
8 heart-shaped islands to inspire your next getaway

These heart-shaped islands are top-notch destinations for romantic vacations, honeymoons, weddings and marriage proposals.


Transit of Venus puts spotlight on planetary sun crossings

A rare opportunity to see the planet Venus cross in front of the face of the sun is coming up next week. On June 5 to 6, Venus will "transit" the sun for the l


Kermit the Frog really thinks pizza as a vegetable is silly

Kermit pops into ‘Saturday Night Live’ to discuss the school lunch standards.


Plant the Plate infographic argues for increased fruit and vegetable production

America does not grow enough fruits and vegetables to satisfy USDA recommendations for all citizens. This infograhic makes the argument easy to understand.


Should sustainability info be included in dietary guidelines?

Foods that are healthy also tend to be sustainable. Should the USDA guidelines reflect that?


Sugar gets called out in 2016 dietary guidelines (and meat, we're watching you)

New dietary guidelines put a limit on added sugar, and changed their tune on dietary cholesterol. Good news for egg lovers.


EWG releases its own set of dietary guidelines

On the heels of the government's dietary guidelines, Environmental Working Group releases its own version, free from food industry interference.


Dig out your potato masher. You're now allowed to eat more starchy vegetables

The Institute of Medicine has raised the amount of potatoes, corn and peas it recommends you eat each week.


5 vegetarian breakfast foods that keep you full until lunch

If you're trying to stave off the mid-morning munchies, these foods will satisfy both your taste buds and your appetite.


Does it really make a difference if you tear or chop vegetables?

If you want to get the most nutrients out of your veggies, don't worry about gaining polyphenols or losing nutrients. Just eat them.


Polar bears changing hunting and dietary habits as ice shrinks

Polar bears have shifted to a diet of more land-based food in response to climate change and melting sea ice.


Tibetan monks transform butter into art

Tsepdro is a sacred art form in Tibet. It's traditionally made during Losar, the Tibetan New Year.

  • Arts & Culture


Can you grow vegetables in the shade?

If you think your yard has too much shade to grow vegetables, there may be hope.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Rare metal shortage threatens high-tech innovation

A world in need of faster computers, smarter phones and more energy-efficient light bulbs threatens to strain the small supply of rare metals used by the global

  • Gadgets & Electronics


League of extraordinary vegetables take over London

Growers show off their autumnal bounty at the annual London Harvest Festival Show.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Eating insects: Vegans, vegetarians weigh in

Insects are lower impact and could replace meat in the American diet, but what do the veggies think?


10 recipes for Brussels sprouts that will make them your new favorite vegetable

Brussels sprouts are a superfood packed with vitamins, cancer-fighting nutrients, and many health benefits.


Is this seaweed the magical bacon unicorn of vegetables?

Dulse, a succulent red marine alga, is highly nutritious, fast-growing — and supposedly tastes like bacon when fried. The Internet weighs in...


Jared Leto and Ellen Page named 'sexiest vegetarians'

Annual award, given by PETA, presented in recognition of both actors' commitment to animal-free diets.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Pluto's planetary purgatory may soon come to an end

NASA scientists hatch proposal to redefine what it means to be a planet in our solar system.


Rare metal from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs can cure cancer, says professor

New research seems to demonstrate that iridium, a rare metal found in meteorites, can kill cancer cells.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


One of the largest bears to ever walk Europe was a vegetarian

The extinct cave bear Ursus spelaeus appears to have descended from a vegetarian line of bears.


Planetary collision seeded elements for life on Earth, study says

Researchers say the collision of a planetary body with Earth, some 4.4 billion years ago, seeded the elements of life and also led to the creation of our moon.


Is climate change turning our vegetables into empty calories?

Climate change may be stripping nutrients from the most basic of foods, and that's making its way up the chain to us.

  • Climate & Weather


27 gourmet vegetarian recipes for Christmas dinner

If you are looking for ways to make your holiday meal a lot more interesting, look no further. These vegetarian and vegan recipes are not only gourmet but most


Top 10 vegetables to grow in your garden

These nutritional powerhouse vegetables can flourish in your yard or in containers.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Try a weekday vegetarian diet

Get healthier by focusing on vegetable-based dishes Monday through Friday and eating meat only on the weekends.


Orbit map of the solar system reveals gorgeous planetary perspective

Beautiful solar system map by Eleanor Lutz shows the orbits of more than 18,000 celestial objects.


What is a metabolic equivalent?

Knowing how to measure metabolic equivalents is an easy way to sneak in exercise and make sure all your movements count.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Secretary Chu on energy efficiency

Energy Secretary Steven Chu fields energy efficiency questions from the public.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Where to find good vegetarian fast food

Vegetarians usually have to opt for salads or bean burritos at fast food restaurants. That’s changing as restaurants realize the demand for meatless options.


5 ways to fight retail overpackaging

Tired of all the small items in huge boxes, wasted cardboard and excessive packaging at your local big box retailer? Here's what you can do to fight back.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


In San Francisco, giant inflatable rabbits are assigned 24/7 security detail

Following a 3-week stint, the very big bunnies will hop to other cities.

  • Arts & Culture


Why we need a planetary protection officer

Not only do we need to keep Earth safe from alien microbes, but we need to keep space safe from Earth microbes.


Emily Deschanel raises a toxin-free, vegetarian baby

'Bones' star juggles hit show and eco-conscious motherhood.

  • Arts & Culture


New dietary rules won't keep the planet in mind

Idea of including environmental impact of food production won't fly this year.


Teens with metabolic syndrome perform worse on tests

Teens with metabolic syndrome — a set of health conditions linked with the development of heart disease and diabetes — perform worse in school than their he

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Kids' poor breakfast habits may lead to adult metabolic syndrome, study says

Researchers in Sweden found that children who skipped breakfast regularly had a significant increase in symptoms of metabolic syndrome as adults.


Should you avoid acetaminophen?

California considers labeling acetaminophen a carcinogen.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Japanese retailer Muji is selling teeny-tiny vacation huts

It's a handsome, pared-down design, but where are the wheels?

  • Remodeling & Design


Puget Sound getaway is pure freecycled genius

As its name implies, Scavenger Studio by Eerkes Architects was constructed from materials plucked from soon-to-be-demolished homes.

  • Remodeling & Design


Norwegian army put on vegetarian diet

Combating climate change now on the menu for Norway’s armed forces.


Ken Salazar to step down as Secretary of the Interior

His office confirms that he will leave his job this March to spend more time with his family.


Media Matters: PETA's knack for buzz

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk talks with Ken Edelstein about the infamous Obama fly swat, their reaction and why PR matters.


Wanted: Planetary protector for the solar system

NASA is looking for someone to protect us from alien microbes — and the rest of the solar system from ourselves.


Is a vegetarian diet safe for my dog?

Putting Fido on a vegetarian diet can help the planet, but will it harm your pooch?


We are one: Inspiring film 'Planetary' offers fresh perspective on our relationship with Earth

Thought-provoking documentary weaves together stunning imagery with enlightening interviews to show how connected we are to our planet.

  • Arts & Culture


The secret to container vegetable gardening

You don't need a yard to grow vegetables and herbs. Container gardening with specialty seeds will make the the most of your limited space.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Can a tick bite make you vegetarian?

A bite from the Lone Star tick could induce a meat allergy in humans.