
A New Small Business Tech Ecosystem is Emerging

Embedded Financial Services is the Future

Another group of companies to watch are those that focus on one particular vertical. They can build out capabilities unique to a particular industry and while they will not have broad data sets they can go very deep within a vertical. Shopify is a good example of this as they become the go to platform for ecommerce companies. They have functionality they call Shopify Manage which is billed as the mission control for your business, wherever you go available on desktop or mobile. They also have Shopify Capital for lending and Shopify Payments.

complete article


Logic Engineers

I don't like any of the names for people who create technology solutions for use in the real world. In no particular order:

  • Developer - Sorry, that's for photographic film (and who uses that anymore?) not software - my second least-favorite on this list.
  • Programmer - probably the one I use the most, but the mechanistic connotations: a glorified typist of code; and the implication is that someone else does the thinking, bothers many - leading to...
  • Architect - Horrible. Borrowed from physical construction, it brings in notions of rigidity of thinking and solution; my least favorite, often used by those who use 'Developer' to describe "those who do the thinking around here."
  • Coder - Probably my favorite; however implies that software is the focus instead of the problem to be solved.
  • Hacker - I don't mind this one, but it feels forced sometimes and of course carries negative connotations due to it's use in a security context; It does however, put the problem solving front-and-center and I like that;
  • Software Engineer - Part of my current title; pros: sounds professional and captures the applied science nature of the work; cons: again the implication is writing code, not general problem solving and often - though not in my case - is indicative of a very rigid, bureaucratic culture
  • Software Craftsman - En Vogue with those who see (as I do) that there is more to this work than just slinging code, I have several problems with it: software focus again, the lack of gender neutrality, and a certain pretentiousness (that might just be because some people sound that way when they talk about the movement - which I am positively disposed to, but not a part of)
  • Technologist - This one is popular with the start-up crowd; This is one of the few on this list that recognizes the holistic integrated nature of the work from the solution side; on the other hand, lacks action, professionalism and anything related to the problem (not a coincidence that the startup world likes it, because those that use it are often seeing the project as separating problem and solution too)
  • Sys Admin, DBA, network engineer, etc, etc - I.e. every other technology-related role that isn't primarily about writing software. This is my biggest concern of all as I believe this distinction (writing software and everything else) is horribly misguided, artificial and needs to go (that's another entry)

Am I just being pedantic? I'd say yes, except that I believe these terms all devolve from not seeing the holistic nature of solving problems with programmable machines and since I do see it that way, I want a term that encompasses all of it.

Thus Logic Engineer. Physicists have Mechanical Engineers to apply their ideas, why don't Logicians have Logic Engineers? Currently, we conflate this practical science with Computer Science which is also a pure science - or would be if we stopped doing that. I know that Engineer has professional accreditation connotations in many disciplines - and I'm mixed on what that would mean given the current state of technological practice today - but I believe this most closely maps to what we are doing:

Logician: figure out the rules and limits of valid reasoning.

Logic Engineer: figure out the rules and limits of applying logic to real-world problems. We are Logic Engineers.

Further, if we stopped slicing the world up into hardware and software practitioners, and started seeing that software is just liquid hardware (and vice versa); maybe we'd have something worth accrediting (though I don't think for a long while yet).

So, I'm gonna try it for a while... at least in my head.


Gum Disease (Gingivitis)

Title: Gum Disease (Gingivitis)
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 12/31/1997 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 3/18/2022 12:00:00 AM


Photoacoustic Imaging Industry Worth $105 million by 2029, with a CAGR of 5.5%

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 26, 2024 ) The global Photoacoustic Imaging Market, projecting growth from USD 80 million in 2024 to USD 105 million by 2029, with a CAGR of 5.5%. Key drivers include rising investments in imaging systems and strategic partnerships. Challenges include high system costs and...


Big Data and Data Engineering Services Market is expected to reach USD 240.60 Bn by 2030, at a CAGR of 17.6% during the forecast period.

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Sterile Medical Packaging Market worth $94.6 billion by 2028

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 05, 2024 ) The report "Sterile Medical Packaging Market by Material (Plastic, Metal, Paper & paperboard, Glass), Type (Thermoform trays, Sterile bottles & containers, Pre-fillable inhalers), Sterilization Method, Application, and Region - Global Forecast to 2028" The global...


3D Imaging Market to Hit USD 88.4 billion by 2028 with 20.8% CAGR

(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 07, 2024 ) The global 3D Imaging Market is projected to grow from USD 34.3 billion in 2023 to USD 88.4 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 20.8% during the forecast period. Various business verticals seek 3D imaging due to its capacity to enhance visualization and analysis....


***** Gilbert Roy Bagarukayo - Managing Partner - Prime Aviation ... (rank 30)

View Gilbert Roy Bagarukayo’s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, ... Prime Aviation Services Ltd; Previous:


Senior Health (Successful Aging)

Title: Senior Health (Successful Aging)
Category: Health and Living
Created: 2/19/2003 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 6/1/2022 12:00:00 AM


Arranging Chapters in the Navigator

To use a custom paragraph style for a heading, choose Tools - Chapter Numbering, select the level and choose a style in Paragraph Style box.You can also choose number 1,2,3 for each level if you need 1.1, 1.1.1 numbering for heading.


ARA January 2019 Hanging Canal Video


JFA Bajada "hanging" canal author's preprint


Prehistoric Bajada Hanging canals


Condems, Bringing 19th Century Values to 21st Century Britain.

Captioned Photo Kindly provided by Christos Palmer

I was reading "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens yesterday, a book written in 1843, and I'd like to share this excerpt from the first chapter.

Two men enter Scrooges office on Christmas eve asking for charity for the poor.

.... "at this festive season of the year Mr Scrooge," said the gentlemen, taking up a pen "it is more than usually desirable that we should make some light provision for the poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common comforts sir."

"Are there no prisons?" asked Scrooge.

"Plenty of prisons" said the gentlemen. Laying down the pen again.

"And the union work houses?" demanded Scrooge. "Are they still in operation?"

"They are still" returned the gentleman "I wish I could say they were not"

"The treadmill and the poor law are in full vigour then?" said Scrooge.

"Both very busy sir"

"Oh! I was  afraid from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their Useful course", said Scrooge "I'm very glad to hear it".

"Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body in the multitude" returned the gentlemen "  few of us are endeavouring to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat drink, and means of warmth. We choose this time, because of all others, when want is keenly felt, and abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?"

"Nothing!" Scrooge replied

"You wish to be anonymous?"

"I wish to be left alone" said Scrooge "since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen that is my answer. I don't make merry myself and I can't afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned - they cost enough; and those who are badly off must go there."

"Many can't go there; and many would rather die"

"If they would rather die" said Scrooge "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Besides - excuse me but I do not know that"

"But you might know it" observed the gentlemen.

"It is not my business" Scrooge returned "it is enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to intrude with other peoples. Mine occupies me constantly. Good afternoon gentlemen."

Seeing Clearly that it would be useless to pursue their point, the gentlemen withdrew. Scrooge resumed his labours with an improved opinion of himself, and an even more facitious temper than was usual with him...

As you can see the attitude towards the poor and destitute in Britain is becoming chillingly close to that of 19th century Britain. The current government is bringing values from that century that even the Victorians were ashamed of  and sought to bring to public attention the hypocrisy and barbarism of as early as 1843 to this century.

So before you harshly judge a benefit claimant as workshy or a scrounger remember, the welfare state was bought in to put a stop to the inhumane methods of dealing with the poor used before it's creation. The benefit claimants of today are no different to the poor and destitute of the Victorian era. Do not let the government drag us back to the 19th century with their propaganda about "benefit dependency" and "tough love".

The only thing that will end benefit dependency and help the long term unemployed and sick and disabled back to work is job creation, and a more sympathetic and helpful attitude towards them, that enables them to get work and remain employed. Labeling, hounding and cutting off benefits will not help anyone except the government in their endeavours to save money, caused by a crisis they created with their relentless pursuit of profit over humanity. 


The Gagging Law And Why We Need To Worry

You may wonder why should be so concerned about the gagging law since it barely effects the small fry like us, but we need to worry, as it will in ways we wouldn't expect. Basically small campaign groups will be at a massive disadvantage to Political Parties financially in the year before an election when it comes to expressing their views on policy and trying to win votes (the amount of money campaign groups can spend will be limited for the whole year, while MP's can spend as much as they want until 4 months before the election) .
It won't effect smaller groups like us as we don't spend much, if any money. But larger groups who would speak up for us like 38 Degrees and Trade Unions etc will not be able to spend money on events with speakers, printed material and things like that, so will be effectively be gagged. Without the help we've had so far from groups like this things would be even worse for the poor and downtrodden, as there would be no one raising awareness for us on a large scale.
Once 2015 begins it will all be down to small grass roots campaign groups to raise awareness of how many thousands of us are being treated by the sweeping changes this government has made, and no other future government has any intention of reversing judging by what they have said so far. Social media accounts that mock the government are already being shut down on twitter, in the year before the election many more will go too, along with other pages promoting the alternative media and our take on what is going on.
Combined with the new policing and antisocial behaviour bill it will make it pretty much impossible for smaller groups to have peaceful flash protests too where we raise awareness with the public of what is happening, as they will be able to arrest us just for being there. You can see now why they are preparing water cannons for the summer etc, they are going to start arresting peaceful protestors who pose no threat, which will spark anger and trigger Police brutality. The media will present what started out as peaceful protest as a riot, and we will not have got our message out.
It all goes to show that the government are scared of us and want to silence us, and that our democratic rights are slowly being eroded. Don't look back and wonder why you did nothing, join us in peacefully fighting these unjust laws.
It's understandable if you don't want to join a protest, I don't trust the metropolitan Police to be able to use a water cannon safely either, you may not realise this but they are not there simply to get you wet, they are a crowd control device. They have different settings from "get them wet" to "punt them a few meters down the road into stationary objects in bone smashing agony". They have to be used with precision and be fired from exactly the right distance away or people will get broken bones and possibly even die. If one goes off way too close the jet hitting you alone can take your skin off. The Met don't exactly have a good track record for getting this sort of shit right do they either? Look how many unarmed people they've shot and just gone "oh sorry my bad we thought he had a gun", then just got away with it, and now were giving the water cannons?!
Also please remember when the media show you protests they only show you the people who were kicking off, the photographers dive in to get a picture of the person being arrested elbowing people out of the way to get that footage. I've been at many and the vast majority of people at these events are completely peaceful and just exercising our democratic right to protest, and if we stop now we face a horrific dystopian future where huge corporations actually openly control everything and there will be nothing we can do about it.
I understand many of you have reasons to live and don't want to die trying to peacefully resist what this government is doing, just spare a thought for those of us who have lost everything and no longer care. I've always been a pacifist and will never turn to violence, but I also will never stop fighting any other way I can for our rights and for justice for all the people who have already died as a result of the changes to the welfare system. Under the new laws passive resisters like myself  will be treated as brutally as someone attacking the Police or causing damage to property though. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be as bad as this and we can raise enough awareness of what these new laws mean before it gets to the point where peaceful protestors are being hurt in large numbers. But we've already seen the videos of how brutally students were treated for daring to try and protest peacefully on their own campus, in some cases by private security guards not even the Police. There has not been enough of an outcry about that too in my opinion so it doesn't look good. 
I'll leave you with some footage of the Irish Police (who are trained to use water cannons) demonstrating water cannon use. Notice how they still manage to fuck it up and actually get the crowd wet as they drove it to close to them when demonstrating the "diffuser" setting.

Also listen to the sound this Turkish protestors body makes as he crashes to the ground, and notice how motionless he is, and believe me if you were from Turkey you would be angry and protesting too so don't judge him harshly for angrily shouting at the water cannon and provoking them.


SQL*Plus error logging – New feature release 11.1


One of the most important things that a developer does apart from just code development is, debugging. Isn’t it? Yes, debugging the code to fix the errors that are raised. But, in order to actually debug, we need to first capture them somewhere. As of now, any application has it’s own user defined error logging table(s).

Imagine, if the tool is rich enough to automatically capture the errors. It is very much possible now with the new SQL*PLus release 11.1

A lot of times developers complain that they do not have privilege to create tables and thus they cannot log the errors in a user defined error logging table. In such cases, it’s a really helpful feature, at least during the unit testing of the code.

I made a small demonstration in SCOTT schema using the default error log table SPERRORLOG, hope this step by step demo helps to understand easily :

NOTE : SQL*Plus error logging is set OFF by default. So, you need to “set errorlogging on” to use the SPERRORLOG table.

SP2 Error

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> desc sperrorlog;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(256)
 TIMESTAMP                                          TIMESTAMP(6)
 SCRIPT                                             VARCHAR2(1024)
 IDENTIFIER                                         VARCHAR2(256)
 MESSAGE                                            CLOB
 STATEMENT                                          CLOB

SQL> truncate table sperrorlog;

Table truncated.

SQL> set errorlogging on;
SQL> selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message from sperrorlog;





11-SEP-13 AM





selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.

ORA Error

SQL> truncate table sperrorlog;

Table truncated.

SQL> select * from dula;
select * from dula
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message from sperrorlog;





11-SEP-13 AM





select * from dula
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Like shown above, you can capture PLS errors too.

If you want to execute it through scripts, you can do it like this, and later spool the errors into a file. I kept these three lines in the sperrorlog_test.sql file -

truncate table sperrorlog;
selct * from dual;
select * from dula;

SQL> @D:sperrorlog_test.sql;

Table truncated.

SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.
select * from dula
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist





11-SEP-13 AM

SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "D:sperror..." - rest of line ignored.




11-SEP-13 AM
selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.




11-SEP-13 AM
select * from dula
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


Check Oracle documentation on SPERRORLOG.

In addition to above, if you want to be particularly specific about each session’s error to be spooled into a file you could do this -

SQL> set errorlogging on identifier my_session_identifier

Above mentioned IDENTIFIER keyword becomes a column in SPERRORLOG table. It would get populated with the string value “my_session_identifier”. Now you just need to do this -
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message
2 from sperrorlog
3 where identifier = 'my_session_identifier';

To spool the session specific errors into a file, just do this -

SQL> spool error.log
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message
2 from sperrorlog
3 where identifier = 'my_session_identifier';
SQL> spool off


Is Blogging Just About Getting More Traffic?

I may regret this. My mom always told me to stay out of other people's fights. But I was always too headstrong for my own good so here goes.

Over at Copyblogger Brian tells us:

" Steve used a clever little PR gimmick (that would never work for an unknown blogger today, mind you) to literally propel himself to the enviable point he is now. Nothing wrong with that, unless of course, two years later, you look down from your A-List perch and proclaim that traffic is now bad."
Frankly I'm a little weary of the term "A-List". But I have to agree with that thought. It's easy to mock the tail that wags the blog when you're at the top.

A commentor said:
"Anyone who says traffic doesn't matter, relative to having a web presence, is either disingenuous or has a ton of traffic already. In Steve's case, likely both."
P.S.: It's called HYPOCRISY! Steve Rubel has redefined the art of tagging wrapping all his posts around ever popular keyword themes. "Blog", "Technorati, "Google", "Top Ten", "Best", "Success", "Killer", "Sex", "Porn"... whatever works. Slog that Technorati gravy train Steve and keep those numbers up.

Another commentor also mentioned -- that self-absorbed group of omni poobahs forever beating their own drum. Until a couple of months ago nobody had ever heard of them. After spending a little advertising money at Technorati and a few smug posts later they have somehow transformed themselves into self-proclaimed blog experts.

Which only proves that if you toot your own horn loud and long enough you will begin to believe your own press. It also demonstrates how many gullible bloggers there are eager to jump on the blogging gold train.

Taking notes?


Guy Kawasaki: 120 day Blogging 'Expert'

I'm beginning to think that I should change the name of this blog to the daily FISKing of Guy Kawasaki.

So-called expert Guy Kawasaki (blogging 120 days and counting... and no, I'm not giving him a link unless he returns the favour) throws us more pearls about how to evangelize huckster our blogs.

It seems that one of his favorite pastimes is to email everyone that has the misfortune to come across his computer. Then again, Guy has his own unique definition of what constitutes spam:

"When I started this blog, I sent out 10,000 email announcements... for example, when a bozo includes you on a large carbon-copy email, mine the addresses."
I rather liked Dave Winer's response the best:
"Disclaim: Scripting News does not meet the high standards of 120-day blogger Guy Kawasaki."
Guy calls it "evangelizing". I call it a pain in the ass.

UPDATE: Better Bad News picks up the ball with "Who Gives a Shiitake". And the blogfather himself Dave Winer liked the post so much that he even linked to it. I'm honoured folks.
Related links: business, marketing, daily fisk, guy kawasaki, humor, dave winer


New Orleans Begins Counting Its Dead

Too Little, Too Late?

President Bush declares a state of emergency as New Orleans begins gathering up and counting the dead across a ghastly landscape awash in perhaps thousands of corpses.

As the floodwaters recede and the search for the dead begins, there are grim signs that authorities predict a "staggering death toll" from Hurricane Katrina.

"It is going to be about as ugly of a scene as I think you can imagine," the nation's homeland security chief warned. As authorities struggled to keep order, police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way to make repairs."

In New Orleans' Garden District, a woman's body lay at the corner of Jackson Avenue and Magazine Street, a business area with antique shops on the edge of blighted housing. The body had been there since at least Wednesday. As days passed, people covered the corpse with blankets or plastic.

By Sunday, a short wall of bricks had been built around the body, holding down a plastic tarpaulin. On it, someone had spray-painted a cross and the words, "Here lies Vera. God help us."


Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees

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Origin of TTM in This Land Press online

From online article in This Land Press: "TULSA TV MEMORIES: Find out the backstory of how Mike Ransom's interest in the obscure led him to start one of Tulsa's most vibrant and celebrated websites." Link in GroupBlog 320.


Gary Chew reviews "Beginners"

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KOTV engineer Neil Willits passes

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Gary Chew reviews "Margin Call"

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Origin of Mazeppa's opening theme

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Let the 7-Day Detox Begin

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LGU, 20IB, and partners launch Sagip-Tingin Project in Catubig, Northern Samar

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Personal - I Miss Blogging

This is what happen which i had been busy working at weekend and by monday i need to score some wifey points. And i had not play Battlefield 2 since last week and i need to fix & tune a friend's latop.

I was piss during tune the Laptop due to the ram is on 256MB and Windows XP need 512 to 1GB to run, exculde the applacions. WTF Windows SUX anyway. Lunix better but due to work and game you have to love and hate them.

Now all i have to wait for my new ipod buddies arrival like skin, protecter and pouch and as i said before the estore sux anyway. with poor customer service.

I help my work mate to buy a Ipod Nano 2GB after he saw me having one Ipod Video.

So are you going to buy any Ipod for christmas?


Personal - I guess i hate dump blogging

is been weeks now and i guess i had dump blogging by then and i miss blogging but due to my life had been surround by people i guess i shall keep them secret.


Blogging or not ?

Y parait que je ne blogue plus ??? C’est le robot over-blog qui me le fait savoir tous les mois par un message de rappel… oups ! Ca va revenir, mais la c’est vrai c’est les vacances et je ne suis même pas en Chine. A+ au mois d’août… peut-être.


A Magnetic Mount for a Wireless Fast Charging Dock

I like the convenience of a charger for my phone in my car or by my desk at the office. The constant plugging and unplugging a micro-usb cord is a bit harsh though, a least from a first world problem perspective. I ran across a post on the XDA-Developers forum that described modding a Wireless Charger […]

The post A Magnetic Mount for a Wireless Fast Charging Dock first appeared on robotthoughts.


Konferans – Seminer ve Diğer Sosyal Faaliyetleri Takip Edebileceğiniz Siteler

Türkiye’de hep negatif şeyler oluyor gibi göze çarpıyor ama hayat herşeye ve her türlü probleme rağmen devam ediyor ve güzel şeyler oluyor. Gözüme çarpan ve en çok hoşuma giden iki […]

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RAF Biggin Hill in 1945

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Successful Startup of Voith’s Cleaning System CleanLine Extract4D At Lightweight Packaging and Bogus Paper Manufacturer in Canada

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Blog It, is the smart solution to blog automatically and relief yourself from the headache of blogging. Read the smart features of blog-it carefully, to automate it and avoid the hard work.


Mar 20, Use RSS Blogging Ezine to Ping and Blog Blogs in the Blogging Game!

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Clickvibes Launches Mobile Apps, Bringing Nigerian Communities Closer

Exciting news for Nigerian socializers. Clickvibes, the popular online community platform, has just launched its official mobile apps for iOS and Android. This means you can now connect, engage, and share ideas with your communities anytime, anywhere. What this means for you: Stay connected on the go: Never miss a beat with instant notifications on discussions, comments, and messages. Personalized feed: Discover content []



I have just signed up at the search engine submission service . They submit to over 1 million search engines. I used this service a while ago and it resulted in more traffic for this site.


Starlight Princess Login Serta Temukan Bonus RTP Kembalian 100

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The post Starlight Princess Login Serta Temukan Bonus RTP Kembalian 100 appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.


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The Managing Director

1st place for the photobook hardcover with the large photo book comparison test of the prestigious journal of PCgo 12/09 Nuremberg, in November 2009. The photo book hardcover large convinced of printeria all along the line. The software is succeeded in printeria as well as the quality of the product. “Particularly emphasized the testers among […]


Gin is the new IPA

I wrote the following in February 2015…. I like IPA. I like GIN. I thank my grandfather for beer and brewing, and my aunties for gin and tonic. Growing up and you get a sneaky little taste of something you aren’t yet old enough to have. It is something that you always remember. Gin and Tonic was never really a drink I chose to drink once I was of legal drinking age. It was many years before it would become of interest. Actually it was something that was brought to my attention just in passing. I’m not sure who it was […]


The Reverse Engineers Tour On-Demand Update

Portland is currently in the lead for demands to have us put on a concert in their town. If you would like us to play in your town demand it here. Here is a current list of cities that have demanded the Reverse Engineers.