
Advances in data science, cyber security and IT applications [Electronic book] : First International Conference on Computing, ICC 2019, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December 10-12, 2019, Proceedings. Part I / Auhood Alfaries, Hanan Mengash, Ansar Yasar, Elhadi S

Cham : Springer, 2019.


The wolf at the door: the menace of economic insecurity and how to fight it / Michael J. Graetz and Ian Shapiro

Dewey Library - HC103.G73 2020


Sustainability, capabilities and human security editor, Andrew Crabtree

Online Resource


Food Security Bill

Food Security Bill


Security Information and Event Manager System

Security Information and Event Manager System


The burden: fossil fuel, the military and national security

Hayden Library - HD9502.U52 B864 2014


7 Social Media Security Tips To Protect Your Business

Many small businesses recognize the benefits of having a social media presence for customer service and long-term marketing purposes. However, many are slow to recognize social medias security issues and how employees own social presence can add to the companys security issues.

Some companies restrict internal access. Others may prevent employees from having any corporate association outside of work on their own social platforms. This is due to the fact that whatever an employee says outside of work publicly can have a significant impact on the organization.

complete article


Feds will now check your social media history before granting security clearance

The federal government has confirmed that it will start targeting social media posts by prospective employees as part of its review process for security clearance.

The new policy, which will allow investigators to scan an applicant’s history on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other similar sites, will be adopted soon, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

The guidelines make clear that agencies can target publicly available social media posts, if they deem it necessary, but cannot force individuals to hand over their passwords for private accounts, or provide pseudonyms for any profiles.

complete article


Homeland Security database would track bloggers, social media

Fears about the potential effects of propaganda and fake news remain high, and American officials are determined to keep track of media outlets in a bid to curb these misinformation campaigns. The Department of Homeland Security has put out a call for companies that could create a database tracking over 290,000 media influencers around the world, including online news outlets, bloggers and prominent social network accounts. The system would identify contributor details (such as contact info and their employers), and would allow searching for individuals and outlets through categories like their locations, the focuses of their coverage and their sentiment.

complete article


Report 479 : Australian Government security arrangements : inquiry based on Auditor-General's reports 38 and 43 (2017-18) / Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, author, issuing body


Review of administration and expenditure : no. 16 (2016-2017) - Australian intelligence agencies / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, author, issuing body


Strange allies : Britain, France and the dilemmas of disarmament and security, 1929-1933 / Andrew Webster

Webster, Andrew, (Professor of European history), author


Owners of the sidewalk: security and survival in the informal city / Daniel M. Goldstein

Rotch Library - HF5459.B5 G65 2016


Home-Delivered Food Boxes Reduced Food Insecurity Among Adults, but Not Children

On this episode of On the Evidence, we talk about a federal experiment using home-delivered boxes packed with fruit, vegetables, and other shelf-stable foods selected by registered dieticians to address food insecurity among children in a rural part of the Chickasaw Nation territory in Oklahoma.


Encyclopedia of cryptography and security [electronic resource] / editor-in-chief, Henk C.A. van Tilborg

New York : Springer, 2005


The Euro-Atlantic security system in the 21st century: from cooperation to crisis / Ryszard Zięba

Online Resource


Security in Asia Pacific: the dynamics of alignment / Thomas S. Wilkins

Dewey Library - JZ6009.A75 W55 2019


Game theory, diplomatic history and security studies / Frank C. Zagare

Dewey Library - JZ1242.Z34 2019


Cross-disciplinary perspectives on regional and global security / Paweł Frankowski, Artur Gruszczak, editors

Online Resource


The EU's neighbourhood policy towards the South Caucasus: expanding the European Security Community / Licínia Simão

Online Resource


NATO, civilisation and individuals: the unconscious dimension of international security / Sarah da Mota

Online Resource


European security in integration theory: contested boundaries / Kamil Zwolski

Online Resource


No fly zones and international security: politics and strategy / Stephen Wrage and Scott Cooper

Dewey Library - JZ6368.W73 2019


Diplomatic security: a comparative analysis / edited by Eugenio Cusumano and Christopher Kinsey

Dewey Library - JZ1410.D58 2019


Handbook of space security: policies, applications and programs / Kai-Uwe Schrogl, editor in chief

Online Resource


The gender imperative: human security vs state security / edited by Betty A. Reardon and Asha Hans

Dewey Library - JZ5578.G462 2019


Canada on the United Nations Security Council: a small power on a large stage / Adam Chapnick

Dewey Library - JZ5006.7.C43 2019


Nuclear security summits: a history / Amandeep S. Gill

Online Resource


Gender roles in peace and security: prevent, protect, participate / Manuela Scheuermann, Anja Zürn, editors

Online Resource


China and intervention at the UN Security Council: reconciling status / Courtney J. Fung

Dewey Library - JZ4997.5.C6 F86 2019


The European Union: facing the challenge of multiple security threats / edited by Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Anna Michalski, Niklas Nilsson, Lars Oxelheim

Dewey Library - JZ5588.E88 2018


Troubled waters: insecurity in the Persian Gulf / Mehran Kamrava

Dewey Library - JZ6009.P35 K36 2018


Negotiating governance on non-traditional security in Southeast Asia and beyond / Mely Caballero-Anthony

Dewey Library - JZ6009.S644 A57 2018


Psychology of a superpower: security and dominance in U.S. foreign policy / Christopher J. Fettweis

Dewey Library - JZ1480.F52 2018


Testing New Earnings Rules for Social Security Disability Insurance: Findings from the Benefit Offset National Demonstration

The current earnings rules for Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) specify that, after using available work incentives, DI beneficiaries are not owed a DI benefit check if they earn more than a certain threshold. The Benefit Offset National Demonstration (BOND) tested a design intended to encourage DI beneficiaries to work by replacing the so-called cash cliff with a ramp—a $1 reduction in benefits for every $2 of additional earnings. BOND simultaneously tested the new rules with two groups: a nationally representative sample of DI beneficiaries and a group of recruited and informed volunteers—those thought to be most likely to earn more than the earnings threshold. Results from the five-year evaluation of BOND are now available for both groups.


Multimedia security : watermarking, steganography, and forensics / edited by Frank Y. Shih


Waiting on retirement: aging and economic insecurity in low-wage work / Mary Gatta

Dewey Library - HQ1063.2.U6 G38 2019


Terrorizing gender: transgender visibility and the surveillance practices of the U.S. security state / Mia Fischer

Barker Library - HQ77.95.U6 F57 2019


Tourism security : strategies for effectively managing travel risk and safety / by Peter E. Tarlow

Tarlow, Peter E., author


United Nations protection of humanity and its habitat : a new international law of security and protection / by Bertrand G. Ramcharan

Ramcharan, B. G., author


Human security and human rights under international law : the protections offered to persons confronting structural vulnerability / Dorothy Estrada-Tanck

Estrada-Tanck, Dorothy, author


Institutionalizing state responsibility : global security and UN organs / Vincent-Joël Proulx

Proulx, Vincent-Joël, author


Aviation Transport Security Amendment Bill 2018 [Provisions] / Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Safety, security, health and environment law / Michael Tooma

Tooma, Michael, author


Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management and Cashless Welfare) Bill 2019 / The Senate, Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Community Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Censorship) Bill 2018, Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Insult and Offend) Bill 2018, Freedom of Speech Legislation Amendment (Security) Bill 2018 / Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body


Advisory report on the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police Powers at Airports) Bill 2018 / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, author, issuing body


Advisory report on the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Bill 2019 / Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and Security

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, author, issuing body


Advisory Report on the Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) Bill 2018 / Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, author, issuing body


Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management to Cashless Debit Card Transition) Bill 2019 [Provisions] / The Senate, Community Affairs Legislation Committee

Australia. Parliament. Senate. Community Affairs Legislation Committee, author, issuing body