
LaTe1.82(1): modulated crystal structure and chemical bonding of a chalcogen-deficient rare earth metal polytelluride

Crystals of the rare earth metal polytelluride LaTe1.82(1), namely, lanthanum telluride (1/1.8), have been grown by molten alkali halide flux reactions and vapour-assisted crystallization with iodine. The two-dimensionally incommensurately modulated crystal structure has been investigated by X-ray diffraction experiments. In contrast to the tetra­gonal average structure with unit-cell dimensions of a = 4.4996 (5) and c = 9.179 (1) Å at 296 (1) K, which was solved and refined in the space group P4/nmm (No. 129), the satellite reflections are not compatible with a tetra­gonal symmetry but enforce a symmetry reduction. Possible space groups have been derived by group–subgroup relationships and by consideration of previous reports on similar rare earth metal polychalcogenide structures. Two structural models in the ortho­rhom­bic superspace group, i.e. Pmmn(α,β,1 over 2)000(−α,β,1 over 2)000 (No. and Pm21n(α,β,1 over 2)000(−α,β,1 over 2)000 (No., with modulation wave vectors q1 = αa* + βb* + 1 over 2c* and q2 = −αa* + βb* + 1 over 2c* [α = 0.272 (1) and β = 0.314 (1)], have been established and evaluated against each other. The modulation describes the distribution of defects in the planar [Te] layer, coupled to a displacive modulation due to the formation of different Te anions. The bonding situation in the planar [Te] layer and the different Te anion species have been investigated by density functional theory (DFT) methods and an electron localizability indicator (ELI-D)-based bonding analysis on three different approximants. The temperature-dependent electrical resistance revealed a semiconducting behaviour with an estimated band gap of 0.17 eV.


Crystallization of metastable monoclinic carnallite, KCl·MgCl2·6H2O: missing structural link in the carnallite family

During evaporation of natural and synthetic K–Mg–Cl brines, the formation of almost square plate-like crystals of potassium carnallite (potassium chloride magnesium dichloride hexa­hydrate) was observed. A single-crystal structure analysis revealed a monoclinic cell [a = 9.251 (2), b = 9.516 (2), c = 13.217 (4) Å, β = 90.06 (2)° and space group C2/c]. The structure is isomorphous with other carnallite-type com­pounds, such as NH4Cl·MgCl2·6H2O. Until now, natural and synthetic carnallite, KCl·MgCl2·6H2O, was only known in its ortho­rhom­bic form [a = 16.0780 (3), b = 22.3850 (5), c = 9.5422 (2) Å and space group Pnna].


Study identifies main culprit behind lithium metal battery failure

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A National Science Foundation-funded research has discovered the root cause of why lithium metal batteries fail -- bits of lithium metal deposits break off from the surface of the anode during discharging and are trapped as "dead" or inactive lithium that the battery can no longer access. The discovery challenges the conventional belief that lithium metal batteries fail because of the growth of a layer, called the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), between the lithium anode and the electrolyte. The researchers made their discovery by developing a technique to measure the amounts of inactive lithium species on the anode -- a first in the field of battery research -- and studying their micro- and nanostructures. The findings could pave the way for bringing rechargeable lithium metal batteries from the lab to the market.

Image credit: University of California - San Diego


Fruits and Vegetables Yield Less Vitamin A Than Previously Thought - Upper Limit Set for Daily Intake of Vitamin A and Nine Other Nutrients

Darkly colored, carotene-rich fruits and vegetables -- such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli -- provide the body with half as much vitamin A as previously thought.


Societal and Technical Challenges Posed by Nuclear Waste Call for Attention by World Leaders

Focused attention by world leaders is needed to address the substantial challenges posed by disposal of spent nuclear fuel from reactors and high-level radioactive waste from processing such fuel for military or energy purposes.


New Dietary Guidelines Issued for Cats and Dogs

One out of every four dogs and cats in the western world is now obese. Like humans, dogs and cats that are obese run a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, or other health problems.


Report Sets Dietary Intake Levels for Water, Salt, and Potassium To Maintain Health and Reduce Chronic Disease Risk

The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide, says the newest report on nutrient recommendations from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


IOM Report Sets New Dietary Intake Levels for Calcium and Vitamin D To Maintain Health and Avoid Risks Associated With Excess

Most Americans and Canadians up to age 70 need no more than 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D per day to maintain health, and those 71 and older may need as much as 800 IUs, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.


IOM Report Details Strategy for Monitoring Safety of Childhood Immunization Schedule

A review of the available evidence underscores the safety of the federal childhood immunization schedule, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.


New Report Details Accomplishments of U.S. Global Change Research Program

The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has made significant accomplishments to advance the science of global environmental change and improve the understanding of its impact on society through activities such as developing Earth-observing systems, improving Earth-system modeling capabilities, and advancing understanding of carbon-cycle processes, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Report Recommends Methods and Guiding Principles for Developing Dietary Reference Intakes Based on Chronic Disease

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine outlines how to examine whether specific levels of nutrients or other food substances (NOFSs) can ameliorate the risk of chronic disease and recommends ways to develop dietary reference intakes (DRI) based on chronic disease outcomes.


New Report Calls for Comprehensive Redesign of Process for Updating Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Although the process used to develop the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) has become more evidence-based since its inception more than 30 years ago, it is not currently positioned to effectively adapt to changes such as food diversity and chronic disease prevalence, while also ensuring the integrity of the process, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to Host InterAcademy Partnership for Research (IAP-R) Secretariat

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are now serving as the host for the InterAcademy Partnership for Research (IAP-R) secretariat.


New Report Calls for Greater Oversight of Precursor Chemicals Sold At the Retail Level to Reduce Threats from Improvised Explosive Devices

Policymakers’ efforts to reduce threats from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) should include greater oversight of precursor chemicals sold at the retail level – especially over the Internet – that terrorists, violent extremists, or criminals use to make homemade explosives, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


NASA Makes Progress Toward Science Priorities Outlined in 2013-2022 Planetary Decadal Survey

Despite significant cuts to NASAs Planetary Science Division budget early in this decade, the space agency has made impressive progress in meeting goals outlined in the 2013-2022 planetary decadal survey by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, says a new midterm assessment from the National Academies.


New Report Details Priority Research Projects for U.S. Department of Transportation Regarding Truck Size and Weight Regulations

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine presents a research roadmap to address gaps and uncertainties in estimating the impacts of proposed changes in truck size and weight limits -- the regulations that set the maximum weights, lengths, and numbers of trailers allowed for trucks on U.S. highways.


Sodium and Potassium Dietary Reference Intake Values Updated in New Report

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reviews current evidence and updates intake recommendations known as the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for sodium and potassium that were established in 2005.


Organohalogen Flame Retardants Used in Consumer Products Cannot Be Assessed for Hazards as a Single Class, But Can Be Assessed in Subclasses, Says New Report

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine offers guidance to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) on how to conduct a hazard assessment of nonpolymeric, additive organohalogen flame retardants (OFRs), which are used in some consumer products.


Transportation Secretary Chao Highlights Autonomous Vehicles, Innovative Technologies at TRB Annual Meeting 2020

Autonomous vehicles (AV) took center stage at the Chair’s Luncheon of the Transportation Research Board’s annual meeting today.


Spread of COVID 19 Virus from Infected Patients Antibody Response, and Interpretation of Laboratory Testing Examined in New Rapid Responses to Government from Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases

A new rapid expert consultation from a standing committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


94% of Indians in metros embrace digital retail payments, Forrester report

A new report by research company


Infill and Expansion Drilling at Goliath Gold Project for Upcoming PFS Progressing According to Plan for Treasury Metals

The Critical Investor discusses recent developments at the company that is exploring the Goliath Gold Project in Ontario.

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Secretary DeVos Forgoes Waiving Disability Law Amid School Closures

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos says there is 'no reason' to waive main parts of the federal special education law.; Credit: Alex Brandon/AP

Elissa Nadworny | NPR

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will not recommend that Congress waive the main requirements of three federal education laws, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, known as IDEA. The federal law ensures that children with disabilities have a right to a free, appropriate public education whenever and wherever schools are operating.

When Congress passed the coronavirus relief package, known as the CARES act, they included a provision that allowed the Secretary to request waivers to parts of the special education law during the pandemic. The concern was that holding strictly to IDEA and other laws could hinder schools in the urgency to move schooling from the classroom setting to online and home-based approaches.

Th waiver provision, however, made disability advocates nervous. "We're talking about waiving a civil right for our most vulnerable people in our society, children who don't vote, who have no voice, who are relying on their parents to advocate for them," Stephanie Langer, a Florida civil rights attorney who focuses on education and disability, told NPR in March.

But the Education Department came to the conclusions that in general, big changes weren't needed. "While the Department has provided extensive flexibility to help schools transition," Devos said in a statement, "there is no reason for Congress to waive any provision designed to keep students learning."

While the bulk of the IDEA remains unchanged, Devos did issue limited waivers to a few sections of the law, including one that will extend the timeline schools have to offer services. The provision that bans discrimination based on disability status, will go untouched.

"This is truly a celebration," says Kelly Grillo, a special education coordinator in Indiana. "My teams are elated to keep IDEA intact. Waivers would seriously threaten equitable education."

As schools and learning have moved online, one of the biggest challenges has been providing special education. School districts were concerned they might get sued if their digital offerings couldn't meet the needs of their students with disabilities, though the Education Department issued guidance in March telling schools to be flexible, writing in a fact sheet that disability law, "should not prevent any school from offering educational programs through distance instruction."

Educators say that flexibility helped them improve their offerings for students. "This situation made us get creative and actually allowed us to have an all-hands-on-deck approach," says Grillo.

But advocates warn there are still areas to watch, including in New Jersey, where parents have been asked to waive their right to sue before districts are able to provide their children with special education services.

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Microsoft Cortana Beta now available on Android


Precious Metals Premiums, the COMEX and the Macro Picture

Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable speaks with Andy Schectman, president of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Investments, about the present situation with physical precious metals.


Openbravo, Adyen partner to launch retail solution

Retail and restaurant omnichannel platform Openbravo and...


Carzato launches Online Retailing Experience platform

US-based automotive service provider Carzato has launched its...


Optoro, Returnly partner to support retailers and brands with returns solution


Episode 963 Scott Adams: Reviewing the Two Movies of Reality and the New Press Secretary’s First Days

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon Content: The Vitamin D potential for reducing risk of coronavirus Ted Cruz continues to impress and entertain General Flynn coverage contrast, FOX versus CNN Nate Silver’s coronavirus analysis insights Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s zingers If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content […]

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Flame retardants found in groundwater

Organophosphates (OPs) used to protect materials from fire and in other industrial processes have affected the quality of groundwater, particularly in urban areas and near landfill sites, according to recent research.


Urban vegetation could be an undervalued carbon sink

Urban vegetation could have been overlooked as valuable above-ground carbon storage, according to researchers. They estimated that 231,521 tonnes of carbon were stored in above-ground vegetation in a UK city, the majority of which (97 per cent) in trees. This was 10 times the amount estimated from national figures for the same city area.


Contaminated vegetables from polluted gardens may pose health risk

City dwellers who grow their own fruit and vegetables may be consuming high levels of pollutants. In a recent study, researchers found that vegetables grown on plots in Berlin, Germany, often contained higher concentrations of some heavy metals than shop-bought vegetables, with those grown close to busy roads containing the greatest quantities.


Regulatory barriers to industrial symbiosis in metal sector

A new study has investigated the possibility of a regional industrial symbiosis of metal industries across the Sweden-Finland border. The analysis suggests that it is technologically feasible, but that regulatory support may be inefficient, particularly with respect to changing the status of a waste product to a by-product.


Very high CO<sub>2</sub> levels decrease yield and antioxidant content of some green vegetables

Increases in the amount of CO<sub>2</sub> in the atmosphere can be beneficial to crops, by providing a source of carbon for growth. However, very high levels of CO<sub>2</sub> have the reverse effect, decreasing the yield and quality of vegetable crops, a new study has shown. The researchers say atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> concentration should be kept below 5 000 ppm to enhance the yield of leafy vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce.


Regulatory barriers to industrial symbiosis in metal sector

A new study has investigated the possibility of a regional industrial symbiosis of metal industries across the Sweden-Finland border. The analysis suggests that it is technologically feasible, but that regulatory support may be inefficient, particularly with respect to changing the status of a waste product to a by-product.


Study details Zika virus disrupting fetal brain development during pregnancy

For the first time, abnormal brain development following a Zika infection during pregnancy has been documented experimentally in the offspring of a non-human primate.

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  • Health & Medicine


Vegetables can absorb heavy metals from contaminated irrigation water

Certain vegetables take up heavy metals from contaminated water used for irrigation, a new study finds. The researchers grew vegetables in greenhouses similar to field conditions in Greece and found that concentrations of nickel and chromium increased in potatoes and onions, but not in carrots, when irrigated with water containing contaminant levels similar to those found in industrial wastewater.


The CPU-Z and GPU-Z tools can show your CPU's and GPU's detailed specifications


Ship noise increases metabolism of crabs

Ship noise increases shore crabs’ metabolism, a new study suggests. The researchers found that larger crabs were particularly affected by recordings of ship noise in controlled experiments. Increased metabolism is a sign of stress and could potentially reduce the growth of crabs and have implications for their survival, as well as for fisheries.


Larger retailers need to be more proactive in greening their supply chain

An analysis of European retailers revealed a range of initiatives being undertaken to improve the environmental performance of product supply chains. However, it appears that very large grocery retailers are less proactive than specialist and cooperative retailers, owing to their complex supply chains and tendency to consider consumers responsible for environmental improvements.


Urban vegetation could be an undervalued carbon sink

Urban vegetation could have been overlooked as valuable above-ground carbon storage, according to researchers. They estimated that 231,521 tonnes of carbon were stored in above-ground vegetation in a UK city, the majority of which (97 per cent) in trees. This was 10 times the amount estimated from national figures for the same city area.


‘Blue carbon’ stored in vegetated coastal systems could be underestimated

Vegetated coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves, marshes and seagrasses, are an important carbon sink and their destruction increases greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A new study estimates that 0.15-1.02 Pg (petagrams) of CO2 are being released annually from degradation of these valuable ecosystems, resulting in economic losses of US$6-42 billion (€4.68 to 32.81 billion) per year.


Future emissions from metal production can only be cut by circular economy

The most effective way to lower the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with metal production is to pursue a circular economy for the material in the long term, says a recent study. This century will see a high demand for seven major metals; the resultant overall environmental impact is expected to outweigh any environmental savings that may result from greener production processes or an increased use of renewable energy.


Precious metal recovery from WEEE

Precious metals, such as gold and silver, constitute a small but valuable part of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). New research suggests that significant amounts of these precious metals are lost in the initial stage of the waste recovery process and makes recommendations for improvements in the recycling chain.


Waste incinerator health risks: no evidence for toxic metal build-up

Spanish medical and public health researchers have found no clear evidence for increased heavy metal levels in adults living near a recently-built urban solid waste incinerator over two years of operation. Concentrations of lead, chromium and mercury in blood and urine samples taken around the plant were not significantly higher than for populations who lived further away.


Regulatory barriers to industrial symbiosis in metal sector

A new study has investigated the possibility of a regional industrial symbiosis of metal industries across the Sweden-Finland border. The analysis suggests that it is technologically feasible, but that regulatory support may be inefficient, particularly with respect to changing the status of a waste product to a by-product.


Call for efforts to improve metal recycling

Vast resources are required to extract speciality and difficult-to-recycle metals that are often only used once before disposal. Researchers argue in a new analysis that more must be done to improve metal recycling rates in order to secure our material needs for the future.


Mining metals from heat-treated landfill proven to be economically viable

Mining metals from landfill sites can be economically viable, a recent project in the US has demonstrated. Approximately 34 352 tonnes of metals, conservatively valued at US$7.42 million (€6.67 million) were recovered from the 8 hectare ashfill site, according to researchers who analysed the project.


Coast around Alang-Sosiya shipbreaking yard in India ‘strongly polluted’ with heavy metals

The Alang-Sosiya shipbreaking yard in India is highly polluted with heavy metals, a study concludes. The researchers studied heavy metal contamination in sediments taken from the intertidal zone of the shipbreaking yard and compared them to a control site. The area was found to be ‘strongly polluted’ with copper, cobalt, manganese, lead and zinc.


Environmental impact of recycling metals from ships: a life cycle assessment

Life cycle assessment (LCA) can measure the environmental impact of the different stages of a ship’s life cycle, from design to dismantling. This assessment focused on the impact of recycling the metal parts of a ship and did not consider the crucial impact of the hazardous materials present on board. The results showed that re-use of metals had environmental benefits, but overall these were small compared to the environmental impact of other life cycle stages, such as operation.