rent Adiposity and Different Types of Screen Time By Published On :: 2013-11-25T00:07:07-08:00 Screen time has risen to unprecedented levels among youth. Greater television time is known to be associated with gains in pediatric adiposity, but few studies have examined the longitudinal relations of other forms of screen-based media with weight gain.Among adolescents aged 9 to 19 years, television viewing was the type of screen time most consistently associated with gains in BMI. However, time with digital versatile discs/videos and video/computer games was also associated with gains in BMI among girls. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Bidirectional Associations Between Mothers' and Fathers' Parenting Consistency and Child BMI By Published On :: 2013-11-25T00:07:05-08:00 Parents influence their child’s overweight development through lifestyle-related parenting practices. Although broader parenting dimensions may also affect children’s BMI, reverse causality is possible and there have been calls to examine the possible impacts of fathers.More consistent parenting prospectively predicted lower child BMI with effects equally strong for fathers and mothers. There was little evidence of child BMI influencing parenting. Improved child BMI could be among the benefits of promoting parenting consistency of both parents. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Postnatal Head Growth in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Parenteral Nutrition Study By Published On :: 2013-12-30T00:07:00-08:00 Preterm infants dependent on parenteral nutrition are vulnerable to deficits in early postnatal nutritional intake. This coincides with a period of suboptimal head growth. Observational studies indicate that poor nutritional intake is associated with suboptimal head growth and neurodevelopmental outcome.This study provides randomized controlled trial evidence that head growth failure in the first 4 weeks of life can be ameliorated with early nutritional intervention. Early macronutrient intake can be enhanced by optimizing a standardized, concentrated neonatal parenteral nutrition regimen. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Preterm Infant's Early Crying Associated With Child's Behavioral Problems and Parents' Stress By Published On :: 2014-01-06T00:06:37-08:00 Preterm infants are at an increased risk of regulatory difficulties during infancy and of behavioral problems in childhood. In the full-term population, persistent crying problems that last beyond 3 months of age have been related to later behavioral problems.Excessive crying by a preterm infant may reflect an increased risk for later behavioral problems and higher parenting stress even years later. Therefore, it is clinically relevant to assess systematically the crying behavior of preterm infants. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Thirdhand Smoke Beliefs of Parents By Published On :: 2014-03-03T00:06:30-08:00 Little is known about how thirdhand smoke beliefs are related to smoking and quitting behaviors, and how parental smokers’ thirdhand smoke beliefs influence behaviors to protect children. A previous study suggests thirdhand smoke beliefs are associated with home smoking bans.This is the first study to show that parents’ beliefs about thirdhand smoke are associated with multiple smoking-related attitudes and behaviors that affect the health of children. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Pediatric Data Sharing in Genomic Research: Attitudes and Preferences of Parents By Published On :: 2014-03-10T00:06:25-07:00 We previously reported that parents of children enrolled in genomic research made more restrictive data sharing (DS) decisions than adults. The ethics of pediatric DS have been discussed, but reasons for differences in decision-making have not been explored.We present an empirically based discussion of attitudes toward and preferences for DS obtained from structured interviews of adult patients and parents of pediatric patients enrolled in genomic research studies. Parents expressed more concern about future risks than adult participants. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Death During Childhood and Subsequent School Performance By Published On :: 2014-03-10T00:06:24-07:00 Many children experience the death of a parent during childhood. The long-term consequences of this life event, including school performance, and the importance of the psychosocial circumstances of the home have not been well elucidated in previous studies.Both maternal and paternal deaths during childhood were associated with lower grades and school failure. Many of the associations (and especially for death due to external causes) were associated with socioeconomic disadvantage and psychosocial problems in the family. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Obesity and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder By Published On :: 2014-04-07T00:06:49-07:00 Maternal prepregnancy obesity is associated with an increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children, but previous studies have not taken paternal obesity into account. This has precluded differentiation between the effects of intrauterine exposures and potential genetic associations.Robust associations were demonstrated between paternal obesity and the risk of autistic disorder and Asperger disorder in children. This study is the first to implicate paternal obesity as a risk factor for autism, and replication is warranted. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Smoking Exposure and Adolescent Smoking Trajectories By Published On :: 2014-05-12T00:06:53-07:00 It is well-established that parental smoking is associated with adolescent smoking initiation and regular tobacco use. However, we know less about how exposure to specific types of parental smoking affect adolescent smoking and progression to regular smoking in young adulthood.Among adolescents with parents who are nicotine dependent, each previous year of parental smoking increases the likelihood they will be in a heavy smoking trajectory. Parental smoking cessation early in their children’s life is critical to prevent smoking in families. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Injury and Psychological Health of Children By Published On :: 2014-06-02T00:06:38-07:00 Injuries sustained by parents in combat can also have a variety of psychological effects on children in the family. However, there has been little research on the effect of parental injury on children in the civilian setting.The effects of injury of parents impacted children’s functioning by negatively affecting the health-related quality of life of the injured children, over and above the effect of any injury itself to the child. Injury to the parent also increased the likelihood of his or her uninjured children having PTSD symptoms 5 months after the parent’s injury. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent A Parent Questionnaire for Developmental Screening in Infants Born Late and Moderately Preterm By Published On :: 2014-06-30T00:06:32-07:00 Children born late and moderately preterm are at increased risk of developmental problems compared with term-born peers. Screening for developmental problems in the early years may thus aid in the early identification of children at risk for adverse outcomes.The Parent Report of Children’s Abilities-Revised has good concurrent validity and 90% sensitivity and 76% specificity for identifying moderate/severe cognitive developmental delay in infants born late and moderately preterm. This parent questionnaire may be used as a clinical screening tool. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Pediatric Advance Directives: Parents' Knowledge, Experience, and Preferences By Published On :: 2014-07-07T05:07:04-07:00 As the number of chronically ill children grows in the United States, end-of-life discussions and advance directives (AD) will become increasingly important. Although pediatric palliative care is gaining interest, little is known about parental preferences regarding ADs for chronically ill children.Knowledge about ADs is limited among caregivers of children who have chronic illness. However, interest in creating ADs is high, suggesting an unmet need and opportunity for health care providers to improve the care of children who have chronic illness. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Variability in IRBs Regarding Parental Acceptance of Passive Consent By Published On :: 2014-07-07T05:07:03-07:00 Passive or opt-out consent has been successfully used to recruit subjects in several investigational studies. However, institutional review boards are often inconsistent in their application of federal regulations regarding passive consent.This study documented the variability among 24 local institutional review boards in their application of federal regulations regarding passive consent and parental acceptance of a passive consent strategy in a multicenter pediatric study. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Unit of Measurement Used and Parent Medication Dosing Errors By Published On :: 2014-07-14T00:07:15-07:00 There is growing support for adopting the milliliter as the standard unit for liquid medication instruction; teaspoon and tablespoon units can be confusing and may endorse kitchen spoon use. There are concerns that parents may not understand milliliter-based instructions.Parents who used milliliter-only units made fewer dosing errors than those who used teaspoon or tablespoon units. Moving to a milliliter-only standard could reduce confusion and decrease medication errors, especially for parents with low health literacy and non-English speakers. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Smoking During Pregnancy and ADHD in Children: The Danish National Birth Cohort By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:01-07:00 Prenatal maternal smoking has been associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children, but the causal nature of this association is unclear. Controlling for the association with paternal smoking has been inconsistent.Women who used nicotine replacement also had children with a higher risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Mother's smoking behavior appears more important than father's, suggesting a possible causal effect of nicotine exposure or factors related to maternal nicotine dependence. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Treatment Outcomes of Overweight Children and Parents in the Medical Home By Published On :: 2014-07-21T00:07:00-07:00 Pediatricians need to treat overweight in early childhood. Family-based interventions in specialized clinics are efficacious in children age 8 years and older. Data regarding treatment of younger children are limited in specialty clinics and primary care.This study shows that a 12-month family-based behavioral intervention in primary care is more efficacious compared with Control condition with a child-only focus. Weight outcome differences between Intervention and Control persist in children and parents after a 12-month follow-up. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Pre- and Postnatal Exposure to Parental Smoking and Allergic Disease Through Adolescence By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:03-07:00 Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke during pregnancy and infancy has been linked to development of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema in young children. It is unclear whether these risks persist into adolescence.Exposure to second-hand smoke in utero or during infancy influences the development of allergic disease up to adolescence. Excess risks for asthma and rhinitis were seen primarily in early childhood, whereas those for eczema occurred at later ages. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Vaccine Message Framing and Parents' Intent to Immunize Their Infants for MMR By Published On :: 2014-08-18T00:07:03-07:00 Messages emphasizing societal benefits of vaccines have been linked to increased vaccination intentions in adults. It is unclear if this pattern holds for parents deciding whether to vaccinate their children.Findings suggest that health care providers should emphasize the direct benefits of MMR vaccination to the child. Mentioning societal benefits seems to neither add value to, nor interfere with, information highlighting benefits directly to the child. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Generational Shift in Parental Perceptions of Overweight Among School-Aged Children By Published On :: 2014-08-25T00:07:27-07:00 There is a generational shift in social norms related to body weight among adult population; little is known about the secular change of paternal perceptions of their child’s weight.A shift in body norms toward heavier weight statuses exists among parents of children, presenting a vast challenge to family-based childhood obesity prevention. Primary care providers can play a more active role in identifying the children with increased weight. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Characteristics of Recurrent Utilization in Pediatric Emergency Departments By Published On :: 2014-09-15T00:06:28-07:00 Although frequent utilizers of emergency departments (EDs) are targeted for quality improvement initiatives across the United States, little is known about the health services these patients receive in the ED.Eight percent of children account for 24% of ED visits and 31% of all costs. Frequent utilizers of pediatric EDs, especially infants without a chronic condition, are least likely to need medications, testing, and hospital admission during their ED visits. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Tdap Boosters and Infant Pertussis: A Case-Control Study By Published On :: 2014-09-15T00:06:28-07:00 Parental reduced antigen diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccination is difficult to implement, and empirical data on its impact is limited to a single hospital-based study in Texas, which found no reduction in infant pertussis hospitalization.In New South Wales, Australia, a case-control study found both parents receiving Tdap ≥4 weeks before disease onset was associated with a significant reduction in risk of early infant pertussis and suggestive of persistent protection in subsequent pregnancies. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent and Adolescent Knowledge of HPV and Subsequent Vaccination By Published On :: 2014-09-15T00:06:27-07:00 Vaccinating youth is among the nation’s highest health care priorities. Despite proven health benefits, human papillomavirus vaccination rates remain low.This is the first known study to test whether vaccination of high-risk adolescents is related to their or their parents’ previous knowledge levels. In the results presented, neither parental nor adolescent knowledge is related to subsequent adolescent vaccination. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Awareness and Use of Online Physician Rating Sites By Published On :: 2014-09-22T00:06:23-07:00 Public awareness and usage of physician-rating Web sites have been increasing over the last few years. Such ratings can influence adults’ decisions about choosing a physician, but their influence on decisions for children’s physicians has not been characterized.In this nationally representative survey of parents, we found that the majority (74%) are aware of rating Web sites and slightly more than one-quarter (28%) had sought information on rating Web sites when choosing a primary care physician for their children. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Pediatricians' Communication About Weight With Overweight Latino Children and Their Parents By Published On :: 2014-10-13T00:06:27-07:00 Little is known about how pediatricians communicate with overweight Latino children and their parents regarding overweight and obesity.Findings suggest that many overweight Latino children and their parents do not receive direct communication that the child is overweight, weight-management plans, culturally relevant dietary recommendations, or follow-up visits. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Differential Maternal Feeding Practices, Eating Self-Regulation, and Adiposity in Young Twins By Published On :: 2014-10-13T00:06:26-07:00 Restrictive feeding by parents is associated with poorer eating self-regulation and increased child weight status. However, this association could be due to confounding home environmental or genetic factors that are challenging to control.Differential maternal restrictive feeding is associated with differences in twins' caloric compensation and BMI z score. Controlling for the shared home environment and partially for genetics, these findings further support a true (ie, unconfounded) association between restriction and childhood obesity. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Desensitization to Violence and Sex in Movies By Published On :: 2014-10-20T00:06:37-07:00 Movie ratings designed to warn parents about violence and sexual content have permitted increasing amounts of each in popular films. One potential explanation for this "ratings creep" is parental desensitization to this content as it becomes more prevalent in movies.This study adds experimental evidence that parents become desensitized to movie violence and sex and are more willing to allow children to view such content. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Sustainability of a Parental Tobacco Control Intervention in Pediatric Practice By Published On :: 2014-10-20T00:06:36-07:00 Parental smoking cessation helps eliminate children’s exposure to tobacco smoke. A child’s visit to the doctor provides a teachable moment for parental smoking cessation. Effective strategies to help parents quit smoking are available for implementation.Evidence-based outpatient intervention for parents who smoke can be delivered successfully after the initial implementation. Maximizing parental quit rates in the pediatric context will require more complete and sustained systems-level integration. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent-Implemented Social Intervention for Toddlers With Autism: An RCT By Published On :: 2014-11-03T00:06:30-08:00 Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of intensive clinician-implemented interventions have demonstrated significant improvements in outcomes of toddlers and preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. RCTs of parent-implemented interventions have demonstrated improvements in parent skills, but generally they have not demonstrated effects on children’s outcomes.This RCT found significantly greater improvements with individual home coaching on child outcome measures of social communication, adaptive behavior, and developmental level. These findings support the efficacy of a parent-implemented intervention using little professional time, which increases potential community viability. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Coparenting Breastfeeding Support and Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial By Published On :: 2014-12-01T00:06:28-08:00 Fathers’ attitude and support affects breastfeeding outcomes. Fathers are currently not targeted in breastfeeding support and care provided by health care professionals. Breastfeeding interventions delivered to fathers have been shown to increase breastfeeding exclusivity and duration.A coparenting breastfeeding support intervention delivered to mothers and fathers in the postpartum period showed beneficial effects on breastfeeding duration, paternal breastfeeding confidence, breastfeeding help provided by fathers, and mothers’ satisfaction with fathers’ involvement with breastfeeding. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Talking With Parents About End-of-Life Decisions for Their Children By Published On :: 2015-01-05T00:06:56-08:00 Retrospective studies have shown that the majority of parents, independent of their country of origin, prefer a shared approach over a paternalistic approach or an informed approach when an end-of-life decision must be made for their children.In actual conversations parents act in line with their preference for a shared approach. This behavior contrasts with the "some sharing" approach of physicians who carefully prepare parents for an end-of-life decision already being made by the medical team. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Potential Effect of Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent Labeling on Parent Fast Food Decisions By Published On :: 2015-01-26T00:05:26-08:00 Menu labels depicting physical activity calorie equivalents may lead to ordering of fast food meals totaling fewer calories for adults. The effects of physical activity calorie equivalent labeling on parents’ fast food decisions for their children have not been examined.Parents shown menus with any type of caloric content label may order fast food meals totaling fewer calories for their children. Menu labels showing physical activity equivalents may be more likely to influence parents to encourage their children to exercise. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Motivational Interviewing With Parents for Obesity: An RCT By Published On :: 2015-02-09T00:05:28-08:00 Motivational interviewing (MI) has been found to increase the effectiveness of weight loss programs in obese children and adolescents. Although parental involvement seems to be linked to its effectiveness, strong conclusions cannot be drawn.The present study found that MI with parental involvement is an effective strategy in changing obesity-related outcomes and has additional effects beyond MI with adolescents only. These findings are important when administering MI interventions in school settings. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Physician Response to Parental Requests to Spread Out the Recommended Vaccine Schedule By Published On :: 2015-03-02T00:05:25-08:00 Some parents choose to "spread out" the recommended vaccine schedule for their child by decreasing the number of simultaneous vaccines or delaying certain vaccines until an older age. Epidemiologic studies demonstrate increasing numbers of parents are choosing to delay vaccines.We demonstrate that almost all providers encounter requests to spread out vaccines in a typical month and, despite concerns, increasing numbers are agreeing to do so. Providers report many strategies in response to requests but think few are effective. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent-Reported Outcomes of a Shared Decision-Making Portal in Asthma: A Practice-Based RCT By Published On :: 2015-03-09T00:05:24-07:00 Strategies are needed to engage families of chronically ill children at home in an ongoing process of shared decision-making regarding treatment that is responsive to families’ concerns and goals and children’s evolving symptoms.This study evaluated a novel patient portal that facilitates shared decision-making in asthma. The portal was feasible and acceptable to families, improved outcomes, and provides a model for improving care through an electronic health record portal. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Hope for Children With Advanced Cancer By Published On :: 2015-04-06T00:05:20-07:00 Although physicians worry that communicating about prognosis or life-threatening illness can take away hope, previous work suggests that prognosis communication may even enhance hope. The nature of hopes held by parents of children with advanced cancer was not previously understood.Parents in our study frequently recognized their child’s poor prognosis, yet held many different hopes, including for cure, quality of life, and meaningful relationships. Parents who hoped for cure often recognized that this was not possible for their child. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parents' Daily Time With Their Children: A Workplace Intervention By Published On :: 2015-04-13T00:05:19-07:00 Children’s time with parents is critical for healthy development. Lack of control over parents’ schedules and limited supervisor support for personal and family life can interfere with parents’ family time.This is the first group randomized controlled field trial demonstrating effects of a workplace intervention, designed to increase schedule control and supervisor support, on working parents’ time with their children, as assessed by using longitudinal daily telephone interviews. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parenting Skills and Emotional Availability: An RCT By Published On :: 2015-04-13T00:05:18-07:00 Early parenting programs benefit children’s development in low- and middle-income countries. However, the extent to which these interventions have a positive impact on parenting skills and their emotional availability is less studied.An early child development intervention using play and communication activities to promote caregivers’ responsiveness can improve mother–child interactions, caregiving environment, caregiving practices pertaining to development and feeding, and, in combination with a nutrition intervention, support maternal emotional well-being. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Physician Communication Training and Parental Vaccine Hesitancy: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2015-06-01T06:07:55-07:00 Parental hesitancy about childhood vaccines is prevalent and related to delay or refusal of immunizations. Physicians are highly influential in parental vaccine decision-making, but may lack confidence in addressing parents’ vaccine concerns.A physician-targeted communications intervention designed to reduce maternal vaccine hesitancy through the parent-physician relationship did not affect maternal hesitancy or physician confidence communicating with parents. Further research should determine the most effective approaches to addressing vaccine hesitancy. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Risk Factors for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection and Renal Scarring By Published On :: 2015-06-08T00:07:18-07:00 Vesicoureteral reflux is recognized as an important risk factor for recurrent urinary tract infection and renal scarring. Less is known about the contribution of other risk factors to these outcomes.This study found that information about vesicoureteral reflux and bladder and bowel dysfunction can be used to identify children at low, medium, and high risk of recurrent urinary tract infection, information that clinicians could use to select children for specific preventive therapies. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Integrating a Parenting Intervention With Routine Primary Health Care: A Cluster Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2015-07-06T00:06:48-07:00 More than 200 million children <5 years are not reaching their developmental potential. Lack of stimulating caregiving is a major cause, and effective scalable interventions are needed. Integrating parenting with health services has been recommended, but there are few evaluations.An innovative parenting intervention can be delivered at routine visits for primary health care, with benefits to child cognitive development and parenting knowledge. This approach using films, discussion, and practice has the potential for delivery at scale. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Prevalence of Parental Misconceptions About Antibiotic Use By Published On :: 2015-07-20T00:07:28-07:00 Attitudes and knowledge about appropriate management of common childhood illnesses may lead parents to mistakenly believe antibiotics are needed. Differences existed in antibiotic knowledge and attitudes between parents of Medicaid- and commercially insured children and according to other sociodemographic variables.Despite efforts to decrease unnecessary antibiotic use, misconceptions about antibiotic use persist and continue to be more prevalent among parents of Medicaid-insured children. Tailored efforts for socioeconomically disadvantaged populations remain warranted to decrease parental drivers of unnecessary antibiotic prescribing. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Positive Parenting Practices, Health Disparities, and Developmental Progress By Published On :: 2015-07-27T00:08:20-07:00 Interactive activities and routines promote early childhood language skills and subsequent educational achievement. Population studies describing parent-child participation in interactive activities and their associations with early child development among vulnerable populations are needed.Significant disparities exist in parenting practices that promote child development between economically advantaged and disadvantaged parents. Participating in less interactive activities was associated with increased risk of developmental delay among low-income families, suggesting a need to enrich parenting practices. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Concurrent Respiratory Viruses and Kawasaki Disease By Published On :: 2015-08-24T00:07:08-07:00 Making a diagnosis of Kawasaki disease (KD) is often a diagnostic dilemma. This dilemma is confounded when children present with symptoms consistent with known, common respiratory viruses and/or with KD symptoms that could potentially be attributed to a respiratory virus.Patients with KD commonly have a concurrent respiratory viral infection. Clinicians should not dismiss the diagnosis of KD based on the presence of respiratory symptoms. Furthermore, a positive respiratory virus test result should not be used to exclude the diagnosis of KD. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent/Adolescent Weight Status Concordance and Parent Feeding Practices By Published On :: 2015-08-24T00:07:08-07:00 Research has shown that parent feeding practices are associated with adolescent weight status and dietary intake. It is unknown whether certain factors such as parent and child weight status concordance or discordance influence parents’ use of specific feeding practices.Findings from the current study suggest that parents use the highest levels of pressure-to-eat feeding practices when parents and adolescents are both nonoverweight and the highest levels of food restriction when parents and adolescents are both overweight/obese. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Supervision and Alcohol Abuse Among Adolescent Girls By Published On :: 2015-09-21T00:07:34-07:00 Minimal parent supervision and early pubertal maturation independently forecast alcohol misuse among adolescent girls. It is not known if pubertal timing amplifies risks associated with inadequate supervision during the formative years when youth are first exposed to alcohol.Early maturing girls who enter secondary school with high levels of behavioral autonomy report a dramatic increase in alcohol abuse. The etiology of their problems with alcohol can be traced, in part, to heightened risks arising from low parent supervision. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Stigma and Parenting Children Conceived From Sexual Violence By Published On :: 2015-10-05T00:07:44-07:00 Maternal–child relationships among women raising children from sexual violence-related pregnancies (SVRPs) are not well understood. Limited case reports suggest widely varied and complex relationships. The determinants of these relationships are unknown.With its large sample size, this article quantifies and analyzes maternal–child relationships among women raising children from SVRPs, and assesses the impact of stigma, acceptance, and maternal mental health on these relationships. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Physician and Nurse Nighttime Communication and Parents' Hospital Experience By Published On :: 2015-10-26T00:07:21-07:00 Communication between parents and providers is an important driver of parent experience of care. The impact of nighttime communication, which has become increasingly relevant after changes in resident physician duty hours, on parent experience is unknown.Parent communication with nighttime doctors and nurses, and parent perceptions of communication and teamwork between these providers, may be important drivers of parent experience. Efforts to improve nighttime communication, both with parents and between team members, may improve parent experience. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent | In your 20s? Why the current market crash may offer opportunity By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2020 14:23:11 +0200 Are you in your twenties and wonder how you can use the current market crash caused by fears related to the coronavirus pandemic as a way to get into the investment market? Full Article
rent | MONEY CLINIC: My property registration was sent off just before the lockdown. Do I still have to pay rent? By Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 07:00:29 +0200 A Fin24 reader who bought a property in December 2019 sent his registration papers off just before the lockdown was announced, which was unfortunately too late. A property law expert responds. Full Article
rent | MONEY CLINIC: As a private individual, can I request a rental payment holiday? By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:00:19 +0200 A Fin24 reader whose son is a student at Stellenbosch University and stays at a private residence near the campus wants to know what his options are in requesting a rental payment holiday. Full Article