
Thanks to firecat for the post-ish-ness

Some of us who are disabled and/or fat are worried we'll be denied access to scarce medical resources during the pandemic. This document describes our legal rights (in the US) and ways to maximize our likelihood of getting care.

#NoBodyIsDisposable Guide to Surviving COVID-19 Triage

Crips and fatties made this.
Please share with everyone who needs it.



For now, maybe surveys are all I can post

I just closed a half-dozen tabs that were old posts from y'all that I keep meaning to respond to. Apologies, but I have limited oomph this week, as a lot of us do.

But hey, surveys are easy.

Quarantine meme (quaranteme? quaranmeme?) picked up from julian who got it from crystalpyramid.

My answers )

And the blank questions if you want to do this )



24 Things: the in-itself-surprising 'Double Figures' post. Thing 10.

All these things can be clicked for bigger-er, by the way.


Mod Post: Off-Topic Tuesday

Posted by: icon_uk

In the comments to these weekly posts (and only these posts), it's your chance to go as off topic as you like. Talk about non-comics stuff, thread derail, and just generally chat among yourselves.

The EU hosted a summit where over 40 countries and global organisations promised a starting figure of over $8 billion to the development of a covid-19 vaccine.

Much of the world is starting to experiment with opening up again in a new sort-of-post-Covid19 world, with places like Germany and Spain relaxing, gradually, some of the lockdown protocols, with strong limitations and provisos.

In New Zealand, consistent reminder that competent politicians exist Jacinda Ardern has suggested that the country may not have open borders for a long time to come.

In the UK, a phone app is being developed for contact tracingM and notification of people you may have been in contact with who develop Covid19, though in true current UK style, it's going against every other countries developed app by not using the personalised data storage method (Where your information never leaves your phone), but a centralised database, which is raising some concerns about the storage and disposal (or not) of this data.

The US government is planning on borrowing around 3 TRILLION dollars in the next quarter to pay for pandemic support initiatives. That's 3,000,000,000,000 (Which I only mention because I've never had a reason to type an actual number that big in a real world context!)

The US is also starting to open up in places, though the wisdom of this is being called into question by... well, pretty much everyone else on the planet, and a goodly number of the local population of course.

The Clone Wars seventh and final season came to an end with a frankly spectacular arc which saw Ahsoka Tano facing off against Darth Maul in the sort of iconic fight scene that, truth be told, the sequel trilogy was mostly completely lacking, at least on an emotional level), and giving us a chance to see the impact of General Order 66 from the point of view of Ahsoka, as well as the actual Clone Troopers who we have got to know and care about over the years of this series. THIS is how you do it!

The long overdue, repeatedly delayed, New Mutants movie was briefly appearing as forthcoming video on demand from Amazon, though without a release date, but it has now disappeared again. This DOES seem to suggest it might go straight to digital with no cinema release.

Also a new image of a new baddies form the movie have been released in the shape of the Smiley-Men.

And I've clearly been watching waaaay too much anime, or at least listening to too many anime soundtracks when a random video from something called Argonavis (A games based anime from what I can see) popped up and I thought "Gosh that sounds like Unison Square Garden" (who did "Orion o Nazoru", the belter of an OP for Tiger and Bunny) only to discover it's not, but it was written and arranged by two of the members.

In terms of podcasts, alongside old favourites like "Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men" (pretty much what it says on the tin and currently looking at Age of Apocalypse), "The NoSleep Podcast" (Horror fiction) and "The Arkham Sessions" (An actual qualified clinical psychologist, Dr Andrea Letamendi, examined, firstly "Batman the Animated Series" and is now looking at the "Doom Patrol" TV series for their depictions of mental conditions), I've just started Mockery Manor, a horror/mystery/drama set at a gloriously awful (and thankfully fictional) British theme park in the late 1980's.

So today's extra curricular activity for the community: What podcasts are you currently listening to that you'd recommend to others?


  • admin: mod post
  • theme: off-topic tuesday


Post-Thursday Fan Art

Posted by: iamrman

I couldn't resist sharing some more fan art.

Read more... )


  • char: wolfsbane/rahne sinclair
  • char: cypher/doug ramsey
  • char: squirrel girl/doreen green
  • char: batroc the leaper/georges batroc
  • char: warlock
  • medium: fanart
  • char: lobo
  • char: captain america/steve rogers


Why do posts have to have a 'title'?


Not too much to add this month. A new direct flight to Montreal this summer popped up, so we took a trip there last weekend. I had never been, and it is a fun city, with good food, beer, music, geodesic domes, and other things. I always try to participate in a local running race if I can, and there was a small 10k fundraiser near the Olympic stadium. I managed a 43m39s (about 7 min/mile), which is not bad for an old guy, finishing in 11th place. It's not like I was just out for a jog, but I certainly didn't put maximum effort here, because I also wanted to enjoy the rest of my vacation day and anyway I retired from the 10k distance in post 990. I used to think that I was never going to be able to beat the times that I recorded in my late 20s when I felt young. But the decade+ of regularly running hard must have some long-term effects, because I'm pretty sure I could have run 6m30s miles here without dying, and perhaps with a death effort (not to mention losing 10 pounds or so) I could have set a personal record. This also happened with a 5k I did a couple years ago. Good to not feel washed up, but of course this is just talk unless I prove it!

Speaking of old, I'll probably turn 40 before the next post (September 27)!

I have been getting deep into this project described in the previous post, but which remains confidential, as they do. But it finally gave me a reason to get an oscilloscope! I have a lot of traveling to do in September so I'm unlikely to finish it (and video, etc.), but the project is still very much in the fun state, so maybe that's good news for me.

Almost out of time to even finish this post before the month expires. But brief recommendations: I've been playing and liking Dicey Dungeons. It is good and has a very wholesome and pleasant style. Sometimes you need that. I also really like the new album called Anak Ko by Jay Som. Great production, songwriting, vocals, everything.


Strangelings bonus post!

Hello, and welcome to one of two Fantastic Strangelings Book Club discussions for this month! “What is the Fantastic Strangelings Book Club and how can I join?”  Just click here, sweet baby angel face. This discussion though is about a … Continue reading

  • bloggess book club


Wimpie Nortje: Database migration libraries for PostgreSQL.

It may be tempting at the start of a new project to create the first database tables manually, or write SQL scripts that you run manually, especially when you first have to spend a significant amount of time on sifting through all the migration libraries and then some more to get it working properly.

Going through this process did slow me down at the start of the project but I was determined to use a migration tool because hunting inexplicable bugs that only happen in production just to find out there is a definition mismatch between the production and development databases is not fun. Using such a tool also motivates you to write both the setup and teardown steps for each table while the current design is still fresh in your mind.

At first I considered a standalone migration tool because I expect them to be very good at that single task. However, learning the idiosyncrasies of a new tool and trying to make it fit seamlessly into my development workflow seemed like more trouble than it is worth.

I decided to stick with a Common Lisp library and found the following seven that work with PostgreSQL and/or Postmodern:

I quickly discounted Crane and Mito because they are ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries which are way more complex than a dedicated migration library. Development on Crane have stalled some time ago and I don't feel it is mature enough for frictionless use yet. Mito declares itself as being in Alpha state; also not mature enough yet.

I only stumbled onto cl-mgr and Orizuru-orm long after making my decision so I did not investigate them seriously. Orizuru-orm is in any case an ORM which I would have discounted because it is too complex for my needs. CL-mgr looks simple, which is a good thing. It is based on cl-dbi which makes it a good candidate if you foresee switching databases but even if I discovered it sooner I would have discounted it for the same reason as CL-migrations.

CL-migrations looks very promising. It is a simple library focusing only on migrations. It uses clsql to interface with the database which bothered me because I already committed to using Postmodern and I try to avoid adding a lot of unused code to my projects. The positive side is that it interfaces to many different databases so it is a good candidate if you are not committed to using Postmodern. It is also a stable code base with no outstanding bug reports.

The two projects I focused on was Postmodern-passenger-pigeon and Database-migrations because they both use Postmodern for a database interface.

Postmodern-passenger-pigeon was in active development at the time and it seemed safer to use than Database-migrations because it can do dry runs, which is a very nice feature when you are upgrading your production database and face the possibility of losing data when things go awry. Unfortunately I could not get it working within a reasonable amount of time.

I finally settled on Database-migrations. It is a small code base, focused on one task, it is mature and it uses Postmodern so it does not pull in a whole new database interface into my project. There are however some less positive issues.

The first issue is a hindrance during development. Every time the migrations ASDF system (or the file containing it, as ASDF prefers that all systems be defined in a single file) is recompiled it adds all the defined migrations to the migrations list. Though each one will only be applied once to the DB it is still bothersome. One can then clear the list with (setf database-migrations::*migrations* nil) but then only newly modified migration files will be added. The solution then is to touch the .asd file after clearing the migrations list.

The second negative point is quite dangerous. The downgrade function takes a target version as parameter, with a default target of 0. This means that if you execute downgrade without specifying a target version you delete your whole database.

I am currently using Database-migrations and it works well for me. If for some reason I need to switch I will use cl-migrations.

Using Database-migrations

To address the danger of unintentionally deleting my database I created a wrapper function that does both upgrade and downgrade, and it requires a target version number.

Another practical issue I discovered is that upgrades and downgrades happen in the same order as they are defined in the migration file. If you create two tables in a single file where table 2 depends on table 1 then you can not revert / downgrade because Database-migrations will attempt to delete table 1 before table 2. The solution here is to use the def-queries-migration macro (instead of def-query-migration) which defines multiple queries simultaneously . If you get overwhelmed by a single definition that defines multiple tables the other option is to stick with one migration definition per file.


Convocation of Lovers postponed

The Convocation of Lovers scheduled for August 2020 in Cleveland has been indefinitely postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Those with hotel reservations for this event should cancel them. There should be no cancellation fee charged if you made a reservation at the Courtyard Cleveland Westlake using the conference reservation link.


[spicy guest post] Pippa Park’s Favorite Korean Stew by Erin Yun

So pleased to welcome NYC author Erin Yun to the blog today. Her debut middle grade novel, Pippa Park Raises Her Game (Fabled Films Press, 2020), is a contemporary reimagining of the Dickens’s classic Great Expectations.     Life is full of great expectations for Korean American Pippa Park. It seems like everyone, from her … Continue reading [spicy guest post] Pippa Park’s Favorite Korean Stew by Erin Yun


A Glorious Review of The Postmodern Adventures of Darger and Surplus


My Subterranean Press collection, The Postmodern Adventuers of Darger and Surplus,  has received quite a splendid review for Locus by Gary K. Wolfe, which has now been posted on Locus Online. Darger and Surplus are, as you probably know, gentlemen grifters in the future civilization that rises from the ashes of our own, after a failed revolution by the Artificial Intelligences we are currently hard at work creating. Humanity mostly won that war and the demons and mad gods were banished to a subterranean infrastructure too widespread and well-defended to be rooted out. But, as a result, the mechanical sciences have languished while the biological ones thrive.

All this is spelled out in the review more entertainingly than I have put it here. I encourage you to read it.

Meanwhile, here's the pull-quote I'd grab from the review if I were the sort of person who did that sort of thing:

As those Hugo voters apparently recognized nearly 20 years ago, Darger and Surplus not only join the small company of SF’s classic rogues, but the world they occupy is as complex, detailed, and morally chaotic as we’ve come to expect from the best of Swanwick’s fiction.

You can find the review in its glorious entirety here. Or you can just go to and poke around. Bot Locus and Locus Online make for informative, enjoyable reading

And as long as you're there . . .

Like everything else, Locus is feeling the financial stress of the lockdown. If you can afford it, and if you, like me, value the publication, consider contributing a little toward its survival.



The Postutopian Adventures of Michael Swanwick


Look what came in the mail! My contributor's copies of The Postmodern Adventures of Darger and Surplus. Which I can now honestly tell you are beautiful books. Marianne--owner, reditor, and sole entrepreneur of Dragonstairs Press, remember--especially admired the texture of the endpapers.

This is the first Darger and Surplus collection of short, and it collects everything except the two novels. But I should caution you that it is a slim book--five previously published stories, four related short-shorts, and "There Was an Old Woman..." a story written expressly for this collection.  Bloated this volume is not.

Subterranean Press has created, as I said, one lovely volume. It costs $40, because it's a high-quality collector's item, published in a limited edition of one thousand. But for a high quality collector's item, published in a limited edition of one thousand, that's pretty cheap.

Here's the table of contents:

  • Mother Goose’s Errant Sons
  • The Dog Said Bow-Wow
  • The Little Cat Laughed to See Such Sport
  • Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play
  • Tawny Petticoats
  • There Was An Old Woman
  • Appendix:

  • Introduction to Appendix: A Little Smoke and a Mirror or Three
  • Smoke and Mirrors: Four Scenes from the Postutopian Future

If you're interested, you can buy a copy of the book here.

Or you can buy an e-book version for $5 here.

Oe you can simply go the the Subterranean website and poke around here.  Mine isn't the only book there you want. Far from it.



First post and a new video

First off welcome to my site The Razors Edge. If you've been to this site before you were probably expecting to find my old website which delt with post apocalyptic survival. I've decided to do a complete overhaul including the content. Now this site deals with topics such as basic SEO tips ( Search Engine Optimization ) for those new to creating websites and blogs, movie reviews, general tips and advice, videos, and anything and everything in-between. Basically same name completly different taste


10 Reasons Why You Want To Write A List Post

When it comes to adding content to your site one effective method is to write a list post. Why should you write a list post? Because a list post provides an easy to read format that allows your vistors to quickly scan content in an easy to follow format. And while well written original content with useful information will always be better at keeping your readers coming back, writing list posts will get them in the door. Here’s some of the reasons why you should write a list post.


Infolinks Wants You To Spam For Them (blog post

I recently received an email from Infolinks a contextual affiliate advertiser. It seems they want to expand their service and get more blogs and websites using their service. Now I have no problem with this and have found their services pretty good overall. However how they want to expand is by getting you to spam comments for them.


Google Plus 1 (blog post)

Recently Google announced a new service called Google Plus 1. A new button that Google plans to rival against Facebook’s Like button. Plus 1 works in much the same manner as a like button in that it is a way to help determine a site’s popularity and relevancy to visitors. It will also be applied to Adsense ads as well, again similar to how Facebook uses it’s like button.


How To Make Your Own Custom Share Buttons (Blog Post)

Most of the popular social book marking or networking sites have some form of social media share button. A little button that with one click allows you to share an article, video or web page on there site, in the hopes that it goes viral and gets you a tonne of hits. And while these buttons are usually easy to install, most sites only have either a limited number of choices, or a one size fits all approach. This is fine if you like what they offer, but if you want something that fits better with the theme and look of your website you have to do a bit of digging around.


Google Plus 1 Button (blog post)

Google recently introduced their plus 1 button for website and blog owners to add to their sites. If you haven’t heard of this new feature it’s essentially Google’s answer to Facebooks like button and works in a similar way. It allows your viewers to “plus 1” your page or site, basically saying to the world “Hey I like this site come check it out”. It’s also currently available on Blogger and YouTube which have automatically added the new button.


10 Annoying FaceBook And Twitter Habits You Should Never Do (blog post)

It seems everyone is on Facebook these days. But it also seems that a good majority of those on Facebook have some very annoying habits they might not even realize is. Here is a list of 10 annoying Facebook habits.


Handsum36a Is A Video Thief (blog post)

Recently I stumbled across a Youtube channel that was filled with nothing but videos that had been taken from other YouTubers, uploaded onto his site and claimed for his own. There were no descriptions as to where these videos came from, no link pointing back to their original creators. And to top it off at the end of each video was a quick blurb about religion.


A Quick Review On Circlepad (blog post)

I was recently looking around online looking for a new site to transfer an old blog of mine when I came across a site called Circlepad. Circlepad if you never heard of this site is a website builder that lets you easily and quickly create a website in minutes. What I like about this particular site is that you don’t need any programming experience, everything is click and drag.


5 Questions You Should Ask At Your Next Job Interview (blog post)

It’s normal to be nervous when being interviewed for a new job, especially if that job is one you really want. Because of that most prepare and rehearse what the interviewer is going to ask them, what your strengths are, do you have any weaknesses, can you work evenings and weekends that sort of thing................


Can You Have Too Much Content (blog post)

I was recently asked this question “If I add content to my blog too fast does that mean Google will penalize my blog?” Google won’t penalize your website for adding a lot of content fast; in fact it’s the complete opposite. If you add content everyday to your blog or website it actually helps............


How To Link To The Middle Of A YouTube Video (blog post)

Let say you found a video you want to share with some friends. Or perhaps you want to post it to your website. The problem is that it’s long and the stuff you want people to see is in the last half of it.


Webstarts Down (blog post)

Yesterday suffered a major crash resulting in the entire system going down for over 24 hours. That’s why if you tried to visit this site yesterday you couldn’t go on. Fortunately everything appears to be up and running again. Webstarts found and CEO Adam Barger issued this apology on FaceBook..................


Top 10 Searched Topics Online (blog post)

One of the biggest challenges when starting a new blog or website is deciding what the topic of your site is going to be about. You also want to take into consideration what people are looking for online. If you’re stuck on an idea for your site here are the 10 most popular topics that are searched for online besides porn of course and the rough percentage of traffic each one gets.

post Is Complete Garbage (Blog Post)

Recently I’ve been looking around at different web hosting sites, offline, and online website builders to make a new website. While there are lots of really good website builders such as Yola, I wanted to go the free route or at least as free as possible............ Not being an HTML expert I wanted to find something that was relatively easy to use, that’s when I was told about 000webhost. What they offer is not only free hosting, but a free domain name and website builder all in one, sounds pretty good right? At least that’s what I thought until I tried their service.


Stupid Questions On Yahoo Answers (Blog Post)

I like using Yahoo Answers, it’s an easy way to get the word out about your site and build some good back links in the process. I’ve noticed in increase in really stupid questions in the last little while though. And while there have always been people who ask the obvious, or ask questions that make you want to reach through your computer screen and strangle them. Lately it seems to be ever second question. Perhaps it’s because it’s summer, maybe it’s something in the water who knows..........


Who Wants A Google Plus Invite (Blog Post)

Google is ramping out their new social network Google Plus and allowing more invites. This is an attempt at Google to dominate the social networking scene currently controlled by Facebook. If you don’t have an invite to Google Plus yet and would like one, you’re in luck and I can hook you up.


6 Tips For Surviving In The Post Panda World

Back in February the powers that be at Google released an update to Google Panda. What is Google Panda? It’s an algorithm designed to combat spam sites, link farms, scraped, content, and all the other junk floating around on the internet these days. Think of it as a second flush to get rid of those nasty bits of poop left in the toilet bowl if you will. It uses a very sensitive set of guidelines to separate and filter websites and blogs and helps quality sites get the rankings and traffic they deserve. This is nothing new as all the big search engines have some type of filter system, what is new is how sensitive or depending on the site how vicious it can be....... Right now it appears that Google Panda is only in the U.S, plans are being made to launch it globally but when it happens nobody seems to know, my guess is probably very soon. This also has an effect on sites based outside the United States that have a large percentage of its traffic from that country. If your not sure if your website has been “panda slapped” there’s a post I found on Wordtracker that goes into detail about how to find out through Google Analytics which you can check out.


Got Google Plus Don't Advertise It On Facebook (Blog Post)

If your currently running or thinking of running ads on Facebook, don’t advertise your Google plus account. It looks like Facebook has a hate on for Google plus, I can’t really blame them considering it’s their biggest competition and I think Facebook is getting more then a little worried about losing their number 1 spot in the social network scene.......


A Typical Email Scam To Avoid (Blog Post)

I get scam emails all the time, all claiming that I have untold riches waiting for me. All I need to do is fill out a simple form with either my credit card or social security information or simply send them a cheque to “release my money” It’s hard to imagine that anyone would buy into these scams, but they wouldn’t keep doing them if there wasn’t some poor sucker out there buying into it.


Do Bullet Points Hurt SEO ? (Blog Post)

I was doing some browsing and stumbled across someone asking about bullet points. These are the little black dots that you can put in front of your text to help form a list


Google Page Speed (Blog Post)

Looks like the powers that be at Google are launching yet another free web tool you can use to help boost your sites performance. Google page speed is Google’s latest free tool, it’s purpose……well simply put it helps make your web pages load faster.........


How Will Google Plus Affect SEO (Blog Post)

By now you’re probably very familiar with Google , Google’s latest attempt at getting into the whole social network scene. But what kind of affect will Google and their 1 button have when it comes to SEO?......


Google+ Invite Update (Blog Post)

A little while ago I asked if anyone wanted to an invite to Google , the latest attempt by Google to get into the social network scene. Because Google is still in a beta stage invites can only be done through email by a current member inviting someone............


Squeeze More Earnings Out Of Your Adsense Account In 5 Minutes Or Less (Blog Post)

Google Adsense it’s usually the first place people go who want to monetize their websites and blogs with the hope those Adsense earnings will net them some big cash. Normally these ads will be matched to your site based on the content and browsing history of the people visiting your site. The goal is to tailor make ads that will hopefully be appealing for people to click on......................


Duplicate Content And What You Can Do To Stop It (Blog Post)

The other day while going through my analytics I noticed a referral hit from a blog I’d never heard about. Often when I get referrals from sites I’ve never heard of I like to check them out to see what their about. What I found though was a blog that was copying word for word some of my older posts...............


Is MySpace Making A Comeback ? (Blog Post)

Before Facebook was king of social networking was MySpace. The last few years haven’t been good to the once giant social network, dropping to an estimated 70 million active users. The site itself has transformed from a personal hub of social activity to nothing short of an advertising billboard and virtually forgotten as a relic of the early 2000’s...............


5 Of The Most Overused And Annoying Songs On YouTube (Blog Post)

I like making videos on Youtube, its fun. And while I’m far from being a pro I learn new tricks with each new video. One of the things I’ve learned from trial and error is what songs work and what doesn’t. Sure it doesn’t really matter if your videos are only for a hobby or just to show something off. However if your looking to get your name out there, get your videos popular, and not have people leave after 10 seconds then understanding what songs work and don’t is important.........


Minecraft 1.9 Pre Release (Blog Post)

Wondering when Minecraft’s 1.9 update is coming out, very soon. Very soon as in how long it takes to download the pre release just released today. Or if you prefer to wait for a non buggy version like 1.8 it should be out in a few days once the team at Mojang get player feedback to fix potential bugs...........


4 Things To Avoid When Making Videos (Blog Post)

Go onto any site like Yahoo Answers and your going to see a lot of questions about YouTube. Questions like how to get more views, how to get your videos to the top of search results, how to be a YouTube partner, etc etc. However one of the most common is people asking others what they think of their videos. While some of these videos are good (I’m no video expert myself) most are well for lack of a better term crap. So here is a list of 4 things to avoid when making videos..........


Trump Posts a Photo of Himself Working on His Inaugural Address and it Gives Spark to a New Meme

Yesterday Trump tweeted a photo of himself hard at work on his inauguration speech and the internet has been having a field day with it. 

It started on twitter with people guessing at what The Donald might be drawing. Shortly thereafter it got a small photoshop battle. 

'What's Donald Drawing' definitely has the potential to catch on.

Get More Trump Memes that are simply tremendous, people tell me how amazing these memes are all the time.


Post-DH Call-Out Show


Guest Post — Lockdown! An American in China Caught in the Corona Virus Emergency — by Evan Villarrubia

The following is a guest essay by Evan Villarrubia. “I feel stupid! And contagious!” — Nirvana The panic and lockdown state we are just exiting in Dali (southwestern China) has been by far the most intense historical episode I’ve ever experienced. I’ve gone through several deep emotional phase changes throughout this time. If I’d written more »

The post Guest Post — Lockdown! An American in China Caught in the Corona Virus Emergency — by Evan Villarrubia appeared first on Kunstler.

  • Speeches & Guest Articles


FF7 Remake is postponed

Помните, как они суперпафосно анонсировали дату релиза фф15 - и потом её проебали?
Ебучая Скваря опять за своё.
Ремейк семёрки тоже вовремя не выйдет.
Было 3 марта, теперь 10 апреля. Ровно между ремейком третьего резика и киберпанком.
Ничего вы, блядь, не можете нормально сделать.


This Day in History: George Washington Signs the Postal Service Act

On February 20, 1792, President Washington formally created the U.S. Postal Service with the signing of the Postal Service Act, which outlined in detail Congressional power to establish official mail routes. The act allowed for newspapers to be included in mail deliveries and made it illegal for postal officials to open anyone's mail.


[ SECRET POST #4849 ]

Posted by: case

⌈ Secret Post #4849 ⌋

Warning: Some secrets are NOT worksafe and may contain SPOILERS.


More! )


Secrets Left to Post: 01 pages, 25 secrets from Secret Submission Post #694.
Secrets Not Posted: [ 0 - broken links ], [ 0 - not!secrets ], [ 0 - not!fandom ], [ 0 - too big ], [ 0 - repeat ].
Current Secret Submissions Post: here.
Suggestions, comments, and concerns should go here.
