
Genesis 46

Fr. Stephen De Young discusses Genesis Chapter 46.


Genesis 47

Fr. Stephen De Young discusses Genesis Chapter 47.


Genesis 48

Fr. Stephen De Young discusses Genesis Chapter 48.


Genesis 49-50

Fr. Stephen De Young discusses Genesis Chapters 49 and 50.



Who exactly belongs in the story of Jesus - the perfect as well as the imperfect, the sinner as well as the saint? Perhaps the true meaning of Christmas is more shocking than we first imagined.


The Genealogy of Jesus

Fr. Philip LeMasters explains our connection with the ancestors of Jesus.


Those Who Have Received Christ's Merciful Generosity Must "Go and Do Likewise"

It is terribly tragic when people fall into the delusion of thinking that they love God and neighbor, when in reality they are using religion to serve only themselves and the false gods of this world. One symptom of doing so is to narrow down the list of people who count as our neighbors to the point that we excuse ourselves from serving Christ in all who bear His image and likeness. When we do so, we disregard not only them, but our Lord Himself, the God-Man born for the salvation of all. Our actions then reveal that we are not truly united with Him because we seek to justify ourselves by serving nothing but our own vain imaginations.


Scattering Abroad and Thankful Generosity

This week we read 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, probing its beauty, and taking the cue from St. Paul that we should understand the mystery of generosity through Psalm 111/112.


Light from the Psalter 18: The Generous God

We consider the third grouping of Ascent Songs for Orthros, comparing them with their foundational Psalms LXX 125-128 (MT 126-129), and illumining them with reference to Col 1:9-14; Eph 4:4-8 and1 Cor 15:43. Everywhere, as we walk towards the light of the eighth day, the generosity of God is apparent.


Saint Genevieve and Saint Brigid

"Saint Genevieve" and "Saint Brigid" from Saints: Lives and Illuminations, written and illustrated by Ruth Sanderson, read with permission by Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2007.


Saint Genevieve

"Saint Genevieve," from Women of Faith, written by Calee M. Lee, illustrated by Lisa Graves (Xist Publishing, 2015)


Everything About Youth: The Lost Generation

Fr. Ted speaks at the Biennial Clergy-Laity Conference for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Canada in Vancouver.


How Life Begins (Genesis)

Fr. Harry Pappas, priest at Archangel Orthodox Church in Stanford, Connecticut, and an adjunct professor at St. Vladimir's, leads the seminary's second annual Public Lenten Retreat. Titled "Back to Basics: Old Testament and Life," his presentation is divided into three parts, the first of which, "How Life Begins," can be heard here.


The Genesis Creation Stories


The Genesis of Liberal Theology

I have been reading liberal theology since my college days—i.e. theologies which deny many, most, or all of the major tenets of the traditional Christian Faith. The theologies are as many and as varied as their authors, but they all share a conviction that Jesus of Nazareth didn’t say and do all the things which the New Testament recorded that He said and did, that the Gospels are not to be trusted as history, and that therefore the basic dogmas of the historical Church are wrong. The late Bishop John Spong (inset) is a modern and sterling example.


The Genealogy of Jesus

Sermon on the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ (Hebrews 11:9-10, 17-23, 32-40; Matthew 1:1-25)


Cultivating a Generous Spirit (Lk 16:19-31)

In the dramatic parable of the Lazarus and the Rich Man, the Lord teaches us the importance of sharing our wealth with those in need. Fr Thomas turns to the topic of generosity, and how it can transform our lives and even our parishes.


Free To Be Generous


The Three Joys of Generosity


The Paradox of Generosity


The Purposeful Discipline of Generosity


God's Generosity


Paradox of Generosity


The Paradox of Generosity


The Purposeful Discipline of Generosity


Our Generous God


Bioethics of Gene Editing: Interview with Dr. Gayle Woloschak

Dr. Albert Rossi interviews Dr. Gayle Woloschak on the topic of bioethics. Dr. Woloschak is a professor of Radiation Oncology at Northwestern University in Chicago and an adjunct professor of Religion and Science at Lutheran School of Theology Chicago, and at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, as well as Professor of Bioethics at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, NY.


Music Station Back Up and Generator Paid For!

Bobby Maddex interviews John Maddex again to get an update on the streaming music station. Special thanks to our anonymous donor who sent us $3,000 to cover the remaining expenses on our new generator and surge protection system. The donation was made on behalf of St. Cyprian of Carthage Orthodox Church in Richmond, Virginia. Thanks be to God!


Orthodox Generosity

Bobby Maddex interviews Alexei Krindatch, the Research Coordinator of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, about his new study on Orthodox generosity and giving to the Church.


The Call to a Generous Heart

Fr. Pat discusses the parable of the servant and the debt he owed to the king.


Three Generations of Faith

Father Pat compares the characteristics of faith in Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the events in their lives which shaped that faith.


Generosity, Freedom, and a Problem

There is no easy way to eternal life. We are made to know God, to love God, to serve God, and that is hard. Fr. Pat offers reflections on this via three theses.


Forty Two Generations!

What the heros and forefathers of the Old Testament could only dream about is yours for the having. So Come and See!


Demand generation vs lead generation: Do you need both?

Demand generation vs lead generation? Which should you use? You could be missing out on some qualified leads if you're not using both.

The post Demand generation vs lead generation: Do you need both? appeared first on Coaching and training to scale your copywriting business, plus programs for new copywriters, startups, and marketers.


Cyhoeddi prif swyddogion Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Benfro 2026

John Davies sydd wedi cael wedi ei benodi yn gadeirydd pwyllgor gwaith Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Sir Benfro 2026.


Irish general election to be held on 29 November

Voters in the Republic of Ireland will go to the polls in just three weeks time on Friday 29 November.


Last day for registering to vote in Irish general election

With the Irish general election coming up, BBC News NI explains how votes will be made and counted.


Taoiseach Simon Harris calls Irish general election

A general election in the Republic of Ireland has officially been called for Friday 29 November.


Tennis star inspiring next generation at old school

Justice Hall returns to her old primary school to encourage children of all backgrounds to try the sport.


Resort's regeneration plans at risk, warns council

Blackpool's £65m regeneration depends upon planning permission being granted, a public inquiry hears.


Remembrance poppy fundraisers bridge generations

Terry Clarkson and his granddaughter, Olivia, have raised thousands for the Royal British Legion.


General approach to translating Across projects out of Across

If you read my articles regularly, you are already know that I dislike Across. Across is difficult to use, does not offer feature that are readily available in other CAT tools, and rather slows me down during my work instead of … Continue reading


An Ontology based Agent Generation for Information Retrieval on Cloud Environment

Retrieving information or discovering knowledge from a well organized data center in general is requested to be familiar with its schema, structure, and architecture, which against the inherent concept and characteristics of cloud environment. An effective approach to retrieve desired information or to extract useful knowledge is an important issue in the emerging information/knowledge cloud. In this paper, we propose an ontology-based agent generation framework for information retrieval in a flexible, transparent, and easy way on cloud environment. While user submitting a flat-text based request for retrieving information on a cloud environment, the request will be automatically deduced by a Reasoning Agent (RA) based on predefined ontology and reasoning rule, and then be translated to a Mobile Information Retrieving Agent Description File (MIRADF) that is formatted in a proposed Mobile Agent Description Language (MADF). A generating agent, named MIRA-GA, is also implemented to generate a MIRA according to the MIRADF. We also design and implement a prototype to integrate these agents and show an interesting example to demonstrate the feasibility of the architecture.


Enhanced TCP BBR performance in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) and next-generation high-speed 5G networks

TCP BBR is one of the most powerful congestion control algorithms. In this article, we provide a comprehensive review of BBR analysis, expanding on existing knowledge across various fronts. Utilising ns3 simulations, we evaluate BBR's performance under diverse conditions, generating graphical representations. Our findings reveal flaws in the probe's RTT phase duration estimation and unequal bandwidth sharing between BBR and CUBIC protocols. Specifically, we demonstrated that the probe's RTT phase duration estimation algorithm is flawed and that BBR and CUBIC generally do not share bandwidth equally. Towards the end of the article, we propose a new improved version of TCP BBR which minimises these problems of inequity in bandwidth sharing and corrects the inaccuracies of the two key parameters RTprop and cwnd. Consequently, the BBR' protocol maintains very good fairness with the Cubic protocol, with an index that is almost equal to 0.98, and an equity index over 0.95.


Pattern of Plagiarism in Novice Students’ Generated Programs: An Experimental Approach


Teaching an Introductory Programming Language in a General Education Course


Generating a Template for an Educational Software Development Methodology for Novice Computing Undergraduates: An Integrative Review

Aim/Purpose: The teaching of appropriate problem-solving techniques to novice learners in undergraduate software development education is often poorly defined when compared to the delivery of programming techniques. Given the global need for qualified designers of information technology, the purpose of this research is to produce a foundational template for an educational software development methodology grounded in the established literature. This template can be used by third-level educators and researchers to develop robust educational methodologies to cultivate structured problem solving and software development habits in their students while systematically teaching the intricacies of software creation. Background: While software development methodologies are a standard approach to structured and traceable problem solving in commercial software development, educational methodologies for inexperienced learners remain a neglected area of research due to their assumption of prior programming knowledge. This research aims to address this deficit by conducting an integrative review to produce a template for such a methodology. Methodology: An integrative review was conducted on the key components of Teaching Software Development Education, Problem Solving, Threshold Concepts, and Computational Thinking. Systematic reviews were conducted on Computational Thinking and Software Development Education by employing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) process. Narrative reviews were conducted on Problem Solving and Threshold Concepts. Contribution: This research provides a comprehensive analysis of problem solving, software development education, computational thinking, and threshold concepts in computing in the context of undergraduate software development education. It also synthesizes review findings from these four areas and combines them to form a research-based foundational template methodology for use by educators and researchers interested in software development undergraduate education. Findings: This review identifies seven skills and four concepts required by novice learners. The skills include the ability to perform abstraction, data representation, decomposition, evaluation, mental modeling, pattern recognition, and writing algorithms. The concepts include state and sequential flow, non-sequential flow control, modularity, and object interaction. The teaching of these skills and concepts is combined into a spiral learning framework and is joined by four development stages to guide software problem solving: understanding the problem, breaking into tasks, designing, coding, testing, and integrating, and final evaluation and reflection. This produces the principal finding, which is a research-based foundational template for educational software development methodologies. Recommendations for Practitioners: Focusing introductory undergraduate computing courses on a programming syllabus without giving adequate support to problem solving may hinder students in their attainment of development skills. Therefore, providing a structured methodology is necessary as it equips students with essential problem-solving skills and ensures they develop good development practices from the start, which is crucial to ensuring undergraduate success in their studies and beyond. Recommendation for Researchers: The creation of educational software development methodologies with tool support is an under-researched area in undergraduate education. The template produced by this research can serve as a foundational conceptual model for researchers to create concrete tools to better support computing undergraduates. Impact on Society: Improving the educational value and experience of software development undergraduates is crucial for society once they graduate. They drive innovation and economic growth by creating new technologies, improving efficiency in various industries, and solving complex problems. Future Research: Future research should concentrate on using the template produced by this research to create a concrete educational methodology adapted to suit a specific programming paradigm, with an associated learning tool that can be used with first-year computing undergraduates.


Coding with AI as an Assistant: Can AI Generate Concise Computer Code?

Aim/Purpose: This paper is part of a multi-case study that aims to test whether generative AI makes an effective coding assistant. Particularly, this work evaluates the ability of two AI chatbots (ChatGPT and Bing Chat) to generate concise computer code, considers ethical issues related to generative AI, and offers suggestions for how to improve the technology. Background: Since the release of ChatGPT in 2022, generative artificial intelligence has steadily gained wide use in software development. However, there is conflicting information on the extent to which AI helps developers be more productive in the long term. Also, whether using generated code violates copyright restrictions is a matter of debate. Methodology: ChatGPT and Bing Chat were asked the same question, their responses were recorded, and the percentage of each chatbot’s code that was extraneous was calculated. Also examined were qualitative factors, such as how often the generated code required modifications before it would run. Contribution: This paper adds to the limited body of research on how effective generative AI is at aiding software developers and how to practically address its shortcomings. Findings: Results of AI testing observed that 0.7% of lines and 1.4% of characters in ChatGPT’s responses were extraneous, while 0.7% of lines and 1.1% of characters in Bing Chat’s responses were extraneous. This was well below the 2% threshold, meaning both chatbots can generate concise code. However, code from both chatbots frequently had to be modified before it would work; ChatGPT’s code needed major modifications 30% of the time and minor ones 50% of the time, while Bing Chat’s code needed major modifications 10% of the time and minor ones 70% of the time. Recommendations for Practitioners: Companies building generative AI solutions are encouraged to use this study’s findings to improve their models, specifically by decreasing error rates, adding more training data for programming languages with less public documentation, and implementing a mechanism that checks code for syntactical errors. Developers can use the findings to increase their productivity, learning how to reap generative AI’s full potential while being aware of its limitations. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers are encouraged to continue where this paper left off, exploring more programming languages and prompting styles than the scope of this study allowed. Impact on Society: As artificial intelligence touches more areas of society than ever, it is crucial to make AI models as accurate and dependable as possible. If practitioners and researchers use the findings of this paper to improve coders’ experience with generative AI, it will make millions of developers more productive, saving their companies money and time. Future Research: The results of this study can be strengthened (or refuted) by a future study with a large, diverse dataset that more fully represents the programming languages and prompting styles developers tend to use. Moreover, further research can examine the reasons generative AI fails to deliver working code, which will yield valuable insights into improving these models.


Evolution of academic research in French business schools (2008-2018): isomorphism and heterogeneity

In the perspective of institutional theory, business education is an institutional field, in which two major institutional forces are accreditations and rankings. In this context, French business schools (BS) have adopted an isomorphic response by starting to engage in research and publishing in academic journals. Studies have discussed their research as a new institutional trajectory. However, what remains unknown is how they differ from each other in such research dynamics. To bring new insights to the discussion, this quantitative study examines, over the period of 2008-2018, the evolution of research of French BS by systematically comparing the 'best' schools with other schools in all analyses. The results indicate a strong isomorphism in terms of publication quantity and productivity, scale of research collaboration and the internationalisation of research. However, these schools are heterogeneous in terms research quality and scale of international research collaboration, reflecting the diversity in their research strategy.