do Practice-Tailored Facilitation to Improve Pediatric Preventive Care Delivery: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2014-05-05T00:06:52-07:00 Children receive only half of recommended health care; disadvantaged children have higher risk of unmet needs. Practice coaching combined with quality improvement using rapid-cycle feedback has potential to help practices meet quality standards and improve pediatric health care delivery.The Practice-tailored Facilitation Intervention led to large and sustained improvements in preventive service delivery, including substantial numbers of disadvantaged children, and in multiple simultaneous health care domains. Practice-tailored facilitation holds promise as a method to advance pediatric preventive care delivery. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Developmental Pathways to Sexual Risk Behavior in High-Risk Adolescent Boys By Published On :: 2014-05-12T00:06:54-07:00 Investigations of adolescents’ sexual risk behavior have focused on factors such as parental monitoring, deviant peer affiliation, and daring that occur during early and midadolescence. Less is known about early childhood precursors to adolescent sexual risk behavior.This prospective longitudinal study identifies parenting practices and mothers’ depressive symptomatology during early childhood as precursors to later sexual risk behavior and involvement in pregnancy in adolescent boys, with deviant peer affiliation during emerging adolescence mediating these relationships. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Parental Smoking Exposure and Adolescent Smoking Trajectories By Published On :: 2014-05-12T00:06:53-07:00 It is well-established that parental smoking is associated with adolescent smoking initiation and regular tobacco use. However, we know less about how exposure to specific types of parental smoking affect adolescent smoking and progression to regular smoking in young adulthood.Among adolescents with parents who are nicotine dependent, each previous year of parental smoking increases the likelihood they will be in a heavy smoking trajectory. Parental smoking cessation early in their children’s life is critical to prevent smoking in families. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Cognitive Outcomes of Preterm Infants Randomized to Darbepoetin, Erythropoietin, or Placebo By Published On :: 2014-05-12T00:06:52-07:00 Although a number of randomized controlled trials of erythropoietin administration to preterm infants have been performed, few studies have reported 2-year or longer neurodevelopmental outcomes, and no studies have evaluated neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants randomized to receive Darbepoetin.This is the first prospectively designed study to evaluate the neurocognitive outcomes of preterm infants randomized to receive Darbepoetin or erythropoietin compared with placebo. Infants in the ESA groups had significantly higher cognitive scores compared with the placebo group. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Preparing Adolescents With Chronic Disease for Transition to Adult Care: A Technology Program By Published On :: 2014-05-19T00:06:58-07:00 Adolescents with chronic disease are a diverse population with common needs for transition. Disease-specific interventions have shown promise at improving patient outcomes but with substantial personnel and resource costs. Whether a generic approach across diseases may be useful is unknown.This study is among the first to evaluate a generic (across disease) approach to transition of adolescents to adult care. The approach demonstrated promise and cost savings due to reduced personnel requirement and use of low-cost technology dissemination methods. (Read the full article) Full Article
do High Doses of Methylprednisolone in the Management of Caustic Esophageal Burns By Published On :: 2014-05-26T00:07:51-07:00 Corrosive substance ingestion is a public health issue in developing countries. Stricture formation is a late complication of corrosive substance ingestion. The role of corticosteroids in preventing corrosive-induced strictures is controversial.High doses of methylprednisolone therapy lead to less frequent stricture formation in grade IIb esophageal burns in children who ingested caustic substances and may improve prognosis. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Early-Onset Basal Cell Carcinoma and Indoor Tanning: A Population-Based Study By Published On :: 2014-06-23T00:07:21-07:00 Indoor tanning has gained widespread popularity among adolescents and young adults. Incidence rates of early-onset basal cell carcinoma also appear to be rising. Scant evidence exists on the impacts of early exposure and whether it leads to early occurrence of this malignancy.In a US population-based study, indoor tanning was associated with an elevated risk of basal cell carcinomas occurring at or before the age of 50 years, with an increasing trend in risk with younger age at exposure among adolescents and young adults. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Increasing Provision of Adolescent Vaccines in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-07-07T05:07:02-07:00 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that health departments in all 50 states deliver AFIX (Assessment, Feedback, Incentives, and eXchange) consultations to 25% of federally funded vaccine providers each year. AFIX effectively raises vaccination coverage among young children.AFIX consultations achieved short-term gains in coverage for 11- to 12-year-olds for vaccines in the adolescent platform. No gains occurred for older adolescents or over the long term. Consultations were equally effective when delivered in-person or by webinar. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Unit of Measurement Used and Parent Medication Dosing Errors By Published On :: 2014-07-14T00:07:15-07:00 There is growing support for adopting the milliliter as the standard unit for liquid medication instruction; teaspoon and tablespoon units can be confusing and may endorse kitchen spoon use. There are concerns that parents may not understand milliliter-based instructions.Parents who used milliliter-only units made fewer dosing errors than those who used teaspoon or tablespoon units. Moving to a milliliter-only standard could reduce confusion and decrease medication errors, especially for parents with low health literacy and non-English speakers. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Weighted Blankets and Sleep in Autistic Children--A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-07-14T00:07:16-07:00 Children with autism sleep poorly compared with their peers. Sensory integration, including use of weighted blankets, is proposed as a means to reduce arousal and stress. There is, however, no evidence that weighted blankets can improve sleep for these children.This is the first robust study to evaluate the impact of weighted blankets and show that they do not improve sleep parameters in children with autism spectrum disorder. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Trends in Abdominal Obesity Among US Children and Adolescents By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:00-07:00 Previous studies showed that prevalence of abdominal obesity among US children and adolescents increased significantly between 1988–1994 and 2003–2004. However, little is known about recent time trends in abdominal obesity since 2003–2004.In 2011–2012, 17.95% of children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years were abdominally obese defined by waist circumference. The prevalence of abdominal obesity leveled off among US children and adolescents from 2003–2004 to 2011–2012. (Read the full article) Full Article
do The Natural History of Jaundice in Predominantly Breastfed Infants By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:03-07:00 Newborn infants who are predominantly breastfed are much more likely to develop prolonged hyperbilirubinemia than those fed formula, but the prevalence of prolonged hyperbilirubinemia in a largely white, North American, breastfed population is unknown.Practitioners can be reassured that it is normal for 20% to 30% of predominantly breastfed infants to be jaundiced at age 3 to 4 weeks and for 30% to 40% of these infants to have bilirubin levels ≥5 mg/dL. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Reducing Distress in Mothers of Children With Autism and Other Disabilities: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:03-07:00 Mothers of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities often experience poor health, high stress, anxiety, and depression. Highly stressed parents are less effective in their parenting roles, risking their children's developmental progress.Evidence-based interventions in mindfulness and positive psychology significantly reduce distress in mothers of children with disabilities. Well-trained peer-mentors are effective interventionists. Adult-oriented services are needed for these mothers to improve their mental health and sustain their caregiving over the long-term. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Successful Schools and Risky Behaviors Among Low-Income Adolescents By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:02-07:00 Graduating from high school is associated with better health and health behaviors. However, no rigorous studies have tested whether exposure to a high-performing school improves health or health behaviors, thus the causal relationship is unknown.Exposure to successful schools can reduce very risky health behaviors among low-income adolescents. The primary mechanism is mostly due to better school retention and also due to better academic achievement. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Incidence, Etiology, and Outcomes of Hazardous Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns By Published On :: 2014-08-04T00:06:55-07:00 Total serum bilirubin levels ≥30 mg/dL have been labeled as "hazardous." Levels this high are rare, occurring in 3 to 10 per 100 000 births. Few studies have examined etiologies and long-term outcomes in these infants.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is a major identifiable cause, but is under-assessed. Chronic, bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity is rare and only occurred in the setting of additional risk factors (prematurity, G6PD deficiency, sepsis) and at levels far above recommended exchange transfusion thresholds. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Telephone Peer Counseling of Breastfeeding Among WIC Participants: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-08-04T00:06:57-07:00 In-person peer counseling to pregnant and new mothers has been shown to improve breastfeeding modestly in three US RCTs. But this level of support for WIC is unlikely to be scaled up nationally in the current fiscal environment.We randomly assigned WIC clients to a telephone peer counseling program relative to standard WIC support for breastfeeding. Nonexclusive breastfeeding among Spanish-speakers increased at 1, 3, and 6 months, but the program had much less of an effect on English-speaking clients. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Automated Conversation System Before Pediatric Primary Care Visits: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2014-08-04T00:06:56-07:00 A substantial gap exists between what is recommended for effective primary care of children and what takes place. Patient-centered health information technologies have been used to gather information and counsel parents, however, have not been integrated directly with electronic health records nor been speech-based to improve decision-making at the point-of-care.This study shows that a ubiquitous technology, the telephone, can be successfully used to automatically assess and counsel parents before pediatric primary care visits as well as inform their primary care clinicians in a way that is feasible and effective for multiple important issues. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Health Care Provider Advice for Adolescent Tobacco Use: Results From the 2011 National Youth Tobacco Survey By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:04-07:00 Cigarette smoking during adolescence causes significant health problems. Health care providers play an important role in promoting tobacco use abstinence among adolescents, but recent data on the prevalence of provider screening and advice to adolescents are lacking.This study uses nationally representative surveillance data to provide current estimates of self-reported receipt of health professional screening and advice about tobacco use among US adolescents. Cessation behaviors and correlates of past-year quit attempts among smokers were also explored. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Pre- and Postnatal Exposure to Parental Smoking and Allergic Disease Through Adolescence By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:03-07:00 Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke during pregnancy and infancy has been linked to development of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema in young children. It is unclear whether these risks persist into adolescence.Exposure to second-hand smoke in utero or during infancy influences the development of allergic disease up to adolescence. Excess risks for asthma and rhinitis were seen primarily in early childhood, whereas those for eczema occurred at later ages. (Read the full article) Full Article
do High-dose Vitamin A With Vaccination After 6 Months of Age: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:03-07:00 The World Health Organization recommends using vaccination contacts to deliver high-dose vitamin A supplementation (VAS) to children aged 6 to 59 months. The effect of this policy on overall child mortality has not been assessed.In this first randomized controlled trial of VAS at routine vaccination contacts after 6 months, VAS had no overall effect on mortality but was associated with reduced mortality in girls and increased mortality in boys. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Missed Opportunities for HPV Vaccination in Adolescent Girls: A Qualitative Study By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:01-07:00 Rates of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination lag behind other adolescent vaccines. Research indicates that provider recommendation is the key to improving HPV vaccination rates and that most adolescents who are unvaccinated received other vaccines, indicating missed opportunities for HPV vaccination.This study explores in-depth the content of provider–patient conversations that either create or prevent opportunities for HPV vaccination. Effective and ineffective conversations are presented with the goal of providing practical tools to improve communication regarding HPV vaccines. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Restrictive Eating Disorders Among Adolescent Inpatients By Published On :: 2014-08-25T00:07:26-07:00 Recent case reports have described acute life-threatening complications in adolescents who present to health services having lost large amounts of weight but who are not underweight. Little is known about the frequency of life-threatening complications in these adolescents.Over 6 years, we found more than a fivefold increase in the incidence of hospitalized adolescents who, apart from not being underweight, have diagnostic features of anorexia nervosa. This group experienced a similar profile of acute complications of anorexia nervosa. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Strength and Body Weight in US Children and Adolescents By Published On :: 2014-08-25T00:07:26-07:00 Among US youth 6 to 15 years of age there are differences in strength by gender and age. Little is known about differences in strength by weight status in the US pediatric population.This study provides current US nationally representative reference values for 4 measures of strength in youth 6 to 15 years old. Body weight was associated with strength, but the association varied depending upon the measure. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Adoption of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Guidelines: A Cluster-Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2014-08-25T00:07:25-07:00 Cardiovascular risk begins in childhood. New clinical guidelines established a care strategy for lowering risks. Incorporation of guidelines into routine practice lags due to barriers related to knowledge and attitudes about guidelines, as well as behaviors of practitioners, patients, and clinical systems.This study demonstrated that a multifaceted approach including tools, education, and support for changes in practice systems can accelerate the adoption of guidelines during routine pediatric well-child visits, compared with dissemination of the guidelines alone. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Smart-Phone Obesity Prevention Trial for Adolescent Boys in Low-Income Communities: The ATLAS RCT By Published On :: 2014-08-25T00:07:24-07:00 Adolescent males from low-income communities are a group at increased risk of obesity and related health concerns. Obesity prevention interventions targeting adolescents have so far had mixed success. Targeted interventions, tailored for specific groups, may be more appealing and efficacious.A multicomponent school-based intervention using smartphone technology can improve muscular fitness, movement skills, and key weight-related behaviors among low-income adolescent boys. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents Born Preterm By Published On :: 2014-09-01T00:06:18-07:00 Adolescents and adults born early preterm have higher blood pressure and altered glucose metabolism compared with their term born peers. Evidence of an atherogenic lipid profile is inconsistent. Whether these risks apply to those born less preterm is not known.In adolescence, girls have higher blood pressure and boys a more atherogenic lipid profile than their term born peers. Overall, our results are consistent with a dose-response relationship between shorter length of gestation and increasing levels of cardiovascular risk factors. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Dating Violence, Childhood Maltreatment, and BMI From Adolescence to Young Adulthood By Published On :: 2014-09-08T00:06:24-07:00 Partner violence victimization is associated with mental and behavioral health effects linked to weight gain. Childhood maltreatment is directly linked to obesity and associated with neuroanatomic and psychosocial changes, which heighten vulnerability to subsequent stressors.This study finds that dating violence victimization is associated with greater increases in BMI from adolescence to young adulthood among women. Women with previous exposure to childhood sexual abuse are especially vulnerable to dating violence–related increases in BMI. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Cancer Incidence Rates and Trends Among Children and Adolescents in the United States, 2001-2009 By Published On :: 2014-09-08T00:06:23-07:00 Cancer continues to be the leading disease-related cause of death among children and adolescents in the United States. More information is needed about recent trends.This study provides recent, robust data supporting the increasing incidence of pediatric thyroid cancer and rising overall cancer rates among African American children and adolescents and is the first study to describe increasing rates of pediatric renal carcinoma. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Parent and Adolescent Knowledge of HPV and Subsequent Vaccination By Published On :: 2014-09-15T00:06:27-07:00 Vaccinating youth is among the nation’s highest health care priorities. Despite proven health benefits, human papillomavirus vaccination rates remain low.This is the first known study to test whether vaccination of high-risk adolescents is related to their or their parents’ previous knowledge levels. In the results presented, neither parental nor adolescent knowledge is related to subsequent adolescent vaccination. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Pertussis Immunization in Infancy and Adolescent Asthma Medication By Published On :: 2014-09-22T00:06:23-07:00 Childhood immunization might contribute to an increase in asthma prevalence. Previous studies have been contradictory, and many lack sufficiently large control groups of nonimmunized children.Pertussis immunization in infancy does not increase the risk of asthma medication in adolescents. Our study presents convincing evidence that pertussis immunization in early childhood can be considered safe with respect to long-term development of asthma. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Effects of the FITKids Randomized Controlled Trial on Executive Control and Brain Function By Published On :: 2014-09-29T00:06:48-07:00 Physical activity programs have been shown to have positive implications for children’s cognitive performance and brain structure and function. However, additional randomized controlled trials are needed to determine whether daily physical activity influences executive control and its neural underpinnings.The randomized controlled trial, designed to meet daily physical activity recommendations, used behavioral and electrophysiological measures of brain function to demonstrate enhanced attentional inhibition and cognitive flexibility among prepubertal children. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Neighborhood Influences on Girls' Obesity Risk Across the Transition to Adolescence By Published On :: 2014-10-13T00:06:26-07:00 The built environment may affect weight status by presenting opportunities or barriers for exercise and nutritious eating. Although there is substantial cross-sectional evidence linking neighborhood factors and childhood obesity, causal uncertainty remains, owing to conceptual and methodological challenges.This prospective study examined neighborhood influences on obesity during the transition to adolescence, a sensitive period for excess weight gain. Girls living in neighborhoods characterized by physical disorder or increased access to food and service retailers exhibited higher obesity risk. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Timing of Adiposity Rebound and Adiposity in Adolescence By Published On :: 2014-10-13T00:06:25-07:00 Earlier adiposity rebound may increase fatness in later life; however, there is limited evidence from large cohorts of contemporary children with direct measures of fatness in adolescence or adulthood.Early adiposity rebound is strongly associated with increased BMI and fatness in adolescence. Future preventive interventions should consider targeting early childhood to delay timing of adiposity rebound. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Prophylactic Indomethacin and Intestinal Perforation in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants By Published On :: 2014-10-27T00:06:34-07:00 Prophylactic indomethacin in extremely low birth weight infants decreases severe intraventricular hemorrhage and patent ductus arteriosus but it is unknown whether concurrent enteral feeding and prophylactic indomethacin is associated with increased risk of spontaneous intestinal perforation.The combination of prophylactic indomethacin and enteral feeding during the first 3 days after birth does not increase the risk of spontaneous intestinal perforation. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Feedback on Oral Presentations During Pediatric Clerkships: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-10-27T00:06:33-07:00 Delivering competent oral case presentations is an important clinical communication skill, yet effective means of improving trainees’ presentations have not been identified.Oral presentation feedback sessions facilitated by faculty by using an 18-item competency-based evaluation form early in pediatric clerkships improved medical students’ subsequent oral presentations. Medical schools should consider implementing this evidence-supported practice. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Urokinase Versus VATS for Treatment of Empyema: A Randomized Multicenter Clinical Trial By Published On :: 2014-10-27T00:06:34-07:00 There are discrepancies regarding which treatment is best in clinical practice for children with parapneumonic empyema, with some authors favoring video-assisted thoracoscopy and others favoring intrapleural fibrinolytic agents.This study is one of the few randomized clinical trials on this subject in children and the first multicenter trial. It exclusively included patients with septated empyema. Thoracoscopy and fibrinolysis with urokinase were equally effective for this condition. (Read the full article) Full Article
do A Randomized Trial on Screening for Social Determinants of Health: the iScreen Study By Published On :: 2014-11-03T00:06:30-08:00 Despite growing interest around clinical screening for health-related social and environmental risk factors, little evidence exists regarding screening formats that maximize disclosure of psychosocial information.This study compares psychosocial and socioeconomic adversity disclosure rates in face-to-face interviews versus electronic formats in a large, urban pediatric emergency department. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Adolescent Vaccine Co-administration and Coverage in New York City: 2007-2013 By Published On :: 2014-11-10T00:06:18-08:00 National adolescent vaccination coverage estimates in 2013 among 13- to 17-year-olds are 86% for Tdap vaccine and 78% for MCV4. Comparatively, coverage with ≥3 doses of HPV vaccine is 38% among girls and 14% among boys.One-fourth of 11-year-olds had HPV vaccine co-administered with Tdap vaccine, compared with two-thirds who had MCV4 co-administered. Whereas by age 17 years, >92% received Tdap vaccine and MCV4, only half of girls and one-fifth of boys completed HPV vaccination. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Sex-Related Online Behaviors and Adolescents' Body and Sexual Self-Perceptions By Published On :: 2014-11-17T00:06:24-08:00 Research suggests that appearance-focused messages and exaggerated depictions of sexual activity in the media negatively influence adolescents’ body and sexual self-perceptions. As adolescents increasingly use the Internet to explore their sexuality, health risks related to online behaviors should be identified.This 4-wave study examined the prevalence and development of 2 receptive and 2 interactive sex-related online behaviors and their relations with adolescents’ body and sexual self-perceptions. It further investigated which parental strategies regarding Internet use may reduce risky sex-related online behaviors. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Coparenting Breastfeeding Support and Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-12-01T00:06:28-08:00 Fathers’ attitude and support affects breastfeeding outcomes. Fathers are currently not targeted in breastfeeding support and care provided by health care professionals. Breastfeeding interventions delivered to fathers have been shown to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration.A coparenting breastfeeding support intervention delivered to mothers and fathers in the postpartum period showed beneficial effects on breastfeeding duration, paternal breastfeeding confidence, breastfeeding help provided by fathers, and mothers’ satisfaction with fathers’ involvement with breastfeeding. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Risk Factors for Exclusive E-Cigarette Use and Dual E-Cigarette Use and Tobacco Use in Adolescents By Published On :: 2014-12-15T00:06:46-08:00 There is a debate about whether e-cigarettes will benefit public health. However, there is little knowledge about how e-cigarette users and dual users (those using both e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes) differ from other adolescents on a range of variables.Teenagers who only used e-cigarettes were intermediate in levels of risk and protective factors between nonusers and those who used both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. This raises a question about whether e-cigarettes recruit low-risk youth to tobacco product use. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in Infant, Child, and Adolescent Patients in Children's Hospitals By Published On :: 2014-12-15T00:06:45-08:00 Hospitalized pediatric patients are often exposed to many medications during an inpatient admission. Drug–drug interactions may increase the risk of developing medication-related adverse drug events, leading to serious clinical morbidity and mortality.Exposure to "major" potential drug–drug interactions occurs in 41% of pediatric hospitalizations in children’s hospitals. One-half of all these exposures were due to less common specific drug pairs (≤3% of patients exposed per hospital day) and thus may be less clinically familiar. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Maternal Depressive Symptoms During Childhood and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors By Published On :: 2014-12-22T00:06:48-08:00 Maternal depression has been associated with adolescent engagement in risky behaviors such as substance use. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research examining timing-specific effects in this relationship.The results of this study indicate that youth exposed to increasing levels of maternal depressive symptoms in middle childhood are more likely to engage in substance use and delinquent behaviors and have an earlier debut age of these behaviors. (Read the full article) Full Article
do A School Health Center Intervention for Abusive Adolescent Relationships: A Cluster RCT By Published On :: 2014-12-22T00:06:48-08:00 Adolescent relationship abuse (ARA) is prevalent in confidential clinic settings such as school health centers (SHCs) and is associated with poor health outcomes. No evidence-based interventions target reduction of ARA in the SHC setting.This study provides the first evidence of the potential benefits of a brief provider-delivered universal education and counseling intervention in SHCs to address and prevent a major public health problem: ARA. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Text Message Reminders for Second Dose of Influenza Vaccine: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-12-29T00:06:47-08:00 Influenza vaccine coverage is low, and young children in need of 2 doses in a given season are at particular risk, with less than half receiving both doses. Text message vaccine reminders increase receipt of first dose of influenza vaccine.Little is known about what types of text message reminders are most effective, including embedding educational information. We demonstrate that text message reminders increase timely receipt of the second dose of influenza vaccine and embedding health literacy information improves effectiveness. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Benefits of Strict Rest After Acute Concussion: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2015-01-05T00:06:55-08:00 Expert consensus recommends rest after concussion with stepwise return to activity. Animal and retrospective human data suggest that early mental and physical activity may worsen outcome. There are no pediatric studies testing the efficacy of recommending strict rest after concussion.Recommending strict rest postinjury did not improve outcome and may have contributed to increased symptom reporting. Usual care (rest for 1–2 days with stepwise return to activity) is currently the best discharge strategy for pediatric mild traumatic brain injury/concussion. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Online Problem-Solving Therapy After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2015-01-12T00:05:27-08:00 Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to impairments in functioning across multiple settings. Online family problem-solving therapy may be effective in reducing adolescent behavioral morbidity after TBI. However, less is known regarding maintenance of effects over time.This large randomized clinical trial in adolescents with TBI is the only study to examine maintenance of treatment effects. Findings reveal that brief, online treatment may result in long-term improvements in child functioning, particularly among families of lower socioeconomic status. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Misdiagnosis and Missed Diagnoses in Foster and Adopted Children With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure By Published On :: 2015-01-12T00:05:25-08:00 Researchers speculate that children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders often are not recognized or diagnosed correctly.This is the first study to assess the rate of missed diagnoses and misdiagnosis in foster and adopted children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Adolescents' Perceptions of Light and Intermittent Smoking in the United States By Published On :: 2015-01-12T00:05:25-08:00 Light and intermittent smoking are harmful, but increasingly common, smoking patterns. It is unknown how adolescents perceive these smoking patterns, and whether these views differ by sociodemographic characteristics, and exposure to and use of tobacco.US adolescents perceive light and intermittent smoking as significantly less dangerous than heavier smoking. One in 4 adolescents believes intermittent smoking causes little to no harm. Perceptions of relative safety were common among smokers. (Read the full article) Full Article
do Tapentadol Toxicity in Children By Published On :: 2015-01-19T00:05:32-08:00 Tapentadol is used in the treatment of chronic pain, specifically diabetic neuropathy. It has known action on the μ-opioid receptor leading to drowsiness and apneas. There is no published information on the effects of tapentadol in small children.After an accidental overdose in a child, tapentadol may be expected to cause μ-opioid clinical effects similar to other opioids. While the opioid effects predominate sympathomimetic effects are also seen. The risk of respiratory depression and dyspnea should be acknowledged. (Read the full article) Full Article