hit War on waste hits the road with truck tyres and jam jars By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 06:24:00 +1000 As everyday Australians increasingly look for ways to reuse and recycle, government projects are following the same path, with glass, rubber and aggregate being used in roadworks. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast northcoast midnorthcoast coffscoast Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Australia:NSW:Ballina 2478 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Macksville 2447 Australia:NSW:Nambucca Heads 2448 Australia:NSW:Woolgoolga 2456
hit Tiny koala joey defying the odds after being rescued when mother hit by car By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 27 Jul 2019 10:56:00 +1000 Pixie weighed less than 200 grams when she was rescued after her mother was hit by a car. Carers thought she was too tiny to survive, but they were wrong. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast newcastle midnorthcoast Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Science and Technology:Animals:All Science and Technology:Animals:Animal Behaviour Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444
hit Whale entanglements in NSW waters hits new record prompting commercial fishing mitigation By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 16:54:00 +1000 The number of whale entanglements in ropes and floats has reached an unprecedented 35 incidents off NSW so far this year, so commercial fishers are meeting to discuss better practices. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast sydney Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Community Organisations:All Community and Society:Regional:All Environment:All:All Environment:Conservation:All Human Interest:All:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Science and Technology:Animals:Fish Science and Technology:Animals:Mammals - Whales Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Crescent Head 2440 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Scotts Head 2447 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:QLD:All Australia:VIC:All
hit Woman charged with manslaughter after daughter and another woman hit by car in Nambucca Heads By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sun, 29 Sep 2019 18:29:00 +1000 Police are appealing for witnesses after a car hit two women in an "horrific" incident in Nambucca Heads on Saturday night, with the mother of one of the women later charged with manslaughter. Full Article ABC Mid North Coast midnorthcoast Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Murder and Manslaughter Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:NSW:Nambucca Heads 2448
hit Dozens of aftershocks rattle WA after magnitude 6.6 earthquake hits near Broome By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 16 Jul 2019 00:38:00 +1000 The area off the north coast of Western Australia has been hit by more than 30 aftershocks following a magnitude 6.6 earthquake that struck off Broome and was felt as far away as Perth. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley perth northwestwa Disasters and Accidents:Earthquake:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Perth 6000 Australia:WA:Port Hedland 6721
hit National call for change after 20-hour Telstra outage that hit northern WA By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 10:30:00 +1000 A telecommunications consumer group wants enhanced back-ups and safeguards after the telephone network for 50,000 people was cut off in the Kimberley. Full Article ABC Kimberley kimberley Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Telecommunications Information and Communication:All:All Information and Communication:Mobile Phones:All Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Derby 6728 Australia:WA:Fitzroy Crossing 6765 Australia:WA:Halls Creek 6770 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
hit Murder charge for driver allegedly behind hit-and-run Easter crash in Warnbro, south of Perth By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 16:06:00 +1000 A 36-year-old man is charged with murder following an alleged hit-and-run attack on two men in Perth's south in the early hours of Easter Sunday. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern perth Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Law Crime and Justice:Traffic Offences:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Jerramungup 6337 Australia:WA:Perth 6000 Australia:WA:Warnbro 6169
hit Two pedestrians dead after being hit by truck on Brookton Highway in Jelcobine near Perth By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 02 May 2019 13:55:00 +1000 A man and a woman are dead after they were hit by a truck overnight on Brookton Highway in Jelcobine, almost 100 kilometres south-east of Perth, with police closing the road to investigate the crash. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern perth Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Jelcobine 6306 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
hit Heaviest snow in years expected over WA's Stirling Ranges this weekend as cold blast hits By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 15 Aug 2019 11:17:00 +1000 It usually melts long before lunchtime but forecasters expect snow over the Stirling Ranges to linger into the midafternoon this Saturday as a cold front blasts the mountain peaks of southern WA. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Weather:All:All Weather:Snowfall:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330
hit Perth hit by cold front, bringing snow to Stirling Range in south By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 17 Aug 2019 23:31:00 +1000 Cold weather in Western Australia's south sees dozens flock up a mountain to carry out the winter tradition of building tiny, stunted but adorable snowmen. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Weather:All:All Weather:Snowfall:All Australia:All:All Australia:WA:All Australia:WA:Porongurup 6324
hit US-China trade war hits Australian woodchip industry as shipments cancelled By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 19:07:00 +1100 Australia's $1.4-billion plantation woodchip industry is dragged into the US-China trade war, with a number of shipments to the Asian economic powerhouse cancelled in the fallout from the dispute. Full Article ABC Great Southern greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Timber Business Economics and Finance:International Aid and Trade:All Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Community and Society:Regional:All Australia:SA:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:All China:All:All Japan:All:All United States:All:All
hit Man accused of hit-and-run murder had post-traumatic stress disorder, court hears By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 09:06:00 +1000 A man accused of deliberately running over and killing a stranger had post-traumatic stress disorder after an assault nine years earlier, a court has heard. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Murder and Manslaughter Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
hit Tasmania news: Hit and run trial not guilty by insanity, woman guilty of creating fake university documents By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 16:39:00 +1000 DAILY BRIEFING: 31 year-old Josef Barker found not guilty of murder in fatal hit and run, and a woman who lied about attending a university campus at Cradle Mountain so she could travel while on bail is sentenced. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart northtas hobart Community and Society:All:All Government and Politics:All:All Human Interest:All:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Lifestyle and Leisure:All:All Australia:TAS:Bicheno 7215 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Campbell Town 7210 Australia:TAS:Colebrook 7027 Australia:TAS:Coles Bay 7215 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Lake St Clair 7140 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:Mount Stuart 7000 Australia:TAS:Queenstown 7467 Australia:TAS:Smithton 7330 Australia:TAS:St Helens 7216 Australia:TAS:St Leonards 7250 Australia:TAS:St Marys 7215 Australia:TAS:St Peters Pass 7120 Australia:TAS:Stanley 7331 Australia:TAS:Staverton 7306 Australia:TAS:Steppes 7030 Australia:TAS:Stewarts Bay 7182 Australia:TAS:Stieglitz 7216 Australia:TAS:Stonehenge 7120 Australia:TAS:Stonor 7119 Australia:TAS:Stoodley 7306 Australia:TAS:Stormlea 7184 Australia:TAS:Storys Creek 7213 Australia:TAS:Stowport 7321 Australia:TAS:Strahan 7468 Australia:TAS:Strathblane 7109 Australia:TAS:Strathgordon 7139 Australia:TAS:Strickland 7140
hit Royal Hobart Hospital revamp hit by construction dust damage By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 02 Nov 2019 08:08:00 +1100 The redevelopment of the Royal Hobart Hospital continues to be beset with problems, the latest involving $1 million in construction damage. Full Article ABC Radio Hobart hobart northtas Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:States and Territories:All Health:Healthcare Facilities:All Australia:TAS:All Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250
hit Hot weather to hit Victoria, SA threatening temperature records, BOM warns By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 06:51:00 +1100 A severe heatwave threatens to break all-time records in South Australia and Victoria today including the maximum of 46.1C in Adelaide set in 1939 as experts warn that "nowhere is going to escape the heat". Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide eyre melbourne gippsland goulburnmurray Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:History:All Weather:All:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:VIC:Morwell 3840 Australia:VIC:Wodonga 3690
hit Video of SA Police officer hitting wombat with rocks is 'abhorrent' and 'detestable', Commissioner says By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 04 Oct 2019 00:33:00 +1000 South Australia Police are investigating a video that appears to show an off-duty officer badly injuring or killing a wombat by throwing rocks at it, but an Aboriginal elder says it is a local hunting practice. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast adelaide eyre Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Protocols Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All Human Interest:Animals:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Animal Welfare:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:All:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:All Australia:SA:Flaxley 5153 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Yalata 5690
hit WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Tanya Day hitting her head in custody By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 15:56:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:VIC:Castlemaine 3450
hit CCTV footage of Tanya Day hitting head in Castlemaine police cell released by coroner By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:42:00 +1000 The coroner conducting an inquest into the death of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day releases CCTV footage of her falling and hitting her head in a police cell, as her family says they want the world to see the distressing vision. Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic shepparton melbourne Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Black Deaths In Custody Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Bendigo 3550 Australia:VIC:Castlemaine 3450 Australia:VIC:Echuca 3564 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000
hit WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Tanya Day hitting her head in custody By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:42:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:VIC:Castlemaine 3450
hit WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Tanya Day hitting her head in custody By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sun, 08 Sep 2019 05:34:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:VIC:Castlemaine 3450
hit Costs and weather hit dairy farmer confidence and profits By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 07:39:00 +1000 Costs are eroding Australian dairy farmers profit and hitting confidence, with the number of farmers positive about the industry the lowest in 15 years. Poor seasonal conditions are mostly to blame, with high feed and irrigation water costs. Full Article ABC Gippsland southeastnsw coffscoast riverina midnorthcoast upperhunter centralwest goldcoast illawarra sunshine southeastsa northtas shepparton gippsland southwestvic southwestwa Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Food and Beverage Government and Politics:All:All Rural:All:All Rural:Food Processing:All Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Bellingen 2454 Australia:NSW:Dorrigo 2453 Australia:NSW:Finley 2713 Australia:NSW:Gloucester 2422 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Muswellbrook 2333 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Taree 2430 Australia:NSW:Tweed Heads 2485 Australia:NSW:Wollongong 2500 Australia:QLD:Maleny 4552 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630 Australia:VIC:Warragul 3820 Australia:VIC:Warrnambool 3280 Australia:WA:Brunswick 6224 Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Capel 6271 Australia:WA:Cowaramup 6284 Australia:WA:Harvey 6220
hit Victorian man to stand trial over former partner's death, hit by a car in the driveway of her Traralgon home By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 2019 19:23:00 +1000 A man has been ordered to stand trial over the death of his partner, who was hit by a car in the driveway of her Traralgon home. Full Article ABC Gippsland gippsland Community and Society:Domestic Violence:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Morwell 3840 Australia:VIC:Traralgon 3844
hit Mubasshir whiteboard By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 20 Sep 2019 11:52:00 +1000 Mubasshir whiteboard Full Article ABC Gippsland gippsland Education:All:All Education:Subjects:All Education:Subjects:Mathematics Science and Technology:All:All Science and Technology:Mathematics:All Australia:All:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Sale 3850 Australia:VIC:Traralgon 3844
hit Victorian hospitals across Gippsland, Geelong and Warrnambool hit by ransomware attack By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 19:53:00 +1000 The Victorian Government investigates the scale of a ransomware attack by "sophisticated cyber criminals" on some of the state's major regional hospitals that has forced healthcare providers to go offline. Full Article ABC Gippsland gippsland ballarat melbourne southwestvic Health:All:All Health:Healthcare Facilities:All Information and Communication:All:All Science and Technology:Information Technology:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:VIC:Colac 3250 Australia:VIC:Foster 3960 Australia:VIC:Geelong 3220 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:VIC:Portland 3305 Australia:VIC:Sale 3850 Australia:VIC:Traralgon 3844 Australia:VIC:Warragul 3820 Australia:VIC:Warrnambool 3280
hit Policeman appears to hit Indigenous woman in Charters Towers in video posted on social media By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 18:19:00 +1000 The Queensland Ethical Standards Command will review an incident after a "disturbing" video emerged showing a police officer appearing to strike a woman several times in the face. Full Article ABC North Queensland brisbane northqld Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Police:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Charters Towers 4820 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
hit Whitsundays shark attack victim was cracking jokes as Swedish nurses saved his life By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 00:28:00 +1100 Two holidaying nurses want to have a beer with two "cool" English tourists who managed to keep positive minutes after being attacked by a shark. The nurses provided first aid which is credited with saving the men's lives. Full Article ABC North Queensland tropic brisbane northqld Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Disasters and Accidents:Emergency Incidents:All Environment:Oceans and Reefs:Great Barrier Reef Government and Politics:Federal - State Issues:All Human Interest:Animal Attacks:Shark Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:Travel Health and Safety Australia:QLD:Airlie Beach 4802 Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Mackay 4740 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
hit Local star Grunt the pig, a bit hit with the kids By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 16:39:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Goulburn Murray goulburnmurray Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Regional:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:Animals:All Law Crime and Justice:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Wangaratta 3677
hit Sacred white ochre discovered beneath Yirrkala art centre in Arnhem Land By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 14:06:00 +1000 Yolngu people in north-east Arnhem Land consider white ochre sacred and source it to use in ceremonies and art works. A recent discovery beneath a community art centre has the Yirrkala community celebrating. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin alicesprings darwin Arts and Entertainment:All:All Arts and Entertainment:Contemporary Art:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Nhulunbuy 0880 Australia:NT:Yirrkala 0880
hit The team at Neville's Garden Site: Phil Creaser, Karen Roberts, Liz Price, Sue Hand, Kenny Travouillon, Dr Mike Archer, Arthur White, and John Scan By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sun, 21 Jul 2019 08:10:00 +1000 The team at Neville's Garden Site: Phil Creaser, Karen Roberts, Liz Price, Sue Hand, Kenny Travouillon, Dr Mike Archer, Arthur White, and John Scan Full Article ABC Far North sydney farnorth northwest widebay southqld tropic Community and Society:Regional:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:QLD:Georgetown 4871 Australia:QLD:Gregory River 4660 Australia:QLD:Gregory River 4800 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:QLD:Normanton 4890 Australia:QLD:North Gregory 4660 Australia:QLD:St George 4487
hit One dead, two in hospital after crane hits powerlines in Far North Queensland workplace accident By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 06:59:00 +1000 Workplace Health and Safety is investigating after a crane comes into contact with powerlines in Far North Queensland, injuring two people and killing one. Full Article ABC Far North brisbane farnorth Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Workplace Disasters and Accidents:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Gordonvale 4865
hit Accused murderer Matthew White changes plea to guilty over death of Donna Steele By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 06:23:00 +1000 A man accused of murdering a woman in Far North Queensland changes his plea to guilty two days into his Supreme Court trial and will face sentencing this morning. Full Article ABC Far North brisbane farnorth Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Murder and Manslaughter Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Cooktown 4895 Australia:QLD:Manunda 4870
hit Matthew Ross White sentenced to life behind bars for killing Cooktown woman in botched extortion bid By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 00:28:00 +1000 A court releases the video of a police interview that shows the murder confession of Matthew White, who strangled Cooktown woman Donna Steele in a botched extortion bid and has been sentenced to life in jail. Full Article ABC Far North brisbane farnorth Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:Murder and Manslaughter Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Cooktown 4895
hit Chroming resurgence hits Queensland: So what is it and why do kids do it? By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 16:32:00 +1000 Also known as huffing, sniffing or rexing, chroming is the practice of inhaling solvents or other household chemicals to get high. It's caused the death of several children across the country and happens often on public transport but it's not illegal and this is why. Full Article ABC Far North brisbane farnorth Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Drugs and Substance Abuse:All Community and Society:Youth:All Health:Drug Use:Addictive Health:Drug Use:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870
hit Gold Coast woman Theresa Dalton jailed for hiring hitman to murder her husband By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 09 Aug 2019 15:54:00 +1000 Gold Coast woman Theresa Dalton is sentenced to six years in jail for hiring a hitman to kill her husband during their divorce battle, telling a Brisbane court it is a "catastrophic miscarriage of justice" because she is innocent. Full Article ABC Gold Coast brisbane goldcoast Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Crime:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Southport 4215
hit Her son was the first known victim in a new wave of a deadly workplace disease, now Di White is speaking out By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:01:00 +1000 Di White says her son Anthony, 36, needed a ventilator to breathe after his diagnosis and "really didn't have a life" in the 16 months before he died in the bathroom at the local tavern. Full Article ABC Gold Coast goldcoast Business Economics and Finance:Industrial Relations:All Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Workplace Health:Occupational Health and Safety:All Australia:All:All Australia:QLD:Southport 4215
hit Surfing champion Owen Wright hopes his Tahiti Pro victory will inspire others to wear a helmet By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 02 Sep 2019 16:31:00 +1000 Australian pro surfer Owen Wright says he hopes others will follow his lead and start wearing safety helmets in the surf, yet one neurologist warns of the "super-hero complex" and says helmets are not a magic bullet. Full Article ABC Gold Coast illawarra northcoast goldcoast Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Other Health:Brain and Nervous System:All Health:Diseases and Disorders:Sports injuries Health:safety:All Sport:Surfing:All Australia:NSW:Coolangatta 2535 Australia:NSW:Lennox Head 2478 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Wollongong 2500 Australia:QLD:Coolangatta 4225 Australia:VIC:La Trobe University 3086 France:All:All French Polynesia:All:All United States:Hawaii:All
hit Hail hits southern Brisbane and Darling Downs in short, sharp storm By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 11 Oct 2019 18:10:00 +1100 It was all over quickly, but a short, sharp storm has brought hail and a little bit of rain to parts of Brisbane, Toowoomba and the Gold Coast. Full Article ABC Gold Coast brisbane goldcoast southqld Weather:Rainfall:All Weather:Storm:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Coolangatta 4225 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350
hit Architect Philip Follent By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2019 07:24:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Gold Coast goldcoast Arts and Entertainment:Design:Architecture Australia:QLD:Palm Beach 4221
hit Police hunt driver in fatal hit-run on elderly man in Rockhampton By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sun, 18 Aug 2019 14:29:00 +1000 A 76-year-old man has died in a hit-and-run accident in central Queensland overnight as police search for the driver after finding a car believed to have been involved in the crash. Full Article ABC Capricornia brisbane capricornia Community and Society:Regional:All Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Road Disasters and Accidents:Emergency Incidents:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Brisbane 4000 Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700
hit Fatal crash between truck and ute on M1 Motorway at Mt White causes traffic chaos By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 09 Mar 2018 20:19:00 +1100 Commuters can expect long delays heading north from Sydney on the M1, with two lanes closed and traffic stretching back 21 kilometres after a man died in a crash between a ute and semi-trailer at Mt White, north of Sydney. Full Article ABC Radio Central Coast centralcoast Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:Road Disasters and Accidents:All:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Mount White 2250
hit Central Coast Mariners hit rock bottom, searching for their sixth coach in five seasons after 8-2 loss By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 06:27:00 +1100 The Central Coast Mariners have won one game from 21 starts and sacked their coach. The days of Usain Bolt's ill-fated trial with the team seem a lifetime ago, but are we still seeing the effects? Full Article ABC Radio Central Coast centralcoast Sport:All:All Sport:Soccer:A-League Sport:Soccer:All Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Gosford 2250
hit Kangaroos account for 90 per cent of crashes involving animals in NSW, so what do you do if you hit a roo? By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 08:48:00 +1000 For most drivers, hitting a kangaroo can be a terrifying experience. But if the animal is still alive, the next steps you take can be the most important. Full Article ABC Central West NSW westernplains illawarra upperhunter centralwest newcastle Disasters and Accidents:Accidents:All Environment:Conservation:All Law Crime and Justice:Animal Welfare:All Science and Technology:Animals:Animal Behaviour Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Mudgee 2850 Australia:NSW:Muswellbrook 2333 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870 Australia:NSW:Singleton 2330
hit Adolf Hitler figurine By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 09:35:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest melbourne goldfields Community and Society:History:World War 1 Community and Society:History:World War 2 Defence and National Security:Defence Forces:Army Government and Politics:Social Policy:All Unrest Conflict and War:All:All Australia:NSW:Bathurst 2795 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430
hit Severe frosts and plummeting temperatures hit NSW growers during drought By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Tue, 02 Jul 2019 07:59:00 +1000 Freezing temperatures across New South Wales bring heavy frosts, sapping moisture from crops as farmers struggle with water shortages, but are good news for some growers Full Article ABC Central West NSW canberra riverina centralwest westernplains newengland Environment:Water:All Environment:Water Management:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Fruit Rural:All:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:NSW:Batlow 2730 Australia:NSW:Cowra 2794 Australia:NSW:Crookwell 2583 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Glen Innes 2370 Australia:NSW:Mudgee 2850 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870
hit 'Who will tell our stories?' Media decline hits regions hard By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 10:52:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central West NSW goulburnmurray southeastnsw brokenhill coffscoast westernplains northcoast upperhunter newcastle centralwest midnorthcoast newengland riverina illawarra alicesprings katherine widebay goldcoast farnorth westqld tropic sunshine northwest capricornia southqld northqld southeastsa eyre northandwest riverland northtas hobart ballarat centralvic westernvic milduraswanhill gippsland shepparton southwestvic greatsouthern kimberley southwestwa esperance wheatbelt goldfields northwestwa Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Media Community and Society:Regional:All Information and Communication:Internet:Social Media Information and Communication:Print Media:All Rural:All:All Rural:Rural Media:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Coffs Harbour 2450 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Muswellbrook 2333 Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NSW:Wollongong 2500 Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Katherine 0850 Australia:QLD:Bundaberg 4670 Australia:QLD:Burleigh Heads 4220 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Coolangatta 4225 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Mackay 4740 Australia:QLD:Maroochydore 4558 Australia:QLD:Mermaid Beach 4218 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:TAS:New Norfolk 7140 Australia:VIC:Ballarat 3350 Australia:VIC:Bendigo 3550 Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Sale 3850 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630 Australia:VIC:Warrnambool 3280 Australia:VIC:Wodonga 3690 Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Karratha 6714 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
hit white rabbit w owner By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 19:14:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest Australia:NSW:Lithgow 2790
hit rabbit hopping, white By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 19:14:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest Arts and Entertainment:Kids Games and Links:Animals and Nature Human Interest:Animals:All Law Crime and Justice:Animal Welfare:All Rural:Livestock:Miscellaneous Animal Production Science and Technology:Animals:Animal Behaviour Australia:NSW:Lithgow 2790
hit black and white telescope By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 06:30:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest Education:Subjects:Science Science and Technology:Astronomy (Space):Space Exploration Science and Technology:Astronomy (Space):Spacecraft Science and Technology:Astronomy (Space):Stars Science and Technology:Astronomy (Space):Telescopes Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870
hit These drought-hit young people feel forgotten, but they're speaking up with their ideas on dealing with the dry By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2019 06:09:00 +1100 Young people across Australia are being hit hard by the drought now they want to be heard and be part of a solution. Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest riverina newengland newcastle westernplains Community and Society:Family and Children:Children Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:All Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Rural:Livestock:All Australia:NSW:Bumbaldry 2794 Australia:NSW:Finley 2713 Australia:NSW:Narrabri 2390 Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:Tullamore 2874
hit Drought-hit towns anxiously await federal economic stimulus package By www.abc.net.au Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 07:56:00 +1100 Hopes are raised in drought-stricken towns that the Federal Government is on the cusp of delivering a stimulus package, with local mayors urging a generous spend. Full Article ABC Central West NSW westernplains brokenhill illawarra riverina newengland upperhunter centralwest westqld southqld northqld northwest eyre northandwest riverland goulburnmurray gippsland Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Parliament:Federal Parliament Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Machinery:All Rural:All:All Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Griffith 2680 Australia:NSW:Gunnedah 2380 Australia:NSW:Moree 2400 Australia:NSW:Muswellbrook 2333 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NSW:Walgett 2832 Australia:NSW:Wollongong 2500 Australia:QLD:Barcaldine 4725 Australia:QLD:Bedourie 4829 Australia:QLD:Blackall 4472 Australia:QLD:Boulia 4829 Australia:QLD:Charleville 4470 Australia:QLD:Cunnamulla 4490 Australia:QLD:Hughenden 4821 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:QLD:Quilpie 4480 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Windorah 4481 Australia:QLD:Winton 4735 Australia:SA:Cleve 5640 Australia:SA:Darke Peak 5642 Australia:SA:Elliston 5670 Australia:SA:Kadina 5554 Australia:SA:Kimba 5641 Australia:SA:Marree 5733 Australia:SA:Orroroo 5431 Australia:SA:Peterborough 5422 Australia:SA:Pinnaroo 5304 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Streaky Bay 5680 Australia:SA:Whyalla 5600 Australia:SA:Yunta 5440 Australia:VIC:All Australia:VIC:Ensay 3895 Australia:VIC:Orbost 3888 Australia:VIC:Sale 3850