
Blizzard fun for everyone!

Snowed in? Try these activities to keep you and your kids busy on your next snow day.


8 brilliant, everyday things invented by kids

Who knew we have teenagers to thank for warm ears, frozen treats and easy adding?


Be an explorer, wherever you are

Doctor and adventurer Ken Kamler sees a world full of medical miracles and sacred places, and he talks to MNN about the value of staying true to one’s self.


10 female astronomers everyone should know

Research by these women has changed the way we think about space — from dark matter to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.


Beverage cart spins out of control at O'Hare

An American Airlines catering cart at Chicago's O'Hare Airport goes wild.


Behold, the most detailed map of the moon ever created

50 years worth of data went into making this stunningly detailed moon map.


It's never too late to learn these 10 personal finance skills

​No matter how practiced we are at managing our money, it’s never too late to learn new hacks. Try these 10 tips to revamp some of your financial habits.


Everything you need to know about yogurt

Packed with protein, calcium and probiotics, yogurt is a popular dairy staple available in lots of varieties.


Washington to take on several environmental and energy issues

While cap and trade and the Gulf Oil Spill dominate headlines, congress is taking on issues ranging from Asian Carp to jobs in National Parks.


Mantria Corporation: The biggest green Ponzi scheme ever?

Investors bilked out of $54 million chasing the promise of a green utopia.


Billionaires could live forever by putting their brains in robots

Russian tycoon Dmitry Itskov says the technology will be a reality by 2045.

  • Research & Innovations


7 Christmas movies you've never heard of (that are actually quite good)

Sure, you've seen classics like 'A Christmas Story' and 'Miracle on 34th Street.' But have you heard of 'Holiday in Handcuffs'? We didn't think so.

  • Arts & Culture


'World's deadliest island' has one snake for every square meter

More than 4,000 deadly snakes call this tiny 110-acre island home, including one species with venom that can 'melt human flesh.'


Glowing sea turtle is the first biofluorescent reptile ever found

Scientists aren't sure yet just how widespread these beautiful, glowing hawksbill turtles are.


Giant squid babies caught for the first time ever

They might make for terrifying adults, but giant squid are actually kind of cute when they're babies.


Only 1 specimen of this 414-legged creature has ever been found

Illacme tobini is the second leggiest animal species on the planet — but that's not it's only odd feature.


5 math holidays everyone should know

Mark your calendar for math holidays that celebrate moles, spirals and an endless string of numbers!

  • Arts & Culture


Why you should never wear shoes in the house

Studies show that we track fecal matter, potentially deadly bacteria and fungus into our homes when we wear our shoes inside.


12-year-old celebrates best birthday ever by volunteering with friends at the local shelter

Boy asks his friends to celebrate his birthday by volunteering at an animal shelter.


July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

July 2019 was the planet's warmest month since record-keeping began in 1880, according to NOAA.

  • Climate & Weather


Whatever happened to autumn?

Between record-setting summer temperatures and a brutal winter forecast, fall seems to be the odd man out.

  • Climate & Weather


Casual Fridays are now every day (and you can thank millennials)

What started with casual Friday has morphed into "casual most of the time" — and much of that change has happened in just the last five years.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


'The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth'

Bloomberg Businessweek's Eric Pooley gives an insider’s view of the American campaign to cut carbon emissions and halt global warming.

  • Climate & Weather


New clever species of praying mantis named after Al Gore

'Liturgusa algorei' one of 19 new species identified in the tropical forests of Central and South America.


This apartment will anticipate your every move

The Brain of Things smart home will turn your home into a robot.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Vampire power is back, and it's thirstier than ever in the new smart home

We're getting more and more smart devices with teensy little idle loads — but they're adding up fast.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Everglades National Park: A user's guide

You can stay on dry land or take in the wonders of this marsh and mangrove mystery-land via canoe. Either way, be prepared to see a lot of wildlife.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Everything you know about hand-washing is probably wrong

You're probably not washing your hands the right way, a new study shows. And if you use hand dryers, you're spreading germs everywhere.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Everything you need to know about face masks

We answer all your questions about coronavirus face masks, from how to make one to who needs to wear one and what each kind of mask does.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Global Seed Vault authorizes first-ever seed withdrawal

The Arctic repository is making the unprecedented move to assist researchers sidelined by Syria’s Civil War.

  • Climate & Weather


One woman met a stray dog — and changed everything for a forgotten breed

Tina Solera made it her life's mission to save the galgo, a traditional dog of Spain that has fallen into deep disregard.


A Georgia couple met a dog breed they had never seen — and became their champions

Galgopod creates a lifeline for some of the world's most tragic dogs.


A dog who spent her life on a chain checks off a bucket list she never knew she had

Miss Willie the dog spent 12 years on a chain before she finally got to see the world.


9 clever packing hacks for your next trip

Pack better and smarter the next time you travel. You'll save money on baggage fees and you probably won't miss the extra stuff.


Circus lions who never knew the sun take their first steps on the wide open plains

Three circus lions and a cub fly thousands of miles to their forever home in South Africa.


When will the lights in the night sky blink off forever?

Scientists have just made the most precise measurement yet of how fast the universe is expanding.


Drone captures the largest swarm of sea turtles ever filmed

The density of turtles is so high that you could almost imagine crossing the sea by hopping from shell to shell.


Magnetic north shifting by 30 miles a year, might signal pole reversal

The magnetic pole is moving faster than at any time in human history, causing major problems for navigation and migratory wildlife.

  • Climate & Weather


Everything we thought we knew about dark energy might be wrong

Startling new research suggests that dark energy might be nothing more than a simple measurement mistake.


The oceans are warming so fast, it's like 5 atomic bombs exploding every second

The rate of warming in the oceans is 'relentless,' and the hottest 5 years ever recorded were the last 5.

  • Climate & Weather


Australian Aboriginal tale might be the oldest story ever told

New evidence suggests this same story has been passed on for 37,000 years.

  • Arts & Culture


One of the oldest bald eagles ever recorded just crashed through a man's window

The eagle that smashed through a Wyoming man's window was bearing a leg band from 1989.


Fisherman visits dolphin every day to make up for the missing tourists

Without humans visiting him, loneliness was starting to wear on this bottlenose dolphin.


'Cashless' stores don't work for everyone

A cashless store or even a cashless society is more convenient for businesses, so some try to avoid cash, but our society need bills and change to be equitable.


How to find awe in everyday things

You don't have to spend a lot or travel far to reap the awesome benefits of wonder.


Quokka selfies take the internet by storm (but not everyone thinks that's a good thing)

Due to their seemingly ever-smiling demeanor, these small marsupials are the perfect selfie buddies.


Everything you need to know about mashed potatoes just in time for Thanksgiving

'Hell's Kitchen All Stars' Chef Barbie Marshall shares her tips to making perfect mashed potatoes, including why starting in cold water is the only way to go.


Why every parent of a grammar school student needs to thank this celebrity chef

Australian chef Adam Liaw creates an easy, 3-ingredient snack for an entire grammar school class for less than $10.


Can this plant really help us live forever (or at least a lot longer)?

Here's what you need to know about a Japanese plant called ashtabi known for anti-aging properties. We even tell you how to grow it.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


What is a 'forever home?'

British architect Mark Siddall is designing homes that work at every stage of your life.

  • Remodeling & Design