strat IT Teachers’ Experience of Teaching–Learning Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking By Published On :: 2015-06-03 Information Technology (IT) high school learners are constantly struggling to cope with the challenges of succeeding in the subject. IT teachers, therefore, need to be empowered to utilize appropriate teaching–learning strategies to improve IT learners’ success in the subject. By promoting critical thinking skills, IT learners have the opportunity to achieve greater success in the most difficult part of the curriculum, which is programming. Participating IT teachers received once-off face-to-face professional development where some teachers received professional development in critical thinking strategies while other IT teachers received professional development in critical thinking strategies infused into pair programming. To determine how teachers experience these suggested strategies, teachers participated in initial interviews as well as follow-up interviews after they had implemented the suggested strategies. From the interviews, it became evident that teachers felt that their learners benefited from the strategies. Teachers in the pair programming infusing critical thinking strategies focused more on the pair programming implementation than on the totality of pair programming infused with critical thinking. Although teachers were initially willing to change their ways, they were not always willing to implement new teaching–learning strategies. Full Article
strat Virtual Pathology Learning Resource: A Promising Strategy in Teaching Pathology to Allied Health Science Students By Published On :: 2018-05-18 Aim/Purpose: The objective of this study was to concept test a new instructional aid called Virtual Pathology Learning Resource (VPLR), which was used as a vehicle to communicate information and enhance teaching and learning of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology) to allied health science students at a South Australian university. Background: Pathology was traditionally taught using potted specimens to review disease manifestations independently. However, this approach was found inadequate and ineffective. VPLR is a new teaching platform comprising of digitised human normal and human pathology specimens (histology, histopathology), patient case studies, short answer and critical thinking questions, and self-assessment quizzes. Using authentic learning theory as an educational pedagogy, this learning resource was developed to enhance the teaching and learning of Pathology. Methodology: Cross-sectional study design was used. A survey, given at the end of the course, gathered qualitative and quantitative data concerning the perceptions and experiences of the students about VPLR and its components. The online tool SurveyMonkey was utilised so that students could respond anonymously to a web link that displayed the questionnaire. The perceived impact on students was assessed using an 18-item questionnaire seeking agreement or disagreement with statements about VPLR, multiple choice and open-ended questions querying the best things about VPLR, benefits to be derived, and areas for improvement. Descriptive and frequency analyses were performed. Contribution: The VPLR approach involved rich learning situations, contextualised content, and facilitated greater understanding of disease concepts and problems. Findings: In a sample of 103 Medical Radiation students, 42% of students (N=43) responded to the post-intervention survey. The majority of students reported highly positive effects for each component of the VPLR. The overall results indicated that this tool was a promising strategy in teaching Pathology as it assisted students’ gaining knowledge of the science, facilitated connections between sciences, and allowed students to make better links with professional practice and skills. Recommendations for Practitioners: As students found VPLR to be beneficial, it is recommended that the same approach is applied for the teaching of Pathology to other health science students, such as Nursing. Other universities might consider adopting the innovation for their courses. Recommendation for Researchers: Applying VPLR to teaching other allied health science students will be undertaken next. The innovation will be appropriate for other health science students with particular emphasis on case-based or problem-based learning and combined with clinical experiences. Impact on Society: In reshaping the way of teaching a science course, students are benefited with greater depth of understanding of content and increase motivation to study. These are important to keep students engaged and ready for practice. VPLR may impact on education and technology trends so that exploration and possibilities of initiatives are ongoing to help students become successful learners. Other impacts are the new forms of learning discovered, the renewed focus on group work and collaboration, and maximising the use of technology in innovation. Future Research: Future directions of this research would be to conduct a follow-up of this cohort of students to determine whether the impacts of the innovation were durable, meaning the change in perceptions and behaviour is sustained over time. Full Article
strat Critical Success Factors for ERP Systems Implementation in Public Administration By Published On :: Full Article
strat The Survey of Information Systems in Public Administration in Poland By Published On :: Full Article
strat The Mechanism of Internet Capability Driving Knowledge Creation Performance: The Effects of Strategic Flexibility and Informatization Density By Published On :: 2018-09-01 Aim/Purpose: This study analyzes the mechanism of Internet capability (IC) driving knowledge creation performance (KCP). We consider the mediating role of strategic flexibility and the moderating role of informatization density. Background: The key to achieving KCP for firms is to transform knowledge created into new products or services and to realize the economic benefits. However, the research has not paid enough attention to firms’ KCP. Based on dynamic capability theory, this study empirically reveals how firms drive KCP through Internet capability. Methodology: The study uses survey data from 399 organizations in China. Through structural equation modeling, this study assesses the relationship between Internet capability, strategic flexibility, and KCP and uses hierarchical regression to test the moderating role of informatization density. Contribution: First, this study expands research on knowledge creation and focuses on the further achievement of knowledge creation performance. The study also enriches the exploration of KCP in the Internet context and deepens the research on the internal mechanism by which Internet capability influences KCP. Second, this study highlights the important role of informatization density in the Internet context and expands the research on the impact of external factors on the internal mechanism. Findings: First, Internet capability has a significantly positive effect on both strategic flexibility and KCP. Furthermore, Internet capability directly impacts strategic flexibility, yet it affects KCP both directly and indirectly through strategic flexibility, which confirms that strategic flexibility is a partial mediator in the relationship between Internet capability and KCP. Second, strategic flexibility positively influences KCP. Third, informatization density has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between Internet capability and KCP. Recommendations for Practitioners: The results indicate that firms should consider the importance of Internet capability and strategic flexibility for KCP in the Internet context. This study also provides a theoretical basis that could guide the Chinese government’s informatization construction of the industrial chain. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers could further explore the role of other mediator variables (e.g., business process management, organizational agility) and consider the role of other moderator variables (e.g., resource commitment, learning orientation). Impact on Society: This study provides a reference for enterprises with similar cultural backgrounds in using Internet capability to enhance their competitive advantage. Future Research: Future research could collect data from various countries and regions to test the research model and conduct longitudinal studies to increase the robustness of the conclusions. Full Article
strat Consumer Engagement in Online Brand Communities: Community Values, Brand Symbolism and Social Strategies By Published On :: 2020-04-21 Aim/Purpose: This study examines the kind of community value companies should provide when strengthening the relationship between customers and brands through the establishment of an online brand community, and how this kind of community value promotes customers’ sense of community engagement and willingness to spread brand reputation. The paper also discusses how an enterprise’s brand symbolism affects the relationship between community value and customers’ engagement in online brand community. This study explored the important role of brand symbolism in the establishment of an online brand community. Background: Many companies want to create online brand communities to strengthen their relationships with consumers as well as to provide better service and value to consumers, for example, Huawei’s Huafen community (, Apple’s support community (, and Samsung’s Galaxy community ( However, these brand communities may have different interests and consumer engagement about the kind of community value to offer to their customers. Methodology: This study uses data collection from questionnaire surveys to design a quantitative research method. An online questionnaire survey of mobile phone users in China was conducted to collect data on social value, cognitive value, brand symbolism, customer community engagement, and brand recommendation. The brands of mobile phone include Apple, Huawei, Samsung, OPPO, VIVO, MI, and Meizu. The researcher purchased a sample service of WJX, an online survey company (, and WJX company distributed the questionnaire to research participants. The WJX company randomly selected 240 subjects from their sample database and then sent the questionnaire link to research participants’ mobile phones. Among the 240 research participants, the researcher excluded participants who lacked online brand community experience or had invalid data to qualify for data collection. After the researcher excluded participants who did not qualify for data collection, only 203 qualified questionnaire surveys advanced to the data collection and analysis phase, which was the questionnaire recovery rate of 84.58%. For the model analysis and hypotheses testing, the researcher used statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics and AMOS 21 and Smartpls3. Contribution: This study deepens the body of literature knowledge by combining online brand community value and brand symbolic value to explore issues that companies should consider when establishing an online brand community for their products and services. This study confirms that brands with high symbolic value establish communities and strengthen social values in the online brand community rather than reducing brand symbolism. Online brand community involves a horizontal interaction (peer interaction) among peers, which can have an effect on the symbolic value of brand (social distance). Findings: First, online brand community value (both cognitive and social value) has a positive impact on customer community engagement. Second, customer community engagement has a positive impact on customers’ brand recommend intention. Third, the customer community engagement is a mediator between the online brand community value and the customer brand recommend intention. Most importantly, fourth, the symbolic value of the brand controls the relationship between community value and customer community engagement. For brands with high symbolic value, the community value should emphasize cognitive value rather than social value. For brands with a low symbolic value, the community provides cognitive or social value, which is not affected by the symbolism of the brand. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners can share best practices with the corporate sectors. Brand owners can work with researchers to explore the characteristics of their online brand communities. On this basis, brand owners and researchers can jointly build and manage online brand communities. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can explore different perspectives and factors of brand symbolism that involve brand owners when establishing an online brand community to advance consumer engagement, community value, and brand symbolism. Impact on Society: Online brand community is relevant for brand owners to establish brand symbolism, community value, and customer engagement. Readers of this paper can gain an understanding that cognitive and social values are two important drivers of individual participation in online brand communities. The discussion of these two factors can give readers and brand owners the perception to gain more understanding on social and behavior activities in online brand communities. Future Research: Practitioners and researchers could follow-up in the future with a study to provide more understanding and updated research information from different perspectives of research samples and hypotheses on online brand community. Full Article
strat The Impacts of KM-Centred Strategies and Practices on Innovation: A Survey Study of R&D Firms in Malaysia By Published On :: 2022-01-17 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine the influences of KM-centred strategies on innovation capability among Malaysian R&D firms. It also deepens understanding of the pathways and conditions to improve the innovation capability by assessing the mediating role of both KM practices, i.e., knowledge exploration practices, and knowledge exploitation practices. Background: Knowledge is the main organisational resource that is able to generate a competitive advantage through innovation. It is a critical success driver for both knowledge exploration and exploitation for firms to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. Methodology: A total of 320 questionnaires were disseminated to Malaysian R&D firms and the response rate was 47 percent. The paper utilised structural equation modelling and cross-sectional design to test hypotheses in the proposed research model. Contribution: This paper provides useful information and valuable initiatives in exploring the mediating role of knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation in influencing innovation in Malaysian R&D firms. It helps R&D firms to frame their KM activities to drive the capability of creating and retaining a greater value onto their core business competencies. Findings: The findings indicate that all three KM-centred strategies (leadership, HR practices, and culture) have a direct effect on innovation. In addition, KM exploration practices mediate HR practices on innovation while KM exploitation mediates both leadership and HR practices on innovation. Recommendations for Practitioners: This paper serves as a guide for R&D managers to determine the gaps and appropriate actions to collectively achieve the desired R&D results and national innovation. It helps R&D firms frame their KM activities to enhance the capability of creating and retaining a greater value to their core business competencies. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper contributes significantly to knowledge management and innovation research by establishing new associations among KM-centred strategies, i.e., leadership, HR practices, and culture, both KM practices (knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation), and innovation. Impact on Society: This paper highlights the important role of knowledge leaders and the practice of effective HR practices to help R&D firms to create a positive environment that facilitates both knowledge exploration and knowledge exploitation in enhancing innovation capabilities. Future Research: Further research could use a longitudinal sample to examine relationships of causality, offering a more comprehensive view of the effect of KM factors on innovation over the long term. Future research should also try to incorporate information from new external sources, such as customers or suppliers. Full Article
strat Learning Object Systems and Strategy: A Description and Discussion By Published On :: Full Article
strat E-learning as a Strategy of Acquiring a Company’s Intellectual Capital By Published On :: Full Article
strat Aptness between Teaching Roles and Teaching Strategies in ICT-Integrated Science Lessons By Published On :: Full Article
strat On-Line Project-Based Peer Assessed Competitions as an Instructional Strategy in Higher Education By Published On :: Full Article
strat The Effect of Engagement and Perceived Course Value on Deep and Surface Learning Strategies By Published On :: Full Article
strat Business Analytics as a Tool to Transforming Information into an Informing System: The Case of the On-Line Course Registration System By Published On :: 2017-06-18 Aim/Purpose: Sharing ideas generated in a Business Intelligence (BI) Applications class to upgrade an Information System in to an Informing System. Background: Course Registration is the essential university’s business process in a university that follows a liberal-arts education model. Almost all categories of users are involved, including students, individual faculties and departments, and administration. A typical Information System, designed to support this process, allows departments to schedule selected courses for a particular time slot and location, and allows students to choose courses to study for the semester. Methodology: The course project is to design a BI application. Domain knowledge is essential for such projects and course registration was the natural choice for this class. The assignment includes (1) identifying the categories of stakeholders; (2) identifying the information needs of different categories; (3) identifying available information sources; (4) identifying how is possible to acquire the additional data; and (5) designing the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process and interface scenarios in a way to inform clients. Contribution: Contributions are in two directions: (1) pedagogy - involving students in such a project motivates creativity, also enforcing students to think in cost-benefit framework may lead to creation of really effective and efficient solutions; (2) practice - implementation of some of the ideas could be with low cost, but with high impact. Findings: Exploring BI techniques may increase the informing value of existing Information Systems. Recommendations for Practitioners: Careful analysis of information needs and the way information is used, combined with deep domain knowledge and understanding the value provided by Data Mining techniques, is the way to initiate a process of transforming an Retrieval Information System to better inform clients. Recommendation for Researchers : Combining pedagogy with practice allows one to overcome routine thinking and may lead to effective solutions. This needs further structuring and research on outcomes. Impact on Society Transforming Information towards Informing Systems has a significant impact by allowing users to make rational data driven decisions in an efficient way. Future Research: The future of this project is implementation of developed ideas and assessment of the results. Impact on Society : Transforming Information towards Informing Systems has a significant impact by allowing users to make rational data driven decisions in an efficient way. Future Research: The future of this project is implementation of developed ideas and assessment of the results. Full Article
strat Pricing strategies in a risk-averse dual-channel supply chain with manufacturer services By Published On :: 2024-10-02T23:20:50-05:00 This paper studies a dual-channel supply chain consisting of one risk-averse manufacturer and one risk-averse retailer with stochastic demand. Herein, the manufacturer provides value-added services to enhance channel demand. First, the optimal pricing and service decisions of the channel members are investigated under different settings, i.e., the cooperative game, Bertrand game, and manufacturer Stackelberg (MS) game models. Second, the effects of channel members' risk aversion on optimal channel prices and expected utilities are analysed under the assumption that the manufacturer service is a decision variable and an exogenous variable, respectively. Third, sensitivity analysis and numerical simulation are performed to verify our propositions consistently and seek more managerial implications. The findings suggest that the manufacturer's value-added services in their direct channel will improve the direct price while decreasing the retail price. Consumers' channel loyalty degree has a great influence on the optimal price decisions and the performance of the channel members. The direct price increases while the retail price decreases in the manufacturer's value-added services. The retailer's risk aversion has a greater influence on price decisions than that of the manufacturer. Full Article
strat A data mining model to predict the debts with risk of non-payment in tax administration By Published On :: 2024-07-29T23:20:50-05:00 One of the main tasks in tax administration is debt management. The main goal of this function is tax due collection. Statements are processed in order to select strategies to use in the debt management process to optimise the debt collection process. This work proposes to carry out a data mining process to predict debts of taxpayers with high probability of non-payment. The data mining process identifies high-risk debts using a survival analysis on a dataset from a tax administration. Three groups of tax debtors with similar payment behaviour were identified and a success rate of up to 90% was reached in estimating the payment time of taxpayers. The concordance index (C-index) was used to determine the performance of the constructed model. The highest prediction rate reached was 90.37% corresponding to the third group. Full Article
strat Best Programmatic Advertising Strategies By Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:33:44 +0000 Best Programmatic Advertising Strategies Looking to craft a successful programmatic advertising strategy? This guide will outline key steps like setting goals, identifying your audience, and leveraging technology to boost your campaigns. Key Takeaways Programmatic advertising automates the ad buying process using machine learning and data analytics, significantly increasing efficiency and enabling precise targeting. [...] Full Article Programmatic Advertising digital marketing programmatic advertising
strat The Natural Environmental Strategies of International Firms: Controversies and New Evidence on Performance and Disclosure By Published On :: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 19:38:25 +0000 Previous academic and popular literature has raised important debates concerning the contradictory incentives of international firms to reduce their environmental impacts and offer transparent environmental information about their operations. As an exhaustive review of this literature reveals mixed and partial evidence, we compared the individual corporate environmental performance and disclosure of the 100 most international non-financial firms in the world to those of 16,023 firms in their industries and a group of matched pairs of firms for three different years. Our results show that although the top international firms have a much better record of environmental disclosure than the firms within their industries and the matched pairs, the top international firms also show worse environmental performance than their peers. The results suggest that the top international firms seek legitimation for their environmental activities by means of voluntary disclosure. Full Article
strat Taking historical embeddedness seriously: Three historical approaches to advance strategy process and practice research By Published On :: Tue, 04 Aug 2015 12:03:27 +0000 Despite the proliferation of strategy process and practice research, we lack understanding of the historical embeddedness of strategic processes and practices. In this paper, we present three historical approaches with the potential to remedy this deficiency. First, realist history can contribute to a better understanding of the historical embeddedness of strategic processes; in particular, comparative historical analysis can explicate the historical conditions, mechanisms, and causality in strategic processes. Second, interpretative history can add to our knowledge of the historical embeddedness of strategic practices, and microhistory can specifically help to understand the construction and enactment of these practices in historical contexts. Third, poststructuralist history can elucidate the historical embeddedness of strategic discourses, and genealogy can in particular increase our understanding of the evolution and transformation of strategic discourses and their power effects. Thus, this paper demonstrates how in their specific ways historical approaches and methods can add to our understanding of different forms and variations of strategic processes and practices, the historical construction of organizational strategies, and historically constituted strategic agency. Full Article
strat Review: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders, Globalization, and Sustainable Value Creation By Published On :: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 20:36:16 +0000 In Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (3rd edition) (SCSR), David Chandler and William B. Werther Jr. advance the view that the ability of firms to create value for a range of stakeholders over the medium- and long-term requires that they embed CSR into their strategies and operations. Its focus on the integration of CSR into strategic planning and implementation distinguishes SCSR from competing business and society textbooks, which tend to survey the field or focus on the management of the firm's relationships with stakeholders and society. Full Article
strat Beyond Nonmarket Strategy: Market Actions as Corporate Political Activity By Published On :: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 19:22:57 +0000 Many firms seek to manage their legal and regulatory environments by influencing policymakers. Typically, researchers have focused on how firms use nonmarket actions, including lobbying, campaign contributions, and related activities, to gain policy influence. We argue that firms may also seek to change the effects of policies through market actions. Market actions may lead to both formal policy change (i.e., transformations of codified rules) and interpretive policy change (i.e., transformations of the effects of rules without changes in their codified form). We identify two pathways by which firms' market actions may produce interpretive policy change: implementation and innovation. Implementation-driven change occurs when firms' interpretations of incomplete laws alter and clarify the meaning of those laws. Innovation-driven change occurs when firms engage in novel activities that are difficult to interpret within existing regulatory frameworks, and thus alter the effects of those regulations. We then theorize how firms' market actions may complement traditional, nonmarket political mobilization in an analysis of sequences of formal and interpretive policy change. Full Article
strat Vote YES! for Brandon Herrera to Lead the Trump Administration’s ATF By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 15:42:51 +0000 With Herrera as ATF director, there’s a real opportunity to bring accountability, strip away flawed regulations, & dismantle the entire diseased temple. Full Article Gun Rights News Shooting Industry News Brandon Herrera Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms & Explosives ATF President Trump Rogue Agencys
strat Illinois Assault Weapon Ban and Registration Ruled Unconstitutional By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:00:28 +0000 Federal District Judge Stephen P. McGlynn has ordered a permanent injunction against enforcement of the Illinois "assault weapon" and magazine ban on November 8, 2024. The order will probably be appealed to the Seventh Circuit. Full Article Gun Rights News Assault Weapon Ban Dean Weingarten Gun Rights Illinois
strat Illustrate & Morph-O-Matic bundle By Published On :: 7 Nov 2001 16:08:38 GMT Full Article
strat Shopify. How to enable user registration By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jan 2020 08:46:45 +0000 This tutorial shows how to enable user login/registration in Shopify. The post Shopify. How to enable user registration appeared first on Template Monster Help. Full Article Shopify Tutorials registration Shopify user
strat Biden administration hits back at Venezuela's election fraud with new sanctions By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 19:40:12 +0500 Top court and electoral, military officials among 16 targetted as US aims to push Maduro into negotiations Full Article World
strat Bilawal, Mengal agree on joint strategy for budget By Published On :: Sun, 28 Jun 20 00:50:02 +0500 Both leaders express concern over spread of coronavirus in country Full Article Sindh Balochistan
strat Pakistan calls for 'redefining' climate finance strategy to help vulnerable nations By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 18:32:00 +0500 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressing the Climate Finance Roundtable Conference, hosted by Pakistan, on the sidelines of COP29 Climate Action Summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, November 12, 2024. — PIDDebt can't be accepted as "new normal” in... Full Article
strat Biden administration's 'dismal' China policy faulted on Capitol Hill By Published On :: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:15:38 -0400 The Biden administration has failed to win the strategic competition with China through ineffective policies toward Beijing, the senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said this week. Full Article
strat MCE2025: Gold Plus Registration- 3 Payments of $449USD billed 30 days apart By Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:58:34 EDT MCE2025: Gold Plus Registration- 3 Payments of $449USD billed 30 days apartPrice: $449.00 Full Article
strat MCE2025: Gold Plus Guest Registration- 3 Payments of $449USD billed 30 days apart By Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 09:59:09 EDT MCE2025: Gold Plus Guest Registration- 3 Payments of $449USD billed 30 days apartPrice: $449.00 Full Article
strat Fritz frustrates Medvedev and the Russian loses his temper at the ATP Finals By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 10:07:51 -0500 U.S. Open finalist Taylor Fritz benefitted from a questionable serving decision by Daniil Medvedev and frustrated his opponent so much that the Russian broke his racket and was docked a point in a 6-4, 6-3 victory for the American in the opening match of the ATP Finals on Sunday. Full Article
strat Fritz frustrates Medvedev and the Russian loses his temper at the ATP Finals. Sinner beats De Minaur By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 17:06:52 -0500 U.S. Open finalist Taylor Fritz frustrated Daniil Medvedev to the point that the Russian smashed his racket and was docked a point in a 6-4, 6-3 victory for the American in the opening match of the ATP Finals on Sunday. Full Article
strat Trump picks Tom Homan, former acting ICE director, as 'border czar' for incoming administration By Published On :: Sun, 10 Nov 2024 23:44:21 -0500 President-elect Donald Trump says that Tom Homan, his former acting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement director, will serve as "border czar" in his incoming administration. Full Article
strat Amazon CEO rebukes claim that return-to-office mandate is covert layoff strategy By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 07:28:26 -0500 Amazon CEO Andy Jassy rejected claims made by some staff and analysts that the company's recently announced return-to-office strategy is a backdoor firing strategy. Full Article
strat 2014 SCIENCE POLICY SYMPOSIUM to support the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive By Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 10:03:00 +0300 The 2014 SCIENCE POLICY SYMPOSIUM to support the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive will be held between 29-30 Jan 2014 in the Museum of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels. The symposium is jointly organised by the EU FP7 funded projects BioFresh and REFRESH. Numerous EU biodiversity and water related policies have been designed to protect freshwater ecosystems and ensure their sustainable use. However, major challenges still persist in the implementation of these policies. Freshwater ecosystems support 10% of all animal species on Earth and provide a diverse array of functions and services that contribute to human well-being. In recent decades global freshwater biodiversity has declined at a greater rate compared to terrestrial and marine ecosystems.The Science Policy Symposium for Freshwater Life is organised with the aim of bringing together policy makers and stakeholders from the water, energy and conservation sector, NGOs, the scientific community and selected experts to discuss challenges to implementing the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive. Contact: Full Article News
strat EU BON strategy workshop, 3 July 2014 By Published On :: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:15:00 +0300 The 3rd of July, an EU BON strategy workshop was held in Cambridge, to further determine the potential value that EU BON could have for both CBD as well as for IPBES. Multiple partners of EU BON discussed with Jerry Harrison of the WCMC, active expert of CBD and IPBES, and Matt Walpole, on the actual needs of both policy instruments, what EU BON can contribute and how its contributions can be most successful. Based on the hard work performed during the day, several general recommendations and a list with 7 focal actions was developed. The general recommendations to increase the visibility and credibility of EU BON outputs, also for the period after the project has ended, and are relevant for all outputs and events organised by EU BON; - the explicit inclusion of non-European colleagues and data – to demonstrate the added value of EU BON also outside the European context - searching actively to collaborate with other existing institutes like GEO BON and LTER – to demonstrate the longlivity of EU BON outputs - and publishing early on successful data integration demonstration cases – to demonstrate the scientific rigour and possibilities. The workshop was organised by CBRS and hosted by WCMC, just in time to start preparing for IPBES 3 which will be organised 12-17 January 2015 in Bonn. Participants were: Jerry Harrison, Matt Walpole, Eurgenie Regan, Corinne Martin, Cristina Secades, Annabel Crowther, Anke Hoffman, Florian Wetzel, Dirk Schmeller, Neill Brummit, Andrew McConville, Rob Doubleday and Ilse Geijzendorffer. Full Article News
strat Creative-B final event - Registration open By Published On :: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:36:00 +0300 The Creative-B project final even will take place on 26 Sep 2014 in Brussels. During this event, a roadmap of global data infrastructures supporting biodiversity and ecosystem research will be presented. In the last two decades quite a number of activities emerged to manage, share and deploy the fast growing data volumes from observations, collections, sensors and other data sources in biodiversity and ecosystem research. This data "gravity" pushed new applications and services, resulting in the development and establishment of large-scale research infrastructures. Following an initiative of the European LifeWatch research infrastructure, a number of large-scale data research infrastructures* with a global outreach in this scientific area teamed together in the project Creative-B (Coordination of Research e-Infrastructures Activities Toward an International Virtual Environment for Biodiversity)**. The collaboration resulted in drafting a global Roadmap focusing on common priorities and infrastructure engagement, enhancing infrastructure interoperability, and the legal and governance implications. Specific issues are addressing challenges to sustain data availability and services, user interaction and value delivery, cooperation for infrastructure interoperability as well as legal interoperability, and finally education and training. This Roadmap shows how global interaction is promoting complementary development while fostering synergy for supporting frontier research and addressing global and societal challenges. The event in Brussels will also highlight some implications for other stakeholders such as funding and governmental bodies. Registration is now open here: Find out more on the event website, and in the event program. Full Article News
strat Global Biodiversity Outlook 4: a mid-term assessment of progress towards the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 By Published On :: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:15:00 +0300 The 4th Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO 4) was officially launched on 6 Oct 2014, during the opening day of the Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 12) in Pyeongchang, Korea. Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) is the flagship publication of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is a periodic report that summarizes the latest data on the status and trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions relevant to the further implementation of the Convention. GBO 4 is a comprehensive report that serves as a mid-term analysis towards the 20 "Aichi Biodiversity Targets". The report states significant progress towards meeting some components of the majority of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Some target components, such as conserving at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas, are on track to be met. However, in most cases this progress is seen as not sufficient to achieve the targets set for 2020, and additional action is required to keep the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 on course. The full report can be accessed here: Full Article News
strat Registration open for the 10th GEO European Projects Workshop By Published On :: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 10:49:00 +0300 Registration for the "10th GEO European Projects Workshop" is now open until 2 May 2016. The event this year will take place in Berlin, Germany, spanning over three days from 31 May to 2 June 2016. To register and learn more, please click here. An EU BON-Team from the Museum für Naturkunde will also organize a Break Out Session at the event. The dedicated session #11 is called "Challenges for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Observation for the Next Ten Years", where several EU-projects will present their current and future activities with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem data, knowledge and contributions to the GEO work. This will be followed by interactive World Cafés: World Café desk I: EEA and policy – data/model/portal needs. World Café desk II: Follow-up joint products of GEO EU Biodiversity projects. World Café desk III: Strengthening the in-situ approach in GEO by biodiversity and ecosystem-related projects. World Café desk IV: Connecting with other GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs), e.g. Agriculture, Health. Full Article News
strat We’ve been busy: EU BON discusses its Biodiversity Portal prototype & strategies for focused biodiversity data mobilization By Published On :: Tue, 17 May 2016 17:48:00 +0300 April proved to be an eventful month for EU BON, hosting the presentation of two major project results, not only within the same month, but in the course of one week. While CSIC and partners were launching the beta-version of the long-waited Biodiversity Portal in Seville, another EU BON team was busy to search for Integrated approaches for focused biodiversity data mobilization in Stockholm. About the Portal: In a dedicated session at the WP2 meeting in Seville, Spain, EU BON partners had the chance to view their work for the last couple of years materialising into one of the main expected project results - the European Biodiversity Portal. That said, what was then presented on 29 April is a beta version, with the final release of the portal planned to become available in early 2017. Participants at the Seville Workshop, April 2016. Credit: A. Hoffmann Nonetheless, this beta version already addresses the main aim to offer a unique service for analysing and understanding biodiversity change in Europe. For instance, users can explore how relative abundance of species (within a larger group) changes over time by using big data mediated by GBIF. There is also a spatial browser for locating datasets in any part of the world, which may be usable for computing the EBVs for species populations. Additionally, an online analytical data processing (OLAP) toolbox has been included in this release. Based on GEOSS technology, the new portal lets users harvest and simultaneously access data from several directories, including GBIF, LTER, EuMon (coming), PESI, and GEOSS sources. This release also highlights the products of the EU BON project, including new methods and analyses packed in factsheets and infographics for the convenience of scientists and policy users alike. Explore the portal’s beta version here. Suggestions of how to develop the beta portal further towards the full release are appreciated. Use the feedback form at the welcome page. Integrated biodiversity data mobilization: It is a challenge for Bioinformatics group in Europe and around the world to find better ways to integrate different systems and technology. In EU BON’s Task 1.4 the approach to solving this issue was to integrate different systems managing natural history collections and molecular data systems using the best techniques available. In a dedicated workshop, which took place in Stockholm, Sweden, developers in the sphere of bioinformatics were presented with the project’s Data Mobilization Toolkit. This particular workshop was mainly focused on Docker as a tool to move towards a more integrated environment. Docker has revolutionized system integration and in the workshop the Swedish team shared their experience with dockerizing the DINA-system. Discussions during the Stockholm workshop; Credit: Karin Karlsson The workshop ended with a hackathon where they together explored the possibilities for using Docker in selected parts of integrating Pluto-F, JACQ and DINA. Full Article News
strat New RIO contribution: Summary report and strategy recommendations for EU citizen science gateway for biodiversity data By Published On :: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 10:19:00 +0200 A new report has been added to the dedicated EU BON Outputs Collection in the innovative RIO journal. The paper reviews biodiversity related citizen science in Europe, specifically the data mobilization aspect and gives an overview of citizen science related activities in the project EU BON. In addition, recommendations for a Pan-European citizen science gateway and data mobilization efforts will be given, with the aim of filling in existing biodiversity data gaps. Also the EU BON citizen science gateway is described, which is a part of the European Biodiversity Portal ( with citizen science related products. Citizen science is a vital element for EU BON with regards to biodiversity information sources that provide data for research and policy-making. CS data are used by many research institutes, public organisations and local data portals. CS data offer volumes of field data, which would otherwise not be possible to collect with the limited resources of research institutes and agencies. Thus one of the main targets for EU BON is to make CS data available through various efforts, for example through networking and by using new technologies for data mobilisation. Overall, one of the main goals of a common EU citizen science Gateway is to integrate CS data for European biodiversity research. EU BON also seeks to develop a strategy for achieving this goal and encourages educational aspects of citizen science through networking and the development of tools. Original Source: Runnel V, Wetzel F, Groom Q, Koch W, Pe’er I, Valland N, Panteri E, Kõljalg U (2016) Summary report and strategy recommendations for EU citizen science gateway for biodiversity data. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e11563. Full Article News
strat ALTER-Net Conference 2013: Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:54:00 +0200 The primary focus of the conference will be the objectives and targets of the EU's 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, which should be realized by the end of this decade. Being a science-policy interface network, ALTER-Net wants to help the EU in realizing these targets by providing scientific knowledge, e.g. by pointing out possible weaknesses, opportunities and necessities, and by helping to find solutions and evidence-based actions. Event web page: ALTER-Net Conference 2013. Full Article Events
strat 2014 SCIENCE POLICY SYMPOSIUM to support the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive By Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 09:36:00 +0300 The 2014 SCIENCE POLICY SYMPOSIUM to support the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive will be held between 29-30 Jan 2014 in the Museum of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels. The symposium is jointly organised by the EU FP7 funded projects BioFresh and REFRESH. Numerous EU biodiversity and water related policies have been designed to protect freshwater ecosystems and ensure their sustainable use. However, major challenges still persist in the implementation of these policies. Freshwater ecosystems support 10% of all animal species on Earth and provide a diverse array of functions and services that contribute to human well-being. In recent decades global freshwater biodiversity has declined at a greater rate compared to terrestrial and marine ecosystems.The Science Policy Symposium for Freshwater Life is organised with the aim of bringing together policy makers and stakeholders from the water, energy and conservation sector, NGOs, the scientific community and selected experts to discuss challenges to implementing the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive. Full Article Events
strat Adaptation Strategies to Global Environmental Change in the Mediterranean City (Athens, Greece) By Published On :: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 09:48:00 +0200 The international Conference will explore the potential of earth observations and thrust climate information transfer from the science to the stakeholder application realm, in order to develop suitable adaptation measures at national and regional levels. It will identify best adaptation programs and approaches to global environmental change in Mediterranean-climate cities. It will enhance and strengthen European and international cooperation in the context of the activities within the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), and promote tools and options for adaptation strategies. The Conference will help local and regional authorities and stakeholders to gain insight on the role of EO-based services in adapting to climate chance impacts in urban hot- spot areas. The Conference will be followed for one and a half day by the 8th GEO European Project Workshop which will be the opportunity to present concrete examples of Earth Observation activities relevant to adaptation strategies. Information and registration: Full Article Events
strat Basics of Taxonomy: describing, illustrating and communicating biodiversity, a DEST course By Published On :: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 09:40:00 +0300 The 5th edition of the DEST course "Basics of Taxonomy" is co-organised with the Scandinavian Research School in Biosystematics (ForBio). The course will take place from 10 to 21 October 2016 at the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences, Kristineberg. Course topics covered: DELTA, digital drawing, scientific illustration, scientific writing and communication, Scratchpads. For more infromation and to register, please go to: Full Article Events
strat Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 By Published On :: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 13:30:32 +0200 Full Article Events
strat D8.2 Dissemination and Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan By Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:27:51 +0300 Full Article Events
strat Estimating the cost of different strategies for measuring farmland biodiversity: Evidence from a Europe-wide field evaluation By Published On :: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 10:33:15 +0300 Full Article Events
strat D6.2 Policy paper on strategies to overcome barriers for data mobilization and use in conservation policy By Published On :: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 11:41:00 +0300 Full Article Events