b Technique uses magnets, light to control and reconfigure soft robots By news.science360.gov Published On :: 2019-09-03T07:00:00Z Full Text:National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded researchers from North Carolina State and Elon universities have developed a technique that allows them to remotely control the movement of soft robots, lock them into position for as long as needed and later reconfigure the robots into new shapes. The technique relies on light and magnetic fields. "By engineering the properties of the material, we can control the soft robot's movement remotely; we can get it to hold a given shape; we can then return the robot to its original shape or further modify its movement; and we can do this repeatedly. All of those things are valuable, in terms of this technology's utility in biomedical or aerospace applications," says Joe Tracy, a professor of materials science and engineering at NC State and corresponding author of a paper on the work. In experimental testing, the researchers demonstrated that the soft robots could be used to form "grabbers" for lifting and transporting objects. The soft robots could also be used as cantilevers or folded into "flowers" with petals that bend in different directions. "We are not limited to binary configurations, such as a grabber being either open or closed," says Jessica Liu, first author of the paper and a Ph.D. student at NC State. "We can control the light to ensure that a robot will hold its shape at any point."Image credit: Jessica A.C. Liu Full Article
b New way for bridges to withstand earthquakes: Support column design By news.science360.gov Published On :: 2019-09-04T07:00:00Z Full Text:Bridges make travel faster and more convenient, but, in an earthquake, these structures are subject to forces that can cause extensive damage and make them unsafe. Now civil and environmental engineer Petros Sideris of Texas A&M University is leading a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research project to investigate the performance of hybrid sliding-rocking (HSR) columns. HSR columns provide the same support as conventional bridge infrastructure columns but are more earthquake-resistant. HSR columns are a series of individual concrete segments held together by steel cables that allow for controlled sliding and rocking. This allows the columns to shift without damage, while post-tensioning strands ensure that at the end of an earthquake the columns are pushed back to their original position. Conventional bridges are cast-in-place monolithic concrete elements that are strong but inflexible. Structural damage in these bridge columns, typically caused by a natural disaster, often forces a bridge to close until repairs are completed. But bridges with HSR columns can withstand large earthquakes with minimal damage and require minor repairs, likely without bridge closures. Such infrastructure helps with post-disaster response and recovery and can save thousands in taxpayer dollars. In an earthquake, HSR columns provide "multiple advantages to the public," Sideris said. "By preventing bridge damage, we can maintain access to affected areas immediately after an event for response teams to be easily deployed, and help affected communities recover faster. In mitigating losses related to post-event bridge repairs and bridge closures, more funds can be potentially directed to supporting the recovery of the affected communities." According to Joy Pauschke, NSF program director for natural hazards engineering, "NSF invests in fundamental engineering research so that, in the future, the nation's infrastructure can be more resilient to earthquakes, hurricanes, and other forces of nature."Image credit: Texas A&M University Full Article
b H.C. Wainwright & Co. Shares Buy Rating on Biotech Co. By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Ed Arce 10/09/2024 H.C. Wainwright & Co. analysts gave Unicycive Therapeutics Inc. (UNCY:NASDAQ) a Buy rating after the company announced the successful completion of the Phase 1 study for UNI-494 in healthy volunteers.H.C. Wainwright & Co. analysts Ed Arce and Thomas Yip, in a research report published on October 9, 2024, maintained a Buy rating on Unicycive Therapeutics Inc. (UNCY:NASDAQ) with a price target of US$2.50. The report follows Unicycive's announcement of the successful completion of the Phase 1 study for UNI-494 in healthy volunteers. Arce and Yip highlighted the significance of the study results, stating, "UNI-494 showed rapid metabolism, enabling the expected release of nicorandil and its linker." They added, "Importantly, PK results collected in the study showed fast absorption of UNI-494, with rapid metabolism leading to the expected release of nicorandil and its linker." The analysts noted the safety profile of UNI-494, commenting, "UNI-494 was generally safe and well-tolerated; headache was the most common adverse event (AE), and all AEs were mild with no serious adverse events (SAEs) or AEs leading to withdrawal in Part 1." Regarding Unicycive's strategic plans, the analysts stated, "Management plans to request a meeting with the FDA by year-end 2024 to review these Phase 1 results and discuss the design of a potential Phase 2 study in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI)." The report also highlighted the pending milestone for Unicycive's other product candidate, Oxylanthanum Carbonate (OLC), noting, "We await the FDA's formal acceptance of the NDA for Oxylanthanum Carbonate (OLC) for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis (we expect by November 2) with a PDUFA date assignment to further narrow OLC's potential approval timing." H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s valuation methodology for Unicycive is based on a risk-adjusted Net Present Value (rNPV) model. The analysts explained, "We employ a rNPV valuation model to estimate the value of UNCY shares and arrive at our US$2.50 PT based on: (1) about US$2.30 per share for royalties on net sales of OLC in the U.S. and EU (85% PoS, US$149.1M global peak revenue in 2034); and (2) about US$0.25 per share for royalties on net sales of UNI-494 in the U.S. and EU for AKI (20% PoS; US$195M global peak revenue in 2036)." They added, "In our valuation model, we employ a 14.5% discount rate, which we believe adequately reflects the overall risks of the Unicycive development pipeline. We conservatively assume zero terminal value after the end of the market exclusivity period that runs through 2037." The analysts also outlined several risk factors, including regulatory, commercialization, market, intellectual property, and funding risks. In conclusion, H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s maintenance of a Buy rating and US$2.50 price target reflects a positive outlook on Unicycive Therapeutics' potential in developing UNI-494 for AKI and OLC for hyperphosphatemia. The share price at the time of the report of US$0.36 represents a potential return of approximately 594% to the analysts' target price, highlighting the upside potential if the company's clinical development and regulatory plans prove successful. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for H.C. Wainwright & Co., Unicycive Therapeutics Inc., October 9, 2024 Important Disclaimers This material is confidential and intended for use by Institutional Accounts as defined in FINRA Rule 4512(c). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply to unsubscribe@hcwresearch.com and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. H.C. WAINWRIGHT & CO, LLC RATING SYSTEM: H.C. Wainwright employs a three tier rating system for evaluating both the potential return and risk associated with owning common equity shares of rated firms. The expected return of any given equity is measured on a RELATIVE basis of other companies in the same sector. The price objective is calculated to estimate the potential movements in price that a given equity could reach provided certain targets are met over a defined time horizon. Price objectives are subject to external factors including industry events and market volatility. H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC (the “Firm”) is a member of FINRA and SIPC and a registered U.S. Broker-Dealer. I, Ed Arce and Thomas Yip , certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies. None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of Unicycive Therapeutics, Inc. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position). As of September 30, 2024 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Unicycive Therapeutics, Inc.. Neither the research analyst nor the Firm knows or has reason to know of any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report. The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services. The Firm or its affiliates did not receive compensation from Unicycive Therapeutics, Inc. for investment banking services within twelve months before, but will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report. The Firm does not make a market in Unicycive Therapeutics, Inc. as of the date of this research report. The securities of the company discussed in this report may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial position. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is offered for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed herein in any jurisdiction where such would be prohibited. This research report is not intended to provide tax advice or to be used to provide tax advice to any person. Electronic versions of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC research reports are made available to all clients simultaneously. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form without the expressed permission of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC. Additional information available upon request. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC does not provide individually tailored investment advice in research reports. This research report is not intended to provide personal investment advice and it does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments and implementing investment strategies discussed or recommended in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC’s and its affiliates’ salespeople, traders, and other professionals may provide oral or written market commentary or trading strategies that reflect opinions that are contrary to the opinions expressed in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, excluding its analysts, will from time to time have long or short positions in, act as principal in, and buy or sell, the securities or derivatives (including options and warrants) thereof of covered companies referred to in this research report. The information contained herein is based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data on the company, industry or security discussed in the report. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute the analyst’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. Securities and other financial instruments discussed in this research report: may lose value; are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. ( Companies Mentioned: UNCY:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b NY Biopharma Shares Promising Clinical Data By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. Ram Selvaraju 10/18/2024 Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (AVXL:NASDAQ) recently released encouraging preliminary electroencephalography (EEG) biomarker results from Part A of the ongoing Phase 2 clinical study of ANAVEX3-71 for schizophrenia treatment, according to an H.C. Wainright & Co. research note.H.C. Wainwright & Co. analyst Dr. Ram Selvaraju, in a research report published on October 18, 2024, reiterated a Buy rating on Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (AVXL:NASDAQ) with a price target of US$40.00. The report follows Anavex's announcement of encouraging preliminary electroencephalography (EEG) biomarker results from Part A of the ongoing Phase 2 clinical study of ANAVEX3-71 for schizophrenia treatment. Selvaraju highlighted the significance of these results, stating, "Preliminary results demonstrated a dose-dependent effect of ANAVEX3-71 on two key EEG biomarkers in patients with schizophrenia. Treatment with ANAVEX3-71 vs. placebo resulted in improvements in 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR) Inter Trial Coherence (ITC) and Resting State Alpha Power." The analyst viewed these developments positively, noting, "These results provide evidence of CNS target engagement and potential therapeutic effects of ANAVEX3-71 in schizophrenia. The observed changes reversed known EEG and ERP biomarker abnormalities associated with schizophrenia." Regarding Anavex's lead candidate, blarcamesine, Selvaraju stated, "Anavex remains committed to completing the Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) submission to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) under the Centralized Procedure petitioning for approval of blarcamesine for treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in 4Q24." The report also highlighted Anavex's progress with other clinical programs, including a pivotal Phase 2b/3 trial in Parkinson's disease and potential trials in Rett syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome. Selvaraju's valuation methodology for Anavex Life Sciences is based on a discounted cash flow (DCF) approach. He explained, "We utilize a discounted cash flow (DCF)-driven methodology, which ascribes a total value of roughly US$3.25B to blarcamesine alone without ascribing value to any other pipeline assets. We employ a 50% probability of approval in Rett syndrome; 60% in Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD); and 50% in AD." The analyst added, "Further, we apply a 12% discount rate and 1% terminal growth rate. We derive a total firm value of ~US$3.4B, which yields a 12-month price objective of US$40 per share, assuming 84.8M shares outstanding as of end-F2Q25." Selvaraju also outlined several risk factors, including potential negative clinical data, regulatory approval challenges, and commercialization difficulties. In conclusion, H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s maintenance of a Buy rating and US$40 price target reflects a positive outlook on Anavex Life Sciences' clinical progress and potential in developing treatments for neurological disorders. The share price at the time of the report of US$5.51 represents a potential return of approximately 626% to the analyst's target price, highlighting the significant upside potential if the company's clinical development plans prove successful.Important Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for H.C. Wainwright & Co., Anavex Life Sciences Corp., October 18, 2024. This material is confidential and intended for use by Institutional Accounts as defined in FINRA Rule 4512(c). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply to unsubscribe@hcwresearch.com and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. H.C. WAINWRIGHT & CO, LLC RATING SYSTEM: H.C. Wainwright employs a three tier rating system for evaluating both the potential return and risk associated with owning common equity shares of rated firms. The expected return of any given equity is measured on a RELATIVE basis of other companies in the same sector. The price objective is calculated to estimate the potential movements in price that a given equity could reach provided certain targets are met over a defined time horizon. Price objectives are subject to external factors including industry events and market volatility. H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC (the “Firm”) is a member of FINRA and SIPC and a registered U.S. Broker-Dealer. I, Raghuram Selvaraju, Ph.D. , certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies. None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of Anavex Life Sciences Corp. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position). As of September 30, 2024 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Anavex Life Sciences Corp.. Neither the research analyst nor the Firm knows or has reason to know of any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report. The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services. Mr. Selvaraju, who is [the][an] author of this report, is the Chairman of and receives compensation from Relief Therapeutics Holding SA, a Swiss, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company identifying, developing and commercializing novel, patent protected products in selected specialty, rare and ultra-rare disease areas on a global basis ("Relief"). You should consider Mr. Selvaraju's position with Relief when reading this research report. The firm or its affiliates received compensation from Anavex Life Sciences Corp. for non-investment banking services in the previous 12 months. The Firm or its affiliates did not receive compensation from Anavex Life Sciences Corp. for investment banking services within twelve months before, but will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report. The Firm does not make a market in Anavex Life Sciences Corp. as of the date of this research report. The securities of the company discussed in this report may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial position. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is offered for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed herein in any jurisdiction where such would be prohibited. This research report is not intended to provide tax advice or to be used to provide tax advice to any person. Electronic versions of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC research reports are made available to all clients simultaneously. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form without the expressed permission of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC. Additional information available upon request. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC does not provide individually tailored investment advice in research reports. This research report is not intended to provide personal investment advice and it does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments and implementing investment strategies discussed or recommended in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC’s and its affiliates’ salespeople, traders, and other professionals may provide oral or written market commentary or trading strategies that reflect opinions that are contrary to the opinions expressed in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, excluding its analysts, will from time to time have long or short positions in, act as principal in, and buy or sell, the securities or derivatives (including options and warrants) thereof of covered companies referred to in this research report. The information contained herein is based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data on the company, industry or security discussed in the report. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute the analyst’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. Securities and other financial instruments discussed in this research report: may lose value; are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. ( Companies Mentioned: AVXL:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b Silver Break Out Confirmed By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Ron Struthers 10/22/2024 The silver break out is confirmed, and Ron Struthers of Struthers Resource Stock Report expects a move to $50. He explains why he believes Coeur Mining Inc. (CDE:NYSE) offers good value and shares one biotech stock he believes is currently a sell.Silver is up again today, currently $34.72 up about $0.64. This confirms yesterdays breakout and if you remember back in April or early May, I highlighted the breakout from a cup and handle formation and that would lead to a major upside move. This is not confirmed and I see $50 as the near term target. Similar to gold, investor participation is still quite low. Volumes into the silver etf SLF are up some but no where near 2020 volumes. There are all kinds of silver bullion available at the coin dealer I use. Our silver stocks are not dragging down the average performance of our gold stocks as much now, and I would like to add another one to the list. Coeur Mining Shares Outstanding - 399 million Coeur Mining Inc. (CDE:NYSE) has been a laggard in this bull rally thus far because it is not well understood. Investors seem to remember more of their legacy than who they are today. Many investors know Coeur as a silver company, but for many years now, most of their revenue and profits have come from gold. Around $7.20, the stock is well below its 2021 highs of around $11.50 and 2016 highs of $16 In Q2 2024, gold sales were $154.1 million, and silver sales were $67.9 million. This makes gold sales almost 70% of revenues. The stock should have responded more to the rising gold price, but as I said, I think investors were still viewing Coeur as mostly a silver company. That said, they do have large leverage to silver because their resource base they are almost 60% silver. The company is maintaining its full-year production guidance ranges of 310,000 - 355,000 gold ounces and 10.7 - 13.3 million silver ounces. Full-year CAS guidance at Palmarejo and Wharf has been reduced to reflect strong cost management efforts, while Rochester's second-half CAS guidance ranges have been increased to reflect the timing of ounces placed under leach. Other significant news on the silver front was just a couple of weeks ago, on October 4. Coeeur announced that they entered into a definitive agreement to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of SilverCrest pursuant to a court-approved plan of arrangement. Under the terms of the Agreement, SilverCrest shareholders will receive 1.6022 Coeur common shares for each SilverCrest common share. The Exchange Ratio implies a consideration of $11.34 per SilverCrest common share, based on the closing price of Coeur common shares on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") on October 3, 2024. This represents an 18% premium based on 20-day volume-weighted average prices of Coeur and SilverCrest each as of October 3, 2024. It turns out, this was a very well timed acquisition ahead of the silver price rise and it will make Coeur the world's largest pure silver producer at about 21 million ounces per year. Their silver production should be neck and neck or just a little behind Pan American Silver not shown on this graphic. Another key positive fundamental is the expansion of their Rochester Mine this year. In mid-September, they announced that the new three-stage crushing circuit continues to deliver greatly enhanced levels of flexibility to accommodate the full range of mined ore in Rochester. For the month of August, approximately 2.7 million tons were placed on the new Stage VI leach pad, representing a 39% increase over July placement levels. Rochester remains on track to place 7.0 – 8.0 million tons per quarter during the second half of 2024 and to achieve its full-year 2024 production guidance of 4.8 – 6.6 million ounces of silver and 37,000 – 50,000 ounces of gold. Rochester is the largest open pit heap leach operation in North America and the largest silver reserve asset in the U.S. At the end of 2023, Coeur had 3.2 million ounces of proven and probable gold reserves and 243.9 million ounces of silver. At the long-term reference of 60 to 1 ratio, their reserves are 58% silver and 42% gold. With the significant expansion at Rochester and the acquisition of SilverCrest it will make a significant positive effect to increased profits and cash flow. According to Coeur's presentation, using Factset Street Research data, they will be the leader among peers. The Pro Forma adding SilverCrest is significant. The higher silver price is more gravy on top. The chart looks good, too. Volume is picking up, and it looks like the stock will break through the resistance area and head to $11. You can get some more leverage with Call options. Because this is a low-priced stock, I would take advantage of low premiums on long dates. The December 2025 $5.50 Call option is about $2.75 and is $1.87 in the money, so a premium of less than $1.00 for almost 14 months. Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR:NASDAQ) Nektar Therapeutics Recent Price - $1.41 Entry Price- $0.68 Opinion - Sell There is nothing wrong with Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR:NASDAQ), but I am concerned we could get a significant market correction, and I don't like the fact the stock has not done better in a bullish market. That said, I think this reflects how concentrated this bull market is and does not have good breadth. The stock is just below cash value but the stock is near resistance on the chart and besides that we have over 100% profits in about 8 months, lets take them. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: Ron Struthers: I or members of my immediate household or family, own securities of: Couer Mining. I determined which companies would be included in this article based on my research and understanding of the sector. Statements and opinions expressed are the opinions of the author and not of Streetwise Reports, Street Smart, or their officers. The author is wholly responsible for the accuracy of the statements. Streetwise Reports was not paid by the author to publish or syndicate this article. Streetwise Reports requires contributing authors to disclose any shareholdings in, or economic relationships with, companies that they write about. Any disclosures from the author can be found below. Streetwise Reports relies upon the authors to accurately provide this information and Streetwise Reports has no means of verifying its accuracy. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Struthers Resource Stock Report Disclosures All forecasts and recommendations are based on opinion. Markets change direction with consensus beliefs, which may change at any time and without notice. The author/publisher of this publication has taken every precaution to provide the most accurate information possible. The information & data were obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but because the information & data source are beyond the author's control, no representation or guarantee is made that it is complete or accurate. The reader accepts information on the condition that errors or omissions shall not be made the basis for any claim, demand or cause for action. Because of the ever-changing nature of information & statistics the author/publisher strongly encourages the reader to communicate directly with the company and/or with their personal investment adviser to obtain up to date information. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Any statements non-factual in nature constitute only current opinions, which are subject to change. The author/publisher may or may not have a position in the securities and/or options relating thereto, & may make purchases and/or sales of these securities relating thereto from time to time in the open market or otherwise. Neither the information, nor opinions expressed, shall be construed as a solicitation to buy or sell any stock, futures or options contract mentioned herein. The author/publisher of this letter is not a qualified financial adviser & is not acting as such in this publication. ( Companies Mentioned: CDE:NYSE, NKTR:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b H.C. Wainwright & Co. Raises Price Target on Biotech Following Positive Regulatory Updates By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Andrew Fein 10/23/2024 DBV Technologies SA (DBVT:NASDAQ) received a raised target price after it released long-awaited regulatory clarity regarding the path forward for its Viaskin Peanut patch.H.C. Wainwright & Co. analysts Andrew S. Fein, Matthew Caufield, Dr. Andres Y. Maldonado, and Dr. Ananda Ghosh, in a research report published on October 23, 2024, maintained a Buy rating on DBV Technologies SA (DBVT:NASDAQ) while raising their price target to US$7.00 from US$5.00. The report follows DBV's announcement of regulatory clarity regarding the path forward for its Viaskin Peanut patch. The analysts highlighted the significance of the FDA agreement, stating, "DBV Technologies has reached an agreement with the FDA regarding the regulatory pathway for the Viaskin Peanut patch in toddlers aged one to three, under the Accelerated Approval pathway." Regarding the company's development timeline, the analysts noted, "The Biologics License Application (BLA) submission for Viaskin Peanut in this age group is expected to be supported by positive efficacy and safety data from DBV's completed EPITOPE Phase 3 study, as well as additional safety data from the upcoming six-month COMFORT Toddlers supplemental safety study, which is expected to begin in 2Q25." The report emphasized the strength of DBV's regulatory position, stating, "The FDA has stated that DBV has already satisfied two of the three criteria: the product treats a serious condition, and the product candidate provides a meaningful advantage over available therapies." The analysts also highlighted progress in Europe, noting, "The EMA confirmed that the successfully completed EPITOPE Phase 3 efficacy and safety trial in the one to three-year-old population, along with positive results from the VITESSE study in the four to seven-year-old population, and a new safety study using the modified circular patch in one to three-year-olds, could support an MAA for the one to seven-year-old indication with the modified patch." The analysts' valuation methodology for DBV Technologies is based on a composite approach. They explained, "Our US$7 price target is based on an equally weighted composite of: (a) US$5.10/share, as a 20x multiple of taxed and diluted FY34 GAAP EPS of US$5.13 discounted back to FY24 at 35%; and (b) an NPV of US$8.52/share with a 13% discount rate and 1% growth rate." The report included commercial projections, with the analysts stating, "We continue to model initial approval in 2027, with projected initial sales of US$17.5M, growing to US$1,182.8M by 2034." The analysts also outlined several risk factors, including potential clinical study failures, regulatory approval challenges, and market size uncertainties. In conclusion, H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s increased price target to US$7 reflects growing confidence in DBV Technologies' regulatory pathway for the Viaskin Peanut patch. The share price at the time of the report of US$0.70 represents a potential return of approximately 900% to the analysts' target price, highlighting the significant upside potential if the company successfully navigates the regulatory process and commercializes its product. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for H.C. Wainwright & Co. DBV Technologies S.A., October 23, 2024 Important Disclaimers This material is confidential and intended for use by Institutional Accounts as defined in FINRA Rule 4512(c). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply to unsubscribe@hcwresearch.com and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. H.C. WAINWRIGHT & CO, LLC RATING SYSTEM: H.C. Wainwright employs a three tier rating system for evaluating both the potential return and risk associated with owning common equity shares of rated firms. The expected return of any given equity is measured on a RELATIVE basis of other companies in the same sector. The price objective is calculated to estimate the potential movements in price that a given equity could reach provided certain targets are met over a defined time horizon. Price objectives are subject to external factors including industry events and market volatility. H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC (the “Firm”) is a member of FINRA and SIPC and a registered U.S. Broker-Dealer. I, Andrew S. Fein, Matthew Caufield, Andres Y. Maldonado, PhD and Ananda Ghosh, PhD , certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies. None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of DBV Technologies S.A. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position). As of September 30, 2024 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of DBV Technologies S.A. Neither the research analyst nor the Firm knows or has reason to know of any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report. The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services. The firm or its affiliates received compensation from DBV Technologies S.A. for non-investment banking services in the previous 12 months. The Firm or its affiliates did not receive compensation from DBV Technologies S.A. for investment banking services within twelve months before, but will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report. The Firm does not make a market in DBV Technologies S.A. as of the date of this research report. The securities of the company discussed in this report may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial position. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is offered for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed herein in any jurisdiction where such would be prohibited. 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All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute the analyst’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. Securities and other financial instruments discussed in this research report: may lose value; are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. ( Companies Mentioned: DBVT:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b Boston Biotech Announces Novartis Collaboration By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. Robert Driscoll 10/28/2024 Monte Rosa Therapeutics Inc. (GLUE:NASDAQ) recently unveiled a collaborative agreement with Novartis for the development of MRT-6160, its VAV1-degrader program, according to a Wedbush research note.Wedbush analysts Dr. Robert Driscoll, Dr. Ritika Das, and Sam Ravina, in a research report published on October 28, 2024, maintained their Outperform rating on Monte Rosa Therapeutics Inc. (GLUE:NASDAQ) while raising their price target to US$15.00 from US$11.00. The report follows Monte Rosa's announcement of a collaborative agreement with Novartis for the development of MRT-6160, its VAV1-degrader program. The analysts highlighted the significant financial terms of the agreement, stating, "GLUE will receive an upfront payment of US$150M as well as total milestone payments of up to US$2.1B that will include US$1.5B in potential development and regulatory milestones that begin upon Ph 2 studies." Regarding the partnership structure, the analysts noted, "Upon start of Ph 3 studies, 30% US P&L would be shared with Ph 3 development co-fund and ex-US tiered royalties. Importantly, NVS will cover the complete costs of Ph 2 studies and will obtain worldwide rights to develop, commercialize and manufacture MRT-6160 as well as other VAV MGDs." The analysts viewed this collaboration positively, stating, "We view this favorable collaboration agreement as an additional robust validation of GLUE's QuEEN MGD platform (noting Novartis' significant efforts in the degrader space), as well as an acknowledgment of the significant potential opportunities around targeting VAV1 with a first in class degrader." They also emphasized the strategic benefits, noting, "Furthermore, we note the likely accelerated timelines for the MRT-6160 development program overall, and significant extension of GLUE's operational cash runway, which we expect to allow advancement of its deep pipeline." The report highlighted the ongoing Phase 1 SAD/MAD healthy subject study for MRT-6160 in autoimmune diseases, with initial data expected in 1Q:25. Wedbush's valuation methodology is based on sales multiples. The analysts explained, "Our PT is derived from applying a 6x multiple to estimated US sales and a 15x multiple to EU royalties of MRT-2359 in 2031, discounted by 30% annually." The analysts also outlined several risk factors, including potential clinical and regulatory failure of MRT-2359, challenges in achieving sales estimates, and possible commercial competition from current and future therapies. In conclusion, Wedbush's increased price target to US$15 reflects growing confidence in Monte Rosa Therapeutics following the Novartis collaboration agreement. The share price at the time of the report of US$8.05 represents a potential return of approximately 86% to the analysts' target price, highlighting the significant upside potential as the company advances its development programs with its new partner. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for Wedbush, Monte Rosa Therapeutics Inc., October 28, 2024 Analyst Certification We, Robert Driscoll, Ritika Das and Sam Ravina, certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect our personal opinions and that we have not and will not, directly or indirectly, receive compensation or other payments in connection with our specific recommendations or views contained in this report. The Distribution of Ratings is required by FINRA rules; however, WS' stock ratings of Outperform, Neutral, and Underperform most closely conform to Buy, Hold, and Sell, respectively. Please note, however, the definitions are not the same as WS' stock ratings are on a relative basis. The analysts responsible for preparing research reports do not receive compensation based on specific investment banking activity. The analysts receive compensation that is based upon various factors including WS' total revenues, a portion of which are generated by WS' investment banking activities. Company Specific Disclosures This information is subject to change at any time. 2. WS managed a public offering of securities for Monte Rosa Therapeutics within the last 12 months. 4. WS has received compensation for investment banking services from Monte Rosa Therapeutics within the last 12 months. 5. WS provided Monte Rosa Therapeutics with investment banking services within the last 12 months. Wedbush disclosure price charts are updated within the first fifteen days of each new calendar quarter per FINRA regulations. Price charts for companies initiated upon in the current quarter, and rating and target price changes occurring in the current quarter, will not be displayed until the following quarter. Additional information on recommended securities is available on request. Disclosure information regarding historical ratings and price targets is available: Research Disclosures *WS changed its rating system from (Strong Buy/ Buy/ Hold/ Sell) to (Outperform/ Neutral/ Underperform) on July 14, 2009. Applicable disclosure information is also available upon request by contacting the Research Department at (212) 833-1375, by email to leslie.lippai@wedbush.com. You may also submit a written request to the following: Wedbush Securities, Attn: Research Department, 142 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. OTHER DISCLOSURES The information herein is based on sources that we consider reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. The information contained herein is not a representation by this corporation, nor is any recommendation made herein based on any privileged information. This information is not intended to be nor should it be relied upon as a complete record or analysis: neither is it an offer nor a solicitation of an offer to sell or buy any security mentioned herein. This firm, Wedbush Securities, its officers, employees, and members of their families, or any one or more of them, and its discretionary and advisory accounts, may have a position in any security discussed herein or in related securities and may make, from time to time, purchases or sales thereof in the open market or otherwise. The information and expressions of opinion contained herein are subject to change without further notice. The herein mentioned securities may be sold to or bought from customers on a principal basis by this firm. Additional information with respect to the information contained herein may be obtained upon request. Wedbush Securities does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Thus, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Please see pages 3–7 of this report for analyst certification and important disclosure information. Retail Investors The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individual recommendation or personalized investment advice. The companies/investments mentioned may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review their own respective situation(s) before making any investment decisions. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice due to shifting market(s), economic or political conditions. Investment involves risks including the risk of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance. ( Companies Mentioned: GLUE:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b Mass. Biotech Shares Strong Q3 Results By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. David Nierengarten 10/29/2024 Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (KNSA:NASDAQ) recently reported strong Q3 2024 earnings, which led to its Outperform rating, according to a Wedbush research note.Wedbush analysts Dr. David Nierengarten, Dennis Pak, and Dr. Martin Fan, in a research report published on October 29, 2024, maintained their Outperform rating on Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (KNSA:NASDAQ) with a price target of US$34.00. The report follows Kiniksa's Q3 2024 earnings announcement, which showed continued strong growth for Arcalyst. The analysts highlighted the company's strong quarterly performance, stating, "Net product revenues of US$112.2MM (+73% y/y) slightly edged out our US$112.0MM estimate. Management's updated FY revenue guidance to US$410-US$420MM (previously US$405-US$415MM) implies Q4 revenue of US$115.5-US$125.5MM (3%-12% q/q growth)." Regarding market penetration, the analysts noted, "More than 11% of patients in KNSA's target RP population of 14,000 patients that suffer from two or more recurrences are now actively on Arcalyst therapy, compared to 9% penetration at YE23." They added, "Notably, ~45% of all new prescriptions were written by repeat prescribers, which accounted for ~25% (640) of total prescriber base." The analysts emphasized the growing duration of therapy, stating, "Importantly, average total duration of Arcalyst therapy in RP continues to grow, increasing to ~27 months as of 3Q24 from ~23 months as of 1Q24." Regarding the company's pipeline, the report highlighted progress with abiprubart, noting, "Abiprubart's subcutaneous formulation and potential for once-monthly dosing should provide a greater dosing convenience relative to other agents and support uptake in a crowded but large market (300,000+ patients in the U.S.A.) assuming comparable efficacy." The analysts addressed the stock's recent performance, stating, "We think today's share action reflects overoptimistic expectations investors may have had following the outsized Q2 sequential growth over a seasonally weak Q1. Net-net, we believe Arcalyst fundamentals remain strong and view current trading levels as an attractive entry point." Wedbush's valuation methodology is based on a sum-of-parts approach. The analysts explained, "Our PT is derived from a sum-of-parts valuation for each of the company's clinical programs: an 8x multiple to KNSA's share of estimated US sales of Arcalyst in RP in 2027 and CAPS in 2025 (discounted back by 15%), and an 8x multiple to abiprubart's estimated sales in Sjogren's disease in 2029/30 (discounted back by 35%)." In conclusion, Wedbush's maintenance of its Outperform rating and US$34 price target reflects confidence in Kiniksa's commercial execution with Arcalyst and pipeline potential. The share price at the time of the report of US$23.76 represents a potential return of approximately 43% to the analysts' target price, suggesting a significant upside as the company continues to expand its market penetration and advance its pipeline. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for Wedbush, Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, October 29, 2024 Analyst Certification We, David Nierengarten, Dennis Pak and Martin Fan, certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect our personal opinions and that we have not and will not, directly or indirectly, receive compensation or other payments in connection with our specific recommendations or views contained in this report. Company Specific Disclosures This information is subject to change at any time. 1. WS makes a market in the securities of Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals. Wedbush disclosure price charts are updated within the first fifteen days of each new calendar quarter per FINRA regulations. Price charts for companies initiated upon in the current quarter, and rating and target price changes occurring in the current quarter, will not be displayed until the following quarter. Additional information on recommended securities is available on request. Disclosure information regarding historical ratings and price targets is available: Research Disclosures *WS changed its rating system from (Strong Buy/ Buy/ Hold/ Sell) to (Outperform/ Neutral/ Underperform) on July 14, 2009. Applicable disclosure information is also available upon request by contacting the Research Department at (212) 833-1375, by email to leslie.lippai@wedbush.com. You may also submit a written request to the following: Wedbush Securities, Attn: Research Department, 142 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. OTHER DISCLOSURES The information herein is based on sources that we consider reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. The information contained herein is not a representation by this corporation, nor is any recommendation made herein based on any privileged information. This information is not intended to be nor should it be relied upon as a complete record or analysis: neither is it an offer nor a solicitation of an offer to sell or buy any security mentioned herein. This firm, Wedbush Securities, its officers, employees, and members of their families, or any one or more of them, and its discretionary and advisory accounts, may have a position in any security discussed herein or in related securities and may make, from time to time, purchases or sales thereof in the open market or otherwise. The information and expressions of opinion contained herein are subject to change without further notice. The herein mentioned securities may be sold to or bought from customers on a principal basis by this firm. Additional information with respect to the information contained herein may be obtained upon request. Wedbush Securities does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Thus, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Please see pages 3–7 of this report for analyst certification and important disclosure information. Retail Investors The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individual recommendation or personalized investment advice. The companies/investments mentioned may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review their own respective situation(s) before making any investment decisions. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice due to shifting market(s), economic or political conditions. Investment involves risks including the risk of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance. ( Companies Mentioned: KNSA:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b AI Healthcare Co. With 'Bright' Outlook Closes Placement By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Streetwise Reports 10/31/2024 Healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) company Treatment.com AI Inc. (TRUE:CSE; TREIF:OTCMKTS; 939:FRA) has closed a non-brokered private placement for aggregate gross proceeds of CA$1.95 million. Find out why one analyst says the stock is a Strong Buy and worth going overweight on.Healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) company Treatment.com AI Inc. (TRUE:CSE; TREIF:OTCMKTS; 939:FRA) announced that it has closed a non-brokered private placement for aggregate gross proceeds of CA$1.95 million. A total of 2,138,766 special warrants of the company were offered at CA$0.75 per special warrant with proceeds of CA$1.6 million. The company also said 466,666 units of the company were offered at CA$0.75 per unit for proceeds of CA$349,999.50. The company said it intends to use the proceeds for working capital purposes. "We are very encouraged by the support from our investors with their overwhelming response to the financing and the subsequent over-subscription," Chief Executive Officer Dr. Essam Hamza said. "This money will help expedite our aggressive growth plans over the next year." Technical Analyst Clive Maund noted on October 9* that the outlook for the company is "outstandingly bright" because it has "positioned itself to revolutionize the healthcare industry using AI and advanced machine learning technologies." The company "is set to transform the current archaic system so that no longer do patients have to sit for hours in waiting rooms to see a doctor or doctors, and doctors and other healthcare professionals have to suffer a crushing burden of often unnecessary patient visits and tedious repetitive bureaucracy," he wrote. "Treatment AI's platform will take care of most of it." Healthcare Professionals Worldwide Contribute to AI Engine Treatment.com AI said it is a company utilizing AI and best clinical practices with a goal to positively improve the healthcare sector and impact current inefficiencies and challenges. With the input of hundreds of healthcare professionals globally, Treatment.com AI said it has built a comprehensive, personalized healthcare AI engine called the Global Library of Medicine (GLM). With more than 10,000 expert medical reviews, the GLM is designed to provide tested clinical information and support to all healthcare professionals, as well as providing recommended tests (physical and lab), X-rays, and billing codes. According to the company, the GLM will help healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, and pharmacists) reduce administrative burdens, creating more time for face-to-face patient appointments. "AI is set to expedite and streamline the healthcare industry, making it vastly more efficient for the benefit of both healthcare professionals and patients," Maund noted. The Catalyst: A 'Profound Transformation' in the Industry AI has an important role to play in the healthcare offerings of the future, a 2019 report from the National Center of Biomechanical Medicine listed in the National Library of Medicine said. "In the form of machine learning, it is the primary capability behind the development of precision medicine, widely agreed to be a sorely needed advance in care." Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to the technology to address both clinical and administrative challenges. The combination of generative AI, as noted by Appinventiv in September, and operational tools like those developed by Treatment.com AI are driving this transformation. Generative AI is "catalyzing a profound transformation within the healthcare industry" by generating synthetic data, predicting patient outcomes, and optimizing treatment plans, all of which revolutionize clinical decision-making processes, Appinventiv reported. This aligns with Treatment.com AI's announced collaboration with SPRYT on September 17 whereby integrating SPRYT’s AI receptionist "Asa" with its GLM has the goal of enhancing patient access to healthcare while reducing administrative burdens. A CBC report from September 16 said real-world applications of AI in healthcare are already showing promising results. Dr. Muhammad Mamdani, co-author of a study on the topic, expressed optimism about AI's ability to "complement clinicians' own judgment and lead to better outcomes for fragile patients." According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global AI in healthcare market in total was valued at US$20.9 billion this year and will reach an estimated US$148.4 billion by 2029, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 48.1%. "The growth of AI in the healthcare market is driven by the generation of large and complex healthcare datasets, the pressing need to reduce healthcare costs, improving computing power and declining hardware costs, and the rising number of partnerships and collaborations among different domains in the healthcare sector, and growing need for improvised healthcare services due to imbalance between healthcare workforce and patients," the report said. Analyst: A 'Genuine Breakout Soon' for Stock Maund said its stock charts are also looking "very positive indeed" for the company. Of particular note is the big upleg late in June and early in July on persistent heavy volume, which broke the price clear above the May high and drove volume indicators steeply higher," the analyst noted. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-10594] "This is very bullish price/volume action, especially as the volume indicators have not just held up but have actually advanced as the price has reacted back in a normal manner from the early July high to arrive at a support level where it has stabilized above the 200-day moving average in readiness for renewed advance, so the correction looks like a large bull Pennant that, as it is now closing up, promises renewed advance soon," continued Maund, who said holders should stay long and rated the stock a Strong Buy that "is thought worth going overweight on." "The June-July rally must be classed as a 'preliminary' breakout," he noted. "But that said, the exceptionally bullish price/volume action of recent months does promise a genuine breakout soon that looks set to lead to a sustained and substantial uptrend." Ownership and Share Structure According to Sedi.ca, insiders own approximately 8% of Treatment.com AI. Retail investors own the remaining 92%. The company has 48.84 million outstanding common shares and has 41.3 million free float traded shares. As of October 31, the market cap is approximately CA$31.75 million. Over the past 52 weeks, the company traded between CA$0.355 and CA$1.11 per share. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: Treatment.com AI has a consulting relationship with Street Smart an affiliate of Streetwise Reports. Street Smart Clients pay a monthly consulting fee between US$8,000 and US$20,000. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Treatment.com AI. Steve Sobek wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. * Disclosure for quotes from the Clive Maund source October 9, 2024 For the quote (sourced on October 9, 2024), the Company has paid Street Smart, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports, US$1,500. Author Certification and Compensation: [Clive Maund of clivemaund.com] is being compensated as an independent contractor by Street Smart, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports, for writing the article quoted. Maund received his UK Technical Analysts’ Diploma in 1989. The recommendations and opinions expressed in the article accurately reflect the personal, independent, and objective views of the author regarding any and all of the designated securities discussed. No part of the compensation received by the author was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed. Clivemaund.com Disclosures The quoted article represents the opinion and analysis of Mr. Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Maund's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stock market analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Maund's opinions on the market and stocks cannot be only be construed as a recommendation or solicitation to buy and sell securities. ( Companies Mentioned: TRUE:CSE; TREIF:OTCMKTS;939:FRA, ) Full Article
b Biotech Shares Positive Phase I Data for Alzheimer's Treatment By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. Douglas Loe 10/31/2024 Leede Financial Inc.'s target price on ProMIS Neurosciences Inc. (PMN:TSX; PMN:NCM) reflects a potential return of 822%.Leede Financial analysts Dr. Douglas Loe and Siew Ching Yeo, in a research report published on October 30, 2024, maintained their Speculative Buy rating on ProMIS Neurosciences Inc. (PMN:TSX; PMN:NCM) with a price target of US$9.50. The report follows ProMIS's presentation of interim Phase I data for PMN310, its Alzheimer's disease (AD) candidate, at the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference. The analysts highlighted the positive safety and pharmacokinetic (PK) data, stating, "We were encouraged (though not overly surprised) to see that the mAb was well-tolerated at all five test doses ranging from 2.5mg/kg-to-40mg/kg." They added, "PK analysis of all of these patient cohorts in this single-ascending dose (SAD) trial suggests that once-monthly dosing may be sufficient to sustain mAb levels both in plasma and in cerebrospinal fluid over time." Regarding dosing efficacy, the analysts noted, "Importantly, ProMIS indicated in the Jul/24 update that even at 2.5mg/kg dosing, PMN310 levels in CSF were over 100x higher than predicted to be necessary to bind to all beta-amyloid oligomers that could accumulate in CSF in diseased patients." The analysts emphasized the significance of recent industry developments, particularly AbbVie's acquisition of Aliada Therapeutics, stating, "AbbVie's tangible interest in Phase I-stage AD assets shows us that ProMIS could itself be attractive to future suitors if/when it can document direct impact on cognitive impairment in diseased patients." The report highlighted ProMIS's financial position following its recent equity offering, noting that the company raised US$30.3M with multiple layers of warrant coverage tied to development milestones. Leede Financial's valuation methodology combines multiple approaches. The analysts explained, "We are maintaining our Speculative Buy rating and one-year PT of US$9.50 on PMN, with our valuation still based on NPV (30% discount rate) and multiples of our F2029 EBITDA/fd EPS forecasts." They added, "By direct comparison to Aliada's US$1.4B value, PMN shares would notionally be valued on a fully-diluted basis at US$17.65/shr." In conclusion, Leede Financial's maintenance of their Speculative Buy rating and US$9.50 price target reflects confidence in ProMIS's development of PMN310 and its potential in the Alzheimer's disease market. The share price at the time of the report of US$1.03 represents a potential return of approximately 822% to the analysts' target price, highlighting the significant upside potential if the company's clinical development plans prove successful. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of ProMIS Neurosciences Inc. This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for Leede Financial Inc., ProMIS Neurosciences Inc., October 30, 2024 Important Information and Legal Disclaimers Leede Financial Inc. (Leede) is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). This document is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any particular investing strategy. 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Leede is registered and regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). Canadian clients wishing to effect transactions in any designated investment discussed should do so through a Leede Registered Representative. U.S. Disclosures This research report was prepared by Leede Financial Inc. (Leede). Leede is registered and regulated by the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). This report does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities discussed herein. Leede is not registered as a broker-dealer in the United States and is not subject to U.S. rules regarding the preparation of research reports and the independence of research analysts. Any resulting transactions should be effected through a U.S. broker-dealer. ( Companies Mentioned: PMN:TSX; PMN:NCM, ) Full Article
b New Blood Cancer Treatment Shows Continued Response By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. David Nierengarten 11/07/2024 The biotech behind this cell therapy has numerous near-term catalysts related to its pipeline, noted a Wedbush report.TScan Therapeutics Inc. (TCRX:NASDAQ) Phase 1 ALLOHA study, evaluating its lead therapeutic candidates TSC-100 and TSC-101 in hematologic malignancies, showed patients continuing to have a positive response after one year, reported Wedbush analyst Dr. David Nierengarten in a Nov. 5 research note. TSC-100 and TSC-101 are T-cell receptor-engineered T-cell therapies (TCR-Ts). "We see a catalyst-rich next few months ahead with data building in prominence on stock impact," Nierengarten wrote. 87% Return Potential Wedbush has a US$10 per share target price on the Massachusetts-based biotech, trading at the time of the report at about US$5.36 per share, noted the analyst. The difference between these figures implies an 87% return potential for investors. TScan Therapeutics remains rated Outperform. Durability of Response Data Nierengarten presented the clinical trial's latest results. As of the July 8, 2024 data cutoff date, in Phase 1 of ALLOHA, 16 patients with hematologic tumors had been administered TSC-100 or TSC-101, and 11 patients had been given a placebo. Median follow-ups had occurred at 5.8 months and 5.3 months, respectively. At the time, none of the patients in the treatment arm had had a relapse. In the control arm, however, three, or 27% of, the 11 patients had, and the median time to relapse was 159 days. The analyst explained that this is typical for patients receiving a hematopoietic stem cell transplant after reduced-intensity conditioning. One year out from treatment, five patients were evaluable, and all remained relapse free and minimal residual disease negative at the time. These data underscore the durability of response to this TCR-T treatment, Nierengarten commented. Its safety profile was shown to be favorable still, with no patients experiencing dose-limiting toxicities or adverse events associated with allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. "Enrollment continues in dose expansion cohorts, and results could support a registrational trial as early as 2025, pending regulatory feedback," Nierengarten wrote. On the Horizon TScan Therapeutics has several catalysts related to its clinical programs on the horizon, which Nierengarten listed. On Nov. 8 and 9, the company will present preclinical data in the poster sessions at the annual Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer meeting. One poster will show in vitro combinatorial data for T-Plex, TScan's cellular therapy for treating solid tumors. It is comprised of two to three different TCR-Ts that target different tumor antigens on different human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types. A second poster will detail the expansion of ImmunoBank, the biotech's diverse bank of therapeutic T-cell receptors (TCRs) that recognize diverse targets and are associated with multiple HLA types. The third will depict development of a target agnostic platform to evaluate how TCR-Ts affect primary human tissues. On Dec. 9, TScan Therapeutics will present updated one-year data from ALLOHA, at the American Society for Hematology Annual Meeting in December. By year-end, the biotech will announce initial data from administering singleplex therapy, cell therapy engineered using a single TCR, to patients with solid tumors. This treatment is being given to establish safety before administering multiplex therapy, cell therapy engineered from multiple TCRs. In 2025, TScan Therapeutics will provide long-term duration of response data for multiplex therapy in solid tumors and will potentially commence a registrational trial for TSC-100 and TSC-101. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for Wedbush, TScan Therapeutics Inc., November 5, 2024 Analyst Certification We, David Nierengarten, Martin Fan and Dennis Pak, certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect our personal opinions and that we have not and will not, directly or indirectly, receive compensation or other payments in connection with our specific recommendations or views contained in this report. Company Specific Disclosures This information is subject to change at any time. 1. WS makes a market in the securities of TScan Therapeutics, Inc.. 6. WS is acting as a financial advisor for TScan Therapeutics, Inc.. Wedbush disclosure price charts are updated within the first fifteen days of each new calendar quarter per FINRA regulations. Price charts for companies initiated upon in the current quarter, and rating and target price changes occurring in the current quarter, will not be displayed until the following quarter. Additional information on recommended securities is available on request. Disclosure information regarding historical ratings and price targets is available: Research Disclosures *WS changed its rating system from (Strong Buy/ Buy/ Hold/ Sell) to (Outperform/ Neutral/ Underperform) on July 14, 2009. Applicable disclosure information is also available upon request by contacting the Research Department at (212) 833-1375, by email to leslie.lippai@wedbush.com. You may also submit a written request to the following: Wedbush Securities, Attn: Research Department, 142 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. OTHER DISCLOSURES The information herein is based on sources that we consider reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed. The information contained herein is not a representation by this corporation, nor is any recommendation made herein based on any privileged information. This information is not intended to be nor should it be relied upon as a complete record or analysis: neither is it an offer nor a solicitation of an offer to sell or buy any security mentioned herein. This firm, Wedbush Securities, its officers, employees, and members of their families, or any one or more of them, and its discretionary and advisory accounts, may have a position in any security discussed herein or in related securities and may make, from time to time, purchases or sales thereof in the open market or otherwise. The information and expressions of opinion contained herein are subject to change without further notice. The herein mentioned securities may be sold to or bought from customers on a principal basis by this firm. Additional information with respect to the information contained herein may be obtained upon request. Wedbush Securities does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. Thus, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Please see pages 3–7 of this report for analyst certification and important disclosure information. Retail Investors The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individual recommendation or personalized investment advice. The companies/investments mentioned may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review their own respective situation(s) before making any investment decisions. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice due to shifting market(s), economic or political conditions. Investment involves risks including the risk of principal. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance. ( Companies Mentioned: TCRX:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b Rising Revenue and Strategic Pipeline Advances Propel Biotech Growth Trajectory By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Streetwise Reports 11/08/2024 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. (VRTX:NASDAQ) has reported a robust financial performance for the third quarter of 2024. Read the details on this announcement and some of the primary drivers behind the rise.Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. (VRTX:NASDAQ) has reported a robust financial performance for the third quarter of 2024. The report has demonstrated the company's continued revenue growth and the strengthening of its innovative pipeline. For Q3 2024, Vertex's product revenue reached US$2.77 billion, a 12% increase from the previous year. This was primarily driven by strong demand for its TRIKAFTA®/KAFTRIO® therapies. Based on this momentum, Vertex raised its full-year product revenue guidance to a range of US$10.8 billion to US$10.9 billion, citing a solid trajectory in its cystic fibrosis (CF) portfolio and expected future launches. In Q3, the company made notable advancements in its pipeline. Three programs have begun moving into Phase 3 clinical development: suzetrigine in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), povetacicept in IgA nephropathy (IgAN), and VX-880 in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Vertex is also preparing for the launch of two potential treatments in early 2025, with PDUFA dates set for January 2 for the vanzacaftor triple therapy for CF and January 30 for suzetrigine, the latter being a pain medication in a new therapeutic class aimed at reducing reliance on opioids. GAAP and Non-GAAP net income both reached US$1.0 billion, largely driven by increased product revenue, which offset rising R&D and SG&A expense. This was s due to investments in global commercialization and late-stage clinical development. For Q3, Vertex's combined R&D and SG&A expenses were US$1.2 billion and US$1.1 billion, respectively, an increase from last year attributed to new global program advancements and upcoming launch support. Vertex's cash position remained strong, with US$11.2 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of September 30. The decline from US$13.7 billion at the end of 2023 primarily reflects the acquisition of Alpine Immune Sciences and share repurchases under the company's buyback program. A Look At Biotechnology and Pharma The U.S. Pharmaceuticals Report for 2024 by Nova One Advisor detailed the size and growth trajectory of the U.S. pharmaceutical market. Valued at US$602.19 billion in 2023, the sector is projected to exceed US$1 trillion by 2033. The report pointed to a "high healthcare expenditure provided by government bodies" as a primary growth driver, further bolstered by the aging population's demand for advanced treatments. In an October 24 article, The Investing News Network reported on a dynamic landscape within the biotechnology sector. The report highlighted advancements in AI-powered drug discovery. Despite a cautious investment climate, interest remained strong in AI's potential to reshape healthcare, with venture capital investment reaching US$6.59 billion. At the HealthTech Ignite conference, Susie Roberts from Relay Therapeutics expressed confidence, noting, "We will definitely see AI design drugs in the next 10 years." On November 4, Yahoo! Finance shared insights from MIT professors Andrew Lo and Dennis Whyte. They emphasized that biotechnology's rapid advancement over the past five decades offers valuable lessons for future innovation. In their research paper, Lo and Whyte proposed initiatives to accelerate biotechnology's growth, underscoring the importance of "reducing risk and uncertainty" to foster a robust investment ecosystem that supports groundbreaking discoveries. Catalysts Driving Vertex Pharma According to Vertex's November 2024 investor presentation, the company sees multiple growth catalysts over the next few years. Vertex aims to meet its goal of achieving "five launches in five years," focusing on expanding the treatable patient base in CF with vanzacaftor triple, addressing critical needs in sickle cell disease (SCD) and beta thalassemia (TDT) with CASGEVY, and launching suzetrigine for acute pain management. Additionally, Vertex expects its expansive R&D pipeline to support long-term growth. This includes pivotal clinical trials for VX-880 in T1D, povetacicept in IgAN, and NaV1.8 pain inhibitors like suzetrigine, indicating a commitment to treating a range of chronic and life-threatening conditions with limited therapeutic options. By driving advancements in CF therapies, diversifying its portfolio with novel pain treatments, and pursuing accelerated approvals for renal and blood-related disorders, Vertex is strategically positioning itself to sustain growth and achieve several near-term milestones. What Are Experts Saying About Vertex? In a November 5, 2024, H.C. Wainwright & Co. update, the analysts highlighted promising data from Vertex's recent Phase 2 trial for suzetrigine, which showed encouraging reductions in pain intensity. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-4085] The analysts noted that suzetrigine's peripheral nervous system-specific mechanism could potentially address "a significant, unmet medical need worldwide" in non-opioid pain management. They set a price target of US$600.00, projecting Vertex's continued growth from its strong cystic fibrosis franchise and pipeline expansion. From the November 7 Kingswood Capital Partners report, analysts noted Vertex Pharmaceuticals' "sustained execution" in advancing product development programs and achieving robust operating margins, enabling "continued, significant investments" in both its pipeline and commercial capabilities. The firm maintained a "Buy" rating with a 12-month target price of US$550.00, attributing this outlook to Vertex's deep cash resources and historical successes in clinical trials. Ownership and Share Structure According to Refinitiv, 95.44% of Vertex Pharmaceuticals is held by Institutions. The top among them are Capital World Investors at 10.37%, The Vanguard Group at 8.88%, BlackRock Institutional Trust with 5.49%, State Street Global Advisors (US) with 4.55%, and Fidelity Management and Research with 4.11%. Strategic Investors hold .12%. The rest is retail.The company's market cap is US$129,395.59 million with 257.07 million free float shares. The 52 week range is US$341.90–$510.64. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures:1) James Guttman wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. 2) This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. For additional disclosures, please click here. ( Companies Mentioned: VRTX:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
b How Web Controls Are Changing Audio Conferencing By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 21:21:58 +0000 WHEN:Wednesday, October 21Time: 11am PT / 2pm ET Join Now!>> SPONSORED BY: Citrix Online Audio Services GroupJoin us for this FREE live webcast to hear Marc Beattie of Wainhouse Research as he... Full Article
b IT Security Ask the Experts: October, 2009 By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 23:18:30 +0000 This Web site was designed to be a clearing house for technical IT security queries. However, readers continue to submit a broad range of fascinating questions exploring the interface between technolo... Full Article
b Only the Mobile Enterprise will Survive: 10 Practical Strategies for Supporting a Next-Generation Mobile Workforce By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 00:04:08 +0000 WHEN: Wed, November 18Time: 10am PT / 1pm ET Join Now!SPONSORED BY: Nortel and AT&TJoin leading mobility experts to hear why only the mobile enterprise will survive! Join Now!Why the mobile ... Full Article
b The 5 Biggest Pains IT Faces with Telecommuting and How to Solve Them By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 20:44:34 +0000 On-Demand Webinar > >> Watch Now! SPONSORED BY: HP Imaging and Printing GroupBy 2013, there will be 10 million telecommuters in the U.S., according to research firm IDC¹. Watch this FREE... Full Article
b IT Security Ask the Experts: Top Queries for November, 2009 By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 22:03:17 +0000 This Web site was designed to be a clearing house for technical IT security queries. However, readers continue to submit a broad range of fascinating questions exploring the interface between technolo... Full Article
b 15 Major Reasons Businesses' Security Gets Compromised By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 00:01:38 +0000 In a world of ever-advancing technology and development, many company heads often get lost in the bustle and get swept up in the sea of buzzwords that happen to be popular at any given moment. They ... Full Article
b IT Security Ask the Experts: Top Queries for December, 2009 By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 01:45:49 +0000 This Web site was designed to be a clearing house for technical IT security queries. However, readers continue to submit a broad range of fascinating questions exploring the interface between technolo... Full Article
b 3 Game-Changing Strategies for Using ERP: How Businesses Can Innovate, Become More Efficient & Drive Real Growth in 2010 By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 20:05:47 +0000 On-Demand Webcast> Watch Now!SPONSORED BY: SageWatch this FREE on-demand webcast to hear from industry leaders as they walk you through 3 strategies for using ERP to drive productivity and ef... Full Article
b Maximize Your IT Infrastructure; Maximize Business Productivity By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 23:29:07 +0000 On-Demand Webinar >Watch Now!>>SPONSORED BY: Qwest Business Solutions®Watch this FREE on-demand 30-minute webcast to hear Qwest Communications CIO, Girish Varma, Qwest’s Director of... Full Article
b Information Security: Harnessing the Overlooked Source for SMB Competitive Advantage By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 19:43:36 +0000 On-Demand Webinar > Watch Now!>>SPONSORED BY: AT&TWatch this FREE on-demand webinar to learn how to make the connections between information security and competitive success for yo... Full Article
b 5 Reasons Why SMBs Can Now Adopt Virtualization By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 23:57:01 +0000 On-Demand Webinar > Watch Now!>> SPONSORED BY: VM6 SoftwareWatch this FREE on-demand webinar now and you’ll discover:Why virtualization is important How to achieve a scala... Full Article
b Boost Performance & Efficiency with Your Data Center Infrastructure By www.itsecurity.com Published On :: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 19:54:12 +0000 On-Demand Webinar > Watch Now!>>SPONSORED BY: Juniper NetworksWatch this FREE on-demand webinar to learn how you and your company can get started down the road to reach the pinnacle ... Full Article
b Strategic Lithium-Boron Acquisition Expands Exploration Footprint in Nevada By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Canter Resources Corp. (CRC:CSE; CNRCF:OTC; 601:FRA) has completed its acquisition of the Railroad Valley lithium-boron claims (RV project). Read why the company CEO says this aligns with Canter's long-term growth strategy. Full Article
b Engineering Milestone Secures Progress for Key Lithium Project in Brazil By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Lithium Ionic Corp. (LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE) has announced the initiation of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM) services for its flagship Bandeira Lithium Project. See why the CEO Blake Hyland says that the company's momentum towards production is stronger than ever. Full Article LTH:TSX.V; LTHCF:OTCQX; H3N:FSE
b Co. Completes Earn-In to Form JV at Advanced Stage Uranium Project in Athabasca Basin By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQX; SC1P:FSE) has completed its earn-in requirements for a 51% interest at the Russell Lake Uranium Project in the central core of Canada's Eastern Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan. This comes as the need for more net-zero power is sparking a rebirth of the nuclear industry. Full Article SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQX; SC1P:FSE
b New Operational Permit Paves Way for Key Lithium Project in Brazil's "Lithium Valley" By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Atlas Lithium Corp. (ATLX:NASDAQ) announced that it has received the operational permit for its Neves Project. Read what this permit, unanimously approved by Minas Gerais government in Brazil, allows Atlas to do. Full Article
b Co. Enters Quebec With Acquisition of Prospective Lithium Project By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST American Salars Lithium Inc. (USLI:CSE; USLIF:OTC; Z3P:FWB; A3E2NY:WKN) has signed a mineral claims purchase agreement with an arm's length vendor to acquire 100% of the Lac Simard South Project in Quebec. Find out why one analyst says the market for the important battery metal is due to wake up. Full Article
b Roth MKM Maintains Buy Rating on Energy Co. Following Insider Purchase By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST "We rate Matador Resources Co. (MTDR:NYSE) a Buy based on the company's best-in-class production growth, strong inventory of wells, growing base dividend, and reasonable balance sheet," wrote Roth MKM analyst Leo Mariani. Full Article
b Renewable Power Co. Posts Strongest Fiscal Year Thus Far By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Operationally, the company's renewable energy generation was up 397% year over year. Discover the many potential catalysts for the stock. Full Article
b Uranium Exploration Co. Enters Into New Partnership in Athabasca Basin By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQX; SC1P:FSE) announced it has entered into an agreement with Hatchet Uranium Corp. to acquire interest in several of its projects. One analyst says the "spotlight" is on uranium juniors as the energy transition drives a heightened demand for power sources. Full Article SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQX; SC1P:FSE
b Well-Known Investor Likes Silver Over Gold, Bitcoin Trend By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Famed investor and commentator Jim Rogers talks his preference for tangible assets, why he's leaning toward silver over gold, and uranium's role in the energy transition. Full Article
b Seesaws Built On U.S. Border Wall Win Prestigious Design Prize By www.scpr.org Published On :: Tue, 19 Jan 2021 12:40:12 -0800 American and Mexican families play with a seesaw installation at the border near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in July 2019. London's Design Museum recognized the project with an award for best design of 2020.; Credit: Luis Torres/AFP via Getty Images Bill Chappell | NPRAn art project that turned the border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border into the temporary base for pink seesaws – inviting children on each side to come play together – has won the London's Design Museum award for best design of 2020. "We are totally surprised by this unexpected honor," said Ronald Rael, who designed the project with fellow architect Virginia San Fratello. They share the award, he said, with the Ciudad Juárez, Mexico-based art collective Colectivo Chopeke. "That's amazing," San Fratello said in a video feed announcing the prize. The seesaw installation won both the overall prize and in the transportation category. "Most importantly, it comes at a time when we are hopeful for change and that we start building more bridges instead of walls," Rael added. "The Beazley Designs of the Year are the Oscars of the design world," said Razia Iqbal, a journalist who chaired the Design Museum's panel of judges. The award, she noted, highlights work that pushes boundaries of creativity and innovation. The metal wall was meant to be a stark barrier dividing the U.S. and Mexico, the centerpiece of President Trump's aggressive immigration policies. But in one spot, it became a junction point instead – a fulcrum for a series of seesaws that let children in the two countries share a playground toy. The project, officially named Teeter-Totter Wall, was first installed in July 2019 when workers slid steel beams through the slats of the border near El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez. "For the first time, children from both El Paso, Texas, and the Anapra community in Mexico were invited to connect with their [neighbors], in an attempt to create unity at the politically divisive border," the museum said. "Everyone was very happy and excited to engage the seesaws," Rael told NPR at the time. The installation went smoothly, turning an idea that had been growing for 10 years into a reality. "It was peaceful and fun — a day at a park for the children and mothers of Anapra," Rael said. "The project resonated with people around the world in a way that we didn't anticipate," San Fratello said when the award was announced. "It speaks to the fact that most people are excited about being together, and about optimism and about possibility and the future. And the divisiveness actually comes from the minority." Rael is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley; San Fratello teaches at San José State University. The seesaw project was chosen out of more than 70 nominees from dozens of countries, including a customized "stab-proof vest" that the artist Banksy designed for musician Stormzy. Also considered: the gray and red rendering of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Commissioned by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and designed by Alissa Eckert and Dan Higgins, the famous sphere, with its menacing clusters of crowns, won the design award in the graphics category. The Impossible Burger 2.0 won in the crowded product category, which also included Lego Braille bricks and a self-sanitizing door handle. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b 'Not Broken But Simply Unfinished': Poet Amanda Gorman Calls For A Better America By www.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 11:20:08 -0800 Poet Amanda Gorman speaks at the inauguration of U.S. President Biden on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.; Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images Camila Domonoske | NPRWhen Amanda Gorman, a 22-year-old poet from Los Angeles, took to the stage on Wednesday, it was immediately clear why the new president had chosen her as his inaugural poet. Gorman echoed, in dynamic and propulsive verse, the same themes that Biden has returned to again and again and that he wove throughout his inaugural address: unity, healing, grief and hope, the painful history of American experience and the redemptive power of American ideals. Where Biden said, "We must end this uncivil war," Gorman declared, "We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another." And where Biden called for an American story of "love and healing" and "greatness and goodness," Gorman saw strength in pain: "Even as we grieved, we grew," she said. Gorman opened by acknowledging the reasons why hope can be challenging. "Where can we find light in this never-ending shade?" she asked. But she continued: "And yet, the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow we do it. Somehow we weathered and witnessed a nation that isn't broken but simply unfinished." She acknowledged the power of her own presence on the stage in "a country and a time where a skinny black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one." Like Obama inaugural poet Richard Blanco, who invoked the grand sweep of American geography in a call for unity in "One Today," Gorman dedicated a portion to "every corner called our country" from the South to the Midwest. She ended with an invitation to "step out of the shade." "The new dawn blooms as we free it," she said. "For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it – if only we are brave enough to be it." Gorman was following in the footsteps of poets like Blanco, Robert Frost and Maya Angelou as she composed the poem "The Hill We Climb" for the inauguration. She also took her cues from orators like Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. — people who knew a thing or two about calling for hope and unity in times of despair and division. Gorman told NPR she dug into the works of those speakers (and Winston Churchill, too) to study up on ways "rhetoric has been used for good." Over the past few weeks, she composed a poem that acknowledges the previous president's incitement of violence, but turns toward hope. "The Hill We Climb" reads, in part: We've seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy. And this effort very nearly succeeded. But while democracy can be periodically delayed, It can never be permanently defeated. In this truth, in this faith, we trust. For while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us. Gorman, like Biden, had a speech impediment as a child. (Biden had a stutter; Gorman had difficulty pronouncing certain sounds.) She told NPR's Steve Inskeep that her speech impediment was one reason she was drawn to poetry at a young age. "Having an arena in which I could express my thoughts freely was just so liberating that I fell head over heels, you know, when I was barely a toddler," she said. For Gorman, a former National Youth Poet Laureate, her struggle to speak provided a connection not only to the incoming president, but also to previous inaugural poets, too. "Maya Angelou was mute growing up as a child and she grew up to deliver the inaugural poem for President Bill Clinton," she says. "So I think there is a real history of orators who have had to struggle with a type of imposed voicelessness, you know, having that stage in the inauguration." Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy were the only presidents in the past who chose to have poems read at their inaugurations. You can read all the previous poems here. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b Works By Thomas Edison, Kermit The Frog Inducted Into Library Of Congress By www.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 03:40:09 -0700 From left, jazz musician Louis Armstrong in Rome in 1968, Janet Jackson at the Essence Festival in New Orleans in 2018, and Nas at the Essence Festival in 2019. Works by each of these musicians are among 25 recordings being inducted to the National Recording Registry.; Credit: /AP Jaclyn Diaz | NPRWhat do Janet Jackson, Ira Glass, Kermit the Frog, Nas and Louis Armstrong have in common? These musicians, interviewers, and frogs are behind songs and other recordings to be inducted into the Library of Congress's National Recording Registry on Wednesday. The Library of Congress announced the 25 titles picked this year are considered "audio treasures worthy of preservation" based on their cultural, historical, or aesthetic importance to the nation's heritage. Janet Jackson's album "Rhythm Nation 1814;" Louis Armstrong's performance of "When the Saints Go Marching In;" Patti Labelle's song "Lady Marmalade;" Nas' record "Illmatic," Kool & the Gang's "Celebration;" and Kermit the Frog's "The Rainbow Connection" are now part of the collection of more than 550 other titles. "The National Recording Registry will preserve our history through these vibrant recordings of music and voices that have reflected our humanity and shaped our culture from the past 143 years," Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden said in a statement Wednesday. The recordings, stretching from 1878 to 2008, were chosen out of 900 nominations from the public, Hayden said. "This American Life" is the first podcast to join the registry. The 2008 episode co-produced with NPR News telling the story of the subprime mortgage crisis will be added to the collection. "When we put this out as a podcast, turning a radio show into a podcast, we did literally nothing to accommodate it," host Ira Glass said in a statement shared by the Library of Congress. "And my theory is that podcasting is most powerful for the same reason that radio is the most powerful. That is, when you have a medium where you're not seeing people, there's just an intimacy to hearing somebody's voice." The inclusion of Kermit the Frog's "The Rainbow Connection" deeply touched the Muppet. "Well, gee, it's an amazing feeling to officially become part of our nation's history," Kermit said in a statement. "It's a great honor. And I am thrilled — I am thrilled! — to be the first frog on the list!" The song was included in the 1979 "The Muppet Movie" performed by Jim Henson as Kermit the Frog, and written by Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher. Williams said the song is about the "immense power of faith." "We don't know how it works, but we believe that it does," Williams said. "Sometimes the questions are more beautiful than the answers." Under the terms of the National Recording Preservation Act of 2000, the Librarian of Congress selects 25 titles each year that are at least 10 years old. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b George R.R. Martin Signs New Five Year Deal With HBO And HBO Max By www.scpr.org Published On :: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 14:00:07 -0700 Jeannette Muhammad | NPRGeorge R.R. Martin has entered into a five year deal with HBO to develop content for both HBO and HBO Max, the network said in a statement on Monday. The best-selling fantasy author and four-time Emmy award winner, best known for his book series A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, is attached to multiple projects in the pipeline for the media company and streaming service. The Game of Thrones television series followed powerful families aiming for the iron throne in the continent of Westeros. It ran for eight years on HBO, with the final season wrapping in 2019. Martin has a new drama series in the works, House of the Dragon, which is based on his Fire & Blood book. The Game of Thrones prequel follows House Targaryen and is set 300 years before the events of Game of Thrones. The show has been given a ten episode order. Paddy Considine, Olivia Cooke, Matt Smith, and Emma D'Arcy have joined the series, with additional cast members to be announced. The show is co-created by Martin and Ryan Condal, whose prior work includes Colony, Rampage, and Hercules. Condal and Miguel Sapochnik (Game of Thrones, Altered Carbon) serve as showrunners and producers with Martin and Vince Gerardis (Game of Thrones). Martin is also set to executive produce HBO's Who Fears Death, a fantasy post-apocalyptic series with Tessa Thompson attached to star and adapted from the novel by Nnedi Okorafor; and Roadmarks, an adaptation of the sci-fi novel from Roger Zelazny. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b Burning Man Canceled: 'Relief' As Burners, Locals See Bright Side Of Informal Events By www.scpr.org Published On :: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 19:00:10 -0700 The pandemic has once again felled Burning Man. Some burners still plan to gather for informal events on the dusty Black Rock Desert Playa this summer.; Credit: Bernard Friel/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Emma Bowman | NPRAnd so it goes: Burning Man 2021 is canceled. It's the second year in a row, the popular arts festival won't be held in Nevada's Black Rock Desert due to the pandemic. "We have decided to set our sights on Black Rock City 2022," event officials announced in a blog post on Tuesday. In a frequently-asked-questions section, organizers added: "We've heard from many who don't feel ready to come to Black Rock City. While we're confident in our ability to get a permit and to safeguard public health, we know that co-creating Black Rock City in 2021 would put tremendous strain on our community while we are still ironing out uncertainty." Many would-be attendees praised the decision in comments on the Burning Man website and on social media as a safe one; others are anxiously anticipating a bigger and better 2022 Burn. But the cancellation has put many people in the event's host community at ease. Wary of a trend of rising coronavirus cases in some parts of the region, Washoe County's district health officer Kevin Dick said "the right call was made," in order to lower the risk of spreading infection. "The event draws thousands of people from all over the world," Dick said in an email. "We are seeing large outbreaks of COVID-19 occurring in a number of countries, areas where very contagious COVID-19 variants of concern are prevalent and where low rates of vaccination are occurring." The head of a local Paiute tribe is also feeling less burdened knowing there won't be the annual pilgrimage. The main highway to get to the Black Rock Desert playa, which normally draws tens of thousands of people to the summer event, cuts through tribal lands. "For us it is a sigh of relief," said Janet Davis, chairwoman of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Although the event — which brings in about $63 million to the state annually — gives the tribal community a welcome financial boost, Davis said. "We don't know who's vaccinated and who's not," she said. "We've been trying to keep our reservation safe and that happening was too soon for us to open." As with last year, the organization will offer virtual programming during Burn Week, from Aug. 29 through Sept. 7, an experience they say drew 165,000 participants in 2020. In response to a request for more details on the reasons for the cancellation, Burning Man organizers declined to comment further. Earlier this month, though, CEO Marian Goodell said the organization was "weighing the gravity" of implementing a vaccination requirement that she said challenged "radical inclusion," one of the group's 10 principles. Still, for many burners, the news won't extinguish their plans to trek to the desert in droves. Just like last year, revelers are preparing to hold unofficial gatherings on public land in place of the annual event. Last summer, those events — the so-called "rogue" and "free" burns or, unmistakably, "Not Burning Man" — drew an estimated 3,000 people to Black Rock Desert during the time Burning Man is normally held, according to the Bureau of Land Management, the federal agency that approves the organization's permits each year. Kevin Jervis, one such attendee who now lives in Gerlach — a tiny desert town near the event site — welcomed this year's cancellation. He called it "more of a relief than anything. ... A lot of us liked it better the way it happened last year." During the informal festivities, Jervis spent a few days between the playa and its outskirts. He said he and his fellow burners felt like it represented the festival's freewheeling roots. "I've had friends that have been going since '94 and they said it was a lot more like it used to be. We didn't have to go by regulations," he said. "We could have guns, dogs ... it was a lot freer." Even before the pandemic, burners increasingly saw an annual gathering under siege. Event-goers who adhere to Burning Man's counterculture beginnings say the festival's explosion in popularity in the past decade has welcomed a host of bad actors who trash the desert and surrounding communities and disregard the event's founding principles, including "decommodification" and the eco-friendly philosophy of "leave no trace." Some of those perceived threats come from festival officials themselves, he said. A ticket to the main event alone cost over $400 in 2019 — a financial hurdle critics say goes against another tenet long espoused, that "everyone is invited." "People that have never been before came out last year because they either couldn't get a ticket other years or they were just kind of curious. Or they didn't have the money to go to the actual Burn," said Jervis. As for the Pyramid Lake Paiute community, with the reservation largely closed during that period last year, Davis said, "we really didn't see the impact" from a public health standpoint. "You're not talking about 65 — 75,000 people." While there was more traffic, she said, "they moseyed on through and moseyed on out." In the years leading up to the pandemic, BLM had been cracking down on the event's growth. Were the festival to return this year, Burning Man organizers said they would have had to meet a population cap of 69,000, down from its 80,000 limit for previous events. Jervis says he won't miss what he describes as organizers' leniency toward "elites" who set up VIP areas at their camps and hire out to construct their art creations instead of making their own. "A lot of people have gotten sick of what Burning Man's kind of become," he said. Even if this year was a go, he said, burners would still be setting up their own Burning Man-adjacent happenings. Following the announcement of the event's cancellation, people are taking to Facebook groups to reminisce about last year's unsanctioned burns and discuss preparations for their own this summer. "So it seems that as of today there isn't going to be an official [Burning Man Ceremony] this year," James Zapata wrote. "So who's joining me in the dust?" Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b Amazon Makes A Deal To Buy MGM For Nearly $8.5 Billion By www.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 26 May 2021 08:20:11 -0700 Amazon has made a deal to purchase MGM for $8.5 billion.; Credit: /SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Mandalit del Barco and Anastasia Tsioulcas | NPR Updated May 26, 2021 at 10:12 AM ET Editor's note: Amazon is among NPR's financial supporters. Amazon has made a deal to buy Hollywood studio MGM for almost $8.5 billion. It's the second-largest acquisition for the company after purchasing Whole Foods. The tech company already runs a film studio, Prime Video streaming service, and video game streaming site Twitch. But the MGM deal is its biggest move into entertainment. Amazon will get the rights to the Golden Age studio's film and television library. The announcement was made Wednesday morning by the two companies. In a statement, Amazon's senior vice president of Prime Video and Amazon Studios, Mike Hopkins, emphasized the intellectual property value of MGM's vast holdings, which go back to the 1920s. "The real financial value behind this deal," Hopkins said, "is the treasure trove of IP in the deep catalog that we plan to reimagine and develop together with MGM's talented team." With its mascot lion roaring logo, MGM made such movie classics as Singin' In the Rain and 2001: A Space Odyssey. MGM also owns the EPIX cable channel and runs a TV studio that produced The Handmaid's Tale and Fargo. MGM also splits the highly lucrative James Bond movie franchise with a family that holds creative control of the 007 movies. According to Variety, as of 2020 the 24 films released so far in the series have generated $16.3 billion in global ticket sales, adjusted for inflation. In all, MGM's catalog includes more than 4,000 films — including such pop-culture staples as Moonstruck, Legally Blonde, Rocky, The Pink Panther, The Silence of the Lambs and Poltergeist — and 17,000 television shows. Access to those movies and shows will certainly augment Amazon's Prime Video offerings, particularly at a time when other studios and networks have created their own platforms to reach consumers, such as HBO Max, Paramount+ and Disney+. As of last month, there were more than 200 million Amazon Prime account holders worldwide, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos told Variety. The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that the deal for $8.45 billion includes taking on MGM's current debts. The deal has not yet closed, an Amazon spokesperson noted to NPR, and is subject to regulatory approvals. The company is already facing antitrust inquiries in both the U.S. and Europe. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b Britney Spears Is Headed To Court To Address Her Conservatorship. Here's What To Know By www.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 04:20:15 -0700 #FreeBritney activists protest outside the Los Angeles Superior Court during one of Britney Spears' hearings this April.; Credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Anastasia Tsioulcas | NPRPop star Britney Spears hasn't been in charge of her personal life or her finances for 13 years — that's how long she has been in a court-dictated legal arrangement called a conservatorship. But on Wednesday, the artist will be speaking directly, albeit from a remote location, to a Los Angeles Superior Court judge about her situation. What exactly she intends to say in her appearance and what her goals might be are anyone's guess. Before then, here's a quick look at what conservatorships are and why they exist, the specifics of Spears' arrangements, the #FreeBritney movement and what Spears and others have said publicly — and privately — about her conservatorship. What is a conservatorship, and why does one get put in place? Typically, legal and financial conservatorships are arranged for people who are unable to make their own decisions in their own best self-interest, such as in the case of an elderly person or someone with some kind of cognitive impairment. Why does Britney Spears have one? The exact reasons that the 39-year-old Spears is under a conservatorship have not been publicly disclosed. She lost her autonomy 13 years ago, in 2008, after apparently suffering a mental health crisis. During the time that Spears has lived under this arrangement, though, she has released four albums (two of which, 2008's Circus and 2011's Femme Fatale, achieved platinum sales); appeared as a judge on both The X Factor and American Idol; and had a four-year residency in Las Vegas that reportedly grossed close to $138 million. Those accomplishments don't exactly line up with the typical profile of someone unable to look after themselves. What does Spears' conservatorship cover? Essentially, it controls all the major aspects of Spears' life, including decisions regarding her financial, medical and personal well-being. The conservators also oversee visitation arrangements with her two teenage sons, who are under the full custody of her ex-husband, Kevin Federline. According to Forbes, Spears' current net worth is around $60 million. Who controls Spears' conservatorship? Up until recently, both the financial and personal arms of the conservatorship were controlled by Spears' father, Jamie Spears. In 2020, her lawyer, Samuel D. Ingham III, stated in a filing that Spears "strongly opposed" her father as conservator and that she refused to perform if he remained in charge of her career. Spears asked the court for her father to be suspended from his role as conservator. (He had temporarily stepped away in 2019 for health reasons.) In February, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny overruled an objection from Jamie Spears to having a third party help look after his daughter's financial affairs. A wealth-management company, Bessemer Trust, is now a co-conservator for the financial side of Spears' situation. But Jamie Spears is still the main conservator for all other aspects of Spears' arrangement. Why is Spears planning to talk to the court now? Back in April, Spears' legal team asked Penny to allow her to speak to the court directly about the conservatorship, and they agreed that June 23 would be the date for this to happen. At the time, Ingham did not disclose why Spears wants to speak or what she intends to say. Has Spears ever asked for the conservatorship to end? Up until now, Spears has never voiced a desire for the conservatorship to be removed completely — at least not publicly. In a court filing, she has stated that the conservatorship "rescued her from a collapse, exploitation by predatory individuals and financial ruin" and allowed her to "regain her position as a world class entertainer." But on Tuesday afternoon, The New York Times reported that it had obtained confidential court records that purport to show that Spears has opposed the conservatorship privately for years. The Times quoted a 2016 report from a court investigator assigned to Spears' case, in which the investigator wrote that Spears told her that the conservatorship had "become an oppressive and controlling tool against her" and that she wanted the arrangement to end quickly. According to the Times, Spears told the court in 2019 that the conservatorship had forced her into a stay at a mental health facility, as well as into making public performances against her will. The article further reported that the conservatorship had dictated Spears' friendships, her dating life and her spending habits, even preventing her from refinishing kitchen cabinets according to her taste. As early as 2014, the article states, Spears wanted to consider removing her father from his prime role in the conservatorship, citing his reportedly heavy drinking. Does Spears herself support the #FreeBritney movement? Certain Spears fans have organized themselves into a grassroots movement — #FreeBritney — to help Spears regain autonomy over her life. The dynamics between Spears and her dedicated #FreeBritney fans are murky, as are her various declarations on social media. In a court filing last September, her lawyer, Ingham, wrote: "At this point in her life when she is trying to regain some measure of personal autonomy, Britney welcomes and appreciates the informed support of her many fans." On the other hand, Spears to date has never publicly asked to be released from the conservatorship and regain her autonomy — which is the main goal of #FreeBritney. A very sympathetic New York Times television documentary, Framing Britney Spears, debuted on FX in February. The project reckons with the way the media, comedians and the music industry itself characterized Spears during her ascent to global fame and during her later, very public struggles — and it also profiles some #FreeBritney activists. After it aired, Spears wrote on Instagram: "My life has always been very speculated [sic] ... watched ... and judged really my whole life !!! ... I didn't watch the documentary but from what I did see of it I was embarrassed by the light they put me in ... I cried for two weeks and well .... I still cry sometimes !!!!" Some #FreeBritney supporters don't believe Spears writes her own Instagram messages, leaving them to speculate about the pop star's true feelings. But Spears reportedly told TMZ in April that she writes her own captions. What's next for Britney Spears? Unclear. In an Instagram video posted last week, a visibly jittery Spears professed to be answering fans' most burning questions, including her shoe size and her favorite business trip (answer: "a trip to Italy [to] Donatella Versace. ... She fined [sic] and dined us"). The last question Spears put forward to herself was a crucial one: Would she ever return to the stage again? "I have no idea," she said. "I'm having fun right now. I'm in transition in my life, and I'm enjoying myself." Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b Judge Denies Britney Spears' Request To Have Her Father Removed From Conservatorship By www.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 21:00:08 -0700 A judge has denied Britney Spears' request to remove her father, Jamie Spears (left), as a co-conservator.; Credit: /AP Anastasia Tsioulcas | NPRA Los Angeles Superior Court judge signed an order Wednesday denying Britney Spears' request to have her father, Jamie Spears, removed from the financial aspects of her conservatorship. Judge Brenda Penny denied the request, which was first filed by Spears' attorney, Samuel D. Ingham III, last November. The judge's decision comes after the singer appeared in court last Wednesday to make a direct appeal to the court. In that emotional statement, Spears said that she was being exploited and "bullied" by the conservatorship — and specifically, by her father. Until recently, both the financial and personal arms of the conservatorship were controlled by Spears' father, Jamie Spears. Last year, Ingham stated in a filing that Spears "strongly opposed" her father as conservator, and that she refused to perform if he remained in charge of her career. In February, Judge Penny allowed a wealth-management company, Bessemer Trust, to come in as a co-conservator for the financial arm of Spears' arrangement. Jamie Spears remains the main conservator for all other aspects of Spears' conservatorship. The next hearing in the case is currently scheduled for July 14. It is possible that Spears will submit a petition for the conservatorship to be terminated. In her comments to Judge Penny last week, Spears said that she had been unaware that she could take such an action. "I didn't know I could petition the conservatorship to end it," she said. "I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I honestly didn't know that." Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
b The Pressure Begins at 2:30PM By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Michael Ballanger of GGM Advisory Inc. shares his thoughts on the current state of the market, and one stock he says is his top exploration/development play. Full Article
b Jr. Miner Set to Resume Pursuit of Placer Gold-Bearing Channel By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Omineca Mining and Metals Ltd. (OMM:TSX.V; OMMSF:OTCMKTS) announced it is set to restart mining and gravel extraction at its Wingdam placer gold project in British Columbia's historic Cariboo Mining District. Read why one expert thinks its new methods are a key to possible success. Full Article OMM:TSX.V; OMMSF:OTCMKTS
b Silica Project Grows by 40% with Strategic Land Acquisition in BC By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Silicon Metals Corp. (SI:CSE) has expanded its Ptarmigan Silica Project by acquiring 919 hectares of contiguous claims, increasing its land position by 40% in British Columbia's Rocky Mountain Trench. Read more to find out how this expansion supports their vision for high-grade silica production. Full Article
b Silver Exploration Co. Hits More Bonanza Grades By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST This bodes well for the possibility of bulk mining at this silver-gold project in British Columbia, noted a Research Capital Corp. report. Full Article DV:TSX.V; DOLLF:OTCQX
b Well-Known Investor Likes Silver Over Gold, Bitcoin Trend By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Famed investor and commentator Jim Rogers talks his preference for tangible assets, why he's leaning toward silver over gold, and uranium's role in the energy transition. Full Article
b Robust Silver Deliveries Drive Record Quarterly Revenues and Growth By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Silver Crown Royalties Inc. (SCRI:CBOE; SLCRF:OTCQX; QS0:FSE) announced record quarterly revenues in its financial results for the third quarter ending on September 30, 2024. Read more about the impressive growth in silver deliveries and how the company is strategically positioned for continued expansion. Full Article
b High-Grade Gold Strikes in Brazil as New Drilling Results Reveal Untapped Potential By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST GoldMining Inc. (GOLD:TSX; GLDG:NYSE.American) released results from its ongoing 2024 auger drilling program at the Sao Jorge Project in the Tapajos gold district, Para State, Brazil. Read more about high-grade gold intercepts and new exploration targets at So Jorge as GoldMining extends its search in Tapajs. Full Article
b What Is That Funny Little Thing On My Building Permit? By enewsletter.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 13:56:22 +0000 The permit center is in the process of adding QR Codes to the permit hard card. The following is an explanation about how the code works from Steve Lackey.  By Steve Lackey Along with the use of smartphones and other related devices, QR Codes are becoming quite popular and useful. Called “Quick Response Codes”, they store [...] Full Article All Technology
b Social Media in Catawba County (Communicating…….) By enewsletter.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Thu, 06 Jan 2011 18:36:33 +0000 Over the last few years Catawba County has implemented many different ways for citizens to receive information and  interact with us. I titled this Social Media because that term is recognized by everyone on the web. It would be more appropriate to title it “Citizen Interaction with Catawba County” or just “Communicating” . And note [...] Full Article Citizen Interaction People Technology Citizen Engagement Social Media