
Telegraphy and how to learn it: with brief chapters on elementary science, embracing various kinds of electricity, electrical measurements, thermo-frictional electricity, batteries, magnets and magnetism / by Wilson Frederic

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5264.F74 1901


The radio-telegraphist's guide and log-book: a manual of wireless telegraphy for the use of operators / by W.H. Marchant

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5743.M37 1912


The telegraph / translated from the French of A.-L. Ternant by R. Routledge

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.T4713 1895


Précis de télégraphie sans fil: complément de l'ouvrage: les oscillations électromagnétiques et la télégraphie sans fil / J. Zenneck ; ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par P. Blanchin, G. Guérard, É.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.Z414 1911


Canadian railway telegraph history / by Robert Burnet

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.B87 1997


Catalogue & price list of Post & Company, Cincinnati, Ohio: manufacturers of railway car trimmings, head-lights, lamps, etc., telegraph & telephone instruments & supplies, dealers in all kinds of railway supplies, metals, machinery, brass

Archives, Room Use Only - TK455.P67 1880


Instruction in army telegraphy and telephony.

Archives, Room Use Only - UG590.G75 1914


Operation of trains and station work and telegraphy / compiled and edited by Frederick J. Prior

Archives, Room Use Only - TF550.P75 1919


Oakum pickings: a collection of stories, sketches, and paragraphs / contributed from time to time to the telegraphic and general press by John Oakum

Archives, Room Use Only - PN6161.P55 1876


Sam Johnson: the experience and observations of a railroad telegraph operator / by Samson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.C55 1878


Twentieth century manual of railway commercial and wireless telegraphy / by Frederic L. Meyer

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.M69 1925


Délassements instructifs: les télégraphes, les feux de guerre / par M. Arthur Mangin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.M36 1858


Manual of wireless telegraphy for the use of naval electricians / by S.S. Robison

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5741.R73 1906


Autographs and memoirs of the telegraph / by Jeff W. Hayes

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.H39 1916


Wireless telegraphy for amateurs: a handbook on the principles of radiotelegraphy and the construction and working of apparatus for small stations / by R.P. Howgrave-Graham

Archives, Room Use Only - TK9946.H68 1914


Theodore N. Vail: a biography / by Albert Bigelow Paine

Archives, Room Use Only - CT275.V16.P3 1929


The story of the Atlantic telegraph / by Henry M. Field

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5625.F45 1892


Pioneer telegraphy in Chile, 1852-1876 / by John J. Johnson

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8004.J64 1948


The military telegraph during the Civil War in the United States / William Rattle Plum ; introd. by Paul J. Scheips

Archives, Room Use Only - E608.P58 1974


40 years on the Yukon telegraph / Guy Lawrence

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7818.Y8 L39 1965


A handbook of the electric telegraph: designed for the use of students and operators / by I.W. Mattison

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.M38 1873


Stokers and pokers, or, The London and North-Western Railway, the electric telegraph, and the Railway Clearing-House / by the author of 'Bubbles from the brunnen of Nassau'

Archives, Room Use Only - TF64.L8 H43 1849


Electricity in its application to telegraphy: a practical handbook covering the syllabus of the new technical examination (adopted by the Post Office Telegraph Department) / by T.E. Herbert

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5266.H47 1897


Telegraphic tales and telegraphic history: a popular account of the electric telegraph--its uses, extent and outgrowths / by W.J. Johnson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.J64 1880


Modern practice of the electric telegraph: a handbook for electricians and operators / by Frank L. Pope

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.P67 1873


Shaffner's Telegraph companion: devoted to the science and art of the Morse American telegraph / by Tal. P. Shaffner

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5107.S53 1854


The life of Samuel F.B. Morse, LL. D.: inventor of the electro-magnetic recording telegraph / by Samuel Irenæus Prime

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5243.M7 P75 1875


The telegraph instructor / by G.M. Dodge

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.D63 1901


Manual of telegraphy designed for beginners / by Prof. J.E. Smith

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5264.S65 1865c


Tales of the telegraph: the story of a telegrapher's life and adventures in railroad, commercial, and military work / by Jasper Ewing Brady

Archives, Room Use Only - PZ3.B73 1900


The relation of the government to the telegraph, or, A review of the two propositions now pending before Congress for changing the telegraphic service of the country / by David A. Wells ; with appendices

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.W44 1873


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of shorthand, arranged for telegraphic purposes, and contemplating the rapid transmission of press reports: also intended to be used as an easily acquired method for general newspaper and court reporting / by

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1914


The beginning telegrapher / by E.M. Roberts, Chillicothe, Mo

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.R63 1925


On railway telegraphs, and the application of electricity to the signalling and working of trains / by William Henry Preece, Assoc. Inst. C.E., with an abstract of the discussion upon the paper ; edited by Charles Manby, F.R.S., M. Inst. C.E., honorary s

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.P74 1863


The essentials of railway and commercial telegraphy / William B. Cliburn

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.C55 1926


Telegraph and telephone: the telegraph, telephone and wireless telegraph illustrated and described, containing a manual of practical lessons for students and others / by Marshall M. Kirkman

Archives, Room Use Only - TF627.K57 1904


Wireless telegraphy popularly explained / by Richard Kerr

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5745.K47 1903


The maintenance of wireless telegraph apparatus / by Percy W. Harris

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5742.H37 1918


The telegraphists' guide to the departmental and city and guilds examinations in telegraphy / by James Bell and S. Wilson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5743.B45 1920


La télégraphie electrique / par Victor Bois

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.B65 1853


Délassements instructifs: les télégraphes, les feux de guerre / Arthur Mangin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.M36 1890


Announcement of Dodge's Telegraph, Railway Accounting and Radio (Wireless) Institute.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5255.D63 1926


Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, Alaskan cables, and telegraph stations, U.S. Signal Corps / prepared under the direction of Brigadier General George P. Scriven

Archives, Room Use Only - UG603.A76 1915


Imperial telegraphic communication / by Charles Bright

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7713.G7 B75 1911


Printing telegraphy: a new era begins.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.K64 1960


Lessons in telegraphy: for use as a text-book in schools and colleges and for individual students / by Charles Henry Sewall

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.S49 1909


The boy spy: a substantially true record of secret service during the war of the rebellion: a correct account of events witnessed by a soldier attached to headquarters: the only practical history of war telegraphers in the field: a full account of the mys

Archives, Room Use Only - E608.K47 1890


Text book on telegraph cable engineering / [Eastern Associated Telegraph Companies] ; edited by J.H. Stephens

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5481.E27 1925


Montgomery Ward & Co.'s Complete lessons in telegraphy: with brief chapters on elementary science: embracing various kinds of electricity, electrical measurements, thermofractional electricity, batteries, magnets & magnetism / by Wilson F. Fre

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.F74 1901


Postal telegraph: letter from the Postmaster General, transmitting a report of G.G. Hubbard, esq. of Boston, relative to the establishment of a cheap system of postal telegraph.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7781.U556 1869