. So now the spam should not come back.


Nintendo Switch 2 : les jeux Switch seront tous rétro-compatibles, Nintendo a pris la parole dans la nuit

Ça été officialisé cette nuit par Mr Shuntaro Furukawa, l'actuel big boss de Nintendo, la Nintendo Switch 2 (nom de code temporaire) sera rétrocompatible avec tous les jeux de...

tc ads is a fake website that should be ignored by those accidentally getting there At some point, you may start noticing ads showing up on your desktop, even when your browser isn’t active and regardless of the websites you're browsing. This can easily make you think there’s malware on your system, but that’s not […]


Environmental Watchdog Group Publishes Listing of 243 Asbestos-Laden Locations

Environmental Watchdog Group Publishes Listing of 243 Asbestos-Laden LocationsSometimes I used to wonder if anyone would do this.Environmental Watchdog Group Publishes Listing of 243 Asbestos-Laden Locations. Well, it's about time, isn't it?more info hereOriginally Posted on 11/06/2005 22:15:26Content source:


Kitchen / Interior Supply Selection Appointments Made

My wife made appointments with the Kitchen and Interior supply companies today for final selections. The Interior fitout selection is due for 2:00pm on August 17 and the kitchen fitout selection is due for 2:00pm on August 18.

I know my wife has some pretty strong ideas about the interior of the house so she's pretty much in charge of this side of things. She's leaning toward a color scheme including browns, but not going for a full brown/brown fitout, just some touches here and there. This will hopefully make the interior look relatively modern but it shouldn't age too badly when the brown color scheme thing goes out of fashion.


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Get $5 Cash Back when you buy one Zegerid OTC product, 42 ct Capsules


Current Stock Watch List

Stocks to watch for Friday September 16, 2005