
Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances, and Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD, author of Making Surgical Complications Pay

Interview with Atul A. Gawande, MD, MPH, author of Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances, and Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD, author of Making Surgical Complications Pay


Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances, and Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD, author of Making Surgical Complications Pay

Interview with Atul A. Gawande, MD, MPH, author of Relationship Between Occurrence of Surgical Complications and Hospital Finances, and Uwe E. Reinhardt, PhD, author of Making Surgical Complications Pay


Cotton / David D. Fang and Richard G. Percy, editors


Agriculture : a very short introduction / Paul Brassley and Richard Soffe

Brassley, Paul, 1946-


Aquaculture technology : flowing water and static water fish culture / Richard W. Soderberg

Soderberg, Richard W., author


Principles of field crop production / John H. Martin (Late, of Oregon State University & United States Department of Agriculture), Richard P. Waldren (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), David L. Stamp (Late, of Texas Technological University)

Martin, John H. (John Holmes), 1893- author


Aphids as crop pests / edited by Helmut F. van Emden and Richard Harrington


Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture / edited by Richard A. Sikora (INRES, University of Bonn, Germany), Daniel L. Coyne (IITA, Nairobi, Kenya), Johannes Hallmann (JKI, Münster, Germany), Patricia Timper (USDA, Tifton, Ge


Integrated disease management of wheat and barley / edited by Professor Richard Oliver, Curtin University, Australia


Weeds of the south-east : an identification guide for Australia / F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson, R.C.H. Shepherd

Richardson, F. J


Systems engineering for aerospace: a practical approach / Richard Sheng

Online Resource


Space dogs: the story of the celebrated canine cosmonauts / Martin Parr ; text by Richard Hollingham

Hayden Library - TL873.P37 2019


Benefit-cost analysis guidebook for airport stormwater / Richard A. Krop [and 10 others]

Barker Library - TL725.3.D7 K76 2019


Air demand in a dynamic competitive context with the automobile / RSG, Inc., with Matthew Coogan, Mark Hansen, Richard Marchi, Nancy McGuckin, Megan Ryerson, Mike Welch

Barker Library - TL725.3.P3 A37 2019


The ultimate engineer: the remarkable life of NASA's visionary leader George M. Low / Richard Jurek ; foreword by Gerald D. Griffin

Dewey Library - TL789.85.L69 J87 2019


The New Testament in its ritual world [electronic resource] / Richard E. DeMaris

Oxford ; New York : Routledge, 2008


And then all hell broke loose: two decades in the Middle East / Richard Engel

Rotch Library - DS39.3.E54 2016


Narratives of kingship in Eurasian empires, 1300-1800 / by Richard van Leeuwen

Rotch Library - PN56.5.K44 L44 2017


Muslim pilgrimage in Europe / edited by Ingvild Flaskerud and Richard J. Natvig

Rotch Library - BP187.3.M873 2018


Sur les chemins d'Onagre: histoire et archéologie orientales: hommage à Monik Kervran / edited by Claire Hardy-Guilbert, Hélène Renel, Axelle Rougeulle, Eric Vallet

Rotch Library - DS56.S87 2018


Travelling pasts: the politics of cultural heritage in the Indian Ocean world / edited by Burkhard Schnepel, Tansen Sen

Rotch Library - DS338.T73 2019


Tangier: from the Romans to the Rolling Stones / Richard Hamilton

Rotch Library - DT329.T16 H36 2019


History, space and social conflict in Beirut: the quarter of Zokak el-Blat / Hans Gebhardt [and others]

Rotch Library - DS89.B4 H57 2005


Fashioning the self in transcultural settings: the uses and significance of dress in self-narratives / edited by Claudia Ulbrich, Richard Wittmann

Rotch Library - GT510.F37 2015


Medical imperialism in French North Africa: regenerating the Jewish community of colonial Tunis / Richard C. Parks

Rotch Library - DS135.T72 T867 2017


Rum Seljuq architecture, 1170-1220: the patronage of sultans / Richard P. McClary

Rotch Library - NA1363.M33 2017


Sasanian Persia: between Rome and the steppes of Eurasia / edited by Eberhard W. Sauer

Rotch Library - DS286.S28 2017


Face-to-face in Shakespearean drama : ethics, performance, philosophy / edited by Matthew James Smith and Julia Reinhard Lupton


Exploring the fantastic : genre, ideology, and popular culture / Ina Batzke, Eric C. Erbacher, Linda M. Hess, Corinna Lenhardt (eds.)


Fabulous lives : stories / Bindy Pritchard

Pritchard, Bindy, author


Haxby's circus / Katharine Susannah Prichard

Prichard, Katharine Susannah, 1883-1969, author


Doctor Who, the Thirteenth Doctor / writer, Richard Dinnick ; letterers, Comicraft's Sarah Jacobs and John Roshell ; artists, Mariano Laclaustra [and eight others] ; inker, Fer Centurion ; colorists, Color-Ica [and four others]

Barker Library - PN6728.D6445 D56 2018


Doctor Who. writers, James Peaty, Jody Houser ; artists, Iolanda Zanfardino, Pasquale Qualano, Brian Williamson [and 1 other] ; colorists, Dijjo Lima, Enrica Eren Angiolini ; letterers, Richard Starkings and Comicraft's Jimmy Betancourt

Barker Library - PN6728.D644 P43 2019


Press enter to continue / Ana Galvañ ; translation by Jamie Richards

Barker Library - PN6777.G347 P8513 2019


Bad Neighbour, Good Neighbour: How Magnetic Dipole Interactions Between Soft and Hard Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles Affect Macroscopic Magnetic Properties in Ferrofluids

Nanoscale, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0NR02023K, Paper
Niéli Daffé, Jovana Zecevic, Kalliopi Trohidou, Marcin Sikora, Mauro Rovezzi, Claire Carvallo, Marianna Vasilakaki, Sophie Neveu, Johannes D. Meeldijk, Nadejda Bouldi, Veronica Gavrilov, Yohan Guyodo, Fadi Choueikani, Vincent Dupuis, Dario Taverna, Philippe Sainctavit, Amélie JUHIN
Fluids responding to magnetic fields (ferrofluids) offer a scene with no equivalent in nature to explore long-range magnetic dipole interactions. Here, we studied the very original class of binary ferrofluids,...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Nevin C. Meinhardt Memorial Library


Historical profile for the economy and demographics of Hardee County, 1990-2000


Land use in Hardee County


Supplement to Historical profile for the economy and demographics of Hardee County, 1990-2000


The marriage record of Friebele, Samuel L. and Dagenhardt, Rosetta


The marriage record of Booth, Richard J. and Hammack, Susan J


The marriage record of Rhodes, Bricy A. and Harding, Alice


The marriage record of Garner, Richard H. and Osborne, Emily


The marriage record of Garnder, Richard R. and Smith, Emma L


The marriage record of Cornilus, Richard and Blake, Annie


The marriage record of Richardson, Hugh H. and Lea, Ellen M


The marriage record of Harding, William and Wilder, Mattie D


The marriage record of Harding, Thomas and Fisher, Vashti


The marriage record of Reid, Richard L. and Himes, Cicelia


The marriage record of Paulson, Richard L. and Young, Lena W