
Picking away at fossilized skeletons


Millennial-scale hydroclimate control of tropical soil carbon storage


Organotypic human skin culture models constructed with senescent fibroblasts show hallmarks of skin aging


A standardized patient-centered characterization of the phenotypic spectrum of <i>PCDH19</i> girls clustering epilepsy


Dystrophic calcification and heterotopic ossification in fibrocartilaginous tissues of the spine in diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)


Abundant nitrite-oxidizing metalloenzymes in the mesopelagic zone of the tropical Pacific Ocean


A clearer picture of microbial biogeography


Spicing up your WordPress website with Edge Animate

Integrate your creative animations easily into any WordPress-driven website. (4:42)


Alonso victory spices up title race

Fernando Alonso completed an impressive start-to-finish victory at the Singapore Grand Prix


Vettel secures third title in epic season finale

Sebastian Vettel clinched his third successive drivers' championship after an utterly absorbing final race in Brazil


Button considered 2016 Olympics entry

Jenson Button says he considered trying to compete for Great Britain at the 2016 Olympic Games in the triathlon


The End of Sykes-Picot? Reflections on the Prospects of the Arab State System

During much of the past three years, the Syrian civil war has been the most prominent item on the Middle Eastern political agenda and has dominated the political-diplomatic discourse in the region and among policy makers, analysts and pundits interested in its affairs. 

Preoccupation with the Syrian crisis has derived from the sense, apparent since its early phases, that it was much more than a domestic issue. It has, indeed, become a conflict by-proxy between Iran and its regional rivals and the arena of American-Russian competition. It has also had a spillover effect on several neighboring countries and has been a bellwether for the state of the Arab Spring.

As the conflict festered it also prompted a broader discussion and debate over the future of the Arab State system. The collapse of Syria, the ongoing fighting in Iraq, and the general instability in the Middle East has led some observers to question whether the very geography of the region will be changed. Robin Wright, a journalist and scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, argues that “the map of the modern Middle East, a political and economic pivot in the international order, is in tatters.” Wright also warns that competing groups and ideologies are pulling the region apart: “A different map would be a strategic game changer for just about everybody, potentially reconfiguring alliances, security challenges, trade and energy flows for much of the world, too.”  Similarly, Parag Khanna, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, argues, “Nowhere is a rethinking of “the state” more necessary than in the Middle East.” He contends that “The Arab world will not be resurrected to its old glory until its map is redrawn to resemble a collection of autonomous national oases linked by Silk Roads of commerce.” Lt. Colonel Joel Rayburn, writing from the Hoover Institution, points out that the alternative may not be new states but rather simply collapse. “If watching the fall or near-fall of half a dozen regimes in the Arab Spring has taught us anything, it should be that the Arab states that appeared serenely stable to outsiders for the past half century were more brittle than we have understood,” warning darkly, “This conflict could very well touch us all, perhaps becoming an engine of jihad that spews forth attackers bent on bombing western embassies and cities or disrupting Persian Gulf oil markets long before the fire burns out.” 

This discussion touches on a key question: Will the collapse of one or several other Arab states produce a new order in the region? 

The regional order has been threatened before, but today’s challenge is unique. Syria is what has prompted the latest reevaluation of the Skyes-Picot borders, but many of the problems predated the Syrian civil war. Ambitious monarchs in the 1930s and 1940s challenged the order after the colonial period. The doctrine of Pan-Arab Nationalism and Gamal Abd al-Nasir’s messianic leadership in the 1950s and by Saddam Hussein in 1990 again posed a threat. Now it is now challenged not by a powerful state or a sweeping ideology but by the weakness of several Arab states that seem to be on the verge of implosion or disintegration.

This paper assesses the situation in Syria, with an emphasis on what might lead to its de facto partition or lasting collapse. It then examines Syria’s neighbors and their prospects for stability. The paper concludes by exploring how the United States, Israel and Iran might affect this tenuous balance.


Image Source: © Muzaffar Salman / Reuters


USAID's public-private partnerships: A data picture and review of business engagement

In the past decade, a remarkable shift has occurred in the development landscape. Specifically, acknowledgment of the central role of the private sector in contributing to, even driving, economic growth and global development has grown rapidly. The data on financial flows are dramatic, indicating reversal of the relative roles of official development assistance and private financial flows. This shift is also reflected in the way development is framed and discussed, never more starkly than in the Addis Abba Action Agenda and the new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which the SDGs follow, focused on official development assistance. In contrast, while the new set of global goals does not ignore the role of official development assistance, they reorient attention to the role of the business sector (and mobilizing host country resources).

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has been in the vanguard of donors in recognizing the important role of the private sector to development, most notably via the agency’s launch in 2001 of a program targeted on public-private partnerships (PPPs) and the estimated 1,600 USAID PPPs initiated since then. This paper provides a quantitative and qualitative presentation of USAID’s public-private partnerships and business sector participation in those PPPs. The analysis offered here is based on USAID’s PPP data set covering 2001-2014 and interviews with executives of 17 U.S. corporations that have engaged in PPPs with USAID.

The genesis of this paper is the considerable discussion by USAID and the international development community about USAID’s PPPs, but the dearth of information on what these partnerships entail. USAID’s 2014 release (updated in 2015) of a data set describing nearly 1,500 USAID PPPs since 2001 offers an opportunity to analyze the nature of those PPPs.

On a conceptual level, public-private partnerships are a win-win, even a win-win-win, as they often involve three types of organizations: a public agency, a for-profit business, and a nonprofit entity. PPPs use public resources to leverage private resources and expertise to advance a public purpose. In turn, non-public sectors—both businesses and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)—use their funds and expertise to leverage government resources, clout, and experience to advance their own objectives, consistent with a PPP’s overall public purpose. The data from the USAID data set confirm this conceptual mutual reinforcement of public and private goals.

The goal is to utilize USAID’s recently released data set to draw conclusions on the nature of PPPs, the level of business sector engagement, and, utilizing interviews, to describe corporate perspectives on partnership with USAID.

The arguments regarding “why” PPPs are an important instrument of development are well established. This paper presents data on the “what”: what kinds of PPPs have been implemented and in what countries, sectors, and income contexts. There are other research and publications on the “how” of partnership construction and implementation. What remains missing are hard data and analysis, beyond the anecdotal, as to whether PPPs make a difference—in short, is the trouble of forming these sometimes complex alliances worth the impact that results from them?

The goal of this paper is not to provide commentary on impact since those data are not currently available on a broad scale. Similarly, this paper does not recommend replicable models or case studies (which can be found elsewhere), though these are important and can help new entrants to join and grow the field. Rather, the goal is to utilize USAID’s recently released data set to draw conclusions on the nature of PPPs, the level of business sector engagement, and, utilizing interviews, to describe corporate perspectives on partnership with USAID.

The decision to target this research on business sector partners’ engagement in PPPs—rather than on the civil society, foundation, or public partners—is based on several factors. First, USAID’s references to its PPPs tend to focus on the business sector partners, sometimes to the exclusion of other types of partners; we want to understand the role of the partners that USAID identifies as so important to PPP composition. Second, in recent years much has been written and discussed about corporate shared value, and we want to assess the extent to which shared value plays a role in USAID’s PPPs in practice.

The paper is divided into five sections. Section I is a consolidation of the principal data and findings of the research. Section II provides an in-depth “data picture” of USAID PPPs drawn from quantitative analysis of the USAID PPP data set and is primarily descriptive of PPPs to date. Section III moves beyond description and provides analysis of PPPs and business sector alignment. It contains the results of coding certain relevant fields in the data set to mine for information on the presence of business partners, commercial interests (i.e., shared value), and business sector partner expertise in PPPs. Section IV summarizes findings from a series of interviews of corporate executives on partnering with USAID. Section V presents recommendations for USAID’s partnership-making.





A More Complete Picture of Pioneer ACO Results

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released more detailed ACO-level data for participants in first two years of the Pioneer ACO Model. The program, which is designed for health systems with more experience assuming financial risk for patient populations, has generated savings and improvements in quality measures, but has also struggled to retain participants. The program began with 32 provider organizations; following a series of recent announcements there are now 19 total participants.

Last month, CMS announced that the Pioneer Program was able to yield total program savings of $96 million in its second year and resulted in ACOs sharing in savings of $68 million. CMS also reported that the Pioneers were able to improve mean quality scores by 19 percent and increased performance on 28 of 33 measures between performance year one and performance year two.

Financial Results

The latest financial results provide more participant-level data and allow for a new level of analysis of performance across all these ACOs. In year one of the program, financial performance for individual Pioneers ranged from a gross loss of $9.31 million to a gross savings of $23.34 million. Thirteen Pioneers reduced costs enough to qualify for shared savings, with an average of $5.85 million returned to the ACOs, ranging from $1.00 million to $14.00 million. One ACO owed shared losses of $2.55 million. The remaining eighteen ACOs were within the minimum savings or loss rate and did not earn shared savings or owe money to Medicare due to losses.

Following year one, nine Pioneer ACOs either left the Medicare ACO program entirely, or moved to the lower risk Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). Eight of the nine Pioneers that left the program failed to reduce spending in their first year. Out of the remaining 23 participants in the second performance year, three of these ACOs opted to defer reconciliation until the end of Performance Year 3. The 20 Pioneers with final Performance Year 2 data had financial performance ranging from a gross savings of $24.59 million to gross losses of $6.26 million. Fourteen ACOs reduced spending in Performance Year 2, eleven of which reduced enough to qualify for shared savings. The average shared savings for these ACOs was $6.55 million, ranging from $1.22 million to $13.41 million. Three Pioneers shared losses, averaging $2.33 million back to the Medicare program.

The table below shows the breakdown of ACOs according to whether they reduced spending, increased spending, shared in savings, or owed money back to Medicare due to losses. More than half of the Pioneers were able to reduce spending in year one (18/32) and year two (14/23), with more than one-third of total ACOs earning shared savings in each year as well.

The data also suggest that those ACOs that were most successful in reducing spending in the first year were also more likely to reduce spending in their second year. As the chart below shows, three ACOs that earned shared savings in year one owed money back to Medicare due to losses in year two, while no ACO that had shared losses in year one was able to attain shared savings in year two.  

Quality Results

CMS also released ACO-level performance on all 33 measures for Pioneer participants in year one and year two. The 23 ACOs that remain in the Pioneer Program showed overall improvement in average quality scores from the first to second performance year. The ACOs also improved overall on 28 of 33 measures, as the chart below shows.

The quality domain with the greatest improvement in year two was Domain 4 (At Risk-Populations) which saw an overall improvement from 67.5% to 83%. The marked improvement in this domain suggests that ACOs are making progress at better coordinating and delivery care for high-risk patients, many of whom have multiple chronic conditions. Chronic care management for conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and hypertension is critical for the continued success of accountable care efforts. All other domains saw average quality improvement as well, summarized below.

Likewise, almost all of the individual Pioneer ACOs improved their performance on quality measures from year one to year two. Of the ACOs that remained in the program for year two, all but one ACO was able to improve its overall quality score in its second year.

Additionally, the percentage of Pioneer ACOs performing in the 80th or 90th percentile in quality scores also increased from year one to year two, as shown in the chart below.

Putting Together Financial and Quality Results

In year one of the Pioneer Program there appeared to be no direct correlation between average quality scores and gross savings or losses for individual ACOs. This may not be unexpected, especially since Pioneer ACOs in their first year are eligible for shared savings simply by reporting their quality. In subsequent years, however, the ACO’s quality score impacts the level of shared savings that the Pioneers are eligible to receive, so we might expect a bit more alignment between quality and financial performance. Average quality scores and level of savings or losses for each of the 32 first year Pioneer ACOs is below.

After year two, there still does not appear to be a direct relationship between higher quality scores and level of savings or losses in the Pioneer Program. Further examination of results begs additional questions about why certain ACOs clustered in different parts of the grid relative to others.

Of those ACOs in the red circle above— higher total savings and relatively average quality scores—two of the ACOs are from the Boston area and the remaining ones from other large metropolitan areas (New York City; Orange County, CA; Phoenix, AZ; and Detroit, MI). The average per capita Medicare spending for the counties corresponding to these ACOs is $11,544, compared to an average of $10,384 for counties corresponding to all 23 of the Pioneer participants.

Meanwhile those ACOs within the yellow circle had the highest quality scores, but also experience financial losses or slight savings. Many of these ACOs are from less densely populated areas, such as Maine, Wisconsin, and Illinois. There are a number of factors that could be contributing to their quality success, but little financial savings—healthier patient populations, a smaller or more engaged patient population, financial baselines impacted by lower per capita spending in these areas, or other factors driven by their region. Further analysis of these ACOs and the other public and private ACO programs, including both their characteristics and regional market characteristics, will provide needed further insights on the factors most likely to drive success.

Next Steps

These ACO-level data reflect the range of experiences across Pioneer participants. Some ACOs have sustained positive performance to date, while others have seen diminishing rates of return. Those organizations more committed to clinical transformation, patient outreach, and organizational change may be more likely to do better, but further analysis of differences in performance could enable the Pioneer Program and ACOs to achieve bigger impacts over time.

It is hard to know what the third performance year of the Pioneer program will show, but as noted earlier, the Pioneer Program has already lost over a third of its original 32 participants. Despite the decline in participation and mixed results so far, CMS remains optimistic and committed to the program, and the overall number of Medicare, Medicaid, and privately-insured individuals in ACO arrangements continues to rise. We can anticipate a proposed rule impacting the MSSP, likely later this Fall, which will impact elements of the Pioneer ACO program. Regulatory changes that may help increase the ability of the Medicare ACO programs to support better care while ensuring sustainability include: adjustments to attribution methods, benchmark calculations, collection and sharing of data with ACOs, updating performance measures, linking to other ongoing payment and delivery reforms, and creating more financial sustainability for program participants. The current Pioneer program can be a key step toward effective payment reform, but further steps are needed to assure long-term success.




The 2016 Rio Olympics: Will Brazil’s emergence get a second wind?

In these days when Brazil’s politics are in turmoil and its economy is in the doldrums, it is all too easy for Brazilians to dismiss their country’s decision to host the Summer 2016 Olympics as part and parcel of the same package of bad policy decisions that landed them in their present predicament. The steady […]



10 Ways to Spice up Your Knickers With Sustainable Lingerie

With Valentine's Day around the corner, now's the time to invest in thongs, sweet babydoll sets, ruffled knickers, and more -- in sustainable materials from organic cotton to soy.


The Week in Pictures: A Cacti Chandelier, Bourbon and Maple Peach Cobbler, and More

A eccentric design hangs living cacti and lighting from the ceiling, a vegan cobbler is delicious, a luxury treehouse is a great escape in Bangkok, and more.


Photo: Grand Canyon's Havasu Falls are a picture of paradise

Our photo of the day comes from the 15th oldest U.S. national park.


Nashville Underwater: Images from the City's Epic Flood (Slideshow)

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The Week in Pictures: Galapagos Islands No Longer Endangered? 'Static Kill' of BP's Oil Well, and More (Slideshow)

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico reached an important milestone this Tuesday afternoon when BP started their 'static kill' procedure to seal the oil well, and the good news is, that it seems to be working -- so far. In other green news, the


The Week in Pictures: Cherry Tree Sculptures, Catapulting LED Stars, and More

This week's photo roundup includes a sculpture made from living cherry trees, an artist catapulting LEDs into the sky to make stars, and more.


The Week in Pictures: Cherry Tree Sculptures, Catapulting LED Stars, and More (Slideshow)

We've featured a lot of treehouses on TreeHugger, but the plans for this one are a little different: Ten cherry trees will be planted in a circle, and pruned and bent over time to form a unique, two story sculpture.


Portraits of Londoners From Every Olympic Country Highlight City's Diversity

You can see these magnificent photo portraits of Londoners on a wall or on the web.


Sweet and spicy grilled eggplant over rice [Vegan]

The eggplant soaks up all of the marinade, which means lots of sweet, smokey, and spicy flavor in every single bite.


A picture is worth: Steven M. Johnson's GYM

I thought the ELF was a great new idea; turns out our hero was there first.


Fair Trade Chocolate, Tea, Spice and Coffee Sales Jump 75 Percent, Study Says

Chocolate, tea and more goodies partner with Fair Trade USA which expands farming programs and experiences record sales.


8 ways to spice up your morning coffee or tea

Take an average cup of coffee or tea to a new tasty level with these quick, easy additions.


Artist's blossoming animal forms depict triumph of life over death

These flowery sculptures seem to grow and flourish, out of repurposed dead animal skulls.


Seattle bans plastic straws, utensils and cocktail picks

Strawless in Seattle is now officially enshrined into law.


The Week in Pictures: Toxic Industrial Sludge Covers Hungarian Villages, Solar Panels on the White House, and More (Slideshow)

A state of emergency has been declared in Hungary where four people are dead, 120 injured and six missing as torrents of red toxic sludge, the byproduct of bauxite refining for aluminum, burst from a containment pond and poured through six villages in


Tesla rumors: 2 electric cars to be unveiled in March? Electric pickup truck coming in 2018?

It would be a good way to further broaden the appeal of electric vehicles.


'Weed dating' & trash picking: The new tourist guide to Amsterdam

The city hopes to combat overtourism by getting visitors off the beaten track and doing more useful things.


Not your typical lion encounter

A vagrant Cape Sea Lion that made a record trip to Kenya is rescued from a fisherman’s gillnet.


Get warm and cozy with 10 ethical fall fashion picks

From sweaters to wraps to plush leggings, these casual and comfortable pieces will keep you toasty all autumn long.


Prestigious Prix Pictet Photography Competition Winner is Luc Delahaye

It's the most prestigious photography prize (and best paid) and here's this year's winner.


Epicures gathered in France for Bug & Wine pairing

For the first time ever, insects took the place of cheese at an upscale gastronomical event.


10 Transformer Tables For a Tiny Urban Space: Help Pick The Best

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The envelope, please: BuildingGreen's top 10 green picks for 2016

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A brief history of the items in your spice drawer

A visit to a Sri Lankan herb and spice garden reveals a rich history of trade and alternative medicine.


Prix Pictet International Environmental Photography Competition Short List Announced 2012

This competition for the best environmental photography never fails to be interesting and professional.


Epic art landscapes contain one lifetime's worth of recycled electronic waste (Video)

Aiming to raise awareness about e-waste recycling, this photographer used 4,100 pounds of e-waste in these futuristic scenes.


Olympic medals to be made from recycled electronics

Tokyo 2020's organizing committee will transform old smartphones, laptops, and digital cameras into a true treasure.


2020 Tokyo Olympics medals will be made from metals recovered from e-waste

By reclaiming precious metals from its 'urban mine' of obsolete electronics, Japan may be able to produce the medals for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics from recycled materials.


Electric Ford F-150 pickup truck tows a million pound train. Is this a big deal?

In a word, no. Ford can sell this fiction, but it is all about friction.


TreeHugger Picks: Landfill Gas, From Trash to Alternative Energy

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BMW Shows "Deep Commitment to Sustainability" With Pavilion for London Olympics

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An Explanation of the Water Cycle (with Pictures and Diagrams)

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The fruit-picking ritual that I look forward to all year

Cherry-picking has become a family bonding experience – and a practical zero-waste food storage tactic.