
IBM recibe premio como “Compañía de Nube de 2016” por Frost & Sullivan

: IBM anunció que recibió el premio de “Compañía de Nube de 2016” de la firma líder Frost & Sullivan. El premio reconoce el liderazgo de IBM en el mercado entregando un completo y totalmente integrado set de servicios de nube incluyendo IaaS, Paas, y SaaS.


IBM Announces Smart Analytics and Transactional Systems to Draw Key Insights from Vast Amounts of Data

IBM today announced new systems highly-tuned and optimised to help clients more quickly draw insights from vast amounts of data to anticipate emerging business trends, capture new opportunities and avoid risks. These new optimised systems support all environments in a data center, enabling clients to handle higher volumes of transactions and analyse data where it resides.


Tecnológico de Monterrey e IBM impulsan innovación con el primer Centro de Mercadotecnia Digital en LA

El Tecnológico de Monterrey e IBM en México abrieron hoy el Innovation & Digital Marketing Center en el Campus Santa Fe de esta institución, un espacio único en su tipo en Latinoamérica que ofrecerá a la comunidad universitaria y a los emprendedores herramientas de Analítica y Smarter Marketing.


El Tecnológico de Monterrey e IBM redefinen profesiones e industrias con Big Data

Estamos en un punto de inflexión en el que los datos resuelven problemas y dan resultados rápidos en formas nunca antes vistas. México requiere estar listo para esta nueva era en la que los negocios e instituciones están en constante evolución. Para lograrlo, los servicios y las tecnologías de información, y sobre todo el talento detrás de estos, son clave.


Premian Banorte e IBM apps de estudiantes del Tec de Monterrey que transforman servicios bancarios dirigidos a los jóvenes

Tres proyectos que proponen mejorar la interacción y la experiencia de los jóvenes usuarios con servicios bancarios móviles, fueron reconocidos hoy por Banorte, IBM y el Tec de Monterrey como resultado del Reto Banorte en el marco de la Semana i, que la institución educativa llevó a cabo del 21 al 25 de septiembre en todo el país.


Grupo Cleber obtiene una visión inteligente de su negocio automotriz con analítica de IBM

IBM y Grupo Cleber anunciaron hoy que el importante conglomerado automotriz con sede en Monterrey obtuvo una visión integral y regional de su negocio con soluciones de analítica de IBM.


IBM Makes $4 Billion in Financing Available for Business Partners; Announces New Mobile App to Speed Access to Credit within Minutes

IBM announced today it is providing IBM Business Partners worldwide with $4 billion in financing for credit-qualified clients over a period of 12 months. This financing, through IBM Global Financing, can make obtaining credit easier and more accessible to enable IBM's global partner ecosystem and their clients to acquire advanced technologies such as cloud, analytics and PureSystems. As part of today's news, IBM is also launching a new mobile app as another step to simplify the way IBM's Business Partners can apply for and secure financing for their clients within minutes via any mobile device -- anytime, anywhere.


Selon IBM, les acheteurs du monde entier ont doublé le taux de croissance des ventes en ligne pendant le Cyber Monday

Les revendeurs internationaux observent une croissance significative pendant Thanksgiving et le Black Friday. IBM enregistre un engagement record dans son rapport annuel Holiday Readiness Clients


Étude IBM : Plus de la moitié des organisations disposant de plans de réponse aux incidents de cybersécurité omettent de les mettre à l'essai

L’entité sécurité d’IBM a annoncé aujourd'hui les résultats d'une étude mondiale sondant le niveau de préparation des organisations en matière de résistance à une cyberattaque et de récupération ensuite. L'étude, menée par le Ponemon Institute et sponsorisée par IBM Resilient, a révélé qu'une grande majorité des organisations interrogées ne sont toujours pas prêtes à répondre de façon adéquate aux incidents de cybersécurité, 77% des personne interrogées indiquant qu'ils n'ont pas de plan de réponse aux incidents de cybersécurité appliqué de manière cohérente dans l’ensemble de l'organisation.


Une étude d'IBM montre que le coût des violations de données est en hausse et que les répercussions financières sont ressenties depuis des années

L’entité Sécurité d’IBM (NYSE: IBM) a annoncé aujourd'hui les résultats de son étude annuelle sur l'impact financier des violations de données sur les organisations. Selon le rapport, le coût d'une violation de données a augmenté de 12 % au cours des cinq dernières années et coûte désormais 3,92 millions de dollars en moyenne. Ces dépenses croissantes sont représentatives de l'impact financier pluriannuel des violations, de la réglementation accrue et du processus complexe de résolution des attaques criminelles .


Le Mayflower Autonomous Ship traversera l’Atlantique à l’aide des systèmes d’IA d’IBM

A l’occasion de l’anniversaire des 400 ans de la traversée du navire marchand Mayflower, le nouveau Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) partira le 16 septembre 2020 de Plymouth au Royaume-Uni, pour rejoindre Plymouth dans le Massachussetts aux Etats-Unis. Sans équipage à bord, il sera le premier navire autonome de grande taille à traverser l’Atlantique. Cette traversée unique entremêlant passé, présent et futur propulsera le monde dans l’ère du navire autonome.


Avec son palmarès annuel, IBM célèbre les femmes leaders du monde entier qui façonnent l'avenir de l'Intelligence Artificielle

IBM met à l’honneur 35 femmes exceptionnelles issues de 12 pays, alors qu'une nouvelle enquête mondiale démontre les bénéfices de la diversité pour l'IA - en notant que du travail reste à faire pour combler l'écart entre les genres.


IBM et Hardis Group signent un accord mondial pour transformer la chaîne logistique à l'heure du client connecté

@IBM et Hardis Group signent un accord mondial pour transformer la chaîne logistique à l'heure du #client connecté #smartercommerce

  • Global Business Solutions


Je suis la donnée et cette année encore, IBM fait de moi la star de Roland-Garros

Depuis 30 ans, IBM me place au cœur de ses meilleures innovations technologiques pour contribuer au succès de Roland-Garros et améliorer l’expérience proposée aux fans, aux joueurs, aux entraîneurs et aux médias.


Rentrée scolaire 2015 : les parents consomment de plus en plus sur mobiles

Au même titre que Noël ou encore les soldes, la rentrée scolaire fait partie des rendez-vous immanquables pour les commerçants. Ainsi, aux Etats-Unis la rentrée serait même la seconde période la plus propice aux achats selon la National Retail Federation. Rien d’étonnant, lorsqu’on voit fleurir dans les magasins la multitude de fournitures dans les rayons, plusieurs mois en amont de la reprise des cours.


Apple et IBM annoncent plus de 100 apps MobileFirst pour iOS !

Apple et IBM annoncent plus de 100 apps MobileFirst pour iOS !


Bouygues Telecom Entreprises sécurise les flottes mobiles de ses clients avec IBM a choisi la solution de Bouygues Telecom Entreprises pour sa simplicité d’utilisation et sa sécurité


ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IBM, Scentre Group and Westpac Commence Live Pilot for Lygon, A Blockchain-based Platform to Transform the Bank Guarantee Process

ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, IBM Scentre Group and Westpac have jointly launched a live pilot for Lygon, a new digital platform using blockchain technology to transform the way businesses obtain and manage bank guarantees that are often required as part of a retail property lease.


WesTrac Selects IBM's Portable Modular Data Center

IBM today announced that WesTrac Pty Ltd, an industrial machinery supplier headquartered in Perth, has selected IBM to design and implement a Portable Modular Data Center (PMDC) solution to provide the company with a flexible, cost-effective data centre to meet its immediate business needs as well as support future IT growth.


IBM & Ponemon Institute: Cost of a Data Breach Dropped 5 Percent in Australia in 2017 Study

Today IBM announced the Australian results of the global 2017 Ponemon Cost of Data Breach report.


IBM announces two new partnerships with Melanoma Institute Australia and MoleMap to advance research in melanoma identification

IBM Research in Australia has announced plans to undertake research with Melanoma Institute Australia to help further advance the identification of melanoma using cognitive technology. This planned research builds on IBM’s existing research agreement with Molemap, which uses advanced visual analytics to analyse more than 40,000 data sets including images and text. IBM Research plans to analyse dermatological images of skin lesions to help identify specific clinical patterns in the early stages of melanoma1. The Australian research aims to help reduce unnecessary biopsies and help clinicians more accurately understand skin cancer, which could help to improve patient care.


Bendigo Bank focuses on being Australia's most connected Bank with the help of IBM Solutions for Marketers

IBM Watson Customer Engagement tools help extend the Bank’s leadership in customer experience.

  • Banking and Financial Services


【JOSEPH】柚香光「REI YUZUKA MOROCCAN JOURNEY」イベントスタート&スペシャルコンテンツ公開

【JOSEPH】〜REI YUZUKA MOROCCAN JOURNEY〜宝塚歌劇団 花組トップスター 柚香 光さんをヴィジュアルに起用したイベントをスタート!womens/photo-gallery/moroccan-journey/— ONWARD_PressRoom (@onwardpressroom) March ...


【動画】宝塚歌劇 SPECIAL MOVIE 5組トップスターよりメッセージ

【動画】宝塚歌劇 SPECIAL MOVIE 5組トップスターよりメッセージ 応援クリックをお願いいたします!! ↓ (1日1回有効です) 発売しました rakuten_design="slide";rakuten_affiliateId="0193c887.0c0ce49d.085070b4.f5411178";rakuten_items="ctsmat...


【Photo&Movie】TOCCA ‐ONWARD‐ 宙組 星風まどか・遥羽らら・天彩峰里 イメージヴィジュアル&ムービー公開 2020 SPRING&SUMMER

入荷しています! [Blu-ray] 花組東京国際フォーラム公演 『DANCE OLYMPIA』 ¥9,900 ⇒ ¥8,100 -¥1,800 (18%OFF) TOCCA ‐ONWARD “Dancing with my sunshine star" TOCCA 2020 SPRING&SUMMER COLLECTION 宙組 星風まどかさん・遥羽...


Australian Start-Up Lingmo beats Global Competitors in race to market for AI Translation Earpiece

Lingmo’s Translate One2One uses IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence technology to translate in natural language.


Happy monks in Cambodia

Daily Photo – Happy monks in Cambodia Most of the monks I saw in Cambodia were not really doing monk-like things. I expected to see lots of meditating or chanting or something. Most of the time, they were just goofing, playing games, smoking, and just acting like pretty much everyone else! Happy monks in Cambodia […]


The Paramount in Boston

Daily Photo – The Paramount in Boston Here’s the famous Paramount Theater in Boston. It looks pretty cool during the daytime, but when all the lights come on at dusk, it’s the best time to take a photo. This shot is using a technique called compression, one that some of you photographers may already know […]


Announcing (2) Small-Class Lighting Workshops Baltimore / Washington, DC Area, Dec. 6 and 7

UPDATE: Both workshops filled very quickly. I only do these about once a year; apologies for the imbalance. I have set up a system so people who are potentially interested in future small-class lighting workshops can receive advance notice. More info here.


I'll be teaching two, full-day lighting workshops in the suburban Baltimore/DC area on December 6 and 7.

They are two separate one-day events. These are small-group workshops, with a maximum class size of 12 people each day. These are shooting workshops, and you'll be behind (and/or in front of!) a camera for most of the day.

Assuming you arrive at this class with a basic understanding of f/stops and shutter speeds, you will leave with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of off-camera lighting. You will be comfortable using single and multiple lights both alone and/or balanced with a mix of ambient lighting.

All lighting gear will be provided. We will also provide lunch.

You will need to bring a camera that is adjustable in manual mode and has a hot shoe connection for a flash, a lens that covers normal and/or portrait range, one or two fully charged batteries and an empty storage card. Maybe a notebook and pen if you like.

That's it. Just show up ready to learn and to have fun. Leave the rest to me.


December 6 and 7, 2019

9:30am - 5:30pm


Sandy Spring Friends Lyceum
17715 Meeting House Road
Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Note; These are the only small-class lighting workshops I'll be teaching in the US this year. In the past, these have tended to fill very quickly. So if this is something you'd like to do, I'd suggest signing up sooner rather than later.

Sign-Up Links




In Appreciation: The LumoPro LP180 [2013-2020]

The LumoPro LP180 is no more.

You could make a strong case that the LP180 was the best manual hot shoe flash ever produced — and maybe that ever will be produced. It was a beast of a flash, with a fluid user interface and features designed specifically for off-camera lighting photographers. Now, it's the last of a bygone era.

Why did it have to die? What made it so good? And what will replace it as the flash of choice for discerning-but-frugal off-camera shooters?

Read more »


MorW style




steady as the stars by lazyweekendmornings [R]

The war is over and Ginny returns to school, but it isn't easy to pretend like everything is the same as before.

[sequel to 'all your fumble words']


【 remote shooting 】

Photo by 蜷川実花


Relaxing Victorians: Casual Wear From Unseen to Seen to Seen by Only a Few ~ Wrappers & Peignoirs & Dressing Gowns to Morning Dresses & Tea Gowns to Lingerie from Gail Carriger

One of the things the Victorian era saw, Fashionable Reader, was an exploration of that liminal space through casual around the house wear.

Wrapper 1855  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Here we have the wrapper that was only meant to be seen by family.

Dressing Gown  early 1870s The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dressing Gown  1875  The Kyoto Costume Institute

 Dressing gowns, banyans and wrappers are often quilted all or in part.

Wrapper early 1860s  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

One of the signs of a wrapper is that the waist is designed to be loose or tied tight. Often they split up the front, like a carriage dress or a robe so they can be pulled over a nightgown or underpinnings, like a dressing down but slightly more tailored. Still NOT designed to be worn over a corset.

Peignoir 1860-1865  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Peignoir  1880s  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

 Peignoir seems to be a catch all term.

Morning Dress  1860  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Morning dresses were initially gowns for the breakfast table that did not require a corset.They're characterize by a looser top lots of details in the neck and sleeves.

Morning Dress  1872-1873  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

One of the things we see evolving (and limits being tested) after the 1950s through the 1900s is the idea of what was not meant to be seen (undergarments and nightgowns) to what was initially only meant to be seen by family or lovers (wrappers & peignoirs) to receiving casual around house guests at breakfast (morning dresses) to I'm comfortable at home and I want to show my wealth with yet another space & occasion specific outfit (the tea gown).

Tea Gown  late 1870s  The Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Tea gowns were an evolution of the morning gown.

Tea Gown  1875  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Tea Gown  1875-1880  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

1Harpers Bazar New York Sat June 13 1891 Dressing Gowns Nightshirts

This evolution is coupled with the rise of the middle class, the sexual revolution (including contraception and woman's suffrage) and various other factors.

Bed Jacket  1885  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dressing Jacket  1885-1890  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

 We see a culmination in this towards the turn of the century in the popularity of (and wide-scale use of the word) negligées and lingerie sets, which specifically implies an article of clothing that is sexual in its nature for it is meant to be seen by a lover.

Negligée  1880  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

This kind of clothing, prior to the first sexual revolution, would not have been acceptable for a fashion house to make, let alone a fashionable lady to purchase.

Negligée Callot Soeurs, 1898-1900s The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Lingerie Set  1880s  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

There was also head wear that was designed to be worn exclusively around the house, but that's a whole other story...

House Cap 1900  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

For Primrose!

Boudoir Cap 1895 The Metropolitan Museum of Art

nightgown 1894  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dressing Gown  1897-1899  The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Sample of Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger read by Moira Quirk

Etiquette & Espionage is available most places: 
It’s one thing to learn to curtsy properly. It’s quite another to learn to curtsy and throw a knife at the same time. Welcome to Finishing School. 
 Fourteen-year-old Sophronia is a great trial to her poor mother. Sophronia is more interested in dismantling clocks and climbing trees than proper manners–and the family can only hope that company never sees her atrocious curtsy. Mrs. Temminnick is desperate for her daughter to become a proper lady. So she enrolls Sophronia in Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality. 
But Sophronia soon realizes the school is not quite what her mother might have hoped. At Mademoiselle Geraldine’s, young ladies learn to finish…everything. Certainly, they learn the fine arts of dance, dress, and etiquette, but the also learn to deal out death, diversion, and espionage–in the politest possible ways, of course. 
Sophronia and her friends are in for a rousing first year’s education.

Retro Rack is now mainly on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts, and you can do the same. Or you can follow me on my regular blog for historical fashion posts, or join my newsletter, The Chirrup, for insider trading information.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to blog without sponsors.


Tour My Writing Space Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Friday 5/8) I'll be taking over the HarperCollins Library Love Fest Instagram to show you my writing space, with a video tour at 11am EDT. Come visit my writing room, meet my cat, and see where I create my monsters and the women who ride them!



“The Most Physically Grueling of Them All”: Mark Hamill on Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The actor behind Luke Skywalker takes on a journey through filming the Star Wars sequel in time for the 40th anniversary of its release.


Vader Immortal Will Bring the Dark Side to PlayStation VR

The award-winning title from ILMxLAB heads to PlayStation VR this summer.


NEWS: Meet HamletMachine at MoCCA!

I will meet you there this weekend!

I'll be at TABLE F2 with the lovely keshii! There's going to be a lot of amazing and beautiful people there!

I will have Starfighter: Chapter 01, t-shirts, hot shorts, AND ALSO, some sweet extras. This will be my first con with a table.. and it is all because of you guys! Thank you so, so much! I can only hope I can meet you guys so I can thank you in person; you have my humble love and affection.

I'll see you there, sweethearts! -HamletMachine


2020 MLB draft: Mock drafts, rankings, order and more

Who is the top ranked prospect in the upcoming draft? Where does your favorite team pick? Check out our 2020 MLB draft coverage.


KOMENTÁŘ: Pomoc ano, odškodnění ne. Podnikání bez rizik není možné

Kam až má sahat pomoc státu podnikatelům, živnostníkům a firmám? Očekávání jsou rozsáhlá, bude to velká zkouška odolnosti vlády. Protože podnikání je dobrovolná aktivita spojená nejen s profitem, ale i s rizikem.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Pravidla pro chytré sítě 5G by v USA mohla psát i Huawei

Ministerstvo obchodu Spojených států připravuje nová digitální pravidla. Americké podniky by na základě nich mohly spolupracovat s čínskou firmou Huawei Technologies na stanovování norem pro mobilní sítě (5G). Agentuře Reuters to řekly zdroje obeznámené se situací. Loni touto dobou přitom USA uvalily restrikce na obchodování s Huawei.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Nejmenší firmy budou moci o podporu žádat do týdne, míní Schillerová

Na jednorázový příspěvek 500 korun denně budou mít nově nárok i malé společnosti s ručením omezeným postižené šířením koronaviru. „Čekáme na schválení Senátem a prezidentem, žádosti budou moci podávat zřejmě do týdne,“ uvedla ve čtvrtek ministryně financí Alena Schillerová.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


V karlovarské sklárně Moser se v pondělí znovu rozjede výroba

Procesem takzvaného vzorkování začne od pondělí znovu výroba v karlovarské sklárně Moser. Mistři sklářského oboru po přestávce vynucené koronavirovou pandemií začnou připravovat kolekce na druhou polovinu letoška a na rok 2021. Skláře čekají přísné hygienické podmínky, výroba bude najíždět postupně.

  • Karlovy Vary - Vary - zprávy


Úroky národní banky jsou téměř na nule. ČNB chce pomoci ekonomice

Bankovní rada České národní banky ve čtvrtek snížila základní úrokovou sazbu o 0,75 procentního bodu na 0,25 procenta. Cílem snižování sazeb je zmírnit dopady šíření koronaviru na ekonomiku. Centrální banka to uvedla v tiskovém prohlášení.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


It’s Morally Intolerable for the Privileged to Profit from this Emergency

Societies gripped by cataclysmic wars, depressions, or pandemics can become acutely sensitive to...


More DogKnee Surgery

Probert had knee surgery a few weeks ago to repair a torn ACL. He actually tore it a few months ago while racing around the yard in jubilation for getting to go for a car ride. Where were we headed? To the vet's new office's grand opening party, of course. She had to take a break from the party to diagnose his injury and prescribe pain medication. So embarrassing. Probert waited a while to have surgery as I was traveling pretty extensively and needed to be home for his rehab (and because the vet said he would be fine to wait). So, a couple of weeks ago, it was done. We went to a different doctor than for Wrigley's surgery a couple of years ago and I was so happy with his care. They gave him a cute cast and even sent him home with a little shoe for going outside. He's off stairs for 6 weeks, so I've been doing a lot of dog-carrying. Here's a photo of he and I. His cast was on for a week and staples came out after two weeks. It's been another two weeks and now there's only two left until he's given the all-clear to return to normal activity. Can't wait!


24 Things, Allegedly, But The Smart Money's On About Eight. Thing Five.



24 Things, more or less. Although definitely not more. Thing 9.

After Ken Anderson


The Orville moves to Hulu for Season 3

The Orville star and creator Seth MacFarlane dropped a bomb at San Diego Comic Con – the show will move off of Fox onto the Hulu streaming network for season 3. In a statement MacFarlane said, “The Orville has been a labor of love for me, and there are two companies which have supported that […]