
OECD invites taxpayer input on tenth batch of dispute resolution peer reviews

The OECD is now gathering input for the Stage 1 peer reviews of Andorra, Aruba, Bahrain, Barbados, Gibraltar, Greenland, Kazakhstan, Oman, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates and Viet Nam, and invites taxpayers to submit input on specific MAP-related issues by 16 December 2019.


Letter from OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría for the attention of The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, United States

Letter from OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría for the attention of The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, United States


The OECD's approach to capital flow management measures used with a macro-prudential intent

This report responds to a request from the G20 that the IMF and OECD assess whether further work is needed on their respective approaches to measures which are both macro-prudential and capital flow measures, taking into account their individual mandates. The report was transmitted to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their meeting on 16-17 April 2015 in Washington D.C.


The OECD's approach to capital flow management measures used with a macro-prudential intent

This report responds to a request from the G20 that the IMF and OECD assess whether further work is needed on their respective approaches to measures which are both macro-prudential and capital flow measures, taking into account their individual mandates. The report was transmitted to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their meeting on 16-17 April 2015 in Washington D.C.


Financial Education for MSMEs and Potential Entrepreneurs

While the contribution of MSMEs to national economies is widely recognised, their financial education needs are not always being met and low levels of financial literacy pose a potential barrier to successful business creation and growth. Covering 21 economies, this stocktaking report identifies the main policy challenges and good practices.


Conference on unleashing the potential of the cyber insurance market

22-23 February 2018, Paris - The potential role of the nascent cyber insurance market in enhancing cyber resilience is increasingly being recognised by policy makers. This conference provided an opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences on addressing the challenges impeding the development of the cyber insurance market.


The Jobs Potential of a Shift towards a low-carbon Economy

The Jobs Potential of a Shift towards a low-carbon Economy” provides an in-depth analysis of how green growth will reshape labour markets. It also describes the role that labour market and skill policies can play in maximising the benefits of economic greening for workers


R&D, patenting and growth: the role of public policy

This paper uses panel regression techniques to assess the policy determinants of private sector innovative Activity – proxied by R&D expenditure and the number of new patents – across 19 OECD countries. The relationship between innovation indicators and multifactor productivity (MFP) growth is also examined with a particular focus on the role of public policies in influencing the returns to new knowledge.


Do resources flow to patenting firms? Cross-country evidence from firm level data

This paper exploits longitudinal data on firm performance and patenting activity for 23 OECD countries over the period 2003-2010 to explore the extent to which changes in the patent stock are associated with flows of capital and labour to patenting firms.


The effect of the global financial crisis on OECD potential output

This paper estimates potential output losses from the global financial crisis by comparing recent OECD published projections with a counter-factual assuming a continuation of pre-crisis productivity trends and a trend employment rate which is sensitive to demographic trends.


Raising the potential of the domestically oriented sector in Germany

Reforming and deregulating the domestically oriented sectors, including network industries, crafts and professional services would release hidden growth potential and prove beneficial to the economy as a whole. It could also help strengthen domestic demand and reduce dependence on exports.


Africa: making growth more inclusive hinges on unlocking potential of local economies, says the African Economic Outlook 2015

With Africa’s population set to double by 2050, modernising local economies will be vital to make the continent more competitive and to increase people’s living standards, according to the African Economic Outlook 2015, released at the African Development Bank Group’s 50th Annual Meetings.


Embracing digitalisation to boost Austria’s growth potential

Digitalisation will redesign production processes and alter relationships between work and leisure, capital and labour, the rich and the poor, the skilled and the unskilled. It creates opportunities to boost inclusive growth and well-being by raising productivity, enhancing private and public services, and democratising information.


Unblocking the productivity potential of local businesses in Ireland

New firm-level analysis undertaken in tandem with the OECD Economic Survey of Ireland 2018 finds that the majority of businesses in Ireland have actually experienced falling productivity since the mid-2000s.


If potential output estimates are too cyclical, then OECD estimates have an edge

To assess the cyclical position of an economy, macroeconomists use a concept called potential output, which measures the economy’s production rate that is consistent with stable inflation at the target.


To what extent do policies contribute to self-employment?

Using cross-country time series panel regressions for the last two decades, this paper seeks to identify the main policy and institutional factors that explain the share of selfemployment across European countries.


Brasil: é preciso melhorar a coordenação para apoiar o crescimento sustentado e equitativo

Nos últimos anos, o crescimento econômico do Brasil teve o apoio de importantes investimentos e programas sociais do governo, que mobilizaram recursos em todo o país. Esses programas podem ajudar o Brasil a atingir seus objetivos de crescimento econômico sustentado e promover o desenvolvimento social, reduzindo as disparidades regionais.


Governance: The Chicago Tri-State metro area is a powerful region – policy makers must work together to maintain a global pole position and fully realise the region’s potential

Chicago is at a tipping point: despite economic strengths, it faces considerable challenges to compete in the “Premier League” of world-class cities, warns the OECD’s review of the Chicago Tri-State Metropolitan Region.


World must act faster to harness potential of the digital economy

Governments must act faster help people and firms to make greater use of the Internet and remove regulatory barriers to digital innovation or else risk missing out on the potentially huge economic and social benefits of the digital economy, the OECD told ministers and high-level officials from almost 40 countries today.


The positive effect of public investment on potential growth

An estimated baseline convergence model capturing the long-term effect of human capital and physical investment on potential output for a panel of OECD countries is augmented with public investment and its components.


Innovation, patent location and tax planning by multinationals

This paper assesses the effect of international differences in taxes on the choice of patent location by multinational enterprises (MNEs). The analysis is based on a large sample of patents and firms from the OECD-PATSTAT and OECD-ORBIS databases over 2004-10.


G20 serves an appetiser to a potential investment policy feast

13 July 2016 - Following endorsement of the G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking by G20 Trade Ministers in Shanghai on 10 July 2016, Ana Novik, Head of the OECD Investment Division, highlights the importance of follow-through on this important stepping stone to greater policy coherence.


Style triumphs over content in Long Day’s Journey into Night

Chinese film-maker Bi Gan’s movie slips into a beautiful, bewildering netherworld


Education leaders look for students with practical potential and ‘Midlands grit’

Teaching geared to developing ‘ability to use wide range of career skills’


Horacio Cartes has eye on smoking out business potential

Controversial cigarette tycoon and ex-president still wields influence


Election: Traders race to protect against potential drop in UK pound — as it happened

Live coverage of UK election campaign.

Read more


Russia's summer of discontent

Tens of thousands of Russians have taken to the streets this summer to express their disaffection with a government that has failed to deliver economic growth or improve living standards for much of the past five years. Adrienne Klasa discusses this new mood of rebellion and how Russian president Vladimir Putin has responded with Henry Foy, Moscow bureau chief, and Russian sociologist Greg Yudin.

Contributors: Adrienne Klasa, creative producer, world news, Henry Foy, Moscow bureau chief, and Greg Yudin, Professor of Political Philosophy at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences. Producer: Fiona Symon


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Call to overhaul plasma rules to speed up potential virus therapy

Industry highlights bottlenecks in access to materials that are a possible Covid-19 treatment


Britain’s electricity demand falls by a tenth in lockdown

Decline leads to a drop in wholesale prices as businesses close


Biden is struggling to win voters’ attention

Candour about the fiscal deficit might return the Democrat to prominence


How to preserve jobs as retention schemes wind down

Programmes should be flexible and help workers move to in-demand sectors


US rescue must be transparent, consistent and fast

Taxpayers ought to receive a share of the upside after big business recovers


Twitter will remove dubious 5G tweets ‘that could potentially cause harm’

Ever since it first started rolling out, 5G skeptics have attempted to link the next-gen cellular technology to all manner of health issues. Most recently, it’s become an easy scapegoat for the global COVID-19 pandemic, given the rapid rise of both. Conspiracy theories have gained such a foothold that vigilantes have taken matters into their […]


We must focus attention on our next steps

The lockdowns are necessary to get the disease under control — but they must be brief


Potential new treatment for COVID-19 uncovered by BenevolentAI enters trials

BenevolentAI, a startup which has raised $292 million to apply AI to create drugs faster, today says it has uncovered an already approved drug as a potential treatment for COVID-19, after it applied its AI platform and team to the problem. The revelation, which has now appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has entered clinical […]


‘Content network effect’ makes TikTok tough to copy

Many TikTok videos don’t start from scratch, so neither can its competitors. TikTok is all about remixes where users shoot a new video to recontextualize audio pulled from someone else’s clip, or riff on an existing meme or concept. That only works because TikTok’s had time to build up an immense armory of content to […]


Original Content podcast: ‘Too Hot to Handle’ might be a work of evil genius

Is “Too Hot to Handle” the dumbest show on Netflix … or the most diabolically brilliant? The reality TV series brings a group of twentysomethings together on a secluded tropical retreat, then — after a brief getting-to-know-you period — warns them that anything even coming close to sex will result in a reduction of the […]


Original Content podcast: ‘Ozark’ keeps building tension in season three

The Netflix crime drama “Ozark” might not be exactly what you think of when you hear the phrase “high octane.” While there are a few big explosions, there are far more scenes of people talking urgently to each other while filmed in muted tones. A more apt description might be “high pulse rate.” Once you […]


Original Content podcast: Netflix’s ‘Extraction’ inflicts brutal action on forgettable characters

If you think that action movies generally suffer from an excess of characterization, then “Extraction” is the movie for you. Almost everything about the film that’s not an action scene is dealt with in a perfunctory way, starting from the sketchy characterization of our hero Tyler Rake (played by Chris Hemsworth) — he’s muscular, good […]


Original Content podcast: Netflix’s ‘Middleditch & Schwartz’ might change your mind about improv

We’ll admit it: Some of your Original Content podcast hosts are a little skeptical about improvised comedy. Of course, we can enjoy improv when it’s done well. It’s just that we’ve seen it done less well, often by friends who are so enthusiastic without being particularly funny. And our friends aside, live improv has rarely […]


Original Content podcast: ‘Waco’ offers a surprising look at a real-world tragedy

“Waco,” a Paramount Network series that recently started streaming on Netflix, dramatizes the tragic real-life standoff between the FBI, the ATF and the Branch Davidians. A couple of your Original Content podcast hosts only had a fuzzy idea of what actually went down in Waco, Texas in 1993. And all of us were surprised by […]


Original Content podcast: Netflix’s ‘Middleditch & Schwartz’ might change your mind about improv

We’ll admit it: Some of your Original Content podcast hosts are a little skeptical about improvised comedy. Of course, we can enjoy improv when it’s done well. It’s just that we’ve seen it done less well, often by friends who are so enthusiastic without being particularly funny. And our friends aside, live improv has rarely […]


Original Content podcast: ‘Waco’ offers a surprising look at a real-world tragedy

“Waco,” a Paramount Network series that recently started streaming on Netflix, dramatizes the tragic real-life standoff between the FBI, the ATF and the Branch Davidians. A couple of your Original Content podcast hosts only had a fuzzy idea of what actually went down in Waco, Texas in 1993. And all of us were surprised by […]


Make Your Branding and Marketing Content Pop with This Easy-to-Use $30 Digital Illustrator

You don't have to be an artist to make great digital art.


How Localizing Your Webite's Content Can Boost Sales

If your business isn't reaching its target customers online, you're blowing a big opportunity.


3 Simple but Effective Strategies to Create Consistent Income Online

Consistency is more reliable than inspiration.


NTAs 2020: Megan McKenna commands attention on the red carpet with edgy slip dress and pink hairdo

Megan McKenna, 27, took centre stage as she commanded the red carpet at the National Television Awards , arriving at London 's O2 Arena on Tuesday night in an edgy slip dress.


Liam Hemsworth has hired a divorce attorney as he faces a potential battle with Miley Cyrus

Liam Hemsworth has hired a Hollywood divorce attorney in the lead up to his legal separation with Miley Cyrus.


Arsenal and Everton 'battling to sign Celtic striker Odsonne Edouard in potential £35m deal'

The French striker joined the Scottish Premiership champions in July 2018 for a reported fee of £9million, having also spent the previous campaign on loan at Parkhead.


Iggy Azalea commands attention as she steps out with Lola collaborator Alice Chater

Iggy, 29, wowed in a tartan coord featuring an oversized coat and kirt as she arrived at Capital FM's London headquarters with Alice Chater, who worked with her on new single Lola.