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Four Russian and Chinese security ships were tracked by the Coast Guard in a sign of increased activity by key U.S. adversaries in the Arctic, the Alaska office of the Coast Guard said on Tuesday.


China's cognitive warfare advances include sound weapons, according to intel report

China's military is advancing the development of high-technology arms, including sound weapons to wage cognitive warfare -- the use of unconventional tools and capabilities to alter enemy thinking and decision-making, according to a new open-source intelligence report.


China, Russia target Pentagon agency with disinformation campaign

China and Russia have joined forces in an aggressive disinformation campaign involving both covert and overt operations designed to discredit a key Pentagon agency.


China deploying new land-attack missile subs

The Chinese navy has built three new cruise missile-firing nuclear submarines in what U.S. defense officials say is a significant advance in its attack submarine program.


Australia plans a social media ban for children under 16

The Australian government announced on Thursday what it described as world-leading legislation that would institute an age limit of 16 years for children to start using social media, and hold platforms responsible for ensuring compliance.


More than half of Christians are watching adult films, researchers say

More than 50% of U.S. Christians admit to consuming sexually explicit material and 22% say they do so weekly, according to an evangelical research firm.


Trump asks Rep. Mike Waltz, China hawk, to be his national security adviser

President-elect Donald Trump has asked U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz, a retired Army National Guard officer and war veteran, to be his national security adviser, a person familiar with the matter said Monday.


ExxonMobil chief urges Trump to remain in Paris climate deal

The chief of ExxonMobil is pressing President-elect Donald Trump to stay in the Paris accord on climate, saying another withdrawal would confuse investors.


Virginia judge orders election officials to certify results after they sue over voting machines

A judge in a rural Virginia city has ordered two officials there to certify the results of the election after they filed a lawsuit last month threatening not to certify unless they could hand-count the ballots.


Evangelism Now-Reaching Without Preaching

Evangelism Now-Reaching Without Preaching covers the common difficulties many Christians experience and offers natural outreach solutions. Learn to be a witness and share faith in Jesus without seeming to judge or confront.


Increased military exercises with Pacific allies seek to deter China, top U.S. admiral says

U.S. forces in the Pacific are increasing multinational military exercises amid mounting fears among regional states over Chinese aggression, according to the admiral in charge of the Navy's largest fleet.


Liberia open for business and not picking sides in U.S.-China competition, president says

The Liberian government is mounting a sustained campaign against corruption to win trust and new international investments, whether they come from the U.S. or China, Liberian President Joseph Boakai said in an interview.


Envoy insists Taiwan has right to U.N. membership, counters China's claim from 1971 resolution

Taiwan's top diplomat in the United States tells The Washington Times in an exclusive interview that China's communist government is intensifying its campaign to pressure countries not to recognize the legitimacy of the island democracy and to block it from participating in the United Nations and other key international organizations.


Ivanna Richards racing against men, dreaming of reaching Formula 1

Ivanna Richards hopes to one day crack the Formula 1 boys club.


A few words of advice for the departing commander-in-chief Joey Biden

I imagine the past few weeks have been stressful for you and Dr. Jill. I noticed that on election day, she was dressed in red - not blue. Was her Freudian slip showing?


Free-falling Chicago Bears fire offensive coordinator Shane Waldron

The Chicago Bears fired offensive coordinator Shane Waldron on Tuesday, hoping to shake up a unit that ranks among the worst in the NFL.


USC football gets 1 year of probation, fined $50,000 by NCAA for violating coaching staff rules

Southern California's football program has been fined $50,000 and placed on probation for one year by the NCAA because of multiple violations of coaching staff rules over two seasons.


New White Sox manager Will Venable anticipates keeping Grady Sizemore as part of his coaching staff

Will Venable is a busy man these days. The new manager of the Chicago White Sox is learning his way around the organization. He is talking to his new players and working with the front office on its offseason plans.


Traumatized by war, hundreds of Lebanon's children struggle with wounds both physical and emotional

Curled up in his father's lap, clinging to his chest, Hussein Mikdad cried his heart out. The 4-year-old kicked his doctor with his intact foot and pushed him away with the arm that was not in a cast. "My Dad! My Dad!" Hussein said. "Make him leave me alone!" With eyes tearing up in relief and pain, the father reassured his son and pulled him closer.


Chiles takes bid to have Olympic bronze medal restored to Swiss Supreme Court

American gymnast Jordan Chiles is asking Switzerland's Supreme Court to overturn a ruling by the Court of Arbitration for Sport that stripped Chiles of a bronze medal in floor exercise at the 2024 Olympics.


Catalogna. Gli indipendentisti ancora in carcere. La Spagna torna al Franchismo?


Mario Castellano

Le ultime notizie dalla Catalogna riferiscono che neanche la sessione del Parlamento della Generalità programmata per lunedì prossimo eleggerà il nuovo Presidente, destinato a succedere a Puigdemont.

E’ tuttavia importante considerare la candidatura avanzata dalla maggioranza indipendentista: si tratta di Jordi Sanchez, capo di uno dei due movimenti sorti nella società civile che, affiancando i Partiti favorevoli all’autodeterminazione, sono stati protagonisti della mobilitazione popolare culminata nel referendum dello scorso 1 dicembre.

Sanchez si trova in prigione a Madrid, privato della libertà e per giunta deportato in uno Stato straniero che occupa ed opprime il suo Paese.
La sua posizione dal punto di vista penale è inoltre diversa da quella del Presidente Puigdemont, e dei suoi Ministri, sia in esilio, sia incarcerati in Spagna.

Mentre infatti questi ultimi, dal punto di vista delle Autorità di Madrid, avrebbero attentato alla integrità territoriale dello Stato, Sanchez è responsabile soltanto di un delitto di opinione, consistente nell’aver sostenuto il diritto dei Catalani all’autodeterminazione.

Permane dunque, ed anzi si aggrava, la situazione aberrante determinata dall’emissione dei mandati di cattura contro i dirigenti indipendentisti: per la prima volta dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale – e per quanto riguarda i Paesi Iberici dopo la fine delle dittature franchista e salazarista tra il 1974 ed il 1975 – in Europa Occidentale vengono private della libertà alcuni cittadini che non hanno commesso nessuna azione violenta, limitandosi a svolgere una attività politica considerata altrove perfettamente legale.

Anche ammesso che l’indizione del referendum, l’accoglimento dei suoi risultati e la proclamazione dell’Indipendenza risultassero degli atti legislativi ed amministrativi illegittimi, ciò non determina di per sé – in un uno Stato di Diritto – alcuna responsabilità penale a carico delle persone fisiche incorporate negli organi di un Ente Pubblico che li hanno adottati.

Per giunta, le Autorità di Madrid ritengono che tali atti non siano annullabili, bensì nulli, in quanto esorbitano – secondo la loro opinione – dall’insieme delle competenze dei soggetti di Diritto Pubblico.

Qui si rivela una contraddizione manifesta nella posizione degli organi dello Stato spagnolo: mentre un atto illegittimo produce i propri effetti fino a quando viene deciso il suo annullamento, un atto nullo non produce – per definizione – nessun effetto giuridico.

E’ naturalmente possibile che l’emanazione di un atto amministrativo determini la consumazione di un reato, ma la violazione della legge penale in tanto sussiste in quanto precisamente la situazione giuridica è stata modificata, il che però non avviene nel caso di un atto nullo.

In conclusione, dunque, delle due l’una: se l’atto emanato dagli organi della Generalità è nullo, non si può configurare nessun reato; se invece sussiste una responsabilità penale, ciò significa che l’atto ha prodotto degli effetti giuridici.

In tal caso, però, l’indipendenza della Catalogna verrebbe paradossalmente riconosciuta dagli organi giurisdizionali dello Stato spagnolo.
Gli indipendentisti di Barcellona sono comunque impegnati con Madrid – come abbiamo già scritto – in un braccio di ferro che durerà molto a lungo, dando luogo ad un contenzioso giuridico che coinvolge altri Stati.

Abbiamo già scritto che la Catalogna ha vinto un’importante battaglia giudiziaria, ingaggiata nel Belgio, dove Puigdemont è riparato con una parte dei suoi Ministri dopo essere stato colpito da un mandato di cattura internazionale emesso dall’Autorità Giudiziaria spagnola.

L’esecuzione di tale atto da parte di uno Stato straniero di tale deve essere decisa dalla sua Autorità Giudiziaria, che deve semplicemente valutare se il reato imputato alla persona colpita dal mandato di cattura è considerato tale anche in base alle proprie norme.

E’ chiaro che a questo punto Puigdemont rischiava di essere estradato, non potendo in alcun caso i Giudici belgi valutare nel merito la sua asserita responsabilità penale.

Gli Avvocati fiamminghi del Presidente della Generalità, i quali non avevano nella vicenda giudiziaria soltanto un interesse professionale, ma erano anche intenzionati ad asserire la piena legalità e la piena legittimità di una eventuale dichiarazione di indipendenza delle Fiandre, hanno compiuto a questo punto una mossa vincente, consistente nel presentare domanda di asilo politico al Belgio.

L’esame di questa istanza non spetta all’Autorità Giudiziaria, bensì agli organi del Potere Esecutivo, benché l’interessato possa impugnare il suo rigetto davanti alla Giurisdizione Amministrativa.

L’asilo politico, in base alle Convenzioni Internazionali sottoscritte dal Belgio, viene concesso anche alle persone ricercate dalla Giustizia del Paese di origine se la loro condanna in sede penale, ovvero il provvedimento restrittivo della libertà personale, risultano determinati anche parzialmente da motivazioni politiche.

Per evitare che le Autorità di Bruxelles accertassero la sussistenza di tale tale situazione, la Spagna ha ritirato il mandato di cattura internazionale, non solo subendo una umiliazione in Europa, ma anche riconoscendo implicitamente che Puigdemont era un perseguitato politico.

Questo riporta il Paese iberico alla condizione in cui si trovava al tempo di Franco, quando era tenuto fuori dalla porta dell’Europa. Il cammino iniziato con la morte del “Caudillo” subisce dunque una regressione preoccupante.

Ora, con la prospettata elezione di Sanchez alla Presidenza della Generalità, i Catalani hanno intrapreso una nuova battaglia giuridica.
Se l’esponente della società civile viene scarcerato, la Spagna ammette implicitamente che egli è un Capo di Stato: ciò non significa di per sé riconoscere l’Indipendenza della Catalogna quale soggetto di Diritto Internazionale, ma si ammette che la Generalità è un soggetto membro di una Confederazione, vale a dire uno Stato.

Ammettendo il principio per cui la Spagna è una Confederazione, affermato dal Re Juan Carlos in moltissimi discorsi ufficiali, si riconosce implicitamente il diritto della Generalità di sciogliere i suoi vincoli con Madrid.

Qualora invece Sanchez fosse trattenuto in prigione, verrebbe impedita la normale attività di un soggetto di Diritto Pubblico, e in tal caso, la Spagna non potrebbe più essere considerata uno Stato di Diritto.

Dal punto di vista politico, si deve riconoscere che i Catalani stanno giocando molto bene la loro partita: in primo luogo, la dichiarazione di sovranità adottata a suo tempo dal Parlamento di Barcellona non è mai stata ritrattata, ed inoltre la Generalità tratta alla pari con la Spagna in qualità di Stato indipendente.

Che cosa succederebbe se il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana fosse trattenuto in prigione a Parigi dalle Autorità francesi?
Come minimo, si aprirebbe un contenzioso internazionale.
Si potrà obiettare che l’Italia è uno Stato indipendente, mentre la Catalogna non lo è ancora, ma è proprio questa la ragione per cui Barcellona sta deliberatamente aggravando il proprio conflitto con Madrid, sapendo che le decisioni assunte dal Belgio hanno già modificato un rapporto di forze destinato comunque ad evolvere ulteriormente.

Nel frattempo, la Generalità continua ad esercitare le competenze legislative ed amministrative che comunque la Spagna le riconosce, affermando però che la dichiarazione di Indipendenza è tuttora pienamente vigente.

Può Madrid impedire questo esercizio della sovranità?
Naturalmente non può farlo, salvo negare la vigenza della propria stessa Costituzione e dello Statuto della Generalità.

Il braccio di ferro è destinato a continuare, e noi continueremo a commentarne i vari episodi dal punto di vista giuridico.
Resta fermo comunque che la Liguria – come ha affermato solennemente con voto unanime il Consiglio Comunale di Genova – sostiene il diritto dei fratelli catalani ad esercitare l’autodeterminazione.


The Biodiversity Data Journal: Readable by humans and machines

The Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) and the associated Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), launched on 16th of September 2013, offer several innovations - some of them unique - at every stage of the publishing process. The workflow allows for authoring, peer-review and dissemination to take place within the same online, collaborative platform.

Open access to content and data is quickly becoming the prevailing model in academic publishing, resulting in part from changes to policies of governments and funding agencies and in part from scientist's desire to get their work more widely read and used. Open access benefits scientists with greater dissemination and citation of their work, and provides society as a whole access to the latest research.

To publish effectively in open access, it is not sufficient simply to provide PDF files online. It is crucial to put them under a reuse-friendly license and to implement technologies that allow machine-readable content and data to be harvested by computers that can collate small scattered data into a big pool. Analyses and modelling of community-owned big data are the only way to confront environmental challenges to society, such as climate change, ecosystems destruction, biodiversity loss and others.

Manuscripts are not submitted to BDJ in the usual way, as word processor files, but are written in the online, collaborative Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), that provides a set of pre-defined, but flexible article templates. Authors may work on a manuscript and invite external contributors, such as mentors, potential reviewers, linguistic and copy editors, and colleagues, who may read and comment on the text before submission. When a manuscript is completed, it is submitted to the journal with a simple click of a button. The tool also allows automated import of manuscripts from data management platforms, such as Scratchpads.

"This is the first workflow ever to support the full life cycle of a manuscript, from initial drafting through submission, community peer-review, publication and dissemination within a single, online, collaborative platform. By publishing papers in all branches of biodiversity science, including novel article types, such as data papers and software descriptions, BDJ becomes a gateway for either large or small data into the emerging world of "big data", said Prof. Lyubomir Penev, managing director and founder of Pensoft Publishers.

BDJ shortens the distance between "narrative (text)" and "data" publishing. Many data types, such as species occurrences, checklists, measurements and others, are converted into text from spreadsheets into a human-readable format. Conversely text from an article can be downloaded as structured data or harvested by computers for further use.

A novel community-based peer-review provides the opportunity for a large number of specialists in the field to review a manuscript. Authors may also opt for an entirely public peer-review process. Reviewers may opt to be anonymous or to disclose their names. Editors no longer need to check different reviewers' and author's versions of a manuscript because all versions can be consolidated into a single online document, again at the click of a button.

"The Biodiversity Data Journal is not just a journal, not even a data journal in the conventional sense. It is a completely novel workflow and infrastructure to mobilise, review, publish, store, disseminate, make interoperable, collate and re-use data through the act of scholarly publishing!" concluded Dr Vincent Smith from the Natural History Museum in London, the journal's Editor-in-Chief.

The platform has been designed by Pensoft Publishers and was funded in part by the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7) project ViBRANT.

Original Source

Smith V, Georgiev T, Stoev P, Biserkov J, Miller J, Livermore L, Baker E, Mietchen D, Couvreur T, Mueller G, Dikow T, Helgen K, Frank J, Agosti D, Roberts D, Penev L (2013) Beyond dead trees: integrating the scientific process in the Biodiversity Data Journal. Biodiversity Data Journal 1: e995. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.1.e995



Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST) approaching training courses

The Distributed European School of Taxonomy (DEST) has been established by prominent taxonomists and other international partners during the EU funded project European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT). The major aim of DEST is to transfer knowledge between current and future generations of taxonomists by providing high quality education and prepare students for future taxonomic careers.
Overall, DEST involves a network of around 100 training providers from 60 institutions. Within the framework of the EDIT project, DEST organised training sessions in 30 European institutions for 185 students from all over the world (116 of which EDIT-granted). Since March 2011, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences remains responsible for the continued management of DEST, organization of courses and related logistical matters. During the academic year 2011-2012, DEST provided training to 100 students through 16 courses, while 130 students participated in 19 training courses during 2012-2013.
DEST continues to provide high-quality training to future taxonomists. Below are the deadline for registration for several approaching courses in Modern Taxonomy:

Philosophy of Biological Systematics (8-12 September 2014)
Course venue: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
Training provider: Dr. Kirk Fitzhugh, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, U.S.A.
Registration deadline is being extended untilFriday 20 June 2014

Zoological Nomenclature training course (22-26 September 2014)
Course venue: Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, Franc
Training provider: Prof. Alain Dubois, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris
Registration deadline is being extended untilFriday 20 June 2014

Botanical Nomenclature training course (26-30 January 2015)
Course venue: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, U.K.
Training provider: Katherine Challis, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Registration deadline: 10 October 2014

To read more about the courses and to register, visit the official DEST webpage:


Aichi Targets Passport, 2014 Edition: Browse the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and their indicators on your mobile

The latest instalment of the Aichi Targets Passport is available now to download as an app from iTunes and Google Play.

As the flagship publication of the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP), the Aichi Targets Passport provides annual updates on the global biodiversity indicators that monitor progress towards the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the underlying Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

The suite of indicators presented in the Aichi Targets Passport was brought together by the BIP. They are as far as possible, global in their coverage, scientifically valid and peer reviewed, and relevant to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. In particular, indicators are presented to highlight the progress that has been made towards each target so far and what baselines exist from which future progress can be monitored.

The Aichi Targets Passport was first released as a "proof of concept" in October 2012 and included one or two indicators for each Aichi Biodiversity Target. Since the release of the Beta version, the BIP Partnership has continued working to enhance and increase the number of global indicators available for each of the targets. In its app format, the information contained in the Aichi Targets Passport is at your fingertips at any time.

This latest edition of the Aichi Targets Passport has been released in tandem with the fourth edition of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-4). In addition to information on which of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets is on-course to completion and which targets require more action, GBO-4 presents options that could halt further biodiversity loss.

The indicators presented in the Aichi Targets Passport are those contained in CBD decision XI/3 with some additional indicators that have been, or are being, developed to fill gaps.

To download the Aichi Targets Passport visit: 


Google Play:


SEP: More needs to be done to halt global biodiversity loss and meet Aichi targets

A new policy brief featured a recent issue of Science for Environment Policy highlights a new study suggesting that the Aichi biodiversity targets, set by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, are unlikely to be achieved by 2020— despite some progress towards halting the global loss of biodiversity. The authors of the study call for policy responses to be strengthened if the ongoing loss of nature is to be stopped.

The loss of biodiversity affects the healthy functioning of ecosystems and the benefits they provide to people. The ongoing loss of the world’s natural diversity, which underpins all life, prompted Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002 to pledge reductions in the global decline in biodiversity by 2010.

The 2010 targets set by the CBD were missed. Consequently, a new set of goals to curb the loss of species and ecosystem services, supported by the 20 Aichi targets, were adopted by 193 nations in 2010. The Aichi targets, to be achieved by 2020, are part of the global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020.

A global panel of 51 experts, drawn from a wide range of institutions, has recently assessed mid-term progress towards meeting these targets. They based their assessment on an analysis of 55 indicators (for example, extent of wetlands) selected from 163 potential indicators, which are key measures of the world’s biodiversity. They built statistical models for each indicator, based on their status in 2010 and data trends and then projected changes to the indicators by 2020. The value for each indicator in 2010 was then compared with the projected value in 2020 to assess progression towards the 2020 Aichi targets.

Read more in the original SEP policy brief

Original Study: 

Tittensor, D.P., Walpole, M., Hill, S.L.L. et al. (2014) A mid-term analysis of progress toward international biodiversity targets. Science 346 (6206): 241- 244. DOI:10.1126/science.1257 484


New Paper: Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

A new EU BON derived open access paper looking into Earth Observations (EO) and the Aichi Targets was recently published  in the journal Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.

The paper reviews the ABTs and EBVs against direct and indirect, operational and emerging, EO data products. The review was conducted by consulting expert opinion and categorically rating the Targets based on the adequacy of currently available EO technology to build indicators per target. The potential RS-EBVs were also matched with their respective EO data products.

To summarize this information a monitoring framework is proposed where RS-EBVs are used to harmonize observations prior to the indicator stage. Potential obstacles to implementing this framework and challenges to its adoption by the wider science and policy community are discussed. Finally, upcoming satellite missions which could offer potential for assessing global biodiversity status and trends beyond the 2020 timeframe of the CBD's current Strategic Plan for Biodiversity are discussed.

Original Source: 

O'Connor B. et. al. (2015) Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. DOI: 10.1002/rse2.4


Online consultation to fill gaps in the global indicator framework for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets

The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) Secretariat is looking for indicators to fill gaps in the global suite of biodiversity indicators and allow a full understanding of progress towards globally agreed targets.

They are inviting experts and organisations to participate in an open online consultation to fill the gaps in the global indicator framework for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Through this short online survey they want to hear about any existing indicators (both global and sub-global in scale), indicators under development, potentially useful datasets or key experts or organisations in the fields. The main focus is on indicators that respond to the gaps in the global framework, which are listed on the attached flyer, but they are also keen to hear about any other indicators that could potentially enhance the existing indicator suite.

The consultation is open until 30 June 2016. Further information on the consultation is available in the attached flyer, the BIP website, and the CBD notification SCBD/OES/RH/KNM/85710.


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Earth Observation for Biodiversity Monitoring: A review of current approaches and future opportunities for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets


Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets


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