
Quantum Science and Quantum Technology

Yazhen Wang, Xinyu Song.

Source: Statistical Science, Volume 35, Number 1, 51--74.

Quantum science and quantum technology are of great current interest in multiple frontiers of many scientific fields ranging from computer science to physics and chemistry, and from engineering to mathematics and statistics. Their developments will likely lead to a new wave of scientific revolutions and technological innovations in a wide range of scientific studies and applications. This paper provides a brief review on quantum communication, quantum information, quantum computation, quantum simulation, and quantum metrology. We present essential quantum properties, illustrate relevant concepts of quantum science and quantum technology, and discuss their scientific developments. We point out the need for statistical analysis in their developments, as well as their potential applications to and impacts on statistics and data science.


Implications des évolutions de la technologie financière pour les banques et les autorités de contrôle bancaire

French translation of the Basel Committee is publishing "Sound Practices: implications of fintech developments for banks and bank supervisors", February 2018.


Data, technology and policy coordination

Keynote speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, at the 55th SEACEN Governors' Conference and High-level Seminar on "Data and technology: embracing innovation", Singapore, 14 November 2019.


Seven examples of nuclear technology improving food and agriculture

Some of the most innovative ways being used to improve agricultural practices involve nuclear technology. Nuclear applications in agriculture rely on the use of isotopes and radiation techniques to combat pests and diseases, increase crop production, protect land and water resources, ensure food safety and authenticity, and increase livestock production. FAO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have been expanding [...]


How Innovators Are Adapting Existing Technologies to Fight COVID-19

Engineers around the world are tweaking drones, robots and smart tools to help prevent the spread of the virus


Emerging technologies: advancing sustainability


Winnipeg to start testing technology to improve cellular reception, support 5G service

Winnipeg will soon test "small cell" technology to improve cellular reception in parts of Winnipeg, ahead of a possible future transition to 5G service. 

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


Learning the value of resilience and technology: the global financial system after Covid-19

Remarks by Benoît Cœuré, Head of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, at the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee - Chamber of Digital Commerce webinar on "The world economy transformed", 17 April 2020.


From secular stagnation to robocalypse? Implications of demographic and technological changes

Bank of Spain Working Papers by Henrique S. Basso and Juan F. Jimeno


Technologiekonzerne im Finanzbereich: Chancen und Risiken

German version of BIS Press Release - Big tech in finance: opportunities and risks, 23 June 2019


Technology Use for Adolescent Health and Wellness

As avid users of technology, adolescents are a key demographic to engage when designing and developing technology applications for health. There are multiple opportunities for improving adolescent health, from promoting preventive behaviors to providing guidance for adolescents with chronic illness in supporting treatment adherence and transition to adult health care systems. This article will provide a brief overview of current technologies and then highlight new technologies being used specifically for adolescent health, such as artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and machine learning. Because there is paucity of evidence in this field, we will make recommendations for future research.


Using new technology to share the gospel

When it comes to reaching the least-reached, OM workers are using new technology to make ministry more effective—one byte at a time.


Teaching, Technology, and English-Learners: 5 Things to Know

Few teachers reported assigning English-learners to use digital learning resources outside of class, in part because of concerns about students' lack of access to technology at home, finds a U.S. Department of Education survey.


Pediatricians' Use of Health Information Technology: A National Survey

Information is limited on adoption of fully functional electronic health records (EHRs) in office-based pediatric practices, such as rates of adoption, barriers to adoption, and features that pediatricians choose.

A nationwide survey of members of the AAP in 2009 found that pediatric adoption of fully functional EHRs lags general adoption. Barriers include financial and productivity concerns, but pediatricians are also concerned about finding systems that meet their specific needs. (Read the full article)


Access to Digital Technology Among Families Coming to Urban Pediatric Primary Care Clinics

Internet, smartphones, and online social media offer new platforms for health promotion and disease management. Few studies have evaluated the use of digital technology among families receiving care in an urban pediatric primary care setting.

Caregivers in an urban pediatric primary care setting have access to and frequently use the Internet, smartphones, and online social media. These technologies may help reach a traditionally hard-to-reach population. (Read the full article)


Preparing Adolescents With Chronic Disease for Transition to Adult Care: A Technology Program

Adolescents with chronic disease are a diverse population with common needs for transition. Disease-specific interventions have shown promise at improving patient outcomes but with substantial personnel and resource costs. Whether a generic approach across diseases may be useful is unknown.

This study is among the first to evaluate a generic (across disease) approach to transition of adolescents to adult care. The approach demonstrated promise and cost savings due to reduced personnel requirement and use of low-cost technology dissemination methods. (Read the full article)


How Teachers Can and Should Use Technology in the Classroom

Integrating technology requires a significant investment of time and money, but the resources are well-spent if the focus is improving instruction, writes educational consultant Matthew Lynch.


Educational Technology Has Limitations

Deep and lasting learning can best come from the relationship between teachers and their students.


Getting Youth Technology Use Right



The U.S. education system isn't adequately preparing students to use technology for problem-solving, according to a newly released analysis.


Is Technology the "Elephant in the Room"?

The "elephant in the room" has everything to do with technology but is not really about technology at all.


Response: 'Embracing Technology' as a Tool for Differentiation

Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Becky Shiring, Katie Robinson, Dr. Sonny Magana and Dr. Monica Burns contribute their suggestions on using tech to differentiate instruction.


4 Reasons for Technology Integration

Second year teacher, Christine Pinto, shares some reasons she integrates technology in her classroom.


Digital Technology Is Gambling With Children's Minds

Writing, reading, focusing, and remembering have all been transformed in ways we don't yet fully understand, writes psychologist Elias Aboujaoude.


Education Technology

Although educational apps for preschoolers abound, many don't include sound teaching strategies, says a new study in the journal Learning, Media and Technology.


Education Technology

The lack of access to technology and internet connectivity at home is especially severe among poor, rural, and minority students, according to a new survey from ACT's nonprofit Center for Equity in Learning.


Education Technology

One-to-one technology programs may boostmath scores over time, finds a new study in the Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis journal.


Technology Has No Impact on Teaching and Learning

If we truly want educational technology to take root in schools and finally live up to the promise we've been expecting for more than a decade, schools need to develop a cadre of well-trained tech instructional coaches.


Education Technology

More than two-thirds of districts are very confident in their networks' ability to support a digital device for every student, and nearly a quarter of districts now average two devices for each student, finds the latest annual report of the Consortium for School Networking.


Education Technology

A massive international analysis finds more screen time is associated with a lower sense of well-being among teenagers, but the effects are too small to require policy changes, according to a study in the journal Nature Human Behavior.


Education Technology

When it comes to a key international test, there's little evidence that technology use benefits student scores and some evidence that it could drag them down, according to a new report by the nonprofit Reboot Foundation.


Technology 'Doesn't Replace Good Teaching'

Anne Jenks, Michelle Shory, Ed.S, Irina V. McGrath, Ph.D, Kim Jaxon, Dr. Beth Gotcher, Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, Ph.D., and Keisha Rembert share their suggestions for using tech effectively in class.


Technology in Education: An Overview

From blended learning to computerized testing, digital and online technologies are reshaping the classroom experience for millions of students.




Libraries employees receive national award for technology innovation

Two Penn State University Libraries employees at Berks Thun Library, Penn State Berks, have been awarded the American Library Association’s 2020 Emerging Technologies Section 2020 Best Emerging Technology Application (BETA) Award, which recognizes a technology application that directly benefits library users.


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions using microwave plasma technology

A multi-disciplinary collaborative relationship, developed between Penn State EMS Energy Institute researchers and a Pittsburgh-based start-up company, may hold the answer to reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while also paving the way to disrupt the chemical and material industries.


Common Assessments a Test for Schools' Technology

As the two big groups of states craft common-assessment systems, experts warn that the smallest details could undermine their work.


Campuses transform learning through immersive technology

Penn State faculty are going beyond using traditional video in their courses by incorporating virtual-reality immersive experiences. They are discovering how those experiences help enhance active learning and focus students' attention on critical lessons in their courses.


Special Educators Want Mobile Technology, but More Training Needed

An initiative to improve the use of apps and mobile technology in the instruction of special education students finds that teachers aren't receiving the professional development they want.


Mobile Technologies Are Changing Young Children's Social Interactions

Today, 98% of households with 2- to 8-year-old children include a mobile device, like smartphones, tablets, and iPods or other smart-mobile devices, an increase from 75% in 2013. We are really connected, but not connecting at all.


Facial-Recognition Technology Doesn't Have to Destroy Privacy

Regulation moves at a snail's pace, so it's up to CEOs, executives, and employees to reject projects that put profit over privacy. Clearview AI facial-recognition tech is just the latest example of 'innovation' that could quickly get out of hand.


Integrate Technology Into Core Of Rural Schools, Official Says

Cost and resource levels make it harder to incorporate technology at many of the nation's rural schools, said the U.S. Department of Education's point person for technology, and finding ways to overcome those obstacles is part of the follow-up work being done in response to a Rural Education Technol


International Collaboration Projects Using Technology

How Massachusetts students are demonstrating their global collaborative projects.


Transformational technology

OM workers in Central Asia use technology to develop new discipleship and worship tools for local believers.


Commerce in conversation: Untapped potential in voice skill technology

Conversational commerce, as it is more popularly known, is any form of online communication that takes place during an e-commerce purchase.


A new article, "Mirrorless cameras" has been added to "Product Technology".

  • Technology & Design


A new article, "The compact mirrorless Z 50 packs mighty technologies" has been added to "Stories".

  • Technology & Design


Technology & Design:New articles, "Alignment Station" and "Non-Contact Large-Volume Inspection System" have been added to "Product Technology".

  • Technology & Design


Technology & Design:A new article, "Manufacturing glass that grows like a lifeform" has been added to "Stories".

  • Technology & Design