opm Design Science Research For Personal Knowledge Management System Development - Revisited By Published On :: 2016-11-01 The article presents Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) as an overdue individualized as well as a collaborative approach for knowledge workers. Designing a PKM-supporting system, however, resembles a so-called “wicked” problem (ill-defined; incomplete, contradictory, changing requirements, complex interdependencies) where the information needed to understand the challenges depends on upon one’s idea for solving them. Accordingly, three main areas are attended to. Firstly, in dealing with a range of growing complexities, the notion of Popper’s Worlds is applied as three distinct spheres of reality and further expanded into six digital ecosystems (technologies, extelligence, society, knowledge worker, institutions, and ideosphere) that not only form the basis for the PKM System Concept named ‘Knowcations’ but also form a closely related Personal Knowledge Management for Development (PKM4D) framework detailed in a separate dedicated paper. Reflecting back on a United Nations scenario of knowledge mass production (KMP) over time, the complexities closely related to the digital ecosystems and the inherent risks of today’s accelerating attention-consuming over-abundance of redundant information are scrutinized, concluding in a chain of meta-arguments favoring the idea of the PKM concept and system put forward. Secondly, in light of the digital ecosystems and complexities introduced, the findings of a prior article are further refined in order to assess the PKM concept and system as a potential General-Purpose-Technology. Thirdly, the development process and resulting prototype are verified against accepted general design science research (DSR) guidelines. DSR aims at creating innovative IT artifacts (that extend human and social capabilities and meet desired outcomes) and at validating design processes (as evidence of their relevance, utility, rigor, resonance, and publishability). Together with the incorporated references to around thirty prior publications covering technical and methodological details, a kind of ‘Long Discussion Case’ emerges aiming to potentially assist IT researchers and entrepreneurs engaged in similar projects. Full Article
opm Co-development of a Wiki for Tracking the Environmental Footprint of Small Business Activities By Published On :: 2017-10-13 Aim/Purpose: Climate change mitigation is a global challenge, in which academia and business have a role to play. This research explores ways to develop a freely-available information system that would enable small businesses to identify and reduce their environmental footprint. Background: While large organizations have the resources to track emissions and other pertinent data, small businesses may not, despite intentions to be more environmentally responsible. Freely available applications to track emissions focus on the carbon footprint of things, whereas activities are a more meaningful unit of analysis for business managers. Methodology: Using a design science research approach, we conducted a study of a collaborative project that investigated how a low-cost, freely-available online wiki could be developed by group of students, under the guidance of university scholars and business owners. In the project, different student groups were tasked to create the wiki, input content and design a dashboard interface for managers to find data relevant to their business. The research takes an information systems view of the project, relying on the holistic notion of activity from activity theory and taking a design science approach to the study. Contribution: The paper contributes to the practices of green information systems, climate change, and small business. Theoretically it provides new insights into the linear view of design science in resource poor, collaborative projects. Findings: The research demonstrates the viability of an online system to track the envi-ronmental footprint of business activities. It reveals the challenges from a design science perspective of attempts to create online systems using freely available products and labor. Recommendations for Practitioners: Meaningful information systems to assist small businesses to manage their environmental footprint should focus on activities not things, be low cost and easy to use. Recommendation for Researchers: Complex nonlinear design science frameworks may be needed to build community-based green information systems projects. Impact on Society: This paper examines the role that university-community partnerships can play in mitigating climate change. Future Research: We should now investigate ways to ensure the viability and sustainability of systems developed by groups of university students. Full Article
opm Design Science Research in Practice: What Can We Learn from a Longitudinal Analysis of the Development of Published Artifacts? By Published On :: 2020-01-27 Aim/Purpose: To discuss the Design Science Research approach by comparing some of its canons with observed practices in projects in which it is applied, in order to understand and structure it better. Background: Recent criticisms of the application of the Design Science Research (DSR) approach have pointed out the need to make it more approachable and less confusing to overcome deficiencies such as the unrealistic evaluation. Methodology: We identified and analyzed 92 articles that presented artifacts developed from DSR projects and another 60 articles with preceding or subsequent actions associated with these 92 projects. We applied the content analysis technique to these 152 articles, enabling the preparation of network diagrams and an analysis of the longitudinal evolution of these projects in terms of activities performed and the types of artifacts involved. Contribution: The content analysis of these 152 articles enabled the preparation of network diagrams and an analysis of the longitudinal evolution of these projects in terms of the activities and types of artifacts involved. Evidence was found of a precedence hierarchy among different types of artifacts, as well as nine new opportunities for entry points for the continuity of DSR studies. Only 14% of the DSR artifacts underwent an evaluation by typical end users, characterizing a tenth type of entry point. Regarding the evaluation process, four aspects were identified, which demonstrated that 86% of DSR artifact evaluations are unrealistic. Findings: We identified and defined a set of attributes that allows a better characterization and structuring of the artifact evaluation process. Analyzing the field data, we inferred a precedence hierarchy for different artifacts types, as well as nine new opportunities for entry points for the continuity of DSR studies. Recommendation for Researchers: The four attributes identified for analyzing evaluation processes serve as guidelines for practitioners and researchers to achieve a realistic evaluation of artifacts. Future Research: The nine new entry points identified serve as an inspiration for researchers to give continuity to DSR projects. Full Article
opm Development and Validation of a Noise in Decision Inventory for Organizational Settings By Published On :: 2023-08-07 Aim/Purpose: The aim of the present paper is to present a Noise Decision (ND) scale. First, it reports the development and validation of the instrument aimed at examining organizational factors that have an influence on decision-making and the level of noise. Second, it validates this rating scale by testing its discriminant and convergent validity with other measures to assess decision-making qualities. Background: According to the literature, the concept of noise is the unwanted variability present in judgments. The notion of noise concerns the systematic influence to which individuals are exposed in their environment. The literature in the field has found that noise reduction improves the perception of work performance. Methodology: The first study involves the development of a scale (composed of 36 items) consisting of semi-structured interviews, item development, and principal component analysis. The second study involves validation and convergent validity of this scale. In the first study, there were 43 employees from three medium-sized Italian multinationals. For the second study, a sample of 867 subjects was analysed. Contribution: This paper introduces the first scale aimed at assessing noise within individuals and, in the organizational context, within employees and employers. Findings: Results show that the estimated internal reliability for each of the ND subscales and also the correlations between the subscales were relatively low, suggesting that ND correctly measures the analyzed components. Furthermore, the validation of the psychometric qualities of the ND allowed for the assertion that the influence of noise is present in the decision-making process within the context of work environments, validating the initial hypotheses. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper aims to improve theory and research on decision-making; for example, by providing a possible implementation for scales for evaluating decision-making skills. Furthermore, detecting and limiting noise with a systematic method could improve both the quality of decisions and the quality of thought processes. Future Research: Given the measurement of ND, the study can be a starting point for future research on this topic. Since there is no literature about this construct, it would be necessary to spend more time researching, so that the topic becomes clearer. System noise has been tested by some researchers with a “noise audit,” which means giving the same problem to different people and measuring the differences in their responses. Repeating this kind of audit in conjunction with the ND in a specific work environment could be helpful to detect but also measure the influence of noise. Full Article
opm Hybrid of machine learning-based multiple criteria decision making and mass balance analysis in the new coconut agro-industry product development By www.inderscience.com Published On :: 2024-07-29T23:20:50-05:00 Product innovation has become a crucial part of the sustainability of the coconut agro-industry in Indonesia, covering upstream and downstream sides. To overcome this challenge, it is necessary to create several model stages using a hybrid method that combines machine learning based on multiple criteria decision making and mass balance analysis. The research case study was conducted in Tembilahan district, Riau province, Indonesia, one of the primary coconut producers in Indonesia. The analysis results showed that potential products for domestic customers included coconut milk, coconut cooking oil, coconut chips, coconut jelly, coconut sugar, and virgin coconut oil. Furthermore, considering the experts, the most potential product to be developed was coconut sugar with a weight of 0.26. Prediction of coconut sugar demand reached 13,996,607 tons/year, requiring coconut sap as a raw material up to 97,976,249. Full Article
opm Partnerships for peace and development in fragile states: Identifying missing links By amp.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 16:48:07 +0000 Literature on partnerships has grown rapidly in the past decade across different disciplines. However, despite conceptual attention to the value of strategic multi-stakeholder collaboration to promote peace and reconciliation, challenges posed by (post-)conflict, fragile contexts have barely been considered in empirical studies. In this article we contribute by bringing together debates from different partnership literatures and providing an overview of existing, relatively limited research insights on partnerships for peace in fragile states. We present a typology of different levels (local, national, international) at which collaboration takes place and different types of partnerships (philanthropic, transactional, engagement, transformative). This is exemplified with specific attention to Africa, where most fragile states are found, and to partnerships with transformative potential. The analysis suggests that the lowest-level (local) partnerships tend to exclude the national government, while the most recent international, multilateral-driven collaboration has not included business; national cases are most transformative but incidental and not yet leveraged internationally. Despite the interconnected nature of conflict and fragility issues, linkages between partnerships and partners at different levels are largely missing, offering potential for further development by a broad spectrum of scholars and thought leaders. Insights from 'extreme' unconventional contexts thus have relevance for management research more generally. Full Article
opm HOW INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS INFLUENCE SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN MANAGEMENT EDUCATION By amle.aom.org Published On :: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 17:54:17 +0000 Research concerning why and how to promote social interaction and learner reflection in management education and training is somewhat underdeveloped. In this investigation, we used a predictive, quasi-experimental design with 246 students from a business school in Colombia who were enrolled in 10 sections of a leadership course to examine expected effects of instructional methods that promoted different levels of social interaction and reflection on self-reported learning behaviors (dialogue and reflection activities), self-efficacy for class performance, and instructors' assessments of students' skill demonstration (team work, communication, influence, and work proficiency and effort). In comparisons to students participating in instructional conditions with less social interaction and fewer reflective activities, students participating in an instructional condition that promoted higher levels of these activities exhibited considerably greater student-student dialogue, instructor-student dialogue, and reflection. These learning behaviors in turn led to enhanced self-efficacy for class performance and skilled activity. In addition, students' perceptions of psychological safety partially mediated relationships between instructional method and dialogical and reflective activities. The implications of these findings for coupling action, dialogue and reflective activities in management education and training as well as avenues for future research are discussed. Full Article
opm Malaysia monitoring developments in US for potential changes in policies: Rafizi By thesun.my Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:25:00 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s government is monitoring developments in the United States for potential changes in policies as a new administration prepares to take office in Washington, said Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli.He said that given the influence the US has on the global economy, any country in the world would conduct some level of due diligence on the impacts a change in the US administration might bring.“That is part and parcel of planning. While we await the next few announcements, we will observe how the Trump administration will impact the global economy and ours,” he told reporters after the Sesi Libat Urus Industri Rancangan Malaysia Ke-13 today.Rafizi said Malaysia must be nimble and agile to react and respond to any geopolitical and international developments that may arise from a change in administration, not only in the US but in any of its large trading partners. “And the US is a very large trading partner for us,” he pointed out.However, Rafizi noted that many of Malaysia’s plans concerning semiconductors and energy transition are driven by domestic needs and are largely structural. “That means it’s something we have to go through to prepare our industry and economy to be more robust. So in that sense, I think all the key reforms that need to be done still have to be done.”Additionally, he said, Malaysia’s 13th Malaysia Plan will include initiatives to position the country as a global provider of a comprehensive artificial intelligence-driven data centre ecosystem. “The government’s focus has always been to tap into the opportunities presented by the data centre boom.”Rafizi emphasised that Malaysia aims to avoid simply attracting data centre without integrating into the data centre value chain and supply chain. “We have been working on a few catalytic interventions to create the ecosystem.”Rafizi said that by the end of this decade, Malaysia aims to participate in the entire data centre value chain, first benefiting from existing and future data centers in the country. “But more importantly, for us to begin exporting our own data centers around the world.”For the 13th Malaysia Plan that is being prepared, Rafizi said, the Ministry of Economy is not only holding engagement sessions with state governments but also ensuring that it includes input from key strategic industries. The sessions focus on the electronics, aerospace and automotive industries, and the process will continue to align government and industry planning. “The main goal is to transition our industries from assembly-based to innovation and creation-based industries,” Rafizi said. Full Article Hayatun Razak
opm Ibraco Ascent’s first pipe shipment to fuel Sarawak’s KUTS development By thesun.my Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:15:17 GMT KUCHING: Ibraco Bhd’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Ibraco Ascent Sdn Bhd, completed its first delivery of mild steel cement-lined (MSCL) pipes from its new manufacturing plant at Demak Laut Industrial Park Phase III.The inaugural delivery of MSCL pipes will be used to develop the water infrastructure within the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) project. MSCL pipes are usually used for water developments due to their resilience and reliability in corrosive conditions.The completion of this first delivery marks the full operational readiness of Ibraco Ascent’s pipe manufacturing plant to cater to the expansion of water infrastructure in Sarawak.Ibraco Ascent’s pipe manufacturing plant was set up to facilitate Sarawak’s Water Supply Master Plan. The plan is designed to meet the state’s growing water infrastructure needs and focus on achieving 100% water supply coverage across Sarawak. The Sarawak Water Supply Master Plan has outlined the development of Sarawak’s water supply for the periods until 2025, 2040, and 2070, incorporating three strategic cores: water demand, water treatment and distribution, and water quality and sufficiency for both raw and treated water. In addition to helping meet Sarawak’s strategic water needs, Ibraco Ascent’s pipe manufacturing plant is also sustainability-oriented in tandem with the Ibraco Group’s commitment to embrace ESG across its operations and generate tangible value creation for all its stakeholders.Currently employing 35 local staff, Ibraco Ascent plans to expand its workforce to over 60 employees by 2025, broadening its production to include pipe fittings such as bends, tees and reducers. This growth reflects the company’s commitment to community development and local employment.Ibraco Ascent’s manufacturing plant is also equipped with advanced technologies, including automated welding systems, hydrostatic pressure testing, and bitumen coating stations, ensuring each pipe is built to last. The company adheres to rigorous quality control measures, employing ultrasonic thickness gauges, hydrostatic testing equipment, and radiographic testing to maintain high production standards. Full Article
opm TCS Group investigates cracks at J Satine mixed development project By thesun.my Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:35:05 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Building and infrastructure construction services provider TCS Group Holdings Bhd (TGB), as the main contractor via its wholly-owned subsidiary, TCS Construction Sdn Bhd (TCSB), for the J Satine mixed development project, has clarified the recent incident involving cracks in the building.TGB managing director Datuk Ir Tee Chai Seng expressed concern about the incident and said the company is working closely with the developer and consultants to determine the root cause. “Thankfully, there were no casualties as a result of the incident. We want to reiterate that health and safety have always been paramount in our projects.“We want to assure all stakeholders that we have adhered strictly to all health and safety standards and protocols throughout the construction process,“ he said in a statement. Tee said the group is cooperating fully with the relevant authorities to investigate the cause of the incident. “Initial findings suggest that we do not cause the building cracks.“For all our projects, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved and to deliver projects that meet the highest standards of quality and integrity,” Tee added.He urged the cooperation from the public to stop sharing any unauthorised videos or images and speculating any unverified information related to this project development. Full Article SunBiz
opm New UN- report released on mobilizing data revolution for a sustainable development: "A world that counts" By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:44:00 +0200 A new report "A world that counts - Mobilising the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development" was recently published. The document points out the need for globally available and freely accessible data to monitor progress of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to hold governments accountable and foster sustainable development. This issue needs to be solved in a timely manner, as the gaps between developed and developing countries, between information-rich and information-poor people are increasing. Furthermore, better integrated, timely and validated information can lead to better decision-making and real-time feedback to the citizens. However, still some challenges remain, and the report points out recommendations to overcome existing limitations (countries have poor data, data arrives too late, many issues are barely covered), e.g. through a global "Network of Data Innovation Networks" that connects both organizations and experts. The report was written by UN-IAEG, which is the United Nations Secretary-General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development and is available online here: http://www.undatarevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/A-World-That-Counts.pdf Full Article News
opm Monitoring Nature: Research Developments By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 13:46:00 +0300 A new issue in Science for Environment Policy "Monitoring Nature: Research Developments" provides a flavour of recent work by scientists in the area of biodiversity monitoring to highlight both up-to-date approaches to conservation and evaluation, and how long-term monitoring data could be used more effectively in management and policy decisions. This Issue also includes topics such as monitoring to environmental policy, remote sensing, citizen science, DNA barcoding and more. Find this issue on the SEP website here, or go straight to download. Full Article News
opm Satellite navigation - Workshop: EGNSS research and technology development By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:45:00 +0300 Place: Brussels (Belgium) The workshop on European Global Satellite System (GNSS) Research and Technology Development (RTD) will be organised by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European GNSS Agency (GSA). This event is being held to consult stakeholders of the European GNSS community on RTD areas of potential interest to be funded under Horizon 2020 in the period 2015-2020. The scope includes Galileo/ EGNOS infrastructure, mission and services R&D, GNSS signals, and basic GNSS RTD. Please note that receiver and applications R&D will not be covered in this workshop The workshop will consist of six topical sessions, during which stakeholders from industry, SMEs, academia, and technology institutes are solicited to discuss and define important lines of GNSS research. Full Article Events
opm Africa Rising: Mobilising Biodiversity Data for Sustainable Development conference By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 16:06:00 +0200 From 22 to 24 March 2015, the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) will host an international conference at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, entitled, Africa Rising: Mobilising Biodiversity Data for Sustainable Development. The event is being organised in partnership with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). It aims to: Accelerate regional understanding of the biodiversity data-science-policy value chain and draw attention to the opportunities and solutions that biodiversity data presents for sustainable development in Africa; Strengthen regional engagement, learning networks, and collaborative synergies with a view to streamlining the data-science-policy value chain; and Galvanise political commitment to mobilising Africa’s biodiversity data. The event emanates from the project, Mobilising Africa’s Biodiversity Data, which is generously supported by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation and entails developing a strategy for capturing, digitising and publishing Africa’s policy-relevant biodiversity data whilst strengthening regional capacity and collaboration in biodiversity information management. More information is available at: http://www.sanbi.org/news/sanbi-host-africa-rising-mobilising-biodiversity-data-sustainable-development-conference Full Article Events
opm MS321 Finalized set of up and down-scaling methods for application development By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:44:29 +0200 Full Article Events
opm Why it takes so long to get a doctor’s appointment, Screen time linked to delayed development in babies, Heirloom Tomato Salad By www.wpr.org Published On :: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 13:03:07 +0000 This week Zorba and Karl talk about why it takes so long to get a doctor appointment, and they examine new research showing screen time is linked to delayed development […] Full Article Food Health
opm Workforce Development: Attracting Generation Z By www.wconline.com Published On :: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 00:00:00 -0500 As more Baby Boomers enter retirement, the need for skilled workers is increasing across the American economy. The construction industry is not immune. Add on the struggle with convincing young people that a college degree isn’t always the ticket to a good life and skilled trades are a viable career choice. How can the construction industry recruit good talent? Full Article
opm NFPA Seeks Comments About Comprehensive Battery Hazards Standard Development By www.wconline.com Published On :: Fri, 24 May 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Batteries are increasingly being used in a vast array of applications, from consumer products and micromobility devices, known as e-bikes and e-scooters, to electric vehicles and utility-grade energy storage systems. As use of these devices has grown, so too has the number of fire incidents associated with them. Full Article
opm BuildBlock Adds Frank Gordon, Assoc. AIA, as Strategic Development Vice President By www.wconline.com Published On :: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:00:00 -0400 BuildBlock Building Systems, the manufacturer of BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms, announced the addition of Frank Gordon, Assoc. AIA, as the vice president for strategic development. Gordon will be leading the marketing, sales and technical teams and bringing them together to build relationships with industry leaders, stakeholders, developers, industry professionals and more, supporting BuildBlock’s growth initiatives. Full Article
opm BuildBlock Adds Commercial Development Director By www.wconline.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 12:00:00 -0400 BuildBlock announced that Russ Nicely has joined the company as commercial development director. Nicely will focus on continuing education and promotion for architects, engineers, general contractors, specialty subcontractors, owners and developers, as well as working to further develop commercial construction projects across North America. Full Article
opm Third Sector Awards 2019: Brand development - Scope with The Team By www.thirdsector.co.uk Published On :: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 14:03:16 +0100 For the best new, changed or evolved brand Full Article Communications
opm System Sensor Devices Are Part of Connecticut’s Largest Green Residential Development By www.sdmmag.com Published On :: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 00:00:00 -0500 360 State Street, New Haven, Conn. — the state’s greenest and largest residential development — is the first new major residential construction in New Haven in more than 15 years. Full Article
opm How to Tap Marketing Development Dollars With Tech Partners By www.sdmmag.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 00:00:00 -0400 Learn how manufacturers and other vendors can provide value to your business beyond that of hardware and services. Full Article
opm Safety culture in offshore oil and gas: National Academies awards grants for project development By www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com Published On :: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 00:00:00 -0500 Washington — Via its Gulf Research Program, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine has awarded eight grants totaling nearly $7.3 million to projects aimed at enhancing safety culture in the offshore oil and gas industry. Full Article
opm PSA TEC State of the Industry: AI Integration & Workforce Development Take Center Stage By www.sdmmag.com Published On :: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:14:49 -0400 Key insights from the PSA TEC 2024 "State of the Industry" panel, where industry leaders discussed trends in AI adoption, private equity investment, regulatory challenges and strategies for workforce development in the security sector. Full Article
opm National Academies webinars highlight developments in respiratory protection By www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com Published On :: Fri, 02 Sep 2022 00:00:00 -0400 Washington — Officials from OSHA and NIOSH joined stakeholders from industry and labor groups in a series of recent webinars to discuss a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine report calling for separate respiratory protection frameworks for workers and the public. Full Article
opm Snap One Increases Investments in Software Development to Fuel Innovation By www.sdmmag.com Published On :: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:00:00 -0400 Current initiatives aim to improve the Snap One's cloud infrastructure to support the growth of remote monitoring, ensure all backend systems are scalable for the future, resolve bugs, maintain and expand interoperability, and develop new features and experiences. Full Article
opm Shaykh ?Abd al-La??f Bin ?Abd Al-Ra?m?n Bin ?asan: Takf?r by Way of Sin Was a Later Development in the Kh?rijite Doctrine By www.salaf.com Published On :: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 13:01:30 GMT Full Article
opm Reduce ergonomic hazards of VR during design and development, researchers say By www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0500 DeKalb, IL — Programmers and developers of virtual reality applications should focus on minimizing potential ergonomic hazards for users of this fast-growing technology, say researchers from Northern Illinois and Oregon State universities. Full Article
opm Job stress may contribute to A-fib development By www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com Published On :: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Quebec City — Work-related stress may heighten the risk of developing atrial fibrillation later in life, results of a recent study out of Canada indicate. Full Article
opm MSHA optimistic about ‘downward trend’ of fatalities, silica rule development By www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com Published On :: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0400 Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration has recorded 70% fewer miner deaths through the first 10 weeks of 2024 than during the same period in 2022 and 2023. Full Article
opm Trends in Natural Red Colors for Food Product Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:00:00 -0400 When food color innovation turned decisively toward nature for its sources of desirable pigments, food color technologists worked overtime to develop cost-effective, clean-label colors. Some shades proved an extra challenge, with stability and fixing being major trouble spots. Red colors figured largely in that task. Full Article
opm Almonds are the Top Nut in New Product Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 10:30:00 -0400 For the sixteenth consecutive year, almonds are the top nut in global new product development according to Global New Products data from Innova Market Insights, having been first recognized as the number one nut globally in 2006. Full Article
opm Coatings and Inclusions in Food Product Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 00:00:00 -0400 Today, practically everything—from nuggets to vegetables to wings—is breaded, battered, and glazed. Such treatments can add additional color, flavor, and texture and, sometimes, even add a boost in nutrition or extended shelflife. Full Article
opm Mars Opens Snacking Research and Development Hub in Chicago By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 13:00:00 -0500 As Mars looks to double its Snacking business in the next decade, the new facility will give Mars' 300 R&D Associates in Chicago runway to create and refine new products for the company's multi-billion-dollar snacking portfolio before they are scaled at large around the globe. Full Article
opm Protein Innovations Strengthen Among F&B Product Development Teams By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 06:15:00 -0400 Prepared Foods highlights a few examples of how the evolution in protein applications is extending across food and beverage categories. Full Article
opm American Egg Board’s Eggcelerator Lab Announces Winners of Inaugural Product Development Competition By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 05:30:00 -0400 The competition invited university students across the United States to develop unique snack products highlighting the nutritional and functional benefits of eggs, aligning with today’s consumer preferences for new and exciting snack options. Full Article
opm White Paper | Walnuts: New Product Development Guide By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:00:00 -0500 Walnuts are a versatile ingredient with applications throughout food and beverage categories, ranging from plant-based meat alternatives to snack bars. Recent developments in health, food science and flavor research have caused product developers around the world to examine how walnuts can be used in new product formulations. Full Article
opm New Dietary Guidelines for Americans Recommend Eggs for the Nutrition Babies Need for Brain Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Jan 2021 05:00:00 -0500 One of the best foods for a baby’s healthy brain development is already in most refrigerators: eggs. In an historic first, the newly released 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans include recommendations for birth to 24 months old and specifically recommend eggs as an important first food for infants and toddlers, as well as for pregnant women and lactating moms. Full Article
opm The Value of Premixes in Food and Beverage Product Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 05:00:00 -0500 Premixes range from the mandated vitamins and minerals for addressing nutrient shortfalls to trendy ingredients like turmeric, ginger, activated charcoal, collagen, and botanical bioactives that consumers believe are healthier for them. Full Article
opm Building New Products for the “Greater Good” Requires a Shift From Classical Product to Behavioral Product Development By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Wed, 19 May 2021 12:00:00 -0400 Although there may be a pandemic-related slowdown, there’s no stopping new product development. To help readers with new product development strategy, Prepared Foods asked Dave Lundahl, founder of InsightsNow, to create a thought leadership series connecting R&D with consumer insights. Full Article
opm Mars Breaks Ground on Global Research and Development Hub in Chicago By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 05:00:00 -0400 Mars Wrigley broke ground on a new, best-in-class, global research and development hub adjacent to the company's existing Global Innovation Center on Goose Island. Leaders from Mars as well as key Chicago stakeholders, including Michael Fassnacht, CEO, World Business Chicago, and Alderman Walter Burnett Jr., gathered together to commemorate the milestone for the company. Full Article
opm Reducing Sugar in Kids' Cereals, Snack Innovations, and Bakery Developments By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 10:30:00 -0400 As we move into 2025, the food industry is poised for significant transformations. Reducing sugar in kids' cereals, embracing the snack revolution, and innovating in the bakery sector will shape the future of food. These trends reflect a broader shift towards health, sustainability, and consumer satisfaction, paving the way for a more nutritious and delicious future. Full Article
opm Chicken of the Sea Frozen Foods Appoints New Development Leadership By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Wed, 04 Sep 2024 10:30:00 -0400 Dane Wigand is responsible for driving sales through Foodservice and wholesale customers while implementing new business strategies in these channels. Full Article
opm My Takeaways from WFCA’s New Leadership Development Certification By www.floortrendsmag.com Published On :: Mon, 13 May 2024 09:00:00 -0400 Floor Trends & installation Associate Publisher and Editor Tanja Kern shares her experience with The World Floor Covering Seeking Excellence As Leaders (SEAL) Leadership Development and Certification Program. Full Article
opm Product Development— with a Purpose: The Story Behind Magic Cactus By www.preparedfoods.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Magic Cactus’ formulation features 2mg of THC, 4mg of CBG, and 6mg of CBD; a “2-4-6” ratio for what Locarni describes as an “approachable, session-able ‘buzz’” where consumers control the consumption experience. Full Article
opm NWFA Inaugural Leadership Development Summit Provides Growth Opportunity for Members By www.floortrendsmag.com Published On :: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 17:00:00 -0400 The National Wood Flooring Association’s (NWFA) inaugural Leadership Development Summit will take place from October 10 to 12 at Live! by Loews – Ballpark Village in St. Louis, Missouri, and is designed to provide NWFA members with opportunities for professional growth, networking and business development. Full Article
opm NWFA Moves to New HQ, Hosts Open House at Inaugural Leadership Development Summit By www.floortrendsmag.com Published On :: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:15:00 -0400 The open house offers NWFA members an opportunity to tour the new state-of-the-art facility, which will serve as the central hub for technical training, industry events, and member activities. Full Article
opm Versatrim Invests in Product Development, Manufacturing and People By www.floortrendsmag.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:00:00 -0500 Versatrim President and CEO Keith Medick shares how the floor moldings manufacturer is adding new products and new services. Full Article
opm Play diversity and student agency in the redevelopment of a school playspace. By ezproxy.scu.edu.au Published On :: Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0500 Children's Geographies; 12/01/2022(AN 160715509); ISSN: 14733285Academic Search Premier Full Article CHILD development CHILDREN'S rights SCHOOL children SCHOOL grounds DIVERSITY in education AGENT (Philosophy)