rent A Statewide Trial of the SafeCare Home-based Services Model With Parents in Child Protective Services By Published On :: 2012-02-20T00:08:23-08:00 Neglect cases in Child Protective Services often receive home-based interventions, but their success in preventing maltreatment recidivism has been elusive. Structured, behavioral skills models, such as SafeCare, are promising but have not been tested in full-scale implementation trials.This cluster trial experiment demonstrates significant maltreatment recidivism reduction due to implementing the SafeCare model in a fully scaled-up statewide system. The findings support adopting the SafeCare model for these types of services. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Psychological Well-Being and Behavioral Outcome of Very Low Birth Weight Infants at 3 Years By Published On :: 2012-03-12T00:07:23-07:00 Preterm infants are at increased risk of behavioral problems, which has been associated with maternal distress. Paternal psychological well-being is less studied. Parents’ concerns may affect their perceptions or attitudes and have negative effects on the behavior of the child.Parents report more behavior problems in VLBW children at age 3 if they themselves have had symptoms of depression, parenting stress, or weak sense of coherence. Also, the paternal psychological well-being contributes to the behavioral development of a preterm child. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Implications of Childhood Autism for Parental Employment and Earnings By Published On :: 2012-03-19T00:07:59-07:00 Previous research on the cost of childhood autism has been restricted primarily to studying direct costs (money outlays) incurred by publicly and privately funded service systems.This study estimates the economic impact on the family and examines indirect costs to families in the form of parental labor market productivity losses. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Congruence of Reproductive Concerns Among Adolescents With Cancer and Parents: Pilot Testing an Adapted Instrument By Published On :: 2012-03-19T00:07:57-07:00 Survival takes precedence for adolescent patients with cancer and their families. Patients may not discuss their treatments’ potential to damage their reproductive capacity, which has significant psychological late effects in survivorship.Strong reproductive concerns of adolescents with cancer may not be captured on current health-related quality of life instruments and may be neglected by parents’ unawareness. Parent-proxy reports of adolescent reproductive concerns are not suitable for capturing specific emotions and feelings. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Separation and Pediatric Cancer: A Danish Cohort Study By Published On :: 2012-04-09T00:07:37-07:00 Cancer in a child may affect the quality of the parents’ relationship, but few studies have examined a potential effect on parental divorce, and no studies have accounted for the proportion of couples that live outside formal marriages.In this nationwide registry-based study with up to 20 years of follow-up, we included both married and cohabiting couples, reflecting modern family structures. We found that experiencing cancer in a child is not a risk factor for the parents separating. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Effects of Description of Options on Parental Perinatal Decision-Making By Published On :: 2012-04-09T00:07:35-07:00 Studies have found that the degree of detail with which palliative care is described and the order in which options are presented can affect end-of-life decisions. None of these studies, though, involved decisions regarding very premature infants.Unlike other end-of-life decisions, those regarding extremely premature infants are influenced neither by the degree of detail nor order of presentation of management options. Deep-seated values embodied in the reasons given for these choices suggest why they are so robust. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Factors Related to Voluntary Parental Decision-Making in Pediatric Oncology By Published On :: 2012-04-16T00:07:46-07:00 Valid parental permission requires that the decision be both informed and voluntary. Previous research has focused on the informational components of decision-making (eg, disclosure and understanding), with little empirical attention to the voluntariness of decisions.We address this gap by examining the voluntariness of parents making research or treatment decisions in pediatric oncology. We identify demographic and contextual correlates of voluntariness and highlight the clinical implications of the findings for physicians and investigators. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Concurrent Validity of Ages and Stages Questionnaires in Preterm Infants By Published On :: 2012-06-11T00:08:09-07:00 Preterm children born between 29 and 36 gestational weeks are at higher risk of developmental delay. The Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) have been recommended as a developmental screening tool.At 12 months’ corrected age (CA), the ASQ was insufficient in identifying delays on both mental and psychomotor scales of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development but was accurate in detecting mental delay at CA of 24 months. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Integrated Personal Health Record Use: Association With Parent-Reported Care Experiences By Published On :: 2012-06-11T00:08:07-07:00 Regular use of an integrated personal health record (PHR) may lead to improved outcomes through improved care coordination, communication, and patient empowerment. A limited number of studies have examined integrated PHR use for children.Parents of children with chronic disease appear willing to use an integrated PHR to address health care needs for their child. PHRs may lead to improved health care and outcomes by enabling more coordinated care for children with chronic disease. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent The Differential Impact of Delivery Hospital on the Outcomes of Premature Infants By Published On :: 2012-07-09T00:07:43-07:00 Data suggest that delivery at high-volume, high-technology hospitals reduces neonatal mortality. No study has examined other complications or compared the effects in multiple states by using a study design to control for unmeasured differences in case mix.The survival benefit to delivering at a high-level NICU between 1995 and 2005 is larger than previously reported and varies between states. The survival benefits affect both extremely and moderately preterm infants. Complication rates were similar between hospital types. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Early Growth of Infantile Hemangiomas: What Parents' Photographs Tell Us By Published On :: 2012-07-23T00:07:50-07:00 Infantile hemangiomas have a period of rapid growth in early infancy. Most hemangioma growth is completed by 5 months of age, but the majority of patients are not seen by a specialist until after the growth phase is complete.The most rapid hemangioma growth is between 1 and 2 months of life, much earlier than previously believed. Patients with high-risk hemangiomas should be followed closely, and treatment initiation should be considered before or during the most rapid growth phase. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Views of Adolescents and Parents on Pediatric Research Without the Potential for Clinical Benefit By Published On :: 2012-09-10T00:07:56-07:00 Critics argue that pediatric research without the potential for clinical benefit treats children as mere means to benefit others. Yet, there are no data to assess whether adolescents who participate in research, or their parents, agree with this view.Respondents felt that by participating in research the adolescents were making important contributions to help others, and the adolescents felt proud to be doing so. These findings support the view that nonbeneficial pediatric research involves a type of charitable activity. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Beliefs and Expectations of Canadian Parents Who Bring Febrile Children for Medical Care By Published On :: 2012-09-10T00:07:56-07:00 Fever phobia is a ubiquitous problem throughout the world. As a result, fever is pharmacologically overtreated, and medical attention is frequently sought by worried parents.Most Canadian parents fear their child’s fever, resulting in aggressive surveillance and treatment. Parents expect information about fever etiology and how to care for their ill child. Few parents expect antibiotics and satisfaction with care is high. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Vitamin D Status of Exclusively Breastfed 4-Month-Old Infants Supplemented During Different Seasons By Published On :: 2012-09-24T00:07:05-07:00 Despite numerous preventive strategies including prophylaxis with 400 IU/day of vitamin D in recent years, the deficiency of vitamin D in infants is still a global health problem.This study reveals that the risk of vitamin D deficiency is high in exclusively breastfed infants, especially in winter, despite vitamin D supplementation. Therefore, it is suggested that an adjustment of vitamin D dosage for seasonal variation might be necessary. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Influence of Stress in Parents on Child Obesity and Related Behaviors By Published On :: 2012-10-22T00:07:39-07:00 Stress in parents has been shown to be related to child obesity.The presence of multiple parent stressors was related to child obesity, and parent perception of stress was related to child fast-food consumption. Stress in parents may be an important risk factor for child obesity and related behaviors. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Detection of Viruses in Young Children With Fever Without an Apparent Source By Published On :: 2012-11-05T00:07:51-08:00 Fever without an apparent source is common in children. Currently in the United States, serious bacterial infection is uncommonly the cause. Most cases are assumed to be viral, but the specific viral causes have not been delineated. Antibiotics are frequently prescribed.By using polymerase chain reaction, we detected pathogenic viruses frequently in children with fever without an apparent source. Adenovirus, human herpesvirus-6, enterovirus, and parechovirus were predominant. Testing of blood had high yield. Better recognition of viral etiologies may help reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent 15-Year Follow-Up of Recurrent "Hypoglycemia" in Preterm Infants By Published On :: 2012-11-05T00:07:49-08:00 It has been widely thought for the past 20 years that recurrent low blood glucose levels ≤2.5 mmol/L (45 mg/dL), even in the absence of any suggestive clinical signs, can harm a preterm infant’s long-term development.This prospective study showed the outcome at 2 and 15 years later for the preterm infants who had a blood glucose level this low in the first 10 days of life did not differ from that of matched controls. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parents Smoking in Their Cars With Children Present By Published On :: 2012-11-12T00:08:30-08:00 Tobacco smoke exposure is associated with increased morbidity in children, and exposure in cars can be particularly intense. The American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement recommends that pediatricians assist families in adopting smoke-free car policies.In this study, few smoking parents had a strictly enforced smoke-free car policy. Low rates of pediatric health care providers addressing smoking in the car highlights the need for improved pediatric interventions to protect children from tobacco smoke toxins. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Informed Choice for Newborn Blood Spot Screening in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Parental Perceptions By Published On :: 2012-11-12T00:08:28-08:00 Newborn screening is often seen as a fait accompli, even in programs that ostensibly proceed on the basis of informed choice and parental consent.The study reports details of parental understanding, perceived ability to make an informed choice, and the availability of choice together with variables predictive of parental assessments of having made an informed choice. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Self- and Parent-Rated Executive Functioning in Young Adults With Very Low Birth Weight By Published On :: 2012-12-03T00:07:41-08:00 Very low birth weight (VLBW; <1500 g) subjects show lower scores in performance-based tests of executive functioning (EF) than control subjects up to young adulthood.VLBW adults’ perceptions of their EF in everyday life are very similar to those of term-born adults. Parental evaluation of VLBW/small-for-gestational-age adults’ EF is more negative than adults’ self-reports. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Subclinical Cerebral Edema in Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis Randomized to 2 Different Rehydration Protocols By Published On :: 2012-12-10T00:07:57-08:00 Cerebral edema (CE) occurs frequently during treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in children. Severe, life-threatening CE occurs rarely, but subclinical CE is common. Whether the rate of infusion of intravenous fluids influences the occurrence or severity of CE is unknown.This study demonstrates that the rate of fluid infusion in children with DKA does not substantially affect MRI measures of CE. Studies assessing measures other than edema formation are necessary to determine whether fluid infusion rates influence DKA-related brain injury. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Obtaining Consent from Both Parents for Pediatric Research: What Does "Reasonably Available" Mean? By Published On :: 2012-12-24T00:06:42-08:00 When research involving children is determined to present greater than minimal risk but no potential for direct benefit, permission is required from both parents, unless one is not reasonably available. These requirements are variably understood and applied, and guidance is lacking.In a study on newborn screening, a sizeable percentage of fathers were not reasonably available, reflecting complexities of parental status and family relations. Guidelines developed in this project may provide tools for researchers and institutions to apply in other contexts. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Child and Parental Reports of Bullying in a Consecutive Sample of Children With Food Allergy By Published On :: 2012-12-24T00:06:40-08:00 Lifestyle and vulnerability associated with food allergy might predispose affected children to being bullied. Our previous parent survey identified high rates of bullying in this population, but child reports and emotional impact were not assessed.Bullying was common, often involving threats with food. Bullied food-allergic children, compared with nonbullied, report higher anxiety and lower quality of life. Parental awareness of bullying (~50% of cases) was associated with better social and emotional functioning in the child. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Explicit Heuristics in Decision-making for Children With Life-threatening Illnesses By Published On :: 2013-01-14T00:07:18-08:00 Heuristics are decision-making aids or shortcuts that ease the task of making a wide variety of decisions in diverse contexts. Little is known about the heuristics that parents of children with serious illness use when confronting difficult decisions.Parents of children with life-threatening illnesses use several different types of heuristics, explicitly, in making sense of complex situations, making decisions, and communicating these decisions to others. Better understanding of these heuristics may improve communication and decision support. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Different Guidelines for Imaging After First UTI in Febrile Infants: Yield, Cost, and Radiation By Published On :: 2013-02-25T00:07:01-08:00 There is a lack of consensus regarding the optimal investigative approach after a first febrile urinary tract infection. This is because of uncertainty regarding the long-term clinical significance of vesicoureteral reflux and urinary tract infection–related renal scarring.No ideal diagnostic algorithm exists. We found marked variability in sensitivity and specificity for detection of abnormalities using current protocols. We also highlight the considerable cost differences, both financially and in terms of radiation dose, of different protocols. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Effect of Rotavirus Vaccine on Diarrhea Mortality in Different Socioeconomic Regions of Mexico By Published On :: 2013-03-04T00:06:11-08:00 In Mexico, substantial declines in childhood diarrhea deaths have been documented since the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine in 2007. However, there is concern of lower vaccine effectiveness in less developed regions of Mexico with higher diarrhea-related mortality.We documented significant and comparable declines across all 3 regions of Mexico with different levels of development, indicating equitable vaccine distribution to children with varying risk of mortality and reaffirming the beneficial effects of rotavirus vaccination against fatal diarrheal disease. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent A Parent-Focused Intervention to Reduce Infant Obesity Risk Behaviors: A Randomized Trial By Published On :: 2013-03-04T00:06:09-08:00 While obesity-promoting eating, sedentary and physical activity behaviors, and increased prevalence of adiposity are evident from early life, few high-quality studies have evaluated interventions that seek to influence the development of these behaviors in very early childhood.This study highlights the receptivity of first-time parents to interventions focused on their new infant’s eating and active play and provides evidence of effectiveness on some obesity-promoting behaviors in very early childhood. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Biochemical Characteristics and Risk Factors for Insulin Resistance at Different Levels of Obesity By Published On :: 2013-03-11T00:06:33-07:00 Although the metabolic syndrome is associated with obesity, not all obese children have insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, and nonobese children may develop these abnormalities. Associated factors have not been well described.There was a 6.6% prevalence of nonobese children who were insulin-resistant, associated with a family history of hypertension. There was a 21.3% prevalence of obese who were not insulin-resistant, associated with a low waist circumference. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Efficacy of Psychosocial Group Intervention for Children With Chronic Illness and Their Parents By Published On :: 2013-03-11T00:06:31-07:00 Children with chronic illnesses are at risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Therefore, interventions that focus on coping with the negative consequences of the disease are needed. Evidence-based interventions are limited and often focus on a single diagnosis group.This study demonstrates the efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral group intervention for children with various chronic illnesses. The findings indicate that the involvement of parents is important to achieve long-term results. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent The Impact of Parental Incarceration on the Physical and Mental Health of Young Adults By Published On :: 2013-03-18T00:07:07-07:00 Although a growing body of literature suggests links between parental incarceration and negative child outcomes, research that uses representative US samples and focuses on health outcomes is limited.Using a nationally representative US sample, we examined the association between parental incarceration and young adult mental and physical health outcomes. Results suggest childhood exposure to parental incarceration is associated with increased risk of long-term health problems. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Influence of "GERD" Label on Parents' Decision to Medicate Infants By Published On :: 2013-04-01T01:06:23-07:00 Medications used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are some of the most widely used medications in children younger than 1 year. There are strong indications that GERD is overdiagnosed and overtreated.The factors that drive overtreatment of GERD are not well understood, but it has been proposed that the use of the GERD disease label could perpetuate use of medication. In this study we find evidence for this possibility. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Perceptions of Forgoing Artificial Nutrition and Hydration During End-of-Life Care By Published On :: 2013-04-08T00:06:51-07:00 Forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration in children at the end of life is an acceptable practice under some circumstances. However, there is a paucity of pediatric evidence to guide health care providers’ and parents’ decision-making around this practice.This study describes experiences of parents whose children died after forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration. All parents were satisfied with their decision and believed their child’s death was peaceful. This study adds to the limited evidence to guide clinical practice. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent The Impact of Social Networks on Parents' Vaccination Decisions By Published On :: 2013-04-15T00:06:43-07:00 Previous studies have suggested that health care providers, family members, friends, and others play a role in shaping parents’ vaccination decisions. Other research has suggested that the media can influence whether parents decide to vaccinate their children.Through the application of social network analysis, this study formally examines and quantifies how parents are influenced by the people and sources around them. Its findings suggest that social networks are important, particularly for parents who do not completely vaccinate. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Cluster (School) RCT of ParentCorps: Impact on Kindergarten Academic Achievement By Published On :: 2013-04-15T00:06:42-07:00 At least half of the achievement gap for low-income, minority children is present at kindergarten entry; however, there are no population-level early childhood interventions that effectively engage and support families and teachers to ameliorate the impact of adversity on achievement.This study evaluated ParentCorps, a family-centered, school-based intervention to promote self-regulation and learning for all children entering school in disadvantaged, urban neighborhoods. ParentCorps results in higher kindergarten achievement among low-income, minority children. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Food-Related Parenting Practices and Adolescent Weight Status: A Population-Based Study By Published On :: 2013-04-22T05:21:47-07:00 Despite numerous studies, evidence of the association between food-related parenting practices and child weight remains equivocal. Examination of this association within a sample of diverse adolescents is needed to inform anticipatory guidance provided by physicians working with parents of adolescents.The current study explores associations between food-related parenting practices and weight status in a population-based sample of parent-adolescent pairs. This diverse sample allows for an in-depth examination of the role of gender, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and grade level in this association. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Current Status of Transition Preparation Among Youth With Special Needs in the United States By Published On :: 2013-05-13T00:07:01-07:00 The importance of transition from pediatric to adult health care for youth with special health care needs has gained increasing attention over the past decade, but fewer than half of this population received needed transition preparation in 2005–2006.This study reports on transition findings from the 2009–2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and finds no discernible improvements since 2005–2006. New clinical recommendations and care processes should help to accelerate transition improvements in the future. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Implementation of a Parental Tobacco Control Intervention in Pediatric Practice By Published On :: 2013-06-24T00:07:09-07:00 Young adult smokers frequently encounter the health care system as parents coming in for their child’s medical visit. Child health care clinicians, however, do not typically provide smoking cessation assistance to parents.This national cluster-randomized trial demonstrates that a tobacco dependence intervention for parents can be effectively implemented in routine pediatric outpatient practice. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent CT Scan Utilization Patterns in Pediatric Patients With Recurrent Headache By Published On :: 2013-06-24T00:07:08-07:00 Although unnecessary for children with headache and normal history, computed tomography (CT) scans are widely used. Fewer than 1% of pediatric brain abnormalities present with headache as the only symptom. Furthermore, repeated CT scans may increase lifetime risk of cancer.CT scans continue to be used to diagnose isolated pediatric headaches despite existing practice parameters. Although emergency department visits were correlated with greater likelihood of CT scan use, these scans were widely used across a variety of clinical settings. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Knowledge of Potential Cancer Risks From Exposure to Computed Tomography By Published On :: 2013-07-08T00:07:25-07:00 Studies have highlighted a lack of patient awareness of potential increased cancer risks associated with computed tomography (CT) scans in adult patients and in nonurgent settings. However, little is known about parental awareness of these risks in an emergency setting.Approximately half of parents were aware of the potential cancer risks from CT scans in an emergency setting. Although risk disclosure moderately reduced willingness to proceed with recommended testing, almost all parents preferred an informed discussion before CT imaging. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent The Relationship Between Parents' and Children's Television Viewing By Published On :: 2013-07-15T00:07:09-07:00 Many children exceed the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation to limit non-educational screen media to < 2 hours per day. The household media environment shapes children's television viewing (TVV), and heavy screen time is associated with poor health outcomes.Parent TVV is a stronger predictor of child TVV than traditional media "access" and "rules" variables regardless of child age. This research highlights an important factor of child TVV that has been underemphasized in most studies and outreach efforts. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent and Child Cigarette Use: A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study By Published On :: 2013-08-05T00:07:56-07:00 Adolescents are likely to smoke if their parent(s) smoke. Little research uses prospective longitudinal data from parents and children to more confidently document these intergenerational associations, alongside potential confounders (parental education) and mediators (school achievement, mental health, older sibling smoking).Analyses of long-term multigenerational data show how diverse parental smoking trajectories influence child smoking, controlling for measured confounders. The risk of smoking is especially high among children residing with a persistent heavy smoking parent and an older sibling who smokes. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parental Preferences and Goals Regarding ADHD Treatment By Published On :: 2013-09-02T00:07:14-07:00 Shared decision-making involves the assessment of preferences and goals and has been prioritized in new attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treatment guidelines, yet no studies have examined the impact of both preferences and goals on treatment initiation.Supporting the clinical utility of preference and goal assessment, we found that parental treatment preferences are associated with treatment initiation, and those with distinct goals select different treatments. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Validity of Different Pediatric Early Warning Scores in the Emergency Department By Published On :: 2013-09-09T00:07:22-07:00 Pediatric early warning scores (PEWS) for hospital inpatients have been developed to identify patients at risk for deterioration. Beyond triage, similar systems that identify ill patients and predict requirements for a higher level of care are needed in the emergency department.The validity of the different PEWS in pediatric emergency care patients has never been evaluated. This study showed that PEWS are capable of detecting children in need of ICU admission. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Disparities in Health Insurance Among Children With Same-Sex Parents By Published On :: 2013-09-16T01:07:11-07:00 Health insurance is associated with improved health for children, but gay and lesbian parents face barriers to adding their children to private health insurance. Little is known about the extent to which insurance disparities exist for children with same-sex parents.Children with same-sex parents are less likely to have private health insurance. When children live in states in which legal same-sex marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, or second-parent adoptions are available, disparities in private insurance diminish for children with same-sex parents. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Parent Health and Functioning 13 Months After Infant or Child NICU/PICU Death By Published On :: 2013-10-07T00:07:06-07:00 Research has focused on primarily white parents, months to years after their infant/child or adult child died of cancer, accidental injury, sudden infant death syndrome, or suicide. Many parents experience depression and/or posttraumatic stress disorder and greater risk for some physical health problems.Data on hospitalizations, changes in and management of chronic conditions, complexity of medication regimens, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder were collected over 13 months from 249 Hispanic, black, and white parents in 188 families who experienced an infant/child NICU/PICU death. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Effect of Palivizumab Prophylaxis on Subsequent Recurrent Wheezing in Preterm Infants By Published On :: 2013-10-14T00:07:23-07:00 Palivizumab prophylaxis prevents respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infection. An association between respiratory syncytial virus infection and subsequent recurrent wheezing has been suggested by many studies. Only a few studies conducted from Europe and North America have addressed this causal association.In a prospective, multicenter, case-control study of 440 children with high follow-up rate of 98.4%, palivizumab prophylaxis administered to preterm Japanese infants (33–35 weeks’ gestational age) in their first respiratory season reduced the incidence of subsequent recurrent wheezing up to 3 years. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Higher-Hazard, No Benefit Research Involving Children: Parental Perspectives By Published On :: 2013-10-14T00:07:21-07:00 Higher-hazard, no-benefit research involving children may be approved by local institutional review boards only when the protocol enrolls children with the medical condition under study. The ethics of this distinction have been debated, but parental opinions have not been explored.We found that parental opinions support federal regulations. We discuss parental motivations for and against research participation and the extent to which enrolling a child in higher-hazard, no-benefit research reflects appropriate surrogate decision-making. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Complementary and Conventional Medicine Use Among Youth With Recurrent Headaches By Published On :: 2013-10-14T00:07:21-07:00 Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasingly common among American youth; however, information on use of CAM among youth with recurrent headache (HA) is limited.Youth across a range of chronic conditions experience HA. These youth are more likely to use CAM. Use and expenditures for conventional medical care, and increased difficulties in activity and functioning are greater for youth with HA who use CAM. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent Child Exposure to Parental Violence and Psychological Distress Associated With Delayed Milestones By Published On :: 2013-11-04T00:07:14-08:00 It has previously been shown that exposure to intimate partner violence and/or parental depression or anxiety may increase a child’s risk for specific adverse health outcomes.By using a large pediatric primary care sample, this study examined associations of child exposure to intimate partner violence and parental psychological distress with developmental milestone attainment by analyzing their combined and separate effects while adjusting for other family factors. (Read the full article) Full Article
rent The Architecture of Provider-Parent Vaccine Discussions at Health Supervision Visits By Published On :: 2013-11-04T00:07:12-08:00 An increasing number of parents have concerns about childhood vaccines. Parents consistently cite their child’s provider as influential in their vaccine decision-making. Little is known about how providers communicate with parents about vaccines and which communication strategies are important.How providers initiate the vaccine recommendation at health supervision visits appears to be an important determinant of parent resistance. Also, when providers pursue their original vaccine recommendations in the face of parental resistance, many parents subsequently agree to vaccination. (Read the full article) Full Article