do Grey Matter Volume Differences Associated with Extremely Low Levels of Cannabis Use in Adolescence By Published On :: 2019-03-06 Catherine OrrMar 6, 2019; 39:1817-1827BehavioralSystemsCognitive Full Article
do Social Laughter Triggers Endogenous Opioid Release in Humans By Published On :: 2017-06-21 Sandra ManninenJun 21, 2017; 37:6125-6131BehavioralSystemsCognitive Full Article
do What Visual Information Is Processed in the Human Dorsal Stream? By Published On :: 2012-06-13 Martin N. HebartJun 13, 2012; 32:8107-8109Journal Club Full Article
do Interactions of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms in Human Visual Cortex By Published On :: 2011-01-12 Stephanie McMainsJan 12, 2011; 31:587-597BehavioralSystemsCognitive Full Article
do Endothelial Adora2a Activation Promotes Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown and Cognitive Impairment in Mice with Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance By Published On :: 2019-05-22 Masaki YamamotoMay 22, 2019; 39:4179-4192Neurobiology of Disease Full Article
do Increased Neural Activity in Mesostriatal Regions after Prefrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and L-DOPA Administration By Published On :: 2019-07-03 Benjamin MeyerJul 3, 2019; 39:5326-5335Systems/Circuits Full Article
do A framework for mesencephalic dopamine systems based on predictive Hebbian learning By Published On :: 1996-03-01 PR MontagueMar 1, 1996; 16:1936-1947Articles Full Article
do The highly irregular firing of cortical cells is inconsistent with temporal integration of random EPSPs By Published On :: 1993-01-01 WR SoftkyJan 1, 1993; 13:334-350Articles Full Article
do Rassegna trimestrale BRI dicembre 2017: Un paradossale inasprimento ci riporta all'enigma del mercato obbligazionario By Published On :: 2017-12-03T17:00:00Z Italian translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, December 2017 Full Article
do Le Comité de Bâle finalise sa revue du traitement réglementaire des expositions aux actifs souverains sans modifier les règles existantes et publie un document de discussion By Published On :: 2017-12-07T16:00:00Z French translation of the press release about the Basel Committee publishing a discussion paper on "The regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures" (7 December 2017) Full Article
do Face aux cryptomonnaies, les autorités doivent être prêtes à agir - Agustín Carstens By Published On :: 2018-02-06T09:00:00Z French translation of Press Release about BIS General Manager Agustín Carstens giving a speech on "Money in the digital age: what role for central banks?" (6 February 2018) Full Article
do Informe Trimestral del BPI, marzo de 2018: La volatilidad vuelve a cobrar protagonismo tras un episodio de inestabilidad en los mercados bursátiles By Published On :: 2018-03-11T17:00:00Z Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018 Full Article
do Nuevos miembros del Comité de Pagos e Infraestructuras del Mercado By Published On :: 2018-03-19T09:00:00Z Spanish version of Press release about new members joining the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (19 March 2018) Full Article
do Preguntas frecuentes sobre requerimientos de capital por riesgo de mercado By Published On :: 2018-03-28T13:34:00Z Spanish translation of "Frequently asked questions on market risk capital requirements" by the Basel Committee, March 2018. Full Article
do La confianza es el eslabón perdido en las criptomonedas actuales, según el BPI By Published On :: 2018-06-17T16:00:00Z Spanish translation of the Press Release on the pre-release of two special chapters of the Annual Economic Report of the BIS, 17 June 2018. Trust is the missing link in today's cryptocurrencies - Cryptocurrencies' model of generating trust limits their potential to replace conventional money, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) writes in its Annual Economic Report (AER), a new title launched this year. Full Article
do Aprovechar el momento para lograr un crecimiento sostenido By Published On :: 2018-06-24T10:30:00Z Spanish translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2018, 24 June 2018. Las autoridades pueden prolongar el actual repunte económico más allá del corto plazo aplicando reformas estructurales, reconstruyendo el espacio de las políticas monetaria y fiscal para afrontar futuras amenazas y fomentando una pronta implementación de las reformas reguladoras, sostiene el Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BPI) en su Informe Económico Anual. ... Full Article
do Las divergencias se amplían en los mercados: Informe Trimestral del BPI By Published On :: 2018-09-23T16:00:00Z Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, September 2018 Full Article
do Requisitos de divulgación para el Tercer Pilar - Macro actualizado By Published On :: 2018-12-11T10:43:00Z Spanish translation of "Pillar 3 disclosure requirements - updated framework", December 2018 Full Article
do El Informe Trimestral del BPI analiza la caída y posterior rebote de los mercados By Published On :: 2019-03-05T17:00:00Z Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2019 Full Article
do Pablo Hernández de Cos, nombrado Presidente del Comité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea By Published On :: 2019-03-07T12:55:00Z Spanish version of Press release about Pablo Hernández de Cos appointed as Chairman of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 7 March 2019. Pablo Hernández de Cos, nombrado Presidente del Comité de Supervisión Bancaria de Basilea. Full Article
do Ha llegado la hora de poner en marcha todos los motores By Published On :: 2019-06-30T10:30:00Z Spanish translation of the speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, on the occasion of the Bank's Annual General Meeting, Basel, 30 June 2019. Full Article
do Ha llegado la hora de poner en marcha todos los motores, afirma el BPI en su Informe Económico Anual By Published On :: 2019-06-30T10:30:00Z Spanish translation of the BIS press release on the presentation of the Annual Economic Report 2019, 30 June 2019. Full Article
do Aprendizajes derivados de veinticinco años de autonomía del Banco de México By Published On :: 2019-11-22T14:45:00Z Discurso del Dr. Agustín Carstens, Director General del Banco de Pagos Internacionales, en la Celebración del 25 Aniversario de la Autonomía del Banco de México, Ciudad de México, 22 de noviembre de 2019. Full Article
do want to do good know how to shoot a semiautomatic handgun v By Published On :: Full Article
do Seeking 'Engineers in the Making': Academy sets engineering challenges children can do at home By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:37:27 +01:00 Full Article
do Donations Dropped 11% at Nation's Biggest Charities Last Year By Published On :: Full Article
do Crisis management framework: what remains to be done? By Published On :: 2019-09-17T08:07:00Z Welcoming remarks by Mr Fernando Restoy, Chairman, Financial Stability Institute, Bank for International Settlements, at the FSI-IADI conference on crisis management, resolution and deposit insurance: what's next and how to prepare, Basel, 4 September 2019. Full Article
do A tale of two financial cycles: domestic and global By Published On :: 2019-11-19T17:15:00Z Lecture by Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, at the University of Zürich, Zürich, 19 November 2019. Full Article
do Bold steps to pump coronavirus rescue funds down the last mile By Published On :: 2020-03-30T21:55:00Z Op-ed by Agustín Carstens published in the Financial Times on 29 March 2020. Full Article
do [~20.8 MB mp3] The 'Worm' That Could Bring Down The Internet By Published On :: Story: As many as 12 million computers worldwide have been infected with a highly encrypted computer worm called Conficker. Writer Mark Bowden details how Conficker was discovered, how it works, and the ongoing programming battle to bring down Conficker in his book Worm: The First Digital World War. Full Article
do Cross Recruitment of Domain-Selective Cortical Representations Enables Flexible Semantic Knowledge By Published On :: 2020-04-08T09:30:18-07:00 Knowledge about objects encompasses not only their prototypical features but also complex, atypical, semantic knowledge (e.g., "Pizza was invented in Naples"). This fMRI study of male and female human participants combines univariate and multivariate analyses to consider the cortical representation of this more complex semantic knowledge. Using the categories of food, people, and places, this study investigates whether access to spatially related geographic semantic knowledge (1) involves the same domain-selective neural representations involved in access to prototypical taste knowledge about food; and (2) elicits activation of neural representations classically linked to places when this geographic knowledge is accessed about food and people. In three experiments using word stimuli, domain-relevant and atypical conceptual access for the categories food, people, and places were assessed. Results uncover two principles of semantic representation: food-selective representations in the left insula continue to be recruited when prototypical taste knowledge is task-irrelevant and under conditions of high cognitive demand; access to geographic knowledge for food and people categories involves the additional recruitment of classically place-selective parahippocampal gyrus, retrosplenial complex, and transverse occipital sulcus. These findings underscore the importance of object category in the representation of a broad range of knowledge, while showing how the cross recruitment of specialized representations may endow the considerable flexibility of our complex semantic knowledge. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We know not only stereotypical things about objects (an apple is round, graspable, edible) but can also flexibly combine typical and atypical features to form complex concepts (the metaphorical role an apple plays in Judeo-Christian belief). In this fMRI study, we observe that, when atypical geographic knowledge is accessed about food dishes, domain-selective sensorimotor-related cortical representations continue to be recruited, but that regions classically associated with place perception are additionally engaged. This interplay between categorically driven representations, linked to the object being accessed, and the flexible recruitment of semantic stores linked to the content being accessed, provides a potential mechanism for the broad representational repertoire of our semantic system. Full Article
do Ultra-high-resolution fMRI of Human Ventral Temporal Cortex Reveals Differential Representation of Categories and Domains By Published On :: 2020-04-08T09:30:18-07:00 Human ventral temporal cortex (VTC) is critical for visual recognition. It is thought that this ability is supported by large-scale patterns of activity across VTC that contain information about visual categories. However, it is unknown how category representations in VTC are organized at the submillimeter scale and across cortical depths. To fill this gap in knowledge, we measured BOLD responses in medial and lateral VTC to images spanning 10 categories from five domains (written characters, bodies, faces, places, and objects) at an ultra-high spatial resolution of 0.8 mm using 7 Tesla fMRI in both male and female participants. Representations in lateral VTC were organized most strongly at the general level of domains (e.g., places), whereas medial VTC was also organized at the level of specific categories (e.g., corridors and houses within the domain of places). In both lateral and medial VTC, domain-level and category-level structure decreased with cortical depth, and downsampling our data to standard resolution (2.4 mm) did not reverse differences in representations between lateral and medial VTC. The functional diversity of representations across VTC partitions may allow downstream regions to read out information in a flexible manner according to task demands. These results bridge an important gap between electrophysiological recordings in single neurons at the micron scale in nonhuman primates and standard-resolution fMRI in humans by elucidating distributed responses at the submillimeter scale with ultra-high-resolution fMRI in humans. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Visual recognition is a fundamental ability supported by human ventral temporal cortex (VTC). However, the nature of fine-scale, submillimeter distributed representations in VTC is unknown. Using ultra-high-resolution fMRI of human VTC, we found differential distributed visual representations across lateral and medial VTC. Domain representations (e.g., faces, bodies, places, characters) were most salient in lateral VTC, whereas category representations (e.g., corridors/houses within the domain of places) were equally salient in medial VTC. These results bridge an important gap between electrophysiological recordings in single neurons at a micron scale and fMRI measurements at a millimeter scale. Full Article
do Noncoding Microdeletion in Mouse Hgf Disrupts Neural Crest Migration into the Stria Vascularis, Reduces the Endocochlear Potential, and Suggests the Neuropathology for Human Nonsyndromic Deafness DFNB39 By Published On :: 2020-04-08T09:30:18-07:00 Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a multifunctional protein that signals through the MET receptor. HGF stimulates cell proliferation, cell dispersion, neuronal survival, and wound healing. In the inner ear, levels of HGF must be fine-tuned for normal hearing. In mice, a deficiency of HGF expression limited to the auditory system, or an overexpression of HGF, causes neurosensory deafness. In humans, noncoding variants in HGF are associated with nonsyndromic deafness DFNB39. However, the mechanism by which these noncoding variants causes deafness was unknown. Here, we reveal the cause of this deafness using a mouse model engineered with a noncoding intronic 10 bp deletion (del10) in Hgf. Male and female mice homozygous for del10 exhibit moderate-to-profound hearing loss at 4 weeks of age as measured by tone burst auditory brainstem responses. The wild type (WT) 80 mV endocochlear potential was significantly reduced in homozygous del10 mice compared with WT littermates. In normal cochlea, endocochlear potentials are dependent on ion homeostasis mediated by the stria vascularis (SV). Previous studies showed that developmental incorporation of neural crest cells into the SV depends on signaling from HGF/MET. We show by immunohistochemistry that, in del10 homozygotes, neural crest cells fail to infiltrate the developing SV intermediate layer. Phenotyping and RNAseq analyses reveal no other significant abnormalities in other tissues. We conclude that, in the inner ear, the noncoding del10 mutation in Hgf leads to developmental defects of the SV and consequently dysfunctional ion homeostasis and a reduction in the EP, recapitulating human DFNB39 nonsyndromic deafness. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Hereditary deafness is a common, clinically and genetically heterogeneous neurosensory disorder. Previously, we reported that human deafness DFNB39 is associated with noncoding variants in the 3'UTR of a short isoform of HGF encoding hepatocyte growth factor. For normal hearing, HGF levels must be fine-tuned as an excess or deficiency of HGF cause deafness in mouse. Using a Hgf mutant mouse with a small 10 bp deletion recapitulating a human DFNB39 noncoding variant, we demonstrate that neural crest cells fail to migrate into the stria vascularis intermediate layer, resulting in a significantly reduced endocochlear potential, the driving force for sound transduction by inner ear hair cells. HGF-associated deafness is a neurocristopathy but, unlike many other neurocristopathies, it is not syndromic. Full Article
do Interneuron NMDA Receptor Ablation Induces Hippocampus-Prefrontal Cortex Functional Hypoconnectivity after Adolescence in a Mouse Model of Schizophrenia By Published On :: 2020-04-15T09:30:18-07:00 Although the etiology of schizophrenia is still unknown, it is accepted to be a neurodevelopmental disorder that results from the interaction of genetic vulnerabilities and environmental insults. Although schizophrenia's pathophysiology is still unclear, postmortem studies point toward a dysfunction of cortical interneurons as a central element. It has been suggested that alterations in parvalbumin-positive interneurons in schizophrenia are the consequence of a deficient signaling through NMDARs. Animal studies demonstrated that early postnatal ablation of the NMDAR in corticolimbic interneurons induces neurobiochemical, physiological, behavioral, and epidemiological phenotypes related to schizophrenia. Notably, the behavioral abnormalities emerge only after animals complete their maturation during adolescence and are absent if the NMDAR is deleted during adulthood. This suggests that interneuron dysfunction must interact with development to impact on behavior. Here, we assess in vivo how an early NMDAR ablation in corticolimbic interneurons impacts on mPFC and ventral hippocampus functional connectivity before and after adolescence. In juvenile male mice, NMDAR ablation results in several pathophysiological traits, including increased cortical activity and decreased entrainment to local gamma and distal hippocampal theta rhythms. In addition, adult male KO mice showed reduced ventral hippocampus-mPFC-evoked potentials and an augmented low-frequency stimulation LTD of the pathway, suggesting that there is a functional disconnection between both structures in adult KO mice. Our results demonstrate that early genetic abnormalities in interneurons can interact with postnatal development during adolescence, triggering pathophysiological mechanisms related to schizophrenia that exceed those caused by NMDAR interneuron hypofunction alone. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT NMDAR hypofunction in cortical interneurons has been linked to schizophrenia pathophysiology. How a dysfunction of GABAergic cortical interneurons interacts with maturation during adolescence has not been clarified yet. Here, we demonstrate in vivo that early postnatal ablation of the NMDAR in corticolimbic interneurons results in an overactive but desynchronized PFC before adolescence. Final postnatal maturation during this stage outspreads the impact of the genetic manipulation toward a functional disconnection of the ventral hippocampal-prefrontal pathway, probably as a consequence of an exacerbated propensity toward hippocampal-evoked depotentiation plasticity. Our results demonstrate a complex interaction between genetic and developmental factors affecting cortical interneurons and PFC function. Full Article
do Adaptive Resetting of Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine (TIDA) Network Activity during Lactation in Mice By Published On :: 2020-04-15T09:30:18-07:00 Giving birth triggers a wide repertoire of physiological and behavioral changes in the mother to enable her to feed and care for her offspring. These changes require coordination and are often orchestrated from the CNS, through as of yet poorly understood mechanisms. A neuronal population with a central role in puerperal changes is the tuberoinfundibular dopamine (TIDA) neurons that control release of the pituitary hormone, prolactin, which triggers key maternal adaptations, including lactation and maternal care. Here, we used Ca2+ imaging on mice from both sexes and whole-cell recordings on female mouse TIDA neurons in vitro to examine whether they adapt their cellular and network activity according to reproductive state. In the high-prolactin state of lactation, TIDA neurons shift to faster membrane potential oscillations, a reconfiguration that reverses upon weaning. During the estrous cycle, however, which includes a brief, but pronounced, prolactin peak, oscillation frequency remains stable. An increase in the hyperpolarization-activated mixed cation current, Ih, possibly through unmasking as dopamine release drops during nursing, may partially explain the reconfiguration of TIDA rhythms. These findings identify a reversible plasticity in hypothalamic network activity that can serve to adapt the dam for motherhood. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Motherhood requires profound behavioral and physiological adaptations to enable caring for offspring, but the underlying CNS changes are poorly understood. Here, we show that, during lactation, neuroendocrine dopamine neurons, the "TIDA" cells that control prolactin secretion, reorganize their trademark oscillations to discharge in faster frequencies. Unlike previous studies, which typically have focused on structural and transcriptional changes during pregnancy and lactation, we demonstrate a functional switch in activity and one that, distinct from previously described puerperal modifications, reverses fully on weaning. We further provide evidence that a specific conductance (Ih) contributes to the altered network rhythm. These findings identify a new facet of maternal brain plasticity at the level of membrane properties and consequent ensemble activity. Full Article
do Rapid Release of Ca2+ from Endoplasmic Reticulum Mediated by Na+/Ca2+ Exchange By Published On :: 2020-04-15T09:30:18-07:00 Phototransduction in Drosophila is mediated by phospholipase C (PLC) and Ca2+-permeable TRP channels, but the function of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ stores in this important model for Ca2+ signaling remains obscure. We therefore expressed a low affinity Ca2+ indicator (ER-GCaMP6-150) in the ER, and measured its fluorescence both in dissociated ommatidia and in vivo from intact flies of both sexes. Blue excitation light induced a rapid (tau ~0.8 s), PLC-dependent decrease in fluorescence, representing depletion of ER Ca2+ stores, followed by a slower decay, typically reaching ~50% of initial dark-adapted levels, with significant depletion occurring under natural levels of illumination. The ER stores refilled in the dark within 100–200 s. Both rapid and slow store depletion were largely unaffected in InsP3 receptor mutants, but were much reduced in trp mutants. Strikingly, rapid (but not slow) depletion of ER stores was blocked by removing external Na+ and in mutants of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, CalX, which we immuno-localized to ER membranes in addition to its established localization in the plasma membrane. Conversely, overexpression of calx greatly enhanced rapid depletion. These results indicate that rapid store depletion is mediated by Na+/Ca2+ exchange across the ER membrane induced by Na+ influx via the light-sensitive channels. Although too slow to be involved in channel activation, this Na+/Ca2+ exchange-dependent release explains the decades-old observation of a light-induced rise in cytosolic Ca2+ in photoreceptors exposed to Ca2+-free solutions. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Phototransduction in Drosophila is mediated by phospholipase C, which activates TRP cation channels by an unknown mechanism. Despite much speculation, it is unknown whether endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ stores play any role. We therefore engineered flies expressing a genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator in the photoreceptor ER. Although NCX Na+/Ca2+ exchangers are classically believed to operate only at the plasma membrane, we demonstrate a rapid light-induced depletion of ER Ca2+ stores mediated by Na+/Ca2+ exchange across the ER membrane. This NCX-dependent release was too slow to be involved in channel activation, but explains the decades-old observation of a light-induced rise in cytosolic Ca2+ in photoreceptors bathed in Ca2+-free solutions. Full Article
do Striatal Nurr1 Facilitates the Dyskinetic State and Exacerbates Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease By Published On :: 2020-04-29T09:30:19-07:00 The transcription factor Nurr1 has been identified to be ectopically induced in the striatum of rodents expressing l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). In the present study, we sought to characterize Nurr1 as a causative factor in LID expression. We used rAAV2/5 to overexpress Nurr1 or GFP in the parkinsonian striatum of LID-resistant Lewis or LID-prone Fischer-344 (F344) male rats. In a second cohort, rats received the Nurr1 agonist amodiaquine (AQ) together with l-DOPA or ropinirole. All rats received a chronic DA agonist and were evaluated for LID severity. Finally, we performed single-unit recordings and dendritic spine analyses on striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) in drug-naïve rAAV-injected male parkinsonian rats. rAAV-GFP injected LID-resistant hemi-parkinsonian Lewis rats displayed mild LID and no induction of striatal Nurr1 despite receiving a high dose of l-DOPA. However, Lewis rats overexpressing Nurr1 developed severe LID. Nurr1 agonism with AQ exacerbated LID in F344 rats. We additionally determined that in l-DOPA-naïve rats striatal rAAV-Nurr1 overexpression (1) increased cortically-evoked firing in a subpopulation of identified striatonigral MSNs, and (2) altered spine density and thin-spine morphology on striatal MSNs; both phenomena mimicking changes seen in dyskinetic rats. Finally, we provide postmortem evidence of Nurr1 expression in striatal neurons of l-DOPA-treated PD patients. Our data demonstrate that ectopic induction of striatal Nurr1 is capable of inducing LID behavior and associated neuropathology, even in resistant subjects. These data support a direct role of Nurr1 in aberrant neuronal plasticity and LID induction, providing a potential novel target for therapeutic development. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The transcription factor Nurr1 is ectopically induced in striatal neurons of rats exhibiting levodopa-induced dyskinesia [LID; a side-effect to dopamine replacement strategies in Parkinson's disease (PD)]. Here we asked whether Nurr1 is causing LID. Indeed, rAAV-mediated expression of Nurr1 in striatal neurons was sufficient to overcome LID-resistance, and Nurr1 agonism exacerbated LID severity in dyskinetic rats. Moreover, we found that expression of Nurr1 in l-DOPA naïve hemi-parkinsonian rats resulted in the formation of morphologic and electrophysiological signatures of maladaptive neuronal plasticity; a phenomenon associated with LID. Finally, we determined that ectopic Nurr1 expression can be found in the putamen of l-DOPA-treated PD patients. These data suggest that striatal Nurr1 is an important mediator of the formation of LID. Full Article
do Carbon Monoxide, a Retrograde Messenger Generated in Postsynaptic Mushroom Body Neurons, Evokes Noncanonical Dopamine Release By Published On :: 2020-04-29T09:30:19-07:00 Dopaminergic neurons innervate extensive areas of the brain and release dopamine (DA) onto a wide range of target neurons. However, DA release is also precisely regulated. In Drosophila melanogaster brain explant preparations, DA is released specifically onto α3/α'3 compartments of mushroom body (MB) neurons that have been coincidentally activated by cholinergic and glutamatergic inputs. The mechanism for this precise release has been unclear. Here we found that coincidentally activated MB neurons generate carbon monoxide (CO), which functions as a retrograde signal evoking local DA release from presynaptic terminals. CO production depends on activity of heme oxygenase in postsynaptic MB neurons, and CO-evoked DA release requires Ca2+ efflux through ryanodine receptors in DA terminals. CO is only produced in MB areas receiving coincident activation, and removal of CO using scavengers blocks DA release. We propose that DA neurons use two distinct modes of transmission to produce global and local DA signaling. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dopamine (DA) is needed for various higher brain functions, including memory formation. However, DA neurons form extensive synaptic connections, while memory formation requires highly specific and localized DA release. Here we identify a mechanism through which DA release from presynaptic terminals is controlled by postsynaptic activity. Postsynaptic neurons activated by cholinergic and glutamatergic inputs generate carbon monoxide, which acts as a retrograde messenger inducing presynaptic DA release. Released DA is required for memory-associated plasticity. Our work identifies a novel mechanism that restricts DA release to the specific postsynaptic sites that require DA during memory formation. Full Article
do Cognitive Effort Modulates Connectivity between Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Task-Relevant Cortical Areas By Published On :: 2020-05-06T09:30:22-07:00 Investment of cognitive effort is required in everyday life and has received ample attention in recent neurocognitive frameworks. The neural mechanism of effort investment is thought to be structured hierarchically, with dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) at the highest level, recruiting task-specific upstream areas. In the current fMRI study, we tested whether dACC is generally active when effort demand is high across tasks with different stimuli, and whether connectivity between dACC and task-specific areas is increased depending on the task requirements and effort level at hand. For that purpose, a perceptual detection task was administered that required male and female human participants to detect either a face or a house in a noisy image. Effort demand was manipulated by adding little (low effort) or much (high effort) noise to the images. Results showed a network of dACC, anterior insula (AI), and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) to be more active when effort demand was high, independent of the performed task (face or house detection). Importantly, effort demand modulated functional connectivity between dACC and face-responsive or house-responsive perceptual areas, depending on the task at hand. This shows that dACC, AI, and IPS constitute a general effort-responsive network and suggests that the neural implementation of cognitive effort involves dACC-initiated sensitization of task-relevant areas. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Although cognitive effort is generally perceived as aversive, its investment is inevitable when navigating an increasingly complex society. In this study, we demonstrate how the human brain tailors the implementation of effort to the requirements of the task at hand. We show increased effort-related activity in a network of brain areas consisting of dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), anterior insula, and intraparietal sulcus, independent of task specifics. Crucially, we also show that effort-induced functional connectivity between dACC and task-relevant areas tracks specific task demands. These results demonstrate how brain regions specialized to solve a task may be energized by dACC when effort demand is high. Full Article
do Nestin Selectively Facilitates the Phosphorylation of the Lissencephaly-Linked Protein Doublecortin (DCX) by cdk5/p35 to Regulate Growth Cone Morphology and Sema3a Sensitivity in Developing Neurons By Published On :: 2020-05-06T09:30:22-07:00 Nestin, an intermediate filament protein widely used as a marker of neural progenitors, was recently found to be expressed transiently in developing cortical neurons in culture and in developing mouse cortex. In young cortical cultures, nestin regulates axonal growth cone morphology. In addition, nestin, which is known to bind the neuronal cdk5/p35 kinase, affects responses to axon guidance cues upstream of cdk5, specifically, to Sema3a. Changes in growth cone morphology require rearrangements of cytoskeletal networks, and changes in microtubules and actin filaments are well studied. In contrast, the roles of intermediate filament proteins in this process are poorly understood, even in cultured neurons. Here, we investigate the molecular mechanism by which nestin affects growth cone morphology and Sema3a sensitivity. We find that nestin selectively facilitates the phosphorylation of the lissencephaly-linked protein doublecortin (DCX) by cdk5/p35, but the phosphorylation of other cdk5 substrates is not affected by nestin. We uncover that this substrate selectivity is based on the ability of nestin to interact with DCX, but not with other cdk5 substrates. Nestin thus creates a selective scaffold for DCX with activated cdk5/p35. Last, we use cortical cultures derived from Dcx KO mice to show that the effects of nestin on growth cone morphology and on Sema3a sensitivity are DCX-dependent, thus suggesting a functional role for the DCX-nestin complex in neurons. We propose that nestin changes growth cone behavior by regulating the intracellular kinase signaling environment in developing neurons. The sex of animal subjects is unknown. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Nestin, an intermediate filament protein highly expressed in neural progenitors, was recently identified in developing neurons where it regulates growth cone morphology and responsiveness to the guidance cue Sema3a. Changes in growth cone morphology require rearrangements of cytoskeletal networks, but the roles of intermediate filaments in this process are poorly understood. We now report that nestin selectively facilitates phosphorylation of the lissencephaly-linked doublecortin (DCX) by cdk5/p35, but the phosphorylation of other cdk5 substrates is not affected. This substrate selectivity is based on preferential scaffolding of DCX, cdk5, and p35 by nestin. Additionally, we demonstrate a functional role for the DCX-nestin complex in neurons. We propose that nestin changes growth cone behavior by regulating intracellular kinase signaling in developing neurons. Full Article
do Help families in the Philippines rebuild their lives – Donate Now!!! By Published On :: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:00:00 GMT FAO is working to help typhoon-affected farmers to ensure the next harvests in 2014 – You can help as well. Philippine farmers need urgent assistance to avoid a double tragedy befalling rural survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. The typhoon hit just as farmers were beginning a new planting season, and FAO estimates that over one million farmers have been affected and hundreds of [...] Full Article
do Download the free “Quinoa in the kitchen” book and try out new recipes! By Published On :: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT Once known as “the gold of the Incas,” quinoa has been one of the world’s neglected crops but is currently becoming more and more popular. For centuries, quinoa remained a hidden treasure grown almost exclusively by indigenous communities in the Andean heights. Lately, quinoa has been growing in popularity with foodies and health-conscious consumers around the world. It was even [...] Full Article
do How much do you know about Farmer Field Schools By Published On :: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 00:00:00 GMT Farmer field schools (FFS) are essentially schools without walls that introduce new technological innovations while building on indigenous knowledge. In FFS, farmers are the experts. Key features and principles of the FFS approach – TRUE or FALSE? The FFS approach allows farmers to learn through testing changes in a controlled, group-based environment TRUE: Discovery-based learning is an essential part of the FFS as [...] Full Article