atc Watching the Corners: On Future-Proofing Your Passion By Published On :: Tue, 18 May 2010 00:59:56 +0000 On May 16, 2010, at 10:02 AM, "Xx" wrote: You mentioned you gave a talk at Rutgers about future proofing your passion. Is this available as a podcast? I'd love to listen! This poor kid emailed me to ask a really simple question. And I went and saddled him with the world's most circuitously long-winded answer. Surprise, surprise. Hey, Xx, Thanks for the note, man. No I'm sorry its not up as audio AFAIK. FWIW, it's a talk I'm asked to do more often lately so I wouldn't be surprised if it turns up sooner or later. Since you were kind enough to ask, the talk—which comes out super different each time I do it— consists of a discursive mishmash of advice I wish I'd had the ears to hear in the year or five after graduating from college: primarily, that we never end up anywhere near where we'd expected, and that most of us would have been a lot happier a lot faster if we'd realized that we were often obsessing over the wrong things—starting with how much the world should care about our major. ("Liberal Arts," with a concentration in [ugh] "Cultural Studies," thanks.) The talk started as a way to encourage students to learn enough about what they care about that any temporary derails and side roads wouldn't scare their horses too badly. But, today, I see it as something a lot bigger that's demonstrably useful to anyone who hopes to survive, evolve, and thrive in this insane world. A handful of bits I'm (obviously) still synthesizing into something notionally cohesive: My Kingdom for Some Context! For myself, I wish I'd known the value of developing early expertise in interesting new skills around emerging technologies (rather than just iteratively pseudo-honing the 202-level skills I thought I "understood"). Alongside that, I wish I'd learned to embrace the non-douchier aspects of building awesome human relationships (as against "networking" in the service of landing some straight job that, as with most hungry young people, locked me into a carpeted prison of monkey work at the worst time possible). Also how I wish I'd paid more attention to events, contexts, relationships, and change that were happening outside my immediate world —rather than becoming, say, the undisputed master of fretting about status, salary, and whether I was "a success" who had "arrived". Hint: I was not a "success," and I had not, by any stretch, "arrived." To my mind, "success" in the real world is much more the equivalent of achieving a new personal best; it's not about whether you won the "Springtime in Springfield SunnyD®/Q105™ 5k FunRun for Entitilitus," and got a little ribbon with a gold crest on it. Truly, pretty much anyone who feels they've "arrived" anyplace is about to learn a) how much more they could be doing outside the narrowness of an often superficial ambition and b) the surprising number of things they had to give away through the opportunity costs and trade-offs that lead up to every theoretical milestone. It's a real goddamned thistle, and it's more than a little depressing. Do You Still Really Want to be a Fireman? [N.B.: I really hope you're taking bathroom breaks here, Xx] Related, I think this is about how being an adult is not only unbelievably complicated in ways that you can't begin to imagine—that it's frequently defined by impossible decisions and non-stop layers of "hypocrisy"—but that there's an invisible but entirely real risk to doggedly chasing the theoretically laudable notion of "following your dream." Especially if it's a dream you first had while sleeping on Star Wars sheets in a racecar bed. Not because it's a bad idea to want things or to have ambitions. Quite the opposite. More because, for a lot of us, the "dreams" of youth turn out to be half-finished blueprints for wax wings. And not particularly flattering ones at that. By starting adult life with an autistically explicit "goal" that's never been tested against any kind of real-world experience or reality-in-context, we can paradoxically miss a thousand more useful, lucrative, or organic opportunities that just…what?…pop up. Often these are one-time chances to do amazing and even unique things—opportunities that many of us continue to reject out of hand because it's "not what we do." It took me a full decade to learn to embrace the unfamiliar gifts that kismet loves to deliver on our busiest and most stressful days, and which gifts might (maybe/maybe not) even end up bringing the real-life, non-racecar-bed, now me a big step closer to something that's 1000 times more interesting than a hollow, ten-year-old caricature of "what I wanna be when I grow up." Finding Your "Old Butcher" Also related, it strikes me that the indisputable wealth of information and options that are provided by the web often comes with a harrowing hidden tradeoff. While we can certainly learn a lot on our own and become (what feels like) an instant expert on any topic in an afternoon, we usually do so in the absence of a mentor and outside the context of applying expertise to solve actual problems. In my opinion, a cadet should have to survive more than a few Kobayashi Maru scenarios before he gets to declare himself, "Captain." Call it a guru, a wizard, an old butcher, or what have you, the mad echo chamber of a young mind often benefits from the dampening influence of an experienced grownup who can help you understand things that raw data, wikipedia entries, and lists of tips and tricks can't and wont ever do. We benefit from a hand on the back and a gentle voice, reminding us: "Try not to obsess over implementation until you really understand the problem," or "Worry more about relationships than org charts or follower counts," or "Don't quit looking after you've found that first data point," or—my favorite— "Spend less time fantasizing about 'success' and way more time making really cool mistakes." Conversely, though, I think this means that everything we think we know, as well as all the fancy advice that gets thrown around—absolutely including the material you're reading now—is the product of what one person knows and what another person has the ears to hear. For us. For now. For who really knows what. But it is a transaction that takes place in a very specific time and within the bounds of a set of "known" "facts." So, fair warning, doing your own due diligence never hurts. What's Almost Not Impossible? [N.B.: I swear to God this ends at some point, Xx] One big pattern for "future-proofing" your passion? Keep your eyes open and your heart even "opener." And, be more than simply tolerant of the notion of change—sure, take it as read that nothing is ever fixed in place for more than a little while. But, to the extent that your sanity can bear it, always keep an eye on the corners, the edges, and especially learn to watch for those infinitesimally tiny figures starting to shuffle around near the horizon. Because a lot of the things that seem ridiculously small and inconsequential right now will eventually cast a shadow that people will be chasing for decades. It's just that we're never sure which tiny figure that will turn out to be. So, yeah. It really is true that no one but you cares about your major. But, trust me: everybody is interested in the person who repeatedly notices the things that are about to stop being impossible. Be the curious one who soaks in all that "irrelevant" stuff. And, even as you stay heads-down on the "now" projects that keep the lights on, remember that the guy who invented those lights made hundreds of "failed" lightbulbs before fundamentally upending the way we think about time, family, industry, and the role of technology in how we live and work. But, yes, first he "failed" a lot a lot at something which more than a few of his contemporaries thought was pointless in the first place. Ask: What's out there right now that's about to stop being impossible? Where will it happen first? Who will (most loudly and erroneously) declare it's total bullshit? Who will mostly get it right—but possibly too early? Who will figure out what it means to our grandkids? Who will figure out how to put it in everyone's front pocket for a quarter? Y'know who? I'll tell you who: practically anybody BUT that guy in the racecar bed who wants to talk about his major. Important: Merlin's Advice is Only Future-Proof to 10 Meters A few years back, most watch manufacturers decided to come clean and stop categorically declaring that their timepieces were "waterproof." Instead, today, the more credible vendors admit their product is merely "water-resistant"—and, even then, they'll only guarantee the underwater functionality at so many meters, and for so long, and under thus and such conditions. Truthfully, the same applies here. Nothing can actually "future-proof" anything. Anyone who claims to know the future is either a madman, a charlatan, or, often as not, both. Thing is, regardless of the passions (or goals or values or priorities or whatever) that we hope to protect or defend, we'd all do well to remember that it is still ultimately OUR passion that's at stake. That means we're the only one responsible for seeing that its functional components survive and adapt in a world in which each one of us has just north of zero control. If we embrace the fact that no one can or should ever care about the health of our passions as much as we do, the practical decisions that help ensure Our Good Thing stays alive can become as "simple" as a handful of proven patterns—work hard, stay awake, fail well, hang with smart people, shed bullshit, say "maybe," focus on action, and always always commit yourself to a bracing daily mixture of all the courage, honesty, and information you need to do something awesome—discover whatever it'll take to keep your nose on the side of the ocean where the fresh air lives. This is huge. Anything else? Yeah. Drink lots of water, play with your kid every chance you get, and quit Facebook today. No, really, do it. Thanks again for the note, Xx, and sorry for the novella. I'll ping you if the audio ever turns up. Til then, forget your major, and break a leg! yr internet pal, /m ”Watching the Corners: On Future-Proofing Your Passion” was written by Merlin Mann for and was originally posted on May 18, 2010. Except as noted, it's ©2010 Merlin Mann and licensed for reuse under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. "Why a footer?" Full Article Careers Knowledge Workers world of work
atc Watch: Biden Pulls Awkward Stunt During Town Hall By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:08:56 +0000 The following article, Watch: Biden Pulls Awkward Stunt During Town Hall, was first published on Joe Biden began his virtual town hall on Saturday with the political stunt of wearing a mask in his own home. Biden was attempting to host a live town hall with NowThis News, but glitch after glitch happened throughout the Biden campaign’s attempt to reach supporters. When the video below begins, it looks like he’s […] Continue reading: Watch: Biden Pulls Awkward Stunt During Town Hall ... Full Article Breaking Featured Politics
atc The histone H4 basic patch regulates SAGA-mediated H2B deubiquitination and histone acetylation [DNA and Chromosomes] By Published On :: 2020-05-08T03:41:14-07:00 Histone H2B monoubiquitylation (H2Bub1) has central functions in multiple DNA-templated processes, including gene transcription, DNA repair, and replication. H2Bub1 also is required for the trans-histone regulation of H3K4 and H3K79 methylation. Although previous studies have elucidated the basic mechanisms that establish and remove H2Bub1, we have only an incomplete understanding of how H2Bub1 is regulated. We report here that the histone H4 basic patch regulates H2Bub1. Yeast cells with arginine-to-alanine mutations in the H4 basic patch (H42RA) exhibited a significant loss of global H2Bub1. H42RA mutant yeast strains also displayed chemotoxin sensitivities similar to, but less severe than, strains containing a complete loss of H2Bub1. We found that the H4 basic patch regulates H2Bub1 levels independently of interactions with chromatin remodelers and separately from its regulation of H3K79 methylation. To measure H2B ubiquitylation and deubiquitination kinetics in vivo, we used a rapid and reversible optogenetic tool, the light-inducible nuclear exporter, to control the subcellular location of the H2Bub1 E3 ligase, Bre1. The ability of Bre1 to ubiquitylate H2B was unaffected in the H42RA mutant. In contrast, H2Bub1 deubiquitination by SAGA-associated Ubp8, but not by Ubp10, increased in the H42RA mutant. Consistent with a function for the H4 basic patch in regulating SAGA deubiquitinase activity, we also detected increased SAGA-mediated histone acetylation in H4 basic patch mutants. Our findings uncover that the H4 basic patch has a regulatory function in SAGA-mediated histone modifications. Full Article
atc Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 13 Dec 2019 10:30:02 +0000 Members Event 12 February 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Robert Malley, President & CEO, International Crisis GroupChair: Dr Leslie Vinjamuri, Dean, Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs; Director, US and the Americas Programme Following a year of protests, extreme politics and the emergence of new and sophisticated security challenges, Robert Malley and Leslie Vinjamuri examine the International Crisis Group’s Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2020.They identify key challenges for international relations, discuss the potential for national and regional political instability and consider how these issues may impact foreign policy, international security and democratic governance. Members Events Team Email Full Article
atc Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2019 By Published On :: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
atc Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Full Article
atc Episode 37: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire & The Wolverine By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 06:36:00 +0000 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire reviewThe Wolverine ReviewsWhat We Watched: jOBS, Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview, WWE For All Mankind: Life and Career of Mick Foley and The Lakota 38You can download the episode here. (right click to save) You can subscribe to us on iTunes here. Full Article
atc Coronavirus: Why are we catching more diseases from animals? By Published On :: Fri, 06 Mar 2020 16:27:22 +0000 Source BBC URL Release date 28 January 2020 Expert Professor Tim Benton In the news type Op-ed Hide date on homepage Full Article
atc Firefox 76.0 released with critical security patches – update now By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 14:58:01 +0000 Firefox's latest version is out, with new password management features and a raft of security fixes. Full Article Firefox Mozilla Exploit Patches Tor update vulnerability
atc Matching Vital Needs - Increasing the number of live-donor kidney transplants By Published On :: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 10:07:19 -0400 A person needing a kidney transplant may have a friend or relative who volunteers to be a living donor, but whose kidney is incompatible, forcing the person to wait for a transplant from a deceased donor. In the U.S. alone, thousands of people die each year without ever finding a suitable kidney. A new technique applies graph theory to groups of incompatible patient-donor pairs to create the largest possible number of paired-donation exchanges. These exchanges, in which a donor paired with Patient A gives a kidney to Patient B while a donor paired with Patient B gives to Patient A, will dramatically increase transplants from living donors. Since transplantation is less expensive than dialysis, this mathematical algorithm, in addition to saving lives, will also save hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Naturally there can be more transplants if matches along longer patient-donor cycles are considered (e.g., A.s donor to B, B.s donor to C, and C.s donor to A). The problem is that the possible number of longer cycles grows so fast hundreds of millions of A >B>C>A matches in just 5000 donor-patient pairs that to search through all the possibilities is impossible. An ingenious use of random walks and integer programming now makes searching through all three-way matches feasible, even in a database large enough to include all incompatible patient-donor pairs. For More Information: Matchmaking for Kidneys, Dana Mackenzie, SIAM News, December 2008. Image of suboptimal two-way matching (in purple) and an optimal matching (in green), courtesy of Sommer Gentry. Full Article
atc Catching and Releasing: Part 2 By Published On :: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:46:50 -0400 There.s more mathematics involved in juggling than just trying to make sure that the number of balls (or chainsaws) that hits the ground stays at zero. Subjects such as combinatorics and abstract algebra help jugglers answer important questions, such as whether a particular juggling pattern can actually be juggled. For example, can balls be juggled so that the time period that each ball stays aloft alternates between five counts and one? The answer is Yes. Math also tells you that the number of balls needed for such a juggling pattern is the average of the counts, in this case three. Once a pattern is shown to be juggleable and the number of balls needed is known, equations of motion determine the speed with which each ball must be thrown and the maximum height it will attain. Obviously the harder a juggler throws, the faster and higher an object will go. Unfortunately hang time increases proportionally to the square root of the height, so the difficulty of keeping many objects in the air increases very quickly. Both math and juggling have been around for millennia yet questions still remain in both subjects. As two juggling mathematicians wrote, .A juggler, like a mathematician, is never finished: there is always another great unsolved problem. Full Article
atc Catching and Releasing: Part 1 By Published On :: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 09:21:21 -0400 There.s more mathematics involved in juggling than just trying to make sure that the number of balls (or chainsaws) that hits the ground stays at zero. Subjects such as combinatorics and abstract algebra help jugglers answer important questions, such as whether a particular juggling pattern can actually be juggled. For example, can balls be juggled so that the time period that each ball stays aloft alternates between five counts and one? The answer is Yes. Math also tells you that the number of balls needed for such a juggling pattern is the average of the counts, in this case three. Once a pattern is shown to be juggleable and the number of balls needed is known, equations of motion determine the speed with which each ball must be thrown and the maximum height it will attain. Obviously the harder a juggler throws, the faster and higher an object will go. Unfortunately hang time increases proportionally to the square root of the height, so the difficulty of keeping many objects in the air increases very quickly. Both math and juggling have been around for millennia yet questions still remain in both subjects. As two juggling mathematicians wrote, .A juggler, like a mathematician, is never finished: there is always another great unsolved problem. Full Article
atc Catch rate is a poor indicator of lake fishery health By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT Fishery collapses can be difficult to forecast and prevent due to hyperstability, a phenomenon where catch rates remain high even as fish abundance declines. In a recent Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences study, researchers conducted a whole-lake experiment to reveal the causes of hyperstability in recreational fisheries. Fish habitat preferences were found to leave them vulnerable to overexploitation. Full Article
atc CBD News: To support the mobilisation and alignment of technical and financial resources for priority capacity-building needs, IPBES is developing a prototype Matchmaking Facility. This Facility aims to promote and facilitate dialogue and cooperation amon By Published On :: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 00:00:00 GMT Full Article
atc UK regtech startups to watch By Published On :: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 14:42:00 GMT Full Article
atc UK insurtech startups to watch By Published On :: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 13:20:00 GMT Full Article
atc UK healthtech startups to watch By Published On :: Fri, 07 Feb 2020 14:34:00 GMT Full Article
atc How to start a business from scratch By Published On :: Fri, 20 Dec 2019 13:43:00 GMT You don't need a backer to start a business. Here's how to start a business from scratch. Full Article
atc Bird watching festival underway By Published On :: Wed, 27 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0800 The Wetland Park is holding its annual Bird Watching Festival, with "Incredible Bird Parents" as this year’s theme. Running until April 20, the event shows how versatile and sophisticated birds are in providing parental care for their offspring. For the first time, five unique Lego brick wetland animal models are displayed as another festival attraction. They include the saltwater crocodile Pui Pui, a kingfisher, paddy frog, fiddler crab and the common tiger, as well as Lego brick wall art. Co-created by the Wetland Park and Lego Certified Professional Andy Hung, the Lego series aims to inspire kids to build a better future for nature. Other edutainment comprises bird watching tours, thematic bird interpretation sessions, bird photography workshops, public lectures and a kids reading club. Click here for details. Full Article
atc For Americans Facing Job Loss, Financial Strains Only Scratch the Surface By Published On :: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 03:13:08 +0000 Business Economics and Public Policy Labor Operations Tax Policy Monday, March 30, 2020 - 23:00 NEW YORK – Last week about 3.3 million people filed for unemployment – the most initial jobless claims in U.S. history. The financial consequences of unemployment are extensive – for these workers and for the country. But it’s worth pointing out that the effects of job losses are not solely monetary. Full Article
atc Microsoft delivers fixes for 110 bugs in April, 2020 Patch Tuesday By Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 17:43:55 +0000 For the April edition of Patch Tuesday, Microsoft repaired a total of 110 security vulnerabilities across their product line. Included in this count are 37 remote code execution bugs, and 33 elevation of privilege bugs. The company rated eighteen of the vulnerabilities “Critical.” This release’s most notable item is the follow-up to last month’s announcement, […] Full Article SophosLabs Uncut Elevation of Privilege Exploits font Microsoft Patch Tuesday SharePoint updates vulnerability Windows
atc Gotta catch ’em all, URM! By Published On :: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 03:24:01 +0000 By Carrie Diaz Eaton and Pamela E. Harris We received the same email: Tuesday, Dec 17, 1:37 PM and Tuesday, Dec 17, 1:42 PM. No time to personalize the email. Simply change last names. After all, any one will do, … Continue reading → Full Article career advancement General Leadership Negotiating faculty / post doc positions Outreach postdocs Tenure Uncategorized
atc Open government data to public use, and Australia may start to catch up with the world By Published On :: Mon, 02 Nov 2015 13:15:00 GMT Public servants need to ditch the control and encourage entrepreneurship. Full Article
atc Episode 71: The Internet of iPhone X (IoiX) Plus Apple Watch 3 and Apple TV announcements By Published On :: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 15:41:20 GMT This week it is all about Apple as the company announces its eagerly awaited iPhone X and iPhone 8/8 Plus smartphones, a new Apple watch (yawn) and Apple TV news. Macworld UK editor Karen Haslam is our host this week, as she chats to a distinctly unconvinced Dominic Preston about the latest iPhone, followed by David Price on the Apple Watch Series 3, which he likes but not as much as its predecessor. Then everyone piles in together to discuss the quite-good iPhone 8, the quite-late Apple TV 4K, and all the rest of the evening's festivities. See for privacy and opt-out information. Full Article
atc Episode 102 - The Internet of Tennis Max (IoTM) Apple event special, new iPhones and Apple Watch By Published On :: Thu, 13 Sep 2018 10:07:20 GMT A quick-fire reaction Apple special, recorded the morning after new iPhones and an Apple Watch were announced at an event in California.Henry Burrell joins David Price, Ashleigh Macro and Scott Carey to discuss which products we'll be buying, avoiding and coveting over the Christmas period.Is the new iPhone named terribly? Is it an upgrade at all? What wasn't announced? And does Scott give the new Apple Watch any praise at all? It's all here. See for privacy and opt-out information. Full Article
atc Episode 111 - The Internet of Not Watching Films (IoNWF) Bird Box, Black Mirror and bent iPads By Published On :: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 10:50:14 GMT Happy New Year from the UK Tech Weekly Podcast!We are back this week to discuss what we have been watching (or not watching) over the festive period, including Scott Carey on the meme-marketed sensation of Bird Box and what this says about Netflix's ability to dominate the cultural conversation. Then Tamlin Magee jumps in to talk about the interactive Black Mirror movie Bandersnatch and why it may have been destined to fail.Lastly David Price steps out of the hosting chair to talk about bendy iPads and Apple's strange rhetoric. See for privacy and opt-out information. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc The Rays' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc Here are 10 Rays players to watch this spring By Published On :: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 13:46:36 EDT While most of the attention will fall on the players who are expected to make the Opening Day roster, manager Kevin Cash and the rest of the organization will be keeping a close eye on some of the players that could find their way to the big leagues at some point within the next year. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc The Giants' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc Dream Catcher By Published On :: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:11:04 +0000 Here you are, In a long, low, valley, On a horse, under sweltering sky. A single trail runs East to West, As far as the eye can see. The sheep-skin bags, Slung low off the saddle, Are empty. Bandits rode into town last week, And made off with a couple of dreams, Now you must […] Full Article Poetry Americas cowboy integrity landscape mental poems poetry sheriff western
atc Get ready to watch: MLB.TV available for 2019 By Published On :: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 10:55:51 EDT Spring Training is imminent, Opening Day is within sight and the big league season isn't complete for fans without a subscription to MLB.TV. The most comprehensive streaming service in professional sports is now available for the 2019 season. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc 10 Braves to watch in Spring Training By Published On :: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 10:54:10 EDT Here is a look at 10 Braves players sure to draw attention during this year's Spring Training. Full Article
atc The Braves' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc The Orioles' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc Here are 12 Orioles to watch in spring camp By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 12:50:26 EDT In holding their first full-squad workout on Monday, the Orioles ushered in the first official phase of a spring set to surprise. Fresh faces flood Ed Smith Stadium. Questions litter the roster. Battles abound at nearly every position. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc WATCH: Astros' rotation is ready By Published On :: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 13:00:00 EDT Spring Training is underway. Players around the league are stepping back onto the baseball field as they get ready for the 2019 season.'s beat reporters have you covered with the action from every team's training camp. Keep track of the latest highlights of Spring Training right here. Full Article
atc The Astros' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc Michelle Sinclair GP - surgery buildings are not up to scratch By Published On :: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 16:17:25 +0000 Michelle Sinclar, a GP in Hampshire who is concerned that GP premises aren't fit for purpose and limit her ability to provide fully rounded patient care. BMJ Voices is a collection of readers’ experiences of working in the NHS. For this, The BMJ is seeking short audio submissions from UK listeners. These submissions will be published on... Full Article
atc Introducing Sharp Scratch - our new podcast for students and junior doctors By Published On :: Fri, 26 Apr 2019 16:22:39 +0000 Here's a taster for our new student podcast - Sharp Scratch. We're talking about the hidden curriculum, things you need to know to function as a doctor, but are rarely formally taught. This is a taster - if you enjoy, subscribe! Sharp Scratch episode 1: Surviving the night... Full Article
atc Get ready to watch: MLB.TV available for 2019 By Published On :: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 10:55:51 EDT Spring Training is imminent, Opening Day is within sight and the big league season isn't complete for fans without a subscription to MLB.TV. The most comprehensive streaming service in professional sports is now available for the 2019 season. Full Article
atc Uniform patch to mark 150 years of pro baseball By Published On :: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:09:05 EDT All 30 Major League teams will wear special "MLB 150" patches on their uniforms for the entire 2019 season in honor of the 150th anniversary of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first openly all-salaried professional baseball team. Full Article
atc Rule 5 pick Joe back in catcher's gear with Reds By Published On :: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 19:05:55 EDT Utility player and Rule 5 selection Connor Joe has been working with the catchers since Reds Spring Training opened. What makes that a little more interesting is that Joe has never caught a game professionally. Full Article
atc The Reds' Spring Training battle to watch By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 18:20:16 EDT The next five weeks will see lots of shuffling on Major League rosters. Here are the most intriguing positional battles on each of the 30 MLB clubs. Full Article
atc This is the D-backs prospect to watch in camp By Published On :: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 21:10:42 EDT The countdown to pitchers and catchers reporting is down to single digits for all 30 MLB clubs, but as exciting as it is to see the return of Major League stars, it's also a time to dream about the next wave of baseball talent. Full Article
atc Get ready to watch: MLB.TV available for 2019 By Published On :: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 10:55:51 EDT Spring Training is imminent, Opening Day is within sight and the big league season isn't complete for fans without a subscription to MLB.TV. The most comprehensive streaming service in professional sports is now available for the 2019 season. Full Article