
In search of Mary Shelley / Fiona Sampson

Hayden Library - PR5398.S26 2018


The witch who courted death / Maria Lewis

Hayden Library - PR9619.4.L49 W58 2018


Mary Shelley and the rights of the child: political philosophy in Frankenstein / Eileen Hunt Botting

Dewey Library - PR5397.F73 B676 2018


The Oxford handbook of Andrew Marvell / edited by Martin Dzelzainis and Edward Holberton

Online Resource


Frankenstein: how a monster became an icon, the science and enduring allure of Mary Shelley's creation / edited by Sidney Perkowitz and Eddy Von Mueller

Dewey Library - PR5397.F73 F72 2018


A very very very dark matter / Martin McDonagh

Dewey Library - PR6063.C377 V47 2018


Fire and snow: climate fiction from the Inklings to Game of Thrones / Marc DiPaolo

Hayden Library - PR830.F3 D45 2018


Frankenstein 200: the birth, life, and resurrection of Mary Shelley's monster / Rebecca Baumann ; photographs by Jody Mitchell

Dewey Library - PR5397.F73 B384 2018


Sex markets [electronic resource] : a denied industry / Marina Della Giusta, Maria Laura Di Tommaso and Steinar Strøm

London ; New York : Routledge, 2008


Housing Estates in the Baltic Countries [electronic resource] : The Legacy of Central Planning in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania / edited by Daniel Baldwin Hess, Tiit Tammaru


Leaders and Leadership in Serbian Primary Schools [electronic resource]: Perspectives Across Two Worlds

Rakovi, Jelena


Mature-Age Male Students in Higher Education [electronic resource] : Experiences, Motivations and Aspirations / by Madeleine Mattarozzi Laming, Aileen Morris, Pamela Martin-Lynch

Laming, Madeleine Mattarozzi, author


Mediated Time [electronic resource] : Perspectives on Time in a Digital Age / edited by Maren Hartmann, Elizabeth Prommer, Karin Deckner, Stephan O. Görland


The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health [electronic resource] / edited by John A. Barry, Roger Kingerlee, Martin Seager, Luke Sullivan


The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family [electronic resource] / edited by Marie Hutton, Dominique Moran


Police and the Policed [electronic resource]: Language and Power Relations on the Margins of the Global South

Watson, Danielle


Political Ecology of Agriculture [electronic resource] : Agroecology and Post-Development / by Omar Felipe Giraldo

Giraldo, Omar Felipe, author


Prisons, State and Violence [electronic resource] / edited by Maria João Guia, Sílvia Gomes


The Promotion of Education [electronic resource] : A Critical Cultural Social Marketing Approach / by Valerie Harwood, Nyssa Murray

Harwood, Valerie, author


Research Methodology in Marketing [electronic resource] : Theory Development, Empirical Approaches and Philosophy of Science Considerations / by Martin Eisend, Alfred Kuss

Eisend, Martin, author


Social-ecological Systems of Latin America: Complexities and Challenges [electronic resource] / edited by Luisa E. Delgado, Víctor H. Marín


Using visual data in qualitative research [electronic resource] / Marcus Banks

Banks, Marcus


Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean [electronic resource] / edited by Silvia Salas, María José Barragán-Paladines, Ratana Chuenpagdee


Visual methods in social research [electronic resource] / Marcus banks

Banks, Marcus


Global Icons : Margaret Mead [electronic resource]


Calling time [electronic resource] : religion and change at the turn of the millennium / edited by Martyn Percy


Debating Durkheim [electronic resource] / edited by W.S.F. Pickering and H. Martins


L'évaluation du travail à l'épreuve du réel [electronic resource] : critique des fondements de l'évaluation : une conférence-débat organisée par le groupe Sciences en questions, Paris, INRA, 20 mars 2003

Dejours, Christophe, author


L'évaluation du travail à l'épreuve du réel [electronic resource] : critique des fondements de l'évaluation : une conférence-débat organisée par le groupe Sciences en questions, Paris, INRA, 20 Mars 2003

Dejours, Christophe, author


Gender, Masculinity and Video Gaming [electronic resource] : Analysing Reddit's r/gaming Community / by Marcus Maloney, Steven Roberts, Timothy Graham

Maloney, Marcus. author


Political sociology of India [electronic resource] / edited by Anand Kumar


Socialkonstruktivistiske analysestrategier [electronic resource] / Anders Esmark, Carsten Bagge Laustsen og Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (red.)


Soziologische Theorien kompakt [electronic resource] / von Martin Endreß

Endress, Martin, author


We can't talk about that at work! [electronic resource] : how to talk about race, religion, politics, and other polarizing topics / Mary-Frances Winters

Winters, Mary-Frances, author


Variable protein expression in marine-derived filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum in response to varying copper concentrations and salinity

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00316A, Paper
Nikita Lotlikar, Samir Damare, Ram Murti Meena, Saranya Jayachandran
Copper is one of the essential trace dietary minerals for all living organisms, but is potentially toxic at higher concentrations, mainly due to the redox reactions in its transition state.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Characterization of the Fe metalloproteome of a ubiquitous marine heterotroph, Pseudoalteromonas (BB2-AT2): multiple bacterioferritin copies enable significant Fe storage

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00034E, Paper
Open Access
Michael G. Mazzotta, Matthew R. McIlvin, Mak A. Saito
Despite the extreme scarcity of Fe in seawater, the marine heterotroph Pseudoalteromonas has expansive Fe storage capacity and utilization strategies.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


IMC initiates cleanliness drive: at temporary market sites

IMC initiates cleanliness drive: at temporary market sites


Land law / Eileen Webb, Margaret Anne Stephenson

Webb, Eileen, author


Manyjilyjarra - English pictorial dictionary of landscape terms / [prepared for Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa by Clair Hill and Andrew Turk with assistance from Martu language speakers: Gladys Bidu; Jakayu Biljabu; Nancy Chapman; Mulyatingki Marney; Minyawu Miller


Genbaku no zu = The Hiroshima panels / joint work of Iri Maruki and Toshi Maruki

Maruki, Iri, 1901-1995, author


Hetaria : Axis powers 2 / Himaruya Hidekazu

Himaruya, Hidekazu


Hetaria : Axis powers / Himaruya Hidekazu

Himaruya, Hidekazu


Nihon riberarizumu no keifu : Fukuzawa Yukichi, Hasegawa Nyozekan, Maruyama Masao / Tanaka Hiroshi cho

Tanaka, Hiroshi, 1926-


Maruyama Masao o yominaosu / Tanaka Kyūbun

Tanaka, Kyūbun, 1952-


Europe, U.S. mark 75 years since end of Second World War

Leaders urge the world to unite in fight against virus


Key Pence aide, married to top Trump adviser, diagnosed with coronavirus

The diagnosis of Katie Miller, who is married to White House immigration adviser Stephen Miller, was revealed by Mr. Trump in a meeting with Republican lawmakers.


UK-based Triumph Motorcycles eyes 15% market share in Indian superbike category

The company, which entered Indian market last year with 10 models, expanded its product range to 12 models with the launch of Thunderbird LT.


Sri Lanka, Africa emerging as largest export markers for Hero MotoCorp: MD Pawan Munjal

“Sri Lanka has been a very big market for us. In recent times, we have seen some large volumes out of that market,” Munjal told ET on Monday.


Honda posts 5 per cent rise in sales in Feb; gains 1.4 per cent market share

This takes HMSI's year-to-date sales (domestic and exports) growth at 13 per cent, while for the industry this is only 5 per cent, HMSI said in a statement.


Inconceivable effects: ethics through Twentieth-Century German literature, thought, and film / Martin Blumenthal-Barby

Hayden Library - PT405.B5384 2013