
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 - Germany highlights

This note presents selected country highlights from the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017 with a specific focus on digital trends among all themes covered.


Pensions at a Glance 2017 - Key findings for Germany

Key findings for Germany from the report "Pensions at a Glance 2017"


Pensions at a Glance 2017 - Key findings for Germany in German

Renten auf einen Blick 2017: Wie steht DEUTSCHLAND im Vergleich da?


Research Fellowships and Conference Sponsorship

The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s Call for Applications for conference sponsorship and research fellowships for funding in 2019 is now CLOSED. The CRP supports work on sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, forests, fisheries and food production.


Deeper reforms in Germany will ensure more inclusive and sustainable growth

The German economy is undergoing a robust expansion, with record-low unemployment and real wage gains underpinning domestic demand while strong exports are driving business investment. The strong fiscal position will offer opportunities for funding structural reforms and public investment to meet future challenges, according to a new report from the OECD.


Society at a Glance 2019 - How does Germany compare?

This country highlight puts the spotlight on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people: their numbers, their economic situation and well-being and policies to improve LGBT inclusivity. It also includes a special chapter on people’s perceptions of social and economic risks and presents a selection of social indicators.


Health at a Glance 2019 - Deutschland: Wo steht Deutschland im Vergleich?

Deutschland ist unter den Top 5 der OECD-Staaten was die Ausgaben für Gesundheit angeht, sowohl beim Anteil am BIP (11,2%) als auch bei den Pro- Kopf-Ausgaben (USD 5 986). Es wird geschätzt, dass die Ausgabenquote im Jahr 2030 auf 12,3% des BIP ansteigen wird.


Health at a Glance 2019: Key findings for Germany - In English

Across the OECD, Germany is among the top five spenders on health care, both as a proportion of GDP (11.2%) and per person (USD 5,986). Health spending is projected to further increase to reach 12.3% of GDP by 2030. With such high level of spending, Germany guarantees good access to health care services.


Government at a Glance

Government at a Glance provides a dashboard of key indicators to help you analyse international comparisons of public sector performance.


Pensions at a Glance 2019 - Key findings for Germany in German

Renten auf einen Blick 2019: Wie steht DEUTSCHLAND im Vergleich da?


Pensions at a Glance 2019 - Key findings for Germany

Key findings for Germany from the report "Pensions at a Glance 2019"


Deutschland - Länderprofil Gesundheit 2019 : Launch presentation

Deutschland - Länderprofil Gesundheit 2019 : Launch presentation. The Country Health Profiles provide a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and health systems in the EU/European Economic area, emphasizing the particular characteristics and challenges in each country against a backdrop of cross-country comparisons.


DELSA-G20 Country Note France-en

DELSA-G20 Country Note France-en


International conference: Building quality jobs in the recovery (Dublin, Ireland)

This international conference reviewed and drew lessons from successful past experiences and innovative solutions available today to identify how labour market policy, skills development and training policies can contribute to sustainable employment creation.


Official launch: Project on Climate Change, Employment and Local Development (Sydney, Australia)

The aims of the workshop are to outline the key findings and recommendations of the two reports and to look at how we can develop stronger partnerships across Sydney to reduce carbon emissions and increase economic and employment opportunities.


Less income inequality and more growth - Are they compatible?

Can both less income inequality and more growth be achieved? A recent OECD study sheds new light on the link between policies that boost growth and the distribution of income.


8th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance (Berlin, Germany)

The transition from education to work is not easy for many young people, particularly when it comes to finding sustainable employment with progression opportunities. Recently established national policies to support youth will be only effective if implemented in a coordinated way at local level.


Workshop: Skills strategies for inclusive development in India – Accelerating prosperity through policy coherence (New Delhi, India)

The Institute for Competitiveness India, the National Skill Development Corporation India and the OECD LEED Programme in collaboration with the ILO are joining forces to discuss local skills strategies for job-rich and inclusive growth in India.


OECD launches Skills Strategy to boost jobs and growth

The OECD has launched its Skills Strategy to help governments build economic resilience, boost employment and reinforce social cohesion. Despite the pressure on public finances, spending on education and skills is an investment for the future and must be a priority.


Capacity building seminar: Financing business start-up by under-represented groups (Trento, Italy)

This seminar was part of a three-year programme of cooperation between the European Commission and the OECD LEED Programme to monitor and report on entrepreneurial activity in Europe and related public policies and actions.


Note pays perspectives de l'emploi de l'OCDE 2012: France

La faiblesse de la reprise économique n’a pas permis d’endiguer la hausse du chômage en France. Les Perspectives de l’emploi 2012 de l’OCDE indiquent que le taux de chômage est passé de 7.5 % à son point bas en février 2008 à 10.1 % en mai 2012.


Jobs for Europe: The Employment Policy Conference

OECD Secretary-General assesses the employment challenges facing Europe and the policy responses urgently needed to put the continent back on a path of jobs-rich growth, at the Employment Policy Conference in Brussels.


Report: Delivering local development review to assess the efficiency of the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network of the Slovak Republic

This project aims to support the Slovak Republic as it seeks to create a clear rationale for the Regional Development Agencies Integrated Network which currently comprises 38 agencies.


Euro area labour costs converging, but imbalances persist

The euro area crisis finds its roots in the credit booms seen in many countries following the introduction of the euro in 1999. Easy credit led to strong growth in a range of sectors, notably housing, as well as higher levels of public spending. Inflation in these over-heating economies was higher than the euro area as a whole. Rising prices led to rising costs and a loss of international competitiveness.


Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Enhancing the inclusiveness of the labour market in Belgium

The global crisis led to a smaller increase in the unemployment rate than in most other OECD countries as employment has been sustained through intensive use of reduced working time schemes.


Why do Russian firms use fixed-term and agency work contracts?

This study looks into the use of fixed term contracts and agency work in Russia during and shortly after the crisis 2009 10 with the help of an enterprise survey.


Report: An international benchmarking analysis of public Programmes for High-growth firms

High-growth firms (HGFs) – firms able to grow fast over a short period of time – contribute to most new jobs in advanced economies.


Beyond the Financial Crisis – Pursuing Jobs, Equality and Trust

Re-igniting growth and putting people back to work will be essential to restore citizens’ confidence with positive spill-over effects on other policy measures and their effectiveness, said OECD Secretary-General.


Slovak Republic: Fostering an inclusive job-rich recovery - OECD Better Policies Series

The Slovak Republic is one of the most dynamic economies in the euro area. The country has continued to converge rapidly towards the living standards of advanced OECD economies. However, the Slovak Republic should continue on its path of reform to achieve balanced, fair and sustainable growth, according to a new OECD report.


Making labour markets inclusive

In this time of chronic unemployment, it is all too easy to lose sight of the single greatest trend underlying the long-term labour market: the demographic time bomb in the developed world. Indeed, the defining employment challenge of the future will be not the surplus, but the shortage, of appropriate labour.


Give youth a chance

Young people are being excluded from economic life by a combination of joblessness and barriers to the creation of start-ups. Unleashing the energy, entrepreneurial spirit and technological genius of the young is not just a moral imperative, but an economic necessity.


Women in work: The Norwegian experience

High female participation in the workforce has a decisive effect on a country’s performance, as Norway shows.


Report: Local Job Creation - How Employment and Training Agencies Can Help - United States

How to stimulate growth and support job creation are two critical challenges that countries and localities confront and limited resources require lateral thinking about how actions in one area, such as employment and training, can have simultaneous benefits in others, such as creating new jobs and better supporting labour market inclusion.


Norway should improve incentives to encourage people to work longer, says OECD

Norway is better placed to cope with population ageing than most other countries. But it could still do more to improve incentives and opportunities for people to stay working longer which would help ensure the country’s long-term future, according to a new OECD report.


The Jobs Imperative – The OECD Support to the Russian Presidency

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to restoring inclusive growth, jobs and trust. Macroeconomic, structural policies and labour activation strategies are all required. The G20 process can play a pivotal role in helping countries identify effective policies and implement them, said Angel Gurría


Labour Activation, Equity and Inclusion

While unemployment is gradually declining in the United States, Mexico and Japan, it is increasing in the Euro area. In emerging economies, tackling low paid employment in insecure jobs with little social protection remains a key challenge.


Turkey: Supporting small business development in the province of Manisa - The role of KOSGEB

Many areas like Manisa suffer from a local lack of sophisticated demand in terms of expressed SME requirements. This leaves considerable scope for demand and supply side initiatives set within KOSGEB’s framework that will assist in shaping intervention and promoting a coherent approach to SME development.


Irish recovery underway, but more inclusive growth and job creation needed, says OECD

Ireland’s economy is now showing encouraging signs of recovery from the financial crisis, but more must be done to reinvigorate growth and create the jobs that will get the country back to full health, according to the OECD.


Spain’s labour market reforms on track but more assistance needed for young jobseekers, says OECD

Spain has taken courageous steps to strengthen its labour market. Recent reforms have helped create jobs and should further boost competitiveness and employment in the years to come. But additional efforts are needed to boost competition in product markets and to improve assistance to job seekers, particularly young people, according to a new OECD report.


Older Workers - PP presentation France

Older Workers - PP presentation France


France must do more to promote quality jobs for older workers, says OECD

Promoting quality employment for older workers is crucial to boosting growth and ensuring a financially sustainable pension system, according to a new OECD report on ageing and employment policies in France.


Australia: Local employment agencies should play a greater role in job creation, says OECD

Slower growth in key markets like China and India is reducing momentum across the Australian economy, cutting into employment opportunities and putting more pressure on the government to ensure that public policy delivers optimal results for growth and job creation.


OECD LEED-Cedefop 2nd Green Skills Forum 2014 (Paris, France)

LEED and Cedefop organise the second edition of the Green Skills Forum which will bring together experts in innovation, employability and skills development and lessons from work conducted by the OECD, Cedefop, and other organisations on the implications of the green economy for skills development and training policies.


Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference

This conference on 9 April 2014 will provide an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It would also seek to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


Canada: Sustain inclusive growth by reducing housing market risks and overcoming specific skills shortages, says OECD

Canada has experienced solid economic growth since the global crisis, allowing it to reverse recession-induced job losses and put federal public finances on a sound footing, says the OECD. Growth is expected to accelerate from 2.5% this year to 2.7% in 2015.


Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Europe: Policy briefs

A series of short reports aimed at policy makers examine issues and policies instruments related to inclusive entrepreneurs policy. The key message of these briefs is that there is under-exploited potential among entrepreneurs from non-mainstream groups and that there are many examples of specially tailored policies that are successful in increasing participation that can serve as models for others.


Korea: Promote inclusive growth through greater employer involvement in the employment and skills system, says OECD

Korea has made significant progress towards decentralising the management of employment and training programmes, but can still do more to create stronger links with employers at the local level, according to a new OECD report.


Switzerland should encourage older people to work longer, says OECD

Switzerland should do more to help older people, especially women, work longer in order to meet the challenge of a rapidly ageing population, according to a new OECD report.


Forging a gender-balanced economy

Getting more women into work is a priority goal of G20 policy, but gender inequality is a barrier. To overcome this, the OECD, ILO and others have identified ways forward.