
Shopping Therapy Messenger Bag

This Messenger Bag will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Mousepad

This Mousepad will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Organic Cotton Tee

This Organic Cotton Tee will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Oval Sticker

This Oval Sticker will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Rectangular Sticker

This Rectangular Sticker will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Ringer T

This Ringer T will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Sweatshirt

This Sweatshirt will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Teddy Bear

This Teddy Bear will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Throw Pillow

This Throw Pillow will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Tile Coaster

This Tile Coaster will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Tote Bag

The Tote Bag will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Value T-shirt

This Value T-shirt will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Wall Clock

This Wall Clock will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy White T-Shirt

This White T-Shirt will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Women's Raglan Hoodie

This Women's Raglan Hoodie will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Women's Tank Top

This Women's Tank Top will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


Shopping Therapy Women's T-Shirt

This Women's T-Shirt will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


bookoasis: The World In A Bookshop by infra-leve. My living...


The World In A Bookshop by infra-leve.

My living room is starting to look like this actually…


"नेपालमा ईन्टरनेटबाट खरिद बिक्री (Online Shopping)"

नेपालमा ईन्टरनेटबाट खरिद बिक्री (Online Shopping)

नेपाल लक्ष्यीत अनलाईन बिजनेस गरी रहेका केही वेबसाईटमा गएर भुक्तानी गरे पछी पर्व अवसर
अनुसारका सामग्री वेबसाईट वालाले सम्बन्धीत कहाँ पुर्याई दिन्छन । अब भनिरहन
पर्दैन बिदेशमा बसेका छोराछोरीले माततिर्थ
औशीको दिन आमालाई सरप्राईज दिन चाहे भने मात्र पनि मनग्गे बिकल्प छन।

ढोकैमा उपहार आईपुग्न सक्छ । दशैमा घरपरिवार लाई एउटा मज्जाको कालो घोर्ले खसी किन्दीन परोस वा बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन
एउटा मज्जाको आईफोन दिन मन लागोस । मनमात्र गर्नु पर्छ, सात समुन्द्र
पारी बसी बसी त्यहाँको अनलाईन ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने डेविट वा क्रेडिट कार्डको साहायताले घर
परिवारको लागी सामान किनि दिन सकिन्छ।

मुन्चा डट कम, ठमेल डट कम, आदी बिदेश बाट भुक्तानी गरेर नेपालमा सामान सप्लाई गर्ने वेब साईट हुन।

अमेरिका, युरोप बसेर नेपालमा उपहार पठाउन
सकिने भए पछी यदी कसैले पोखरा बसेर धरानमा केही सामान पठाउछु नि त भनि हाल्यो भने अहिलेलाई त्यो अलि सम्भव छैन वा धेरै झन्झट छ भन्नु पर्ने हुन्छ किन भने
मुख्य कुरा यस्ता अनलाईन पोर्टलहरु काठमाण्डौ केन्द्रीत बजारमा ब्यस्त छन।

धेरैमा काठमाण्डौमै पनि अतिरिक्त शुल्क तिरे पछी मात्र सामान ढुवानी हुन्छ। दुई सय देखी दश हजार रुपयाँ मा बैकं खाता खोलेर
पाईने एटिएम कार्डले ईन्टरनेटमा भुक्तानी गर्न मिल्दैन। अझ भनौ हामी सँग भएका एटीएम कार्डले पायक परेको स्थानमा रहेको मेसिन बाट पैसा निकाल्ने बाहेक केही गर्न सक्दैनन।

प्रचलनमा रहेका अनलाईन ई-कर्मस साईटहरुमा भुक्तानी गर्नको लागी डलर बाट ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने कार्ड चाहीन्छ। जुन सर्वसाधरण नेपालीको लागी आकाशको फल झै
हो। डलर ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने कार्ड पाउन आफ्नो आय स्रोत पनि डलर मै देखाउनु पर्छ त्यो पनि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैकको सम्पुर्ण
प्रक्रिया पुरा गरे।

सरकारी निती प्रविधीलाई आत्मसात गर्ने भन्दा पनि निति निर्माणतहमा रहेका ब्यक्तीहरुको अज्ञानतालाई कानुन बनाउने खालको छ।

त्यसैले सरकारी तहबाट नेपालमा अनलाईन बिजनेस को क्षेत्रमा केही भै हाल्ला भन्न सकिने अवश्था छैन तर नेपालका निजी बैकहरुले नेपालमै ईन्टरनेट कारोबार गर्ने सोच राखेर
काम गरी रहेका सस्था सँग मिलेर यसमा केही फड्को मार्न खोजेका छन ।

भाटभटेनि डिपार्टमेन्ट स्टोर, हरिलो डट कम, ई-सेवा आदी यसको उदारण हो ।

काठमाण्डौको प्रख्यात डिपार्टमेन्ट स्टोर भाटभटेको अनलाईन पोर्टलमा जानु भयो भने त्यस डिपार्टमेन्ट पाईने कतिपय सामान
अनलाईन किन्न सकिन्छ त्यो पनि नेपलकै बैकको अनलाईन खाता प्रयोग गरेर।

भाटभटेनिकै कुरा गर्दा सामान रोजी सकेपछी कुमारी बैकको अनलाईन बैङ्किग खाता प्रयोग गर्नु भयो भने भुक्तानी गर्न
सकिन्छ । कुमारी बैकमा खाता छैन भने पनि तपाईलाई ई-सेवा ले
त्यही बराबरको सुबिधा प्रदान गर्छ ।

लक्ष्मी बैक, बैक अफ एसिया, किष्ट बैक, एनएमबी बैक , सानिमा बैक आदीमा भएको बैक खातामा ईन्टरनेट बैङ्कीग को सुबिधा लिनु भएको छ भने घरमै बसी बसी ई-
सेवामा पैसा ट्रान्सफर गर्न सकिन्छ । ई – सेवामा पैसा ट्रान्सफर गरी सके पछी तपाईले भाटभटेनी मात्र हैन अरु केही साईटहरुमा पनि बस्तु वा सेवा खरिद
गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ।

ई- सेवा मा मात्र पैसा जम्मा गर्न सक्नु भयो भने बुद्द एयरले उडान गर्ने स्थानको लागी बुद्द एयरको टिकट
किन्न ट्राभल एजेन्टको मा पुग्नु पर्दैन । घरमै बसी बसी बसी मोबाईलको रिचार्ज कार्ड खरिद गर्ने देखी हवाई जहाजको टिकट खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ ।

सेवाग्राहीलाई सुबिधा दिने भन्दा पनि दुख
दिने खालको सरकारी नितीलाई सरलीकरण
गरेर ब्यपार
गर्नको लागि केही उत्साही युवाहरुले
नयाँ नयाँ प्रयोग पनि गरेका छन । हरिलो डट
कम यसको उदारण हो । यस साईटको साहायताले तपाईले नेपालमै बसेर
अमेजन डट कम, ईबे देखी वालमार्ट भन्ने बिश्व
प्रसिद्द अनलाईन पोर्टलमा भएका सामान
खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ । यसको लागि ईन्टरनेट
मार्फत सामानको बिक्री गर्ने
अमेरिककाको कुनै पनि वेबसाईटमा गएर
आफुलाई मन परेको सामान रोज्नु पर्छ र
त्यो सामान देखीन
वेबसाईटको ठेगाना हरिलो डट
कमको वेबसाईट मा गएर नेपाल सम्म आई
पुग्दा सो समानको मुल्य कति पर्ने
हो त्यसको कोटेशन माग्न सकिन्छ । यस
पछी तपाईले नेपाल (काठमाण्डौ)
आईपुग्दा लाग्ने मुल्य पठाउछ । हरिलो उपलब्ध
गराएको मुल्य चित्त बुझेमा नेपालकै ईन्टरनेट
ब्याङ्किगहरुको प्रयोग गरी भुक्तानी गर्न
सकिन्छ । मुल्य कै कुरा गर्नु हुन्छ भने
उदरणको लागी उनान्नसय डलर पर्ने अमेजन डट
कमले बिक्री गर्ने किन्डल टच हरिलोले लगभग
बार्ह हजारको हाराहारिमा नेपाल ल्याई
दिन्छ । अमेरिकी डलरको बिनिमय
दरको कुरा गर्ने हो भने नेपाल आई पुग्दा लगभग
चार हजार नेपाली रुपँया बढी परेको देखीन्छ
। तर अमेरिका बाट नेपाल आई पुग्दा लाग्ने
कुरीयर खर्च, नेपाल सरकारले तोकेको भन्सार, मुल्य अभिबृदी कर जोड्दा मुल्य अनुचित मानी हाल्न पर्दैन ।


Crafting a User-Friendly Shopify Store for Elderly and Users with Disabilities

In the bustling world of e-commerce, inclusivity is not just a trend but a necessity. As the digital landscape evolves, it's imperative to ensure that online stores are accessible to all users, including the elderly and those requiring disability aids. Let’s we'll delve into actionable tips to make your Shopify e-commerce store user-friendly for these […]

The post Crafting a User-Friendly Shopify Store for Elderly and Users with Disabilities appeared first on MonstersPost.

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June 12 2009 Long Lost Radio History Image - Women Shopping Reporters

Women announcers were often found as 'Shopping Reporters' on the 'women's hour' programs...


Equestrian grazing workshop

Managing grassland for horses - a look at the British Grassland Society equestrian workshop.


Jimmy Rocker Hip Hop South Beach

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Green Shopping Bags

Non Woven Bags Direct Australia directly manufacturers and imports eco-friendly non woven polypropylene bags commonly referred to as green shopping bags, green bags or eco bags to Australia.

Non Woven Bags Direct Australia chooses strong, premium quality non-woven polypropylene, an eco-friendly and non-toxic material used in surgical wear. Their non woven bags are 100% recyclable and washable, which is an easy and cost effective way to promote your business

They have 39 colours of non woven fabrics in stock. For orders of 10 000+, you may choose from any colour from the Pantone Matching System (PMS) range.

Our Non Woven Bags containers are directly shipped to major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. When you order through Non Woven Bags Direct Australia, there are no hidden import costs and many businesses across Australia are happy dealing with them for their no hassle, cost effective business practices. Non woven polypropylene bags are also known as green shopping bags or green Bags. The more green bags you order, the less expensive the price. They can also supply their quality green bags to international markets directly from their factory in Shenzhen, China.


Apr 11, The Ezine Acts Bookshop Exhibits My Own Books & Some Useful Books!

My books on the Ezine Acts Bookshop & some other useful books by titles and authors. You can save money on selected books about your interests, or use the bookstore to publish your books, or to promote books you like.


New Drug Offers Hope to Cancer Patients

by: ARA Content(ARA) - A decade ago, research into angiogenesis-inhibiting compounds was still in a relative state of infancy. The principle itself was not new -- as far back as the early '70s, there was speculation that human cancer tumors could not grow beyond a few millimeters in diameter without obtaining their own blood supply. But opinion was still divided in the scientific


Online Shop For Gifts & Design Products

design3000.de further while many companies stagnate and hard economic times contrary to see delay necessary investments, pursuing another way design3000.de to success -. In difficult times, says managing director Frank Levita, it is necessary to uphold the vision. design3000.de sees the crisis as an opportunity to break away from competing companies and to expand its […]


So there is a hop shortage?

I can’t believe that this topic is being recycled yet again. Hop shortage could result in price rise for beer Another year another hop shortage story. I wrote about this two years ago. How many times is this topic going to be written about. Seems like every year now a different newspaper will run this story using local breweries. I listed stories about hop shortages going back to 2009. Yes it was me in the article in 2009 moaning about not enough hops. You know what I did, I started taking out longer contracts. Guess what? Now my hop shortages […]


Vanilla Bake Shop


Foggy Hope

Frank Rich really is the eternal hopeful optimist. I haven't heard an "encouraging word" from any Democrat recently about Obama's chances for re-election, let alone the mid term congressional seats coming up. Among my top favorite columnists, Rich sites varying polls and trends to show that, with a good "oomph" from Obama, as opposed to the steady monotonous teaching speeches, the President could change the course of what seems to be looming--Republican takeover of the House at least.

Then again, if you think back two years from right now, with Obama about to be elected President and the country turning against the incumbent Republicans--the atmosphere sure feels different.

In fact, based on historical statistics, it's entirely possible Obama and the dems will hold their own in the upcoming elections:

"...examples of 1962, 1990 and 1998 demonstrate that an incumbent president can in fact lose ground in Congress without being "shellacked."

All of this speculation isn't helping those out of work, or the poor, or people who are losing their homes to the banks. It's still worth a second to think about who would be better in charge now--the Bush/Cheney/Republican congress debacle of the last decade, or the possibility of hope, even in the mist, now.


Woodchopper Exercise for Obliques

Lose the love handles with the woodchopper exercise. This is a obliques, abs and full body exercise and includes a video demonstration.


Alzheimer's New Research Offers Hope

About Alzheimer's disease and how new research may one day offer a cure for the disease.


Giant Soccer Ball in Shopping Mall

Giant sized football on a full football pitch in a shopping mall for FIFA World Cup.


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Shopping Online for gifts such as cheap computers and other top quality consumer goods and services at unbelievably low prices.


Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Shopping for Podcasting Equipment

The decision to implement a private podcast is a critical first step to improving your business communication, but there are a number of other important decisions you have to make before the show becomes a reality. In this article, we’ll focus on one unavoidable decision: what type of equipment should you buy?

The answer, perhaps unsatisfyingly, is that it depends. However, here are the questions you should be asking yourself as you begin the search for podcasting gear.

complete article


Music Industry Keeps Hope For Podcast Growth

Podcastings growth took a dip during the pandemic as listeners adopted new routines guided by social distancing. Despite the drop, streaming and other music industry players that have made significant investments in audio entertainment–including podcasters themselves–remain hopeful that the decline is temporary, and that podcasts will continue to be a significant source of business growth.


Hope For Healing Liver Disease in Your Dog!

Alternative treatment for Canine Liver Disease

  • Home & Family -- Pets


Learn Photoshop Today In 2 Hours Or Less

Now you can learn Photoshop in less than 2 hours thanks to newly released, interactive video tutorials that play on your computer screen. You don't even need to own the Photoshop software to use these videos. Everything you need to learn Photoshop is included

  • Home & Family -- New Products



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Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015