
CBD News: A new Universal Global Alliance for Biodiversity Protection established in Bonn.


CBD Biodiversity: A Missing Link for Mitigating Climate Change - World Environment Day celebrated in Montreal.


CBD News: Message from Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity to the Business and Biodiversity Conservation Seminar


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, at the G8 Dialogue Series convened by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the United Nations University (UNU-IAS): "Climate Change and Biodiversity or the Unprecedented Planetary Environmen


CBD News: Investing in the Future - Business for Biodiversity and Sustainability.


CBD News: Japan launches the preparation of the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit to be held in Aichi Prefecture, Nagoya city in October 2010.


CBD News: Strategic Partnership with ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity to protect 20 per cent of the Biodiversity of Planet Earth.


CBD News: Outcomes Report of the Business & Biodiversity Conference, 11 June 2008, Montreal, Canada


CBD News: G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit - A Historic Contribution to Biodiversity.


CBD News: European Community Members and Their Overseas Entities meet to counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss.


CBD News: In response to decision IX/16 requesting the Executive Secretary to summarize information found within existing documents on the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity relevant for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degra


CBD News: Intervention du Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf lors du Cycles de Conférences 2008 « Relever le défi de la Biodiversité » organisés par l'Institut de Formation de l'Environnement et le Ministère français de l&#


CBD News: Nomination of Experts for the Ad hoc Technical Expert group on Biodiversity and Climate Change.


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf on "Biodiversity challenges and responses: Towards the Nagoya Summit on Biodiversity" at the Sixteenth Environment Congress for Asia and the Pacific, 14 September 2008, Nagoya, Ja


CBD News: Asia and Pacific leads in preparing for 2010 Nagoya Biodiversity Summit.


CBD News: "Meeting the 2010 biodiversity target: A contribution to poverty alleviation and the benefit of life on Earth", Statement by Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the IUCN World Conservati


CBD News: The CBD Secretariat is launching an e-Newsletter on "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)" today, to inform CBD National Focal Points and other interested recipients about the biodiversity aspects of this


CBD News: Message from COP 9 President: Bringing Science to Politics: Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of the Expert Meeting on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development, Montreal, 6 November 2008.


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental and Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services,


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Ahmed Djoghlaf, on "Climate Change, REDD and Biodiversity" on the occasion of the International Expert Meeting on Potential Impacts of "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degrada


CBD News: Message from the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, to the International Mountain Biodiversity Conference on "Biodiversity Conservation and Management for Enhanced Ecosystem Services: Responding to the Challenges of Global Change&quo


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change, London, United Kingdom , 17 - 21 November 2008.


CBD News: Discours de M. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Secretaire executif de la Convention sur la diversite biologique, à l'occasion de la Journee biodiversite & entreprises de l'European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy, Paris, France, le


CBD News: On Monday, 1 December 2008, Robert Watson, Co-Chair of the first meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Biodiversity and Climate Change convened under the Convention on Biological Diversity and former Chair of the Intergo


CBD News: CBD provides free tool to identify win-win areas for REDD and biodiversity. The Bali Action plan under the United Nations FCCC encourages efforts to reduce emissions from reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), while


CBD News: Statement by the Executive Secretary, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, on the occasion of the 9th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment organized by the National Council for Science and Environment on the theme of Biodiversity in a Rapid


CBD News: Report of the Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development.


CBD News: Opening Remarks on behalf of the Executive Secretary at the Regional Capacity Development Workshop for the Pacific on National Biodiversity Strategies, Biodiversity Mainstreaming and the Integration of Climate Change, 2 February 2009, Nadi, Fiji


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Exeutive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Opening of the Expert Workshop on the Development of the City Biodiversity Index, Singapore 10-12 February 2009.


CBD News: Press Release - High-level Working Group on the Future of a Global Policy for Biodiversity and Ecosystems.


CBD News: Director of the Biodiversity and Policy Division, Ministry of the Environment, Japan, visits the Secretariat.


CBD News: Déclaration de M. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Secretaire executif de la Convention sur la diversite biologique, à la série de conférences: Intégrer la biodiversité dans les stratégies d'entreprise, Montréal, Qu


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the Opening Session of the Second Meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Helsinki, 18-22 April, 2009.


CBD News: Syracuse Charter on Biodiversity and Chair's Summary - G8 Environment Ministerial Meeting, Castello Maniace, Siracusa, 22-24 April, 2009.


CBD News: Statement by Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity on the occasion of the G8 Environment Ministers Meeting Opening Working Session on Biodiversity, 23 April 2009, Syracuse, Italy.


CBD Communiqué: Biodiversity elevated to the Top of the G8 environmental Dialogue.


CBD News: Statement by Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the occasion of the DPI Briefing for the Community of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) on Biodiversity - The Basis for Human Well-Being: Cele


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the Indigenous and Local Community, Business and Biodiversity Consultation, UN Headquarters, New York, 12 May 2009.


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary at the Opening Session of the Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation, Montreal, 13 May 2009


CBD News: Statement by Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, at the Closing Session of the Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation, Montreal, 15 May 2009.


CBD Communiqué: Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation concludes in Montreal.


CBD News: Timely Submission of National Reports Key to the Success of the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit and the High-Level Meeting during the Sixty-Fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly.


CBD Press Release: The Green Wave for Biodiversity.


CBD News: Report of the Seventh Meeting of the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-Related Conventions


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the First Global Private Donor Forum on Biodiversity, Berlin, 3 June 2009.


CBD Communiqué: Global Private Donor Forum on Biodiversity established in Berlin.


CBD Press Release: Biodiversity - Time to See the Bigger Picture! A New Outreach Initiative Launches 5 June 2009.


CBD News: Berlin Declaration on Private Donorship for Biodiversity, First Global Private Donor Forum on Biodiversity, Berlin, 3 June 2009.


CBD News: Joint press-release by GEF and CBD on the approval by the GEF Council of a special initiative designed to build global awareness and catalyze decisive action during the upcoming 2010 International Year of Biodiversity (IYB).