
The Power of Perspective

Why does the Orthodox Church celebrate the Elevation of the Holy Cross? A device meant for torture and a grizzly death is held up, venerated, and even kissed! Why? Well, because what humanity meant for evil, God transformed into Victory and Life!


The Power of Anamnesis

So, why, on the Sunday before Christmas, does the Church call us to read this lineage of Jesus? Because there's an irreplaceable power to community memory. And more so for we moderns who have sacrificed our attention span for entertainment!


The Power of Boundaries


The Power of Powerlessness

Join Michael as he discusses false power versus real power, our attraction to the former at our own expense, and how the powerlessness Christ demonstrates for us is the true power we gain when we let go of our need for control and surrender to God.


On Violence and Power

On Violence and Power.


Synaxis of the Chief Captains of the Heavenly Host and the other Bodiless Powers


Loss of Control and Powerlessness

Fr. Adrian and Chaplain Sarah discuss the effects of loss of control and powerlessness in the lives of those we are caring for, and how we might process our own sense of powerlessness even as we seek to be present with them.


Prayer, a Powerful Spiritual Intervention

Fr. Adrian and Chaplain Sarah talk about the importance of prayer in the life of an Orthodox Chaplain, and how they use prayer as a spiritual intervention in their ministries.


The Power of Loving Silence

Chaplain Sarah interviews Chaplain Elizabeth Hawkins, Pediatric Palliative Care Chaplain, on the power of loving silence and the respect of the mystery of God.


Prison Chaplaincy, a Ministry of Powerlessness - Interview with Fr. Richard Rene

Fr. Adrian Budica interviews Fr. Richard Rene on the topic of prison chaplaincy. Fr. Richard Rene is a prison chaplain in British Columbia, Canada.


The Power of Holy Listening

Chaplain Sarah Byrne-Martelli interviews St. Vladimir's Seminarian Dan Bein about his experience in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).


Where is the Power of Pentecost? (Sermon June 19, 2016)

On the great feast of Pentecost, Fr. Andrew asks why we do not see the unity and power in the Church that was seen in the time of the first Christians.


The Power of Remembering Jesus Christ (Feb. 10, 2019)

Memory is powerful. And to a significant degree, it makes us what we are, shapes how we experience life, and influences what we do and say. And the acts of remembering that we engage in further shape us. Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick discusses all this in terms of St. Paul's admonition to St. Timothy to remember the risen Jesus Christ.


The Love and Power that Flows through Christ-Centered Relationships

In this episode, Danielle and Jeanine dive into understanding Christ-centered relationships. They discuss where to find these relationships, their benefits, and why it’s helpful to maintain them with other young adults


Empowering Our Children

With school starting, the Louh's have some practical tips for encouraging and preparing our children to thrive even in an unhealthy world.


Power Made Perfect in Weakness

Fr. John notes the differences between problems and crosses to bear.


The Three Powers

Fr. John Oliver explains the Three Powers of Thinking, Desiring and Acting. He describes the impact on our lives when one or more of theses powers are sick in our lives, and shares how we can experience healing of these powers.


The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Fr. John Oliver paints a hope-filled picture of the healing power of forgiveness.


Fr. Theophan on the evangelical power of being nice

Fr. Theophan (St. Job of Pochaiv parish in Los Alamos, NM) makes a case for treating others the way we would have them treat us, giving evidence that being patient and kind is a good and healthy way to live and spread the the Gospel. Enjoy the show!


On the Priesthood. Chapter Three - On the Power and Temptations of the Priesthood

In this episode, Fr. Anthony reads the third chapter of St. John Chrysostom's On the Priesthood. The translation is by Rev. W. R. W. Stephens, M.A., (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Volume IX, edited by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D.), lightly edited to take out some of the archaicisms (Fr. Anthony's mispronunciations are a bonus!). Enjoy the show!


Episode 2: The Power of Art

Join Steve and Christian as they discuss art and its capacity to form us. They explore what art is, why it is important, and whether iconography and Van Gogh can be considered artistic on similar terms. In addition to discussing old Nintendo games, Contra, and Turtles in Time, the guys share some works of art that have formed them as humans throughout their lives.


Episode 37: Wondering About Women (An Above-Average Man's Guidebook for Female Empowerment)

In the final episode before the summer break, Steve and Christian discuss DC’s hit summer blockbuster Wonder Woman. They discuss the nature of human beings, the power of compassion, and (as always) how secularism has taken hold of our notions of the transcendent. They close with their Top 5 Heroines.


The Powerful Witness of the Great Martyr Photini

St. Photini’s encounter with the Lord was truly transformative. He did not merely give her ideas about religion. He gave her the “Living Water” of the Holy Spirit which made her a participant in eternal life by grace.


Bearing Witness to the World with Integrity by the Power of the Holy Spirit

At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as a sign of the restoration of human persons, both individually and collectively, in the divine image and likeness.


Christ's Healing Extends Beyond Self-Help or Willpower

Through the Lord’s great Self-Offering, even the most wretched person may enter into the blessedness of the Kingdom through humble faith and repentance. Even the most notorious sinner may become a glorious saint and shine brightly with eternal glory.


We Can All Bear Faithful Witness by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Let us live as those who have tasted the living water of the Holy Spirit and know that nothing can truly satisfy us—in this life or in that which is to come—other than uniting ourselves to Christ in holiness.


At Odds With the Power-That-Be!  The Sunday of the Blind Man

Our readings for this Sunday before Ascension are dramatic stories of Jesus’s healing of the blind man, and the conversion of the jailer after Paul and Silas had been wrongfully imprisoned (John 9:1-38; Acts 16:16-35). Psalm 2 and Daniel 7 help us to understand the authority (and compassion) of the Son of Man, and lead us to reflect upon our place in an increasingly hostile world, where both religious and political powers may not appreciate the glory of the Lord, or our solidarity with Him.


Power and Authority

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos explains the relationship of power and authority in the Church to Christ.


Sexual Sin, Powerlessness, and Communion

How do I deal with toxic shame that seems to close off the avenue back to God. Read the transcript HERE.


The Prayer of St. Ephraim - Lust for Power and Idle Talk

We continue our discussion of the famous Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian and his plea for God to remove from him the "lust for power" and "idle talk". As is made clear from the sayings of the Fathers cited here, these sins are so well-rooted in our normal, everyday lives that raising our self-awareness regarding how and how often we commit them is a significant Lenten undertaking.


Riches Are A Powerful Idol

Listen to reflections about the rich young man, written by Fr. Nicolaie.


The Power of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the power of the Cross. "If only avoiding the reality of the Cross were as easy as skipping services during Great Lent and Holy Week. If only avoiding the reality of being crucified with Christ were as easy as roasting a lamb.... As Orthodox Christians in the West avoid the spectre of the Cross, others rush to embrace it."


The Power of Speech

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches a homily taken from the end of the Epistle reading about the weight of our words.


Since the harrowing of hades, are the demonic powers still active?


The Inner Person in the Orthodox Tradition: The Powers of the Soul

In this second episode on the inner person, Fr. Maxym discusses the powers of the soul: nous, word and spirit. He shows how these powers were placed in us by God, reflect His image and demonstrate what a whole, balanced and healthy human being is meant to be.


Empowering Our Faith

Sermon on the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost (Galatians 2:16-20; Luke 8:41-56)


Harnessing the Power of Religion (Mt 17:14-23)

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost


God Demonstrates His Power in Healed Lives (Mk 2:1-12)

The healing of the paralytic is a wonderful gospel scene rich with meaning for us. Fr Tom reminds us that God demonstrates His power when formerly "paralyzed" lives are healed and transformed to become living testimonies to the truth of Christ.


The Power of Forgiveness

In the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Jesus illustrates the consequences of unforgiveness. Fr Thomas teaches us that it is the God of love, mercy, and compassion who commands us to forgive and warns us of the judgment to come if we do not.


Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit

On the Feast of Pentecost, Fr Thomas teaches us that our Christian life must be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God in order to be one with each other and to tell the world of the good things God has done for us.


Your Purpose and God's Power

When we hear about the miracles that Christ performed for people, it can seem distant. Fr Thomas reminds us that the grace they received is the same life-giving power that we are granted in the Eucharist: the fullness of Christ.


The Hidden Power of God in Us

On the Great Feast of Pentecost, Fr Thomas teaches us about our participation in the first Pentecost through the sacramental grace of the Holy Spirit in Chrismation.


Purpose & Power

The purpose of the Christian life is to become fishers of men, but the power to do so can only be found through Christ, in the Church. Listen as Fr. Tom calls us to build the Church like the Saints of North America!


Power and Fruit

How does the Orthodox Church understand the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit?


What To Do With Power

In his sermon on Pentecost, Fr. Gregory says we have the promise of Christ that if we pray and wait on the power of God, the Holy Spirit will descend upon us.


By the Power of the Blood

Great martyr Demetrius, that good soldier in the fight against invisible enemies, warns us in the words of St Paul that we should be vigilant, man up and don the armour of God. If his blood prevailed in Christ so shall ours.


The Empowering Cross

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn is the preacher today. The Church Fathers taught clearly that to believe fully that Christ has been crucified is also to believe in the Incarnation, the life of Christ on earth, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ into heaven.


Pester Power

Fr. Gregory Hallam gives the sermon for Sunday, February 10, 2019.


Power in Weakness and Death Destroying Life


The Great and Powerful Oz