
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Protection of Cortical Neurons from Serum Withdrawal-Induced Apoptosis Is Inhibited by cAMP

Steven Poser
Jun 1, 2003; 23:4420-4427


Physical Exercise Prevents Stress-Induced Activation of Granule Neurons and Enhances Local Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Dentate Gyrus

Timothy J. Schoenfeld
May 1, 2013; 33:7770-7777


Advances in Enteric Neurobiology: The "Brain" in the Gut in Health and Disease

Subhash Kulkarni
Oct 31, 2018; 38:9346-9354
Symposium and Mini-Symposium


Sleep Deprivation Biases the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Economic Preferences

Vinod Venkatraman
Mar 9, 2011; 31:3712-3718


{Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabinol Activate Capsaicin-Sensitive Sensory Nerves via a CB1 and CB2 Cannabinoid Receptor-Independent Mechanism

Peter M. Zygmunt
Jun 1, 2002; 22:4720-4727


Synaptic Specificity and Application of Anterograde Transsynaptic AAV for Probing Neural Circuitry

Brian Zingg
Apr 15, 2020; 40:3250-3267


Circuit Stability to Perturbations Reveals Hidden Variability in the Balance of Intrinsic and Synaptic Conductances

Sebastian Onasch
Apr 15, 2020; 40:3186-3202


Neurobiological Mechanisms of the Placebo Effect

Fabrizio Benedetti
Nov 9, 2005; 25:10390-10402
Symposia and Mini-Symposia


Grey Matter Volume Differences Associated with Extremely Low Levels of Cannabis Use in Adolescence

Catherine Orr
Mar 6, 2019; 39:1817-1827


Nasal Respiration Entrains Human Limbic Oscillations and Modulates Cognitive Function

Christina Zelano
Dec 7, 2016; 36:12448-12467


Gamma Oscillation by Synaptic Inhibition in a Hippocampal Interneuronal Network Model

Xiao-Jing Wang
Oct 15, 1996; 16:6402-6413


Visualization of Microtubule Growth in Cultured Neurons via the Use of EB3-GFP (End-Binding Protein 3-Green Fluorescent Protein)

Tatiana Stepanova
Apr 1, 2003; 23:2655-2664


Head-direction cells recorded from the postsubiculum in freely moving rats. I. Description and quantitative analysis

JS Taube
Feb 1, 1990; 10:420-435


Dendritic spines of CA 1 pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampus: serial electron microscopy with reference to their biophysical characteristics

KM Harris
Aug 1, 1989; 9:2982-2997


Experience-Dependent Plasticity of Binocular Responses in the Primary Visual Cortex of the Mouse

Joshua A. Gordon
May 15, 1996; 16:3274-3286


Cortical Hubs Revealed by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity: Mapping, Assessment of Stability, and Relation to Alzheimer's Disease

Randy L. Buckner
Feb 11, 2009; 29:1860-1873
Neurobiology of Disease


A framework for mesencephalic dopamine systems based on predictive Hebbian learning

PR Montague
Mar 1, 1996; 16:1936-1947


{alpha}-Band Electroencephalographic Activity over Occipital Cortex Indexes Visuospatial Attention Bias and Predicts Visual Target Detection

Gregor Thut
Sep 13, 2006; 26:9494-9502


Mice Deficient in Cellular Glutathione Peroxidase Show Increased Vulnerability to Malonate, 3-Nitropropionic Acid, and 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,5,6-Tetrahydropyridine

Peter Klivenyi
Jan 1, 2000; 20:1-7


Theory for the development of neuron selectivity: orientation specificity and binocular interaction in visual cortex

EL Bienenstock
Jan 1, 1982; 2:32-48


Response of Neurons in the Lateral Intraparietal Area during a Combined Visual Discrimination Reaction Time Task

Jamie D. Roitman
Nov 1, 2002; 22:9475-9489




Bigtech nel settore finanziario: opportunità e rischi

Italian version of BIS Press Release - Big tech in finance: opportunities and risks, 23 June 2019


Le Communiqué de Bâle finalise les principes relatifs aux tests de résistance, passe en revue les moyens pour mettre fin aux comportements d'arbitrage réglementaire, s'accorde sur la liste annuelle des G-SIB et discute du ratio

French translation of press release - the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is finalising stress-testing principles, reviews ways to stop regulatory arbitrage behaviour, agrees on annual G-SIB list, discusses leverage ratio, crypto-assets, market risk framework and implementation, 20 September 2018.


Les Big Tech dans la finance : opportunités et risques

French version of BIS Press Release - Big tech in finance: opportunities and risks, 23 June 2019


Informe Trimestral del BPI, marzo de 2018: La volatilidad vuelve a cobrar protagonismo tras un episodio de inestabilidad en los mercados bursátiles

Spanish translation of the BIS press release about the BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018


Las monedas digitales de bancos centrales podrían afectar a los pagos, la política monetaria y la estabilidad financiera

Spanish version of Press release about CPMI and the Markets Committee issuing a report on "Central bank digital currencies" (12 March 2018)


El Comité de Basilea finaliza sus principios sobre pruebas de tensión, analiza fórmulas para acabar con prácticas de arbitraje regulatorio, aprueba la lista anual de G-SIB y debate sobre el coeficiente de apalancamiento, los criptoacti

Spanish translation of press release - the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is finalising stress-testing principles, reviews ways to stop regulatory arbitrage behaviour, agrees on annual G-SIB list, discusses leverage ratio, crypto-assets, market risk framework and implementation, 20 September 2018.


Oportunidades y riesgos de la entrada de las big tech en el sector financiero

Spanish version of BIS Press Release - Big tech in finance: opportunities and risks, 23 June 2019




That fucking bird - :mrapig:


Chris Costa's Bust'em - :biotruths:


New ‘Great Exhibition at Home’ challenge launched to inspire young innovators


Rod Watson: Collins keeps grabbing, but we just watch


Donations Dropped 11% at Nation's Biggest Charities Last Year


Learning Debian GNU/Linux


BIS Quarterly Review, September 2019 - media briefing

On-the-record remarks of the September 2019 Quarterly Review media briefing by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, and Mr Hyun Song Shin, Economic Adviser and Head of Research, 20 September 2019.


The new BIS strategy - bringing the Americas and Basel closer together

Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the Fourteenth ASBA-BCBS-FSI High-level Meeting on Global and Regional Supervisory Priorities, Lima, 1 October 2019.


Vulnerabilities in the international monetary and financial system

Speech by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department of the BIS, at the OECD-G20 High Level Policy Seminar, Paris, 11 September 2019.


BIS Quarterly Review, December 2019 - media briefing

On-the-record remarks of the December 2019 Quarterly Review media briefing by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, and Mr Hyun Song Shin, Economic Adviser and Head of Research, 6 December 2019.


Exiting low inflation traps by "consensus": nominal wages and price stability

Exiting low inflation traps by "consensus": nominal wages and price stability - Speech by Luiz A Pereira da Silva and Benoît Mojon, based on the keynote speech at the Eighth High-level Policy Dialogue between the Eurosystem and Latin American Central Banks, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 28-29 November 2019.


BIS Quarterly Review, March 2020 - media remarks

On-the-record remarks of the March 2020 Quarterly Review media briefing by Mr Claudio Borio, Head of the Monetary and Economic Department, and Mr Hyun Song Shin, Economic Adviser and Head of Research, 28 February 2020.


Integration of Swimming-Related Synaptic Excitation and Inhibition by olig2+ Eurydendroid Neurons in Larval Zebrafish Cerebellum

The cerebellum influences motor control through Purkinje target neurons, which transmit cerebellar output. Such output is required, for instance, for larval zebrafish to learn conditioned fictive swimming. The output cells, called eurydendroid neurons (ENs) in teleost fish, are inhibited by Purkinje cells and excited by parallel fibers. Here, we investigated the electrophysiological properties of glutamatergic ENs labeled by the transcription factor olig2. Action potential firing and synaptic responses were recorded in current clamp and voltage clamp from olig2+ neurons in immobilized larval zebrafish (before sexual differentiation) and were correlated with motor behavior by simultaneous recording of fictive swimming. In the absence of swimming, olig2+ ENs had basal firing rates near 8 spikes/s, and EPSCs and IPSCs were evident. Comparing Purkinje firing rates and eurydendroid IPSC rates indicated that 1-3 Purkinje cells converge onto each EN. Optogenetically suppressing Purkinje simple spikes, while preserving complex spikes, suggested that eurydendroid IPSC size depended on presynaptic spike duration rather than amplitude. During swimming, EPSC and IPSC rates increased. Total excitatory and inhibitory currents during sensory-evoked swimming were both more than double those during spontaneous swimming. During both spontaneous and sensory-evoked swimming, the total inhibitory current was more than threefold larger than the excitatory current. Firing rates of ENs nevertheless increased, suggesting that the relative timing of IPSCs and EPSCs may permit excitation to drive additional eurydendroid spikes. The data indicate that olig2+ cells are ENs whose activity is modulated with locomotion, suiting them to participate in sensorimotor integration associated with cerebellum-dependent learning.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The cerebellum contributes to movements through signals generated by cerebellar output neurons, called eurydendroid neurons (ENs) in fish (cerebellar nuclei in mammals). ENs receive sensory and motor signals from excitatory parallel fibers and inhibitory Purkinje cells. Here, we report electrophysiological recordings from ENs of larval zebrafish that directly illustrate how synaptic inhibition and excitation are integrated by cerebellar output neurons in association with motor behavior. The results demonstrate that inhibitory and excitatory drive both increase during fictive swimming, but inhibition greatly exceeds excitation. Firing rates nevertheless increase, providing evidence that synaptic integration promotes cerebellar output during locomotion. The data offer a basis for comparing aspects of cerebellar coding that are conserved and that diverge across vertebrates.


Neural Correlates of Strategy Switching in the Macaque Orbital Prefrontal Cortex

We can adapt flexibly to environment changes and search for the most appropriate rule to a context. The orbital prefrontal cortex (PFo) has been associated with decision making, rule generation and maintenance, and more generally has been considered important for behavioral flexibility. To better understand the neural mechanisms underlying the flexible behavior, we studied the ability to generate a switching signal in monkey PFo when a strategy is changed. In the strategy task, we used a visual cue to instruct two male rhesus monkeys either to repeat their most recent choice (i.e., stay strategy) or to change it (i.e., shift strategy). To identify the strategy switching-related signal, we compared nonswitch and switch trials, which cued the same or a different strategy from the previous trial, respectively. We found that the switching-related signal emerged during the cue presentation and it was combined with the strategy signal in a subpopulation of cells. Moreover, the error analysis showed that the activity of the switch-related cells reflected whether the monkeys erroneously switched or not the strategy, rather than what was required for that trial. The function of the switching signal could be to prompt the use of different strategies when older strategies are no longer appropriate, conferring the ability to adapt flexibly to environmental changes. In our task, the switching signal might contribute to the implementation of the strategy cued, overcoming potential interference effects from the strategy previously cued. Our results support the idea that ascribes to PFo an important role for behavioral flexibility.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT We can flexibly adapt our behavior to a changing environment. One of the prefrontal areas traditionally associated with the ability to adapt to new contingencies is the orbital prefrontal cortex (PFo). We analyzed the switching related activity using a strategy task in which two rhesus monkeys were instructed by a visual cue either to repeat or change their most recent choice, respectively using a stay or a shift strategy. We found that PFo neurons were modulated by the strategy switching signal, pointing to the importance of PFo in behavioral flexibility by generating control over the switching of strategies.


Synaptic Specificity and Application of Anterograde Transsynaptic AAV for Probing Neural Circuitry

Revealing the organization and function of neural circuits is greatly facilitated by viral tools that spread transsynaptically. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) exhibits anterograde transneuronal transport, however, the synaptic specificity of this spread and its broad application within a diverse set of circuits remains to be explored. Here, using anatomic, functional, and molecular approaches, we provide evidence for the preferential transport of AAV1 to postsynaptically connected neurons and reveal its spread is strongly dependent on synaptic transmitter release. In addition to glutamatergic pathways, AAV1 also spreads through GABAergic synapses to both excitatory and inhibitory cell types. We observed little or no transport, however, through neuromodulatory projections (e.g., serotonergic, cholinergic, and noradrenergic). In addition, we found that AAV1 can be transported through long-distance descending projections from various brain regions to effectively transduce spinal cord neurons. Combined with newly designed intersectional and sparse labeling strategies, AAV1 can be applied within a wide variety of pathways to categorize neurons according to their input sources, morphology, and molecular identities. These properties make AAV1 a promising anterograde transsynaptic tool for establishing a comprehensive cell-atlas of the brain, although its capacity for retrograde transport currently limits its use to unidirectional circuits.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The discovery of anterograde transneuronal spread of AAV1 generates great promise for its application as a unique tool for manipulating input-defined cell populations and mapping their outputs. However, several outstanding questions remain for anterograde transsynaptic approaches in the field: (1) whether AAV1 spreads exclusively or specifically to synaptically connected neurons, and (2) how broad its application could be in various types of neural circuits in the brain. This study provides several lines of evidence in terms of anatomy, functional innervation, and underlying mechanisms, to strongly support that AAV1 anterograde transneuronal spread is highly synapse specific. In addition, several potentially important applications of transsynaptic AAV1 in probing neural circuits are described.


Ventral Hippocampal Input to the Prelimbic Cortex Dissociates the Context from the Cue Association in Trace Fear Memory

The PFC, through its high degree of interconnectivity with cortical and subcortical brain areas, mediates cognitive and emotional processes in support of adaptive behaviors. This includes the formation of fear memories when the anticipation of threat demands learning about temporal or contextual cues, as in trace fear conditioning. In this variant of fear learning, the association of a cue and shock across an empty trace interval of several seconds requires sustained cue-elicited firing in the prelimbic cortex (PL). However, it is unknown how and when distinct PL afferents contribute to different associative components of memory. Among the prominent inputs to PL, the hippocampus shares with PL a role in both working memory and contextual processing. Here we tested the necessity of direct hippocampal input to the PL for the acquisition of trace-cued fear memory and the simultaneously acquired contextual fear association. Optogenetic silencing of ventral hippocampal (VH) terminals in the PL of adult male Long-Evans rats selectively during paired trials revealed that direct communication between the VH and PL during training is necessary for contextual fear memory, but not for trace-cued fear acquisition. The pattern of the contextual memory deficit and the disruption of local PL firing during optogenetic silencing of VH-PL suggest that the VH continuously updates the PL with the current contextual state of the animal, which, when disrupted during memory acquisition, is detrimental to the subsequent rapid retrieval of aversive contextual associations.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Learning to anticipate threat from available contextual and discrete cues is crucial for survival. The prelimbic cortex is required for forming fear memories when temporal or contextual complexity is involved, as in trace fear conditioning. However, the respective contribution of distinct prelimbic afferents to the temporal and contextual components of memory is not known. We report that direct input from the ventral hippocampus enables the formation of the contextual, but not trace-cued, fear memory necessary for the subsequent rapid expression of a fear response. This finding dissociates the contextual and working-memory contributions of prelimbic cortex to the formation of a fear memory and demonstrates the crucial role for hippocampal input in contextual fear learning.


Circuit Stability to Perturbations Reveals Hidden Variability in the Balance of Intrinsic and Synaptic Conductances

Neurons and circuits each with a distinct balance of intrinsic and synaptic conductances can generate similar behavior but sometimes respond very differently to perturbation. Examining a large family of circuit models with non-identical neurons and synapses underlying rhythmic behavior, we analyzed the circuits' response to modifications in single and multiple intrinsic conductances in the individual neurons. To summarize these changes over the entire range of perturbed parameters, we quantified circuit output by defining a global stability measure. Using this measure, we identified specific subsets of conductances that when perturbed generate similar behavior in diverse individuals of the population. Our unbiased clustering analysis enabled us to quantify circuit stability when simultaneously perturbing multiple conductances as a nonlinear combination of single conductance perturbations. This revealed surprising conductance combinations that can predict the response to specific perturbations, even when the remaining intrinsic and synaptic conductances are unknown. Therefore, our approach can expose hidden variability in the balance of intrinsic and synaptic conductances of the same neurons across different versions of the same circuit solely from the circuit response to perturbations. Developed for a specific family of model circuits, our quantitative approach to characterizing high-dimensional degenerate systems provides a conceptual and analytic framework to guide future theoretical and experimental studies on degeneracy and robustness.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neural circuits can generate nearly identical behavior despite neuronal and synaptic parameters varying several-fold between individual instantiations. Yet, when these parameters are perturbed through channel deletions and mutations or environmental disturbances, seemingly identical circuits can respond very differently. What distinguishes inconsequential perturbations that barely alter circuit behavior from disruptive perturbations that drastically disturb circuit output remains unclear. Focusing on a family of rhythmic circuits, we propose a computational approach to reveal hidden variability in the intrinsic and synaptic conductances in seemingly identical circuits based solely on circuit output to different perturbations. We uncover specific conductance combinations that work similarly to maintain stability and predict the effect of changing multiple conductances simultaneously, which often results from neuromodulation or injury.


Prohibitin S-Nitrosylation Is Required for the Neuroprotective Effect of Nitric Oxide in Neuronal Cultures

Prohibitin (PHB) is a critical protein involved in many cellular activities. In brain, PHB resides in mitochondria, where it forms a large protein complex with PHB2 in the inner TFmembrane, which serves as a scaffolding platform for proteins involved in mitochondrial structural and functional integrity. PHB overexpression at moderate levels provides neuroprotection in experimental brain injury models. In addition, PHB expression is involved in ischemic preconditioning, as its expression is enhanced in preconditioning paradigms. However, the mechanisms of PHB functional regulation are still unknown. Observations that nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in ischemia preconditioning compelled us to postulate that the neuroprotective effect of PHB could be regulated by NO. Here, we test this hypothesis in a neuronal model of ischemia–reperfusion injury and show that NO and PHB are mutually required for neuronal resilience against oxygen and glucose deprivation stress. Further, we demonstrate that NO post-translationally modifies PHB through protein S-nitrosylation and regulates PHB neuroprotective function, in a nitric oxide synthase-dependent manner. These results uncover the mechanisms of a previously unrecognized form of molecular regulation of PHB that underlies its neuroprotective function.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Prohibitin (PHB) is a critical mitochondrial protein that exerts a potent neuroprotective effect when mildly upregulated in mice. However, how the neuroprotective function of PHB is regulated is still unknown. Here, we demonstrate a novel regulatory mechanism for PHB that involves nitric oxide (NO) and shows that PHB and NO interact directly, resulting in protein S-nitrosylation on residue Cys69 of PHB. We further show that nitrosylation of PHB may be essential for its ability to preserve neuronal viability under hypoxic stress. Thus, our study reveals a previously unknown mechanism of functional regulation of PHB that has potential therapeutic implications for neurologic disorders.


Selective Disruption of Inhibitory Synapses Leading to Neuronal Hyperexcitability at an Early Stage of Tau Pathogenesis in a Mouse Model

Synaptic dysfunction provoking dysregulated cortical neural circuits is currently hypothesized as a key pathophysiological process underlying clinical manifestations in Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative tauopathies. Here, we conducted PET along with postmortem assays to investigate time course changes of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic constituents in an rTg4510 mouse model of tauopathy, which develops tau pathologies leading to noticeable brain atrophy at 5-6 months of age. Both male and female mice were analyzed in this study. We observed that radiosignals derived from [11C]flumazenil, a tracer for benzodiazepine receptor, in rTg4510 mice were significantly lower than the levels in nontransgenic littermates at 2-3 months of age. In contrast, retentions of (E)-[11C]ABP688, a tracer for mGluR5, were unaltered relative to controls at 2 months of age but then gradually declined with aging in parallel with progressive brain atrophy. Biochemical and immunohistochemical assessment of postmortem brain tissues demonstrated that inhibitory, but not excitatory, synaptic constituents selectively diminished without overt loss of somas of GABAergic interneurons in the neocortex and hippocampus of rTg4510 mice at 2 months of age, which was concurrent with enhanced immunoreactivity of cFos, a well-characterized immediate early gene, suggesting that impaired inhibitory neurotransmission may cause hyperexcitability of cortical circuits. Our findings indicate that tau-induced disruption of the inhibitory synapse may be a critical trigger of progressive neurodegeneration, resulting in massive neuronal loss, and PET assessments of inhibitory versus excitatory synapses potentially offer in vivo indices for hyperexcitability and excitotoxicity early in the etiologic pathway of neurodegenerative tauopathies.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In this study, we examined the in vivo status of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the brain of the rTg4510 tauopathy mouse model by PET imaging with (E)-[11C]ABP688 and [11C]flumazenil, respectively. We identified inhibitory synapse as being significantly dysregulated before brain atrophy at 2 months of age, while excitatory synapse stayed relatively intact at this stage. In line with this observation, postmortem assessment of brain tissues demonstrated selective attenuation of inhibitory synaptic constituents accompanied by the upregulation of cFos before the formation of tau pathology in the forebrain at young ages. Our findings indicate that selective degeneration of inhibitory synapse with hyperexcitability in the cortical circuit constitutes the critical early pathophysiology of tauopathy.


Alpha Activity Reflects the Magnitude of an Individual Bias in Human Perception

Biases in sensory perception can arise from both experimental manipulations and personal trait-like features. These idiosyncratic biases and their neural underpinnings are often overlooked in studies on the physiology underlying perception. A potential candidate mechanism reflecting such idiosyncratic biases could be spontaneous alpha band activity, a prominent brain rhythm known to influence perceptual reports in general. Using a temporal order judgment task, we here tested the hypothesis that alpha power reflects the overcoming of an idiosyncratic bias. Importantly, to understand the interplay between idiosyncratic biases and contextual (temporary) biases induced by experimental manipulations, we quantified this relation before and after temporal recalibration. Using EEG recordings in human participants (male and female), we find that prestimulus frontal alpha power correlates with the tendency to respond relative to an own idiosyncratic bias, with stronger α leading to responses matching the bias. In contrast, alpha power does not predict response correctness. These results also hold after temporal recalibration and are specific to the alpha band, suggesting that alpha band activity reflects, directly or indirectly, processes that help to overcome an individual's momentary bias in perception. We propose that combined with established roles of parietal α in the encoding of sensory information frontal α reflects complementary mechanisms influencing perceptual decisions.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The brain is a biased organ, frequently generating systematically distorted percepts of the world, leading each of us to evolve in our own subjective reality. However, such biases are often overlooked or considered noise when studying the neural mechanisms underlying perception. We show that spontaneous alpha band activity predicts the degree of biasedness of human choices in a time perception task, suggesting that alpha activity indexes processes needed to overcome an individual's idiosyncratic bias. This result provides a window onto the neural underpinnings of subjective perception, and offers the possibility to quantify or manipulate such priors in future studies.