
Integrated Visual Augmentation System Market Size, Trends, Growth Forecast 2029

(EMAILWIRE.COM, October 30, 2024 ) The Integrated Visual Augmentation System market is valued at USD 1.0 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach USD 1.7 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 11.1% from 2024 to 2029. Integrated Visual Augmentation Systems (IVAS) are advanced solutions enhancing military...


Revisiting 8 years later.

If history is going to rhyme, then I’m going to remember the prior verses. One of them was which I signed as a matter of conscience 8 years ago. I am still in strong agreement with the aims of that pledge I signed. And it is my duty to spread the word to my...


Confident In The Chaos Pt6: A Prayer And Vision For Revival

In Part 6 of 'Confident In The Chaos' Habakkuk has 'A Prayer And Vision For Revival'. In chapter 3, Habakkuk gives us an example of how to pray for revival in the darkest of days. He gives us hope to pray, believing that He wants to bring blessing in His goodness and mercy. Learn how to pray with confidence for a great awakening in these difficult last days. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


Visión Innovadora para Proteger Áreas DANA y Preservar el Empleo

La reciente DANA (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos) que ha afectado a varias regiones ha evidenciado la necesidad de implementar medidas de protección a largo plazo para mitigar cualquier repercusión futura. Este fenómeno meteorológico ha causado daños considerables, subrayando la urgencia de establecer políticas que no solo respondan a las necesidades inmediatas de los afectados, […]

Artículo publicado en : Visión Innovadora para Proteger Áreas DANA y Preservar el Empleo


"Residential Training Provision", A Nicer Word For Work Camps?

Yesterday morning I was horrified to read that a report had surfaced saying they were planning "Residential Training" for Disabled and long term Unemployed people. After all welfare reform has been crashing disaster so far. Thousands have people have been declared fit for work with no impact assessment, or proper program in place to actually get us back into work after years of unemployment. So far it seems like a cold hearted attempt to get us of benefits at any cost, they don't seem to care if we end up with a job, or whether we end up destitute and dying, just as long as we don't ever get "ESA".

Also the anti-disabled propaganda display has made disabled people even more unattractive to potential employers, why did they do this ridiculous thing we all wonder? I think it's a misinterpretation of something good old Mansel Aylward said in his horrific "Psycho Social Theory Of Disability". He told them they needed to make disabled people working the "social norm". They could have chosen to try and make employers want to employ disabled people, encouraged compassion and patience, offered training and support for disabled people straight away. But instead the idiots opted to just make it a social crime to dare to claim disability benefits, no matter how ill you really are. Now people who walk with sticks or use mobility scooters (even those who aren't on any disability benefits) face abuse in the streets, and are accused of "faking" their disability.

 The thousands of people dying after being told they were "fit to work" (10,600 in the first year) are being covered up and minimised, now not even recorded by the DWP. If you are disabled and don't work you are considered lowest of the low now. The fools have created yet another "barrier to work" for us.

So when I read they were planning work camps, I had no trouble believing IDS and his evil crew had come up with that idea. I broke out in a cold sweat and felt the familiar twist of panic and though "My God what are they going to do to us now?..." But then I actually read the paper.

It doesn't seem as bad as we first thought, its only in the planning stages at the moment but they are now actually doing what they should have done in the first place. Holding consultations about what they can actually do to HELP disabled people get back into work. It is literally residential training, and you will have a choice as to whether you go as residential or not. You can read the full report "Residential Training Provision - Independent Advisory Report" by clicking here.

As I said before they SHOULD have been looking into things like this before they rolled out the new "Work Capability Assessment" and had it in place before they declared thousands of us fit for work, closed lots of Remploy factories, and cut us adrift, making us sign on JSA with advisors who have no training in helping disabled people back to work. This is the sort of thing the report suggests, more advisors who are trained, and more practical courses that actually help you cope with disability and get employed. Not rubbish just designed to make money for the companies that provide them, while we're pushed from pillars to post and called "Lying Thieving Bastards" behind our backs.

All we have to fear is that they won't listen to what has been recommended, which they haven't been great at so far lets face it have they? Or they will start to do it, but like everything they've done in the past that works they will stop it because it costs too much.

We must keep our eyes on how this progresses, but don't be too scared, 75% of people on disability benefits want to work, they are finally going to try and help us. If they listen to the independent advice that is, and Tories generally don't like listening to anyone else's advice do they? But it shows our campaigning is paying off, they are looking into it at least.

Please help keep up the pressure on them to finally get it Right  by signing the War On Welfare Petition if you haven't already.


Vijesti :: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 7:00 (GMT 1) Svakog dana, od ponedjeljka do petka, portal svojim čitateljima nudi servisne informacije isključivo za taj dan. U servisnim informacijama možete doznati tko će biti bez struje, plina, vode, kakva će biti prognoza, popis događanja za taj dan..

DHMZ prognoza: Pretežno oblačno. Jutarnja temperatura 2°C, a dnevna do 6°C.

Iz Hrvatske elektroprivrede obavještavaju građane da su za danas planirani radovi:

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Ulica javora 2-10 par, 1-9 nep, Ulica kestenova 75-89 nep
od 8:30 do 12:00 sati - Martina Divalta 56-58 par, 60/a, 64-68 par, 70/a, 72, 76-78 par, 78/a, Vatrogasna ulica 15
od 9:00 do 10:00 sati - Park kraljice Katarine Kosača 8, 9, Ulica Josipa Huttlera 6/b, 27/a
od 9:00 do 14:00 sati - Šokačka ulica 16-18 par, Žumberačka ulica 6-10 par, 14-22 par, 7-15 nep, 21-31 nep, 37-49 nep

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Kamešnice 11-13 nep, Osječka 66-70 par, 74-88 par, 92-102 par, 65-95 nep, 99-137 nep, 137/a, 139-145 nep, 145/a, 147, 151-155 nep, 161-165 nep, Pustara Ritić 19, Vratnička ulica 2, 2/a, 6, 6/a, 6/b, 6/c, 8-10 par, 10/a, 12-18 par, 18/a, 20-28 par,28/a,30-40 par
od 11:30 do 14:00 sati - Biokovska 2-42 par, Dinarska 1-35 nep, 39, Ulica Petrove gore 2-24 par, 1-23 nep, Ulica Požeške gore 11-19 nep

Aljmaš, Dalj, Dalj planina
od 8:30 do 9:30 sati - Dolica 4-6 par, 26, 30, 1-7 nep, 11-15 nep, 19, 23-25 nep, Dunavska obala 12/a, 16-20 par, 24, 28-30 par, 40, 11-15 nep, 19-21 nep, 27, 37-39 nep, Hrvatskih mučenika 12, 16, 18/a, 20, 30, 5-7 nep, 7/a, 9-11 nep, 19, 25, Ivana Kesmičkog 6-14par,3, Kalvarija 4, Lipin dol 2, 6-16 par, 20, 20/c, 22, 22/a, 24-26 par, 28/a, 30-32 par, 42-44 par, 76-78 par, 88, 146, 1-5 nep, 5/a, 7-9 nep, 13, 17, 37, 41-43 nep, 49/b, Matije Gupca 2-18 par, 18/b, 22-24 par, 28, 52, 1-25 nep, 25/a, 27, Mladena Palinkaša 2-6 par, 6/a, 8-16 par, 20-30 par, 34-38 par, 48, 92, 94/e, 100-102 par, 1, 1/a, 3-27 nep, 31, 35-39 nep, 47, 87, Podunavlje 8, 8/a, 10, 12/a, 14, 20, 20/c, 20/g, 22-26 par, 32, 46, 52, 1/a, 3-5 nep, 5/a, 7, 7/a, 9-13 nep, 17, 31/a, 33-35 nep, Puarov dol 20/a, Rudina Balinac 20, Rudina crkvina 2, 6-14 par, 22-30 par, 36-50 par, 58-64 par, 68-74 par, 120-124 par, 128, 132, 208, 400, 3-9 nep, 13-15 nep, 23, 27, 31, 39-51 nep, 67-69 nep, 75, 81, 101, 117-121 nep, 125-129 nep, 133, Rudina Dolečak1, Rudina kod Vilme 40, 83, Rudina provalija 2, 14, Rudina selišće 16-22 par, 3-9 nep, Rudina stepanićevac 26, 99, 107-109 nep, Slavka Frangeša 9, 15, 21, Trg braće Radića 6-30 par, 34, 44, 1-7 nep, 15, 19, 23-27 nep, 27/a, 33-35 nep, 39-43 nep,47-49nep, 51/a, ušće 2-22 par, 22/a, 22/c, 24-28 par, 32-38 par, 42, 42/b, 44-56 par, 60-66 par, 72-76 par, 76/a, 78, 78/b, 80-82 par, 82/a, 84, 88-96 par, 100-108 par, 112-118 par, 126, 1, 1/a, 3-21 nep, 21/a, 21/b, 21/e, 21/f, 21/g, 23-29 nep, 37, 41,41/a,43-49 nep, 53, 53/a, 61, 63/a, 67-69 nep, 73, 77, 79/c, 83, 87, 87/a, 89, 89/h, 91-93 nep, 101-109 nep, 113-117 nep, 117/a, 121-125 nep, Vrška 28-30 par, 52/a, 58, 86, 1-3 nep, 7-9 nep, 13, 19-21 nep, 25-27 nep, 37, 41-45 nep, 49, 55, zlatna 2, 2/a,4-16par, 20-24 par, 32, 44-52 par, 58-64 par, 66/a, 68-70 par, 74, 78, 104, 104/a, 106-110 par, 118/a, 122, 142, 142/a, 144, 1-3 nep, 9/a, 11-15 nep, 19-31 nep, 31/a, 33-45 nep, 61-63 nep, 63/a, 65-71 nep, 75, 75/a, 79/a, 79/b, 81, 81/a, 81/c, 95,

Napomena: U slučaju lošeg vremena radovi se odgađaju.

Bez plina
od 09:00 do 12:00 sati - Ulica Petra Svačića (kbr. 37A-43), Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog

Program za kino i kazalište:
- Dječje kazalište [13.-16.11.2024.] [program]

- Kino Urania [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]
- CineStar Osijek [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]

- GISKO: Mjesec hrvatske knjige "Pričaj mi..." [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Izložba slikarskih radova "Bojom kroz godinu"
- 14. Dani austrijske kulture u Osijeku [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Književna večer s Goranom Srdarevićem "Hrvatski društveni roman na osječki način"
- Škola primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna Osijek: Otvorenje samostalne izložbe fotografa i snimatelja Filipa Kosa

- Obustavlja se sav tramvajski promet u gradu Osijeku

Tekst i foto:


La visite au Br�sil de Xi Jinping renforcera davantage les liens culturels et les �changes entre les peuples

Les personnes de tous horizons engag�es en faveur de l'amiti� sino-br�silienne au Br�sil se r�jouissent de la visite du pr�sident Xi Jinping dans le pays et restent pr�tes � contribuer davantage � l'approfondissement de l'amiti� entre le Br�sil et...


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Dr. Roto Has Another Visionary Player (Premium)

Dr. Roto reveals his second Visionary Fantasy Baseball player in consecutive days!


Dr. Roto?s Last-Minute Visionary Wisdom (Premium)

Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Dr. Roto gives his last-minute advice before Draft Day!


Blog Standards Revisited (again):

"If blogs are to be taken seriously, they should live up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that they so deplore."

Sajan Venniyoor takes some pot-shots at the blogosphere, and much of what he says is true, at least on a superficial level. But Sajan takes the idea too far, and what he doesn't understand is the blogosphere must be kept free of legal and bureaucratic encumbrances, no different than the fundamental right of freedom of speech itself.

Sajan sez ......"In June this year, the youth magazine JAM (Just Another Magazine) ran a rather unflattering story on the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). says much about the navel-gazing quality of the virtual world that few bloggers realize that blogging is a minority interest, and that even in the wired West, it’s only when they bring down a Dan Rather that their online crusades merit serious media or public attention.

If blogs are to be taken seriously as an alternative medium, they should measure up to the standards of accountability and reliability of the mainstream media that the bloggers so deplore. Not so long ago, a fairly popular blog took pot shots at that media behemoth and everybody’s favorite target, the Times of India. The blog’s readers were much amused; the Times less so. A legal notice was duly slapped on the blogger - a perfectly valid one in this case. Discretion prevailed over valour, and the blog closed down voluntarily. There was some outcry over the strong-arm tactics of the Times, but what is significant is that no attempt was made either to defend or substantiate the hostile comments made in the blog."

Writing on the 'net is no different than writing to the local newspaper editor. It's just that the technology gives blogging a much broader reach, and does not require the blessings of an editor to decide whether or not you get published.

It is the editor of public opinion that will decide if you are read. There is nothing more democratic than that. And that is a good thing because freedom of speech has never been so powerful, or so vulnerable.

That is why we see repressive regimes like China doing its darndest to plug the blogosphere. They understand its power. But in the free world discussions about imposing standards is absurb and as dangerous as the Nazi book burnings of pre-WW11.

I can see only two possible exceptions to this. The first would be those pundits who consider themselves professional blogger/journalists who want to be taken seriously. It goes without saying they should be aspiring to the same standards of mainstream media.

After all, if you are going to compete with the big boys and want be accepted on that level then you have to play the game according to the same rules.

Secondly, sites like the daily FISK that use satire humor, and clearly state in their faqs they should not be taken seriously and read for entertainment purposes only.

Otherwise, as for the rest of the joe (or josephine) bloggers out there the wired west has to be kept free. Not since the invention of the printing press has so much power been given to so many, and it must be protected at any cost.


1 Million Human Visitors To Your “Make Money Online” Website

1 Million Visits To Your Website In The Make Money Online Niche ONLY


Tulsa school Audio Visual guy, 1967

As part of a general discussion with veteran Tulsa projectionist Scott Linder about Tulsa theaters and equipment, we see a photo of the webmaster as Audio Visual guy in 1967 or 8 at Lewis and Clark jr. high in GroupBlog 325.


The end of the Camelot Inn revisited

A ill-starred science fiction convention was one of the last events held at the Camelot Inn on 51st and Peoria in 1992.


More troops deployed in Eastern Visayas to totally eradicate remnants of the CPP-NPA

The deployment of the 1st Howitzer Platoon, Bravo Battery of 7FAB, AAR with their 155mm M114 Howitzer will bolster the current firepower capabilities of the Division for the total eradication of the remnants of the CCP-NPA.


DAR revisits resettlement policy framework

A focus group discussion with the ARBs was conducted by Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) specialists from Visayas and Mindanao as part of the pilot testing of the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF).


21 municipalities in Eastern Visayas attains Stable Peace and Security Status

A total of 21 Local Government Units in Eastern Visayas have been declared with a Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) status, showcasing significant advancements in the region's anti-insurgency efforts.


Communist terrorist rebel killed, 3 firearms seized; Soldier sacrifices life in pursuit of lasting peace in Eastern Visayas

A member of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) was killed, and three high-powered firearms were seized in an armed encounter at the remote outskirts of Brgy. Hitapi-an, Catubig, Northern Samar, on June 23, 2024.


Building An Amazon Echo on the Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 2

I am fascinated with the success of the Amazon Echo. A company founded on selling books has worked very hard to become a hardware powerhouse and I think they achieved that goal with the Amazon Echo. I bought an Echo to play with home automation but when Amazon posted instructions on how to build your […]

The post Building An Amazon Echo on the Raspberry Pi Model B Revision 2 first appeared on robotthoughts.


Travis County Appraisal Protest Result 2024

I’ve been protesting property tax values with Travis County for 30 years. Not only for myself, but back in the 1990s, into the 2000s for my property management and real estate clients as well. And also assisting by providing market information to clients and others who ask for help from our Free CMA page, which I think I first put up in 2005. For 2023, TCAD valued a property I owned in Southwest Austin in Legend Oaks neighborhood at $677k. This was excessively high, by more than $100k, but I was unsuccessful at the ARB Hearing (Arbitration Review Board), despite presenting clear objective data. They did lower it to $651k though, still about $100k too high. So for the first time ever, I filed for a Binding Arbitration hearing, paid the $500 deposit, and hired an appraiser to value the property for me as of Jan 1, 2023. TCAD generally ... Read more


Sun Visor Extensions - Recommendations?

I'd like to get some good sun visor extensions. The Fit visors leave about 10" in the center uncovered, and they are too short to cover the entire side windows. I'd like to get a set that would...

  • 3rd Generation (2015+)


March 3rd 2013 Radio Heritage Foundation - New Media Release: Radio Heritage Advisory Group Vacancies

If you're interested in global radio, here's a great opportunity to join the all volunteer team at the Radio Heritage Foundation for a short project starting April 1 2013...


Digital Collections Cataloger and Archivist at Dickinson State University

The Digital Collections Cataloger and Archivist creates and reviews metadata for collections in the Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library and helps to train and support others assisting with the cataloging. They also work with newly acquired physical archival collections to prepare them for storage, preservation, and presentation on the web and in other media. | … Continue reading "Digital Collections Cataloger and Archivist at Dickinson State University"

  • Digital Library Jobs


Le marchand Mindfactory annonce un réapprovisionnement du processeur Ryzen 7 9800X3D à la fin du mois de décembre !

Vous rêvez d'un processeur Ryzen 7 9800X3D, malheureusement les stocks semblent inexistants et la situation ne semble pas vouloir s'arranger dans un futur proche, rien ne garantit que vous puissiez l'avoir au pied de votre sapin… En effet, aujourd'hui, on apprend que le marchand allemand Mindfactory annonce un réapprovisionnement dudit processeur à la fin du mois de décembre ! La question est alors de savoir si le dernier-né d'AMD est victime de son succès ou s'il s'agit d'un nouveau produit lancé avec des stocks inexistants. En France, la situation n'est pas meilleure, le processeur n'est pas en stock chez les marchands les plus connus et le réapprovisionnement est généralement fixé à plus de 15 jours. […]

Lire la suite


Intervista a Franco Cangelli di Giosuè Impellizzeri 06/11/2006

Intervista a Franco Cangelli di Giosuè Impellizzeri 06/11/2006


Intervista ai Dirt Crew di Giosuè Impellizzeri 15/11/2006

Intervista ai Dirt Crew di Giosuè Impellizzeri 15/11/2006


Intervista a Renato Figoli di Fabrizio Gattuso - 20/12/06

Intervista a Renato Figoli di Fabrizio Gattuso - 20/12/06


Paynet.Red Expands Services with Etisalat Visitor Line Recharge in the UAE

Paynet.Red now offers Etisalat Visitor Line recharge in the UAE, providing tourists with a seamless way to top up their accounts online for uninterrupted connectivity. With flexible plans for local and international calls and secure payments via Visa or Mastercard, travelers can avoid the hassle of finding physical recharge points. []


Nikola Tesla Visualizations


PS5 Pro : on l'a testé sur un téléviseur 8K de Samsung, une expérience totalement différente ?

La particularité de notre test, et on est les seuls au monde au moment de la levée de l'embargo de la presse mondiale, c'est que nous avons pu tester la PS5 Pro sur un télévis...


Gaviscon Coupon

Print a coupon for $1.50 off one Gaviscon product


Gaviscon Coupon

Get $1.50 Cash Back when you buy one Gaviscon product


LKQ Corporation Refinish Division Announced FinishMaster by LKQ Private-Label Line

LKQ Corporation’s Refinish Division announced its new private-label line, FinishMaster by LKQ, that brings together the strengths of Keystone Platinum Refinish and FinishMaster Smart products. FinishMaster by LKQ merges the best features from both lines into a new private label brand with over 650 SKUs to the over 40,000 customers within North America that LKQ […]

The post LKQ Corporation Refinish Division Announced FinishMaster by LKQ Private-Label Line appeared first on CollisionWeek.


Free Wisdom Flash For Visitors

Good Evening Everyone,

This evening I'd like to share a free viewing of a Wisdom Flash for those of you who may be experiencing stress in everyday life or with your military transition. Sometimes it's really hard to take a time out and really see things clearly around us.

Below is a Free Wisdom Flash you may enjoy. Bookmark the sight and share it with others. Have a great 2006! We'll be posting job fairs and transitional material in the next few days.


Gay & Katie Hendricks: Stress Relief Mood Shifter Wisdom Flash

Click Here

Johnetta Matthews
Military Transition Coach
Veterans In Motion

Technorati Tags:


Изобретатель палки для селфи тестировал ее на КПК Handpring Visor


Новый формат видео Dolby Vision


7-Zip v24.08 [Win Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Compresores
Administrador de archivos comprimidos, con múltiples funciones.


MGest ERP Lite [Win Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Gestión:Comercios:Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas
Programa de facturación, TPV, gestión, contabilidad, ERP, ágil y fácil de utilizar e implantar a medida de la empresa.


Password Manager XP v4.0.824 [Win XP/Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Seguridad:Contraseñas
Almacena de forma segura tu información valiosa y evita el dolor de cabeza que siempre produce perder contraseñas.


EF Mailbox Manager v24.11 (64 bits) [Win XP/Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Utilidades:Software:E-mail:Monitoreo
Administra fácilmente tantas cuentas POP3 como quieras.


dBpowerAMP Music Converter [Win XP/Vista/7/8/10/11]

Categoría: Multimedia:Sonidos:Conversores
Transforma tu PC en una verdadera herramienta multimedia.


Jimmy Carter on Tavis Smiley's Show

Want to learn something about which you thought you already know? Watch Jimmy Carter's interview on Tavis Smiley from October 25, 2010:

Issues covered included the Supreme Court decision earlier this year that paved the way for unlimited corporate contributions. Carter succinctly details the results of huge secret contributions to candidates that the law allows to be hidden; US dealings with China as the world economy shrinks--Carter's been there and has a better understanding than anything you'll hear in the mainstream media.

He reminisces about working with congress on a bipartisan level that is gone in our times. If the republicans win back the House, it might be OK after all because then blame can't fall on the democrats for everything wrong in our society.


Federated Media Launches Podcast Division

FEDERATED MEDIA has launched a podcast division, including a podcast network as well as production and marketing services, with 46 podcasts at launch, including original shows, branded podcasts, and repurposed radio content.

complete article


All the restaurants Stanley Tucci visited in season two of 'Searching for Italy'

After watching the wanderlust-inducing "Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy," you'll undoubtedly be hungry.


All Division Rankings - November 2007

In English


Visit for a full list

Remember to visit for a full list, search feature, and archives.


Vistaprint - 250 Free Business Cards.

250 Free Business Cards.


Web Watcher - 40% off WebWatcher - Invisibly monitor...

40% off WebWatcher - Invisibly monitor and remotely control everything they do on the computer