
16 Tips for Creating Compelling Content

As Google starts clamping down on Guest Blogging as an SEO technique the message is louder and clearer than ever. If you want to increase your ranking on Google you need to EARN links by creating content that people will naturally want to share.

If you’re not sure how to start doing this take a look at the infographic below from WebSearch SEO which gives you 16 tips to help you along the way.

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Working with RSS Feeds: Maximizing Your Content

From a marketing perspective, an RSS feed is a direct pipeline to your target audience. It’s also a way to boost your Google search profile—sites that update more frequently get better search rankings.

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Working with RSS Feeds: Maximizing Your Content Stream

Do not just rely on visitors who click on the RSS badge or your web site. You must proactively syndicate your content to other appropriate RSS directories and web sites.

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Content Marketing Success

86% of B2B and 77% of B2C organizations use content marketing.

This makes the content marketing landscape extremely competitive. With more and more companies using content creation and its distribution to improve brand awareness, credibility and niche authority, run-of-the mill content marketing does not work anymore.

If you take a look at some of the best content marketing campaigns of 2014, you realize you can not afford to take content marketing for granted. You need to be able to create compelling content and ensure it reaches your target audience.

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Top 3 Tips for a Better Mobile Content Strategy

Marketers are spending millions of dollars creating compelling content for everything from DIY videos on YouTube to posts about the latest trends on their blogs. But, many are still not curating all that content under a single roof. Mobile is the answer to that problem for many.

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7 Day Cycle for Generating Great Content

I write for and in a lot of places. There is my mailing list, my website, publications that require exclusive content, and even a few where my writing is regularly syndicated. Typically, although it seems like more, I write one article per week, and I write it with my mailing list in mind.

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Content Curation for Social Media

What if there was a way to spend minimal amount of time finding and sharing the latest and greatest content produced by some of the biggest experts in your industry?

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Content Curation – SEO Best Practices

Content Curation is the practice of finding, organizing, annotating and sharing the best and most relevant third-party content for your audience. There is no doubt that curation is a growing trend in the world of content marketing. The number of concerns surrounding the practice, however, are putting doubts in the minds of content marketers before they are able to understand the benefits of curation done right.

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Working with RSS Feeds: Maximizing Your Content Stream

From a marketing perspective, an RSS feed is a direct pipeline to your target audience. It is also a way to boost your Google search profile—sites that update more frequently get better search rankings.

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How the Feed Changed the Way We Consume Content

The feed now dominates online content consumption, from the news we read on our mobile devices to the social networks we check constantly throughout the day, as well as the ads that integrate onto those platforms.

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Microsoft Band lets developers build apps that tap RSS feeds for content

Microsoft is also opening its Health Cloud platform to outside developers, allowing them to integrate fitness data into their Microsoft Band apps.

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How to use PressForward for content creation

We live in an age of information overload. With all the stories from news, blogs, social media, and other sources, the amount of information about any given subject can be overwhelming. It is hard enough to keep up when you are just a consumer of information, but what about when you need to curate content for a target audience?

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Microsoft Band lets developers build apps that tap RSS feeds for content

Microsoft is letting developers create apps for its Band fitness tracker that convey information pulled from RSS feeds and display it on the devices screen.

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Facebook Patents

Facebook has been experiencing an uptick in terms of its intellectual property holdings in recent years. In 2014, the company was tied with Emerson Electric for 132nd overall with 279 patents issued that year by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, an increase of almost 120 percent over the companys patenting pace the previous year. Facebooks already earned 250 U.S. patents in 2015 according to Innography, making it very likely that the company will post higher patent totals this year. The text cluster provided here shows us that much of the companys recent innovation focuses on social networking, although user interfaces and computing devices were also large areas of focus.

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Working with RSS Feeds: Maximizing Your Content Stream

An RSS feed is a means to distribute changing web content including blog posts, podcasts, news releases and site updates to related sites, blogs, online publishers and feed subscribers. It allows busy people to get the information they want without having to use email, which prevents the publisher from selling or otherwise providing their contract information to other parties.

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Importance of Keywords in Content and Social Media Marketing

Keywords. They are still as powerful as they were in 1996 or the introduction of the Internet to the world. No matter what keywords you have, they can provide your content the kind of impact that it deserves.

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Inconsistent Social Media Policies Problematic

A recent analysis conducted by a University of Florida educational leadership scholar indicates the lack of concrete policy on the use of social media by teachers and other school employees is increasing the potential for misuse and inappropriate teacher-student relationships online.

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How to Curate Content

What is the single most important element of good social media engagement? Your content.

With good content you can attract an audience with so much more ease. And at the end of the day, you end up with an excellent brand image.

The only way to consistently share content is through content curation.

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How to use PressForward for content creation

We live in an age of information overload. With all the stories from news, blogs, social media, and other sources, the amount of information about any given subject can be overwhelming. It is hard enough to keep up when you are just a consumer of information, but what about when you need to curate content for a target audience?

Thankfully, there are tools that can collect and organize information from a large number of sources, making that task easier. One such tool is the PressForward plugin for WordPress.

PressForward is a multi-user, collaborative RSS feed reader that integrates with WordPress' publication work-flow and provides users with the ability to curate content for a target audience.

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Are You Paying Enough Attention to Customers on Social Media?

Although consumers want brands to use social media as a two-way communication channel, the vast majority of businesses are not adhering to those desires, according to a study from social media management software provider Sprout Social. On average, businesses send out 23 promotional messages for every one consumer response.

Social media is now the No. 1 way consumers interact with businesses. The research revealed that 34.5 percent of consumers turn to social media first when they have a problem, compared with just 16 percent who call and 5 percent who visit a store in person.

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Have Great Content Make the Most of It

New-age publishers are toying with innovative content models that offer more value to end users and set their cash registers ringing. It does not come as a surprise, when content is evolving as a major source of income for them. By offering high-value content and a trove of inbound links, digital publishers can maximise the profitability of their websites.

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Startup Life in Hi-Fi launches mobile news feed of publisher content, selectable by hashtags

Mobile users spend little time viewing web content on their mobile browsers, preferring to read most of it through their social networks. As a result, publishers are losing control of their content, and users are overloaded with content sources.

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Oh No! Did Facebook Just Kill Unpaid Marketing Content?

On June 29, Facebooks algorithm change rocked the content world. The social media giant announced it would start prioritizing posts shared by friends and family over content from publishers and brands. That’s bad news for brands that have come to rely on social media sites like Facebook as a major web traffic driver.

Facebook accounts for 41.4 percent of referral traffic to news sites, according to Parse.lys April 2016 Authority Report. But not all is lost. While brands may be in trouble, content published and shared by individuals could gain even greater traction. That’s good news for industry influencers and budding thought leaders.

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10 Social Media Posts That Deserve a Place in Your Content Calendar

From solo entrepreneurs to Main Street businesses and multinational brands, marketers at all levels struggle with finding new ways to keep their followers’ attention. I often see brands fall into the habit of posting repetitive types of content. This usually leads to a sharp drop in engagement.

Your followers need variety. If you don’t mix it up a little bit, you’ll risk losing their attention permanently. To inject some diversity, start working these 10 social post structures into your daily content calendar.

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11 Content Marketing Hacks to Speed up Blogging Growth

Writing a blog can be a rewarding way to reach out to your audience, and share your thoughts and knowledge on issues that are relevant to them. When used correctly, your blog posts can increase traffic to your website, and ultimately result in customer conversions.

Of course, this all depends on your ability to get new people interested in your blog each day. If you can do this, your success is all but guaranteed.

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Content Marketing is the next wave in the communication space

Content marketing paved its way into the global village a decade back and has immediately shone up to fame with the coming of new media. Business houses across the globe are increasingly developing solutions for content marketing.

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The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content

It takes time to build an audience: you need to attract them to your site, which they’ve likely never heard of, and convert them into loyal readers, so they come back and tell their friends – and eventually turn into customers, which is the whole goal of content marketing.

The Truth About Content Syndication and Duplicate Content


Hateful content surfaces on Facebook despite moderation efforts

Decisions made by Facebooks human content moderators to weed out hate speech posts are often inconsistent, causing some offensive content to wrongly remain on the platform, according to investigative journalism group ProPublica.

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Content Marketing: How to Use It for Success

Happy New Year! Are you looking to reach and engage with customers in a new and exciting way? This is going to be the year your business embraces content marketing in a real and serious way. Why is this going to be the year of content marketing?

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What Happens When Content Marketing Meets Your Customer?

When effective content marketing meets your customers, the magic happens. Before we dive in to the secret sauce behind the magic, what comes first, content or the customer? That is not a trick question. It’s a real test to see which direction your content marketing is headed. If you’re not sure about how this should play out for the benefit of your marketing and your customer…read on.

As a marketer and a consumer, I always think about the value content plays in a marketing strategy and campaigns.

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9 steps to better, more effective content writing

Writing sells.

You don’t have to be the worlds foremost wordsmith to produce effective content, but improving your writing will make you more successful at work.

Here are some tips:

1. Know your audience.

You are not just writing for yourself, are you? You should be creating content for others, and it’s imperative to understand the people you are writing for. Whats useful for them? What might help them in their jobs?

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The power of data-driven content marketing

Did you know that the average CTR for any form of online advertising went from 0.09% to 0.05%? For this trend we are to blame the rise of social networks and ad blockers which helped consumers successfully fight the unwanted ads.

Where does this leave marketers?

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How to embed content from the web to your Google Site

As of December 2017, the new Google Sites lets you embed HTML and JavaScript, as well as other websites. That is a big change from a year ago when the new Google Sites mostly let you share items from Drive, YouTube, and a few other Google sources.

The changes make the new Google Sites an even more useful website and intranet site creation tool.

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The Three Types of Content You Need for Successful Event Company SEO

A lot of business owners think SEO--search engine optimization, or the art of promoting your content on search engines without paying for it--and keywords are something you can sprinkle onto a website like magical fairy dust after it is built. Unfortunately, that is just not the case. To rank on Google, search engine optimization needs to be more than an afterthought—SEO needs to be built right into your website’s structure.

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A Month-by-Month Look at the Most Engaging Brand Content on Social Media in 2018

Brands were more creative than ever in their social media posts this year and connected with audiences by raising awareness of social issues, according to social media analytics company Unmetric.

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Why Social Media Publishing Must Live Within Your Content Marketing Vision

With an undoubtedly scrappy beginning, content is now a serious player in a variety of brand communications, ranging from demand generation to PR, and on to sales enablement. Especially as search becomes more competitive, it’s important to look beyond a single point of activation in order to make the most of your content. Integrating social media publishing with your larger content marketing vision can help you do that, engaging your audience and maximizing your content marketing ROI.

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Powering content: building a nonstop content marketing machine / Laura Busche

Online Resource


Content Inc.: how entrepreneurs use content to build massive audiences and create radically successful businesses / Joe Pulizzi

Dewey Library - HF5415.127.P8498 2016


The attention economy and how media works: simple truths for marketers / Karen Nelson-Field

Online Resource


[ASAP] SWATH-MS Analysis of FFPE Tissues Identifies Stathmin as a Potential Marker of Endometrial Cancer in Patients Exposed to Tamoxifen

Journal of Proteome Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.0c00064


[ASAP] Phosphoproteomics Analysis Reveals a Potential Role of CHK1 in Regulation of Innate Immunity through IRF3

Journal of Proteome Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00829


The excited-state relaxation mechanism of potential UVA-activated phototherapeutic molecules: trajectory surface hopping simulations of both 4-thiothymine and 2,4-dithiothymine

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01450H, Paper
Jun Cao, Dong-chu Chen
Both molecules share energetically accessible crossing pathways, but have differences in atomic details during excited state relaxation.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Long-range potentials and dipole moments of the CO electronic states converging to the ground dissociation limit

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01696A, Paper
Vladimir G. Ushakov, Vladimir Meshkov, Aleksander Yu Ermilov, Andrey Stolyarov, Iouli Gordon, Emile S Medvedev
The asymptotic, R→∞, behavior of the potential-energy and dipole-moment functions (PEFs and DMFs) for all six (1,2)Σ+, (1,2)Π, Σ-, and ∆ electronic states converging to the ground C(3P) + O(3P)...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Changes in latent fingermark glyceride composition as a function of sample age using UPLC-IMS-QToF-MSE

Analyst, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00379D, Paper
Amanda Frick, Natalie Kummer, Ana Moraleda, Celine Weyermann
The composition of fingermark residue has been an important topic in forensic science, mainly in efforts to better understand and eventually improve the efficacy of latent fingermark detection methods. While...
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Why ammonium detection is particularly challenging but insightful with ionophore-based potentiometric sensors – an overview of the progress in the last 20 years

Analyst, 2020, 145,3188-3210
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00327A, Critical Review
Open Access
María Cuartero, Noemi Colozza, Bibiana M. Fernández-Pérez, Gastón A. Crespo
An overview of ionophore-based electrodes for ammonium sensing critically analyzing contributions in the last 20 years and with focus in analytical applications.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A Simple and Ubiquitous Device for Picric Acid Detection in Latent Fingerprints using Carbon Dots

Analyst, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00750A, Paper
Arunkumar Kathiravan, Annasamy Gowri, Srinivasan Venkatesan, Trevor Smith, Muthpandian Ashokkumar, Asha Jhonsi Mariadoss
This work addresses the synthetic optimization of carbon dots (CDs) and their application in sensing picric acid from latent fingerprint by exploiting a smartphone-based RGB tool. The optimization in the...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


An efficient assay for identification and quantitative evaluation of potential polysialyltransferase inhibitors

Analyst, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00721H, Paper
Open Access
Xiaoxiao Guo, Jodie R Malcolm, Marrwa M Ali, Goreti Ribeiro Morais, Steve Shnyder, Paul Loadman, L H Patterson, Robert Andrew Falconer
The polysialyltransferases (polySTs) catalyse the polymerisation of polysialic acid, which plays an important role in tumour metastasis. While assays are available to assess polyST enzyme activity, there is no methodology...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Discovery of Orally Bioavailable Chromone Derivatives as Potent and Selective BRD4 Inhibitors: Scaffold Hopping, Optimization, and Pharmacological Evaluation

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00035


[ASAP] Discovery and Development of S6821 and S7958 as Potent TAS2R8 Antagonists

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00388


[ASAP] Discovery and Structure–Activity Relationship Study of (<italic toggle="yes">Z</italic>)-5-Methylenethiazolidin-4-one Derivatives as Potent and Selective Pan-phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase Inhibitors

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00227