
Luke Everett Hutchinson

Our dear son Luke Everett was born on October 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm. He weighed 9 lbs and 8 oz and was 21.5 inches long. He has dark brown/black hair like Claire and Sims. His eyes are blue for now but I'm sure they will change. He is the sweetest little baby and we cannot imagine our lives without him now. He is so new but it's like he has always been with us.

The delivery was the hardest one I've had and he broke his collar bone but we are both on the mend now and feeling better every day.  But I would take the pain again and again to have Luke with us.

Luke means light in Greek and Everett means brave. Our prayer for Luke is that he will point people to the light of Christ and that the Lord will strengthen him to be brave in doing what the Lord has called him to do.

Thanks be to the Lord for His many, many blessings. 

Thanks to our wonderful parents who have helped us tremendously with our other children during the past 9 days. We are all back together again and I hope to get a picture of everyone soon. And also, "Luke" was a character on LOST. :) He was an "Other" in 5 episodes of season 3. The LOST name streak lives on.


Atos Are The Number One Provder of Occupatuional Health Services In The UK.

Last night I was furious to discover that giant multinational IT company Atos is not only responsible for administering the government's hellish Work Capability Assessment, they have also been providing occupational health services in this country for years too, in 2010 they even won an award for it.

So they are declaring the sick capable of work, then if you are lucky enough to get a job (if your not one of more than half the people declared fit for work who end up destitute) you will still probably have to put up with them telling you how much time you can have off when your illness returns. As none of these people being declared fit for work have actually got better, they are just expected to work around their disability, so there is no escape from the bastards it seems.

Yesterday I learned that Co-Op uses their occupational health services, so much for ethics eh? They have posted a statement saying they can't just close the contract but will consider not renewing it. So DPAC are encouraging people to boycott them and go and inform them of this on their facebook page, at least until they issue a statement saying they definitely won't renew the contract.

I did some digging last night and found that:
And two county councils I found also use them

Since they are apparently the number one provider of Occupational health services in the UK there must be many more companies and councils using them too, and I saw lots of job vacancies for them posted all over the country.

This post informs you of much money they are raking in with double digit growth in the UK this year, as lives are daily ruined and even ended by the software they own the copyright to. And I'm also learning that this huge multinational company owns oil companies (including Shell and Esso), electronics manufacturers and many more highly profitable companies, more on that to come as I collect the evidence.


List Of Brands Available In The UK That Use Monsanto Products.

Complete list of UK Brands that use Monsanto products, so these companies products probably contain Genetically Modified ingredients. Boycott all these companies for the good of your health!  This site is very useful too called "How To Avoid GM Foods". And also check out "GM Watch"
And if you are in the USA watch the video at the bottom of the post for a full list of products you should be boycotting too.
Betty Crocker
Capri Sun
Coca Cola
Green Giant
Minute Maid
Ritz Crackers
Ocean Spray
Power Bar
Proctor and gamble
Weight Watchers
Uncle Bens


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Krenula je karavana od Prevlaka do Vukovara

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Krenula je karavana od Prevlaka do Vukovara
Postano: 12.11.2024. 11:39 (GMT 1) Povodom obilježavanja 33. godišnjice Sjećanja na žrtvu Vukovara, Moto Klub Korčula u suradnji s udrugama proisteklim iz Domovinskog rata i moto klubovima iz cijele Hrvatske, organizira tradicionalnu vožnju motorima od Prevlake do Vukovara.

S obzirom na nepredvidivost vremena i događanja, a sukladno propisima, Karavana bi imala i prateće kombije (logistiku). Karavana bikera pod imenom „Zajedno u ratu, zajedno u miru“ koja će krenuti na put za Vukovar povodom obilježavanja trideset i treće obljetnice „Sjećanja na žrtvu Vukovara“ planom i programom.

Predviđeno vrijeme dolaska karavane u Osijek je u nedjelju, 17. studenog oko 17:45 satikada će zapaliti svijeću kod legendarnog Fiće. Oko 18:30 sati svijeće će zapaliti i na Jugu 2. Svoj put nastavljaju rano ujutro u ponedjeljak prema Vukovaru.

Foto: Božidar Vrselja


Vijesti :: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sezona je grijanja, a osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla
Postano: 13.11.2024. 9:31 (GMT 1) Sezona je grijanja i osječki dimnjačari imaju pune ruke posla. Mnogi se građani zbog različitih razloga "vraćaju" grijanju na kruta goriva, no najčešći je razlog poskupljenje energenata. Problem predstavljaju dimnjaci koji ne zadovoljavaju europske uvjete.

Stanje s dimnjacima u Hrvatskoj daleko je od idealnog. No, postoje vidovi i tehnička rješenja koja su izvediva i koja bi pružila sigurnost građanima. Naime, riječ je o dimovnim objektima koji se nisu obnavljali, a nalaze se na zgradama građenim 60-tih, 70-tih ili 80-tih godina prošlog stoljeća, pojasnio je dimnjačar Denis Balažić.

- Plin je i dalje dobar kao energent, samo treba uskladiti tip dimnjaka sa samim energentom. Što se tiče trovanja i požara, imam višegodišnje iskustvo. Neka su iskustva su loša, no uvijek ima i pozitivnih priča. U svakom slučaju - opreza nikad dosta, poručio je Balažić.

Tekst: Radio Osijek


Vijesti :: Nenadmašna Suzuki ponuda postala je još bolja!

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Nenadmašna Suzuki ponuda postala je još bolja!
Postano: 15.11.2024. 12:10 (GMT 1) Ako razmišljate o kupnji novog ili rabljenog automobila, Suzukijeva ponuda je ona koja će vas sigurno oduševiti!

Već poslovično povoljan Suzuki pokrenuo je novu akciju za svoje hibridne modele Vitare i S-CROSSa, ali i novog Swifta.

Naime, modele Vitare i S-CROSSa moći ćete kupiti na 2 rate, pri čemu drugu ratu plaćate uz godinu dana odgode, i to bez kamata i troškova obrade, za sve fizičke osobe, dok ćete model Swift moći kupiti čak na 3 rate, isto bez kamata i troškova obrade za fizičke osobe.

Dakle, obzirom da Suzuki uvijek nastupa bezsitnih slova“ i skrivenih troškova, dovoljno je cijenu iz cjenika podijeliti s dva, u slučaju Vitare i S-CROSSa, u slučaju Swifta podijeliti čak na 3 dijela, i dobiti ćete iznos koji trebate uplatiti, da bi se odvezli s novom Vitarom, S-CROSSom ili Swiftom.

Tako, ćete novu Vitaru moći odvesti već za 10.650,83 EUR, dok ćete moći postati vlasnici novog SCROSSa za 11.561,58 EUR.

U slučaju novog Swifta, nabavka novog automobila još je povoljnija, te ćete se u novom Swiftu moći voziti već za 5.639,38 EUR.

Dovoljno je prvu ratu uplatiti prilikom preuzimanja automobila, a drugu odnosno treću ratu, tek za godinu dana odnosno dvije godine, u slučaju kupovine novog Swifta.

Ovim, ne samo da ste dobili novi, sigurni hibridni automobil, koji svojom iznimno malom potrošnjom štedi vaš novac, cijena vašeg novog automobila postala je fiksna, te ne morate strahovati od inflacije odnosno povećanja cijena. Naravno, i ovdje postoji mogućnost da zadnju ratu možete i refinancirati, odnosno raspodijeliti na nekoliko sljedećih godina.

K tome, ne morate biti poznavatelj tržišta automobila, kao što niti ne morate znati da je Suzuki već dugi niz godina najprodavanija marka privatnim kupcima, već je dovoljno okrenuti se oko sebe, i uvjeriti se koliko su novi Suzuki modeli popularni, te shvatiti kako za to sigurno postoje opravdani razlozi!

Ponajprije, osim voznih i sigurnosnih karakteristika, to je zasigurno činjenica kako nova Vitara, novi S-CROSS ali i novi Swift već od najnižih paketa opreme pršte opremom i zavidnim arsenalom sigurnosnih sustava, koji uključuju obavezan klima uređaj, hrpu zračnih jastuka, ali i upozorenja za napuštanje trake, upozorenja na krivudanje, automatski sustav kočenja u slučaju nužde, prepoznavanje prometnih znakova i upozoravanje na prekoračenje brzine, snimanje podataka (tzv. “crna kutija”), nadzor mrtvog kuta, pomoć pri kretanju uzbrdo, kamera za vožnju unatrag, parkirni senzori, adaptivni (autom.) tempomat, pomoć pri naglom kočenju, LED svjetla,.. i još puno puno drugih, ne manje važnih stavaka opreme toga.. čak u osnovnoj opremi.

U ovoj akciji, većina modela dostupna je odmah, i to za cijenu manju od velikog broja rabljenih automobila, jer o drugoj rati doslovno ne morate brinuti, obzirom da će veći dio cijene vaša nova Vitara odnosno novi S-CROSS “zaraditi” sami, prvenstveno svojim pouzdanim i štedljivim motorima, koji se diče malom potrošnjom i niskim troškovima održavanja. Naravno, ukoliko želite više opreme, cijena se neće drastično mijenjati, ali će vaše zadovoljstvo dodatno rasti, što ove modele zasigurno čini najboljom kupnjom na Hrvatskom tržištu.

Naravno, s ovom akcijom, dugogodišnji “HR best buy” automobili, postaju još povoljniji i još pristupačniji, čak i onima koji do sada o novim automobilima nisu ni razmišljali. Stoga, vjerujemo kako će hrvatski kupci prepoznati ovu izvrsnu priliku te odabrati pouzdane i povoljne hibride koji uz sve navedeno omogućuju vožnju u skladu s najvišim standardima sigurnosti, te ekološke osviještenosti. Provjerite ponudu koju nude ovlašteni Suzuki partneri, te bezbrižno krenite u budućnost.

Sve detalje ove ponude možete provjeriti na web stranici.

[Sponzorirani članak]


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North Korea abandons Nukes, plays Chess

Good News or just an Elaborate Ruse?

This was an impressive photo-op but there is no reason to celebrate (yet). What this really demonstrates is how important it is for the U.S. to settle this region of the globe, even if it is only just a stop-gap measure. The U.S. has more than enough on its plate with Iraq and Katrina to contend with.

Apparently North Korea has agreed to give up nuclear weapons activities and rejoin the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Of course, that comes with a proviso that the US promises it will not attack and will provide aid and electricity.

Interestingly, it was China that brokered the compromise:

"The agreement was reached on the basis of a compromise proposal put forward by China in an effort to bridge differences between the United States and Pyongyang over a North Korean demand for a light-water nuclear reactor to produce electricity. The compromise suggested that North Korea be accorded the right in principle to peaceful nuclear energy, but only after dismantling its nuclear weapons program and rejoining the U.N. nuclear inspection regime and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

GIVEN THAT knowledge gained from the "peaceful" use of nuclear technology can easily be transferred to building bombs, it will be incumbent on the U.S. to keep a close eye on Kim whose instability is world renowned.

Sure, U.N. inspectors will eventually be allowed in, but let's hope they will have more success than they did in Iraq. Which demonstrates to this writer how important it is for the U.S. to settle (at least temporarily) this region of the globe. The U.S. has more than enough on its plate with Iraq and Katrina to contend with.

It was a veritable PR coup de gras for the Chinese. So does this imply that China is not really the monstrous behemoth that we have all been told? Is it an evil regime that is finally beginning to come to its senses? Perhaps it is neither and Political FootBall remains suspicious that China was even involved in the deal.

Could it really be part of an elaborate ruse by communist Asia to buy time for N. Korea to get the aid it desperately needs, and while China seeks to become the next economic superpower? All the while lulling the west into a false sense of security in the deadly game of nuclear checkmate. And what about their military alliance? In the grand scheme of things doesn't that make this 'historical' photo-op moot? Many questions that only time will answer.

IT SEEMS likely that economic pressure, $$$ capitalism and carrying the big stick (moving stealth bombers to South Korea) have all contributed to bringing another regime to its knees. That would also be in keeping with the Pentagon's announcement of a new strategy that includes a preemptive strike using nuclear weapons.

No matter, so long as an unstable pompass like Kim remains in control the future of the world will continue to hang in the balance.

BUT THE QUESTION BEGS to be asked if the same tactics would also work for its ally China. Probably not, for unlike it's Soviet counterpart China seems to have found a working formula that successfully blends capitalism and communism, making it an emerging super power. So long as we continue to demand cheap shirts from Walmart that appears to be an almost certainty.

AND WHAT ABOUT Iran and other muslim nations where religious fanaticism is the rule? So long as there remains opposing idealogues and economic disparity in this world the prospect for peace in the long term remains unlikely.

The bottom line is Political FootBall is of the opinion that this latest news does little in the long term for world stability. It only buys time for both sides before making their next power-play.

So we won't be breaking out the champagne, at least for the near future anyhow.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Kiew: Russland plant Angriff an Südfront ++

Russland bereitet ukrainischen Angaben zufolge einen Angriff an der südlichen Front vor. US-Außenminister Blinken reist am Mittwoch nach Brüssel, um über die Lage in der Ukraine zu beraten. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Kukies erwartet keine Haushaltssperre ++

Der neue Bundesfinanzminister Kukies geht nicht davon aus, dass es eine Haushaltssperre geben wird. BSW-Chefin Wagenknecht sieht für ihre Partei durch den Zeitdruck Herausforderungen. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Finanzminister Kukies im Haushaltsausschuss

Der neue Finanzminister Kukies wird heute im Haushaltsausschuss erklären müssen, wofür noch Geld da ist und wie es weitergeht. Was sind die größten Baustellen? Von Nicole Kohnert.


Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ cheidende US-Regierung will Ukrainehilfe verstärken ++

Die scheidende US-Regierung will laut Außenminister Blinken die Ukraine noch im vollen Umfang unterstützen. Kiew wird erstmals seit August von den russischen Streitkräften mit Raketen beschossen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.


Coon-Sanders in the National Jukebox

In 1929, the Coon-Sanders Nighthawk Orchestra did "Alone in the Rain", the first section of which became part of Mazeppa's opening theme. Hear their 1924 recording of "Night hawk blues" in GroupBlog 326. It's from "The National Jukebox", the Library of Congress' new, free audio archive online.


Realitätsscheuklappen in der heilen Welt

Und wieder hat Deutschland sein neues "Littleton". Wie an dem aus Michael Moores Film "Bowling for Columbine" bekannten Ort, an dem zwölf Schüler ihr Leben verloren, stürmte Sebastian B. am 20. November 2006 seine ehemalige Schule in Emsdetten. Bewaffnet mit vier Gewehren und drei Rohrbomben schoss er um sich. Rund 30 Menschen wurden verletzt, drei davon schwer. Der 18-jährige Amokläufer tötete sich noch im Schulgebäude selbst. Ein Kommentar über die Hintergründe.


Build a 3D Printed Ukulele

I’ve recently been looking at building instruments using a 3D printer. I’ve been playing the guitar for over 40 years but most of the builds for 3D printed guitars seemed a little daunting as a place to start. I found a couple of 3D printed ukuleles that looked like quicker one day builds. I finally […]

The post Build a 3D Printed Ukulele first appeared on robotthoughts.


Mortgage Kredisi – ALLAH RIZASI için, Çocuklarınız için ALMAYIN

“Kira öder gibi ödüyorsunuz ama kendi evinizin sahibi oluyorsunuz” yalanıyla mortgage kredi sistemini pazarlayan bankacıların, pazarlamacıların ve televizyoncuların kabirde kemikleri sızlayacak. Bu öyle büyük bir yalan ve öyle bir büyük […]

The post Mortgage Kredisi – ALLAH RIZASI için, Çocuklarınız için ALMAYIN first appeared on Amerikada Birgün.


1992 Suzuki GSX1100G from United States of America

Wish Suzuki still made UJM styled shaft drive bikes; not everyone wants a Harley


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A surprisingly able and well performing mini cruiser/commuter


1995 Suzuki DR650SE from United States of America

Good bike for women or men


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Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle UK and Ireland Cinema Release Details

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Crunchyroll June to September 2024 DVD and Blu-ray UK Release Schedule

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My Neighbour Totoro UK and Ireland Cinema Release Details

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Dan Da Dan: First Encounter UK and Ireland Cinema Release Details

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The spread of UK land ownership

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Black Myth Wukong : la version physique PS5 enfin datée, la jaquette et bonus dévoilés

Fin octobre, on apprenait l'arrivée de la version physique PS5 de Black Myth Wukong. Une annonce soudaine et presque inattendue, d'autant que le lendemain, le jeu était dispon...


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The post Starlight Princess Login Serta Temukan Bonus RTP Kembalian 100 appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.


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The post Nikmati Fitur Unggulan Dari Situs Slots Online Terkemuka appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.

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The post Keunggulan Situs Agen RTP Slot Terpercaya untuk Pemain Baru appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.


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Importance of Sports to the UK Economy

An investment in sports by a country can have a huge and beneficial effect on it's economy.


Best Cycling Routes in the UK

6 cycling routes to enjoy in the UK for sport or for travel.


Nielsen releases podcast ad effectiveness tool as UK audiences expected to swell

Reflecting the fact that 75% of UK advertisers are upping spend in podcasts, Nielsen has unveiled a measurement tool to gauge effectiveness in this growing ad space.

Nielsen believes that the UK’s 6 million weekly podcast listeners will double in the next three years. It is putting the tools in place for brands to “quantify the impact and effectiveness of their podcast ads” with the Nielsen Podcast Brand Effect.

The tool has already been running in the US and so far the results have found that 57% of podcast ads tested outperformed pre-roll video in driving purchase intent and 70% of respondents agreed that the podcast ads increased their awareness of products and services.

complete article


Green Day axe Moscow gig amid Russia-Ukraine invasion


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