
Gaussian field on the symmetric group: Prediction and learning

François Bachoc, Baptiste Broto, Fabrice Gamboa, Jean-Michel Loubes.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 503--546.

In the framework of the supervised learning of a real function defined on an abstract space $mathcal{X}$, Gaussian processes are widely used. The Euclidean case for $mathcal{X}$ is well known and has been widely studied. In this paper, we explore the less classical case where $mathcal{X}$ is the non commutative finite group of permutations (namely the so-called symmetric group $S_{N}$). We provide an application to Gaussian process based optimization of Latin Hypercube Designs. We also extend our results to the case of partial rankings.


On the predictive potential of kernel principal components

Ben Jones, Andreas Artemiou, Bing Li.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1--23.

We give a probabilistic analysis of a phenomenon in statistics which, until recently, has not received a convincing explanation. This phenomenon is that the leading principal components tend to possess more predictive power for a response variable than lower-ranking ones despite the procedure being unsupervised. Our result, in its most general form, shows that the phenomenon goes far beyond the context of linear regression and classical principal components — if an arbitrary distribution for the predictor $X$ and an arbitrary conditional distribution for $Yvert X$ are chosen then any measureable function $g(Y)$, subject to a mild condition, tends to be more correlated with the higher-ranking kernel principal components than with the lower-ranking ones. The “arbitrariness” is formulated in terms of unitary invariance then the tendency is explicitly quantified by exploring how unitary invariance relates to the Cauchy distribution. The most general results, for technical reasons, are shown for the case where the kernel space is finite dimensional. The occurency of this tendency in real world databases is also investigated to show that our results are consistent with observation.


Rate optimal Chernoff bound and application to community detection in the stochastic block models

Zhixin Zhou, Ping Li.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1302--1347.

The Chernoff coefficient is known to be an upper bound of Bayes error probability in classification problem. In this paper, we will develop a rate optimal Chernoff bound on the Bayes error probability. The new bound is not only an upper bound but also a lower bound of Bayes error probability up to a constant factor. Moreover, we will apply this result to community detection in the stochastic block models. As a clustering problem, the optimal misclassification rate of community detection problem can be characterized by our rate optimal Chernoff bound. This can be formalized by deriving a minimax error rate over certain parameter space of stochastic block models, then achieving such an error rate by a feasible algorithm employing multiple steps of EM type updates.


A Statistical Learning Approach to Modal Regression

This paper studies the nonparametric modal regression problem systematically from a statistical learning viewpoint. Originally motivated by pursuing a theoretical understanding of the maximum correntropy criterion based regression (MCCR), our study reveals that MCCR with a tending-to-zero scale parameter is essentially modal regression. We show that the nonparametric modal regression problem can be approached via the classical empirical risk minimization. Some efforts are then made to develop a framework for analyzing and implementing modal regression. For instance, the modal regression function is described, the modal regression risk is defined explicitly and its Bayes rule is characterized; for the sake of computational tractability, the surrogate modal regression risk, which is termed as the generalization risk in our study, is introduced. On the theoretical side, the excess modal regression risk, the excess generalization risk, the function estimation error, and the relations among the above three quantities are studied rigorously. It turns out that under mild conditions, function estimation consistency and convergence may be pursued in modal regression as in vanilla regression protocols such as mean regression, median regression, and quantile regression. On the practical side, the implementation issues of modal regression including the computational algorithm and the selection of the tuning parameters are discussed. Numerical validations on modal regression are also conducted to verify our findings.


On lp-Support Vector Machines and Multidimensional Kernels

In this paper, we extend the methodology developed for Support Vector Machines (SVM) using the $ell_2$-norm ($ell_2$-SVM) to the more general case of $ell_p$-norms with $p>1$ ($ell_p$-SVM). We derive second order cone formulations for the resulting dual and primal problems. The concept of kernel function, widely applied in $ell_2$-SVM, is extended to the more general case of $ell_p$-norms with $p>1$ by defining a new operator called multidimensional kernel. This object gives rise to reformulations of dual problems, in a transformed space of the original data, where the dependence on the original data always appear as homogeneous polynomials. We adapt known solution algorithms to efficiently solve the primal and dual resulting problems and some computational experiments on real-world datasets are presented showing rather good behavior in terms of the accuracy of $ell_p$-SVM with $p>1$.


Perturbation Bounds for Procrustes, Classical Scaling, and Trilateration, with Applications to Manifold Learning

One of the common tasks in unsupervised learning is dimensionality reduction, where the goal is to find meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional data. Sometimes referred to as manifold learning, this problem is closely related to the problem of localization, which aims at embedding a weighted graph into a low-dimensional Euclidean space. Several methods have been proposed for localization, and also manifold learning. Nonetheless, the robustness property of most of them is little understood. In this paper, we obtain perturbation bounds for classical scaling and trilateration, which are then applied to derive performance bounds for Isomap, Landmark Isomap, and Maximum Variance Unfolding. A new perturbation bound for procrustes analysis plays a key role.


A Unified Framework for Structured Graph Learning via Spectral Constraints

Graph learning from data is a canonical problem that has received substantial attention in the literature. Learning a structured graph is essential for interpretability and identification of the relationships among data. In general, learning a graph with a specific structure is an NP-hard combinatorial problem and thus designing a general tractable algorithm is challenging. Some useful structured graphs include connected, sparse, multi-component, bipartite, and regular graphs. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework for structured graph learning that combines Gaussian graphical model and spectral graph theory. We propose to convert combinatorial structural constraints into spectral constraints on graph matrices and develop an optimization framework based on block majorization-minimization to solve structured graph learning problem. The proposed algorithms are provably convergent and practically amenable for a number of graph based applications such as data clustering. Extensive numerical experiments with both synthetic and real data sets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. An open source R package containing the code for all the experiments is available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=spectralGraphTopology.


GluonCV and GluonNLP: Deep Learning in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing

We present GluonCV and GluonNLP, the deep learning toolkits for computer vision and natural language processing based on Apache MXNet (incubating). These toolkits provide state-of-the-art pre-trained models, training scripts, and training logs, to facilitate rapid prototyping and promote reproducible research. We also provide modular APIs with flexible building blocks to enable efficient customization. Leveraging the MXNet ecosystem, the deep learning models in GluonCV and GluonNLP can be deployed onto a variety of platforms with different programming languages. The Apache 2.0 license has been adopted by GluonCV and GluonNLP to allow for software distribution, modification, and usage.


On the consistency of graph-based Bayesian semi-supervised learning and the scalability of sampling algorithms

This paper considers a Bayesian approach to graph-based semi-supervised learning. We show that if the graph parameters are suitably scaled, the graph-posteriors converge to a continuum limit as the size of the unlabeled data set grows. This consistency result has profound algorithmic implications: we prove that when consistency holds, carefully designed Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms have a uniform spectral gap, independent of the number of unlabeled inputs. Numerical experiments illustrate and complement the theory.


Learning with Fenchel-Young losses

Over the past decades, numerous loss functions have been been proposed for a variety of supervised learning tasks, including regression, classification, ranking, and more generally structured prediction. Understanding the core principles and theoretical properties underpinning these losses is key to choose the right loss for the right problem, as well as to create new losses which combine their strengths. In this paper, we introduce Fenchel-Young losses, a generic way to construct a convex loss function for a regularized prediction function. We provide an in-depth study of their properties in a very broad setting, covering all the aforementioned supervised learning tasks, and revealing new connections between sparsity, generalized entropies, and separation margins. We show that Fenchel-Young losses unify many well-known loss functions and allow to create useful new ones easily. Finally, we derive efficient predictive and training algorithms, making Fenchel-Young losses appealing both in theory and practice.


Learning Linear Non-Gaussian Causal Models in the Presence of Latent Variables

We consider the problem of learning causal models from observational data generated by linear non-Gaussian acyclic causal models with latent variables. Without considering the effect of latent variables, the inferred causal relationships among the observed variables are often wrong. Under faithfulness assumption, we propose a method to check whether there exists a causal path between any two observed variables. From this information, we can obtain the causal order among the observed variables. The next question is whether the causal effects can be uniquely identified as well. We show that causal effects among observed variables cannot be identified uniquely under mere assumptions of faithfulness and non-Gaussianity of exogenous noises. However, we are able to propose an efficient method that identifies the set of all possible causal effects that are compatible with the observational data. We present additional structural conditions on the causal graph under which causal effects among observed variables can be determined uniquely. Furthermore, we provide necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for unique identification of the number of variables in the system. Experiments on synthetic data and real-world data show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm for learning causal models.


A Convex Parametrization of a New Class of Universal Kernel Functions

The accuracy and complexity of kernel learning algorithms is determined by the set of kernels over which it is able to optimize. An ideal set of kernels should: admit a linear parameterization (tractability); be dense in the set of all kernels (accuracy); and every member should be universal so that the hypothesis space is infinite-dimensional (scalability). Currently, there is no class of kernel that meets all three criteria - e.g. Gaussians are not tractable or accurate; polynomials are not scalable. We propose a new class that meet all three criteria - the Tessellated Kernel (TK) class. Specifically, the TK class: admits a linear parameterization using positive matrices; is dense in all kernels; and every element in the class is universal. This implies that the use of TK kernels for learning the kernel can obviate the need for selecting candidate kernels in algorithms such as SimpleMKL and parameters such as the bandwidth. Numerical testing on soft margin Support Vector Machine (SVM) problems show that algorithms using TK kernels outperform other kernel learning algorithms and neural networks. Furthermore, our results show that when the ratio of the number of training data to features is high, the improvement of TK over MKL increases significantly.


Skill Rating for Multiplayer Games. Introducing Hypernode Graphs and their Spectral Theory

We consider the skill rating problem for multiplayer games, that is how to infer player skills from game outcomes in multiplayer games. We formulate the problem as a minimization problem $arg min_{s} s^T Delta s$ where $Delta$ is a positive semidefinite matrix and $s$ a real-valued function, of which some entries are the skill values to be inferred and other entries are constrained by the game outcomes. We leverage graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) algorithms for this problem. We apply our algorithms on several data sets of multiplayer games and obtain very promising results compared to Elo Duelling (see Elo, 1978) and TrueSkill (see Herbrich et al., 2006).. As we leverage graph-based SSL algorithms and because games can be seen as relations between sets of players, we then generalize the approach. For this aim, we introduce a new finite model, called hypernode graph, defined to be a set of weighted binary relations between sets of nodes. We define Laplacians of hypernode graphs. Then, we show that the skill rating problem for multiplayer games can be formulated as $arg min_{s} s^T Delta s$ where $Delta$ is the Laplacian of a hypernode graph constructed from a set of games. From a fundamental perspective, we show that hypernode graph Laplacians are symmetric positive semidefinite matrices with constant functions in their null space. We show that problems on hypernode graphs can not be solved with graph constructions and graph kernels. We relate hypernode graphs to signed graphs showing that positive relations between groups can lead to negative relations between individuals.


Ensemble Learning for Relational Data

We present a theoretical analysis framework for relational ensemble models. We show that ensembles of collective classifiers can improve predictions for graph data by reducing errors due to variance in both learning and inference. In addition, we propose a relational ensemble framework that combines a relational ensemble learning approach with a relational ensemble inference approach for collective classification. The proposed ensemble techniques are applicable for both single and multiple graph settings. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Finally, our experimental results support the theoretical analysis and confirm that ensemble algorithms that explicitly focus on both learning and inference processes and aim at reducing errors associated with both, are the best performers.


Learning Causal Networks via Additive Faithfulness

In this paper we introduce a statistical model, called additively faithful directed acyclic graph (AFDAG), for causal learning from observational data. Our approach is based on additive conditional independence (ACI), a recently proposed three-way statistical relation that shares many similarities with conditional independence but without resorting to multi-dimensional kernels. This distinct feature strikes a balance between a parametric model and a fully nonparametric model, which makes the proposed model attractive for handling large networks. We develop an estimator for AFDAG based on a linear operator that characterizes ACI, and establish the consistency and convergence rates of this estimator, as well as the uniform consistency of the estimated DAG. Moreover, we introduce a modified PC-algorithm to implement the estimating procedure efficiently, so that its complexity is determined by the level of sparseness rather than the dimension of the network. Through simulation studies we show that our method outperforms existing methods when commonly assumed conditions such as Gaussian or Gaussian copula distributions do not hold. Finally, the usefulness of AFDAG formulation is demonstrated through an application to a proteomics data set.


Expected Policy Gradients for Reinforcement Learning

We propose expected policy gradients (EPG), which unify stochastic policy gradients (SPG) and deterministic policy gradients (DPG) for reinforcement learning. Inspired by expected sarsa, EPG integrates (or sums) across actions when estimating the gradient, instead of relying only on the action in the sampled trajectory. For continuous action spaces, we first derive a practical result for Gaussian policies and quadratic critics and then extend it to a universal analytical method, covering a broad class of actors and critics, including Gaussian, exponential families, and policies with bounded support. For Gaussian policies, we introduce an exploration method that uses covariance proportional to the matrix exponential of the scaled Hessian of the critic with respect to the actions. For discrete action spaces, we derive a variant of EPG based on softmax policies. We also establish a new general policy gradient theorem, of which the stochastic and deterministic policy gradient theorems are special cases. Furthermore, we prove that EPG reduces the variance of the gradient estimates without requiring deterministic policies and with little computational overhead. Finally, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation of EPG and show that it outperforms existing approaches on multiple challenging control domains.


GraKeL: A Graph Kernel Library in Python

The problem of accurately measuring the similarity between graphs is at the core of many applications in a variety of disciplines. Graph kernels have recently emerged as a promising approach to this problem. There are now many kernels, each focusing on different structural aspects of graphs. Here, we present GraKeL, a library that unifies several graph kernels into a common framework. The library is written in Python and adheres to the scikit-learn interface. It is simple to use and can be naturally combined with scikit-learn's modules to build a complete machine learning pipeline for tasks such as graph classification and clustering. The code is BSD licensed and is available at: https://github.com/ysig/GraKeL.


Conjugate Gradients for Kernel Machines

Regularized least-squares (kernel-ridge / Gaussian process) regression is a fundamental algorithm of statistics and machine learning. Because generic algorithms for the exact solution have cubic complexity in the number of datapoints, large datasets require to resort to approximations. In this work, the computation of the least-squares prediction is itself treated as a probabilistic inference problem. We propose a structured Gaussian regression model on the kernel function that uses projections of the kernel matrix to obtain a low-rank approximation of the kernel and the matrix. A central result is an enhanced way to use the method of conjugate gradients for the specific setting of least-squares regression as encountered in machine learning.


Unique Sharp Local Minimum in L1-minimization Complete Dictionary Learning

We study the problem of globally recovering a dictionary from a set of signals via $ell_1$-minimization. We assume that the signals are generated as i.i.d. random linear combinations of the $K$ atoms from a complete reference dictionary $D^*in mathbb R^{K imes K}$, where the linear combination coefficients are from either a Bernoulli type model or exact sparse model. First, we obtain a necessary and sufficient norm condition for the reference dictionary $D^*$ to be a sharp local minimum of the expected $ell_1$ objective function. Our result substantially extends that of Wu and Yu (2015) and allows the combination coefficient to be non-negative. Secondly, we obtain an explicit bound on the region within which the objective value of the reference dictionary is minimal. Thirdly, we show that the reference dictionary is the unique sharp local minimum, thus establishing the first known global property of $ell_1$-minimization dictionary learning. Motivated by the theoretical results, we introduce a perturbation based test to determine whether a dictionary is a sharp local minimum of the objective function. In addition, we also propose a new dictionary learning algorithm based on Block Coordinate Descent, called DL-BCD, which is guaranteed to decrease the obective function monotonically. Simulation studies show that DL-BCD has competitive performance in terms of recovery rate compared to other state-of-the-art dictionary learning algorithms when the reference dictionary is generated from random Gaussian matrices.


The weight function in the subtree kernel is decisive

Tree data are ubiquitous because they model a large variety of situations, e.g., the architecture of plants, the secondary structure of RNA, or the hierarchy of XML files. Nevertheless, the analysis of these non-Euclidean data is difficult per se. In this paper, we focus on the subtree kernel that is a convolution kernel for tree data introduced by Vishwanathan and Smola in the early 2000's. More precisely, we investigate the influence of the weight function from a theoretical perspective and in real data applications. We establish on a 2-classes stochastic model that the performance of the subtree kernel is improved when the weight of leaves vanishes, which motivates the definition of a new weight function, learned from the data and not fixed by the user as usually done. To this end, we define a unified framework for computing the subtree kernel from ordered or unordered trees, that is particularly suitable for tuning parameters. We show through eight real data classification problems the great efficiency of our approach, in particular for small data sets, which also states the high importance of the weight function. Finally, a visualization tool of the significant features is derived.


Representation Learning for Dynamic Graphs: A Survey

Graphs arise naturally in many real-world applications including social networks, recommender systems, ontologies, biology, and computational finance. Traditionally, machine learning models for graphs have been mostly designed for static graphs. However, many applications involve evolving graphs. This introduces important challenges for learning and inference since nodes, attributes, and edges change over time. In this survey, we review the recent advances in representation learning for dynamic graphs, including dynamic knowledge graphs. We describe existing models from an encoder-decoder perspective, categorize these encoders and decoders based on the techniques they employ, and analyze the approaches in each category. We also review several prominent applications and widely used datasets and highlight directions for future research.


GADMM: Fast and Communication Efficient Framework for Distributed Machine Learning

When the data is distributed across multiple servers, lowering the communication cost between the servers (or workers) while solving the distributed learning problem is an important problem and is the focus of this paper. In particular, we propose a fast, and communication-efficient decentralized framework to solve the distributed machine learning (DML) problem. The proposed algorithm, Group Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (GADMM) is based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) framework. The key novelty in GADMM is that it solves the problem in a decentralized topology where at most half of the workers are competing for the limited communication resources at any given time. Moreover, each worker exchanges the locally trained model only with two neighboring workers, thereby training a global model with a lower amount of communication overhead in each exchange. We prove that GADMM converges to the optimal solution for convex loss functions, and numerically show that it converges faster and more communication-efficient than the state-of-the-art communication-efficient algorithms such as the Lazily Aggregated Gradient (LAG) and dual averaging, in linear and logistic regression tasks on synthetic and real datasets. Furthermore, we propose Dynamic GADMM (D-GADMM), a variant of GADMM, and prove its convergence under the time-varying network topology of the workers.


Estimation of parameters in the $operatorname{DDRCINAR}(p)$ model

Xiufang Liu, Dehui Wang.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 638--673.

This paper discusses a $p$th-order dependence-driven random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive time series model ($operatorname{DDRCINAR}(p)$). Stationarity and ergodicity properties are proved. Conditional least squares, weighted least squares and maximum quasi-likelihood are used to estimate the model parameters. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are presented. The performances of these estimators are investigated and compared via simulations. In certain regions of the parameter space, simulative analysis shows that maximum quasi-likelihood estimators perform better than the estimators of conditional least squares and weighted least squares in terms of the proportion of within-$Omega$ estimates. At last, the model is applied to two real data sets.


A new log-linear bimodal Birnbaum–Saunders regression model with application to survival data

Francisco Cribari-Neto, Rodney V. Fonseca.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 329--355.

The log-linear Birnbaum–Saunders model has been widely used in empirical applications. We introduce an extension of this model based on a recently proposed version of the Birnbaum–Saunders distribution which is more flexible than the standard Birnbaum–Saunders law since its density may assume both unimodal and bimodal shapes. We show how to perform point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing inferences on the parameters that index the regression model we propose. We also present a number of diagnostic tools, such as residual analysis, local influence, generalized leverage, generalized Cook’s distance and model misspecification tests. We investigate the usefulness of model selection criteria and the accuracy of prediction intervals for the proposed model. Results of Monte Carlo simulations are presented. Finally, we also present and discuss an empirical application.


Failure rate of Birnbaum–Saunders distributions: Shape, change-point, estimation and robustness

Emilia Athayde, Assis Azevedo, Michelli Barros, Víctor Leiva.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 301--328.

The Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) distribution has been largely studied and applied. A random variable with BS distribution is a transformation of another random variable with standard normal distribution. Generalized BS distributions are obtained when the normally distributed random variable is replaced by another symmetrically distributed random variable. This allows us to obtain a wide class of positively skewed models with lighter and heavier tails than the BS model. Its failure rate admits several shapes, including the unimodal case, with its change-point being able to be used for different purposes. For example, to establish the reduction in a dose, and then in the cost of the medical treatment. We analyze the failure rates of generalized BS distributions obtained by the logistic, normal and Student-t distributions, considering their shape and change-point, estimating them, evaluating their robustness, assessing their performance by simulations, and applying the results to real data from different areas.


Any waking morning

Soutar-Hynes, Mary Lou, author.
9781771336413 (softcover)


Reclaiming indigenous governance : reflections and insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States

9780816539970 (paperback)


Globalizing capital : a history of the international monetary system

Eichengreen, Barry J., author.
9780691193908 (paperback)


The theory and application of penalized methods or Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces made easy

Nancy Heckman

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 6, 113--141.

The popular cubic smoothing spline estimate of a regression function arises as the minimizer of the penalized sum of squares $sum_{j}(Y_{j}-mu(t_{j}))^{2}+lambda int_{a}^{b}[mu''(t)]^{2},dt$, where the data are $t_{j},Y_{j}$, $j=1,ldots,n$. The minimization is taken over an infinite-dimensional function space, the space of all functions with square integrable second derivatives. But the calculations can be carried out in a finite-dimensional space. The reduction from minimizing over an infinite dimensional space to minimizing over a finite dimensional space occurs for more general objective functions: the data may be related to the function $mu$ in another way, the sum of squares may be replaced by a more suitable expression, or the penalty, $int_{a}^{b}[mu''(t)]^{2},dt$, might take a different form. This paper reviews the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space structure that provides a finite-dimensional solution for a general minimization problem. Particular attention is paid to the construction and study of the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space corresponding to a penalty based on a linear differential operator. In this case, one can often calculate the minimizer explicitly, using Green’s functions.


Primal and dual model representations in kernel-based learning

Johan A.K. Suykens, Carlos Alzate, Kristiaan Pelckmans

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 4, 148--183.

This paper discusses the role of primal and (Lagrange) dual model representations in problems of supervised and unsupervised learning. The specification of the estimation problem is conceived at the primal level as a constrained optimization problem. The constraints relate to the model which is expressed in terms of the feature map. From the conditions for optimality one jointly finds the optimal model representation and the model estimate. At the dual level the model is expressed in terms of a positive definite kernel function, which is characteristic for a support vector machine methodology. It is discussed how least squares support vector machines are playing a central role as core models across problems of regression, classification, principal component analysis, spectral clustering, canonical correlation analysis, dimensionality reduction and data visualization.


Unsupervised Pre-trained Models from Healthy ADLs Improve Parkinson's Disease Classification of Gait Patterns. (arXiv:2005.02589v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Application and use of deep learning algorithms for different healthcare applications is gaining interest at a steady pace. However, use of such algorithms can prove to be challenging as they require large amounts of training data that capture different possible variations. This makes it difficult to use them in a clinical setting since in most health applications researchers often have to work with limited data. Less data can cause the deep learning model to over-fit. In this paper, we ask how can we use data from a different environment, different use-case, with widely differing data distributions. We exemplify this use case by using single-sensor accelerometer data from healthy subjects performing activities of daily living - ADLs (source dataset), to extract features relevant to multi-sensor accelerometer gait data (target dataset) for Parkinson's disease classification. We train the pre-trained model using the source dataset and use it as a feature extractor. We show that the features extracted for the target dataset can be used to train an effective classification model. Our pre-trained source model consists of a convolutional autoencoder, and the target classification model is a simple multi-layer perceptron model. We explore two different pre-trained source models, trained using different activity groups, and analyze the influence the choice of pre-trained model has over the task of Parkinson's disease classification.


Generating Thermal Image Data Samples using 3D Facial Modelling Techniques and Deep Learning Methodologies. (arXiv:2005.01923v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Methods for generating synthetic data have become of increasing importance to build large datasets required for Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) based deep learning techniques for a wide range of computer vision applications. In this work, we extend existing methodologies to show how 2D thermal facial data can be mapped to provide 3D facial models. For the proposed research work we have used tufts datasets for generating 3D varying face poses by using a single frontal face pose. The system works by refining the existing image quality by performing fusion based image preprocessing operations. The refined outputs have better contrast adjustments, decreased noise level and higher exposedness of the dark regions. It makes the facial landmarks and temperature patterns on the human face more discernible and visible when compared to original raw data. Different image quality metrics are used to compare the refined version of images with original images. In the next phase of the proposed study, the refined version of images is used to create 3D facial geometry structures by using Convolution Neural Networks (CNN). The generated outputs are then imported in blender software to finally extract the 3D thermal facial outputs of both males and females. The same technique is also used on our thermal face data acquired using prototype thermal camera (developed under Heliaus EU project) in an indoor lab environment which is then used for generating synthetic 3D face data along with varying yaw face angles and lastly facial depth map is generated.


Deep transfer learning for improving single-EEG arousal detection. (arXiv:2004.05111v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Datasets in sleep science present challenges for machine learning algorithms due to differences in recording setups across clinics. We investigate two deep transfer learning strategies for overcoming the channel mismatch problem for cases where two datasets do not contain exactly the same setup leading to degraded performance in single-EEG models. Specifically, we train a baseline model on multivariate polysomnography data and subsequently replace the first two layers to prepare the architecture for single-channel electroencephalography data. Using a fine-tuning strategy, our model yields similar performance to the baseline model (F1=0.682 and F1=0.694, respectively), and was significantly better than a comparable single-channel model. Our results are promising for researchers working with small databases who wish to use deep learning models pre-trained on larger databases.


Risk-Aware Energy Scheduling for Edge Computing with Microgrid: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. (arXiv:2003.02157v2 [physics.soc-ph] UPDATED)

In recent years, multi-access edge computing (MEC) is a key enabler for handling the massive expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services. However, energy consumption of a MEC network depends on volatile tasks that induces risk for energy demand estimations. As an energy supplier, a microgrid can facilitate seamless energy supply. However, the risk associated with energy supply is also increased due to unpredictable energy generation from renewable and non-renewable sources. Especially, the risk of energy shortfall is involved with uncertainties in both energy consumption and generation. In this paper, we study a risk-aware energy scheduling problem for a microgrid-powered MEC network. First, we formulate an optimization problem considering the conditional value-at-risk (CVaR) measurement for both energy consumption and generation, where the objective is to minimize the loss of energy shortfall of the MEC networks and we show this problem is an NP-hard problem. Second, we analyze our formulated problem using a multi-agent stochastic game that ensures the joint policy Nash equilibrium, and show the convergence of the proposed model. Third, we derive the solution by applying a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL)-based asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) algorithm with shared neural networks. This method mitigates the curse of dimensionality of the state space and chooses the best policy among the agents for the proposed problem. Finally, the experimental results establish a significant performance gain by considering CVaR for high accuracy energy scheduling of the proposed model than both the single and random agent models.


Mnemonics Training: Multi-Class Incremental Learning without Forgetting. (arXiv:2002.10211v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Multi-Class Incremental Learning (MCIL) aims to learn new concepts by incrementally updating a model trained on previous concepts. However, there is an inherent trade-off to effectively learning new concepts without catastrophic forgetting of previous ones. To alleviate this issue, it has been proposed to keep around a few examples of the previous concepts but the effectiveness of this approach heavily depends on the representativeness of these examples. This paper proposes a novel and automatic framework we call mnemonics, where we parameterize exemplars and make them optimizable in an end-to-end manner. We train the framework through bilevel optimizations, i.e., model-level and exemplar-level. We conduct extensive experiments on three MCIL benchmarks, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-Subset and ImageNet, and show that using mnemonics exemplars can surpass the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Interestingly and quite intriguingly, the mnemonics exemplars tend to be on the boundaries between different classes.


Cyclic Boosting -- an explainable supervised machine learning algorithm. (arXiv:2002.03425v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Supervised machine learning algorithms have seen spectacular advances and surpassed human level performance in a wide range of specific applications. However, using complex ensemble or deep learning algorithms typically results in black box models, where the path leading to individual predictions cannot be followed in detail. In order to address this issue, we propose the novel "Cyclic Boosting" machine learning algorithm, which allows to efficiently perform accurate regression and classification tasks while at the same time allowing a detailed understanding of how each individual prediction was made.


On the impact of selected modern deep-learning techniques to the performance and celerity of classification models in an experimental high-energy physics use case. (arXiv:2002.01427v3 [physics.data-an] UPDATED)

Beginning from a basic neural-network architecture, we test the potential benefits offered by a range of advanced techniques for machine learning, in particular deep learning, in the context of a typical classification problem encountered in the domain of high-energy physics, using a well-studied dataset: the 2014 Higgs ML Kaggle dataset. The advantages are evaluated in terms of both performance metrics and the time required to train and apply the resulting models. Techniques examined include domain-specific data-augmentation, learning rate and momentum scheduling, (advanced) ensembling in both model-space and weight-space, and alternative architectures and connection methods.

Following the investigation, we arrive at a model which achieves equal performance to the winning solution of the original Kaggle challenge, whilst being significantly quicker to train and apply, and being suitable for use with both GPU and CPU hardware setups. These reductions in timing and hardware requirements potentially allow the use of more powerful algorithms in HEP analyses, where models must be retrained frequently, sometimes at short notice, by small groups of researchers with limited hardware resources. Additionally, a new wrapper library for PyTorch called LUMINis presented, which incorporates all of the techniques studied.


Learned Step Size Quantization. (arXiv:1902.08153v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Deep networks run with low precision operations at inference time offer power and space advantages over high precision alternatives, but need to overcome the challenge of maintaining high accuracy as precision decreases. Here, we present a method for training such networks, Learned Step Size Quantization, that achieves the highest accuracy to date on the ImageNet dataset when using models, from a variety of architectures, with weights and activations quantized to 2-, 3- or 4-bits of precision, and that can train 3-bit models that reach full precision baseline accuracy. Our approach builds upon existing methods for learning weights in quantized networks by improving how the quantizer itself is configured. Specifically, we introduce a novel means to estimate and scale the task loss gradient at each weight and activation layer's quantizer step size, such that it can be learned in conjunction with other network parameters. This approach works using different levels of precision as needed for a given system and requires only a simple modification of existing training code.


FNNC: Achieving Fairness through Neural Networks. (arXiv:1811.00247v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

In classification models fairness can be ensured by solving a constrained optimization problem. We focus on fairness constraints like Disparate Impact, Demographic Parity, and Equalized Odds, which are non-decomposable and non-convex. Researchers define convex surrogates of the constraints and then apply convex optimization frameworks to obtain fair classifiers. Surrogates serve only as an upper bound to the actual constraints, and convexifying fairness constraints might be challenging.

We propose a neural network-based framework, emph{FNNC}, to achieve fairness while maintaining high accuracy in classification. The above fairness constraints are included in the loss using Lagrangian multipliers. We prove bounds on generalization errors for the constrained losses which asymptotically go to zero. The network is optimized using two-step mini-batch stochastic gradient descent. Our experiments show that FNNC performs as good as the state of the art, if not better. The experimental evidence supplements our theoretical guarantees. In summary, we have an automated solution to achieve fairness in classification, which is easily extendable to many fairness constraints.


Alternating Maximization: Unifying Framework for 8 Sparse PCA Formulations and Efficient Parallel Codes. (arXiv:1212.4137v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Given a multivariate data set, sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) aims to extract several linear combinations of the variables that together explain the variance in the data as much as possible, while controlling the number of nonzero loadings in these combinations. In this paper we consider 8 different optimization formulations for computing a single sparse loading vector; these are obtained by combining the following factors: we employ two norms for measuring variance (L2, L1) and two sparsity-inducing norms (L0, L1), which are used in two different ways (constraint, penalty). Three of our formulations, notably the one with L0 constraint and L1 variance, have not been considered in the literature. We give a unifying reformulation which we propose to solve via a natural alternating maximization (AM) method. We show the the AM method is nontrivially equivalent to GPower (Journ'{e}e et al; JMLR 11:517--553, 2010) for all our formulations. Besides this, we provide 24 efficient parallel SPCA implementations: 3 codes (multi-core, GPU and cluster) for each of the 8 problems. Parallelism in the methods is aimed at i) speeding up computations (our GPU code can be 100 times faster than an efficient serial code written in C++), ii) obtaining solutions explaining more variance and iii) dealing with big data problems (our cluster code is able to solve a 357 GB problem in about a minute).


Nonstationary Bayesian modeling for a large data set of derived surface temperature return values. (arXiv:2005.03658v1 [stat.ME])

Heat waves resulting from prolonged extreme temperatures pose a significant risk to human health globally. Given the limitations of observations of extreme temperature, climate models are often used to characterize extreme temperature globally, from which one can derive quantities like return values to summarize the magnitude of a low probability event for an arbitrary geographic location. However, while these derived quantities are useful on their own, it is also often important to apply a spatial statistical model to such data in order to, e.g., understand how the spatial dependence properties of the return values vary over space and emulate the climate model for generating additional spatial fields with corresponding statistical properties. For these objectives, when modeling global data it is critical to use a nonstationary covariance function. Furthermore, given that the output of modern global climate models can be on the order of $mathcal{O}(10^4)$, it is important to utilize approximate Gaussian process methods to enable inference. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of methodology introduced in Risser and Turek (2020) to conduct a nonstationary and fully Bayesian analysis of a large data set of 20-year return values derived from an ensemble of global climate model runs with over 50,000 spatial locations. This analysis uses the freely available BayesNSGP software package for R.


Deep Learning on Point Clouds for False Positive Reduction at Nodule Detection in Chest CT Scans. (arXiv:2005.03654v1 [eess.IV])

The paper focuses on a novel approach for false-positive reduction (FPR) of nodule candidates in Computer-aided detection (CADe) system after suspicious lesions proposing stage. Unlike common decisions in medical image analysis, the proposed approach considers input data not as 2d or 3d image, but as a point cloud and uses deep learning models for point clouds. We found out that models for point clouds require less memory and are faster on both training and inference than traditional CNN 3D, achieves better performance and does not impose restrictions on the size of the input image, thereby the size of the nodule candidate. We propose an algorithm for transforming 3d CT scan data to point cloud. In some cases, the volume of the nodule candidate can be much smaller than the surrounding context, for example, in the case of subpleural localization of the nodule. Therefore, we developed an algorithm for sampling points from a point cloud constructed from a 3D image of the candidate region. The algorithm guarantees to capture both context and candidate information as part of the point cloud of the nodule candidate. An experiment with creating a dataset from an open LIDC-IDRI database for a feature of the FPR task was accurately designed, set up and described in detail. The data augmentation technique was applied to avoid overfitting and as an upsampling method. Experiments are conducted with PointNet, PointNet++ and DGCNN. We show that the proposed approach outperforms baseline CNN 3D models and demonstrates 85.98 FROC versus 77.26 FROC for baseline models.


Plan2Vec: Unsupervised Representation Learning by Latent Plans. (arXiv:2005.03648v1 [cs.LG])

In this paper we introduce plan2vec, an unsupervised representation learning approach that is inspired by reinforcement learning. Plan2vec constructs a weighted graph on an image dataset using near-neighbor distances, and then extrapolates this local metric to a global embedding by distilling path-integral over planned path. When applied to control, plan2vec offers a way to learn goal-conditioned value estimates that are accurate over long horizons that is both compute and sample efficient. We demonstrate the effectiveness of plan2vec on one simulated and two challenging real-world image datasets. Experimental results show that plan2vec successfully amortizes the planning cost, enabling reactive planning that is linear in memory and computation complexity rather than exhaustive over the entire state space.


Generative Feature Replay with Orthogonal Weight Modification for Continual Learning. (arXiv:2005.03490v1 [cs.LG])

The ability of intelligent agents to learn and remember multiple tasks sequentially is crucial to achieving artificial general intelligence. Many continual learning (CL) methods have been proposed to overcome catastrophic forgetting. Catastrophic forgetting notoriously impedes the sequential learning of neural networks as the data of previous tasks are unavailable. In this paper we focus on class incremental learning, a challenging CL scenario, in which classes of each task are disjoint and task identity is unknown during test. For this scenario, generative replay is an effective strategy which generates and replays pseudo data for previous tasks to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. However, it is not trivial to learn a generative model continually for relatively complex data. Based on recently proposed orthogonal weight modification (OWM) algorithm which can keep previously learned input-output mappings invariant approximately when learning new tasks, we propose to directly generate and replay feature. Empirical results on image and text datasets show our method can improve OWM consistently by a significant margin while conventional generative replay always results in a negative effect. Our method also beats a state-of-the-art generative replay method and is competitive with a strong baseline based on real data storage.


Transfer Learning for sEMG-based Hand Gesture Classification using Deep Learning in a Master-Slave Architecture. (arXiv:2005.03460v1 [eess.SP])

Recent advancements in diagnostic learning and development of gesture-based human machine interfaces have driven surface electromyography (sEMG) towards significant importance. Analysis of hand gestures requires an accurate assessment of sEMG signals. The proposed work presents a novel sequential master-slave architecture consisting of deep neural networks (DNNs) for classification of signs from the Indian sign language using signals recorded from multiple sEMG channels. The performance of the master-slave network is augmented by leveraging additional synthetic feature data generated by long short term memory networks. Performance of the proposed network is compared to that of a conventional DNN prior to and after the addition of synthetic data. Up to 14% improvement is observed in the conventional DNN and up to 9% improvement in master-slave network on addition of synthetic data with an average accuracy value of 93.5% asserting the suitability of the proposed approach.


Deep learning of physical laws from scarce data. (arXiv:2005.03448v1 [cs.LG])

Harnessing data to discover the underlying governing laws or equations that describe the behavior of complex physical systems can significantly advance our modeling, simulation and understanding of such systems in various science and engineering disciplines. Recent advances in sparse identification show encouraging success in distilling closed-form governing equations from data for a wide range of nonlinear dynamical systems. However, the fundamental bottleneck of this approach lies in the robustness and scalability with respect to data scarcity and noise. This work introduces a novel physics-informed deep learning framework to discover governing partial differential equations (PDEs) from scarce and noisy data for nonlinear spatiotemporal systems. In particular, this approach seamlessly integrates the strengths of deep neural networks for rich representation learning, automatic differentiation and sparse regression to approximate the solution of system variables, compute essential derivatives, as well as identify the key derivative terms and parameters that form the structure and explicit expression of the PDEs. The efficacy and robustness of this method are demonstrated on discovering a variety of PDE systems with different levels of data scarcity and noise. The resulting computational framework shows the potential for closed-form model discovery in practical applications where large and accurate datasets are intractable to capture.


Curious Hierarchical Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2005.03420v1 [cs.LG])

Hierarchical abstraction and curiosity-driven exploration are two common paradigms in current reinforcement learning approaches to break down difficult problems into a sequence of simpler ones and to overcome reward sparsity. However, there is a lack of approaches that combine these paradigms, and it is currently unknown whether curiosity also helps to perform the hierarchical abstraction. As a novelty and scientific contribution, we tackle this issue and develop a method that combines hierarchical reinforcement learning with curiosity. Herein, we extend a contemporary hierarchical actor-critic approach with a forward model to develop a hierarchical notion of curiosity. We demonstrate in several continuous-space environments that curiosity approximately doubles the learning performance and success rates for most of the investigated benchmarking problems.


CARL: Controllable Agent with Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion. (arXiv:2005.03288v1 [cs.LG])

Motion synthesis in a dynamic environment has been a long-standing problem for character animation. Methods using motion capture data tend to scale poorly in complex environments because of their larger capturing and labeling requirement. Physics-based controllers are effective in this regard, albeit less controllable. In this paper, we present CARL, a quadruped agent that can be controlled with high-level directives and react naturally to dynamic environments. Starting with an agent that can imitate individual animation clips, we use Generative Adversarial Networks to adapt high-level controls, such as speed and heading, to action distributions that correspond to the original animations. Further fine-tuning through the deep reinforcement learning enables the agent to recover from unseen external perturbations while producing smooth transitions. It then becomes straightforward to create autonomous agents in dynamic environments by adding navigation modules over the entire process. We evaluate our approach by measuring the agent's ability to follow user control and provide a visual analysis of the generated motion to show its effectiveness.


An Empirical Study of Incremental Learning in Neural Network with Noisy Training Set. (arXiv:2005.03266v1 [cs.LG])

The notion of incremental learning is to train an ANN algorithm in stages, as and when newer training data arrives. Incremental learning is becoming widespread in recent times with the advent of deep learning. Noise in the training data reduces the accuracy of the algorithm. In this paper, we make an empirical study of the effect of noise in the training phase. We numerically show that the accuracy of the algorithm is dependent more on the location of the error than the percentage of error. Using Perceptron, Feed Forward Neural Network and Radial Basis Function Neural Network, we show that for the same percentage of error, the accuracy of the algorithm significantly varies with the location of error. Furthermore, our results show that the dependence of the accuracy with the location of error is independent of the algorithm. However, the slope of the degradation curve decreases with more sophisticated algorithms


Fast multivariate empirical cumulative distribution function with connection to kernel density estimation. (arXiv:2005.03246v1 [cs.DS])

This paper revisits the problem of computing empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDF) efficiently on large, multivariate datasets. Computing an ECDF at one evaluation point requires $mathcal{O}(N)$ operations on a dataset composed of $N$ data points. Therefore, a direct evaluation of ECDFs at $N$ evaluation points requires a quadratic $mathcal{O}(N^2)$ operations, which is prohibitive for large-scale problems. Two fast and exact methods are proposed and compared. The first one is based on fast summation in lexicographical order, with a $mathcal{O}(N{log}N)$ complexity and requires the evaluation points to lie on a regular grid. The second one is based on the divide-and-conquer principle, with a $mathcal{O}(Nlog(N)^{(d-1){vee}1})$ complexity and requires the evaluation points to coincide with the input points. The two fast algorithms are described and detailed in the general $d$-dimensional case, and numerical experiments validate their speed and accuracy. Secondly, the paper establishes a direct connection between cumulative distribution functions and kernel density estimation (KDE) for a large class of kernels. This connection paves the way for fast exact algorithms for multivariate kernel density estimation and kernel regression. Numerical tests with the Laplacian kernel validate the speed and accuracy of the proposed algorithms. A broad range of large-scale multivariate density estimation, cumulative distribution estimation, survival function estimation and regression problems can benefit from the proposed numerical methods.