ann Amid Earth's heat records, scientists report another bump upward in annual carbon emissions By Published On :: 2024-11-13T00:03:25Z Full Article
ann ANNKE FCD600 PoE dual lens panoramic outdoor security camera review By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 13:00:44 +0000 REVIEW – When you live in a somewhat secluded wooded area like I do, you want to be able to monitor your property when you’re home and away from home. I’ve had multiple security cameras around my house for years, but only in the past year have I “graduated” to PoE cameras, and I love […] Full Article Reviews security camera
ann Board Game Review–Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands By Published On :: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 03:21:00 +0000 I had the opportunity to play a preview edition of Quests & Cannons: The Risen Islands from Short Hop Games in advance of the game’s upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Designed by Eric and Shannon Geller, the preview edition arrived in a bright and colorful cover box that hinted at the beautiful artwork within. We got it on the table for a family game straightaway. As we unpacked the contents of the box, I was impressed with the quality of the wooden components. Especially for a preview copy, everything was incredibly well made and sturdy, which speaks to the care and enthusiasm Eric and Shannon have put into the game. The illustrations on the components are just lovely! The artists (Lily Yao Lu, Tony Carter, Regis Torres, Sita Duncan, and Lilia Sitailo) did a really great job integrating the theme into the materials. Quests & Cannons is very easy to setup and the rules are straightforward, so you can get started playing pretty quickly; no one is going to be stuck spending an hour reviewing the rules upfront. The only thing you really need to work out is whether you want to play the game solo, cooperatively, free for all, or in teams. Regardless of the mode you choose, you’ll sit down as a leader of a kingdom, tasked with bringing prosperity (i.e. victory points) to your people as you explore new islands that have suddenly cropped up in the sea. The revelation of the islands has coincided with devastating famine and drought hitting the kingdoms to varying degrees, so you’re also on a quest to find a way to reverse these plagues. And since prosperity can be gained through attacking other leaders during explorations, you’ll need to be thinking about battle defense and offense. My kids are teens, so they handled the attacks pretty well, but your mileage may vary with your youngsters, depending on their age and temperament. The underlying mechanics of the game are pretty simple: Explore to gather resources across the islands and turn those resources in to complete quests (pick up and deliver) Follow explicit instructions on map clue cards to do X action at X location Attack rival ships Players can do three actions on a turn, choosing freely between move, gather resources, and attack. All of the how-to and particulars governing these actions are detailed in the rulebook (and in video play-throughs online). Variability in movement rules, attack/defense power, and resource storage capacity is dictated for each player by the leader card they’ve chosen at the beginning of the game (each one comes with special powers and differing stats) and the upgrades performed on their ship. I did find a few issues with the mechanics for the Geller team to address before the final version is distributed: Explain in the rulebook what should be done if the map clue drawn cannot possibly be used Add a 0 space to the action point track on each player’s ship to track the exhaustion of the final action point Implement monsters or other descriptive elements with differing effects into the treacherous sea spaces to add more complexity Outside of these issues, I recommend Quests & Cannons as a family game for gateway gamers (i.e. new to the hobby) or those who gravitate toward light strategy games. It’s kid-friendly and there isn’t any analysis paralysis inherent in the game. It plays in under 90 minutes, gives kids exposure to different play modes within the same game, tackles conflict resolution, and comes with a variety of board layouts to keep things interesting over multiple plays. Note that this is not a game I’d recommend for players who prefer deeper strategy. Highly experienced gamers drawn to seafaring themes and beautiful artwork can find similar mechanisms with a bit more depth and complexity in other games such as Islebound (designed by Ryan Laukat from Red Raven Games). ------------------------------------------------- Publisher: Short Hop Games Players: 1-6 (We played with 4 and 5) Actual Playing Time (vs the guideline on the box): about 90 minutes per game Game type: pick-up and deliver,hand management, action points, kid-friendly, solo Rating for Gateway Gamers: Rating for Advanced Board Gamers: Rating scale: OUI: I would play this game again; this game is ok. I probably would not buy this game myself but I would play it with those who own it and if someone gave it to me I would keep it. OUI OUI: I would play this game again; this game is good. I would buy this game. OUI OUI OUI: I LOVE THIS GAME. I MUST HAVE THIS GAME. NON: I would not play this game again. I would return this game or give it away if it was given to me. Full Article action points games board game reviews hand management games Kickstarter kid friendly games pick-up and deliver games Short Hop Games
ann Board Game Review: Anno 1800 By Published On :: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 18:53:00 +0000 Whenever Martin Wallace designs a new game, I am all over it. This is because I absolutely love Brass Birmingham (another MW designed game); in fact Brass Birmingham is my #1 board game of all time. Over the years, his other games I've tried have been pretty good, but not necessarily amazing must-buys. Still, I keep trying each new release of his, searching for that next star performer. That's why I'm excited to report that Anno 1800 is, in fact, a star performer, and an amazing must-buy board game. Anno 1800 was adapted by the publisher (Kosmos) from a Ubisoft video game of the same name. In the board game, players take on the role of industrialists, charged with developing their island economies and exploring other islands. Each player begins the game with a personal industry board with trade & exploration ships, a shipyard, and industrial goods tiles printed on the board. A starting collection of workers (wooden cubes) of various types to produce the goods is also provided to each player. A specific type of worker must be placed on a goods tile on a player’s personal industry board to produce the good, and it remains there until an action is taken (the festival action) to move all the workers back to their unused (“residential”) area. Each player is also dealt a hand of population cards and a couple of trade and exploration tokens. The population cards have a requirement that must be met (depicted on the face of the card; typically the production of a good, or the relinquishment of trade or exploration tokens) before they can be played. The trade tokens are a prerequisite for using an opponent’s goods and the exploration tokens are a prerequisite for sailing to other islands. In the center of the play area, there is a common industries board, with a limited number of each type of goods tile stacked in little piles for the taking, as well as shipyard and ship tiles. If you’re familiar with Brass Birmingham, the layout on the central board in Anno 1800 is somewhat akin to how the industry tiles are stacked on your personal playing board before you remove them to place on the central board in Brass. To round out the setup, there are stacks of population cards (sorted by the type of worker each card is associated with), new world cards (basically a twist on population cards; given out as a benefit when you explore new world islands), expedition cards (provide opportunities for additional end game scoring; these are given out as a benefit by population or new world cards but can also be purchased with exploration tokens), and a handful of common objective cards (each one provides end game scoring bonuses for players who meet the objective). During a player’s turn, a player chooses from among several actions: Expand industry by adding the ability to produce new goods to their island (construct new industry). To do so, a player will take a goods tile from the central board, flip it over, and place it onto a free space (or over top an existing goods tile they are willing to lose the ability to produce going forward). Some goods tiles have prerequisites that must be met in order to construct them on a personal industry board. For example, to gain the ability to produce soap, a player must place the required type of workers on their personal industry board to produce pig fat and coal. Once they’ve done so, they may take the soap tile from the common industries board. Expand industry by adding a new shipyard to their island (construct a new shipyard). To do so, players will take a shipyard tile from the central board, flip it over, and place it onto a free space along the coast of their island (or over top an existing shipyard tile they are willing to lose the ability to produce ships from going forward). There are level 1, 2, and 3 shipyards, corresponding to the type of ship they can produce. Like goods tiles, shipyards have prerequisites that must be met in order to construct them on a personal industry board. Expand industry by adding new ships to their island (construct one or more new ships). To do so, players will take as many ship tiles as they’d like to build from the central board, flip them over, and place them onto free spaces in the harbor of their island (or over top an existing ship tiles they are willing to lose). There are level 1, 2, and 3 ships, corresponding to the type of shipyards that produced them. Like goods tiles, ships have prerequisites that must be met in order to construct them on a personal industry board. Additionally, ship production is limited to 1 ship per established shipyard on a player’s personal industry board. Increase the workforce by up to three new workers by meeting the prerequisites for recruiting each worker. When this action is taken, a player takes the worker cubes from the central supply that they have met the recruiting prerequisites for and adds those workers to their home island, placing them in the residential area. Note that each type of worker taken also requires the player to draw a population card corresponding to that worker type from the central card stacks. This card is added to the player’s existing hand of population cards. Upgrade up to three workers by meeting the prerequisites for upgrading each worker. When this action is taken, a player takes the worker cubes from the central supply that they have met the upgrade prerequisites for and adds those workers to their home island, placing them in the same general area that the worker they are replacing was located. This means if a player upgrades a worker from the residential area on their personal industry board, the upgraded worker should be placed in the residential area as well. But if the player upgrades a worker that was already in place on a goods tile, the upgraded worker should likewise be placed back on that same goods tile. Play a population card from their hand and fulfill the card’s requirement to receive a one time benefit (more workers or worker upgrades, gold, trade or exploration tokens, expedition cards, an extra turn, new world resources, or the ability to discard cards in hand without otherwise playing them first). Most of these benefits can be redeemed (“activated”) at any time after playing the card – on the current turn or on a future turn – and these activations are bonus actions, so you can do as many of them on a turn as you wish. Once they are activated, they are turned face down and kept in a player’s personal area. Playing a population card also amasses victory points (called influence points in Anno 1800) to be scored at the end of the game; these will make up the bulk of a player’s influence points when the game is concluded. Swap up to three population cards from their hand with the same number of cards from the communal population decks. This might be done if a player didn’t find the cards in their hand useful and wanted to gamble for better cards from the central decks. Sail and explore an old world or new world island by expending exploration tokens. Exploring old world islands extends the manufacturing spaces of a player’s personal industry board and provides an immediate one time bonus as depicted on the old world island drawn. Exploring new world islands provides access to three new raw materials (such as cotton, coffee beans, or tobacco) per island that can be obtained using trade tokens. These materials are accessible only by the player who drew the island (a private relationship with the island natives). If a new world island is explored, the player must also draw three new world cards from the central stacks and add them to their hand. Take an expedition and draw up to three expedition cards by expending exploration tokens. Each of these cards show an animal and an artifact discovered on the expedition. At the end of the game, assuming the player holding the expedition cards has the requisite workers in their supply to oversee the animals and artifacts depicted, they will receive influence points for the specimens. For any of the above actions that require a prerequisite good that the player cannot or does not want to produce, the good can be obtained from an opponent by trading the required number of trade tokens in exchange for the production of the good. Likewise, for actions that require a worker that the player cannot currently supply because it has been exhausted already, the necessary worker can be returned to its residential district before the action by paying the required amount of gold to entice them home. Celebrate a festival to reset all workers and replenish trade and exploration tokens. When this action is taken, a player moves all of their workers back to the residential area of their personal industry board and refills each of their ships with the type and number of token specified. The game continues, turn after turn, action after action, until a player plays or discards their final population card. Once that happens, that player gains the 7 VP fireworks token, and the rest of the players are allowed to complete their turns in the current round and one additional round, prior to final scoring. Scoring is detailed in the rulebook, but to summarize, it consists of points from population cards, expedition cards, gold, the fireworks token, and the objective cards. Note that scorepads are not included in the game, but can be downloaded from the publisher’s website. It’s suddenly clear to me that when I really really REALLY love a game, I get so excited about it that I take the time to explain in detail all of the rules of gameplay like I’ve done here for Anno 1800. For most games outside my top 10, I stick to my opinions on the game overall and simply comment on the rulebook (which is well written in this case, by the way) and advise you to read it yourself if you want details on all the gameplay. Let’s talk components. Highlights of the Anno 1800 component artwork include the box cover and the reproduction of the box cover art on the back of the player boards. The rest of the artwork across the components I’d classify as adequate; it does its job to reinforce the theme without being overly distracting. The component construction and durability are adequate also, and should hold up fine over several plays, except for the population cards. We’ve played less than 10 times and the cards are already bending at the edges. They don’t seem to be high quality I know it’s a little unfair to compare the quality of cardstock used in the high end Kickstarter games I’ve gotten used to with that of the cardstock used in a retail edition of a board game like this one, but it’s really an area that Kosmos could have put a little more care into. You might want to sleeve your population cards to prevent damage if you play this game frequently. Getting into the gameplay, there’s lots of strategy to explore, game after game. Reading over strategy forums online, I see a lot of discussion on trying to win the game by hoarding all the red workers, getting architect workers first to build ships, creating a strong feedback loop of acquiring new workers and 8 point population cards, etc, etc. Everyone thinks they’ve devised the very best strategy to ensure victory and there is much debate. And of course, the effectiveness of any given strategy varies across different player counts. What works exceedingly well in a 4 player game may not work at all in a 2 player game. I didn’t face a lot of analysis paralysis in my plays of Anno 1800, and since I’m prone to AP more than most, that bodes well for the rest of you. There just isn’t the complexity here to induce a brain freeze and because you must consume all resources in the same turn that you produced them, long term resource planning isn’t a possibility. The one drawback in the mechanics of the game is that a player can hijack the entire spirit of the game by attempting to rush the end conditions by disposing of their cards as soon as possible after the game starts. All they need to do is go out first, and if they can do that before any other player has laid down many of their population cards, they can easily come out ahead if no one else is paying attention, given they’ll also be awarded the 7 point fireworks token. What I want to say about this is that if you pay attention when you spot a player trying to do that, you can switch your strategy to focus on completing the 3 and 5 point population cards before they go out instead of the 8 pointers you might otherwise be prioritizing and you should still be able to come out ahead of them when they bring an early end to the game. Alternatively, you can just stop inviting over the friend who sucks the fun out of the game by rushing the ending. Just as with Brass Birmingham, what we have here in Anno 1800 is a well themed (love me some industrial action) board game with mechanics that are easy to learn, yet in their interoperability, provide depth to the game, especially when combined with the scarcity of certain resources like the red workers. There’s also a highly addictive quality to Wallace’s games like this one, wherein you construct a thing that produces things, and then you produce those things, and then you use the things you produced as input to construct another thing or produce more things. I love that resource chaining in Brass and I love it here! Anno 1800 is a strong buy recommendation from me; pick up the game online or from your FLGS (shout out to mine: and get it on the table. I’d love to know what you think of it also – you can comment here or tag me on IG @thatswhatjennisaid . -------------------------------------------------- Publisher: Kosmos Players: 2-4 (We played with 2 and 4) Actual Playing Time (vs the guideline on the box): About 2 hours per game Game type: worker placement, hand management, card games Retail Price: $69.95 direct from the publisher Rating: Jenni’s rating scale: OUI: I would play this game again; this game is ok. I probably would not buy this game myself but I would play it with those who own it and if someone gave it to me I would keep it. OUI OUI: I would play this game again; this game is good. I would buy this game. OUI OUI OUI: I LOVE THIS GAME. I MUST HAVE THIS GAME. NON: I would not play this game again. I would return this game or give it away if it was given to me. Full Article board game reviews card games hand management games Kosmos Martin Wallace worker placement games
ann Pre-Adventure Planning 101 :: with guest blogger Justin Lichter By Published On :: Wed, 05 May 2010 15:34:00 +0000 Hi everybody! I was honored when I was asked to write a blog entry for National Geographic Maps so hopefully this is informative and entertaining. For the first blog entry we thought it would be a good intro for me to talk about the planning stages, training, and of course map work that takes place prior to an expedition or adventure. If you want to find out more on my personal adventures you can check out my website at A quick recap of a few of the main adventures would entail hiking unsupported 1800 miles through Africa, hiking across Iceland, hiking south to north across the South Island of New Zealand, swimming unsupported around Lake Tahoe, and hiking over 10,000 miles in one year.All of these trips start with a dream and a desire to see these landscapes. I feel that you see and get to know the terrain, scenery, and culture on a personal level when you undertake a trip under your own power with no support and no aid from motorized equipment. Many of these trips followed my own route that I devised and made up trying to connect existing hiking trails, little used dirt roads and jeep roads, and cross country travel in order to stay off of paved roads and highly traveled roads as much as possible. Initially I research what areas I would like to see and what hiking trails are in the area. Then I try to get an overview atlas map or road map and a slightly more in depth overview map (like something in the range of 1:250,000 to 1:500,000). The overview maps help me locate potential places to connect and areas with few roads that I would want to go through. After I have a good idea of the route on those maps, I then put a number of potential routes down onto smaller scale maps (1:24000 to 1:100,000). I then tweak it from there, but in a few places I usually keep a number of route choices on the map in case I think certain areas need alternates in case of high water fords, technical spots, potential cliff areas, or anything else tricky the landscape may throw my way.I’ll then go through the maps and figure out what roads I cross and towns that I come near. I’ll figure out distances between these points and use these towns to resupply from and get more food.During these planning stages I am also training for the hike so that when I set out I am ready to do 25-30 miles per day from the start. Usually for training I end up doing a lot of cross training since it is usually the winter when I am training to set out on a hike starting in the spring. As a result I normally do a lot of skate skiing, classic skiing, backcountry touring, telemark skiing, snowshoeing, and some short walks on the road. After so many hikes I think that my body is pretty used to that type of work so if I can maintain my fitness level then that helps in the break in period on the hike. However, I usually try to carry a loaded backpack a little bit so that my shoulders and hips get used to the weight on them prior to the hike.I think that is a little recap of the initial stages of the pre-adventure planning. Hope that helps and was interesting. I’ll be blogging more on the site about some adventures, tricks and tips, and many other things, so come back and check it out! Blogger Bio— Meet our guest blogger, Justin LichterI grew up about an hour north of NewYork City and have since lived in Santa Barbara, CA, southern VT, Dillon, CO, and I am currently living in Truckee, CA. When not hiking, I am a ski patroller and enjoy backcountry skiing, nordic skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking, and pretty much anything else relaxing. Since 2002, I have hiked over 20,000 miles. In 2002 doing a cross-country map and compass trip through the canyon country of southern utah, in 2003 hiking from Georgia to Cap Gaspe, Quebec following the Appalachian Trail and International AT, 2004 hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada and then the Pacific Northwest Trail to the Washington coast, 2005 the Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada then continuing on the Great Divide Trail from the Canadian border up into northern Alberta, 11/1/05 to 10/23/06 completing the Eastern Continental Trail (cap gaspe, qc to key west, florida, incorporating the AT), Pacific Crest Trail, and Continental Divide Trail in under a year, a total of over 10,000 miles, and in 2007 a traverse of the Southern Alps and the south island of New Zealand. As well as amazing trips each year after. You can check out my website at for more info. Full Article
ann Adventure Planning :: with globe trekker, Justin Lichter By Published On :: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 21:03:00 +0000 With summer starting to wind down, the mosquitoes and black flies are fading. Winter will come soon. It is a great time of year to get outside and also start dreaming of trips that you want to do for next summer. I mentioned in a previous blog post how I go about looking into the routes that I am going to embark on, so naturally I want to transition to how you all can set out on a long hike.Here would be a few pointers that I would recommend.1. Plan, Plan, Plan.You haven’t planned enough if you haven’t thought about a lot of things for your trip. The route is one thing and the most obvious. However you should also be looking into how frequent and reliable the water sources are, how often you might be able to get more food or purchase food at a store, the weather for the area during that time of year, and fine tuning your gear. No doubt you will have some nerves at the start of a trip, but if you plan well and are comfortable with your gear going into the trip then that should ease the nerves a little.2. TrainAs your trip begins top take shape you will ideally start to train for the experience beforehand. This will help make your trip as enjoyable as possible as well as getting you used to your equipment. This will help your feet get ready, and if need be callused, for you shoes and to break in your shoes and help your hips and shoulders get used to wearing a backpack. If you prepare beforehand then you’ll be ready to hit the trail when the time comes and the mileage that you planned for the trip won’t be daunting. The training will also help in your planning because it will let you know what distances and terrain are obtainable for the trip in the time that you have.3. Gear Up, But Not Too MuchResearch the gear that you would like to use on the trip. Do as much research as possible looking online and asking questions of shop employees, but definitely do NOT just ask shop employees. Some store employees are great, but each has their own personal opinion and they might not even have done the activity or been to the terrain you are looking at doing. My typical gear list has many recurring pieces of gear, but there are also many things that change depending on location and time of year. This helps to keep your pack light by taking only what you will need. For example, there is no reason to carry a 3lb. -20 degree sleeping bag if you are heading out to the High Sierras in the summer. Chances are you can probably get away with a sub 2lb. 30 degree sleeping bag, especially if you plan on sleeping in a tent because that will add about 10 degrees to your sleep system. Get your system streamlined and dialed beforehand and then only take what you think you’ll need. If you don’t use it every day then generally you don’t need it. Also, try to make things have multiple uses. For example I use a half length sleeping pad and then use my backpack for the lower half of my sleeping pad. This saves about 8oz on my sleeping pad and makes it more packable since my backpack won’t be needed for anything else while I am sleeping.4. GO!!!! And Have Fun!Set off on the trip and have a blast. Remember that if you are setting out on a longer trip and you think you might need a piece of gear, want to swap out a piece of gear, or find out shortly into the hike that you aren’t using something that you are carrying then you can always mail something that you are carrying back home when you get to a town to resupply. On the other hand you could also mail something to yourself by General Delivery to the post office in a town. If you mail it priority and decide you don’t need the gear, then don’t open it and you can usually forward it elsewhere for no charge! This is also a great trick so that you only need to carry the maps that you need for each section and not add weight by carrying maps for the entire trip. Use these tools to keep your pack light.For more info about Justin Lichter, follow him @ Full Article
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ann USGL annual report for fiscal year 2022 published By Published On :: Sat, 11 Nov 2023 03:04:07 +0000 The U.S. Grand Lodge O.T.O. annual report for fiscal year 2022 has been published. This and all previous annual reports can be found here. Full Article Report
ann you cannot perceive By Published On :: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 04:00:00 EDT Today on Married To The Sea: you cannot perceiveThis RSS feed is brought to you by Drew and Natalie's podcast Garbage Brain University. Our new series Everything Is Real explores the world of cryptids, aliens, quantum physics, the occult, and more. If you use this RSS feed, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron. Patronage includes membership to our private Discord server and other bonus material non-patrons never see! Full Article autogen_comic
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ann Dogecoin spikes ~20% after Donald Trump announced the creation of the Department of Government Efficiency or DOGE; Dogecoin is up 153% since Election Day By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 05:03:16 GMT Dogecoin shot higher on Tuesday night, extending its postelection surge after President-elect Donald Trump formally announced the creation of the Department of Government Efficiency, which he referred to as "DOGE" in his statement. Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, former Republican… Full Article
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ann NVIDIA Announces Indiana Jones and the Great Circle GeForce RTX 40 Series Bundle By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 15:31:43 +0000 Until December 29th, as part of our Indiana Jones and the Great Circle GeForce RTX 40 Series Bundle, get the Digital Premium Edition of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle (a $99.99 value) with the purchase of a qualifying GeForce RTX 4090, 4080 SUPER, 4080, 4070 Ti SUPER, 4070 Ti, 4070 SUPER, or 4070 desktop or graphics card, or laptop with a GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU, RTX 4080 Laptop GPU, RTX 4070 Laptop GPU. The post NVIDIA Announces Indiana Jones and the Great Circle GeForce RTX 40 Series Bundle appeared first on Full Article All News Gaming News Hardware News Game Bundle Gaming Indiana Jones Nvidia PC Gaming RTX 40
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ann Public Service Announcement PS Plus prices increasing 35% on Tuesday! By Published On :: Sat, 02 Sep 2023 20:30:10 +0000 Current prices are now a deal, get them while you can or cancel your subscription in protest. Many vendors have already increased prices. Full Article
ann [PS4]Uncanny Valley-$2.59 Batman: Arkham Collection-$5.99 By Published On :: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 09:27:08 +0000 Uncanny Valley-$2.59 Batman: Arkham Collection-$5.99 Ends 11/2/2023 Full Article
ann Planning in child protection By Published On :: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 12:23 This project aims to identify factors which contribute to effective, child focussed, SMART plans for children by getting the views of social workers who work in child protection and those who chair child protection case conferences. It will consider ways of working in a more inclusive, collaborative way with children and their families, as well as ways to work more effectively in partnership with other agencies. It will also consider whether the Signs of Safety approach to child protection has a role to play in making plans more effective. The project is an IRISS project in partnership with East Lothian Council and is supported by WithScotland and Social Work Scotland. It is anticipated that the final report will assist with further development of positive outcomes for children and young people across Scotland. Full Article
ann F&S behandelen overspannen VVD'ers (NRC, di, 27-08-24) By Published On :: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Full Article
ann Sweet Potato Casserole with Canned Yams By Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:24:53 +0000 Sweet Potato Casserole with Canned Yams is a classic dish that brings delicious warmth and comfort to the table, especially during the holiday season. Whether it’s Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner, or any holiday feast, this delicious sweet potato casserole is the perfect side dish. Its creamy texture, sweet potato filling, and nutty flavor make it a delicious addition to your holiday table. This easy sweet potato casserole recipe is also a good... The post Sweet Potato Casserole with Canned Yams appeared first on Dear Crissy. Full Article Casseroles Sides Thanksgiving
ann Advice for young writers from Anna Lazowski, debut picture book author of T.REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES (illustrated by Steph Laberis) By Published On :: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 12:05:53 +0000 Looking for a hugely entertaining alphabet book that also has an uplifting message of empowerment for young readers? I highly recommend T. REXES CAN'T TIE THEIR SHOES by Anna Lazowski and Steph Laberis, launching June 29th, 2021 from Doubleday Books For Young Readers. The back matter also has an alphabetized factoid list of "all the amazing things animals CAN do!" This is an alphabet book that can be appreciated by grown-ups as well as young readers, with lots of potential discussion points. The illustrations of animals in ridiculous situations are so SOOOOO FUN --- omigosh, even as I'm writing this post, I went back to look through the digital ARC and can't decide which is my favourite, though I'm leaning toward the "Cheetahs can't chew bubble gum" page. I asked debut picture book author Anna Lazowski if she had any advice for young writers, and here's what she said: "Write what you want to write, because as you move through the publishing process, it will become incredibly important for you to truly believe in your work. The rejections in this industry are endless, and they come at every stage. Critique partners might reject elements of your manuscript, agents will reject your work, and once you're on submission to editors, they will reject your work. Then once you're finally published, some reviewers will reject your work. If you don't fully believe in your stories, this will be extremely hard to take. It's hard as it is, so make sure you're all in on the work you're doing. It will make the rest a little bit easier to navigate." Wise advice. Thank you, Anna! And congrats to you and Steph on your upcoming launch! ---- Also see other Advice For Young Writers and Illustrators From Children's Book Creators and my other Interviews With Children's Book Creators. Image at the top of this post was created for my new #BookADay book journal. For more info about Donalyn Miller's #BookADay challenge, see Donalyn's post in the Nerdy Book Club blog. Full Article Advice for young artists and young writers BookADay
ann The $50 Solution to Your Kitchen’s Most Annoying Gap By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 10:00:00 +0000 That awkward gap between your refrigerator and wall doesn’t have to be wasted space. Palestinian DIY enthusiast Qamar Derbas (@decorista_93) had the same thought – and turned it into a brilliant pantry storage solution. Her clever IKEA hack transforms the IKEA GERSBY bookshelf into a rolling pull-out pantry that slides perfectly into that refrigerator gap. This project requires no special tools or much DIY expertise and takes a mere hour or two hour to complete. What’s more, the GERSBY bookshelf […] The post The $50 Solution to Your Kitchen’s Most Annoying Gap appeared first on IKEA Hackers. Full Article Pantry Gersby Latest on IG
ann 2024 Week 36 Notes: Planners Gotta Plan By Published On :: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 18:12:44 -0800 The new 2024-25 COVID vaccines are available, so FunkyPlaid and I got ours on Friday. Because we went to a pharmacy, my health insurance didn’t cover them, so I had to use funds from my HRA. (We could have waited until our medical provider had appointments, but that would have been late September or early October — and with travel coming up soon, I was unwilling to wait.) It is bizarre and enraging to see how agencies supposedly dedicated to public health are flailing in this moment. I’m extremely fortunate to have a job that provides health insurance, an HRA, and sick leave, and I can afford KN95 masks and rapid antigen tests. What about people who are uninsured or underinsured? I know it’s a bummer to read this, but it’s a bigger bummer to try to survive during yet another COVID surge. Let’s take care of our health, for ourselves and for our communities. Concentrating on This time of year is Planner Season, when the 2025 planners are released and people like me (and maybe you too) gobble them up and then spend the rest of this year hoping that next year we have lives exciting enough to plan. Ever the optimist, my planner line-up for 2025 is: For my personal planner, daily log, habit tracker, reading journal, and commonplace book, I’ll be trying the Sterling Ink Common Planner in their new N1 size, which fits inside a Traveler’s Notebook. I’m currently using a Hobonichi Weeks, which is 95mm x 186mm; the N1 size is 110mm x 210mm. For my work planner, the Wonderland 222 A5 Weekly Planner has been working well for me this year, so I’ll try it again in 2025. Cultivating ✍???? Drafting two stories, one for performance (I hope ????????) and one for a collection. ???? Still knitting that gift for someone. ???? Food I made that was yummy: Peperonata with peppers from a coworker’s CSA box, plus peppers from our own CSA box. CSA boxes are great! Gluten-free vegan apple crisp. I am not a huge fan of apples in their primary form; I prefer them as a cinnamon delivery device. So this recipe from Minimalist Baker, apples chopped up and baked with oats and sugar? That works. Sliced heirloom tomatoes on toast spread thinly with mayonnaise. Truffle salt if you’re feeling fancy. (I was.) ???????? Learning Italian with Duolingo. ???? The workweek was short because of the holiday on Monday, but also long because of everything. I’m still trying to create better boundaries around that. Consuming ????️ One of my planner pals shared a sample of Bungukan Kobayashi’s Yagentoshiro Reflex Violet, a dusky blue with iridescent purple shimmer. ???? “girlfriend” by Hemlocke Springs is on repeat on my brain radio. ???? You don’t need to be a Rolling Stones fan to enjoy the “I Can’t Get No Legal Action” episode of the Judge John Hodgman podcast. ???? Still working my way through the crossword puzzle books I’ve hoarded and enjoying the daily Cross|word on Puzzmo. Also, Minute Cryptic is quite humbling. ???? One last episode of “Fargo” to go, then we’ll start the latest season of “Slow Horses”. ???? What I’m reading and quoting: “The Mountain in the Sea” by Ray Nayler: “The great and terrible thing about humankind is simply this: we will always do what we are capable of.” Some links From “What would an adequate COVID response look like?” by Julia Doubleday: Right now, state representatives are deliberately avoiding mention of COVID, while propagandizing the safety of infection and/or the end of the pandemic by refusing to mask. It is hard to imagine how successful a pandemic response might be if public officials were actually trying to end the pandemic. We quite literally have public health and political and media figures working to hide three pieces of critical information: public knowledge of the virus, public knowledge of mitigation measures that would reduce viral spread, and public knowledge of the severity of the virus (which would motivate desire to reduce viral spread). Other links: NaNoWriMo Shits The Bed On Artificial Intelligence (Chuck Wendig) Why Goblin Mode Is the New Self-Care Routine (Cleveland Clinic) 2024 Winners of the 17th Annual iPhone Photography Awards One more thing Today I’m journaling about this quote from Seneca: “Life, if well lived, is long enough.” Full Article
ann Annoyed Redditors tanking Google Search results illustrates perils of AI scrapers By Published On :: Full Article
ann WNBA is totally annoying, here’s how to fix it for Caitlin Clark’s arrival By Published On :: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 00:29:32 +0000 Professional women’s basketball is a cesspool of mediocrity full of women gatekeeping so the sport can’t change. Fortunately, incoming rookie Caitlin Clark is worth more than the entire WNBA due to her sponsorships. This means that unlike other players, Clark doesn’t work for the WNBA she works for her sponsors and her fans. Also, Clark […] The post WNBA is totally annoying, here’s how to fix it for Caitlin Clark’s arrival appeared first on Penelope Trunk Careers. Full Article Managing up
ann Granny and Grandson By Published On :: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 09:30:40 +0000 The post Granny and Grandson appeared first on English Russia. Full Article Photos Society children russian village
ann Jo Dunkley, Suzanne Staggs and colleagues awarded $53M to upgrade prominent observatory By Published On :: Thu, 18 May 2023 14:55:02 -0400 The National Science Foundation has awarded a $52.66 million grant to fund a major infrastructure upgrade to the Simons Observatory in the Atacama Desert of Chile. Upgrades are expected to take about five years; the resulting facility will be known as the Advanced Simons Observatory (ASO). Full Article
ann Open Doors Announces New Import of Fanzine Works By Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 16:04:58 +0000 The AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project (FSHP) is a partnership between the Open Doors committee and fan-run preservation project Zinedom through which fanfiction and fanart originally published in print fanzines is imported to the Archive of Our Own. Fanworks can be imported to AO3 with the consent of either the creators of the works or the publisher of the fanzine in which the fanworks were published.Today, Open Doors is pleased to announce a list of collections that it has created since September 2023 to house fanworks imported through the FSHP. A collection has been created for each fanzine from which one or more fanworks have been imported, but these collections do not contain every work from each of these zines, and many so far only include one work each in cases where Open Doors only has permission to import that particular work. For full transparency, Open Doors plans to continue to announce collections as they are created that may or may not grow with additional fanworks as additional permissions are obtained from more creators in the future.As of August 2024, Open Doors has created the following collections to represent fanzines from which it has imported works: A Portfolio of Poetry and Portraits Amazing Grace Astray in the Wilderness Beyond Dreams Broken Images California K/S Contact CrosSignals Daring Attempt Enter-comm First Time Gateway Guardian Happy Tails IDIC In the Wilderness KaleidoScope KisMet KSX Legacy Legends Naked Times Nightvisions Nome On the Edge One Shot Partners Potpourri Pushin' the Odds Quantum Chain Scattered Stars Sehlat's Roar Southern Star Spock's Arthropods Strange Justice The Complete Rack The K/S Press The Rack & All the King's Horses All the King's Men Three Eleven Universe Beyond Whalesong Within the Mirror For answers to frequently asked questions, please see the FSHP page on the Open Doors website. If you'd like to give Open Doors permission to import any of your fanworks that have been previously published in print fanzines, or if you have any other FSHP-related queries, please contact the Open Doors Committee.We'd also love it if fans could help us preserve the story of any fanzines in which they may have been published on Fanlore. If you're new to wiki editing, no worries! Check out the new visitor portal, or ask the Fanlore Gardeners for tips.Thanks for your interest in preserving fannish history for future generations of readers!- The Open Doors team Commenting on this post will be disabled in 14 days, on 18 November. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding this import after that date, please contact Open Doors. Full Article
ann Tanner Lectures on Human Values By Published On :: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 16:30:00 -0500 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values are presented annually at a select list of universities around the world. The University Center serves as host to these lectures at Princeton, in which an eminent scholar from philosophy, religion, the humanities, sciences, creative arts or learned professions, or a person eminent in political or social life, is invited to present a series of lectures reflecting upon scholarly and scientific learning relating to “the entire range of values pertinent to the human condition." Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Randall L. Kennedy (Harvard Law School): "In Praise of Racial Liberalism: Lecture II-How Can We Achieve It?" Randall Kennedy's lectures will posit the ends and means suitable currently for advancing the cause of racial justice in America. Lecture one will focus on aims: what should racial "justice" mean today? Lecture two will focus on strategy: what are optimal ways of proceeding in a polarized polity in which racial prejudices and resentments constitute significant impediments to needed reforms. Lecture II: How Can We Achieve It? About the speaker Randall L. Kennedy is Michael R. Klein Professor of Law, Harvard Law School. He attended Princeton University, '77, and Yale Law School. He clerked for Judge J. Skelly Wright and for Justice Thurgood Marshall. A member of the bars of the District of Columbia and the United States Supreme Court, he is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which is "Say it Loud! On Race, Law, Culture and History." Commentators: Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University Full Article
ann Tanner Lectures on Human Values By Published On :: Thu, 14 Nov 2024 16:30:00 -0500 The Tanner Lectures on Human Values are presented annually at a select list of universities around the world. The University Center serves as host to these lectures at Princeton, in which an eminent scholar from philosophy, religion, the humanities, sciences, creative arts or learned professions, or a person eminent in political or social life, is invited to present a series of lectures reflecting upon scholarly and scientific learning relating to “the entire range of values pertinent to the human condition." Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Randall L. Kennedy (Harvard Law School): "In Praise of Racial Liberalism: Lecture I: What Does Racial Justice Mean Today?" Randall Kennedy's lectures will posit the ends and means suitable currently for advancing the cause of racial justice in America. Lecture one will focus on aims: what should racial "justice" mean today? Lecture two will focus on strategy: what are optimal ways of proceeding in a polarized polity in which racial prejudices and resentments constitute significant impediments to needed reforms. Lecture I: What Does Racial Justice Mean Today? About the speaker Randall L. Kennedy is Michael R. Klein Professor of Law, Harvard Law School. He attended Princeton University, '77, and Yale Law School. He clerked for Judge J. Skelly Wright and for Justice Thurgood Marshall. A member of the bars of the District of Columbia and the United States Supreme Court, he is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Philosophical Society. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which is "Say it Loud! On Race, Law, Culture and History." Commentators: Elizabeth Anderson, John Dewey Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of Michigan Elizabeth Hinton, Professor of History, African American Studies & Law, Yale University Full Article
ann ‘Over The Garden Wall’ Receives A 10th Anniversary Stop-Motion Makeover By Mikey Please And Dan Ojari By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 22:01:33 +0000 Featuring intricately crafted wooden-style puppets with hand-drawn eyes and mouths, the short serves as a fitting coda to McHale’s masterpiece. Full Article Cartoon Brew Pick Series Aardman Animations Dan Ojari Joshua Flynn Laura Tofarides Lee Wilton Marie Lechevallier Mikey Please Mixed media Nathan Flynn Over the Garden Wall Rachel Brown Suzy Parr
ann Planned Service Maintenance By Published On :: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:25:16 +0000 Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 21st 2018, we will be conducting a scheduled update of our systems. You may experience a short service downtime. Maintenance time is USA EST 02:00am – 06:00am (Eastern Standard Time USA (UTC -5)). We kindly ask you to refrain from using your RSS Ground account during this time. We truly apologize for […] The post Planned Service Maintenance appeared first on Full Article RSS Ground News
ann Leatt Announces 2025 MTB Collection By Published On :: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST The collection includes new Trail and Enduro apparel lines for women, plus Gravity jerseys and pants for men developed alongside Bernard Kerr.( Photos: 21, Comments: 46 ) Full Article
ann The Cannabis Question Outreach Toolkit and Community Events By Published On :: Fri, 22 Oct 2021 15:09:00 +0000 Full Article
ann Cannabis doesn’t enhance performance. So why is it banned in elite sports? By Published On :: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 02:48:00 +0000 Here’s how cannabis use became prohibited—and the science of its biological, psychological, and social effects. Full Article
ann StarBoard Solution EU announces partnership with Repeat Software By Published On :: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 16:42:22 GMT StarBoard Solution EU, has collaborated with Repeat Software, a UK software developer of Repeat Signage software, to provide a digital signage solution for StarBoard users. Full Article
ann Ann Patchett on how God and her Catholic faith have changed By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:29:04 -0500 Ann Patchett answers a question from the Wild Card deck and discusses how her feelings about God and her Catholic faith have changed over the years. Full Article
ann Air Force veteran Anna Luna runs Charlie Crist By Published On :: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 05:08:13 +0000 Air Force veteran and former Turning Point USA spokesperson Anna Paulina Luna has just announced she is running for the U.S. Congress against Democratic Congressman Charlie Crist in Florida’s 13th congressional district. The post Air Force veteran Anna Luna runs Charlie Crist appeared first on Shark Tank. Full Article Featured immigration islam
ann NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces End To NYC Food Vouchers For Illegal Immigrants By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:51:50 +0000 By Mariane Angela Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ office announced Thursday that New York City will stop providing food vouchers to migrants, CBS News New York reported. NYC will phase out out a program that gave prepaid debit cards to migrant families in city-funded hotels to purchase their own meals and essentials, according to […] The post NYC Mayor Eric Adams Announces End To NYC Food Vouchers For Illegal Immigrants appeared first on Liberty Unyielding. Full Article Law and Government
ann Trump Announces Susie Wiles As Chief Of Staff By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:55:23 +0000 By Reagan Reese President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that his 2024 campaign manager, Susie Wiles will be his Chief of Staff in his administration. Wiles, who led Trump’s return to the White House alongside Chis LaCivita, has largely been praised for her disciplined and professional operation in the 2024 run. Heading up Trump’s second administration, […] The post Trump Announces Susie Wiles As Chief Of Staff appeared first on Liberty Unyielding. Full Article Law and Government
ann Biden-Harris Health Department Spent Tens Of Millions Annually On DEI By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 14:42:30 +0000 By Robert Schmad The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spends tens of millions of dollars annually on diversity-related expenses, according to a new report from the watchdog group Open The Books. American taxpayers foot a bill of roughly $38.7 million every year to employ 297 staffers conducting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work […] The post Biden-Harris Health Department Spent Tens Of Millions Annually On DEI appeared first on Liberty Unyielding. Full Article Law and Government
ann How the UK planned for the wrong pandemic By Published On :: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:28:01 GMT Over-confidence, wasted opportunities and muddled-thinking left UK sleep-walking into Covid. Full Article
ann What is Unrwa and why has Israel banned it? By Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 18:25:25 GMT The agency provides aid for Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere, and has long been criticised by Israel. Full Article