JONSBO FR-606, du ventilateur au style unique

Ne le nions pas, il devient assez difficile de se démarquer par le style sur les ventilateurs. Le RGB est partout et travailler le cadre peut impliquer une réduction du diamètre des pales, et donc des performances. Ce qui ne semble pas poser de problème pour certaines marques, comme JONSBO avec ses nouveaux modèles FR-606 en 120 mm, également proposés avec des pales en reverse. Un effet miroir infini très classique au centre, mais aussi sur les côtés avec un cadre arrondi qui vient suivre les pales, voilà un peu de neuf pour un rendu qui semble original même s'il faudra confirmer. Tout comme pour les performances, puisque la vitesse de rotation est bien diminuée avec un maximum à 1500 rpm. […]

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NVIDIA se concentrerait sur la production des futures RTX 5000

De nouvelles rumeurs font écho d'un focus de la part de NVIDIA se concentrerait sur la production des futures RTX 5000, cela se traduirait par l'arrêt des chaines de production de la plupart des RTX 4000. Concrètement, NVIDIA aurait cessé de produire des puces AD102, 103, 104 et 106, seules les AD107 seraient encore en production, qui équipent classiquement les RTX 4060 desktop et les RTX 4050 laptop. […]

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Sharkoon SKILLER SGP40, un tapis XL avec pas moins de onze graphismes

Cela fait désormais un petit moment que la couleur est star chez Sharkoon pour les claviers, tapis de souris et tapis pour chaises à roulettes, mais la marque passe un nouveau cap avec sa nouvelle collection SKILLER SGP40. Mesurant 1000 x 500 mm, ce nouveau tapis souple se décline en pas moins de onze versions différentes avec des thèmes allant de la fantasy à la science-fiction en passant par du simple paysage, mais avec un esprit très souvent japonisant. Le logo reste discret sur chaque tapis, tandis que les bords profitent de coutures pour une meilleure durée de vie. A 29.99 U+20AC, voilà de quoi égayer facilement un bureau tout en offrant une belle glisse à la souris. […]

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Sales 2.0: Improve Business Results Using Innovative Sales Practices and Technology

What is your sales organization doing about the current economic downturn? What will make a difference for your company? While the economic forecast may be “uncertain,” it is certain that our customers are reducing their budgets and spending more carefully, forcing their vendors to do the same. This economic challenge will accelerate the adoption of Sales 2.0 from a “nice to have” to a “need to have” philosophy. Companies that continue to sell the way they sold in the past will become less profitable or fail altogether. Customer preferences, the ever-rising cost of sales, and the availability of next-generation technologies are making change mandatory for companies that want to outperform the competition and minimize the impact of the economic slowdown.

What is Sales 2.0?
Sales 2.0 is not a new technology. It is the use of innovative sales practices to improve business results, creating value for both the buyer and seller, and is often enabled by Web 2.0 or next-generation technology. Sales 2.0 initiatives typically center on process and customer-engagement improvements to increase sales productivity. Sales 2.0 practices combine the science of measurable, process-driven operations with the art of collaborative relationships, using the most profitable and expedient sales resources required to meet your customers’ needs. The goal of Sales 2.0 is to produce greater, predictable, repeatable business results, including increased revenue, decreased sales costs, and sustained competitive advantage.

Sales 2.0 initiatives require changing mindset and adjusting sales strategies. A relatively simple Sales 2.0 practice involves selling more through video or web conferencing. This can be done by inside salespeople or by field salespeople who perform more of their jobs from their desks. Selling more efficiently should also mean selling more effectively, as many buyers now prefer to meet remotely via conference calls with video or web conferencing, and salespeople benefit from additional selling time that otherwise would be spent traveling. A traditional sales process that included three or four onsite visits might now have zero or just one face-to-face visit. The financial impact of reducing travel expenses can be significant and is easily measured, but the economics of giving your most expensive sales resources — your field salespeople — additional selling time is even more compelling.

Many products and services, especially those of relatively small to average value, can only be sold profitably with a remote or low-touch sales model. The definition of “small to medium orders” is different for every company, but they are generally those that fall into your bottom 50% in value. If ignored, these mid-market customers or transaction types are missed opportunities for organizations that rely solely or too heavily on a field-based sales model. And when they are sold through field sales, these smaller opportunities can derail focus and drain the organization’s profitability.

Another Sales 2.0 practice uses some “science” to accurately capture key market information and metrics such as average sales cycle, average deal size and sales-cycle conversion rates. By using a defined sales process and data analytics, you can determine how your sales force should be structured and which customers and transaction types justify the assignment of field account executives, inside salespeople, channel partners or no selling effort at all. Data analytics in this sense can range from rudimentary (pen and paper) to moderate (spreadsheets, CRM, and most reporting systems) to advanced (dashboards and on-demand sales intelligence). Rather than simply measuring the final result (revenue), a Sales 2.0 approach measures the effectiveness of every stage in your sales process by salesperson, giving managers the opportunity to provide targeted coaching. Data analytics also can be used to correlate and analyze the specific characteristics of your most profitable customers (size, industries, locations, buyer types, etc.) that produce the most revenue and profit. Sales and marketing leaders can then use this information to fine-tune your sales model and activities to ensure the loyalty of your most valuable customers and find more prospects like them.

How do I begin a Sales 2.0 initiative with limited staff and budget?
A key Sales 2.0 tenet involves experimentation, often through testing new process ideas and piloting new technology. Testing a new sales message, pricing options, new technology, or even a new sales process enables the organization to be innovative with minimal risk. Small pilot programs that use minimal resources enable ineffective ideas to fail on a small scale, while good ones can be rolled out more aggressively.

Becoming a Sales 2.0 organization requires that we proactively adapt and continually improve so we can become closer to our customers and weather the economic storm better than our competitors.


Customer Experience and Satisfaction Key for Marketers in 2009‏

Companies Missing Big Opportunity to Turn Customer Pain Into Competitive Gain, Says CMO Council Report

Despite overwhelming agreement on the importance of customer experience and word-of-mouth, senior marketers admit their companies are failing to take decisive, company-wide action to integrate customer voice and experience into key business and marketing processes, according to a new study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council.
Sponsored by Satmetrix, the Net Promoter Company, the study, titled "Giving Customer Voice More Volume," revealed that a surprising 58 percent of the 480 executives surveyed said their companies do not compensate any employees or executives based on customer loyalty, satisfaction improvements or analytics. Some 38 percent said their companies have no programs in place to track or propagate positive word of mouth among customers. In addition, only 29 percent said their companies rate highly in their ability handle and resolve customer problems or complaints.

The CMO Council study underscores critical deficiencies in the way companies measure, optimize and leverage customer experience to drive loyalty, improve brand value and increase business performance and growth, including:

-- Insufficient availability and aggregation of real-time customer
experience data across touch points that should be shared across the

-- Poor use of customer interactions to collect insights and intelligence
or maximize up-sell and advocacy opportunities

-- Lack of Internet processes and systems to track online word of mouth
and drive customer advocacy

-- Intermittent or deficient monitoring of customer experience that fails
to provide true and timely insights into problems and opportunities

-- Too few compensation programs tied to customer experience, loyalty and
satisfaction gains

"Customer experience is one of the most critical determinants of brand strength and business growth. Yet, most organizations and senior marketers suffer from major blind spots and gaps in the way they interact, handle and respond to customer issues or problems," said CMO Council executive director Donovan Neale-May. "CMOs must assume ownership for the customer experience and establish enterprise-wide measures and disciplines to ensure continuous improvement. We are missing a major opportunity to turn customer pain into competitive gain at every touch point through better use of web and contact center technologies and processes."

Customer listening, learning and leveling are critical qualities that need to be part of an institutionalized corporate culture, notes the CMO Council. Yet, survey data demonstrates that most companies are not taking advantage of these opportunities to drive company-wide performance improvement and business growth. Instead, most companies treat customer interactions around service situations and incidents only as a problem that needs quick resolution:

-- Only 38 percent of companies gather customer insight from customer
engagement situations.

-- Just 32 percent look for ways to turn problems into new sales
opportunities, and only 15 percent introduce new products or services to
further monetize the relationship.

-- Merely 17 percent use the opportunity to identify and cultivate
potential customer champions and advocates.

While companies have a long way to go in turning detractors into brand advocates, senior marketers are clearly aware of the importance of customer experience. In fact, 83 percent of respondents said it is either "essential" or "increasingly important" in driving brand advocacy and business performance. In addition, 84 percent said positive customer experiences and word of mouth have helped their brands and businesses grow. There were 44 percent of respondents who admitted that high-profile negative customer experiences had at some time compromised their brands.

Only 31 percent rate their company's commitment to customer listening highly, but another 35 percent say it is "getting better." Although 34 percent of respondents said their companies have made no changes to the way they track and analyze customer experience in recent years, it can be seen as a positive development that 45 percent of respondents say their companies have taken steps to better integrate and analyze customer data. Another 39 percent said they have increased personalization and intimacy in their customer communications, 20 percent say they have embraced intelligent Internet analytics and 18 percent are capturing real-time information at the "point of pain."

"Companies must become more sophisticated and committed to both leveraging customer experience as a key business metric and instituting company-wide processes that drive improvement," said Laura Brooks, Ph.D. and vice president of research for Satmetrix. "The Net Promoter Score has been proven to be the most reliable customer metric for business growth, but measurement is not an end in itself. Companies need to commit themselves to understanding the key determinants of their score and continuously strive to improve their customer experience competitiveness." Brooks is co-author, with Satmetrix CEO Richard Owen, of a new book, titled "Answering the Ultimate Question," that offers a new operating model for NetPromoter success.

Other key findings of the study include:

-- Nearly two-thirds of companies do not have a formal Voice of Customer
program in place.

-- Only 13 percent of companies have deployed real-time systems to
collect, analyze and distribute customer feedback.

-- While 74 percent say they receive customer feedback via e-mail, only
23 percent say they track and measure the volume and nature of these

-- Customer voice has gone online, but only 14.5 percent track word of
mouth on the Internet

-- Only 12 percent are using a word-of-mouth marketing platform to drive
online customer advocacy.


10 Tips for Effective Time Management

10 Tips for Effective Time Management
Does having "too much to do and not enough time to do it" sound familiar? If so, it's time to work smarter, not harder so you can increase productivity decrease stress and have more time for fun! Leading Brisbane recruitment-to-recruitment company, Galaxy Recruitment offers the following tips to help you get the most out of your time.

1. Set Goals and Plan
As the old saying goes, "by failing to plan, you plan to fail". Set your goals and develop a realistic plan for your direction.
2. Prioritise and use a To-Do list
Differentiate between the urgent tasks that produce short-term outcomes, and the vital tasks that produce long-term outcomes. Rank your priorities by numbers, colours, or symbols - use a system that suits you.
3. Learn to say "no"
It's a small word, yet many people find it extremely difficult to say "no"! By saying "yes" to everyone just to please them, you may end up overcommitting and letting them down instead. If it helps, remember to phrase your response so that you are saying "no" to the project and not the person. e.g "No, I can't take this project on right now. I simply don't have the bandwidth to complete the task properly."
4. Delegate
If you can, delegate routine activities that aren't part of your core competency. Remember you are delegating, not abdicating!
5. Avoid procrastination
Procrastination usually sets in when a task is perceived to be difficult to achieve. Try breaking your task into smaller milestones that you can satisfy systematically. Crossing off these smaller tasks as you complete them helps you make track of your progress and keeps the end outcome within sight.
6. Be flexible
Be realistic about your goals and allow time for interruptions, distractions and the unplanned "emergency" - they are inevitable.
7. Plan around your "Prime Time"
If possible, plan your tasks in accordance with the the time of the day that you perform at your peak. If you're a "morning person" plot your work schedule around fulfilling the challenging tasks during the day, and the more routine aspects of your work such as data entry, responding to emails or making telephone calls during the afternoon. If you're more of an afternoon or "night owl" reverse the order.
8. Keep a journal with you at all times
Always be ready to write down your best ideas in an instant - you never know when a killer idea might strike! Your journal should also be used as a goal-tracker that you can go through weekly to make sure you are on track.
9. Reward yourself
When you meet your goals and objectives, be sure to celebrate your success and achievements. A bit of positive reinforcement now and then serves to remind you why you are doing what you do for a living.
10. Effectiveness over efficiency
Although you should aim for both outcomes, try not to bog yourself down in processes if they add no value to the outcome. In the scheme of things, completing tasks effectively is much more important than doing things quickly.
Source: Galaxy Recruitment


Not Just Brilliant - 10-Grand-A-Day Brilliant!

It's real! Yesterday, I thought it was big, but I didn't even know HOW big. Get yourself over here and see for yourself. What I saw, just 24 hours ago, was based on seeing a pre-launch, unfinished version of “Google's Dirty Little Secret.”

But just this morning... at 12:01 AM... I was lucky enough to get my hands on the final version.
I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night, devouring the material. I learned stuff I never imagined.
I almost accidentally called what I learned, “tricks” but these aren't little gimmicks that will make you a few dimes for a little while. This is a brand new way to make money with AdSense.
After reading just half the book, all I can say is, “WOW!”

It's finally available, so you can read the secret page yourself here.

Let me tell you, this “Insider” is an interesting character. A dark and secret sort... but one with the kind of knowledge I've never seen before. And I guarantee you haven't either.
And you know how some guys out there write books that are supposed to reveal the secrets, but they keep the real secrets to themselves?

Not this guy... He's revealing so much, it's like he has a vendetta against someone at Google!
He shows step by step, exactly how he...

--Sucks $10,000 PER DAY out of Adsense.
--Plies his nasty practices while never being detected by the powers that be... or his competition!
--Follows a simple blueprint that can make him INSTANT money anytime he needs it.

And he shows you in simple language, exactly how you can do it too!
See for yourself.

If I were you, I'd go there right now, because depending on what time you're reading this, the floodgates may have already been opened.

And how would you feel if you missed out on what could be the single greatest money making opportunity you'll ever be offered?

You know, I just read back what I wrote above, and I think my theory of the “Insider” having a vendetta against Google, isn't right. It can't be. Because I'm pretty sure Google knows he's doing it. I'm convinced he's ripping off Adsense, and they're just sitting back and letting him steal THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS everyday!


Because his tactics make Google... HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS... maybe even MILLIONS daily.

Listen... I already know this package is probably going to be the single most important investment you make this year...
...and the thing about investments is, you have to strike while the iron is... cheap!

I spoke to Chris from DayJobKiller and even though “Google's Dirty Little Secret” has only been out less than an hour, he's already talking about raising the price.
So get in now, while the getting is good.

So stop checking your email already. Get over to this site and don't so much as blink your eyes before you make it to the bottom of that page.

I'm sitting here thinking of something else to say, when all that comes to me is something I said earlier... “Wow!”

To Your Success!


Mar 20, Use RSS Blogging Ezine to Ping and Blog Blogs in the Blogging Game!

RSS Blogging Ezine helps you understand how to blog, ping or syndicate your content and how to automate your website through this process, so you never need to do it manually.


Apr 30, Use Audio Products to Grow Loyal Clients and Profits!

How to make audio products easily? Here are some easy to use techniques to grow loyal clients through your own audio system! Learn how to produce your own CDs to improve your life.


Aug 30, Phoenix Order Page

Phoenix Order! I published my poetry book and it is now in Cairo. The second edition of the poetry book is here to enjoy reading, or ordering Rising of the Phoenix hardcover book.


Apr 10, Arabic Poems to Enjoy Reading on Posters on Your Walls at Home!

Couplets of Arabic poems in some artworks to enjoy reading poetry in Arabic language online. Get my poetry books, or get some poetry in Arabic language in posters to hang on your walls at home.


Jan 20, About Me, Reveals How to Convert a Passion Into a Web Business!

About Me, reveals how I converted my passion, lifetime experiences & learning into a web business. This shows you how to convert such assets the same way too.


Do You Need Windows 10 Extended Security Updates?

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Dawn Travel CEO Cliff Hawk to Speak at Phocuswright Conference 2024 in Fort Lauderdale

Dawn Travel, an innovative leader in the luxury travel and cruise industry, is proud to announce that CEO Cliff Hawk will be a featured speaker at the 2024 Phocuswright Conference in Fort Lauderdale. Hawk will participate in the highly anticipated “New Technology and Startup” panel, sharing insights on the cutting-edge advancements driving the future of travel planning and luxury experiences. Dawn Travel has [PR.com]


Aluminium China 2025: Celebrating 20 Years of Collective Achievements and Embracing a New Chapter

The 20th ALUMINIUM CHINA will take place from July 9-11, 2025, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Organized by RX China, the event will feature over 600 diverse exhibitors showcasing the entire aluminium industry chain. With the theme "Aspirational·Limitless·Unique: 20 Years of Excellence," next year's exhibition will span over 60,000 square meters and expects to bring together [PR.com]


DJ GIO MC-505 electrochart november 2006

DJ GIO MC-505 electrochart november 2006


Vortex, [Stik Records] Actually Playlist.2006

Vortex, [Stik Records] Actually Playlist.2006


Boogie Pimps, Actually Playlist.2006

Boogie Pimps, Actually Playlist.2006


Valentino Kanzyani - Top 20 Chart November 2006

Valentino Kanzyani - Top 20 Chart November 2006


Techno Chart by Marko Nastic (Novembre 2006)

Techno Chart by Marko Nastic (Novembre 2006)


DJ Lory Electronic Chart (Novembre 2006)

DJ Lory Electronic Chart (Novembre 2006)


Dany T Techno Chart (Novembre 2006)

Dany T Techno Chart (Novembre 2006)


Cio D´Or 12" Top 20 DJ-Charts 2006

Cio D´Or 12" Top 20 DJ-Charts 2006


DJ GIO MC-505 electrochart december 2006

DJ GIO MC-505 electrochart december 2006


Vortex, [Stik Records] Actually Playlist.2006

Vortex, [Stik Records] Actually Playlist.2006


Matthew Hoag Techno Chart December 2006

Matthew Hoag Techno Chart December 2006


Techno chart by Sylvain (9 Dicembre 2006)

Techno chart by Sylvain (9 Dicembre 2006)


Valentino Kanzyani - Top 20 Chart December 2006

Valentino Kanzyani - Top 20 Chart December 2006





Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment

Christian Smith - Ekspozicija 05: Tronic Treatment


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Intervista ai Dirt Crew di Giosuè Impellizzeri 15/11/2006


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01 Dicembre - Alessandro Schiffer & Luca Agnelli

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Gli appuntamenti del Brancaleone di Gennaio 2007

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AAEON’s UP Xtreme 7100 Edge Wins Prestigious Taiwan Excellence Award

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The Royal Chair Collection: Setting the Tone for 2025

Regal and refined, a traditional size chair that looks like a throne. [PR.com]


Law Scholar Alfred E Piombino Joins New York Notaries to Commemorate Notary Public Day on November 7, 2024

Law Scholar Alfred E. Piombino joins the 258,254 State of New York Notary Public commission holders out of the four and a half million Notaries in the United States to mark the annual commemoration of “Notary Public Day” on November 7*, 2024. “On October 25*, 1639, Thomas Fugill (1577-1655) is recognized as the duly appointed (deputy) magistrate and “publique notary” for New Haven Colony in [PR.com]


Complimentary Business Valuations Offered by Premier Construction Business Brokers Through 2024

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NAFA Honors Passionate Industry Champion Rod Mims with 2024 Bo Johnson Spirit Award

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Clickable maps for Chinatown, Gramercy Park, and West 40s

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Viewsonic VG2230vm

A few days ago I ordered a Viewsonic VG2230 22" widescreen LCD for about $300 from www.newegg.com It replaces an ancient 19" Viewsonic G790 CRT display. I also have a little 15" Gateway LCD as a secondary monitor. So far I'm loving this new monitor. I have a lot more room to do stuff, and games look awesome on it. It is plugged into a DVI port on my Radeon x1950 Pro. I briefly ran Quake 4 and Half Life 2. I ran F.E.A.R. Combat but it insisted on running on the secondary display. I hope I can resolve this later. I still need to try Bioshock on this thing. This monitor can swivel on its base, and it has a height adjustment that can go pretty high. It has some speakers I will never use. This monitor will improve the many, many hours I spend on my computer. Now I just need to upgrade my secondary monitor.


ProBlogger $54,000 Birthday Bash

www.problogger.net/archives/category/birthday-prize-giveaway/ ProBlogger is having a birthday bash with $54,000 in prizes. ProBlogger is a blog dedicated to the topic of making money with blogging. It is a tantalizing idea, but I tend to spend more time programming my site than writing on it. Still, I enjoy reading the tips about blogging, which I may actually implement someday. I am writing this post as my entry to win 2 LG 20" USB LCD monitors provided by DisplayLink (www.displaylink.com) That would be an awesome compliment to my new 22" Viewsonic LCD. So, everyone check out ProBlogger, it's an interesting read.


FBI warns about scams ahead of 2024 US election

Scam activity intensifies as the 2024 US election is getting closer The forthcoming presidential election, scheduled for November 5, 2024,[1] is one of the high-interest events in which voters will make one of the biggest choices between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. It has all the makings of a very competitive […]

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