
Cultivating leadership in schools : connecting people, purpose, and practice / Gordon A. Donaldson, Jr. ; foreword by Michael G. Fullan.

New York : Teachers College Press, ©2001


The compassionate educator : understanding social issues and the ethics of care in Canadian schools / edited by Allyson Jule.

Toronto ; Vancouver : Canadian Scholars, 2019.


E-learning [electronic resource] : nuovi strumenti per insegnare, apprendere, comunicare online / Silvia Selvaggi, Gennaro Sicignano, Enrico Vollono

Milano : Springer, [2007]


Cross national policies and practices on computers in education [electronic resource] / edited by Tjeerd Plomp and Ronald E. Anderson and Georgia Kontogiannopoulou-Polydorides

Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, [1996]


[ASAP] Interactions of TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoparticles with Ingredients from Modern Lifestyle Products and Their Effects on Human Skin Cells

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00428


[ASAP] <italic toggle="yes">In Vitro</italic> Toxicity and Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Derived from Electronic Cigarette Humectants Using a Newly Developed Exposure System

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00490


[ASAP] Interindividual Differences in DNA Adduct Formation and Detoxification of 1,3-Butadiene-Derived Epoxide in Human HapMap Cell Lines

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00517


[ASAP] Therapeutic Potential of Carnosine and Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Human Diseases

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00010


[ASAP] Update to Our Reader, Reviewer, and Author Communities—April 2020

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00151


[ASAP] Enhanced Dark-Field Hyperspectral Imaging and Spectral Angle Mapping for Nanomaterial Detection in Consumer Care Products and in Skin Following Dermal Exposure

Chemical Research in Toxicology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00090


CUDA by example : An introduction to general-purpose GPU programming / Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot.

Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, [2011]


Inventing the mathematician : gender, race, and our cultural understanding of mathematics / Sara N. Hottinger.

Albany : State University of New York Press, [2016]


Lluvia fina / Luis Landero.

Barcelona : Tusquets Editores, 2019.


The idea of the Gothic cathedral : interdisciplinary perspectives on the meanings of the medieval edifice in the modern period / edited by Stephanie A. Glaser.

Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2018]


Garth Brooks Attacked on Twitter for ‘Sanders’ Jersey


Dark Energy Camera Under Construction

Dark Energy Camera Under Construction


E3 2012: Darksiders II

Play as Death in this unique action/adventure installment of the Darksiders series.


E3 2012: The Amazing Spider-Man

Swing through Manhattan as Spider-Man with refined controls and new camera angles in The Amazing Spider-Man.


Skylanders: Inside The Magical Tiki Development Room

Game|Life gets an up-close look at the making of Skylanders Giants during a tour of Toys For Bob, the Novato, California-based developer, and its Hawaiian-themed offices.


Insectophiliac Builds 12-Foot-High Spider-Bot

In the rugged backwoods of Vermont, inventor Jaimie Mantzel is constructing a monstrous spiderlike walking bot and shaping every piece by hand.


August 2013 Issue: Bill Hader Cheats! (and so can you!)

Sneaky tricks! Workarounds! Creative rule-bending! The August 2013 issue of WIRED has BILL HADER and tons of info to outwit the chumps and get what YOU want. PLUS: Inside Neill Blomkamp's incredible new movie Elysium, an eye melting visual guide to Comic-Con Cosplay, and the low down on how to load a massive container ship.


Train Tracks to Sound Tracks - Giorgio Moroder - Station to Station

How can you translate the memory of a train ride into a song? Giorgio Moroder intends to do just that.


Design FX - Ender's Game: Creating a Zero-G Battle Room Effects Exclusive

A signature sequence in Gavin Hood’s newest film Ender’s Game is the zero-G battle room, a place where the titular character played by Asa Butterfield trains in space. Hoping to create a sense of weightlessness, the filmmakers shot actors in a mix of harnesses and on wires against a greenscreen set.


Angry Nerd - Hasbro, Your "Magic: The Gathering" Movie Is Murdering My Childhood

First Transformers, then G.I. Joe, now Magic: The Gathering? When will Hasbro learn that a successful game or toy does not equal a successful movie franchise?


Design FX - The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Transforming Jamie Foxx into the Villainous Electro

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Jamie Foxx stars as Electro, the glowing antagonist to Andrew Garfield’s Spidey. In this video, learn how Sony Pictures Imageworks used a combination of makeup and CGI to turn the Academy Award winner into a blue, electrically-charged villain--with inspiration from lightning, neurological networks, and nebulas.


Teen Technorati - Meet Catherine Ray—A 2014 Thiel Fellow and Mathematics Wunderkind

Seventeen-year-old Catherine Ray just received a $100,000 Thiel Fellowship. Armed with a B.S. in computational physics, the mathematics whiz is planning to fix everything that’s wrong with wheelchairs. Get to know the teen technorati.


RetroGrade - Before Snapchat People Took Videos on This JVC Camcorder

The color is striking, but beauty is more than skin-deep with the JVC GR-C7U camcorder. You can record picture and sound in one unit and watch your masterpiece immediately on instant-playback. Watch out, John Hughes—there’s a new era of filmmakers on the horizon.


Teen Technorati - Genius Teens Unite at the Thiel Foundation's Under 20 Summit

It's time for the bi-annual Under 20 Summit, where past, present, and future Thiel Fellows connect with one another and meet with mentors. In this Season 2 finale, the winners of this year's Thiel Fellowship reflect on their progress thus far, and share their goals for the future.


How to Make a Giant Creature - What's Under the Hood of an Otherworldly Giant Creature?

How do you make a 2,000-pound creature move with fluidity and ease? Find out, as we break down the animatronics and mechanics that control the mobility of the giant beast, including nostril flares, mouth movements, and more.


Teen Technorati - Teenage Wunderkinds Explain How They Got Into Cancer Research, Astrophysics & Product Design

What inspires a 17-year-old to go into cancer research or a 19-year-old to develop an obsession with astrophysics? Find out, as the 2014 Thiel Fellows explain how they first discovered their passions and why they've decided to turn them into careers.


Battle Damage - Apple iPad vs. Cinder Block

Sure, it's got a sleek design and a user-friendly operating system, but just how durable is the Apple iPad? We put the touchscreen gadget through three challenges to find out how much it can really take.


Angry Nerd - 10 Most Underrated Movies of 2014

T.V. may be in a golden era, but that’s no excuse for you to skip out on the best movies of the year. Angry Nerd names the 10 most underrated movies of 2014, including “Only Lovers Left Alive,” “Snowpiercer,” “The Raid 2,” and “Edge of Tomorrow.”


The New Cinderella is Giving Angry Nerd Déjà Vu

“Cinderella" has had 13 movie adaptations since 2000. Angry Nerd is getting sick of the déjà vu. Why tarnish yet another animated classic by turning it into a live action film?


Split Screen - Silicon Valley's Gender Gap

Peter and Kelli Rubin love TV, movies, and games but don’t always see eye to eye—and the return of Mike Judge's HBO satire is no exception.


Out of Office with Brent Rose - Fun With Powdered Alcohol: You Can Stop Being Scared Now

People are freaking out about powdered alcohol, but I wasn’t convinced they understood the science behind it. So I tested their concerns. Will it get you crazy drunk? Will people snort it? Watch & see! -Brent


Darth Vader Chokes Comic Con

Few could resist the asphyxiating grip of the Dark Side when Dupree Jones, who cosplays as Darth Vader, tried out the Sith lord's famous Force choke on the rebel scum of San Diego Comic Con 2015.


Behind the Mask: Darth Vader at Comic Con

You saw him choke Comic Con goers at this year's SDCC. Get to know cosplayer Dupree Jones as he shows us what it takes to transform into Darth Vader.


This Wasp Mind-Controls Spiders While Eating Them Alive

Scientists don't know exactly how the larva of the Reclinervellus nielseni wasp mind-controls spiders into building a special web to protect it but they do know that they eat their hosts and steal their webs.


Absurd Creatures | This Salamander Could Teach Humans How to Regrow Limbs

The axolotl is not only weirdly cute for an amphibian but it can also regenerate its own limbs. Scientists are studying how the salamanders regrow legs and how humans might someday do the same.


Darth Vader Force-Chokes Star Wars Fans in Line for The Force Awakens

Outside the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood unsuspecting fans find out what it’s like to get force-choked by Darth Vader.


Gerard Butler Answers Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About Gerard Butler

No, he’s not Irish. Yes, he’s still alive. And no, he’s not engaged. “London Has Fallen” star Gerard Butler answers questions to the most common searches about him on the Internet.


Tesla's Summon Feature Is Like Knight Rider. Kinda

Summon is fundamental to Tesla's goal of making driverless cars—and it won't stay a party trick forever.


Some Fish Swim. Weirder Fish Hop. This Fish ​Waddles

This cave fish climbs waterfalls—that’s right, it actually walks. It moves one fin in front of the other like an awkward lizard. And that movement could teach us a lot about how our fishy ancestors learned to walk.


Meet the Itsy-Bitsy Spider With a Bear Trap for a Mouth

Trap-jaw spiders may be tiny but their unusual jaws pack a serious and lightning fast punch. Researchers using high-speed cameras recently discovered how speedy and lethal the spiders' bite can be.


Learning the Art of Sound Effects Is Weirder Than You Might Think

WIRED senior editor Peter Rubin learns the Foley ropes at Lucasfilm's new state-of-the-art sound lab.


How a Deaf-Run Pizzeria Takes Your Order Over the Phone

Mozzeria is a 100 percent deaf owned and operated pizzeria in a crowded San Francisco restaurant scene. So to stay afloat, it relies on a remarkable technology.


Absurd Creatures | The Bizarre Sea Spider Won’t Bite. We Promise.

The sea spider isn’t actually a spider, but it’s genitals are on its legs. Which is nice.


Apple IIe vs Modern iMac Throwdown

In this episode, watch as we tear down Apple’s //e and 27” iMac. We pull them apart, compare them, and give interesting tech, cultural details and statistics.


More People are Catching Pokemon than Dates on Tinder

In just one week Pokemon Go has almost the same number of daily active users as Twitter. So what's got millions of people running around with their phones trying to catch fantastical creatures? Well, it's pretty clever.


Flight Mode | The Fancy Tech That's Making It Harder for Airlines to Lose Your Luggage

Lost luggage is down by 65% thanks to some new tech. Follow the roller coaster ride that your bags make into the bowels of the airport.