
Growth and Struggle in Liminal Space – Lessons from St. Mary of Egypt

Join Michael is a discussion on our need to navigate the difficult liminal spaces in our lives with patience and discernment, as illustrated beautifully in the story of St. Mary of Egypt, and how it is possible to overcome sin and depravity to fulfill our calling to become saints and living icons of Christ.


Sacred Space

The idea of sacredness and the way it is manifested in space, The whole world is sacred, not because of our memories and experiences but because of God.


The Self Destructive Cycle of Shame, Despair and Pride

Fr. Seraphim Aldea reminds us that who we are in Christ is the best version of ourselves.


You Need Time and Space ALONE for a RESET of your Life

Fr. Seraphim encourages viewers to take time away before resetting their lives.


Porphyrios in Space

Fr. John Oliver tells the story of the unsung hero of the Apollo 13 mission.


St. Anthony and the Flying Spaghetti Madness - Aarr!

At a 1,500 year "disadvantage" -- Aarr! -- St. Anthony the Great missed out on International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But, Fr. Joseph imagines what the desert dwelling Father might have said to disciples of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Reflections From Tea With Bonnie: Attaining Dispassion, For a Moment, I Think

This morning my wife and I took one of our occasional half-day vacations. It’s a warmish 19 degree day (68 Fahrenheit) with the sun poking through the clouds. We walked a mile or so up a trail in the hills and then afterward stopped by a country tea and scone place for a bite and a chat and just some quite time together, Bonnie working on her knitting project and I reading a book (what else would I be doing?). Bonnie asked me what I was reading, so I read her a little quote from from Archimandrite Aimilianos. What does it mean to be dispassionate? It means turning exclusively to God, with all your strength, energy, power, and love. There is no turning aside to anything else whatsoever….


Episode 4: Star Wars, Space Wizards, and Spiritual Formation

Join Steve and Christian as they talk about the highly anticipated Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. The guys talk about the Force, both the light side and the dark, the recurrent themes of family and personhood with just a dash of theology. So, join the guys as they celebrate the movie and end with their five favorite Star Wars quotations of all time.


Episode 13: Noonday Demons in Space!

The guys watched Star Trek Beyond, and they agreed that while the movie was fun, it wasn’t the best thing either of them had ever seen. Join Steve and Christian as they discuss what makes STB’s villain so interesting, how Kirk struggles with despondency, and whether or not Simon Pegg’s take on humor really helped the film all that much. As always, the guys end with their Top 5 List. This week: Top 5 Villains.


Episode 78: Adventuring through The Space Trilogy

The guys take on CS Lewis’s classic saga, The Space Trilogy. They discuss the human instinct to relate with others, how the effects of sin cannot be quarantined, and how evil seeks to dominate life in order to control death. They close with their Top 5 Christ Figures.


Christian Temples and the Spiritual Transformation of Space

Fr. John discusses the ways in which the Church tries to create a sanctified topography in Christendom.


When Christendom Was Born Again II: Petrarch's Despair

In this episode the "father of humanism," Francesco Petrarch, broods over his sense of guilt and despair, seeking a new path for Western Christendom known as the saeculum, or "secular."


Same Space, Same Time

Experiencing forgiveness is the only way for us to come into the same space at the same time with God and one another.


Sacred Space

If the daily, monthly, yearly prayer cycle of the Church and personal practice of the Jesus Prayer speak to the consecration of the person in time - sacred time - then it follows that Orthodox Christians are also concerned with space and its relationship to the Kingdom of God. Orthodox Church architecture and the decoration of space reflect the grand reality and destiny of the universe created and redeemed by God incarnate: Jesus Christ. It is through the Incarnation and the sacramental world view that we come to understand that the physical Church building itself allows us to participate in the Holy Infinite, even as the physical Eucharist is mysteriously the Body and Blood of Christ. Simply put: Church buildings are indeed "houses of God." This program begins to explain why.


Motherhood: Let It Break You But Don't Despair

Today's episode is taken from Molly's piece as a guest blog on The Orthodox Mama. With her eyes on the saints and years of raising her four children, Molly offers three big lessons she's learned about motherhood.


Lessons from a Space

Dn. Pawel, the prefect of the Lived Theology School Program, discusses the narthex of St. John the Compassionate Mission and its meaning.


A Time to Spare in our Society

Fr. Nicolaie expresses the beauty of the mission that many are quick to over look in their every day busy lives.


Not Like Religion – Sacred Space

We Christians share certain external similarities with the religions, but these external similarities can mask the inner meanings of the things we seem to share. In reality, everything in Christianity is different from the religions.


Lord's Prayer-forgive us our trespasses


Despair of Elijah


Spammers using Google links

In my "Spam Suspects" email folder today, I noticed some spam which used Google as a redirection service, by linking to When trying this technique with some other site, I found that google responds to this query with a 302 redirect to the site in question. Clearly, the spammer was using this system to lure people who trust Google... (176 words)


The Sparrow in the Hall

Fr. Gregory talks about St. Paulinus of York—one of our wonderful western saints.


You Are More Valuable Than Sparrows


You Are More Valuable Than Sparrows


Keeping Holy Spaces Holy


Transparency and Accountability: An Interview with Fr. Nikodhim

Dr. Albert Rossi has a conversation with Fr. Nikodhim, pastor of St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Queens, New York, on the topic of transparency and accountability in the development of trust of others in dangerous situations.


Keep Your Mind in Hell and Despair Not - Part 2

Dr. Albert Rossi continues his reflections on the profound statement by St. Silouan the Athonite, "Keep your mind in hell and despair not."


Keep Your Mind in Hell and Despair Not - Part 1

Dr. Albert Rossi reflects on the profound statement by St. Silouan the Athonite, "Keep your mind in hell and despair not."


Fr. Jack Sparks - Memory Eternal!

He was one of the original Evangelicals who came to Orthodoxy from Campus Crusade for Christ along with Fr. Peter Gillquist, Fr. Jon Braun, Fr. Gordon Walker, and others. He compiled the well-loved writings of the Apostolic Fathers, and he was the project director for the Orthodox Study Bible. Fr. Jack Sparks fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, February 8, 2010. AFR talks with Fr. Peter Gillquist.


Interview with Graham Sparkman

Bobby Maddex, Digital Media Director at Ancient Faith Ministries interview with Graham Sparkman, a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, arranger and composer. Please visit;


Sharing the Space of Salvation (Forgiveness/Cheesefare Sunday)

“Nothing makes us so like God, as our readiness to forgive the wicked and wrongdoer.” (Saint John Chrysostom) The Greek word for forgiveness means "sharing the same space." At the doorstep to Great Lent, we're given the opportunity to both seek and offer forgiveness. Forgiveness Sunday (especially Forgiveness Vespers) is our chance to overcome resentments and share the same space with both God and neighbor. So that, together, we can journey to salvation and an experience of God's Kingdom. Because right and wrong is about more than what’s right or wrong for you. As always, we've prepared a FREE downloadable workbook to help you act on what you'll learn. .


Launch: Google running AdWords in newspapers

Google is buying the leftover ad space in the _Chicago Sun-Times_ and filling it with AdWords ads related to the rest of the content. I wonder how they're going to charge advertisers. The domains posted are the real domains, so it can't exactly be pay-per-click.


Watch This Amazing James Webb 4K Space Telescope View Of The Cosmic Cliffs


Mark Davis: 'Journeyman' can be disparaging but it's true about me

Shabnam Younus-Jewell chats to Mark Davis about his 30 plus years as a professional.


Could a new 113-mile trail spark a tourism boom in the south of Scotland?

Dozens of new tourist businesses are opening in the South of Scotland as visitors escape to the great outdoors.


Stamp duty change expected to spark homebuying rush

Nationwide predicts a fifth of first time buyers will pay the tax going forward, affecting activity.


EV chargers hit by spate of cable thefts

Sheffield Council say at one point just two of its 27 chargers were in operation due to the thefts.


Kerosene leak continues, sparking pollution fears

Councillor Ruth Houghton says the kerosene in the drains is "still flowing" after 10 days.


'Outdoor spaces not welcoming for bigger bodies'

Campaigners say it should be easier for plus-size walkers to enjoy the countryside.


College to host safe space for children

The new scheme will provide safety and shelter and offer free creative and sporting activities.


Spy poisoning sparked 'incident of scale not seen'

A counter terror commander tells an inquiry the Salisbury poisonings were “truly unprecedented".


How to donate to US elections without getting spammed to death…

Like many people who live in America I have donated to US political candidates and campaigns. And like many people who live in America I have subsequently found my entire life suddenly and completely overwhelmed by text-messages and e-mail spam and phone calls and any number of other venal, stressy, desperate campaign messages. Now of […]


‘He said goodbye’ Clevedon woman’s husband in Spain flood

Lara Gilmour describes the moment her husband was trapped in Valencia flooding.


Newspapers & trending: Stars return to city centre

A look at what stories are trending across the West of England on 13 November 2024.



Este post abarca la temática del Registro Civil de España. De entre los puntos que se tratan, destaca su relación con la traducción.

La entrada EL REGISTRO CIVIL DE ESPAÑA se publicó primero en Nartran Translations.


What web creators should know about our March 2024 core update and new spam policies

Today we announced the March 2024 core update. This is designed to improve the quality of Search by showing less content that feels like it was made to attract clicks, and more content that people find useful. We also shared that we have new spam policies to better handle the practices that can negatively impact Google's search results. In this post, we'll go into more detail for creators about both the update and the spam policies.


Diccionario de inglés jurídico: Trespass

¿Conoces el significado del término trespass? Parece sencillo, pero no lo es. En esta entrada te ayudamos a entenderlo y a traducirlo. El término trespass es uno de esos que casi todos creemos conocer y pensamos que sabemos lo que significa. Sin embargo, como muchos...

La entrada Diccionario de inglés jurídico: Trespass aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.