
Various Artists - Reggae Golden Jubilee: Origins of Jamaican Music – 50th Anniversary

A connoisseur-satisfying collection, yet completely accessible for novices.


Barrington Levy - Reggae Anthology: Sweet Reggae Music (1979-84)

Early material compilation showcasing an already incredible talent.


Is being overweight a bigger risk factor than smoking?

On today's show: * What's the NSW schools report all about? * Queensland is reducing some restrictions. Why now? * People are volunteering to be exposed to coronavirus to help test the vaccine. Is that a good idea? * What is the role of obesity in serious outcomes from COVID-19? * Why do I need a flu shot to visit my father in an aged care home? * Are vegans and vegetarians the least affected by COVID-19?

  • Epidemics and Pandemics
  • Health


Passing on the family legacies of medicine, public health work and reggae music

Do you have a vocation that's been passed through your family for generations? For Dr Mark Wenitong — the legacy of health work has been passed from his mother, through him and onto his son. And that's not the only family tradition being continued... Reggae music has also been a big part of his family's livelihood.


Getting 'hygge' with it and creating cosy homes


Billy Bragg - Tooth & Nail

Bragg conveys truths about his home country like few other songwriters can.


Various Artists - Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From the First Psychedelic Era: 1965-68

An indispensable illustration of the wild and vivid evolution of 1960s psychedelia.


Seller of The Big Issue in Bunbury struggles to sell street mag due to 'tough economic times'

The Big Issue has been helping disadvantaged and homeless people earn an income for almost 30 years, but one seller says a recent price increase has triggered a drop in sales and income.


'Retreat' removed from street name in Margaret River honouring fallen WWI diggers

Officials in Western Australia bow to public pressure and change the suffix of a street in a regional tourist town to honour the memory of two fallen World War I soldiers.

  • ABC South West WA
  • southwestwa
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:History:20th Century
  • Community and Society:History:All
  • Community and Society:History:World War 1
  • Government and Politics:Local Government:All
  • Human Interest:All:All
  • Australia:WA:Margaret River 6285


Queensland Budget 2019: Extra taxes flagged for big business as State Government puts jobs on the agenda

Big business is set to be hit with hundreds of millions of dollars in extra taxes and royalties as the Palaszczuk Government seeks to tap the top end of town to deliver payroll tax relief to small- and medium-sized businesses, in the hope of boosting jobs particularly in regional Queensland.


Flora trigger map prompts backlash from farmers who fear it will lock up their land

Queensland landholders are afraid that new government mapping of threatened species could lock up their land and force them to stop farming and grazing.


Education Queensland sued by boy with ADHD after school restrains him over 'aggressive' acts

The family of a boy with ADHD that sometimes causes him to "bite, punch" and "kick" is suing Education Queensland for alleged discrimination by teachers who restrained him when he became "disruptive" and "aggressive".


Centenarian celebrates 100 years with a long view of declining dairy, drought, and strong Biggenden community

A Queensland great grandmother recalls the challenges of life on the land as she celebrates a century in the rural town of Biggenden.


The biggest existential threat to public education is giving teachers anxiety

The working conditions of teachers is the learning environment for students — so to improve outcomes for our kids, we need to first take a hard look at the growing pressures on our educators, writes Dan Hogan.


A star roughly 10 times bigger than the Sun could be about to explode

Astronomy experts explain why giant red star Betelgeuse looks a little different at the moment — and why scientists around the world are talking about it.


Perth's housing market is still lagging behind and it will take more than a rate cut to fix things

Housing oversupply and sluggish migration rates mean today's rate cut will do little to stimulate the Perth property market, as the city's average property price falls another 0.8 per cent.


Generous TAFE fee cuts expose the Government's bigger plan to win the next WA election

The WA Government finds a way to hit Opposition Leader Liza Harvey where it hurts most, and deliver generous cuts to TAFE fees for students in the process, writes Jacob Kagi.


Power disconnections double in three years as West Australians struggle to pay electricity bills

More than 60 West Australian homes and businesses are having their electricity cut off on an average day for failing to pay their bills, with the number more than doubling in just three years.


WA's biggest native hardwood processor, Auswest Timbers, accused of 'wasting' thousands of tonnes of jarrah logs

WA's biggest native hardwood processor is facing accusations it sold thousands of tonnes of jarrah sawlogs to be burnt as low-value charcoal.


Can struggle be a gift?

Identify the gifts in your struggles to help you lead through chaos: That's the message of Bobby Herrera, co-founder and CEO of Populus Group, one of the fastest growing HR Services companies in the US. No stranger to struggle, Bobby is one of 13 children and his family immigrated from Mexico to the US in the 60s with little to their name. He shares his powerful stories of struggle and how what he has learn has helped him lead his company through four recessions. And he also talks about the current struggle - including how he leads through VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). Then self-professed introvert and author of Quietly Powerful, Megumi Miki, turns the microphone on extreme extrovert, Lisa Leong to hear how she is coping with working in ISO. And it's not been pretty.


In a fix - how match fixing became sport’s biggest threat

Find out how match fixing works. It's ubiquitous and now recognised as the biggest threat to sport integrity.


Jack Higgins: ABC Junior Arts Reviewer

720 ABC Perth put the call out for eight young bright things (aged 8 - 12) to become our ABC Bright Young Arts Reviewers for the 2011 AWESOME Festival.


Gold prospecting lease for novice fossickers pegged by Yalgoo Shire in bid to attract tourist bonanza

Got a metal detector? This outback town is setting up a prospecting lease for tourists who want to try their hand at landing a gold nugget.


Yacht carrying tonne of drugs hits Abrolhos Islands reef, alleged smugglers found on island

Two men are charged with trying to smuggle more than a tonne of cocaine and ecstasy into WA, after their yacht hit a reef and they were found on an island in the Houtman Abrolhos allegedly hiding the drugs with seaweed.


Geraldton police shooting victim Joyce Clarke's struggles with demons revealed amid community protests

As family and friends of Joyce Clarke demand to know why the young woman was shot dead by police, a tragic picture of her early life blighted by drugs and mental illness is beginning to emerge.


Blogger uses obscure law to successfully sue One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts over dual citizenship

A blogger makes legal history by successfully suing a sitting politician senator Malcolm Roberts over the 2016 dual-citizenshipsaga.


Loggerhead turtle lays winter eggs, four months out of season, leaving scientists baffled

Researchers are puzzled by the discovery of a nest of loggerhead turtle eggs in Queensland. The find seems to indicate that the creatures have been unseasonably frisky, which should be impossible.


Truck pours concrete onto Sunshine Coast beach after getting bogged in sand

A Sunshine Coast business defends its decision to dump concrete on a beach north of Noosa, as the Department of Environment launches an investigation into the matter.


Hopes that $25 million road upgrade could help revive Menindee, despite water struggles

Locals at Menindee, in far west NSW, hail funding to seal a key regional road as a project that could "save" the drought-stricken town.


Digging up Broken Hill's mining and union history which tells of life and death underground

The headstones at Broken Hill's cemetery tell the story not only of the city's colourful history, but the progression of workers' rights.

  • ABC Broken Hill
  • brokenhill
  • Business
  • Economics and Finance:Industry:Mining
  • Community and Society:Death:All
  • Community and Society:History:All
  • Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880


Taya Biggs art

  • ABC Broken Hill
  • brokenhill
  • Arts and Entertainment:Contemporary Art:All
  • Arts and Entertainment:Library Museum and Gallery:All
  • Arts and Entertainment:Visual Art:All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Community and Society:Regional:All
  • Education:All:All
  • Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880


Ivanhoe truck and tractor show brings joy in hard times with visitors rolling into struggling outback town

Locals are worried for the future of the small NSW town of Ivanhoe, but a colourful truck and tractor show brought in crowds about three times the size of its population.


Bigger focus tipped on southern WA spending, aged care

The new Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development says he expects improving conditions for elderly residents in Western Australia's south-west and Great Southern will be a key focus.


Albany police investigating aggravated robbery

Police in Albany are investigating an aggravated burglary on Saturday afternoon.


Backyard farmer: red wrigglers and big reds

How many worms can you count in an hour? Albany backyard farmer Bede Harold claims that he can count one thousand red wrigglers an hour. Bede also believes it is his worms that are the key to his vegetable patch.


Incident triggers child abduction fears

Police say they are concerned about an incident where a man tried to lure a teenage girl to his car.


WA miners struggling with costs and productivity in Africa operations

An economic forecaster says WA mining companies operating in Africa are struggling with a range of cost and productivity issues. The Deloitte WA Index indicates the combined market capitalisation of WA companies with African assets, particularly gold producers, fell almost 45 per cent. That is compared to WA producers, as a whole, who rose nearly five per cent. The fall is bigger than expected.


Digging up hidden history of Chinese gold mining on North Coast beaches

Some historians believe the White Australia policy played a part in covering over the early history of Chinese miners in Australia.

  • ABC North Coast
  • northcoast
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:History:19th Century
  • Community and Society:History:20th Century
  • Community and Society:History:All
  • Community and Society:History:Historians
  • Community and Society:Immigration:All
  • Community and Society:Multiculturalism:All
  • Community and Society:Race Relations:All
  • Human Interest:All:All
  • Human Interest:People:All
  • Australia:NSW:Evans Head 2473
  • Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480