
Panamericanos y cambios en el gobierno, ¿hechos que demuestran incapacidad?

Panelistas consideran que perder la sede de los Panamericanos y la salida de González demuestra las incapacidades que hoy enfrenta el gobierno.


¿Qué capacidades que se necesitan para superar las intervenciones a EPS?

Panelistas consideran que se debe diferenciar el origen de las crisis del sistema y hablaron de la importancia de las mesas de concertación para buscar salidas.


Manejo interdisciplinario de la discapacidad auditiva


Conciencia: capacidad de tomar decisiones razonadas


Discapacidad intelectual y trastornos mentales


Marcapasos sin electrodos: dispositivo pequeño para la estimulación cardiaca


Demencia: deterioro grave de la capacidad mental


Respeto a la dignidad humana y autonomía individual para las personas con discapacidad o adultos mayores


Cuidar y estimular el cerebro para una mejor capacidad cognitiva


Historia de vida: periodista que rompe los estigmas de las personas con discapacidad


Más de 10.000 vacantes para población LGBTI, jóvenes, mujeres y personas en condición de discapacidad

Conozca esta y más ofertas laborales en La Luciérnaga de Caracol Radio


La incapacidad de Alex Florez, inseguridad y reforma tributaria

En este episodio, La Luciérnaga se enciende para contarle sobre la incapacidad de 15 días que presentó el senador del Pacto Historico, Alex Florez. Además, ¿Qué pasa con al inseguridad en Bogotá? También, analizamos cómo se moverá el debate de la reforma tributaria en el congreso.La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor, análisis y opinión de Caracol Radio que acompaña desde hace 30 años a sus oyentes en el regreso a casa.


Funcionarios colombianos dejan mal al país, deforestación en los Parques Nacionales y así son las incapacidades de los colombianos

Escuche el programa de este martes 22 de octubre. La Luciérnaga, un espacio de humor y opinión de Caracol Radio que desde hace 31 años acompaña a sus oyentes en su regreso casa.


“Ganamos a lo argentino”: Martín Caparrós sobre victoria en el mundial de Qatar 2022


Embajadora de Suecia en Colombia: El marcapasos, leche en polvo y el GPS son algunos de productos de origen sueco


Empresas de energía no tendrían capacidad financiera para enfrentar el fenómeno del niño

Carlos Alberto Solano, líder de Asuntos Regulatorios de Celsia, comentó que el suministro de energía está preparado para los periodos del fenómeno de El Niño.


Catherine Juvinao: “La capacidad de un metro no depende de si es elevado o no”

La representante a la Cámara explicó en 10AM cómo les fue a los congresistas de la delegación oficial en China y las conversaciones que tuvieron en ese país relacionadas al Metro de Bogotá 


“Me inquieta la capacidad financiera de Ecopetrol con PDVSA”: Juan Camilo restrepo

El exministro de Minas y Energía, Juan Camilo Restrepo, estuvo en 10AM de Caracol Radio, para dar su opinión sobre el tema de uan posible sociedad de Ecopetrol con PDVSA.


“No se puede cobrar la valorización a quien no tenga capacidad de pago”: Mintransporte

En medio de la polémica generada por la propuesta de cobro de valorización en el Atlántico, la ministra enfatizó que, según la ley, se priorizara la política de excluidos por no tener capacidad de pago.


El presupuesto en 2025 debe ser acorde con las capacidades fiscales: director Fedesarrollo

Luis Fernando Mejía, director de Fedesarrollo, se refirió en 10AM de Caracol Radio, de si es viable el monto que solicitó el Gobierno para el presupesto en 2025


“Proyecto Salvavidas Colombia” realizará jornadas de capacitación para la técnica de reanimación


Hablando con Julis, la plataforma para personas con discapacidad comunicativa.


Primera escuela de comunicación para personas con discapacidad: ABAIN COLOMBIA


"Se nos han escapado medallas, pero hemos recuperado otras"


¿Unidades del Ccoes emboscadas en Segovia estaban capacitadas para ese tipo de operaciones?


Necesitamos ayuda del Gobierno para aumentar la capacidad de fuerza pública: Gobernador Córdoba

En Caracol Radio estuvo Erasmo Zuleta, gobernador de Córdoba, explicando la situación de seguridad que enfrenta el departamento


La irresponsabilidad e incapacidad del Gobierno frena la economía del país: Senador Uribe

En 6AM Hoy por hoy, el senador Miguel Uribe, discute las posibles consecuencias de que el Congreso no apruebe la ampliación del cupo de endeudamiento.


El presupuesto en 2025 debe ser acorde con las capacidades fiscales: director Fedesarrollo

Luis Fernando Mejía, director de Fedesarrollo, se refirió en 10AM de Caracol Radio, de si es viable el monto que solicitó el Gobierno para el presupesto en 2025


No estamos en capacidad de atender los incendios ante falta de inversión del Estado: UNGRD

El director de la UNGRD, Carlos Carrillo alertó en 6AM que no hay capacidades, ni recursos para atender todos los incendios forestales que se encuentran activos en el país.


Nunca hubiera sido capaz de encubrir semejante pecado: Francisco de Roux sobre pederastia

Francisco de Roux se refirió en 6AM a los señalamientos de un padre de familia, quien lo acusa de presunto encubrimiento en un caso de abuso en la iglesia en la década de 1970.


Queremos devolver a los ecosistemas su capacidad de abastecernos de agua: CAR Cundinamarca

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Alfred Ballesteros, director de la CAR, para hablar sobre en qué consiste el proyecto con el que pretenden enfrentar la crisis del agua.


Does the Withdrawal of Capacity Help?

As industry prices fall, and companies’ fortunes decline with the resultant squeeze on their margins, some companies, especially the leaders, seek to withdraw capacity from the market.  The leading companies expect the capacity withdrawal to do two things: redress the imbalance between capacity and demand; and raise prices to more attractive levels because of this better balance.  In practice, the withdrawal of capacity often fails to achieve either of these objectives.

Whenever a leader in an industry reduces its capacity to force price increases, it must consider how competitors will respond.  In many, if not most, cases low-cost competitors expand their capacity to make up for the withdrawal of capacity by the industry leaders.  The end result often is even more capacity available in a marketplace and the same or lower prices available for the industry leaders.

After several quarters of improving profits, the airline industry is again slipping into hostile market conditions as rising fuel prices reduce margins and force higher prices.  Higher prices limit demand growth.  In response to the margin squeeze these tougher times bring to the industry, the industry leaders are restricting the growth in their capacity and, in some cases, reducing the capacity they offer in the domestic U.S. market.  The problem is that several of the industry followers are not going along.

United Continental Holdings and AMR Corporation’s American Airlines have both posted losses for the most recent quarter.  Both of these industry leaders plan to reduce their domestic capacity as a result.  They will be reducing seats available flying into and out of selected domestic markets. 

The pattern of leaders reducing capacity and followers adding it seems to be holding in the current airline industry.  Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Alaska Air Group derive most of their revenues in the domestic U.S. market.  Each of these companies reported profits in the most recent quarter.  This profitability of the three follower airline competitors indicates that their costs are lower than are the costs of the two legacy airlines that have reported losses, United Continental and American Airlines.  Southwest plans to increase its capacity by 5% to 6% in 2011.  JetBlue plans to add 6% to 8% this year, while Alaska Air plans to grow its capacity by 9%. 

The industry followers are able to add capacity in the face of capacity withdrawal by their larger industry-leading competitors because they have these lower costs.  The lower costs enable the follower companies to make a profit while their larger competitors suffer losses.  In the long run, the only way that the industry-leading competitors will be able to stop the expansion of these follower competitors will be to match or beat their lower cost structures


A look at Qwen2.5-Coder-32B-Instruct, which Alibaba claims to match GPT-4o's coding capabilities and is small enough to run on a MacBook Pro M2 with 64GB of RAM

Qwen2.5-Coder-32B is an LLM that can code well that runs on my Mac 12th November 2024 There’s a whole lot of buzz around the new Qwen2.5-Coder Series of open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) LLM releases from Alibaba’s Qwen research team. On first impression it looks like the buzz is well…


Mental Capacity Act (MCA) resource

This report shows commissioners and providers of care how to embed the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) into care and support planning across the board.


Capability Scotland

Capability Scotland campaigns with, and provides education, employment and care services for disabled children and adults across Scotland.


Bethell capable of making Test impact - Rashid

Jacob Bethell has shown enough on England's tour of the West Indies to suggest he is ready to make his Test debut, says Adil Rashid.


Arguments Over Innovation Capacity Miss How Much the US and China Are Intertwined

Arguments Over Innovation Capacity Miss How Much the US and China Are Intertwined Expert comment sysadmin 30 May 2018

Most discussions of current US–China trade tensions fundamentally misrepresent the globalized nature of innovation.

The C919 aircraft, China’s first modern passenger jet, is a flagship project of President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the country’s domestic manufacturing capabilities. Photo: Getty Images.

Among the many issues at play in the ongoing economic and trade tensions between the US and China are questions of technological capability and innovation.

Two of the main complaints in the US Section 301 report were that American companies have been forced to transfer technology to China and been the subject of cyber espionage. The presentation of the issues in this report has been disputed, but behind it lies concern in the US that Chinese innovative and technological capability is catching up with that in the US, thanks partly to the support of state policies set out in the Made in China 2025 initiative.

One important feature of the package of measures announced by the US last month is that it was designed to contain China’s technological development as much as to reduce the trade deficit, even though the latter has been the focus of President Donald Trump’s rhetoric.

(Some have cast doubt on this picture of Chinese innovation, suggesting that China is more of a ‘fat tech dragon’ whose massive inputs into research and development do not translate into real innovative capacity.)

The problem with the debate comparing Chinese and American technological capability is that it misunderstands or misrepresents the globalized nature of innovation in today’s world.

Contrary to the economic nationalist rhetoric emanating mainly from Washington, and to a lesser extent from Beijing, the US and China are not two separate economies competing for economic hegemony. As part of the globalization of manufacturing and production over the last 40 years and the more recent globalization of consumption, the shape and structure of innovation has also changed.

As we argue in a new paper, the key to understanding this is to think of innovation as being carried out through global or transnational networks linking economic actors, not within separated economies. What the recent phase of globalization has demonstrated is that innovation is achieved most effectively and efficiently when those engaged in innovation are connected not just within national borders but across them.

China has become integrated into these global innovation networks in ways which reflect its relative strengths and weaknesses in research and development. China’s extensive manufacturing ecosystem has enabled its companies to perform well in production-related and efficiency-driven innovation. Moreover the rapid growth in its large and dynamic consumer market provides fertile ground for consumer-related innovation by Chinese and foreign-invested enterprises alike. The rapidly increasing talent pool in China also provides additional human capital for innovation and technology.

Apart from the increased emphasis by Chinese enterprises on innovation, multinationals have also been stepping up their research and development (R&D) efforts in China. These now consitute a significant part of China’s R&D landscape, and are an increasingly important part of the global innovation by multinationals.

Things are of course changing. China’s overall innovation capacity is improving, and there are concerns in both in the US and Europe that Chinese policy is moving backwards towards the promotion of ‘indigenous innovation’ – or self-reliant innovation – and away from openness. In other words, we may be seeing a more ‘techno-nationalist’ China as well as a protectionist US.

China has also been criticized for inadequate protection of intellectual property rights, though the establishment of special courts for such disputes marks a commitment to improve – and the rights of Chinese companies increasingly need protection too.

As the benefits of globalization increasingly come under question, and with some degree of nationalist political pressure in both the West and China, it is not going to be possible – or politically desirable – to do away with national borders when it comes to innovation. But at the same time, the extent to which businesses and consumers have globalized means that fully ‘indigenous’ innovation is not possible, even if it were politically desirable.

EU-China innovation relations, as well as those between Washington and Beijing, therefore need careful management. But both Americans and Europeans should have more confidence in their innovation capability, given the relative strengths and weaknesses of Chinese innovation.

Americans and Europeans should acknowledge and promote the opportunities that come from globally networked innovation processes. Taking advantage of the comparative advantage of all the players in these networks means working with China as an innovation partner.


Symplectic capacities of disc cotangent bundles of flat tori

Gabriele Benedetti, Johanna Bimmermann and Kai Zehmisch
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (), 5367-5372.
Abstract, references and article information


Sialylation of Asparagine 612 Inhibits Aconitase Activity during Mouse Sperm Capacitation; a Possible Mechanism for the Switch from Oxidative Phosphorylation to Glycolysis [Research]

After ejaculation, mammalian spermatozoa must undergo a process known as capacitation in order to successfully fertilize the oocyte. Several post-translational modifications occur during capacitation, including sialylation, which despite being limited to a few proteins, seems to be essential for proper sperm-oocyte interaction. Regardless of its importance, to date, no single study has ever identified nor quantified which glycoproteins bearing terminal sialic acid (Sia) are altered during capacitation. Here we characterize sialylation during mouse sperm capacitation. Using tandem MS coupled with liquid chromatography (LC–MS/MS), we found 142 nonreductant peptides, with 9 of them showing potential modifications on their sialylated oligosaccharides during capacitation. As such, N-linked sialoglycopeptides from C4b-binding protein, endothelial lipase (EL), serine proteases 39 and 52, testis-expressed protein 101 and zonadhesin were reduced following capacitation. In contrast, mitochondrial aconitate hydratase (aconitase; ACO2), a TCA cycle enzyme, was the only protein to show an increase in Sia content during capacitation. Interestingly, although the loss of Sia within EL (N62) was accompanied by a reduction in its phospholipase A1 activity, a decrease in the activity of ACO2 (i.e. stereospecific isomerization of citrate to isocitrate) occurred when sialylation increased (N612). The latter was confirmed by N612D recombinant protein tagged with both His and GFP. The replacement of Sia for the negatively charged Aspartic acid in the N612D mutant caused complete loss of aconitase activity compared with the WT. Computer modeling show that N612 sits atop the catalytic site of ACO2. The introduction of Sia causes a large conformational change in the alpha helix, essentially, distorting the active site, leading to complete loss of function. These findings suggest that the switch from oxidative phosphorylation, over to glycolysis that occurs during capacitation may come about through sialylation of ACO2.


Nissan to cut 9,000 jobs, reduce capacity by 20% as it faces 'severe situation'

As Nissan on Thursday reported a roughly half-billion- dollar revenue drop in 2024, the Japanese automaker said it will cut 9,000 jobs and reduce manufacturing capacity by 20%.


Cornelis Networks Partners with SURF to Enhance HPC Cluster Networking Capabilities

Aug. 19, 2024 — SURF’s innovation department recently collaborated with Cornelis Networks to advance networking capabilities for high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. The collaboration marks a new step forward for SURF […]

The post Cornelis Networks Partners with SURF to Enhance HPC Cluster Networking Capabilities appeared first on HPCwire.


Harness Insights with Cutting-edge AI Capabilities from HPE

The demand for high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) is rising dramatically as organizations rush to put their data to work. Several industries see a significant increase in HPC […]

The post Harness Insights with Cutting-edge AI Capabilities from HPE appeared first on HPCwire.


U.S. Navy, Lebanese military begin partnership to improve construction, humanitarian capabilities

The USNS Choctaw County has arrived in Beirut, Lebanon, to participate in a first-of-its-kind mission intended to strengthen military ties between the countries, the U.S. Navy said Tuesday.


Assessment shows technical capacity on the rise since 2012

Further to Council-endorsed adjustments to the 2016-17 Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) made in 2015, an assessment of the technical capacity of the Organization by a team of independent [...]


The Astonishing Spying Capabilities of This U.S. Satellite

The "Manned Orbiting Laboratory," or "MOL," was built to capture high-resolution images of Soviet targets on the ground. It was so advanced, it could pick up objects on earth as small as a baseball


SolidWorks 2010 Products: Work Smarter and Faster with Powerful New Capabilities

Leading CAD Software Optimizes Core Design Functions for an Improved Design Experience


SolidWorks extends DWGgateway publishing capability to support Adobe PDF

DWGgateway plug-in lets AutoCAD users share designs with virtually anyone


SOLIDWORKS Education Edition 2007-2008 gives students integrated, real-world design and analysis capabilities

Both teachers and students have more resources to improve engineering education and prepare students for professional careers


Gemini App for iPhone With Gemini Live Capability Appears in the App Store for Some Users

Gemini app might have been released on iOS. On Sunday, a Reddit user posted screenshots of the iOS version of the app. In the screenshots, the Gemini Live feature, which offers a two-way voice conversation with the AI, was also visible. The user also shared the app’s App Store listing URL, however, several others claimed that it was not available in their region.