ek Artemis działa już rok - sprawdź efekty By cert.pl Published On :: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 09:00:00 +0200 Rok 2023 to kolejne działania CERT Polska poprawiające bezpieczeństwo polskiego internetu. Jednym z zainicjowanych w tym czasie projektów był Artemis. Dwanaście miesięcy działania dało imponujące efekty - przeskanowaliśmy ponad 50 tys. domen i adresów IP, odkrywając blisko 180 tys. podatności lub błędnych konfiguracji. Full Article News podsumowanie artemis skanowanie
ek Cyberbezpieczeństwo ponad granicami: Projekt FETTA czyli pogłębienie współpracy w zakresie rozpoznania zagrożeń cyberprzestrzeni EU By cert.pl Published On :: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 18:20:00 +0100 Jednym z kluczowych wyzwań związanych z europejskim cyberbezpieczeństwem jest zależność od danych pochodzących z krajów spoza UE. Projekt FETTA (Federated European Team for Threat Analysis, pol. Europejski Zespół Analizy Zagrożeń) ma na celu rozwiązanie tego problemu poprzez utworzenie międzynarodowego zespołu opracowującego produkty i narzędzia z zakresu Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). Full Article News FETTA
ek Kampania Balada Injector infekuje strony WordPress wykorzystując popularne wtyczki By cert.pl Published On :: Fri, 02 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0100 W ostatnich tygodniach zespół CERT Polska obserwuje wzmożoną kampanię ataków z użyciem szkodliwego oprogramowania Balada Injector, które infekuje strony oparte na WordPressie korzystając z podatności w niektórych popularnych wtyczkach. Full Article News ostrzeżenie BaladaInjector WordPress PopupBuilder
ek Rekomendacje dla wzmocnienia ochrony systemów OT By cert.pl Published On :: Fri, 17 May 2024 13:00:00 +0200 CERT Polska wydał rekomendacje w związku z obserwowaną zwiększoną liczbę ataków na przemysłowe systemy sterowania (ICS/OT) dostępne bezpośrednio z internetu. Full Article News rekomendacje ICS OT SCADA BezpiecznyPrzemysł
ek Projekt DNS4EU – współpraca na europejskim poziomie By cert.pl Published On :: Tue, 21 May 2024 12:00:00 +0100 DNS4EU to element strategii cyberbezpieczeństwa opublikowanej przez Komisję Europejską. Celem projektu jest wprowadzenie prywatnego i bezpiecznego publicznego resolvera DNS w ramach Unii Europejskiej, co przyczyni się do budowania niezależności w obszarze usług cyfrowych. Full Article News DNS4EU
ek Podatności w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox By cert.pl Published On :: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 14:00:00 +0100 W ramach badań własnych CERT Polska znalazł 2 podatności (CVE-2024-3798 oraz CVE-2024-3799) w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox. Full Article CVE podatność ostrzeżenie cve
ek 17. Simply Amazing Another 3D Mind Success Story :: NNSeek By www.nnseek.com Published On :: Simply Amazing! Another 3D Mind Success Story,simply,success,Simply Uk Gadgets , siti di Simply Uk Gadgets , informazioni su. Full Article
ek 10. [Geekcredit-users] onwards -- November 23, 2006 - 11:23 By mail.gna.org Published On :: 2006-12-01T22:48:59+00:00 Simply UK Gadgets will be back shortly. Simplyukgadgets Forums, . Be sure to read the related article, Giving. Simply UK Gadgets, Simplyukgadgets Forums. ... Full Article
ek 9. geekcredit-users By osdir.com Published On :: 2006-12-18T17:53:06+00:00 Simply UK Gadgets will be back shortly. Simplyukgadgets Forums, . Be sure to read the related article, Giving. Simply UK Gadgets, Simplyukgadgets Forums. ... Full Article
ek 23. Simply Stickley :: NNSeek By www.nnseek.com Published On :: 2007-07-21T22:01:28+01:00 Simply Uk Gadgets , siti di Simply Uk Gadgets , informazioni su . 1, linux.debian.kernel · what be crappiest? early simply red or late simply red? ... Full Article
ek Watch Out For Fake Fonts! And Other Small Business Tech News This Week By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Sun, 19 Mar 2017 14:18:02 -0500 Here are five things in technology that happened this past week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them? 1 – A new form of ransomware centers on a fake font update. complete article Full Article
ek Amazon Officially Eliminates Cashiers...And Other Small Business Tech News This Week By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Mon, 5 Feb 2018 09:00:32 -0500 Here are five things in technology that happened this past week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them? 1 — Amazon Go cashier-less convenience store opens to the public in Seattle. This week in Seattle, Amazon opened its cashier-less convenience store to the general public. At Amazon Go, customers scan their smartphone on the way in and are then tracked with cameras and other sensors as they browse. complete article Full Article
ek Americas Love Affair With Small Business Rekindled By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Sat, 12 Jan 2019 09:47:38 -0500 Bloom Brewery is the kind of Main Street business that shut its doors a generation ago when shopping malls lured customers to their mega-buildings with well-lit parking lots, extended hours and everything imaginable under one roof. The brewery, which offers 24 artisanal beers on tap, sits near the Great Allegheny Passage, a 335-mile bike trail that has connected Washington, D.C., to Pittsburgh since 2013. And with it, a new kind of customer is being drawn through its doors, seeking comfort and community instead of big-box discount deals. complete article Full Article
ek Half of Small Businesses May Close Within 2 Weeks By www.small-business-software.net Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:17:25 -0400 Fifty-four percent of U.S. small businesses have either closed or expect to close temporarily over the next 14 days, according to a new Chamber of Commerce survey. complete article Full Article
ek ***** Durban Aviation Services Ltd | Crowborough | Patricia Jane Wood - BizSeek (rank 23) By www.gigaalert.com Published On :: Sun, 22 Oct 2023 23:30:30 +0100 Patricia Jane Wood is the primary contact at Durban Aviation Services Ltd. You can contact Durban Aviation Services Ltd by phone using number 01892 610200. Durban Aviation Services Ltd ... Prime Aviation 15.78 km Saint Hill Rd, East Grinstead RH19 4NG, United Kingdom Airlines. Charter A 18.06 km 6 Copthorne Road, Felbridge, EAST GRINSTEAD, RH19 2NS Full Article
ek KORREKTUR: Christopher Vogt: Die Sicherheit der Brücken muss oberste Priorität haben By www.ltsh.de Published On :: Full Article
ek Korrektur: BSPC - Ständiger Ausschuss tagt unter neuer Leitung in Tallinn By www.ltsh.de Published On :: Full Article
ek Cornelia Schmachtenberg: Kindesmissbrauch durch entschiedenes Handeln bekämpfen! By www.ltsh.de Published On :: Full Article
ek Anette Röttger: Unser Land braucht für künftige Intelligenz eine gute Lesekultur By www.ltsh.de Published On :: Full Article
ek Schleswig-Holsteinischer Bürgerpreis 2024: Neun Projekte in den Kategorien "Alltagshelden" und "U27" nominiert! By www.ltsh.de Published On :: Full Article
ek Shells so far this week. By artlung.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:43:26 +0000 from Instagram https://instagr.am/p/DCBL0bsxxBm/ via IFTTT Full Article general IFTTT shells via-instagram
ek That was a helluva week By artlung.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 19:39:51 +0000 What a week. I can’t capture the totality of the current moment. In times like this I appreciate being able to read the thoughts of Mark Evanier. He’s a reliable attendee of San Diego Comic-Con. I remember seeing him host panels back when SDCC was held at the San Diego Civic Center at First and... Full Article general misc musings
ek A Seed for Change - Greek film maker says we can 'grow our way out of the crisis' By www.newmediaexplorer.org Published On :: 2012-11-23T15:54:11+01:00 Many thanks g to Cristina in Greece for her report on this - originally published on her justiceforgreece blog as A seed For Change a documentary project by Alex Ikonomidis and the declaration on seed freedom Alex Ikonomidis is a Greek film maker who lived, studied and worked in Lebanon. After returning to his native Greece and serving his time in the military, he took up his profession there and was happily going along, producing in the world of media and advertising when, suddenly, the economic crisis hit. Through the crisis, Ikonomidis recognized that when money becomes more and more scarce, it is important to be where food is grown. This brought him to embark on a documentary project. A Seed for Change is his soon-to-be-released feature length film documenting why agriculture must start with seed freedom. Chemical inputs are often toxic and are disruptive to human health and the environment. "Standardized" seeds, as imposed by the agro-chemical conglomerates through legislation pushed through in much of the civilized world, are destroying our heritage of biological diversity, created by nature and harnessed by farmers for producing our food over thousands of years.... Full Article
ek European Union seeks consumer input on organic agriculture By www.newmediaexplorer.org Published On :: 2013-01-18T19:36:54+01:00 The European Union on Tuesday took the debate about genetically modified crops to the public with a survey asking citizens to share their thoughts on organic farming, reports Phys.org in a recent article titled EU asks citizens to join debate on GM food Image credit: americanoverkill.com The article continues ... The bloc's 500 million consumers are invited to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on the European Commission's Agriculture and Rural Development website (ec.europa.eu/agriculture/consultations/organic/2013_en.htm). The consultation, which ends on April 10, is part of a review of European policy on organic agriculture. The survey is available in all official EU languages. English is the one linked here, but other languages are available from a drop-down menu at the top of the page. The Phys.org article, putting emphasis on the GM angle, goes on to say...... Full Article
ek Star Trek: Discovery - Season Two By www.dvdtalk.com Published On :: Wed, 04 Dec 2019 12:40:11 PST Recommended This review necessitates an unusually long premise, so bear with me. I'm a lifelong casual fan of the Star Trek franchise, from the original 1966-69 series through The Next Generation and, a bit less so, Deep Space Nine and all the feature films made up to that point. In the minority, I also regard Star Trek Voyager as the best, most daring of the "Next Generation" era shows, but didn't care for Star Trek: Enterprise, as its post 9/11-era teleplays seemed to swing the Star Trek universe hard to the right, in directions that seemed in stark opposition to the original intentions of the franchise's late creator, Gene Roddenberry. That series ended in 2005. Four years later J.J. Abrams's Star Trek feature film attempted to "reboot" the Star Trek universe, with new actors playing characters from the original 60s show. I pretty much loathed everything about it, m...Read the entire review Full Article DVD Video
ek 21 weeks By thehutchinsonfamily.blogspot.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 04:29:00 +0000 I am 21 weeks now and amazed at how fast time is progressing. I still cannot believe we are having a GIRL!!! We gave away almost all of our girl clothes and one of our cribs when we found out Luke was a boy so I am currently going through what we do have to see what we actually need. I smocked several dresses for the girls when they were little (that was when I had more time) and thankfully kept all of those. I also have some gowns/dresses that Kate, Claire and I all wore as babies so it's fun to pull them out and know that little Charlotte Emma will be wearing them soon. My sister, Sarah, and another friend have already bought her a few sleepers and outfits which was so kind. One thing I want to remember is how the Lord was extra gracious to me with my morning sickness. I always feel terrible for 6 weeks with every pregnancy and it normally lasts all day. This time I did feel sick everyday, but it was always after 2:00 in the afternoon. I was able to get our school work completed, some housework, and start dinner before it set in. This was a tremendous blessing. Kate and Claire are beside themselves with excitement about a baby sister. For as long as Claire has been able to talk, she has been asking for one. She and Charlotte Emma share the same initials and that was partly to honor Claire. They ask me everyday about who will be able to hold her first - I'm not sure how we will decide that. Baby girl is due November 19th and Luke's first birthday is October 21st. Our babies have never walked before their first birthday so we will most likely have 2 non-walkers for a few weeks. :) We are starting school on Monday, July 13th, to accommodate our newest little one (or really me.) This will allow us to complete the 1st semester of school by mid-November, when Charlotte Emma is due. It will be good to get back into our routine and I know we will all be glad in November when we will break for the remainder of the year. Full Article
ek Atos monlogues "Internet Survey number 2" for art action week project. By nancythroughthelookingglass.blogspot.com Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 16:07:00 +0000 Picture by Stewart If we're going to do any of the Atos monologues I'm going to need a lot of volunteers who can record themselves and somehow send the video, because of the amount of time we have I think we can only do a small part. Mainly because we don't have time to send larger videos which would probably have to be sent by post on a disc. There are a lot of lines in this part, and the resulting videos will hopefully be short enough to email or send over facebook. If you just upload them to the art action group I can download them from there. I've moved this post onto the blog as it's easier to share a link to it, and I can strike through the lines that are already taken. If you want to take part chose the line you want to read from the list below, record it and you can send it to me through facebook. If you don't use facebook leave a comment and we'll find another way for you to send me the video. And if the line you wanted has a line through it sorry someone has already taken that one. Here is the full Atos Monologues 2 script: http://www.scribd.com/doc/105841602/The-Atos-Monologues2 The part we are doing is on page 13 We can't see Post traumatic stress disorder and we've never heard of a hippocampus. You do not meet my limited definition of being disabled You drive an Audi. How would you afford it? It would be too difficult for a disabled person to get in. You can text a friend You can tweet You watch TV and soaps and can sit comfortably for half an hour. I saw you stand up! 'You're too young' You can pick up a £1 coin "You seem alright to me" "You're smiling" You look butch. Can't be anything wrong with you. You could fill in the form. You brushed your hair this morning and you’re wearing a nice coat You answered questions that was asked You traveled by bus You don’t soil yourself every day. You could fill in the form You’re still breathing You can spell your name backwards You're not a dribbling, disheveled lunatic howling at the moon and threatening to axe people to death You hold eye contact You don’t look disabled enough to me You brushed your teeth this morning. You’re faking it. You can’t have Post traumatic stress disorder because "you've never been in a war zone" You’re at university. You have a girl friend. You don’t look autistic You can talk I cannot see anything wrong with you You moved your leg. You can lift an empty box up to waist height. You’re so pretty. PAUSE You can’t be disabled because of Tory ideology Full Article
ek Art Action Week Slideshow By nancythroughthelookingglass.blogspot.com Published On :: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 16:22:00 +0000 Full Article
ek Tek'it Audio - Winkl 1.2.1 By www.dontcrack.com Published On :: Sat, 29 Apr 2017 07:03:34 +0100 Freeware for PC : Plug-ins & effects / Distortion unit Full Article
ek Tek'it Audio - 8kut 2.2 By www.dontcrack.com Published On :: Sat, 01 Jul 2017 06:18:54 +0100 Freeware for Mac : Plug-ins & effects / 8 bands frequencies cutter Full Article
ek Vijesti :: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 10:59:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Potpisan sporazum o suradnji između Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku i Hrvatske komore denPostano: 12.11.2024. 11:59 (GMT 1) Dana 11. studenog 2024., točno u 11 sati i 11 minuta, u Svečanoj dvorani Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku potpisan je sporazum o suradnji između Akademije i Hrvatske komore dentalne medicine. Sporazum su uime institucija potpisali dekanica Akademije, akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić, i dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo, predsjednik Komore. Sporazum označava početak suradnje između jedinstvene umjetničko-znanstvene institucije u zemlji i strukovne organizacije koja predstavlja dentalnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je sporazuma objediniti znanje i resurse kako bi se postigli viši standardi u razumijevanju i unaprjeđenju zajedničkih područja djelovanja koji se protežu kroz edukaciju, zdravstvo, kulturu i interdisciplinarne projekte koji se razvijaju na specijalističkom studiju Kreativnih terapija pri Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku. „Ovim partnerstvom želimo otvoriti nove mogućnosti suradnje u području obrazovanja i profesionalnog razvoja te omogućiti razmjenu iskustava između umjetničko-znanstvene zajednice i medicinske struke“, istaknula je akademkinja Helena Sablić Tomić. „Akademija i Komora mogu se zajedničkim naporima baviti istraživanjem novih pristupa u edukaciji kao i poticanjem šireg društvenog dijaloga o važnosti holističkog pristupa zdravlju.“ Predsjednik Komore dr. sc. Hrvoje Pezo naglasio je da sporazum predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za razvoj novih standarda u edukaciji o zdravstvenoj kulturi i prevenciji. „Spoj umjetničkog i znanstvenog pristupa, uz medicinsku ekspertizu, omogućuje nam da dublje sagledamo utjecaj koji zdravlje ima na svakodnevni život, ali i na kulturu i društvenu dinamiku. Vjerujemo da će se kroz ovu suradnju razvijati inovativni pristupi obrazovanju i informiranju javnosti,“ izjavio je dr. Pezo. Tekst i foto: Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku Full Article
ek Vijesti :: Reprezentativci iz redova Nogometnog kluba Osijek ponovno u akciji By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:15:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Reprezentativci iz redova Nogometnog kluba Osijek ponovno u akcijiPostano: 13.11.2024. 10:15 (GMT 1) Reprezentativci iz redova Nogometnog kluba Osijek opet su u akciji. U A selekciju Bosne i Hercegovine ponovno je pozvan Nail Omerović koji je nedavno debitirao protiv Mađarske u Ligi nacija. Sada je ostao u konkurenciji za predstojeće dvoboje u istome natjecanju, protiv Njemačke (16. studenoga) u Freiburgu i Nizozemske tri dana kasnije u Zenici. Sergej Barbarez ga također vidi na poziciji desnog bočnog, na kojoj najčešće igra i u redovima Bijelo-plavih. Arnel Jakupović ostao je i nadalje na širem popisu reprezentativaca Austrije za utakmice protiv Kazahstana i Slovenije. „Na oku“ je, dakle, izborniku Ralfu Rangnicku koji prati njegove igre za NK Osijek, što mu je zasigurno motiv više da se kod nas pokaže u najboljem izdanju. Mlada reprezentacija u play-offu s Gruzijcima Ovaj puta imamo trojicu igrača koji su dobili pozive za U-21 selekciju Hrvatske. To su Nikola Čavlina, Marko Soldo i Ivan Cvijanović, za koje možemo reći da su standardni u ovoj selekciji, dok su na pretpozivu ostali Domagoj Bukvić i Šimun Mikolčić. Izabranike Ivice Olića očekuju dva izlučna susreta play-offa na kraju kvalifikacija za Europsko prvenstvo i to protiv Gruzije. Prvo će se igrati 15. studenoga u Tbilisiju, a 19.11. uzvrat je na riječkoj Rujevici. Niko Farkaš i Filip Živković iznova su uvršteni u reprezentaciju U-19 koja svoje kvalifikacije za plasman na kontinentalnu smotru nastavlja turnirom u Karlovcu. Od 13. do 19. studenoga Hrvatska će redom igrati protiv Armenije, Bjelorusije i Srbije. Imamo i dvojicu U-18 reprezentativaca. To su Fran Peček i Ivan Barić, također naši juniori koji putuju u Rijeku na prijateljski turnir gdje će naša nacionalna vrsta za protivnike imati vršnjake iz Portugala, Republike Irske i Japana. I za kraj, Matej Grahovac i Dražen Jaman uvršteni su u selekciju U-17 za dvije kontrolne utakmice s Ukrajinom, također u Rijeci. Tekst: NK Osijek Foto: Igor Miličić/Arhiv Full Article
ek Događaji - najave i recenzije :: 16. Noć kazališta u Osijeku i Belom Manastiru By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:00:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: 16. Noć kazališta u Osijeku i Belom ManastiruPostano: 13.11.2024. 13:00 (GMT 1) 16. Noć kazališta održat će se u subotu, 16. studenog 2024. Noć kazališta već šesnaestu godinu zaredom slavi snagu izvedbenih umjetnosti i bogatstvo scene. Od svog početka 2008. godine do danas izrasla je u višednevni kulturni događaj koji se odvija diljem zemlje stvarajući jedinstvenu priliku za kazališne užitke nekoliko dana prije i nakon središnjeg događanja. Ova manifestacija naglašava važnost kazališta, kako profesionalnog tako i amaterskog, te okuplja raznolike izvedbene forme. Potiče kreativne susrete, razmjenu ideja i poziva publiku da se poveže s umjetnicima. Kazališta postaju mjesta susreta, otvorena za sve i pružaju priliku za neponovljivo iskustvo koje obogaćuje svakog sudionika. [Program] Osijek HNK u Osijeku 19:00 sati – Fabijan Šovagović – “Sokol ga nije volio” – drama, režija Filip Šovagović. Ulaznice u slobodnoj prodaji Beli Manastir Gradsko kazalište Beli Manastir Petak, 15. studenog 2024. 16:00 – 20:00 sati – Dvorana za produkcije – Umjetnička škola – “Audicija za snimanje filma”. Ulaz besplatan 17:00 – 20:00 sati – Velika galerija CZK – Izložba “Živa povijest kroz umjetnost” autorice Mihaele Vojtek. Ulaz besplatan Subota, 16. studenog 2024. 18:00 – 21:00 sat – Velika galerija CZK – Izložba „Živa povijest kroz umjetnost“ autorice Mihaele Vojtek. Ulaz besplatan 20:00 sati – Velika dvorana CZK – premijera – “Inspektor Ja” – komedija, Umjetnička organizacija „Do zvijezda“. Ulaznica 4 € 21:00 sat – Velika dvorana – “Ja, debela?”, komedija Full Article
ek Vijesti :: Grb grada Malog Lošinja dvojici pripadnika Jedinice specijalne i interventne policije Osijek By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:00:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Grb grada Malog Lošinja dvojici pripadnika Jedinice specijalne i interventne policije OsijekPostano: 13.11.2024. 16:00 (GMT 1) Povodom Dana Grada Malog Lošinja dodijeljen je Grb Grada i dvojici pripadnika Jedinice specijalne i interventne policije Osijek, za izuzetnu hrabrost, stručnost i profesionalnost u realizaciji složene akcije izmještanja mine iz lošinjskog akvatorija 14. ožujka ove godine. Robert Dorinka i Tomislav Slabinac su ronioci Jedinice specijalne i interventne policije Osijek, koji su sudjelovali u izmještanju mine zaostale iz 2. svjetskog rata, koja se nalazila u lošinjskom akvatoriju. Da se radilo o opasnom podvigu, potvrđuje činjenica da je zbog bombe teške oko 1000 kilograma, uoči početka akcije zbog mjera sigurnosti u potpunosti evakuirano stanovništvo iz takozvane crvene zone, odnosno područja uvale Čikat. Osim toga je tijekom akcije bila na snazi privremena zabrana cestovnog, pomorskog i zračnog prometa. Tekst i foto: PU osječko-baranjska Full Article
ek Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje] By www.osijek031.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 20:00:00 GMT Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1) Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu. [Nagradno darivanje] Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici. CINESTAR OSIJEK Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om. BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067, Cinestarcinemas.hr Moja CineStar srijeda Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni! Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni! Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom. Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda. Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici. Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi: - blagdanima i praznicima - za pretpremijene projekcije - za Gold Class projekcije - za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti) - za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u - za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni. Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na: info@cinestarcinemas.eu Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala Osijek031.com i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031 Full Article
ek Nieuwe tegenslag voor degradant Aston Villa: nu al uit de beker geknikkerd By voetbal.blog.nl Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 05:39:25 +0000 Ik denk dat we voorzichtig kunnen stellen dat 2016 niet het jaar is van Aston Villa... De club in de ...... Lees verder: Nieuwe tegenslag voor degradant Aston Villa: nu al uit de beker geknikkerd Full Article Buitenland aston villa beker competitie degradant engeland luton verlies
ek Support je vereniging met een nieuw spandoek By voetbal.blog.nl Published On :: Tue, 16 Aug 2016 10:16:31 +0000 Je hebt de perfecte supporterslook aan en kent alle clubliederen uit je hoofd, maar toch ontbreekt het nog aan iets. ...... Lees verder: Support je vereniging met een nieuw spandoek Full Article .Algemeen
ek Trekz Titanium maakt fietsen met muziek veilig By wielrennen.blog.nl Published On :: Fri, 21 Jul 2017 08:31:56 +0000 Veilig muziek luisteren op de fiets Het is een goedbewaard geheim dat wij ook met ons kaakbeen geluiden opvangen. De Aftershokz ...... Lees verder: Trekz Titanium maakt fietsen met muziek veilig Full Article Algemeen
ek Half Nekkid... HNT By titsntoast.blogspot.com Published On :: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 07:03:00 +0000 It has been way too long since I've participated in any of the HNT fun. I decided to jump back into it ass first and go Half Nekkid... the bottom half that is! I realize that my blog is better known for my tits than my other assets, butt I thought that a change might be nice...Sorry for the pun, I just had to do it... hee hee.Happy HNT!Click the button to learn more about Half-Nekkid Thursday. ............. Full Article HNT Naked
ek 7 Volt elektrische handschoenen van Gerbing By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: vri, 03 okt 2014 19:43:10 GMT 7V VERWARMDE HANDSCHOENEN Of je nu gaat skiën, paardrijden, hond uitlaten, fietsen of wat dan ook, het is nooit leuk als je het koud hebt. De handen zullen het eerste koud worden. Hiervoor hebben wij verschillende 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen ontwikkeld waardoor je met plezier de dingen doet die je leuk vindt. Ook mensen met een minder goede doorbloeding zullen merken dat onze verwarmde handschoenen een uitkomst zijn. Alle Gerbing 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen en andere kledingstukken uit het 7 volt assortiment worden standaard geleverd met 2 oplaadbare batterijen. Dat wil zeggen dat in tegenstelling tot onze 12 volt elektrisch verwarmde handschoenen, die standaard aangesloten worden op een motorvoertuigaccu, de 7 volt handschoenen alleen maar autonoom gedragen kunnen worden. Net als onze 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn de 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen voorzien van het gepatenteerde micro wire (staaldraad). Dit draad is heel sterk en erg flexibel. Voor alle doeleinden heeft Gerbing handschoenen: S-7 verwarmde textiel handschoenen zijn te gebruiken voor o.a.skiën en fietsen vanwege de extra verstevigingen aan de binnenkant van de hand. De lederen O-7 verwarmde handschoenen en de H-7 verwarmde handschoenen zijn weer te gebruiken voor diverse outdoor activiteiten. Zo is de H-7 handschoenen speciaal gemaakt voor paardrijden en jagen. Maar vanwege zijn sjieke uiterlijk kan men ook leeker verwarmt rijden in een cabrio. De M-7 verwarmde wanten maken de collectie compleet. Deze textiele wanten zijn verkrijgbaar in drie maten en zijn voor heel veel activiteiten geschikt. Al deze 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij kitje (B7V-2500 KIT). Deze batterijen worden ook voor de 7 volt verwarmde jassen, 7 volt verwarmde sokken en alle overige 7 volt producten. De batterijen zijn eenvoudig te bedienen en zorgen voor uren plezier met warme handen. Full Article
ek Elektrsich verwarmd binnenvest 12 Volt Gerbing By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: vri, 03 okt 2014 19:48:25 GMT 7 VOLT VERWARMDE JAS De meeste mensen zullen in eerste instantie denken dat de verwarmde handschoenen en verwarmde sokken de beste producten zijn! Het is echter zo dat op het moment dat handen en voeten koud worden dat veroorzaakt wordt door een koude romp. Op het moment dat de vitale organen te koud worden zal er extra warmte uit de handen en de voeten gehaald worden met als consequentie dat de handen en voeten als eerste koud worden. Daarom worden er ook veel meer 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen en 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen verkocht. Maar eigenlijk zijn onze verwarmde jassen functioneler. Nadat Gerbing een 12 volt verwarmde jas op de markt heeft gebracht voor de motorrijder zijn wij uiteraard ook begonnen met een verwarmde jas te ontwikkelen voor mensen die last hebben van kou bij willekeurige outdoor activiteiten. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een 7 volt verwarmde jas met afritsbare mouwen. Deze kan dus ook als bodywarmer gedragen worden. Deze jas heeft vier elementen. Twee elementen op de borst, één op rug en één in de kraag. Deze jassen worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij kitje (B7V-2500 KIT) bestaande uit twee 7 volt batterijen met een ingebouwde temperatuurregelaar en één dubbele lader. Dit zijn dezelfde batterijen die gebruikt worden voor al onze 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen, 7 volt verwarmde sokken en alle overige 7 volt producten. De batterijen zijn eenvoudig te bedienen. Ze zijn voorzien van een powerknop en daarmee worden de batterijen aangezet en men kan tevens met deze knop de temperatuur instellen en de batterijen uitzetten. De verwarmde jas is verkrijgbaar in de maten XXS tot en met XXXL en zijn voor zowel mannen als vrouwen. De kleur is zwart. Deze 7 volt verwarmde jas draag je over één laag kleding en onder de gewone jas. Full Article
ek Gerbing elektrsich verwamde 7 Volt sokken. By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: vri, 03 okt 2014 19:49:37 GMT 7V SOKKEN Gerbing staat bekend om zijn verwarmde handschoenen. Zowel de 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen als de 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn algemeen bekend. Sinds kort hebben we echter ook 7 volt verwarmde sokken. Nadat we eerder al de 12 volt verwarmde sokken hebben geïntroduceerd is het nu de beurt aan de 7 volt sokken. De 12 volt sokken moeten aangesloten worden op een accu van een voertuig met behulp van een accukabel. Hierdoor konden mensen die ook bij andere activiteiten last hadden van koude voeten geen gebruik maken van deze geweldige uitvinding. Dankzij de kleine en krachtige 7 volt batterijen met ingebouwde temperatuurregelaar (B7V-2500) is het nu ook mogelijk om bij alle activiteiten er warmpjes bij te lopen. Men kan zelf de gewenste temperatuur instellen door middel van het indrukken van één knop. Dit is de power knop warmee de batterijen ook aangezet kunnen worden. De batterijen gaan op de hoogste temperatuur ongeveer twee tot drie uur mee en op de laagste stand ongeveer zes tot acht uur. Het gepatenteerde micro wire (staaldraad) dat verwerkt is in de sokken is niet voelbaar en verwarmt de hele onderkant van de voeten. De 7 volt verwarmde sokken worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij KIT (B7V-2500 KIT), deze bestaat uit twee batterijen en één dubbele lader. De batterijen kunnen honderden keren opgeladen worden. De batterijen worden aangesloten op de sokken en door middel van een speciaal ontworpen kuitbandje kun je de batterijen mooi wegwerken. Dankzij deze sokken zullen veel mensen weer kunnen genieten van diverse activiteiten in de buitenlucht. De tijd van koude voeten en bevroren tenen zijn voorbij dankzij de 7 volt verwarmde sokken van Gerbing. Full Article
ek Alles in ''t Dumphoekje: TWEE EURO per stuk !!! By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: zat, 04 okt 2014 23:11:48 GMT **** WWW.GOEDKOPEPLUGGEN.NL **** Gevonden in een hoekje van ons magazijn, restanten, op-de-kop-getikte-partij.... ALLES IN HET DUMPHOEKJE: 2 EURO !!!! OP = OP Full Article
ek silstar 3084-950cm lengte 8 delig carbon insteekhengel compe By www.hengelspullen.nl Published On :: zat, 24 jan 2015 13:56:52 GMT competition carbon insteekhengel silstar 950 cm lengte 8 delig nieuwstaatin bijbehorende originele hengelhoes 100% geen haarscheurtjes e.dverkeerd werkelijk nog in nieuwstaat helemaal compleet met doppen en ogendit is een zeer dure carbon hengelvissport hengelsport zeevissen karpervissen wit vis vereniging Full Article
ek Fantasy Football Week in Review (3/20 - 3/26) By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 14:30:23 EST Mark Morales-Smith lists all of Fantasy Football news from the past week. No spin, just the facts! Full Article Fantasy Football
ek Week 1: AL East Closer Report (Premium) By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 16:38:28 EST Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League East. Full Article Fantasy Baseball
ek Week 1: AL Central Closer Report (Premium) By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 16:39:35 EST Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League Central. Full Article Fantasy Baseball
ek Week 1: AL West Closer Report (Premium) By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:45:38 EST Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League West's bullpen as we get ready for opening day! Full Article Fantasy Baseball
ek Week 1: Fantasy Baseball Central By www.fulltimefantasy.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:47:13 EST A hub for all of Week 1's Fantasy Baseball articles and videos by your FullTime Fantasy Sports Experts! Full Article Fantasy Baseball
ek This Week's Idiot Award By dailyfisk.blogspot.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:35:00 -0800 I'm a Neo-Nothing: Last Friday, fallen neo-conservative blogger (and wannabe journalist) Ben Domenech (who was fired for plagiarism just hours after being recruited by the Washington Post) said: "To my friends: thank you for your support. To my enemies: I take enormous solace in the fact that you spent this week bashing me, instead of America." What an ego. That embarrassing episode has left a stain on the entire blogosphere and only proves what the Fisk has been saying all along. So I'll raise Domenech's ante by saying that I take enormous pride in being a neo-nothing, 'cause to be neo-anything is to be a (not so neo) IDIOT. (Pun most definitely intended).Related links: politics, humor, blogging, fun, satire, ben domenechPoof, went right over his head. I'm baaaaaaaaaack! Full Article