med Had My ESA Medical Yesterday. By Published On :: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 12:42:00 +0000 Regular readers will be aware that I have been campaigning against the austerity cuts our government is imposing on the UK and the effect they are having on disabled people. The benefiits system is being changed, and the benefit I currently recieve is called Income Support, this is being phased out and everyone is being put onto the new disability benefit ESA. As this happens many disabled people are having their benefits cut or completely stopped as a result of being unfairly declared fit for work by the flawed capability assessment, at the same time as services for us are also being cut, a huge accident waiting to happen I'm sure you'll agree. In fact things are already terrible, people are commiting suicide after having their benefits stopped or just from fear of having to go to the medical. Others have died from the stress of having to appeal whilst genuinely ill. I read only a couple of days about a woman who died as the stress of all these changes was too much, and a week later her mother also died after witnessing her daughters money being stopped and her eventual death at the stress of appealing. There are many cases like the one I have mentioned above yet the government are still pressing ahead with these cuts to disability benefits, even though almost daily rich people are being exposed as tax evaders and bankers who have actually failed us terribly are still receiveing pay offs and bonuses. I finally had my medical yesterday, it wasn't as bad as I thought as the asessment has been changed to suit people with mental illness better (previously everyone was given the same assessment regardless of their disability, which is grossly unfair to people with mental illness). So I wasn't asked to do any strange physical tests as others have, they just asked me about my mental health. The woman was really nice but it's not her decision what happens next. I will either be put into the "support" group where I will be repeated re-assessed but not have to go to the job center or be forced to try and find work. Or I could be placed in the "Work related activity group" where I will have to go to work focused interviews and after a year my disability benefits will completely stop and I will have to sign on to the benefit designed for people who are fit to work. If this happens then it will be the end for me as I am not fit to work, I've chronic anxiety based depression since childhood and as a result of that have social anxiety and insomnia. So I don't sleep, can't get up early and on some days can't even talk to anyone or leave the flat. Unemployment where I live is incredibly high compared to the rest of the country anyway so the chances of a woman who can't be on time for work or even come in some days beating someone who is in goood health are zero, I have no chance of finding work. In fact I don't even meet the criteria to sign on JSA so will probably end up homeless as my rent will not be paid. I just have to pray it's the support group. Full Article anxiety based depression ATOS medical depression and anxiety ESA mental health support group Work related activity group
med Vijesti :: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:59:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore denPostano: 12.11.2024. 11:59 (GMT 1) Dana 11. studenog 2024., točno u 11 sati i 11 minuta, u Svečanoj dvorani Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku potpisan je sporazum o suradnji između Akademije i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine. Sporazum su uime institucija potpisali dekanica Akademije, akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić, i dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo, predsjednik Komore. Sporazum označava početak suradnje između jedinstvene umjetničko-znanstvene institucije u zemlji i strukovne organizacije koja predstavlja dentalnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je sporazuma objediniti znanje i resurse kako bi se postigli viši standardi u razumijevanju i unaprjeđenju zajedničkih područja djelovanja koji se protežu kroz edukaciju, zdravstvo, kulturu i interdisciplinarne projekte koji se razvijaju na specijalističkom studiju Kreativnih terapija pri Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku. „Ovim partnerstvom želimo otvoriti nove mogućnosti suradnje u području obrazovanja i profesionalnog razvoja te omogućiti razmjenu iskustava između umjetničko-znanstvene zajednice i medicinske struke“, istaknula je akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić. „Akademija i Komora mogu se zajedničkim naporima baviti istraživanjem novih pristupa u edukaciji kao i poticanjem šireg društvenog dijaloga o važnosti holističkog pristupa zdravlju.“ Predsjednik Komore dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo naglasio je da sporazum predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za razvoj novih standarda u edukaciji o zdravstvenoj kulturi i prevenciji. „Spoj umjetničkog i znanstvenog pristupa, uz medicinsku ekspertizu, omogućuje nam da dublje sagledamo utjecaj koji zdravlje ima na svakodnevni život, ali i na kulturu i društvenu dinamiku. Vjerujemo da će se kroz ovu suradnju razvijati inovativni pristupi obrazovanju i informiranju javnosti,“ izjavio je dr. Pezo. Tekst i foto: Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku Full Article
med Vijesti :: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub Slavonija By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:53:36 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja za Dizački klub SlavonijaPostano: 12.11.2024. 16:53 (GMT 1) Proteklog vikenda održano je Prvenstvo Hrvatske za žene i muškarce U-23 u Vukovaru. Dizački klub Slavonija predstavljali su 12 natjecatelja i natjecateljica. - Stipe Živalj (kategorija do 61 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Urban Dergez (kategorija do 73 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Teo Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Tin Krišto (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Leo Štivić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 8. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Ivan Gazdić (kategorija do 89 kg) – 5. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Sven Kroflin (kategorija do 96 kg) – 1.mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Ema Štivić (kategorija do 64 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu• - Željka Milković (kategorija do 71 kg) – 3. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Blanka Jurić (kategorija do 76 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Anastasija Sarkić (kategorija do 81 kg) – 2. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu - Luna Varga (kategorija +87 kg) – 1. mjesto u trzaju, izbačaju i biatlonu Ovime je Dizački klub Slavonija kući nosio 15 brončanih, 9 srebrnih i 6 zlatnih medalja. Osim pojedinačnog poretka, mogu se pohvaliti i ekipnim. Žene su odnijele 2. mjesto u ekipnom poretku, a muški 1. mjesto. Čestitamo svim natjecateljima, posebno našim članovima. Neka nastave trenirati kao i dosad, predano i disciplinirano i rezultati će se pokazati sami, kažu iz kluba. Tekst i foto: DK Slavonija Full Article
med Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav" By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:14:56 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav"Postano: 13.11.2024. 8:14 (GMT 1) Tomislav Primorac, poznati stand-up komičar i predstavnik SplickeScene, sa showom „Ja sam ti takav“ stiže u Centar za kulturu Čepin. Nastupit će u petak, 15. studenog 2024. u 20 sati. O komičaru Tomislavu Primorcu Ovaj stand-up komičar prepoznatljiv je po svom britkom humoru i specifičnom stilu. Opisuje se kao „poludalmatinac“ i „poluhercegovac“ te kao mitološko biće kojeg se boje svi Purgeri. Iako je diplomirani fizičar, odlučio je krenuti putem komedije, što je izazvalo razočaranje njegovih roditelja. Njegov je životni san da bude zapamćen poput Nikole Tesle – ali ne iz altruističnih razloga, već da bi se Dalmatinci i Hercegovci svađali na temu čiji je. Njegov humor balansira između svakodnevnih situacija i dubljih promišljanja o životu. Cilj mu je pronaći ga u onome što svi proživljavaju. Publiku svih uzrasta - od studenata do sredovječnih muškaraca i baka - uspijeva nasmijati svojom domišljatošću i logikom. O showu „Ja sam ti takav“ Show „Ja sam ti takav“ dinamičan je i emotivno duboko uronjen u svakodnevni život. Primorac koristi humor kako bi razotkrio obiteljske odnose, kulturne razlike i jezične analize, pri čemu se obraća svima - bez obzira na dob ili društveni status. Ovaj show pruža priliku za smijeh i razmišljanje o životu kroz komične, ali istinite situacije. „Ne propustite priliku za uživanje u ovom jedinstvenom stand-up iskustvu u Čepinu. Garantiramo večer prepunu smijeha i dobre energije“, poručili su Arlekin Comedyja, organizatora ovog događanja. Kako do ulaznica? Ulaznice se prodaju po cijeni od 10 eura. Mogu se kupiti online u sustavima Core event i Adriaticket. Fizička prodaja vrši se na lokacijama: caffe bar Onyx, TISAK+ (Gacka ulica 10), TISAK Media Portanova (uz dodatni trošak od 1 eura). Rezervacije su moguće pozivom na broj 098 977 25 41 (Arlekin Comedy), na kojem je moguće dobiti i dodatne informacije. Full Article
med The Carnival of Comedy By Published On :: Fri, 12 May 2006 18:23:00 -0700 The Carnival of Comedy is being hosted this week by the faux doctor himself Dr. Phat Tony so be sure to check it out.Related links: daily fisk, entertainment, fun, funny humor, humour Full Article
med U.S. Can't Ban Media Coverage of New Orleans By Published On :: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 11:17:00 -0700 CNN Wins the Right to Cover the Search for Bodies of Katrina Victims: On the one hand we're fed up with government trying to sanitise the carnage. They do this not for our benefit but to minimize public outrage.In explaining the ban, Ebbert said (the city's homeland security director), "we don't think that's proper" to let members of the media view the bodies.But on the other hand the media want to cover it because they know that drama and horror sells."In an e-mail to CNN staff, CNN News Group President Jim Walton said the network filed the the lawsuit to "prohibit any agency from restricting its ability to fully and fairly cover" the hurricane victim recovery process."And the political left want to exploit it for the "Perfect Political Storm".Unfortunately that is the world that we live in. The public are but pawns in this political game. Either way the dead and the suffering lose.Categories: blog bloke, daily fisk, political football, news, in the news, cnn, current affairs, current events, opinion, rant, ramblings, random thoughts, news and politics, politics, political, katrina, hurricane katrina, new orleans Full Article
med Media blamed for New Orleans debacle By Published On :: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 19:41:00 -0700 Hollywood meets the news; Drama + Hype = Ratings Dan Rather was taken to task by Mark Steyn of the Chicago Sun-Times over his comments on the 'Larry King Live'' show about the Katrina news coverage. Personally I like Dan, but ever since Rathergate he does seem to be in a habit of putting his foot in it:"They took us there to the hurricane," he told Larry. "They put the facts in front of us and, very important, they sucked up their guts and talked truth to power." According to Steyn, the media got it all wrong:"Er, no. The facts they put in front of us were wrong, and they didn't talk truth to power. They talked to goofs in power, like New Orleans' Mayor Nagin and Police Chief Compass, and uncritically fell for every nutso yarn they were peddled. The media swallowed more bilge than if they'd been lying down with their mouths open as the levee collapsed. Ten thousand dead! Widespread rape and murder! A 7-year-old gang-raped and then throat-slashed! It was great stuff -- and none of it happened. No gang-raped 7-year-olds. None."Dan Rather: "That frickin' Superdome," he raged. "Five days watching dead bodies, watching hooligans killing people, raping people." Stein:"But nobody got killed by a hooligan in the Superdome. The problem wasn't rape and murder, but the rather more prosaic lack of bathroom facilities. As Ben Stein put it, it was the media that rioted. They grabbed every lurid rumor and took it for a wild joyride across prime time. There was a real story in there -- big hurricane, people dead -- but it wasn't enough, and certainly not for damaging President Bush." Stein:"How appropriate that it should be Dan Rather, always late to yesterday's conventional wisdom, to bless the media's fraudulent coverage of Katrina." He makes a good point doesn't he? CNN is the worst. It's a good thing we have bloggers to keep them in line.tags: political football news in the news news headlines headline news current affairs current events opinion rant ramblings random thoughts news and politics politics political katrina hurricane katrina new orleans afghanistan Full Article
med 'Pajamas Media' Network for Elitist Bloggers only: By Published On :: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 15:31:00 -0700 The innocence of its name belies the true nature of this new virtual organism. Meaning? PJs is a powerplay by a handful of elitist bloggers to carve out a new media empire for their personal (and financial) gratification."Pajamas Media, a new blogging venture designed to bring together top online writers, journalists and commentators under a single umbrella, today unveiled its editorial board as it prepares for its formal debut next month.The announcement comes as Pajamas Media further realizes its vision of coalescing the internet's brightest minds and most compelling content into a single source that will, in turn, complement and re-define journalism in the 21st century."So there you have it folks. The brightest stars in the virtual firmament who are going to "re-define journalism in the 21st century".Can you believe the hype? The kahunas! A bunch of pompous self-serving goofballs if there ever was. And speaking of balls, here I thought re-defining journalism is what the blogosphere is all about, even without the help of PJs et al. Silly me.They are touting Glenn Reynolds as one of their greatest acquisitions. I must confess that I am all the more enlightened from his inspired and in depth analysis. Spewing his best Spock impersonations such as "indeed" and "indeed", or one of my personal favorites... "indeed".Do you think perhaps they might (hopefully) consider (God willing) allowing us insignificant pee-ons add our (albeit smallish) comments to their omnipoobah flatulation? Well try this one on for size:"Golly gee Instapundit, you sure are great. I was really hoping that if you might possibly consider linking to me some time. Pretty please, and I promise to forever be your grovelling fan... pant, pant, drool."Or will it be the same old droning monologue we're all accustomed to - the sermon from the mount a la Instapun style.Hell, if we wanted sermons we can always watch Anderson Cooper 360 report to the CNN situation room. So much for a blogging community folks.Guys, you've got it all mixed up. If you want a one-sided conversation find a soap box and run for public office. Or better still make an application to CNN.If you want to write a book then write the stinkin' book. If you want to build an exclusive empire so you can call the shots, give Bill Gates a call. But if you want to blog, join the community.BUT damn it choose, because they're different. Got it? (Are you listening Glenn)?Can somebody please explain to me how all this nonsense benefits the blogosphere? Oh yeah right, I forgot - it doesn't.It sounds more like Al Gore's reinvention of the internet than anything else. So let's be clear boys and girls - it is the technology and all of our collective efforts that has re-defined journalism. Not just a few arrogant twits.Not since the invention of the printing press has so much been given to the common folk. It is its inclusive, collaborative nature and community spirit that gives blogging its influential power. HELLO! Are you listening? The blogosphere is not the exclusive playground of an old-boys network trying to elevate itself above the rest of us mere mortals.That is bass-ackwards thinking, destructive and the last thing we need. Another media empire of self-important opportunists believing in their own press, shovelling verbal poop down our collective throats.Think about it. Did we take down Dan Rather just to create a job opening for Reynolds? I don't think so. Personally I'd rather have Dan back (no pun intended). And for that matter I hear he's looking for work. Any takers?It's the same old story. If it becomes popular the politicians have to control it, and the capitalists want to exploit it.Not that I object to making money from blogging. God knows I could use the extra coin. But it is their elitist business model and its ominous implications that I find offensive.It's called good old fashioned exploitation. The great American way. Look out Weblogs here we come. Mark my words. The blogosphere is on the fast track to being hijacked by the control freaks and big business interests.More restrictive laws and government intervention. Acquisitions and mergers, IPO offerings, get-rich-quick dot-com scam artists, media moguls, ABC, MSNBC, FOX, Pajamas party, whatever.Sounding all too familiar? PJs is a cash grab. Plain and simple. And for whose benefit? The way it reads right now PJs will benefit only a few elitists, that's who.Perhaps it got lost in the translation, but until they can find a more inclusive model the blogosphere needs this shite like a hole in the head.```UPDATE: An Open Letter to Roger SimonSource: daily FISK!tags: political football Full Article
med Internet Scams: Don't Get Scammed this Holiday Season says FBI By Published On :: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 19:55:00 +0000 Be wary of e-mails or text messages that indicate a problem or question regarding your financial accounts. Criminals will attempt to direct victims to click a link or call a number to update an account or correct a purported problem. The links may appear to lead you to legitimate websites, but they are not. Any personal information you share on them could be compromised. Internet Scams: Don't Get Scammed this Holiday Season says FBI Full Article
med Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede By Published On :: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 05:54:00 CDT All TV channels worldwide suddenly begin to show a nonstop, noninterruptible live performance by Buddy Holly originating from a Jovian moon. Oliver Vale is the apparent object of the broadcasts. Story elements relevant to TTM include TV, a drive-in theater, 60s/70s/80s pop music and culture, and the Kansas/Oklahoma setting. Free ebook. More in GB 321. Full Article
med KMOD: The Adventures of Ganymede Jones By Published On :: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 18:09:00 CDT Sci-fi radio serial which aired on Tulsa station KMOD for one season in 1977. More in GB 321. Full Article
med Update on Buddy Holly/Ganymede movie By Published On :: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 08:00:00 CDT The author of the original book, Bradley Denton, has an update on the status of the movie with a link to the movie's Facebook page in GB 321. Full Article
med Buddy Holly/Ganymede movie teaser By Published On :: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 19:25:00 CDT Jon Heder is the star of a movie now in production: "Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede". Plot recap: All TV channels worldwide show a noninterruptible live performance by Buddy Holly originating from a Jovian moon. Oliver Vale is the apparent object of the broadcasts. Story elements relevant to TTM include TV, a drive-in theater, 60s/70s/80s pop music and culture, and the Kansas/Oklahoma setting (book only). YouTube and links in GroupBlog 324. Full Article
med Silent Comedy in B.A. tonight By Published On :: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 00:25:00 CDT Jim Reid will be doing a show with the Tulsa Theater Organ Society at 7 pm on Friday, June 17 at the Broken Arrow campus of the Tulsa Technology Center at 129th E. Ave (Olive) and 111th St. He''ll be running his 16mm prints of what he considers the funniest silent shorts, accompanied by organists playing a vintage 1920s theater organ. More in GroupBlog 328. Full Article
med Jesus Is My Happiness Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle. Full Article
med Caffeine Molecule Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile shows that you are proud to be powered by the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2. - Yes, it's true; caffeine makes the world go around. Whether it’s in coffee, soda, energy drink or whatever, it seems that caffeine keeps everything going. If you are one of those people (or knows someone that is) that gets their energy and staying power from the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2 then you need this 3d design of the caffeine molecule structure. Full Article
med Canadian Biker Cross Framed Tile By Published On :: Framed Tile Featuring the Canadian Flag Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross - A maltese biker cross made from the Canadian flag for those bikers, chopper riders and motorcylists that are proud to be from Canada as they ride their motorcycles, scooters, choppers and bikes not only in Canada, but around the world. Makes an excellent gift for anyone that is from Canada, is Canadian and loves the freedom that can only be found on two wheels. Full Article
med Chocolate Therapy Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate". Full Article
med Golf Therapy Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile proclaims that for you, playing golf is so much better and heathier than visiting with any kind of therapist - It's very true; sometimes the best way to work things out mentally is to get out on the golf course for a few hours and wack that little white ball for a few hours. There is just something about getting out in the open, breathing in the fresh air and going for a walk along the 18 holes of a beautiful golf course focusing your mind and energy on hitting that great next shot to clear your mind of other distractions and problems of life. It is amazing how solutions to some of life's problems can just appear to you when you get your mind off of them when you can step away from them and concentrate in a relaxing way to other things, like playing a round of golf. No matter how well you play, "For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's golf". Full Article
med I'm Not Old, I'm Retro Framed Tile By Published On :: With this Framed Tile, you can declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool, youthful and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". - I am not old! I am Retro! Do you think you are old? Have you ever felt old? Just remember, you are only as old as you feel, you are only old if you let yourself feel old. Nowadays, with retro styles, retro attitudes and all things of the past being very hip, cool and popular, it is even easier not to feel old and not be old. Now is your chance to declare to yourself and to the world that you are not old. Declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". After all, you are not old, you are retro! Full Article
med Jesus Therapy Framed Tile By Published On :: With this Framed Tile you can share with the world that Jesus Christ is your therapist, He is better than any therapy that has ever existed, He is your healer, your counselor, and your guide. - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's Jesus. Trusting, believing and following Jesus Christ is better than anything that any therapist can do. When we allow Jesus to be our guide, our counselor, and friend we know that all things through Him will be full of peace, love, happiness and genuine satisfaction because it will be right. The personal pressure it takes off our shoulders is awesome when we trust in Jesus, because we no longer have to worry about doing anything, except believe in Him and His promises and allow Him to work out everything else. It is an awesome and wonderful feeling to allow Christ to be our therapist, counselor and guide by just asking Him how we should be and seeking His advice in the Bible. Everything else is up to Him to do, it doesn't get much better than that! And to think that His love, His advice, His salvation, His healing is all completely free, all we need to do is ask for it and believe in Him. Full Article
med No Evil, No Fun Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile announces that there just isn't any fun in not seeing any evil, hearing any evil or speaking any evil. - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Where is the fun in that? Evil or not, you have got to have some kind of fun sometime. Ok, maybe fun doesn't have to be evil, but sometimes being a little bit evil or sarcastic can be fun. Full Article
med The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all. Full Article
med Motorcycle Therapy Framed Tile By Published On :: For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Framed Tile - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride. Full Article
med Martial Arts Therapy Framed Tile By Published On :: This Framed Tile will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily. Full Article
med Approach With Caution Framed Tile By Published On :: WARNING: Approach With Caution Framed Tile - Let other people know that you need to be approached with caution with the "WARNING: Approach With Caution" 3D Industrial Metal Looking Sign Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Makes an excellent gift for those that are slighty tempermental too! Full Article
med TNP - Cholesterol Medical Studies By Published On :: Provides links to medical study abstracts that find cholesterol control to be an effective means of slowing, stopping or reversing coronary artery disease. Full Article
med Social Media Opportunities and Challenges in Digital Signage By Published On :: 2013-11-19T13:07:50-05:00 Back in 2010, when I was SVP of Social Media at the Advertising Research Foundation, a member in the mobile industry was interested in learning whether the opportunities in digital signage were right for the company to explore. I ended... Full Article
med Additional troops augmented in Region 8 to bolster campaign of ending local communist armed conflict By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 17:06:00 +0800 The 8th Infantry “Stormtroopers” Division welcomed the arrival of 2nd Howitzer Platoon, Bravo Company, 3rd Field Artillery Battery (3FAB), Armor Artillery Regiment (AAR), Philippine Army, in the region. Full Article
med LXer: Two of the Most Popular Privacy-Focused Projects Have Teamed Up! By Published On :: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 19:50:10 GMT Published at LXer: We are very fortunate to have some really cool organizations like Proton, Tuta, Mullvad VPN, and others that have been consistently working on providing privacy-focused products... Full Article Syndicated Linux News
med March 3rd 2013 Radio Heritage Foundation - New Media Release: Radio Heritage Advisory Group Vacancies By Published On :: If you're interested in global radio, here's a great opportunity to join the all volunteer team at the Radio Heritage Foundation for a short project starting April 1 2013... Full Article
med July 13th 2013 Radio Heritage Foundation - New Media Release: Two new Pacific stories this week By Published On :: Two new Pacific stories this week... Full Article
med Multimedia Downloads By Published On :: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 20:44:58 -0500 is a collection of only the best audio converters, rippers, editors, recorders, burners, text to speech, video encoders, decoders, DVD rippers, DVD burners, image batch converters and editors, and more. Full Article
med Media Preservation Residency Librarian, Librarian I – Fixed Term at Michigan State University By Published On :: Sun, 03 Nov 2024 16:36:46 +0000 The Michigan State University Libraries invites early career professionals to apply for our Residency in Media Preservation. This is a two-year project funded by the National Historical Preservation and Records Commission, and supports the work of the Media Preservation Unit in its effort to preserve the WKAR early television films within the University Archives and … Continue reading "Media Preservation Residency Librarian, Librarian I – Fixed Term at Michigan State University" Full Article Digital Library Jobs
med SA Median House Prices (September Quarter) By Published On :: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 20:35:00 +1030 SA median house prices. The biggest drop is within the Adelaide metro region. Regional SA prices have also dropped as well. With consumer confidence dropping, SA median house prices will continue to drop into the year 2009.SA median house prices Full Article property
med SA Median House Prices (December Quarter) By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 21:15:00 +0930 The latest South Australia median house prices for December 08 is up. Overall, both metropolitan and regional areas have dropped in prices. With the worldwide economy deteriorating and the Australian economy moving into recession, house prices will continue to drop. Full Article property
med Portable Media Expo - final thoughts By Published On :: 2005-11-13T13:49:30+00:00 Its 5am here in California and I’m awake. It’s either the excitement around the Portable Media Expo or the fact that my body still hasn’t adjusted to the time difference. It’s a good job I’ve been waking early because there... Full Article
med Medieval Monster By Published On :: A monster with a head for a body (original art by Ulysse Aldrovandi) descends a mountain in a painting by Giotto, then flies away. Full Article
med Jan 21, The HOME BIZ TRENDS Meditation Covers You to Make Your Passion a Home! By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 11:52:30 -0500 The HOME BIZ TRENDS offer three meditation services in business, love & politics. The HBT network helps you improve your life by stepping into the right passion. Full Article
med Loyd J Bourgeois Injury & Accident Lawyer Named 9th Fastest Growing LSU Graduate Led Business By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:29:00 -0500 Loyd J Bourgeois Injury & Accident Lawyer has ranked 9th on Louisiana State University’s 2024 LSU100 list of fastest-growing LSU graduate-owned or led companies. [] Full Article
med Big Blue Ceiling Unveils AuRA: an AI-Powered Revolution in Medical Research Reporting and More By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 03:00:00 -0500 Big Blue Ceiling, a leader in cutting-edge AI and autonomous research technology, is excited to announce AuRA (Autonomous Research Assistant), a groundbreaking AI-powered application set to transform medical research reporting. Built on IntellectCascade, Big Blue Ceiling’s Multiagentic and Multimodal AI framework, AuRA is poised to empower healthcare providers with real-time insights, reshaping patient engagement and [] Full Article
med Marya Salim Named Head of Marketing for AkzoNobel Automotive & Specialty Coatings North America By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:18:53 +0000 AkzoNobel (AKZA; AKZOY) announced that Marya Salim has joined the company as Regional Marketing Director for its North America Automotive & Specialty Coatings (ASC) business unit, reporting to John Griffin, North America Regional Director, and Commercial Director of ASC. In her new role, Marya is responsible for all marketing activities for AkzoNobel’s Vehicle Refinish, Commercial […] The post Marya Salim Named Head of Marketing for AkzoNobel Automotive & Specialty Coatings North America appeared first on CollisionWeek. Full Article News AkzoNobel People
med LKQ Subsidiary Keystone Automotive Operations Named 2024 Channel Partner of the Year by SEMA By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:21:50 +0000 LKQ Corporation (NASDAQ: LKQ) announced that Keystone Automotive Operations, a subsidiary of LKQ’s Specialty segment, received the Channel Partner of the Year Award at the 2024 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show in Las Vegas that brings together manufacturers and buyers within the automotive specialty equipment industry. In addition, Warn Industries, a segment of Keystone […] The post LKQ Subsidiary Keystone Automotive Operations Named 2024 Channel Partner of the Year by SEMA appeared first on CollisionWeek. Full Article News Awards Keystone Automotive Operations LKQ Corporation SEMA Show Specialty Equipment Market Association
med Rodolfo Ramirez Named VP Automotive Refinish at PPG Effective January 1 By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:17:02 +0000 Tom Maziarz, current VP, will move to traffic solutions business effective December 1. PPG (NYSE:PPG) today announced Rodolfo Ramirez, currently PPG vice president, packaging coatings, will become PPG vice president, automotive refinish, Americas, effective January 1. Ramirez will report to Chancey Hagerty, PPG senior vice president, automotive refinish. Tom Maziarz, currently PPG vice president, automotive […] The post Rodolfo Ramirez Named VP Automotive Refinish at PPG Effective January 1 appeared first on CollisionWeek. Full Article News People PPG
med Social Media is All About Engagement By Published On :: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 02:34:36 +0000 There's a clear difference between simply maintaining a social media presence and actually using the platform to engage with fans and followers. Social media really is all about engagement. This post takes a closer look at that and offers some tips and information on how to go about getting more interaction going on your Facebook or Twitter. The post Social Media is All About Engagement appeared first on Create + Design + Market. Full Article Better Business Online Marketing Social Media engagement facebook instagram online marketing pinterest reach snapchat TikTok twitter
med Medspa, Glowy By Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:06:38+01:00 Brazilian Waxing in Murphy | 318 W Farm To Market 544 Suite Full Article
med Lazy Turtle GamesAmazing Cruise - Mediterrean By Published On :: 2024-10-12T08:14:00+00:00 Cruising the Med can involve plenty of searching as this title reveals. Full Article
med Hugo Chavez Controls The Media By Published On :: 2007-05-28T09:48:55-05:00 This is absolutely true. There is no way to even debate the issue. The last independent news broadcaster RCTV in Venezuela was not given a licence renewal by Chavez today. It has been reported that this broadcaster, as well as... Full Article
med Alternative Medicine and Therapies What, Why and How of it By Published On :: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 13:03:44 +0600 Full Article
med Gold Medal Standard Gyms in Manchester By Published On :: September 25, 2012 Cyclist in Paralympic Games Sarah Storey and gyms in Manchester (UK) to suit your fitness and exercise workout needs. Full Article