
The Gagging Law And Why We Need To Worry

You may wonder why should be so concerned about the gagging law since it barely effects the small fry like us, but we need to worry, as it will in ways we wouldn't expect. Basically small campaign groups will be at a massive disadvantage to Political Parties financially in the year before an election when it comes to expressing their views on policy and trying to win votes (the amount of money campaign groups can spend will be limited for the whole year, while MP's can spend as much as they want until 4 months before the election) .
It won't effect smaller groups like us as we don't spend much, if any money. But larger groups who would speak up for us like 38 Degrees and Trade Unions etc will not be able to spend money on events with speakers, printed material and things like that, so will be effectively be gagged. Without the help we've had so far from groups like this things would be even worse for the poor and downtrodden, as there would be no one raising awareness for us on a large scale.
Once 2015 begins it will all be down to small grass roots campaign groups to raise awareness of how many thousands of us are being treated by the sweeping changes this government has made, and no other future government has any intention of reversing judging by what they have said so far. Social media accounts that mock the government are already being shut down on twitter, in the year before the election many more will go too, along with other pages promoting the alternative media and our take on what is going on.
Combined with the new policing and antisocial behaviour bill it will make it pretty much impossible for smaller groups to have peaceful flash protests too where we raise awareness with the public of what is happening, as they will be able to arrest us just for being there. You can see now why they are preparing water cannons for the summer etc, they are going to start arresting peaceful protestors who pose no threat, which will spark anger and trigger Police brutality. The media will present what started out as peaceful protest as a riot, and we will not have got our message out.
It all goes to show that the government are scared of us and want to silence us, and that our democratic rights are slowly being eroded. Don't look back and wonder why you did nothing, join us in peacefully fighting these unjust laws.
It's understandable if you don't want to join a protest, I don't trust the metropolitan Police to be able to use a water cannon safely either, you may not realise this but they are not there simply to get you wet, they are a crowd control device. They have different settings from "get them wet" to "punt them a few meters down the road into stationary objects in bone smashing agony". They have to be used with precision and be fired from exactly the right distance away or people will get broken bones and possibly even die. If one goes off way too close the jet hitting you alone can take your skin off. The Met don't exactly have a good track record for getting this sort of shit right do they either? Look how many unarmed people they've shot and just gone "oh sorry my bad we thought he had a gun", then just got away with it, and now were giving the water cannons?!
Also please remember when the media show you protests they only show you the people who were kicking off, the photographers dive in to get a picture of the person being arrested elbowing people out of the way to get that footage. I've been at many and the vast majority of people at these events are completely peaceful and just exercising our democratic right to protest, and if we stop now we face a horrific dystopian future where huge corporations actually openly control everything and there will be nothing we can do about it.
I understand many of you have reasons to live and don't want to die trying to peacefully resist what this government is doing, just spare a thought for those of us who have lost everything and no longer care. I've always been a pacifist and will never turn to violence, but I also will never stop fighting any other way I can for our rights and for justice for all the people who have already died as a result of the changes to the welfare system. Under the new laws passive resisters like myself  will be treated as brutally as someone attacking the Police or causing damage to property though. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be as bad as this and we can raise enough awareness of what these new laws mean before it gets to the point where peaceful protestors are being hurt in large numbers. But we've already seen the videos of how brutally students were treated for daring to try and protest peacefully on their own campus, in some cases by private security guards not even the Police. There has not been enough of an outcry about that too in my opinion so it doesn't look good. 
I'll leave you with some footage of the Irish Police (who are trained to use water cannons) demonstrating water cannon use. Notice how they still manage to fuck it up and actually get the crowd wet as they drove it to close to them when demonstrating the "diffuser" setting.

Also listen to the sound this Turkish protestors body makes as he crashes to the ground, and notice how motionless he is, and believe me if you were from Turkey you would be angry and protesting too so don't judge him harshly for angrily shouting at the water cannon and provoking them.


Ijsgang verhinderd uitvaren reddingsboot Ameland

Door de ijsgang kan de reddingsboot, van het planerende type, van Ameland niet uitvaren


Cognigen News and Current Events

Cognigen News and Current Events


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav"

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Centar za kulturu Čepin: Stand-up comedy show "Ja sam ti takav"
Postano: 13.11.2024. 8:14 (GMT 1) Tomislav Primorac, poznati stand-up komičar i predstavnik SplickeScene, sa showom „Ja sam ti takav“ stiže u Centar za kulturu Čepin. Nastupit će u petak, 15. studenog 2024. u 20 sati.

O komičaru Tomislavu Primorcu
Ovaj stand-up komičar prepoznatljiv je po svom britkom humoru i specifičnom stilu. Opisuje se kao „poludalmatinac“ i „poluhercegovac“ te kao mitološko biće kojeg se boje svi Purgeri. Iako je diplomirani fizičar, odlučio je krenuti putem komedije, što je izazvalo razočaranje njegovih roditelja. Njegov je životni san da bude zapamćen poput Nikole Tesle – ali ne iz altruističnih razloga, već da bi se Dalmatinci i Hercegovci svađali na temu čiji je.

Njegov humor balansira između svakodnevnih situacija i dubljih promišljanja o životu. Cilj mu je pronaći ga u onome što svi proživljavaju. Publiku svih uzrasta - od studenata do sredovječnih muškaraca i baka - uspijeva nasmijati svojom domišljatošću i logikom.

O showu „Ja sam ti takav“
Show „Ja sam ti takav“ dinamičan je i emotivno duboko uronjen u svakodnevni život. Primorac koristi humor kako bi razotkrio obiteljske odnose, kulturne razlike i jezične analize, pri čemu se obraća svima - bez obzira na dob ili društveni status. Ovaj show pruža priliku za smijeh i razmišljanje o životu kroz komične, ali istinite situacije.

Ne propustite priliku za uživanje u ovom jedinstvenom stand-up iskustvu u Čepinu. Garantiramo večer prepunu smijeha i dobre energije“, poručili su Arlekin Comedyja, organizatora ovog događanja.

Kako do ulaznica?
Ulaznice se prodaju po cijeni od 10 eura. Mogu se kupiti online u sustavima Core event i Adriaticket. Fizička prodaja vrši se na lokacijama: caffe bar Onyx, TISAK+ (Gacka ulica 10), TISAK Media Portanova (uz dodatni trošak od 1 eura). Rezervacije su moguće pozivom na broj 098 977 25 41 (Arlekin Comedy), na kojem je moguće dobiti i dodatne informacije.


Airbus pr�voit une forte demande d'avions en Chine au cours des 20 prochaines ann�es

Airbus a pr�vu que la Chine aurait besoin de plus de 9.500 nouveaux avions de transport de passagers et d'avions cargos au cours des deux prochaines d�cennies, en raison de la forte croissance de la demande de transport a�rien et de fret. Selon...


La Chine compte la plus grande capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire dans le monde

La capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire de la Chine, y compris les unit�s en fonctionnement, en construction et officiellement approuv�es, occupe la premi�re place mondiale, d'apr�s la Soci�t� de recherche �nerg�tique de Chine (China...


Dix milliards de yuans de commande pour les moteurs a�ronautiques civils chinois

Aero Engine Corporation of China a annonc� mercredi qu'elle avait sign� des bons de commande et des contrats de coop�ration portant sur plus de 1.500 moteurs, pour une valeur totale de plus de 10 milliards de yuans (environ 1,39 milliard de...


New Release - Land for Sale in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Pasture and Potential Investment land for sale. This attractive parcel of land totals over 62 acres and has the unique benefit of river frontage.


New Release - Land for Sale in Towcester, Northamptonshire

Around 15 acres of flat land for sale, the land is available as a whole or in lots and benefits from strong investment potential due to the proximity of nearby developments.


New Release - Land for Sale in Ilkeston, Derbyshire

The land forms an excellent block of highly productive arable land totalling over 15 acres. It is perfectly placed between Derby and Nottingham, with excellent transport links and just 3 miles from Ilkeston town centre.


New Release - Land for Sale in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

A well managed block of agricultural land for sale available freehold as a whole or in lots suitable for paddock conversion. The land benefits from extensive road frontage and superb track access.


New Release - Land for Sale in Solihull, Birmingham

A rare and desirable opportunity to purchase a block of strategic land just 8 miles from Birmingham City Centre. Totalling over 14 acres the land is available freehold as a whole or lots, with strong investment potential.


New Release - Land for Sale in Stokenchurch

An opportunity to buy land for sale in affluent Buckinghamshire with superb access next to land that has recently been reclassified and granted planning permission.The land is available freehold as a whole or in lots.


New Release - Land for Sale in Hemel Hempstead

Just two lots remaining at this land for sale just 24 miles from the City of London within the affluent county of Hertfordshire. This lush grazing land is available freehold and is suitable for paddock conversion.


New Release - Land for Sale in Buckinghamshire, Water End

Just one lot of lush grazing land for sale in Buckinghamshire, one of the most affluent counties in the UK. The land measures approx 2.5 acres and with superb access, would be ideal for paddock conversion.


Performance Counters in Delphi, sample project and article

Implementing performance monitors in your app is very helpful for profiling, debugging and general satisfaction of the more qualified endusers. It's also a non-trivial excercise, to put it mildly. Microsoft have done their part in making it obscure and hard to use, so naturally, we can't leave it alone, can we? This particular implementation only implements raw and delta counters, but that covers almost anything you'll ever need. The basis is there for other types of counters, though, such as instance based counters and high-precision. Both precompiled and full project source is available.


ACM and IEEE/CS are good for you

Some months back I joined both ACM and IEEE Computer Society and I'm definitely a better human being now. Most won't notice, I guess. And you can take that any way you want to.


The Lifestyle and You ...

Whether or not your contemplating a foray into swinging, already in the lifestyle or really don't care one way or the other, you have to watch this video. What can I say other than I think it is fucking hilarious ... and unless your a prude, a religious fanatic, or dead, I think you'll agree!
I first saw it a year or so ago and I couldn't stop laughing. I ran across it again yesterday and decided that I just had to post it here.

DISCLAIMER: My use of this video should be in no way construed as a personal endorsement of Uncle Fromin's Brand Sexual Lubrication Tonic ...

NOTE: This video was produced by the couple who starred in it. Their website can be found here and their equally creative profile, here.


7 Volt elektrische handschoenen van Gerbing

7V VERWARMDE HANDSCHOENEN Of je nu gaat skiën, paardrijden, hond uitlaten, fietsen of wat dan ook, het is nooit leuk als je het koud hebt. De handen zullen het eerste koud worden. Hiervoor hebben wij verschillende 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen ontwikkeld waardoor je met plezier de dingen doet die je leuk vindt. Ook mensen met een minder goede doorbloeding zullen merken dat onze verwarmde handschoenen een uitkomst zijn. Alle Gerbing 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen en andere kledingstukken uit het 7 volt assortiment worden standaard geleverd met 2 oplaadbare batterijen. Dat wil zeggen dat in tegenstelling tot onze 12 volt elektrisch verwarmde handschoenen, die standaard aangesloten worden op een motorvoertuigaccu, de 7 volt handschoenen alleen maar autonoom gedragen kunnen worden. Net als onze 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn de 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen voorzien van het gepatenteerde micro wire (staaldraad). Dit draad is heel sterk en erg flexibel. Voor alle doeleinden heeft Gerbing handschoenen: S-7 verwarmde textiel handschoenen zijn te gebruiken voor o.a.skiën en fietsen vanwege de extra verstevigingen aan de binnenkant van de hand. De lederen O-7 verwarmde handschoenen en de H-7 verwarmde handschoenen zijn weer te gebruiken voor diverse outdoor activiteiten. Zo is de H-7 handschoenen speciaal gemaakt voor paardrijden en jagen. Maar vanwege zijn sjieke uiterlijk kan men ook leeker verwarmt rijden in een cabrio. De M-7 verwarmde wanten maken de collectie compleet. Deze textiele wanten zijn verkrijgbaar in drie maten en zijn voor heel veel activiteiten geschikt. Al deze 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij kitje (B7V-2500 KIT). Deze batterijen worden ook voor de 7 volt verwarmde jassen, 7 volt verwarmde sokken en alle overige 7 volt producten. De batterijen zijn eenvoudig te bedienen en zorgen voor uren plezier met warme handen.


12 Volt verwarmde Handschoenen van Gerbing

Gerbing biedt een breed scala aan 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen aan. Deze zijn eenvoudig aan te sluiten op een 12 volt accu van een voertuig door middel van de accu-aansluitkabel. Ook zijn ze aan te sluiten op onze 12 volt draagbare batterijen waardoor onze verwarmde handschoenen ook gebruikt kunnen worden voor willekeurige outdoor activiteiten. Wij gebruiken de beste verwarmingstechnologie die er is en daardoor kunnen wij ook een levenslange garantie geven op de verwarming. Door middel van het hoogwaardige Microwire ® verwarmingssysteem, waarop patent is aangevraagd, zijn het de warmste handschoenen die ooit ontwikkeld zijn. Alle 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen worden geleverd met een accu-aansluitkabel en een in-line junior controller om de warmte van de handschoenen te regelen. Gerbing heeft de volgende typen 12 volt handschoenen in het assortiment: T-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met bescherming en een mogelijkheid om kleine batterijen te plaatsen (B12V-1400). G-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een basic leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met een kortere schacht die. De G-12 heeft niet de mogelijkheid om gebruikt te worden in combinatie met kleine batterijen die in de schacht geplaatst kunnen worden. XR-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren waterdichte handschoen met extra knokkelbescherming. Net als de T-12 is deze handschoen ook te gebruiken met kleine batterijen. L-12 verwarmde handschoen. Een dunne lycra handschoen die veel gebruikt wordt bij het ultra light vliegen. Deze kan aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig maar kan ook aangesloten worden op een draagbare 12 volt batterij zoals de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. TEX-12 vewarmde handschoen: Een iets dikkere textiele handschoenen met wat extra gripprotectie aan de binnenkant van de handschoen. Deze kan net als de L-12 aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig of op de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. De TEX-12 is niet geschikt voor op de motor maar is geweldig voor de brommer, scooter of op de fiets. Al onze 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn te combineren met met al onze andere 12 volt producten zoals de 12 volt verwarmde jas, 12 volt verwarmde broek en 12 volt verwarmde sokken


Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app

Perché realizzare un’applicazione mobile per un festival? Forse per permettere ai visitatori di accedere al calendario degli eventi senza stampare il programma. Magari per essere aggiornati sulle variazioni dell’ultimo minuto. Probabilmente per facilitare l’accesso ai luoghi degli incontri. O per … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app proviene da Fucinaweb.


Fantasy Impact: Cleveland Browns sign Robert Griffin III

Mark Morales-Smith discusses the Fantasy Football impact of the Cleveland Browns' most recent signing of QB Robert Griffin III.


Uber Microsoft Propogandist Scoble Jumps Ship

Slippery Bloggers getting their Palms Greased

Robert Scoble has joined that elite group of A-listers who have successfully exploited their new found fame in the blogosphere. He is reported to be leaving Microsoft for a more lucrative job offer.

Scoble was quoted as saying:
"I wish to thank Bill Gates for giving me an opportunity at Microsoft catapulting me onto the blogger A-list. But above all I wish to thank my loyal suckup fans who have made this all possible. For without you I am nothing".
Amen brother.

Todays Blog Quiz:

So what is the difference between a self-serving politician, and a self-serving blogger?

Absolutely nothing.

Related links: computing, internet, computers and internet, technology, tech, scobleizer, humour, humor, satire, microsoft, bill+gates


Bush Bait and Switch

IT'S A VARIATION OF the tried and proven bait and switch technique. You screw up, so what do you do? After denial and the passage of time no longer works, first you 'sincerely' apologize.

Then you provide a new and grandiose vision for the future that the people can focus on, and soon (hopefully) all of your past sins will be forgotten. He said what needed to be said, or should I say what the public wanted to hear. It's a strategy that Karl Rove can be proud:

"The main text of President Bush's nationally televised address last night was the rebuilding of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, but the clear subtext was the rebuilding of a presidency that is now at its lowest point ever, confronted by huge and simultaneous challenges at home and abroad -- and facing a country divided along partisan and racial lines.

Hurricane Katrina struck at the core of Bush's presidency by undermining the central assertion of his reelection campaign, that he was a strong and decisive leader who could keep the country safe in a crisis. Never again will the White House be able to point to his often-praised performance after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, without skeptics recalling the fumbling and slow-off-the-mark response of his administration after the hurricane and the flooding in New Orleans.

His response to these criticisms last night was a speech largely shorn of soaring rhetoric and stirring turns of phrase of the kind that marked his efforts to rally the country after the terrorist attacks. Instead, as if recognizing that his own road back will be one marked by steady but small steps, he spoke with workmanlike focus, spelling out the details of what has been done and will be done to help those displaced by the storm.

In again taking responsibility for the federal government's failures, Bush signaled last night that the White House has decided not to contest the widespread perceptions that his administration failed in the early days of the crisis. By embracing those criticisms, they hope to make the issue a sideshow that will play out sometime in the future. Instead, after a halting start, the White House appears intently focused on demonstrating the president's capacity to manage the huge rebuilding effort ahead.

Bush's advisers believe that, despite the partisan finger-pointing over what happened, most Americans are not looking back and will judge the president on what happens going forward. But as Iraq has shown over the past two years, the facts on the ground shape public confidence in the president more than words or promises."

THE QUESTION REMAINS, will it be enough to repair the presidency and his ability to govern effectively for the remaining 40 months?

TALK IS CHEAP. For a fiscally conservative government, will they, or can they possibly deliver?


North Korea abandons Nukes, plays Chess

Good News or just an Elaborate Ruse?

This was an impressive photo-op but there is no reason to celebrate (yet). What this really demonstrates is how important it is for the U.S. to settle this region of the globe, even if it is only just a stop-gap measure. The U.S. has more than enough on its plate with Iraq and Katrina to contend with.

Apparently North Korea has agreed to give up nuclear weapons activities and rejoin the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Of course, that comes with a proviso that the US promises it will not attack and will provide aid and electricity.

Interestingly, it was China that brokered the compromise:

"The agreement was reached on the basis of a compromise proposal put forward by China in an effort to bridge differences between the United States and Pyongyang over a North Korean demand for a light-water nuclear reactor to produce electricity. The compromise suggested that North Korea be accorded the right in principle to peaceful nuclear energy, but only after dismantling its nuclear weapons program and rejoining the U.N. nuclear inspection regime and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

GIVEN THAT knowledge gained from the "peaceful" use of nuclear technology can easily be transferred to building bombs, it will be incumbent on the U.S. to keep a close eye on Kim whose instability is world renowned.

Sure, U.N. inspectors will eventually be allowed in, but let's hope they will have more success than they did in Iraq. Which demonstrates to this writer how important it is for the U.S. to settle (at least temporarily) this region of the globe. The U.S. has more than enough on its plate with Iraq and Katrina to contend with.

It was a veritable PR coup de gras for the Chinese. So does this imply that China is not really the monstrous behemoth that we have all been told? Is it an evil regime that is finally beginning to come to its senses? Perhaps it is neither and Political FootBall remains suspicious that China was even involved in the deal.

Could it really be part of an elaborate ruse by communist Asia to buy time for N. Korea to get the aid it desperately needs, and while China seeks to become the next economic superpower? All the while lulling the west into a false sense of security in the deadly game of nuclear checkmate. And what about their military alliance? In the grand scheme of things doesn't that make this 'historical' photo-op moot? Many questions that only time will answer.

IT SEEMS likely that economic pressure, $$$ capitalism and carrying the big stick (moving stealth bombers to South Korea) have all contributed to bringing another regime to its knees. That would also be in keeping with the Pentagon's announcement of a new strategy that includes a preemptive strike using nuclear weapons.

No matter, so long as an unstable pompass like Kim remains in control the future of the world will continue to hang in the balance.

BUT THE QUESTION BEGS to be asked if the same tactics would also work for its ally China. Probably not, for unlike it's Soviet counterpart China seems to have found a working formula that successfully blends capitalism and communism, making it an emerging super power. So long as we continue to demand cheap shirts from Walmart that appears to be an almost certainty.

AND WHAT ABOUT Iran and other muslim nations where religious fanaticism is the rule? So long as there remains opposing idealogues and economic disparity in this world the prospect for peace in the long term remains unlikely.

The bottom line is Political FootBall is of the opinion that this latest news does little in the long term for world stability. It only buys time for both sides before making their next power-play.

So we won't be breaking out the champagne, at least for the near future anyhow.


Blog Standards Revisited (again):

"If blogs are to be taken seriously, they should live up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that they so deplore."

Sajan Venniyoor takes some pot-shots at the blogosphere, and much of what he says is true, at least on a superficial level. But Sajan takes the idea too far, and what he doesn't understand is the blogosphere must be kept free of legal and bureaucratic encumbrances, no different than the fundamental right of freedom of speech itself.

Sajan sez ......"In June this year, the youth magazine JAM (Just Another Magazine) ran a rather unflattering story on the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). says much about the navel-gazing quality of the virtual world that few bloggers realize that blogging is a minority interest, and that even in the wired West, it’s only when they bring down a Dan Rather that their online crusades merit serious media or public attention.

If blogs are to be taken seriously as an alternative medium, they should measure up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that the bloggers so deplore. Not so long ago, a fairly popular blog took pot shots at that media behemoth and everybody’s favorite target, the Times of India. The blog’s readers were much amused; the Times less so. A legal notice was duly slapped on the blogger - a perfectly valid one in this case. Discretion prevailed over valour, and the blog closed down voluntarily. There was some outcry over the strong-arm tactics of the Times, but what is significant is that no attempt was made either to defend or substantiate the hostile comments made in the blog."

Writing on the 'net is no different than writing to the local newspaper editor. It's just that the technology gives blogging a much broader reach, and does not require the blessings of an editor to decide whether or not you get published.

It is the editor of public opinion that will decide if you are read. There is nothing more democratic than that. And that is a good thing because freedom of speech has never been so powerful, or so vulnerable.

That is why we see repressive regimes like China doing its darndest to plug the blogosphere. They understand its power. But in the free world discussions about imposing standards is absurb and as dangerous as the Nazi book burnings of pre-WW11.

I can see only two possible exceptions to this. The first would be those pundits who consider themselves professional blogger/journalists who want to be taken seriously. It goes without saying they should be aspiring to the same standards of mainstream media.

After all, if you are going to compete with the big boys and want be accepted on that level then you have to play the game according to the same rules.

Secondly, sites like the daily FISK that use satire humor, and clearly state in their faqs they should not be taken seriously and read for entertainment purposes only.

Otherwise, as for the rest of the joe (or josephine) bloggers out there the wired west has to be kept free. Not since the invention of the printing press has so much power been given to so many, and it must be protected at any cost.


You could own Marlon Brando’s Rolex!

Now for any fan of The Godfather this is a must. This stainless steel Datejust Rolex was gifted to Brando after he won the Academy Award for best actor in his portrayal of Don Vito Corleone in this iconic movie in 1973, is now up for auction. It’s engraved with ‘Vito’s’ MB’ and comes with a handwritten letter of provenance...


Haftstrafe für Ärztin wegen angeblicher Russland-Kritik - ohne Beweise

Kritik an Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine wird von der russischen Justiz hart bestraft. Nun muss eine Ärztin für Jahre in Haft, weil sie der Ukraine angeblich ein Recht auf Selbstverteidigung zugestand. Beweise dafür gibt es nicht.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Kiew: Russland plant Angriff an Südfront ++

Russland bereitet ukrainischen Angaben zufolge einen Angriff an der südlichen Front vor. US-Außenminister Blinken reist am Mittwoch nach Brüssel, um über die Lage in der Ukraine zu beraten. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Zuspruch zu rechtsextremen Einstellungen in Westdeutschland steigt

Ausländerfeindliche Einstellungen sind in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern weiterhin verbreiteter als im Westen - doch die Unterschiede werden kleiner. Zugleich sinkt die Zustimmung zur Demokratie, wie eine neue Studie zeigt.


Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees

An overdraft can occur when you try to spend more money than you have available in your checking account. For example, let's assume you have $40 in your account. You ask the phone company to electronically deduct $35 from your checking account to pay the bill. You now have $5 available. Next, you use your debit card to make a $10 purchase. Bank Overdraft Fees Policy: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Overdraft Fees


FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign

In recent years, the number of websites offering  "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to block communications and create a "quiet zone" in vehicles, schools, theaters, restaurants, and other places has increased substantially. FCC Announces Cell Jammers, GPS Jammers, and Other Jamming Devices Campaign


Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois

Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois, was closed today by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation - Division of Banking, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver.Bank Closure:Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, Assumes All of the Deposits of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois


U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+


Correction: U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+

Earlier today, Standard & Poor's rating agency lowered the long-term rating of the U.S. government and federal agencies from AAA to AA+. With regard to this action, the federal banking agencies are providing the following guidance to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and bank and savings and loan holding companies (collectively, banking organizations. U.S. Federal Rating: Standard & Poor Lowers Lowers Rating of the U.S. Government from AAA to AA+ 


Help finding proper name and source for part

My 1996 12 valve Cummins has developed a bad coolant leak due to a rust hole in what the one Cummins scamantic calls an "oil cooler" The part is looks like an 8 to 10 inch approx by 2 to3 in approx...


Handjob TV

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Getting back to the ball-blowing basics of what felt good first is what this internet site promises. They'll be rubbing you the right way for pleasure.

Inspected by: Missy
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A Tale Of Two Network Marketers And A Secret . . .

Joe Jones joins a network marketing company and says .
. .

"Wow this business looks great!

I can't believe how great this product is. I never knew
it existed until that day I luckily happened upon it
online, but ever sense that day I've been a different
person. The team I'm on is fantastic and I can't wait
to learn what they are going to teach me next.

This business is going to change my life and my sponsor
is teaching me things I never knew. I set a goal to
cover both my mortgage and car note with this business
and I gave my word not only to myself, but to my
sponsor as well, that it's happening and as far as I'm
concerned it's as good as done.

It's only a matter of time."

Bill Baxter joins the same network marketing company
and says . . .

"This Company looks pretty good, but the last time I
gave this a shot it didn't work. I'm only going to give
this go around two months and if I'm not making at
least $1000 a month I'm out of here. I think my sponsor
said something about a co-op. I'm gonna join and if
that doesn't grow my business then I'll know.

I think this stuff can work. I mean, I've seen it work
for so many other people, but they all get up on stage
and bring prospects to those business calls, I've done
that before and I'm not doing it again.

I've only got 4 hours to spare a week and if this
business doesn't grow with that sort of time you won't
see me around here in a month I can promise you that.
They say anyone can make it happen, yeah right . . ."

Six months later . . .

Joe is making double what he set out to as his goal and
Bill has moved on to three more network marketing
companies and hasn't made a dime yet.

I wonder why?

It's your belief system. It's a thermometer for you.
Where you set it is exactly where you go.

Where you go is exactly how people see you.

Believe big in you and bigger things than you thought
would happen will, but have little belief in yourself
and little to nothing happens.

It's your choice.

What do you believe about your business?

Are you going to make it happen or make sure it
doesn't? It all comes down to what you think.

And to be honest if you believe big you'll get there,
but you'll get there faster if you know a few secrets
to get you there faster.

Here is where you'll find them, the question is . . .
will you use them?

What if you could learn how to grow your network
marketing business the 2007 way, instead of having to
rely on what worked 30 years ago because your sponsor
doesn't know any better? Do you'd think you'd reach you
goals faster? Here's how to find out:



Co-op Update And My Personal Guarantee

After yesterday's co-op message many of you took action and
we are now 16 shares sold in less than 48 hours since our
first coop announcement message.

This is clearly the fastest moving co-op that we have had as
a team to date, so I urge you to take action NOW before it's
too late.

Use the links below to reserve your share!

Let me take some time to explain exactly how our team co-op
will work for those of you that are new to the team.

Once all shares are sold or the co-op window closes I will
set up our team URL rotator with each of our co-op
participants lead capture page and send each participant a
confirmation email.

We will direct all traffic to this URL rotator so that the
traffic is divided equally to all participants.

To ensure the quality of the targeted traffic generated to
each of our co-op participant's lead capture page we will
only send a lead to our team URL rotator AFTER they opt in
to our initial list for marketing.

Once a lead opts into our initial list they will then be
forwarded to our team URL rotator link.

This will increase conversions and ensure the quality of
lead that actually comes to view your site by essentially
forcing each lead to pre-qualify by opting in for access to
your site.

Now we will do this for 3 reasons:

1. Pre qualifies your traffic significantly
2. It will allow me to track our success very closely
3. We will grow a list

Its number three on this list will be the real power behind
this months co-op.

By growing a list of pre qualified leads on the front end we
will be able to email these leads continually over the
course of time and really develop a relationship with them
which will maximize our return.

This is no work for you, but it is a considerable amount of
work for me as the administrator of the co-op so lean on me!

I'm willing to do it.

Our team is my cause. If I can do anything to help our team
grow I'm doing it.

The Guarantee:

I always try to leave as little of a risk to each of you as
a member of our team co-op as I possibly can.

That's why I offer a risk free guarantee.

Here is the 100% money back guarantee that I am extending at
least into this month:

I guarantee each and every share purchased in the co-op will
receive at least 200 unique lead capture page views within
30 days of the start of the co-op promotion.

If I don't provide this you or you are not happy with the
outcome of your participation in our team co-op you'll get
your money back no questions asked!

I want as much of this risk on me and not on you.

Team let's do this together and make history!

Use the links below to reserve your share!

To your success!

John O’Driscoll


August Just Gets Better and Better!

This is a message from your upline Director John O’Driscoll. Team we are 310+ strong and growing fast!

  1. Welcome to New Team Members

    I would just like to personally welcome the following team members who have joined in the last couple of days.

    Millionaire Club
    Marvin frendo combo
    Michael Summers

    Make sure you go to our first steps guide Click here

  2. Tony Michael Faculty Call

    This is one of the best calls I have listened to for a while, listen in and get fired up for August!

    Click Here

  3. Message from your Vice President Ned Rae (20,000 members in under 3 years!)

    Things are moving fast, MOMENTUM is just around the corner and NOW IS THE TIME FOR ACTION!
    You can be at the right place at the right time and still miss the boat, it is that ACTION that is required.


    Don’t miss the TEAM Training call SATURDAY August 4th at 1:00PM Central Time. pin code 67207#

    We have been looking for a SYSTEM that would help us integrate the Internet with our WORD OF MOUTH Network Marketing. Thanks to the efforts of Mike Ward, a TOP Money Earner with Success University a system is here.

    Mike will be our SPECAIL GUEST on the call tomorrow. Mike will be explaining his SU Builder Auto Responder system designed for Success University. You will not want to miss this call!
    There are also updates to be shared from our own Lou Bonaventura on our TEAM Training Website.

    Get on the call early, there are only 99 in coming lines, the call will fill up…Let SU Builder and this TEAM help you build that foundation before that great momentum push arrives!!

  4. Following up your leads

    Members of the team coop I have posted some guidance on follow up in the coop blog. This can be used by anyone following up on your leads.
    ==> Click Here

  5. August Bonuses

    Guys have you checked out this months bonuses – they are the best I have ever seen. I want you to take a look at the special Director bonus on offer this month.

    If you’re a student there is the real possibility of earning a lot of money this month. Lets break it down. To become a director you need to have 10 people you have personally sponsored and for 3 of those people to have become a counsellor (they have signed 5 people themselves)

    Now if you really go for it this month this is what you are going to earn in one month.

    10 personal sign ups = 10x$20 = $200
    15 sign ups by your team = 15*$5 = $75
    2x2 bonus =$1000 (You should be able to get two of these)
    Director Bonus =$1500
    Total =$2775

    You will actually earn more than this as there are other bonus payments but I just want to illustrate that this is really the month you want to pull out all of the stops. If your brand new to the business or have been in for a while you need to know that people have become a Director in days so with massive action one month is very achievable.

Speak with your upline sponsor and go for it.

I am truly excited about August as I believe this is going to be one of the fastest growing months this year. Lets grow big together!

John O’Driscoll


Tulsa TV issue of 'This Land' this week

The webmaster wrote one of the articles in the fifth issue of This Land magazine, coming out this Friday. Preview of the cover and list of stories at a link in GroupBlog 320.


Michael D. Trout: Sts. Peter and Paul school

Icon of the Pine and Sheridan area, this Catholic school was the subject of much speculation by poorly informed neighborhood kids in the early 1960s. Andy Holthouse fills the vacuum with his follow-up in GroupBlog 320.


Origin of TTM in This Land Press online

From online article in This Land Press: "TULSA TV MEMORIES: Find out the backstory of how Mike Ransom's interest in the obscure led him to start one of Tulsa's most vibrant and celebrated websites." Link in GroupBlog 320.


Mazeppa article/interview in This Land

Now online at This Land: Mazeppa: The Uncanny Film Festival and Camp Meeting by Lindsey Neal. The article includes interviews with Gailard Sartain and Jim Millaway. Link in GroupBlog 321.